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BHOTWG 1975 - The Kitozon Years

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[center] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/banner_break_07_12_2007_11_12_25_72.gif[/IMG] Saturday, Week 4, May 1975 Held in front of 2,815 people at Kumamoto Sports Field [u]Pre-Show [/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Akira Shirou vs. Kazuo Mitsushi [/u] [i]Kazuo Mitsushi managed to outsmart the big man, and picks up the win.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Jin Sakamoto vs. Haku Suzawara[/u] [i]Sakamoto defeats the youngster quickly.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Jin Sakamoto by pinfall [b]C-[/b] _______________________________________________ [u]Main Show [/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Byron Valmont vs. Edo Phoenix[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/byronvalmont.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/EdoPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] These two men are some of the best high fliers in Japan today. Byron Valmont is a rising star from all the way over in Britain, who is still working his way up the ranks, due to being seen by management as being too spotty, rather than the usual Super Junior style that his co-workers seem to have. Edo is considered the next best flier next to Elemental, and a one on one match between them is considered to be one of the biggest dream matches in the country right now. Both men circled each for a short while, trying to test who was the more patient. Byron eventually let his eagerness get the best of him, and charged in, attempting to dropkick Edo right in the chest. Edo flipped to the side, wowing the fans, and then kicked Byron square in the back of the head when he tried to get back up to his feet. Byron had a stunned expression on his face and looked around slightly before falling forward, landing face down on the mat. Edo ran across the ring 2 times, building up momentum. When Byron got up to his feet, shaking off the cobwebs, Edo launched into the air and landed in a hurracanrana position. Byron refused to go over, so Edo used his momentum to spin around Byron’s body several time, building up even more momentum and making Byron dizzy in the process. Eventually Byron gave in, and Edo flipped him over with one of the most powerful hurracanrana’s ever seen. The fans applauded Edo, which caused him to shoot up to his feet and run across the ring once again. Byron got up quickly as well and attempted to clothesline Edo to the mat, but Phoenix leapt over his arm and landed on his feet behind Byron. Valmont turned around slowly, only to be met with a dropsault, a rare move, right to the jaw. He flipped over backwards from the impact, landing face down on the mat. Edo slowly walked over to Byron before pulling him up to one knee. Byron tried to get away, but Edo kicked him in the chest, then once in the back. Byron tried to get up to both feet, but Edo once again kicked him in the back and chest, forcing Byron back down to one knee. He then picked Valmont up, booted him in the chest and then whipped him across the ring. When Byron came back, Edo leapt high into the air and connected with a kick right to the jaw. Byron flew forward and crashed to the mat, before Edo leapt over to make the cover. He got a solid two count, and it was fairly evident who was in control of the match right now. Edo slowly pulled Byron up to his feet, but Valmont surprised him with a couple of sharp elbows right into the gut, before pushing Edo away. Byron then charged in and connected with a dropkick, before climbing up to the top rope. He waited for Phoenix to get up to his feet, and when Edo did, Byron flew off of the ropes, hoping to connect with a flying head scissors takedown. He almost nailed it, but Edo stood firm against his momentum, and used the fact that Byron was hanging upside down to drive him viciously into the mat with a piledriver. Byron literally bounced off of the mat due to the impact, and seemed to be knocked out. Edo went up top, seeming to go for a Blaze of Glory. He flew off of the top rope and almost connected with the move, but Byron moved out of the way, surprising a lot of the fans, the announcers and Edo himself. Byron slowly got up to his feet, and noticed Edo was doing so as well. Byron chopped Phoenix roughly across the chest, making him fall backwards slightly, but Edo used this to his advantage, moving forward and chopping Byron even harder. Byron fell backwards, and seemed to have given up, before jumping into the air and connected with a dropkick to the side of Edo’s head. Phoenix dropped down to the mat, and Byron made his way up to his feet before pulling Edo up. Byron then booted Edo in the gut before heaving him overhead with a nice suplex, a move we rarely ever see from Byron. Valmont went for the cover, but only got a 1 count. Edo quickly got up to his feet, having gained a chance to recover due to Byron arguing with the referee over him making a ‘slow count’. Edo stalked Byron, and when he turned around, nailed him right in the back of the head with an enziguri. Byron toppled forward, allowing Edo to clamber up to the top rope. Phoenix flew off of the top rope with beautiful grace, and connected with the Blaze of Glory, making the fans cheer incredibly loudly. Edo made the cover, and got the three count and the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Edo Phoenix by pinfall in 16:31 [b]B-[/b] – [i] Pretty good match between these two. [/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Atsushi Nagamichi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/atsushinagamichi.jpg[/IMG] Stunner walked out to the ring with a slight look of disappointment on his face, having come off of a loss at Sword of Destiny. The fans cheered the roof off for him still however, as they loved him anyways. Atsushi came out to a fairly meagre reaction, but still got a few cheers. His expression was that of determination, as he was extremely keen on beating Stunner in this match in order to get recognised in singles action. They circled each other for several seconds, trying to figure out what was the best way to take the other man down quickly. Both men charged in and locked up in the middle of the ring. Stunner got the early advantage by slapping a headlock on Atsushi. Nagamichi pushed him away however, sending him into the ropes. Stunner came back and went for a flying forearm, but Atsushi ducked underneath it, causing Stunner to crash to the mat and grab his face. Atsushi picked him up and booted him in the gut, and then drove his elbow into the back of his neck. Stunner dropped down to one knee, knowing that if he fell flat, it would Atsushi a chance to pin him. Nagamichi looked slightly phased at the fact that Stunner didn’t fall, before running towards the ropes. Stunner made his way back up to his feet, but was knocked down by a running dropkick from Atsushi. Stunner rolled backwards after the move, using all of his energy to take the blow and use it’s momentum to keep moving. Atsushi got up and looked at Stunner in surprise, before running right at him attempting a clothesline. Stunner ducked it, and came back with a vicious elbow to the back of his head. He then whipped Nagamichi across the ring, and dropped him with a back kick to the gut followed by a jumping double stomp to the back of Nagamichi’s head. Stunner went for the pinfall after that, but only got a 2 count before Atsushi kicked out. Stunner then pulled Nagamichi up to his feet and headbutted him. Atsushi staggered backwards and dropped onto the ropes. Stunner chopped him viciously across the chest, and then ran across the ring. He attempted to dropkick Atsushi over the rope, but Nagamichi moved out of the way just in time, causing Stunner to once again hit the mat. Atsushi took advantage and locked Stunner in a tight reverse kneelock. Stunner tried to reach the ropes, but he was facing the wrong way. Atsushi kept applying more and more pressure, until eventually Stunner struggled towards the nearby ropes, turning around in the process, and finally grabbed the ropes. Atsushi tried to pull him back to the middle of the ring, but Stunner stopped him by kicking him in the head with his free foot. Stunner then staggered up to both feet and waited for Atsushi to get up. When Nagamichi did get up, Stunner rushed towards, and levelled him with a flying forearm. Stunner then pulled him back up to his feet and whipped him across the ring. When Atsushi came back, Stunner took him down with an arm drag, but Atsushi got right back up and charged at Stunner to try and clothesline him down, but Stunner took Nagamichi down with yet another arm drag and locked him in a tight 90 degree arm bar. Stunner kept applying pressure every second that the hold was in, causing Atsushi a lot of pain. Nagamichi managed to withstand the pain and fought his way up to his feet, he then caught Stunner off guard with a couple of sharp elbows to the stomach, and when Stunner backed away in pain, Atsushi kicked him in the knee, followed by a kick to the chest, then another to the knee, and then a final kick to the back of the head, causing Stunner to fall to the mat face first, seemingly knocked out from the sheer impact of the last kick. Atsushi picked Stunner up and booted him in the gut before whipping him across the ring. When Stunner came back, Atsushi attempted to take him down with a lariat, but Stunner rolled under it and kicked Nagamichi in the back of the knee, before dropkicking him in the back of the head. Atsushi shook the cobwebs free and looked around for Stunner, only to be taken down by a beautiful missile dropkick, a move rarely seen from Okazawaya. Stunner went for the pinfall, but Atsushi’s right arm was under the ropes, so the referee couldn’t make the count. Stunner was beginning to get tired of Atsushi, so he pulled Nagamichi up to his feet before booting him in the chest. He then attempted to whip him across the ring, but Atsushi countered and sent Stunner into the ropes instead. Atsushi went for the Sensational Hammer, but Stunner countered it by rolling under his arms. Stunner then bounced off of the ropes behind Atsushi, and ducked another Hammer attempt, and then bounced off of the ropes again, before exploding with a huge flying kick to the side of Atsushi’s head, called the Running Destiny Kick, knocking Nagamichi out cold. Stunner then went for the cover after pulling Atsushi to the center of the ring, and got the 3 count. [b]Winner:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya by pinfall in 11:43 [b]B-[/b] [i]- Pretty good match for these two[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Sensei Iketani vs. Akahashi Kuno[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SenseiIketani.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] This was sure to by a fast-paced Super Junior style contest, as both of these men are well known for their amazing high flying skills. Sensei has got a large amount of coverage in the USA, making him somewhat disliked for the fans who saw him as a traitor. Kuno has recently been on a roll, and though he hasn’t won all of his recent matches, he has impressed in every single one of them. Both men circled each other for a short while, before Sensei ran in and tried to take Kuno down with a headscissors, but Kuno stood firm and pushed Sensei away. Iketani flipped backwards off of Kuno after being pushed away, but ran right back towards him. Kuno guessed this would happen and tripped Sensei up with a kick to the back of the legs. Iketani hit the mat, allowing Kuno to deliver a quick leg drop across the throat before going for the cover. Sensei kicked out quickly, and sprang back up to his feet, before kicking Kuno in the side of the head, catching him off guard. Kuno recovered quickly and stood up as well. Sensei tried to kick him in the side of the torso, but Kuno caught the leg, Sensei tried to deliver an enziguri, but Kuno ducked underneath it and grabbed hold of that leg too. Akahashi then heaved Sensei overhead and sent him crashing to the mat with a Wheelbarrow suplex, quite an impressive move for a light heavyweight. Sensei rolled around the ring, eventually rolling to the outside following the move, allowing him to recover. Kuno wouldn’t give him much time however, as he quickly ran to the ropes and took Sensei out with a baseball slide. Iketani hit the barrier and grabbed his back, before Kuno went to the outside and rolled him back into the ring. Kuno attempted to go for a pinfall, but Sensei kicked out at 1, but grabbed his back soon after doing so. Kuno pulled him up to his feet and promptly whipped him across the ring. When Iketani came back, Kuno took him down with a judo throw, something he had learnt himself, sending Sensei crashing onto his back. He grabbed it again, causing Kuno to pull him up to his feet again. Akahashi whipped him across the ring once again, but this time, he dropkicked him square in the chest, causing Sensei to fly forward and hit the mat with a thud. Kuno then went up to the top rope, and waited for Iketani to get up, and when he did, Kuno flew off of the turnbuckle and connected with an amazing head scissors on Sensei, who flopped around on the mat for several seconds. Kuno sprang over to make the cover again, but once again Sensei kicked out, his veteran instincts taking over. Kuno pulled him back up to his feet and booted him in the chest before lifting him up into the air for a suplex. Sensei reversed it however, landed on his feet behind him before running to the ropes. He then leapt up onto the top rope in one amazing move, which made the fans applaud, and then sprang back into Kuno with a Cross Body Block. Sensei rolled off of Kuno, who seemed to be crushed due to the momentum behind the move. Sensei tried to make the cover, but Kuno kicked out almost right away, seemingly having faked being hurt. Sensei began to throw a fit and ran to the ropes again, attempting to do the same move, but Kuno dropkicked him when he came back, stopping him in his tracks and doing major damage at the same time. Both men were down for a while, causing the referee to begin counting. He got up to 6 before both men began to stir, and Kuno made it up first at 7, before pulling Sensei up and whipping him into the corner. Kuno then charged in, but Sensei nailed him with a back elbow, causing him to stagger backwards slightly. Iketani then used this time to hop up to the second rope and connected with a missile dropkick to the chest of Kuno. Sensei tried to make the cover, but Kuno kicked out just in time. Sensei then dragged Kuno into the corner and set him up for the Cannonball Splash, but he took too much time to get to the opposite corner, allowing Kuno to recover, and when Sensei went to flip over, Kuno moved out of the way with amazing speed, causing Sensei to crash into the turnbuckles. Kuno then dragged him out of the corner and left him in the middle of the ring before climbing up to the top rope. When Sensei got up to his feet after a while, Kuno leapt off of the top rope and connected with the Glittering Mirage, his spinning kick to the back of his opponent’s head. Iketani flipped over from the impact and seemed to be unconscious. Kuno wasn’t done yet, as he picked Sensei up off of the mat and put him in the position for a Front Slam, and connected with it, but he still wasn’t done, he wanted to put the other junior’s on notice, so he picked Sensei up, still in the Front Slam position, but this time he nailed Iketani with a Flatliner, in a combo of moves Kuno now calls the Kuno Special ’75. Sensei was truly out cold, and Kuno got the pinfall. [b]Winner:[/b] Akahashi Kuno by pinfall in 10:35 [b]C+[/b] – [i]Nice match, although Iketani was tiring by the end, which brought the match down.[/i] _____________________________________ [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Paul Kingsley vs. Takehide Minobe[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/paulkingsley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TakehideMinobe.jpg[/IMG] Both of these men are truly legit tough guys. Minobe only recently entered the world of wrestling, but is already well known by most of Japan due to being a former popular kick boxer, working under the name of Minobe. Kingsley is also one helluva tough brit, being feared for his powerful punches, once being known as having one of the fiercest left hooks in wrestling, but due to alcohol problems, he lost that edge, but still throws a good punch. Both men wasted not time, scratching any idea of circling or anything else, and instead both men charged right in as soon as the bell rang, showing their eagerness. Minobe tried to take Paul down with a roundhouse kick to the head, but Kingsley ducked it and drove his right fist into Minobe’s gut, causing to back off and recover. Paul didn’t let him do that however, as he punched Minobe right across the head, sending him staggering backwards into the ropes. Kingsley then chopped him across the chest, followed by a blow to the head, and another chop, before finishing off with a powerful uppercut. Minobe almost went over the ropes, but Kingsley stopped him from doing so and whipped him across the ring, and when he came back, Paul dropped him with a blow right to the forehead. Minobe rolled around on the mat, grabbing his head, before being brought back up to his feet by Paul. Kingsley then whipped him across the ring, and tried to drop him with the same punch, but Minobe ducked under it and came to a stop behind Kingsley. When Paul turned around, he was greeted with a kick to the side of his left leg. Minobe then unleashed a lot of frustration onto Paul, nailing him with three front jabs to the head and chest, and then spun him around with a cross jab, and then dropped him with an uppercut. Minobe pulled Kingsley up to his feet, but Paul countered by punching him in the gut and whipping him across the ring again. Minobe ducked another punch attempt and carried on to the ropes. Paul managed to surprise him by lifting him high into the air and drove him down to the mat with a huge spinebuster. The crowd slightly cheered as they were surprised that Paul could move as fast as he did. Minobe rolled away and slowly made his way up to his feet, clearly feeling a multitude of effects from that spinebuster. When he moved towards Paul, he was met with a series of punches right to the torso and face. Minobe’s instinct kicked in, as he almost immediately covered up to shield himself from the blows. Paul eventually got tired after 10 or so punches, and Minobe took advantage of this, responding with a barrage of jabs right to the face of Paul. Kingsley staggered backwards under the assault, which allowed Minobe to shift around him and punch him in the temple. Paul dropped to one knee, but Minobe picked him up and kicked him in the gut, before bringing his head down onto his knee, and then 2 more times to make sure Kingsley was well and truly unable to continue. Paul fell onto his back and his eyes glazed over, seemingly out cold. Minobe would have gone for the cover, but his eagerness got the better of him, as he pulled Paul up to his feet and booted him in the gut, before driving him down to his knees with a powerful double axe handle. He then ran to the ropes and was attempting to do a running kick to the head, but he was caught completely off guard when Paul exploded with a huge right uppercut, sending Minobe high into the air, and causing him to flip over backwards, quite an impressive move considering Minobe is a 283 pound guy. The crowd also exploded, impressed by that punch. Paul then continued his attack by nailing punch after punch to the forehead and chest of Minobe while he was down. He then pulled Takehide up to both feet and booted him in the gut, and then heaved him up and over with a powerful vertical suplex. Kingsley then pulled Minobe up to his feet one more time before whipping him into the corner. He then charged in and speared Minobe in the corner, before ramming his shoulder two more times into Minobe’s gut. Takehide slowly made his way out of the corner, something he would regret, as Kingsley connected with a left hook, which stunned Minobe long enough for Paul to nail the Bottle Neck Breaker. Paul then made the cover as the referee made the count. Kingsley emerged victorious in a battle of true fighters. [b]Winner:[/b] Paul Kingsley by pinfall in 14:38 [b]B-[/b] [I]- Yet another B- for Kingsley, something kinda needs to be done about that.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Tatsumaki Mibu [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/noriyoshisanada.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] Sanada was once again riding a huge head of steam, being 14-0 since the beginning of the tour, the most impressive streak behind Elemental. He is also becoming more and more feared for his Sanada Pyramid finisher, one of the few moves that has rarely ever been broken in the last few months, and will most likely continue to be that way for the rest of his career if he continues to improve. Tatsumaki Mibu has faded away as of late since losing his tag team belt to the Black Serpent Cult, but when he came back he was fiercer than ever, seemingly having trained after losing the belts, probably so he could redeem himself. His partner, Shikimara Mibu, however has not been so active, barely being seen since that time. Both men were very traditional, circling each other for a very long time before eventually locking up. Tatsumaki got the early control with a tight headlock, and then made sure he kept control by bring Sanada down to the mat with a takedown. Noriyoshi desperately tried to break the hold, and managed to after a while, twisting while in the headlock so he could stand up. He fought his way up to standing before elbowing Mibu three times in the gut, forcing him to break the hold, before tripping Mibu up with a dragon screw leg whip. Sanada kept hold of the leg and kicked the knee four times, weakening it up for the Sanada Pyramid. He then drove his elbow into the joint with an elbow drop, causing Mibu to grab his knee and yell out in pain. Noriyoshi pulled the leg towards him, causing even more pain to Tatsumaki. Sanada stood up, still holding Mibu’s leg, and lifted him up by it, before dropping him to the mat. He then kicked the knee two more times, before running around Mibu and pulling the leg towards him, stretching it out of joint. Mibu yelped in pain, and rolled out of the ring to recover. Sanada followed him out however, and whipped him into the side of the ring before rolling him back into the ring. Sanada then stomped away at the knee again before pulling Mibu up to his feet. He then speared him in the gut, but didn’t knock him down, instead driving him hard into the corner. Sanada then backed away, before kicking him three times in the gut, following up by driving his knee into the face of Mibu, showing a new animalistic attack style that we have never seen before. He then picked Mibu back up and propped him up against the turnbuckles again. Sanada then went to the other side of the ring, before charging in and driving his knee with amazing force into Mibu’s gut. Mibu collapsed to the mat holding his stomach, gasping for air. Sanada then pulled him back up to both his feet before kicking him in the knee again and then booted him in the gut. Mibu seemed about ready to give up, as he was beginning to fade, and was clearly really suffering from the constant attacks to his knee. Sanada wasn’t about to let him do so yet however, as he took Mibu over with a suplex that sent Mibu crashing to the mat. Sanada picked him back up and whipped him across the ring, something that greatly aggravated Mibu, as it put pressure on his knee, and when Mibu came back, Sanada threw him overhead with a big back body drop. Sanada picked him back up and punched him in the gut before driving him down to one knee with a double axe handle. Sanada then ran across the ring, before driving his knee into the face of Mibu again, causing him to flop backwards, clearly regretting coming out to the ring. Sanada grabbed hold of his leg and began to kick away at it again before rolling him over so he could lock in a knee lock, but Mibu countered it by scrambling over to the ropes, desperate to prevent any holds being locked in. Sanada dragged him into the middle of the ring however, causing a lot of pain to Mibu in the process. Sanada then pulled Mibu’s leg viciously, almost as if he was trying to pull it out of joint, before pulling Mibu up to his feet. He punched Mibu in the chest, followed by a spin kick to the knee, before running to the ropes and taking Mibu down with a chop block. He then made sure Mibu was in the middle of the ring before locking in the Sanada Pyramid. Mibu screamed in pain due to his knee, and quickly tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada by submission in 10:36 [b]B[/b] [I]- If Sanada keeps performing at this rate, he’s gonna deserve a main event push, as he is out performing a multitude of the Main Eventers haha.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Elemental & Seison Yamanaka vs. Dayu Ichihara & Kiba Izumi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Elemental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SeisonYamanaka.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kibaizumi.jpg[/IMG] Ichihara and Kiba Izumi have the clear advantage in terms of size and all around skill, but Elemental and Seison have destiny and age on their side, while also being one of the most unique combinations that can be found in BHOTWG, with Seison Yamanaka being one of the best technical workers in Japan, but sadly he is really only proficient in that area. Elemental is probably one of the most famous workers in Japan, and is currently riding a 2 year never pinned never submitted in singles competition streak that is the best ever known, and for such a lightweight worker to get that far is very impressive. He is the best high flier ever known, inventing several moves, and being the reason why so many workers in BHOTWG are there, people like Akahashi Kuno, Bishima and Edo Phoenix would probably never have risen from the darkness if Elemental hadn’t have become a wrestler, he is that influential. All 4 members spoke with their team members for about a minute before the bell rang, and when it did, it was Elemental and Kiba Izumi who faced off to start the match. Elemental walked right up to Kiba and began to have a staredown with the bigger man, which caused the fans to explode by chanting his name. He began to smile and pointed at himself, before being laid out by a punch from Izumi. This made the fans boo very loudly, but Izumi seemed to be deaf to the fans, as he stomped away at Elemental’s chest with his usually ferocity. He then picked Elemental up and whipped him into the corner. However, when he chased after him, Elemental jumped up and back flipped over Izumi, catching him off guard by dropkicking him into the turnbuckles. Kiba bounced out of the corner, staggering backwards, allowing Elemental to make a quick roll up, but he only got a two count, much to the annoyance of the fans. Izumi bounced up to his feet and had an extremely angry look on his face due to being outsmarted by the much smaller Elemental. He charged in again, but Elemental took him down with a drop toe hold, and then ran to the ropes before delivering a beautiful running flip senton to Kiba’s back. Elemental then pulled Kiba up, but Izumi caught him off guard with several forearms shots to the side of the head. Kiba then turned Elemental around and attempted to take him over with an old school takedown, but Elemental stopped him from doing so and spun around, reversing the move and attempting to do it himself, Kiba reversed it in pretty much the same fashion, only for Elemental to escape and reverse it again, this went on for a long time, with Elemental spinning around amazingly quick each time, eventually make Izumi feel dizzy after looking at him and causing the animalistic submissionist to drop to one knee. Ichihara shouted at him from the apron, only to receive a dropkick right to the face from Elemental, which sent him crashing to the floor below. Elemental then focused on Izumi and ran towards him to deliver a dropkick to him as well, but Kiba surprised him with a devastating clothesline which made Elemental back flip several times from the impact. Izumi then picked Elemental up and whipped him into the corner with all of his strength, but Elemental reversed the move in much the same way as he did before, and back flipped over Izumi when he followed. Elemental then dropkicked Izumi in the back again, but Izumi stopped himself from going into the turnbuckles and turned around, only to be hit with a dropkick to the chest, causing him to fall back into the corner. Elemental then signalled to the fans and ran to the opposite corner, before running at Kiba again. He seemed to be going for the wind sprint attack, but Ichihara, who was watching on in anger, pulled Izumi out of the corner to protect him. Elemental didn’t crash though; he just ran up and flipped off of the turnbuckles as usual. Ichihara then tagged himself in and forced Izumi outside. Ichihara stepped through the ropes and stared at Elemental, who ran at him and tried to dropkick him down, but Dayu just stood there and looked a little bit angrier, like a thug would look if you threw a piece of paper at his chest. Elemental tried again, but Dayu chased after him and when he bounced off of the ropes, Dayu nearly decapitated Elemental with a huge clothesline that sent him flying across the entire ring before hitting the mat with a thud. Dayu walked over to him and stomped away at his chest before making him roll over by kicked him in the side. He then dragged Elemental into the middle of the ring and locked him in a grounded abdominal stretch, almost breaking Elemental in half. Elemental desperately tried to get out of the hold, almost seeming to try and tag in Seison from half way across the ring, as his hand kept twitching and moving in Yamanaka’s direction. Dayu would have none of it however, as he drove his knee into Elemental’s back to stop him from moving at all. Ichihara then stood up, still holding Elemental in his arms, showing his power, before driving the poor guy onto his knee with a vicious side backbreaker. The crowd groaned when they saw this, as Elemental looked dangerously close to losing. Dayu then picked Elemental up again before whipping him across the ring. Elemental slipped out of his grasp however and ran across the ring before leaping onto Dayu’s shoulders and attempting a super fast tilt-a-whirl head scissors, and looked like he was about to pull it off, when Dayu stopped him and drove him down onto his knee again in a showing of quickness and reflexes we have never before seen in Dayu. Ichihara smirked as he drove his knee into the face of Elemental and went for the cover. The referee almost got to three, but Seison flew from his corner and broke up the pinfall. Izumi had recovered by now and came in to get rid of Seison, only to be sent over the top rope by a suplex from Seison when he ran towards him. Ichihara stood up and looked very angry with Seison, and clotheslined him over the ropes from behind while Seison was looking at Kiba hitting the floor outside. Seison crashed to the outside himself, landing on the back of his neck, causing him to grab it. Dayu then focused again on Elemental, only to be nailed with an enziguri. He seemed dazed from the impact, but didn’t go over, so Elemental ran across the ring and tried to connect with a hurracanrana, but Dayu stood firm and stopped Elemental from performing the move, and instead threw Elemental down to the mat in front of him. Elemental prevented this though, instead back flipping off of Ichihara and landing on his feet. This was also in vain however as he was obliterated by a running lariat from Ichihara, called the Ultimate Lariat. He went for the pinfall, and the referee made the count. 1… 2… Thr… NO!!! Seison came in from out of nowhere, having recovered quickly, and broke up the pinfall once again. Dayu was really getting angry with Seison, but this proved to get the better of him when Seison ducked a punch and drove his shoulder into Dayu’s gut, before helping Elemental tag out, giving the enigma some much needed time to recover. Seison then immediately worked away at Dayu’s legs with a series of chop blocks, eventually tripping Dayu up by the fifth one. Seison then grabbed Dayu’s leg and stomped away at both ankles, before dropped his elbow into Dayu’s upper thigh and then locked in a tight leg lock. Dayu countered with a body scissors, forcing Seison to release his hold in order to get out. Yamanaka then stood up and pulled Ichihara up to his feet, only to be punched right across the head by Dayu, and then levelled with a monstrous spear from out of nowhere by Izumi, who was also angry at Seison for stopping him from interfering. The referee forced Izumi to leave the ring and go back to the apron. Dayu picked Seison up off of the mat and whipped him into the corner, and when Seison staggered out of the corner, he took him up and over with a suplex. He then tried to lock in a bow and arrow lock, a move that is usually linked to Seison, but Yamanaka’s experience of the move allowed him to escape it with ease. Seison then got up to his feet and tried to start a brawl with Dayu, but was floored by a big boot from Ichihara, swiftly turning the tide of the match back in Dayu’s favour. Ichihara then pulled Seison off of the mat once again, and whipped him into his corner, and clotheslined him, before pulling him out and delivering a sickening uppercut to Seison’s jaw, sending him flying back into the corner. Dayu then pulled Seison to the middle of the ring, and booted him in the gut before heaving him up into the air and seeming to go for the Ichihara Power Drive, but suddenly, from out of nowhere, which seems to be a popular thing in this match, Elemental flew across the ring and connected with a huge head scissors. Izumi clambered into the ring to try and stop him, but Elemental took him down with a lightning fast enziguri. Dayu then crawled over to the corner and pulled himself up to both feet using the turnbuckles. Elemental noticed and signalled to the fans like he had near the beginning of the match and ran towards Dayu. This time he ran up Ichihara’s chest and back flipped off of it, and seemed poised to go for the dropkick to finish the Wind Sprint Attack, but Ichihara exploded and floored him with a clothesline. Dayu then kicked Elemental out of the ring before focusing once more on Seison. Seison had recovered and mounted a decent offence, hitting Dayu with a couple of forearms to the skull and a dropkick to the chest, but Ichihara seemingly shook off the impact of the moves and booted Seison in the gut when he stood up. He then gave the thumbs down gesture and hoisted Seison into the air and drove him down with the Ichihara Power Drive. He made the cover and it was pretty academic from there, with Izumi quickly dropping to the outside and attacking Elemental while the referee made the count. Ichihara stood up after getting the three and held his hands high into the air, and noticed the carnage he had created here tonight, seemingly happy with it, and who was to argue with him? This entire show has shown us different sides of a lot of superstars, but this one takes the cake, as Ichihara has destroyed both his nemesis’ protégé and the amazing Elemental in short order. [b]Winner:[/b] Dayu Ichihara & Kiba Izumi by pinfall on Seison Yamanaka by Dayu Ichihara in 17:33 [b]B-[/b] [i]- Damn, I hope this isn’t going to start a new streak of B- main events. [/i] ____________________________________________ [b]Overall:[/b] B- [b]Notes:[/b] Not that great an event compared to Thursday’s show, but still pretty decent. Midnightnick ends the week with 8/12, meaning you can send me a upper midcard match request for the next fornights Thursday show. SadisticBlessings ends the week in his usual greatness lol, with 12/12, which means you can either select a future signing to be made, or you can pick a future main event. ____________________________________________ [/center]
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[CENTER] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] A great week for BHOTWG there, with two stellar main events, with a lot of superstars showing different sides of themselves on Saturday's show. Will these new attitudes lead to title opportunities? And some good news on the new tv deal front, on Wednesday, we scored a great 14.78 rating, meaning an amazing 739000 people tuned in to watch the 2 hour tour highlights. [B][U]Card for Tour shows[/U][/B] [U]Thursday[/U] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Kenzo Isozaki Atsushi Nagamichi vs. Satoru Sugimura Kenji Fukamura & Jin Sakamoto vs. Cobra & Viper - Non-title match Tatsumaki Mibu vs. Kiba Izumi Tasuku Nandaba vs. Dayu Ichihara [B]Master Kitozon vs. Onishiki[/B] The second meeting between these two on this tour, and since the last one was a very impressive showing for both men, we can only imagine what happens this time [U]Saturday[/U] Flash Asagi, Edo Phoenix & Akahashi Kuno vs. Gnasher Udo, Kenzo Isozaki & Byron Valmont Kazuo Mitsushi vs. White Manta Mibu Ronin vs. Cobra & Viper - Non-title match Onishiki vs. Takehide Minobe Tasuku Nandaba vs. Paul Kingsley vs. DEMON Yukata [B]Master Kitozon & Elemental vs. Dayu Ichihara & Toshiro Saito[/B] Elemental gets a second chance to hang with the big guys, but probably the guys he wanted to face, as Saito is much much larger than he is and he was pretty much destroyed by Ichihara a week ago. Will the fact he was Master Kitozon in his corner change this? [I]Predictions welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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Thursday [B]Kazuo Mitsushi[/B] vs. Kenzo Isozaki Atsushi Nagamichi vs. [B]Satoru Sugimura[/B] [B]Kenji Fukamura & Jin Sakamoto[/B] vs. Cobra & Viper - Non-title match Tatsumaki Mibu vs. [B]Kiba Izumi[/B] Tasuku Nandaba vs. [B]Dayu Ichihara[/B] [B]Master Kitozon[/B] vs. Onishiki Saturday [B]Flash Asagi, Edo Phoenix & Akahashi Kuno[/B] vs. Gnasher Udo, Kenzo Isozaki & Byron Valmont Kazuo Mitsushi vs. [B]White Manta[/B] Mibu Ronin vs. [B]Cobra & Viper[/B] - Non-title match [B]Onishiki[/B] vs. Takehide Minobe Tasuku Nandaba vs. [B]Paul Kingsley [/B]vs. DEMON Yukata [B]Master Kitozon & Elemental[/B] vs. Dayu Ichihara & Toshiro Saito
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Sorry to see the sub-par main event, but Noriyoshi's consistent greatness is making up for some of it. Yamanaka had best watch his back, as he may have some real competition on the mat soon enough! [B]Thursday[/B] [B]Kazuo Mitsushi [/B]vs. Kenzo Isozaki [i]Kazuo has been doing extremely well (B- against Akira Shirou? Give the man a freaking medal!). I can see you giving Kenzo a win to welcome his return to Japan, though, since he IS quite talented. But I went 12/12 last time, so this time around I'll just go with my gut.[/i] :D Atsushi Nagamichi vs. [B]Satoru Sugimura[/B] [i]At this point, Atsushi has served as a semi-respectable jobber for your talented midcarders. I'm fine with seeing him stay that way.[/i] [B]Kenji Fukamura & Jin Sakamoto[/B] vs. Cobra & Viper - Non-title match [i]This card is full of tough choices, and this is one of 'em. The champs have dominated everyone lately, including their non-title matches, and as already mentioned non-title matches are usually a way of justifying a future title shot for an up-and-coming team. Kenji has been on a great run lately, and Jin is looking for direction. Could they surprise us all?[/i] Tatsumaki Mibu vs. [B]Kiba Izumi[/B] [i]So far the guy hasn't gotten the wins he deserves - I'd put him right up there with Stunner Okazawaya, just a little older and a little wiser. But not quite as old and wise as Noriyoshi Sanada.[/i] [B]Tasuku Nandaba [/B]vs. Dayu Ichihara [i]Naw, I really don't see it happening either, but I'd [b]like[/b] it. A bit soon for Tasuku to get his big win, though. I think a double knock out or time limit draw would be a good ending here![/i] [B]Master Kitozon[/B] vs. Onishiki [i]Onishiki... man, you just gotta feel bad for the guy, huh?[/i] [B]Saturday[/B] [B]Flash Asagi, Edo Phoenix & Akahashi Kuno[/B] vs. Gnasher Udo, Kenzo Isozaki & Byron Valmont [i]Toss up, really. Flash is the supreme jobber of BHOTWG right now, so it'd be easy to let him take the fall. On the other hand, Edo Phoenix is (I think) the most popular of the group, with Kuno is trailing a bit behind him. I could sit here and discuss the merits of each individual worker all day, but it won't change my gut instinct.[/i] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. [B]White Manta[/B] [i]Young lion rule... BOOOO! But at least Kazuo will pick up some skill from an opponent like Manta.[/i] Mibu Ronin vs. [B]Cobra & Viper[/B] - Non-title match [i]The Mibu just took a loss from the BSC, so in my eyes it's unlikely they'll win a rematch so soon. Anything can happen, though![/i] Onishiki vs. [B]Takehide Minobe[/B] [I]Minobe has impressed me so far. 2 B- matches against less than awesome opponents ain't bad; maybe it's time he picked up a win?[/I] [B]Tasuku Nandaba[/B] vs. Paul Kingsley vs. DEMON Yukata [i]Really, there's nobody else who should be allowed to win this match. Kingsley just ain't reliable at a main event level, Yukata is too small.[/i] [B]Master Kitozon & Elemental [/B]vs. Dayu Ichihara & Toshiro Saito [i]Kitozon is legendary partially because he lost so rarely. After going undefeated all this time, Kitozon's big loss can't come in a tag team match![/i]
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Thursday Kazuo Mitsushi vs. [B]Kenzo Isozaki[/B] Atsushi Nagamichi vs. [B]Satoru Sugimura[/B] [B]Kenji Fukamura & Jin Sakamoto[/B] vs. Cobra & Viper - Non-title match Tatsumaki Mibu vs. [B]Kiba Izumi[/B] [B]Tasuku Nandaba[/B] vs. Dayu Ichihara [B]Master Kitozon[/B] vs. Onishiki Saturday Flash Asagi, Edo Phoenix & Akahashi Kuno vs. [B]Gnasher Udo, Kenzo Isozaki & Byron Valmont[/B] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. [B]White Manta[/B] Mibu Ronin vs. [B]Cobra & Viper[/B] - Non-title match Onishiki vs. [B]Takehide Minobe[/B] [B]Tasuku Nandaba[/B] vs. Paul Kingsley vs. DEMON Yukata [B]Master Kitozon & Elemental[/B] vs. Dayu Ichihara & Toshiro Saito
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[center] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/banner_break_07_12_2007_11_12_25_72.gif[/IMG] Thursday, Week 1, June 1975 Held in front of 10,000 people at Tochigi Sports Stadium [u]Pre-Show [/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Alasi Tua vs. Haku Suzuwara [/u] [i]Tua dominates and gets the pinfall.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Alasi Tua by pinfall [b]D+[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Gnasher Udo vs. Flash Asagi [/u] [i]Udo gets the victory with the moonsault.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Gnasher Udo by pinfall [b]C[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 3: Akahashi Kuno vs. Black Manta [/u] [i]Kuno gets the victory with the Kuno Special ‘75.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Akahashi Kuno by pinfall [b]C+[/b] _______________________________________________ [u]Main Show [/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Kenzo Isozaki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kazuomitsushi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/KenzoIsozaki.jpg[/IMG] When Kenzo came out, he received a massive round of applause, as he is one half of the most legendary teams in Japan right now, sadly his partner is currently contracted to our rivals, and so he is working solo for a while. He is also a very talented young man, and is loved by the fans for it, as his moves are often pulled out very gracefully, and he nails kicks with amazing precision. Kazuo came out to a big reception as well, although it was mainly boos, due to the fact that he is a rising star, but also the fact he is beginning to be hated for picking on the young loved stars on the roster. Both men stared at each other, but Kazuo was slightly taller than Kenzo, and so looked fairly intimidating in comparison. The referee stopped them from getting to near each other, before making the bell ring to start the match. Both men circled each other for a short time before Kenzo ran in and tried to kick Kazuo in the chest, only for Kazuo to duck it and slap Kenzo across the face when he came close. Kenzo then attempted a dropkick on Kazuo, but he moved out of the way of that move as well. He then waited for Kenzo to get back up, and when he did, he clotheslined him right down to the mat. He then picked a slightly dazed Kenzo up and whipped him into the corner. He then tried to run in and clothesline Kenzo, but Isozaki flipped over him and ran to the ropes. When Kazuo turned around, he was met with a running dropkick right to the chest. He dropped to the mat and rolled backwards due to the impact, and began to make his way up to both feet fairly quickly. Kenzo would have none of it however, as he ran to the ropes again, and when Kazuo got up to one knee, Isozaki drilled him with a running knee. Kenzo then pulled Kazuo up and whipped him across the ring, and attempted to take him over with an arm drag, but Kazuo stood strong and reversed the move before sending Kenzo over with an arm drag, before locking in an arm bar. Kenzo struggled for a short while before kicking Kazuo time and again in the head, trying to force him to break the hold. Kazuo resisted however, showing his toughness, and instead pulled Kenzo up to his feet and kneed him in the gut before driving him right back down to the mat with a powerful double axe handle to his back. Kazuo then locked Kenzo in a headlock on the mat, but Kenzo easily wriggled out of it by rolling over, and attempted to pin Kazuo then and there. Kazuo countered however, pushing Kenzo up while in the position, showing his strength, and then spun Kenzo round and attempted to put him away by using a backslide, but Kenzo rolled through and attempted to make the cover instead. Kazuo kicked out fairly quickly, jumped up and pulled Kenzo to his feet before driving his knee into his gut once again. He then whipped Kenzo across the ring, and when he came back, he lifted him into the air, before nailing him with an atomic drop, and then ran to the ropes, before delivering a vicious running boot straight into Isozaki’s face. Kenzo hit the mat with a thud and flipped over due to the force behind the blow, before being picked up once again by Kazuo. He whipped Kenzo across the ring into the corner, before charging in and squashing him with a clothesline. Kenzo dropped to the mat, and Mitsushi went to pick him up off of the mat again, only to be met with a kick to the side of the head from the prone Kenzo. Kazuo staggered backwards, before leaning onto the ropes. Kenzo then kipped up, and ran across the ring before delivering one of the most beautiful Super Kicks ever seen, sending Kazuo flying over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Kenzo then climbed up to the top rope, and the fans began to go nuts, as they rarely ever saw a dive to the outside. Kazuo slowly but surely made his way up to his feet, only to be sent right back down when Kenzo came flying off of the top rope and crashed down on him with a Cross Body. Kenzo was up first, and he rolled Kazuo into the ring. Kenzo stopped to yell for the fans, which cost him dearly, as Kazuo recovered inside the ring while he did so. Isozaki then rolled into the ring himself, and when he stood up, he was booted in the gut and heaved overhead with a suplex, and then pulled up to his feet again. Kazuo then yelled something in his face and booted him in the gut again, before whipping him into the corner. Kazuo charged and squashed him with another corner clothesline, but didn’t stop there. He placed Kenzo on the top rope, and climbed up there as well. He seemed about to pull off a Super Star Cutter, but Kenzo pushed him arms away, and then kicked him in the back of the head, causing Kazuo to drop to the mat. Kenzo then turned around so he had his back facing the ring, which made the fans begin to cheer again, as they knew the Kenzosault was soon to follow. Kenzo then flipped backwards, turned in mid-air, and connected with a Somersault Senton. Kenzo then pulled Kazuo to the middle of the ring and made the cover, and managed to get the victory. Kazuo soon came too and looked stunned; trying to figure out what went wrong. [b]Winner:[/b] Kenzo Isozaki by pinfall in 10:21 [b]B[/b] – [i] Pretty good chemistry was clearly present between these two. [/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Atsushi Nagamichi vs. Satoru Sugimura[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/atsushinagamichi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/satorusugimura.jpg[/IMG] When Atsushi came out to the ring, he got very little in terms of a response, as he is not that popular with the fans as of late due to not performing as good as he really should be. Satoru came out to a mixed reaction, boos because he is a heel and is normally seen torturing his opponents with submissions, but he got cheers because the fans wanted to see what he does to Atsushi. Neither of them circled the other, as they wanted to get right down to business, and the referee noticed this and immediately called for the bell to ring so the match could start. As soon as the bell rang, Atsushi ran at Satoru and tried to take him off of his feet with a clothesline, but Satoru quickly evaded the attack and brought Atsushi down to the mat with an arm bar takedown. Satoru kept the hold locked in for a long time, occasionally pulling the arm back to apply more pressure than the move would normally give. Atsushi eventually rolled forward to get out of the move, but Satoru took him down to the mat with a quick leg sweep before locking in a vicious key lock. Atsushi yelled out in pain every time that Satoru applied pressure, before eventually clawing his way over to the ropes to get free of the hold. Satoru didn’t really care about the ropes, but stood up anyway and stomped at Atsushi’s chest. He then pulled Atsushi up to his feet and whipped him across the ring, and then took him down with a quick drop toehold when he came back, before locking Nagamichi in a knee lock, kicking Atsushi’s other leg from time to time to cause him more pain. Atsushi eventually clambered over to the ropes and forced Satoru to break the hold once again. Sugimura stood up and stomped away at Nagamichi again before picking him up. He then whipped Atsushi across the ring hoping to continue the momentum with a clothesline, but Atsushi ducked the attempt and came back with a running back elbow that connected with Satoru right in the jaw. Sugimura collapsed to the mat, and Atsushi used this time to recover from the damage he has suffered so far. When Satoru was beginning to get up to his feet, Atsushi charged in and clotheslined him in the back, causing him to slump to the mat again and lie flat on his face. Atsushi then picked him and whipped him into the nearby corner. When Satoru was there, Nagamichi charged in as well before attempting a running dropkick into the corner, similar to Elemental, but Satoru dropped to the mat and rolled into the middle of the ring, causing Atsushi to dropkick the turnbuckles and grab his feet as he dropped to the mat. Satoru then grabbed Atsushi and dragged him towards the middle of the ring as well and pulled him up to his feet before booting him in the gut and whipping him across the ring. When Nagamichi came back, Satoru brought him crashing to the mat with a hip toss, and then locked Atsushi in another key lock, causing a lot of pain. Nagamichi had learned his lesson from the last one however, and quickly scurried over to the ropes before Satoru could cause too much pain, much to the disappointment of the fans and Sugimura himself. Satoru stood up quickly and pulled Atsushi up to his feet again, before booting him in the gut and lifting him up into the air for a suplex, and then dropped him with a face first suplex, dropping him in front of him. Atsushi bounced off of the mat from the impact and landed on his back. Satoru then stood up and began to stalk Nagamichi, and when Atsushi got up to one knee, Satoru charged in and went to kick him, slightly pausing by grabbing hold of his leg in mid-air, before driving his foot into the back of Atsushi’s head, causing him to fall back to the mat. Satoru then picked him up and booted him in the gut before backing off. Nagamichi came to, and seemed ready to clothesline Satoru, but Sugimura ducked it easily, and then drilled Atsushi with one of the quickest Sugimura Slices yet, before calmly going over and making the cover. [b]Winner:[/b] Satoru Sugimura by pinfall in 9:10 [b]C+[/b] [i]- Disappointing match, but still pretty decent[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Kenji Fukamura & Jin Sakamoto vs. Black Serpent Cult Non-Title Match[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/jinsakamoto.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Cobra-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Viper-1.jpg[/IMG] The Black Serpent Cult are the reigning Japanese Tag Team champions, and are almost constantly performing underhanded tactics, much to the annoyance of faces and fans alike. Kenji Fukamura is the reigning Pacific champion, and has been on a streak so to speak, winning his last nine matches. Jin Sakamoto has suffered from a lack of direction is would seem, as he has won and lost some matches recently, but has looked very impressive nonetheless. He is considered quite important by BHOTWG backstage as well, as his veteran skills have commonly been used to help the youngsters while they are training. If Kenji & Sakamoto can stay focused on the match and evade any underhanded tactics, they could end up winning the match and inevitably get a shot at the Cult’s tag belts. Both teams talked to each other in order to figure out strategies, or to talk about ones they had already thought out backstage. After a while the bell was rung to start the match, and it appeared that Viper and Jin Sakamoto would be the ones to star off against each other. Both men circled each other briefly, with Jin getting support from the crowd and Kenji, while Viper received nothing but boos, except an earful from Cobra to get on with it. The two collided after charging in, and locked up, with Viper managing to seize the early control, due to being bigger than Sakamoto. Viper put Jin in a headlock, only to be elbowed in the gut. He whipped Jin across the ring to stop him elbowing him, but was met with a shoulder block when Jin returned. Viper staggered backwards, as he wasn’t taken off his feet, causing Jin to run back to the ropes. When Sakamoto came back this time however, Viper was ready for him, and nearly decapitated him with a short clothesline from out of nowhere. Jin hit the mat hard, and Viper instantly locked him in a grounded rear chinlock. This caused Jin to flail everywhere, desperate to get to the ropes, but Viper was resilient, and kept the hold locked in no matter what. Eventually Kenji hopped into the ring and kicked Viper across the face, but this just seemed to anger the much larger man, who chased Kenji out of the ring. Cobra, while this was happening, came into the ring and pulled Jin to his feet, only to level him with a punch to the side of the head. Viper came back and told Cobra to lift Jin up to his feet, and together they whipped him across the ring and clotheslined him down to the mat. Kenji came back in, desperate to help his partner, which was met with a very positive reaction from the crowd, only to be taken down by a double clothesline himself. Cobra picked Kenji up, placed him on his shoulders and took him out of the ring with a Fireman’s Carry, causing him to crash to the outside. Viper then picked Jin back up and began to fight with him, only to be outpaced by the smaller Jin, who punched Viper, then darted back, moved around a little bit, and then jabbed at Viper again, a good plan that eventually wore out Viper who had a slightly hard time keeping track, especially after a hard punch connected with his temple. Jin then ran to the ropes and came back with a clothesline which sent the bigger man staggering backwards. Jin then tried again, however, this time he dropkicked Viper instead of clotheslining him, causing the big man to go down due to the impact. Jin attempted to pull Viper up to his feet, but Cobra came from behind and knocked him down to the mat with a punch to the back of the head. The referee confronted Cobra, telling him to get to his corner, but Cobra wasn’t phased at all and simply dropped to the mat, rolled to the outside and grabbed the snake he brought to the ring with him. The referee scurried out of the ring as soon as he brought it in. Cobra then attempted to unleash the snake on Sakamoto, but Kenji came flying across the ring and nailed Cobra with a Superstar Kick right to the jaw, causing him to drop to the mat, but also to drop the snake. Kenji showed no apparent fear and took the snake to the outside by pushing him out of the ring. Viper had long since recovered, so Kenji’s momentum was swiftly stopped dead in its tracks by a boot to the face, courtesy of Viper. Viper then picked him up and threw Kenji out of the ring, causing him to once again crash to the outside, right next to the snake. Kenji quickly came to and scampered around the ring to his corner. The fans nearby were swift to move their seats away as well. Viper picked up Jin after getting rid of Kenji, and booted him in the gut before whipping him across the ring. When Jin came back, Viper lifted him high into the air, before bringing him back down with a huge Powerslam, a move that would usually end the match, but he wasn’t ready to do so, so Viper picked Sakamoto back up and booted him in the gut again. He then lifted Jin high into the air and drove him back down with a suplex. Kenji was desperate to get into the match, but Jin refused to let the smaller man get beaten up, and so refused to tag him in. Viper was beginning to get bored, so he tagged Cobra in, and rather interestingly went under the ring after doing so. Cobra then stepped into the ring, only to be met by a desperate clothesline from Jin, which caused him to stagger backwards and drop onto the ropes. Jin tried to use this to his advantage and went for another clothesline, but Cobra evaded, and drove his forearm into Jin’s back, before lifting him into the air and dropping him to the mat with a Back Suplex. Cobra then began to get c0cky, and taunted the fans about being less appealing as him, and generally being afraid of him. A big guy stepped up and began to argue back. Originally, Cobra began to take offence, before he realised who this guy was, Tasuku Nandaba! A man who Cobra and Viper have fought many times. Cobra backed up, seemingly apologising to Tasuku, who had a match later tonight. Cobra didn’t realised Sakamoto behind him, and fell victim to a low blow, which the referee didn’t seem to notice due to Cobra threatening him earlier, and then a back suplex. Sakamoto then posed for the fans who cheered for him in return, and picked Cobra up. He then used all of his strength to put Cobra onto his shoulders, seemingly going for the Warriors Code, a Death Valley Driver. He walked towards the ramp, and seemed ready to go for the move, when Viper appeared out of nowhere, and tripped him up, causing him to fall to the mat and let Cobra go. Kenji was livid and tried to get into the ring, but the referee realised and stopped him, which Kenji took offence to due to him letting Jin get away with a low blow. Viper used this distraction throw something in Jin’s face. Sakamoto fell on his back and writhed in pain, grabbing his face as if it was melting, before Cobra fell on him and made the cover. The referee realised this as well, and made the count, with Kenji realising all too late what had just happened. The Black Serpent Cult ran up the ramp and teased Tasuku while he was in the audience and laughed at Sakamoto, who was still writhing in pain. [b]Winner:[/b] Black Serpent Cult by pinfall in 13:32 [b]B+[/b] – [i]Really good match, took MOTN by a long shot[/i] _____________________________________ [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Tatsumaki Mibu vs. Kiba Izumi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kibaizumi.jpg[/IMG] Both of these men are accomplished technicians, while both are also feared for having a sort of feral attack style. Mibu came out to the ring to a very mixed reaction, as some people have begun to like him since he stopped teaming up with Shikimara Mibu, but they still don’t like him because of his previous heel actions. Kiba came out to a huge round of boos as the fans hate him due to his constant preying on the weak, and the fact he likes to break his opponents, sometimes not even releasing his prey from the hold after the match was over. Both men circled each other as soon as the bell rang, as both knew what it meant if they took their eyes off of their opponent for even one second. After several seconds, Kiba ran in and tackled Mibu to the floor, before stomping away continuously at his knee, intent on weakening him up for the Feral Ankle Lock. Kiba then pulled Mibu to the middle of the ring and stomped at his knee one more time before driving his elbow into the back of it as well and then locked in a reverse knee lock. Mibu attempted to scurry to the nearest ropes, but Kiba stood up and pulled him back, and drove his elbow into the back of the knee again, but this time with much more force behind it, causing Mibu a lot more pain in the process. Kiba eventually stood up, as it became obvious that Mibu wasn’t going to give up that easily no matter how much pain was caused. Kiba then picked him up and booted him in the gut before whipping him across the ring. When he came back, Kiba moved to the side and swept his legs out from under him, kicking him across the back of the knees, causing Mibu to crumple to the mat. Kiba then picked him up again and booted him in the gut once more before lifting him up into the air, going for a vertical suplex, before Mibu attempted to reverse the move by dropping down behind him, but Kiba countered this reversal by nailing a neckbreaker, which caused Mibu to grab his neck in a moment of severe pain. Kiba then shifted round so he was holding one of Mibu’s legs, and then drove his knee into the back of his knee, making Mibu yell out in pain and grab at his leg. Kiba repeated this several times, very intent on destroying Mibu. Mibu tried to mount a comeback, as he pushed Kiba away, despite it causing him a fair amount of pain, with his leg. He then stood up and waited for Kiba to charge at him, which Izumi did while attempting a clothesline. Mibu then ducked the attempt and leapt into the air to deliver a Jumping Neckbreaker, which made Kiba grab his head and neck like Mibu had done not long before. He then stood up again and tried to pull Kiba up to his feet, but Izumi countered by elbowing him in the knee, and then delivering a vicious uppercut that sent Mibu flying backwards from the impact. Kiba approached the prone Mibu and tried to pull him up to his feet, but Mibu showed his never-quit attitude when he kicked Izumi in the stomach while he lay down, and despite having just received a devastating punch to the jaw, he stood up and punched Izumi right across the face, followed by another to the forehead, and then Mibu finished off with an uppercut of his own. Izumi staggered backwards, which Mibu saw as an opportunity, as he charged in and speared Kiba in the gut, but instead of taking him down, Mibu kept moving until he had driven Kiba into the corner. Izumi lost his breath for a second due to the impact of the turnbuckles, giving Mibu even more time. Mibu then drove his shoulder into Izumi’s gut multiple times before backing off. Izumi staggered forwards out of the corner, but Mibu exploded with a running clothesline that sandwiched Izumi in the corner between him and the turnbuckles. Mibu backed away again, and this time Izumi fell flat on his face. Mibu pulled him up and whipped him across the ring, and when Izumi came back, Mibu attempted to clothesline him, but Kiba mounted a comeback of his own by first ducking the clothesline and then nailing Mibu with a forearm smash to the temple when he bounced off of the other ropes. Mibu staggered, and was tackled down to the mat like he was at the start of the match, and Izumi hastily locked in the Feral Ankle Lock. Mibu screamed out in pain, but Izumi quickly dropped to the mat and applied the leg scissors, meaning there was no escape, so Mibu tapped almost immediately after that. [b]Winner:[/b] Kiba Izumi by submission in 10:37 [b]B-[/b] [I]- A little bit of a let down, but still good.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba vs. Dayu Ichihara [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] These two men are some of the more popular/hated stars on the roster. Tasuku is one of the fastest rising members, although he entered wrestling late due to being a former Baseball stand out and became the first graduate of the BHOTWG dojo to gain a full-time contract right away. He then rose to prominence due to being unbeatable in terms of brawling. Dayu is the second legendary figure in BHOTWG next to Master Kitozon, mainly because of their continual bouts and their seemingly eternal hatred. The fans love to hate him, but the matches are always fantastic. Both of these two megastars circled each other for a long time. They then both walked to the middle of the ring and stared each other down, but the referee came between them and pushed them apart, not an easy feat to accomplish. He then ordered the bell to be rung so the match could start, and when it did, Dayu charged at Tasuku, only to be met with a huge right fisted punch to the jaw, which made him drop to the mat grabbing his chin. Tasuku shook his fist out, due to it hurting a little bit from the impact, and pulled Dayu up to his feet. Dayu tried to reverse whatever he was trying to do, but Tasuku evaded a punch attempt and ducked a forearm smash attempt, before driving his fist right into Dayu’s gut and then stood up and drove Dayu down to the mat with a massive double axe handle. Ichihara made his way up to his feet and then caught a fist aimed for his cheek, which surprised Tasuku, as he normally never had a punch blocked. Dayu then kneed Tasuku in the gut and then punched him right across the face. Tasuku staggered back, but exploded with two straight punches to either side of Dayu’s face. Ichihara staggered back as well, and tried to punch Tasuku again, but Nandaba easily ducked his attempts, and then once again punched him powerfully in the gut before whipping him across the ring into the corner. Tasuku then charged in and tried to squash Dayu, but Ichihara’s veteran instincts caused him to move out of the way fairly quickly, just before Tasuku would have connected, causing Nandaba to crash into the turnbuckles. When Tasuku staggered out of the corner, Dayu rushed towards him and heaved him overhead with a back suplex, causing Tasuku to crash down to the mat, landing on his neck and head. Nandaba grabbed his neck and the bottom of the back of his head in pain, but Dayu was unrelenting. He picked Tasuku up and kneed him in the gut before whipping him across the ring. When Nandaba returned, Dayu ran and kneed him with ferocity in the gut, causing Tasuku to flip over, landing on his back and grabbing his stomach in pain. Dayu then picked him up and locked up with him, and easily gained control due to Tasuku still having a lack of breath, and took him down with a headlock takedown, and kept the hold locked in. Tasuku tried to punch him in the gut, but Dayu just took the blows and kept applying pressure. Ichihara then pulled Tasuku up while still in the hold, and then took him down with an STO, and this time locked in a key lock. Tasuku flailed with his free arm trying to get free, but it was to no avail, as he was nowhere near the ropes to be able to reach them. Dayu released the hold, but quickly rolled Tasuku over so he could lock in a crucifix arm bar, but Tasuku scrambled up to his feet to stop Dayu from doing so and stomped his chest. Dayu brought him down again however with a drop toehold, and went for the crucifix armbar one more time, but yet again, Tasuku countered it, this time he rolled forward, causing Ichihara to roll over with him, and then locked Dayu in an armbar himself. Ichihara used his knowledge to quickly get out of the hold, but he had clearly underestimated Tasuku. Nandaba then let Dayu get up to his feet before having another staredown with him. Both men looked at each other for a while, with the crowd cheering Tasuku on, before Dayu attempted to sneak attack him, only for Tasuku to duck and once again punch him directly in the gut. Tasuku then whipped him across the ring, and when Dayu came back, Tasuku spun him over with a quick, yet incredibly powerful due to the momentum involved, powerslam, causing Dayu to grab his back in pain. Tasuku attempted to get the pinfall with this, but Dayu kicked out at 2. Dayu then stood up fairly quickly, managing to take control of the match with a couple of forearm smashes before chopping Tasuku across the chest. Tasuku fired a chop back, seemingly showing no effect of the chop himself. Dayu came back with another chop, but Tasuku once again returned it in kind with a chop of his own. Dayu backed away, but this allowed Nandaba to pick up momentum, as he took Dayu right off of his feet with a huge clothesline. Tasuku pulled Dayu up to his feet and booted him in the gut and punched him across the face several times, intending to stun him. He then whipped him across the ring, but this time Tasuku ran the opposite way. They ran across the ring about 5 times, building up a huge amount of speed, before Tasuku exploded with one of the most devastating Full Swing Lariat’s ever seen, which caused Dayu to flip over backwards and fly in that direction for about five feet as well. Tasuku went for the cover, and the referee made the count. 1… 2… Thr…NO Dayu had his foot on the ropes, causing the fans to boo loudly. Tasuku pulled Dayu up to his feet and he seemed like he was about to whip Dayu across the ring again, but Ichihara quickly countered by whipping Tasuku instead, and levelled him with a running big boot, connected with the side of Nandaba’s head. Dayu picked him up and spun him around, hit about four forearms smashes to the back of Tasuku, before lifting him into the air. He then didn’t pull off the move everybody thought he was going to do, a regular back suplex, but instead pushed Tasuku forward, causing him to land in a sort of reverse spinebuster position. Nandaba bounced off of the canvas and appeared to be out from the impact of the move. Dayu himself was showing signs of weariness, especially after being nearly decapitated by the earlier Full Swing Lariat, and now after pulling off such an energy consuming move. Dayu then went for the cover himself, and the referee frantically slapped the mat. 1… 2… Thr…NO Tasuku managed to somehow kick out of the move. Dayu was livid, and quickly got up to his feet before whipping a stunned Tasuku into the corner. Dayu then went to the opposite corner and charged towards Tasuku. He connected with a massive avalanche, seemingly crushing Nandaba, and then seemed ready to nail a back body drop as well, but when he went for the move, Tasuku landed perfectly on his feet behind Dayu and ran across the ring. Dayu had a smirk appear across his face, still thinking the move was successful. He turned around, but was met with a huge spear! Tasuku had showed the fans his new finishing move, the Base Collision. Ichihara was out cold after being nearly broken in half by the power that Tasuku possesses, and Nandaba went for the cover again. 1… 2… Thr…WHAT! Dayu somehow, against all odds, kicked out! Tasuku fell on his back and had one of the most stunned expressions we will probably ever see, as Ichihara was seemingly invincible. Tasuku, in a sort of rage, quickly pull Dayu up to his feet, only to be thanked with a knee to the gut and an uppercut to the jaw. Dayu then picked Tasuku up and hit him with a powerslam. Dayu then rolled Tasuku over so he was on his front, and locked in a grounded abdominal stretch, the move that seemingly destroyed Elemental last week. Tasuku tried to escape the move, but every time he did, Dayu did what he did last week, drove his knee with vicious force into the back of Tasuku. Dayu then pulled Tasuku up in this position, displaying his strength for all of the fans to see, and then brought Nandaba down across his knee. Tasuku let out a slight yelp in pain and grabbed his back, before being picked up again. Dayu whipped him across the ring, and Tasuku tried to clothesline Dayu in a desperate attempt to knock him down again, and connected, causing Dayu to stagger backwards and then drop to one knee, as he was feeling the effects of the earlier spear. Tasuku ran to the ropes again, and seemed to go for a running kick to the head, but Ichihara grabbed Tasuku’s leg as he ran and stopped him from kicking him in the head. He then used Tasuku’s leg as leverage to lift him into the air and then drill him into the mat with a spinebuster. Tasuku grabbed his back, and Dayu fell on his front from exhaustion. Both men got up to their feet shortly after, but Tasuku tried to clothesline Dayu again, but this time Dayu ducked it and nailed Nandaba with a sharp back elbow to the back of the head. When Tasuku staggered forwards, Dayu spun him around and lifted him high above his head before driving him down with a very fast Ichihara Power Drive. Tasuku was truly unconscious following the move, as he has been subject to a lot of punishment in this match, both men have. Dayu then went for the cover by hooking the leg, and the referee made the count. 1… 2…The fans begin to boo very loudly 3 The fans erupt into boos due to seeing one of their heroes losing, but Dayu doesn’t care, as long as he has his hand raised in victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Dayu Ichihara by pinfall in 17:59 [b]B[/b] [I]- An alright match for men of this calibre, caused mainly by lack of selling a getting a little tired.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Master Kitozon vs. Onishiki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MasterKitozon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/onishiki.jpg[/IMG] Kitozon came down to the ring in a very spectacular way, just like he had at Fire Dream of the Immortals. He came down through the fans, shaking hands and bowing to everyone who would return the favour. He then got onto the ramp after about five minutes of greeting the audience. He then shot both hands up into the air, causing three jets of fireworks to consecutively go off. He then shot his hands to the side, causing the same to happen, but then brought his hands together. This caused two wheels and four jets of fireworks to go off. He then finished off by shooting his hands forward, causing a combination of the three. This cost BHOTWG a lot of money to do, but the fans more than made up for it, especially the 10,000 who sold out the arena. Onishiki came down to the ring with a couple of firework jets, but he didn’t really care how elaborate his entrance was, as he was completely focused on taking on his fellow former sumo and possibly THE most popular guy in Japan right now. Both men simply stood in their respective corners until the bell rang, where they met in the middle of the ring. Kitozon extended his hand in a show of respect to his fell former rikishi, and Onishiki shook it, but then pushed it away before backing away quickly. Kitozon showed no reaction except a very slight smile after his hand was shaken. Onishiki then charged in to try and take Kitozon off of his feet like a Sumo would, by bulldozing him. Kitozon stood firm and pushed Onishiki away, and when he tried again, Kitozon chopped him across that wide chest of his. Onishiki flailed with his hands as he backed off, before grabbing his chest due to the pain the chops caused. Kitozon then advanced on Onishiki and punched him in the face, then jabbed at him a couple of times in the chest and then delivered a real barrage into Onishiki’s gut. Onishiki doubled over eventually after the pain set in, only for Kitozon to then push him backwards in a lightning fast STO. Onishiki grabbed his head and neck due to landing on them and slowly made his way up to his feet, as he simply took the blow and had absolutely no intention on letting Kitozon get a chance to wrestle on the mat. Kitozon then moved again and kicked Onishiki in the gut before whipping him across the ring. Kitozon ran across the ring as well, and when Onishiki came back, Kitozon leapt into the air, something we have never seen him do, especially because of his age, and connected with a flying arm lariat. Onishiki fell backwards, but continued going forwards due to his momentum and hit the mat with a massive thud. Kitozon dropped his elbow across the sternum of Onishiki and went for the cover. He got a solid two count before Onishiki just kicked out in time. Kitozon pulled him up to his feet and then booted him in the chest several times, and when he eventually double over again, Kitozon brought him down to one knee with a clubbing blow that looked awfully like a weak version of the Kitozon Chop. He then backed off, before running and kneeing Onishiki in the head, causing him to slump down to the mat. Kitozon then ran to the ropes, and when he came back, he dropped his knee across the back of Onishiki’s head. He then repeated this six times, pulling the move off faster each time. The fans slightly groaned each time he did it as well, as well as Onishiki who grabbed his head due to the increasing pain. Kitozon then went for the cover, and seemed just about to get the victory when Onishiki kicked out just before the three count. Kitozon kicked Onishiki three times in the chest and then once in the head before pulling him up to both feet. He then chopped Onishiki in the chest and whipped him across the ring. When Onishiki came back, Kitozon attempted a clothesline to knock him down, but Onishiki ducked the move and locked his arms around the waist of Kitozon. He then caught the legend off guard by lifting him up into the air and dropped him onto the mat before locking him in a front headlock. Kitozon managed to eventually reverse the hold by rolling over and standing up that way, but Onishiki dropped down to a sitting position, bringing Kitozon down with him, causing more pain due to the abrupt stop. Onishiki then pulled Kitozon up to his feet and booted him in the gut, and then heaved the legend over with a gutwrench suplex, before locking in a rear chinlock in a good display of technical skill. Kitozon reached out for the ropes with his hands, but he wasn’t close enough to grab any. He eventually twisted round while in the hold, fought his way up to standing, and then elbowed Onishiki several times in the gut before running across the ring. Onishiki tried to clothesline Kitozon down to the mat, but Kitozon ducked the attempt and came back with another flying lariat. Kitozon went for the cover, but Onishiki kicked out as soon as the referee had counted two. Kitozon pulled the big man up to his feet and whipped him into the corner. Kitozon then waited in the opposite corner. Onishiki came to and noticed Kitozon was doing nothing. He looked at him suspiciously, but eventually his eagerness got the best of him and he charged towards Kitozon. Fans could swear they saw a slight smirk cross Kitozon’s face before he launched himself at the charging Onishiki, taking him down with a Lariat! The fans exploded when the saw Kitozon do the move, causing Kitozon to smile slightly and pull Onishiki up to his feet. Kitozon then chopped Onishiki across the chest before going for a belly-to-belly suplex. Onishiki fought the attempt however, and countered by head butting Kitozon. However, Onishiki was the one who felt the effects, as he staggered backwards whilst Kitozon had his usual non-existent expression. Kitozon then went for the belly to belly suplex again, and this time, due to Onishiki being stunned because of the head butt, he pulled it off, lifting the big man up into the air and then drilling him into the mat with a thud. He went for the cover, but Onishiki kicked out just in time. Kitozon picked him back up and tried to go for the move again, but Onishiki began to get more confident, or more powerful, whichever, as he pushed Kitozon away and ran at him to clothesline him while he was dazed. Kitozon didn’t let Onishiki gain any momentum as he obliterated the big man with another lightning fast STO. Onishiki landed right on the back of his head/top of his neck, causing him to grab it. Kitozon pulled him up to his feet, and since Onishiki was stunned from the impact of the STO, he easily whipped the big man into the corner. Kitozon then charged into the corner and leapt high into the air before coming crashing down on Onishiki, a move rarely ever done by Kitozon, and Kitozon then grabbed Onishiki underarm and back before heaving him into the middle of the ring with a modified hip toss. Onishiki grabbed his back and slowly made his way up to his feet, but Kitozon was ready to finish the match by now, and charged towards him. He drove his knee into Onishiki’s head again, and waited for him to get up again. When he did, Kitozon ran across and levelled him with a Kitozon Chop! Onishiki crumpled to the mat, and Kitozon made the cover. The fans counted along as the referee made the count. 1… 2… 3!!! The fans erupted as Kitozon once again had his hand raised in victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Master Kitozon by pinfall in 16:06 [b]B[/b] [i]- Pretty good, but a let down compared to their last match, at least it didn’t bomb etc. [/i] ____________________________________________ [b]Overall:[/b] B [b]Notes:[/b] Glad we got a B instead of a B-, but the double main events kinda let us down, as I was expecting better from Tasuku & Dayu. The BSC/Kenji/Jin match caught me completely off guard. Kenji & Jin didn’t even get a tag chemistry note, nor did I do anything to make the match any different, I just let the game choose haha. ____________________________________________ [/center]
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[CENTER][U][B]Current Prediction Tally for the Week[/B][/U] [B]chris caulfield:[/B] 4/6 [B]Midnightnick:[/B] 4/6 [B]SadisticBlessings:[/B] 3/6 Thankyou for predicting guys, the next show will be up sometime tomorrow, possibly mid-afternoon at the earliest. Any comments on the show I just posted? Of course I forgot about the MVP of the Month for June, so I would appreciate votes, either by PM or post here, on who you think should be the June MVP. It can't be Master Kitozon haha, he is MVP of the Year already lol.[/CENTER]
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[center] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/banner_break_07_12_2007_11_12_25_72.gif[/IMG] Saturday, Week 1, June 1975 Held in front of 5,000 people at the Yamashi Athletic Stadium [u]Pre-Show [/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Naoshi Shinomori vs. Alexander Tomov [/u] [i]Tomov defeats Naoshi after a Russian Clutch at 5:33.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Alexander Tomov by submission [b]C[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Warlord Agony vs. Eiji Kiriyama [/u] [i]Eiji gets the win after a Merciless Barrage.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Eiji Kiriyama by knockout [b]C[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 3: Shogo Takani vs. Osei Khama [/u] [i]Shogo makes Osei tap at the 4:40 mark with the Twisting of the Knife.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Shogo Takani by submission [b]B-[/b] _______________________________________________ [u]Main Show [/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Flash Asagi, Akahashi Kuno & Edo Phoenix vs. Gnasher Udo, Kenzo Isozaki & Byron Valmont[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/flashasagi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/EdoPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/GnasherUdo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/KenzoIsozaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/byronvalmont.jpg[/IMG] These six men are some of the better high fliers on the roster, save Elemental, who is probably better than every one of them put together. Flash and Kuno have been teaming together as of late, which mostly seems just a way to give Asagi something to do, but it is really a clever ploy to help him learn from Kuno who is one of the more promising Junior heavyweights. Edo Phoenix is the prime contender against Elemental, and most people wish they could see a one on one match due to being the most established flier next to him. Kenzo successfully returned to Japan on Thursday, but has a huge challenge set out for him here tonight. Byron & Gnasher are good fliers, but haven’t been active that much as of late, so we have yet to see whether this has caused them to get ring rust. Both teams spoke between themselves to see who would be the first people to start off, and also to talk about strategy. The referee orders the bell to be rung, and once it has been, it appears that it is Edo Phoenix and Gnasher Udo are starting out first. Both men circle each other for a very long time before both ran in to start the match. Gnasher tried to clothesline Edo, but Phoenix showed his superior athleticism by jumping over Gnasher and then continuing towards the ropes. Udo turned around to try and locate Edo, only to be knocked flying by a running dropkick from him. Edo walked over to pick Udo up, but Gnasher elbowed him three times in the gut before running towards the ropes. When Udo came back, he leapt onto Edo’s shoulders and spun around; seeming to go for one of Edo’s favourite moves, the Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors, but Phoenix knew what was coming and stopped Udo’s momentum by swinging him into a sickening backbreaker. Gnasher rolled around on the floor in pain, yelling and grabbing his back. Edo then picked him up and whipping him into his corner, and tagged out to Akahashi Kuno. They then double teamed Udo by whipping him across the ring and then dropping him back down to the mat with a double dropkick when he came back. Kuno then went right to work on Udo, lifting him up and driving his knees right into Udo’s gut several times before putting him in position for a vertical suplex. Kuno then began to spin around slowly and then faster before leaping into the air and bringing Udo crashing down to the mat with a new move called the Spin-Out Kuno-Plex. Kuno attempted a quick cover but Gnasher kicked out almost immediately. Kuno pulled Udo up to his feet and whipped him across the ring, and when he came back Kuno tried to kick him in the chest, but Udo grabbed hold of the leg and used it to take him down with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Udo then leapt across to his corner and tagged in Kenzo Isozaki. Kuno scurried up to both feet, and turned to face Kenzo. Isozaki was the first to move as he charged in and went for an enziguri, but Kuno ducked underneath the kick. Kenzo had suspected this however, and jumped back, kicking Kuno in the side of the head in the process. Akahashi staggered backwards and looked very dazed, while Kenzo stood back up and faced him again. Kenzo then spun around and kicked Kuno across the face, causing him to turn around and seem to be knocked out. Isozaki looked fairly annoyed that Kuno hadn’t gone down yet, so he kicked Kuno again in the same fashion. This time Akahashi flipped forward due to the impact of the move, and Kenzo quickly attempted a cover. The referee got to two, but Flash Asagi came flying in to break up the count and save his mentor, so to speak. Kenzo kipped up and advanced on Asagi, booting him in the gut and whipping him across the ring. When he came back, he dove through Kenzo’s legs, causing him to turn around. Isozaki was met with a foot to the jaw from Kuno, who had recovered and delivered a lightning fast Super Kick. Asagi returned to the apron, and Kuno tagged back out to Edo Phoenix in order to properly recover. Edo leapt over the ropes and instantly got into the match, kicking at a downed Kenzo while he could. Isozaki eventually grabbed Edo’s leg and whipped him to the floor before both stood up very quickly and stared each other down. They both locked up, and it was Kenzo who got the control after a headlock, but was almost immediately whipped across the ring by Edo. When he came back, Edo tried to dropkick him, but Isozaki stopped just short enough to prevent Edo from reaching him. Kenzo then picked Edo up and whipped him into his corner before tagging out to Byron Valmont. Byron leapt into the ring and began to fire off kicks aimed at Edo’s chest and head. Edo managed to duck under one aimed at his temple, but was clubbed in the back by Kenzo. He dropped to one knee and Byron quickly focused on him again, dropkicking him in the side of the head. He then picked Edo up to his feet and booted him in the gut before driving him into the mat with a DDT, causing Edo to flip forwards from the impact. Byron then picked Kuno up and whipped him into the ropes again, and tried to nail a head scissors after running to the ropes himself, but Edo stopped him from finishing the move and instead drove Byron into the mat with a Sitout Powerbomb called the Fall of the Phoenix. The referee began to make the count, but Kenzo flew over and broke the pin. Kuno came into the ring and charged towards him. He nailed Kenzo with a Glittering Magician, taking him out of the match, but decided to play safe and brought Kenzo to the outside with him. Isozaki soon woke up and the two began to brawl on the outside. Udo tried to come into the match, but Asagi took him out of the ring with the Flash Magic, a very quick enziguri. Flash followed Udo out of the ring and joined Kuno in a double brawl with Udo and Kenzo. Valmont had gotten up, while Edo was still recovering from Kenzo’s attack. Byron then ran across the ring and delivered a running dropkick to Edo’s face before going up to the top rope. He seemed poised to go for the Bombs Over Britain but Edo suddenly became filled with life, leapt to his feet and then leapt to the top rope and delivered a graceful Super Hurracanrana. Byron hit the mat with a thud, while Edo climbed back up to the top rope and flew off, nailing the Blaze of Glory. The other four participants in the match were still on the outside, so nobody could break the cover, and Edo got the victory for his team. [b]Winner:[/b] Flash Asagi, Akahashi Kuno & Edo Phoenix by pinfall in 12:10 [b]B[/b] – [i] Very good match considering one or two of the participants. [/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. White Manta[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kazuomitsushi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/WhiteManta.jpg[/IMG] Kazuo came into this match with a slight smirk spread across his face as he had the idea in his mind that this match would be easy to win due to White Manta being a smaller participant and being much older than him, and so he could easily counter anything due to his lack of speed. Manta came out, and it seemed he had realised Kazuo was looking this way, as he had a look of complete concentration and determination, as if he wanted to prove Kazuo completely wrong. When the bell rang, Manta extended his hand to the youngster as a way of testing him, and Kazuo’s smirk grew even bigger. He shook Manta’s hand, but then laughed and said something along the lines of “If that’s the way old folks start matches.” Manta took obvious offence to this statement and slapped Kazuo right across the face. He then immediately tripped Kazuo up with a fast drop toehold, and then leapt across, landed on his head and locked Kazuo in a headlock. Mitsushi pushed him away and stood up incredibly fast, having a look of pure rage upon his face. He charged at Manta and tried to clothesline him down to the mat, but Manta ducked underneath it and used his arm as leverage to lock Kazuo in an arm bar. He continually applied pressure by pulling the arm back further than it is really supposed to go, causing Kazuo to let out slight yelps of pain. Mitsushi eventually countered the hold by rolling forward, forcing Manta to break the submission, and made his way back up to his feet. Manta ran at Kazuo, seemingly going for a dropkick, but Mitsushi ducked in preparation. It turned out to be just a ruse as Manta stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Kazuo duck, and instead kicked Mitsushi extremely hard in the face, causing the rookie to hit the mat with a thud and hold his face while rolling around on the mat. Manta climbed up to the top rope and waited for Kazuo to get up, and when he did, Manta flew off of the top and connected with a flying shoulder block, knocking Mitsushi back down to the mat. Manta then tried to lock another armbar in on the prone Kazuo, but Mitsushi rolled over before he could do so and grabbed hold of the nearby rope. Manta then stood up and ran across the ring, planning to hit Kazuo with a running dropkick to the face, but Kazuo exploded on him when he returned with a clothesline, sending the small veteran flying forward and crashing through the ropes to the outside due to the power behind the move. Kazuo stood up and roared at the crowd to show that he was in full control now, and went to the outside to attack Manta. Mitsushi rolled him back into the ring and followed him, stomping away at his chest when they were both in the ring. He then pulled Manta up to his feet and whipped him across the ring, and chopped him viciously across the chest when he came back, causing the veteran to drop to the mat once more in pain, grabbing the spot where he was hit, which had just turned red. Mitsushi then pulled him back up and booted him in the gut before lifting him into the air and dropping him to the mat with a scoop slam. Kazuo then ran to the ropes and when he came back, he dropped his elbow across Manta’s chest, causing him to grab his chest again and groan in pain. Kazuo pulled Manta up again and whipped him into the corner with all of his power, making Manta crash into the corner and fall straight to the mat in pain, grabbing his back. Mitsushi pulled him to the middle of the ring and lifted him up to his feet before doing the same again, although a little weak. Kazuo then followed Manta and squashed him in the corner with a huge clothesline. Manta dropped to the mat, seemingly out cold, and Kazuo dragged him to the middle of the ring and attempted a pinfall. Manta kicked out just before the three count however, surprising Mitsushi, as he thought he had knocked Manta out due to the power behind the corner clothesline. He pulled Manta up to his feet and booted him in the gut again, before running towards the ropes to perform a clothesline, but Manta ran towards Kazuo and dropkicked him as soon as he came back, stopping his momentum dead in it’s tracks. Manta then stood up and waited for Kazuo to get up, and when he did, ran towards him and went to Super Kick him, his finisher called the Manta Sting. Kazuo ducked under the move however, and chopped Manta strongly across the chest before whipping Manta across the ring into the ropes, and then drove his boot into his jaw, causing the veteran to flip backwards due to the impact. Kazuo then taunts the crowd, saying how easy this match was, and picks Manta up to his feet before booting him in the gut. Mitsushi then lifts him into the air and seems to be getting ready for a brainbuster, called the Ore Ga Mitsushi Brainbuster. Manta wriggles out of the move just in time however, landing behind Kazuo and hopping up on to the top rope nearby. Mitsushi turns around, and is met with a high speed Missile Dropkick which causes him to fly backwards and land on his head due to the momentum, temporarily dazing him. Manta scurries over to make the cover, and gets the victory, much to the happiness of the fans who begin to taunt Kazuo while Manta heads to the back. [b]Winner:[/b] White Manta by pinfall in 11:09 [b]B-[/b] [i]- Wish I could’ve put Mitsushi over here, but it was still a good match[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Mibu Ronin vs. Black Serpent Cult[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shikimaramibu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Cobra-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Viper-1.jpg[/IMG] The Mibu Ronin have been at odds with the Black Serpent Cult for a long time, as both teams are former or current Burning Japanese Tag Team champions, with the Cult defeating the Mibu Ronin to claim their belts back in April. The teams talked amongst themselves to see who would be the first participants in the match. The referee rang the bell and it was Cobra and Shikimara Mibu who faced off at the start. Both men circled each other, before Cobra ran in and tried to take the bigger man down before he could mount an offence, but when Cobra tried to spear him down to the ground, it was like hitting a brick wall, as Mibu stood firm against him. Cobra staggered backwards due to suffering shock from the impact backfiring, and was knocking off of his feet and down to the mat by a clothesline from Shikimara. Mibu then picked him up and booted him in the gut before punching him across the jaw, causing Cobra to drop onto one knee. Mibu drove his knee into Cobra’s gut, causing him to jump into the air, but then created a combo by clubbing him across the back, forcing him down onto Mibu’s knee again. Cobra rolled off of Mibu’s knee and grabbed his gut in pain, and then his back when the pain in his stomach eased up. Mibu then picked the champ up and whipped him strongly into his corner, and then tagged out to his partner, Tatsumaki, who stepped into the ring and unleashed a volley of throat thrusts and punches on Cobra, who eventually succumbed to the blows and collapsed to the mat. Tatsumaki then took the match to where he worked best, the mat, and locked in a crucifix armbar on a prone Cobra. He initially put up a fight, desperately trying to prevent Mibu from locking in the move by stiffening up his arm, temporarily stopping Mibu from pulling it across so he could finish the submission. Mibu kept the hold locked in for a long time, and it seemed like Cobra was already going to tap out, but Viper came into the ring and booted Mibu in the face, forcing him to break the hold. Viper then picked him up and whipped him across the ring, dropping the former champ with a roundhouse kick to the face that caused Mibu to flip over from the force behind the move. The referee sent Viper back to his corner, but the damage had been done, as the Black Serpent Cult were now seemingly in control of the match. Cobra made his way to his feet and went over to Mibu and stomped a mudhole in him, before picking him up and booting him in the gut. Cobra then spun him around and lifted him up and back, performing a beautiful German Suplex, a move rarely ever seen due to the damage it can cause. The crowd groaned when they saw the match and Cobra kept the move bridged to try and get the cover, but big Shikimara ran in and stomped strongly on his gut to break up the cover. Shikimara then did what Viper did earlier and pulled Cobra up to his feet before whipping him into his team’s corner. Shikimara then dragged Tatsumaki to the corner and tagged himself in. Mibu then kicked at Cobra’s gut while he was in the corner, before throwing him overhead, as well as half-way across the ring, with a modified Butterfly Suplex. Cobra crashed to the mat, but unluckily he landed near to his corner, and Viper tagged himself in. Now the freshest men on either team were facing off, and both charged at each other, with Mibu bulldozing over Viper due to his superior size and power. Mibu then pulled Viper up to his feet, but was stunned by a couple of forearms to the side of the head, following by a boot to the gut. Viper then ran to the ropes and tried to build momentum to knock Mibu off of his feet, but when he came near Shikimara, he was knocked to the mat with a shoulder block from the big man. Mibu picked Viper up and whipped him across the ring, and when he came back, he lifted him high into the air before bringing him crashing down to the hard canvas with a massive spine buster. Shikimara then dragged Viper over to a corner, before leaving him there and walking to the opposite one. He laid in wait for Viper to get up to his feet, and when he did he charged towards him at full speed, seeming to go for a Moonlight Savagery, his Spear-like finisher. Viper turned around, but seemed to have realised Mibu was doing this anyway, and dove out of the way while also pushing Mibu forward, causing the big man to crash into the ring post. Shikimara backed out of the corner holding his head before crumpling backwards onto the mat, knocked out cold. Viper stood up after a while, having taken some time to fully recover, and walked over to Mibu, picking up the big man and booting him in the gut. He the ran across the ring, and when he came back, Viper leapt into the air and delivering an air lariat, managing to knock Mibu over, causing him to fall backwards onto the mat again. Viper then backed away, and seemed ready to take out Mibu with the Snakebite Roundhouse kick, like he had with Tatsumaki, but all of a sudden, as soon as Mibu stood up, Tatsumaki flew towards him and connected with a Feral Assault, a spinning thrust kick to the chest or jaw. Viper flew over the top rope from the impact and fell to the outside. Shikimara notice what happened and went to the outside, seeking out his opponent, but Viper had crawled under the ring and came out the other side, clambering into the ring. Mibu climbed back into the ring himself, and for some reason didn’t realise Viper was there as well, and was kicked in the back of the head with the Snakebite Roundhouse. Mibu crumpled to the floor, while Cobra ran into the ring to stop Tatsumaki from interfering, and made the cover. He got the surprise victory, as the Mibu Ronin had appeared more dominant in this match than ever before. [b]Winner:[/b] Black Serpent Cult by pinfall in 9:38 [b]B-[/b] – [i]Pretty good match, although it could’ve been better[/i] _____________________________________ [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Onishiki vs. Takehide Minobe[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/onishiki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TakehideMinobe.jpg[/IMG] These two men are a pair of very heavy hitters, with Minobe being well known for his strong kicks and punches, almost beating his last opponent. Onishiki was famous former sumo, and just a couple of days ago he faced off against Master Kitozon in a match that saw him lose in fairly quick fashion. These two men circled each other before Minobe charged at Onishiki, flinging a punch directed towards his jaw. Onishiki ducked it however, and caught Minobe with a punch to the gut, and showed his power by lifting Minobe up while in that position and then brought him down with a gutbuster. Takehide rolled around on the mat in pain, grabbing his stomach before slowly making his way up to both feet, only to be taken off his feet due to a clothesline from Onishiki. He tried to get up again, but was kicked across the face and crumpled to the mat. Onishiki pulled the former kickboxer up to his feet and whipped him across the ring, and when he came back Onishiki lifted him high into the air, another testament to his strength, and threw Minobe up and back with a back body drop, causing him to crash to the mat and grab his back. He then picked Minobe up and booted him in the gut, and attempted to suplex him, but Minobe countered the move by dropping behind Onishiki. Takehide then took quick control of the match by jabbing Onishiki three times in the face, then twice in the gut to make the big man double over. He then backed off and waited for Onishiki to straighten up, and when he did, Minobe stunned him with a back fist, connecting with Onishiki’s nose and forehead, and then took him down with a quick STO. Minobe then showed an interesting side of his wrestling style we hadn’t seen much of at all, mat wrestling and submissions. He locked Onishiki in a tight headlock, and showed his own physical strength when he managed to subdue the monster several times when he tried to break out of the hold. Onishiki eventually managed to power out of the hold, bringing forth his well known technical skill when he rolled over Minobe’s arm while holding it and then put him in a tight arm bar, and from time to time he drove his knee into Minobe’s elbow to try and take away his pure striking advantage from him. Onishiki then pulled Takehide up to his feet, still in the arm bar position, and then caught Minobe off guard with a sharp elbow to the gut, followed by an arm breaker across his knee, which caused Takehide to suddenly retract his arm and yell out in pain before rolling around on the mat holding his elbow. Onishiki simply smiled and laughed while he advanced on the seemingly crippled kickboxer, only to be knocked down to one knee when Minobe surprised him as well with a swinging punch to the back of his knee. Minobe then stood up and began to unleash a ferocious barrage of jabs and punches and uppercuts on Onishiki, mainly targeting his face, jaw and cheeks especially, and chest. Onishiki eventually crumpled under the savage assault, with blood appearing to leak out of the side of his mouth, perhaps from a knocked tooth or a bitten lip. Minobe pulled the big man to his feet and booted him in the gut before whipping him into the corner. He then followed up by charging towards Onishiki and driving his foot right into his face, causing the big man to slump forward onto the mat once again. Minobe tried to pull him up to his feet once more, but Onishiki resisted, and quickly grabbed Minobe’s leg and used it as leverage to lift him up and drive him down in a modified spinebuster. Minobe rolled around, clutching his back in pain while Onishiki used that time to recover from the assault he had just endured. Minobe eventually managed to get up to one knee, but was simply thrown back when Onishiki charged at him and they collided, but neither gave way. Onishiki tried again, and this time he seemed to push Minobe to the mat, but he simply shot up to his feet once again and stared a hole right through the big man. He charged in and hit Onishiki with a front kick which connected with his gut, followed by alternate side kicks with made Onishiki begin to drop down to his knees. Takehide followed up with two crescent kicks with connected with the right side of Onishiki’s head, which seemed to knock him out, but he forced himself up to one knee again, refusing to give up. Minobe didn’t seem at all phased by this however, and instead finished the attack with a Jumping Back Kick, driving his foot right into the face of Onishiki, actually managing to make him fly backwards and hit the mat due to the impact the move had. Minobe walks over to Onishiki and picks him up, boots him in the gut and then slaps him across the face before whipping him across the ring. This turned out to be a mistake though as when Onishiki comes back, he bulldozes over Minobe in a rage with a lariat, and then picks Minobe up, boots him in the gut and hoist s him high above his head. Onishiki then screams at the top of his voice, drops Onishiki onto his right shoulder and then drills him into the mat with the Samoan Driver. Minobe is out cold due to the sudden assault and the impact of Onishiki’s finisher. Onishiki covers him by stepping on his chest, and gets the victory, surprising a fair amount of people who though he had lost after the jumping back kick. [b]Winner:[/b] Onishiki by pinfall in 9:44 [b]C[/b] [I]- Horrible, wish I hadn’t have booked this match now.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba vs. Paul Kingsley vs. DEMON Yukata[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/paulkingsley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/demonyukata.jpg[/IMG] All three men come down to the ring looking as focused as ever, while Yukata looks a little bit worried about this match, as he is by far the smallest in the match, and will most likely be an immediate target for the others in order to make it more of a 1 on 1 match. Each man circles the other two as they prepare to start the match, and as soon as the referee rings the bell, both Paul and Tasuku knock Yukata clean off his feet and most likely out of the match for a while by punching him on either side of the head. They then turned to each other and begin to brawl, as both are known for their phenomenal brawling skills. Paul punches Tasuku across the jaw, only to be knocked back with an uppercut to the jaw. He then fires back with another right fist, this time connecting with Tasuku’s cheek area, causing Nandaba to step back slightly. This allows him to get more swing, as Paul would discover after Tasuku drops him with a thunderous left punch that connects with Paul’s forehead. Yukata is up now, and begins to frantically attack Paul by stomping at his face and chest, trying to make sure the big man stays down. He then backs up to regain a little bit of energy, but bumps into Tasuku, who lifts him high into the air and drills him into the mat with a Spinning Back Suplex, which once again takes him out of the match for a while due to the high impact that the move has. Tasuku then focused his attention on Paul and picked him up and booted him in the gut. He then chopped ‘100 Proof’ across the chest, causing him to stagger backwards clutching his chest. He didn’t let up however, as he immediately moved in again and chopped Paul with greater force than before, causing him to fall back onto the ropes. Tasuku then backed away so he could build momentum, and then charged at Paul and clotheslined him, causing Paul to tumble over the rope and crash to the outside, grabbing his back as he did so. Yukata then desperately tried to mount an offence against Tasuku, punching him in the back and chest, once he had turned around, and then ran to the ropes in order to get power behind his next move. He tried to dropkick Nandaba, but it had absolutely no physical effect, as Tasuku didn’t move at all, but Yukata grabbed his feet, as if he had hurt them just by kicking Nandaba’s chest. Tasuku picked up the DEMON and whipped him across the ring, and when he came back, Tasuku lifted him high into the air before bringing him down with a front slam, causing the crowd to groan due to the visible impact the move had. Tasuku then picked up Yukata’s seemingly limp body and threw it over the top rope, just narrowly missing Paul Kingsley who was making his way back into the ring. Paul rolled into the ring and instantly came face to face with Tasuku, and the two began to brawl again, with Tasuku once again coming out the victor after three consecutive uppercuts that caused Paul to fly up into the air and then come down to the mat just because of the power Tasuku possesses. Nandaba pulled Paul up to his feet and whipped him into the corner, and ran around the ring a couple of times to build up speed before charging towards Paul, after running round 4 times, and squashed the British Brawler with a massive corner splash, causing Kingsley to drop forward from the impact of the move, landing flat on his face at Tasuku’s feet. Nandaba smiled and pulled him up to his feet and booted him in the gut, and chopped him across the chest again. This time however, Paul fired back almost immediately with a chop of his own, catching Tasuku off guard. Tasuku chopped him back, but yet again Paul fired back right after, forcing Nandaba backwards due to the shock involved. Yukata was climbing up to the top rope at this moment, and both Paul and Tasuku realised just in time, and when he flew off of the top rope to hit a double axe handle to either man, they both clotheslined him, nearly decapitating the poor guy, and making him roll to the outside. Paul then turned back to Tasuku, who was looking over the top rope at the fallen foe, and punched him in the back of the head, followed by a quick kick to the back of the knee and a chop block, causing Tasuku to fall backwards and clutch his knees. Paul then stomped away at Tasuku’s chest and face, before running across the ring and dropping his leg across Nandaba’s throat with a leg drop. Paul then attempted to make the cover, but Tasuku kicked out almost right away, showing his determination. Kingsley pulled Tasuku up to his feet and booted him in the gut before hoisting him up into the air, looking for a suplex, but Tasuku countered by landing in front of Paul again, and then took Kingsley over with a suplex of his own, surprising some of the fans with the apparent ease with which he pulled of that reversal. He then pulled Paul up to his feet and whipped him across the ring, and when he came back, Tasuku attempted to go for a big boot, but Paul grabbed his foot before he could, and pushed it away, and clotheslined Nandaba to the mat instead. Yukata came back into the ring and began to kick away at Paul, and actually found success due to Kingsley being fairly old and fragile. Yukata then swept Paul’s legs out from under him in one fluid motion, catching him off guard. He then went up top and awaited Paul getting up to his feet, and when he did, he leapt off of the top rope and connected with the Glittering Mirage, taking Paul down and out, much to the fans surprise as well as Yukata’s. This was short lived however, as he almost broken in two when Tasuku charged across the ring and hit the Base Collision. Nandaba then covered Kingsley and got the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba by pinfall on DEMON Yukata in 15:58 [b]B[/b] [I]- Pretty good, one of, if not the, best matches Paul has had so far..[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Master Kitozon & Elemental vs. Dayu Ichihara & Toshiro Saito[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MasterKitozon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Elemental.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/toshirosaito.jpg[/IMG] Elemental was notable lacking visible confidence when he made his way down to the ring by the side of Master Kitozon, and with good reason. He is facing two much bigger men then him, one of which, Dayu Ichihara, nearly picked him apart last time they met in the ring. The two teams spoke to each other as usual, with each one deciding that it would be best if Master Kitozon started out the match against Toshiro Saito, in order to save Elemental from the whooping he was almost certainly going to get. Kitozon and Saito circled each other, with neither man letting the other out of their sights, and both had the same determined expression on their faces. Both men charged at the other at the same time, resulting in a clash of the bodies, but neither man fell back, as both Kitozon and Saito were determined to get control and refused to give any ground to their opponent. Eventually both men backed away, but then tried again, with Saito managing to wrestle the advantage onto his side after a very long struggle, which seemed to be a stalemate. Saito drove his knee into Master Kitozon’s gut, and then drove his elbow into his back, before lifting the legend up into the air and bringing him down across his knee in a sickening gut buster, which made Kitozon roll forward and hold his gut in pain, although his expression remained as desolate as ever. Kitozon slowly got back up to his feet, still holding his stomach with one hand, and ran at Saito. Toshiro initially though Kitozon was going to clothesline him, and prepared by tensing his upper body, but he was caught off guard when Kitozon suddenly shifted and kneed him in the gut, followed by a back kick to his knee which forced him down to one knee, and then a stiff shot to the back of the head later and Toshiro was lying face down on the mat, with Kitozon standing tall. Ichihara was getting slightly annoyed at Saito for letting himself get taken down so easily, while Elemental was hopping mad on the apron, screaming Kitozon’s name in a high voice like you would expect the president of Kitozon’s fan club to do. Kitozon quickly pulled Saito up to his feet again after dropping his elbow across Saito’s back, and booted him in the gut before running to the ropes, hoping to knock the behemoth down with a clothesline. This time however, Saito was ready, and exploded with a running lariat, flipping Kitozon over with the power behind the move couple with Kitozon’s own momentum. Saito then dragged Kitozon to his corner and tagged Dayu Ichihara in. Both men stomped away at the prone Kitozon on the mat before Saito clambered onto the apron. Ichihara pulled Kitozon up to his feet, booted him in the gut and then scoop slammed the legend, before dropping the elbow across his sternum. Dayu then ran across the ring, and when he came back he tried to do so again, but Kitozon moved out of the way just in time, resulting in Dayu hitting the canvas in a bad way. Ichihara rolled around for a little while, clutching his elbow in pain while Kitozon shook his head to recover from the clothesline he received earlier. He then focused again on Dayu and picked him up before whipping him across the ring into the corner. He followed up with an avalanche attempt, but Dayu moved out of the way, making Kitozon crash into the turnbuckles. Ichihara then pushed the legend into the corner and began to chop him across the chest. He got four consecutive chops in before Kitozon retaliated; unloading eight consecutive chops on Dayu’s poor chest, which turned bright red. Ichihara backed away with his hands covering his chest, but was swiftly knocked to the mat when Kitozon charged out of the corner and hit him with a running shoulder block. Kitozon then grabbed Dayu’s leg and stomped away at the knee several times before dropping his elbow into the back of it. Ichihara let out a small yelp of pain, which Kitozon only seemed to interpret as a symbol of weakness, as he seemed to intensify the hold, putting the lower leg at angles to the knee which many of the fans never though possible. Kitozon then released the hold and stood up, wanting to see how much damage he had done. Dayu struggled to get up to both feet, as the leg that had just been worked on was in very bad shape. Kitozon seemed to smile ever so slightly when he realised this, and then booted Dayu in the gut before lifting him into the air for a suplex. Dayu, refusing to give up so early because of a minor injury, countered the move by landing behind Kitozon, and then attempted to suplex Kitozon from behind, only to be countered himself when Kitozon swung wildly to try and catch Dayu across the face. Dayu ducked the shot, but Kitozon locked him in a front headlock, and seemed about to DDT Ichihara when he used all of his power to lift Kitozon up and over with a back body drop, sending the legend crashing to the mat. Dayu collapsed to the mat after this however, as it put a lot of pressure on his bad leg. The referee began to count to 10, but barely reach 3 when Kitozon began to stir. Dayu came to at about 7 and got up to his feet by the time the referee reached 9. Kitozon tried to knock Dayu off of his feet with a clothesline, only to be countered when Dayu drove his elbow into his gut and then took Kitozon over with a gutwrench suplex. Dayu attempted the cover, but Elemental flew across half the ring, literally, to break up the pin. Saito came into the ring, which immediately made Elemental flee it, so he turned his attention to Kitozon. Both Dayu and Saito picked the legend up and whipped him across the ring and seemed poised to nail a Double Clothesline, a move that was sure to be devastating considering the power between the two, but Kitozon ducked the move, and came back with a Double Flying Lariat, which knocked Dayu down, but only made Saito begin to stagger backwards. Kitozon then showed a new skill when he kicked Saito’s legs out from under him with a leg sweep, which caused the behemoth to fall backwards and hit the mat with a huge thud. Kitozon pushed him out of the ring and then returned his focus to Dayu. Kitozon picked him up and booted him in the gut, following up with a beautiful snap suplex. He then attempted to lock in a modified headlock, but Ichihara countered it and pushed Kitozon away. Both men had a staredown after getting up, but that was quickly ended when Kitozon swiftly kicked Dayu’s knee, causing him to drop down in pain. Kitozon then seemed to go for a side kick, but grabbed his foot, lifted it up and then brought it crashing down on Ichihara’s head, an impressive move for a man of his build and age to have such flexibility. Dayu flopped backwards and stared up at the ceiling before being picked back up by Kitozon. Ichihara tried to punch Kitozon, but found himself unbalanced due to his bad knee, and his shot went wide, and thus easily evaded by Kitozon, who replied in kind with a punch of his one which connected with Dayu’s jaw. Kitozon then hit him with an uppercut and dragged him across the ring to his corner. He tagged in Elemental, who went up top and delivered an amazing backflip kick to Dayu’s shoulder. But big Toshiro Saito re-entered the ring again, which caused Elemental to quickly tag back out to Master Kitozon, who eagerly stepped into the ring. Saito charged at Kitozon and tried to connect with a clothesline, but the legend easily ducked it and kicked him in the back of the knee. Saito simply turned around, showing less weakness to leg attacks than his partner, and punched Kitozon across the face. Kitozon staggered backwards and dropped to one knee, allowing Saito time to think out his next move, which was a running knee to the head, which made Kitozon slump backwards onto the mat. Saito was then requested to leave the ring by the referee, but he simply refused by intimidating the official, who promptly backed down. Saito then picked the prone champion up and placed him in position for the Saito-Plex, but he then connected with the POWER Crush! Kitozon bounced off of the mat from the impact, but as Saito couldn’t make the cover, he simply went to his corner and went back on the apron. Ichihara had recovered by now and went to cover Master Kitozon, but Elemental once again broke up the cover by leaping across the ring. He then began to show no fear when he ran across the ring to the ropes and surprised Dayu with a 5 Rotunda Tilt-A-Whirl Head Scissors, which made Ichihara flip over from the momentum behind the move. Elemental then noticed Saito entering the ring again, and went up to the top rope, determined to face his biggest fear, yet another literal fact. He leapt off of the turnbuckle and attempted to connect with a head scissors on Saito, but Toshiro proved to be just too powerful and too tall, as he easily resisted the move and hoisted Elemental back onto his shoulders, before driving him viciously into the mat with the POWER Bomb, a Spinning Sit-Out Powerbomb, a visually stunning and rarely seen move. Elemental was knocked out cold, as Saito easily heaved his body over the top rope. He turned his attention to Master Kitozon again, but was taken down by a huge clothesline from the Master. Such was the momentum behind it that Saito tumbled backwards over the ropes himself, crashing to the floor. Dayu tried to attack Kitozon from behind to gain the upper hand, but Kitozon turned around after a few shots and kneed Dayu in the gut. But Ichihara resisted the pain somehow and came back with a knee of his own and followed it up with a series of six chops to the chest. He seemed desperate, as he frantically booted Kitozon in the gut several times and lifted him above his head, trying to go for the Ichihara Power Drive to end the match, but Kitozon countered the move by dropping down behind him and kicking him in the knee with a thrust kick. Dayu turned around, and was met with a sudden Kitozon Chop! He crumpled to the mat and Kitozon made the cover, and since Saito was currently on the outside, dazed from having landed on his head when he fell to the outside, there was nobody to break the pin. [b]Winner:[/b] Master Kitozon & Elemental by pinfall on Dayu Ichihara by Master Kitozon in 17:38 [b]B-[/b] [i]-Elemental brought the group down I think, because if Connor was in his place it would have been an A match. [/i] ____________________________________________ [b]Overall:[/b] B- [b]Notes:[/b] Bit of a let down, and it has made me realise Elemental shouldn’t be Main Eventing with the big guys at all, at least for a while, as his style clashes extremely badly. ____________________________________________ [/center]
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[CENTER] [B][U]Final Prediction Tally for the week[/U][/B] [B]chris caulfield:[/B] 9/12 [B]Midnightnick:[/B] 8/12 (apologies for missing out your match man, I'll put it in the show before Inferno of Purity, sorry again) [B]SadisticBlessings:[/B] 8/12 Congratulations chris caulfield, you can choose an upper midcard or sub-main event match for one of the next tour shows. Midnight can choose a worker to use, and Sadistic can do so as well. I am changing the way the predictions work around here. If you come on top, depending on how many you got right, you will either get a lower card, midcard etc. match. And if you don't get on the top of the tally, you can select a worker to appear on the next tour shows. [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] An interesting week it has been here at BHOTWG, with Elemental seemingly being destroyed in both of his matches that included Dayu Ichihara, but he also won the last one whilst teaming alongside Master Kitozon, who many will probably saved the young super phenom from having his career ended. As this week starts, we are now one week away from the final show of the tour, Inferno of Purity, and as such we will be holding contendership matches to determine who will face the champions at the event. ([I]Each of the cards will have only 5 matches on them, this is because I will leave a spot open for the people you want to see on the card)[/I] [B][U]Card for Tour shows[/U][/B] [B][U]Thursday[/U][/B] [u]Akita Stadium in Tohoku[/u] Akahashi Kuno vs. Gnasher Udo [B]#1 Contendership for the Pacific Championship[/B] Atsushi Nagamichi vs. White Manta vs. Kenzo Isozaki [I](OOC: Kenzo has now got B+ momentum due to the two fantastic matches he has been in, lets hope this is the same)[/I] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Black Manta Kenji Fukamura w/Jin Sakamoto vs. Viper w/Cobra - Non-title Shogo Takani vs. Tatsumaki Mibu - Submission Match [B][U]Main Event[/U][/B] [B]Master Kitozon & Tasuku Nandaba vs. Dayu Ichihara & Paul Kingsley[/B] The Legend and The Next Generation take on The Rival and 100 Proof. [B][U]Saturday[/U][/B] [u]Yamanashi Athletic Stadium in Chubu[/u] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Sensei Iketani Stunner Okazawaya vs. Bishima Shogo Takani & Kiba Izumi vs. Noriyoshi Sanada & White Manta [B]#1 Contendership for the Burning Japanese Tag Team Championships[/B] The Mibu Ronin vs. Yukata & Onishiki vs. Hitoshi Higa & Akira Shirou Elemental vs. Dayu Ichihara [B][U]The Main Event [B]#1 Contendership for the Burning World Championship[/B][/U] Tasuku Nandaba vs. Connor Thompson[/B] The Next Generation takes on the Australian Hero in this clash of the superstars to determine who will face Master Kitozon at the end of the tour [I]Predictions welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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Thursday Akahashi Kuno vs. [B]Gnasher Udo[/B] #1 Contendership for the Pacific Championship Atsushi Nagamichi vs. White Manta vs. [B]Kenzo Isozaki [/B] Kenji Fukamura w/Jin Sakamoto vs. [B]Viper w/Cobra - Non-title[/B] Main Event [B]Master Kitozon & Tasuku Nandaba[/B] vs. Dayu Ichihara & Paul Kingsley Saturday [B]Kazuo Mitsushi[/B] vs. Sensei Iketani Shogo Takani & Kiba Izumi vs. [B]Noriyoshi Sanada & White Manta[/B] #1 Contendership for the Burning Japanese Tag Team Championships [B]The Mibu Ronin[/B] vs. Yukata & Onishiki vs. Hitoshi Higa & Akira Shirou Elemental vs. [B]Dayu Ichihara[/B] The Main Event #1 Contendership for the Burning World Championship [B]Tasuku Nandaba[/B] vs. Connor Thompson
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Some nice stuff last card, despite the less-than-perfect main event. I'm amazed that the 3v3 opener got a B rating. Perhaps the junior division deserves a bit more screentime near the top of the card! :D [B]Thursday[/B] [B]Akahashi Kuno [/B]vs. Gnasher Udo [i]I like em both. No real way to pick other than the fact that Kuno is more popular right now.[/i] #1 Contendership for the Pacific Championship Atsushi Nagamichi vs. White Manta vs. [B]Kenzo Isozaki [/B] [i]With such high momentum after entering the company, a showdown with Fukamura is probably inevitable. The question is, who's gonna win THAT match?[/i] [B]Kenji Fukamura w/Jin Sakamoto[/B] vs. Viper w/Cobra - Non-title [i]Kenji took his loss in the tag match last week like a pro, so it's time he got his payback.[/i] Shogo Takani vs. [B]Tatsumaki Mibu [/B]- Submission Match [i]Shogo is talented, but he's also old and getting older. Tatsu is one of the few guys on the roster who could really gain something by winning a match against him, and probably deserves to. Shikimara is pretty much a bland brawler, but Tatsumaki could actually be a useful singles wrestler if built up properly.[/i] Main Event [B]Master Kitozon & Tasuku Nandaba[/B] vs. Dayu Ichihara & Paul Kingsley [i]Looks like a building of momentum and starting a story for the next show. And like I said before, Kitozon just can't lose in a tag match![/i] [B]Saturday[/B] [B]Kazuo Mitsushi[/B] vs. Sensei Iketani [i]Kazuo needs another win. Definitely.[/i] Shogo Takani & Kiba Izumi vs. [B]Noriyoshi Sanada & White Manta[/B] [i]I think there's too much time and momentum invested in Noriyoshi's win streak to just job him out here. Niether Takani nor Izumi has been overly impressive lately.[/i] #1 Contendership for the Burning Japanese Tag Team Championships The Mibu Ronin vs. [B]Yukata & Onishiki [/B]vs. Hitoshi Higa & Akira Shirou [i]It seems to me the Mibu have had their shot already, but I wouldn't want to see a brand new pairing win a match against these two experienced teams. Therefore, I've gotta go with Yukata & Onishiki.[/i] Elemental vs. [B]Dayu Ichihara[/B] [i]Elemental just hasn't delivered in the main events. A couple losses here and there while his next big challenger in the junior division is built won't kill him.[/i] The Main Event #1 Contendership for the Burning World Championship [B]Tasuku Nandaba [/B]vs. Connor Thompson [i]Perhaps Tasuku will be able to drag the A rated match out of Kitozon that we've all been waiting for? We know Connor can't make it work with Kitozon (which is weird, as he got an A with the less talented Ichihara). Let's see how Nandaba does, eh?[/i]
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[center] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/banner_break_07_12_2007_11_12_25_72.gif[/IMG] Thursday, Week 2, June 1975 Held in front of 5,000 people (SELLOUT) at the Akita Stadium in Tohoku [u]Pre-Show [/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Danger Kumasaka vs. Alexander Tomov [/u] [i]Tomov quickly defeats Danger in under two minutes with the Russian Clutch.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Alexander Tomov by submission [b]C+[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Haku Suzuwara vs. Satoru Sugimura [/u] [i]Satoru gets the win after a Sugimura Slice.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Satoru Sugimura by pinfall [b]C-[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 3: Bishima vs. Flash Asagi[/u] [i]Bishima gets the win after a moonsault.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Bishima by pinfall [b]C+[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 4: Sensei Iketani vs. Cobra[/u] [i]The other half of the Black Serpent Cult beats Sensei quickly with the Cobra Constrictor Clutch.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Cobra by submission [b]B[/b] _______________________________________________ [u]Main Show [/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Akahashi Kuno vs. Gnasher Udo[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/GnasherUdo.jpg[/IMG] These two are very talented high fliers, both definite future breakout stars. Kuno however, is a megastar in the making it would seem, as he is already talented in the basics and psychology, as well as knowing how to wrestle on the mat and take to the air, a rare combination in 1975. Both men made their way down to the ring with determined looks on their faces, as a win here for either man could result in a chance at Elemental. However, you can never tell what Udo is thinking due to his mask except incredibly evil things. When the bell rang, Udo ran right at Kuno, intent on taking him down and seizing control right away. Kuno managed to evade a clothesline attempt, and connected with a high angle kick to the side of Udo’s head, which seemed to daze the evil masked junior, allowing Kuno to dropkick him in the back. This made Udo fall forwards and land on his face, stunning him more. Kuno went over to him and drove his elbow right into Udo’s back before locking in a regular armbar. He kept applying pressure whenever it seemed Udo was preparing to mount a counter attack, but he couldn’t keep up with the slightly speedier man who rolled through and dropkicked him in the face before he could do anything. Udo then stomped frantically at the chest and face of Kuno, exacting revenge on what he has suffered already. Kuno managed to turn this anger against Udo however, as he dodged to the side of one stomp, caught the leg and punched the side of the knee, causing Udo to falter and lose balance. Kuno then used the leg to bring Udo down with a drop toe hold, making him once again fall flat on his face. Kuno then hopped up his body and locked him in another armbar. Udo tried to escape the move the same way he had before, by rolling forward. However, this time Kuno was ready for him and rolled forward with him, putting Udo right back in the hold as soon as he had finished rolling. Kuno stood up and pulled him back up by his arm, only to drive him back down to the mat with an arm bar takedown. Kuno then drove his elbow into the arm, before switching moves and locking Udo in a grounded hammerlock rather than a normal armbar. Udo tried to reach the ropes with his free hand, but he was too far away and couldn’t grab them. Kuno then stopped any future attempts by driving his knee into Udo’s elbow, and then again into his back, causing the evil one to let out a small yelp of pain. Kuno lifted Udo up, but as soon as he was up to his feet, he kicked him in the side of the knee and then again in the gut. Udo doubled over, and Kuno put his head under his armpit before swinging his free arm round to show the crowd what he was going to do. He hoisted Udo up into the air, and began to spin faster and faster, until eventually jumping up and back, bringing Gnasher crashing down to the mat with the Spin-Out Kuno-Plex. Kuno rolled backwards and attempted to make the cover, but Udo kicked out just after the referee counted to two. Kuno tried to pull Udo up to his feet again, but was stopped in his attempt when Udo elbowed him twice in the gut and then pushed him away. Udo charged at Kuno and leapt into the air, catching Kuno’s head and then flipping backwards in a beautiful hurracanrana. The crowd, despite not liking Udo all that much, applauded for him due to the difficulty of the move. Udo then tried to make the cover himself, but Kuno kicked out just before the three count, causing Udo to frown and grit his very sharp and pointed teeth. He pulled Kuno up to his feet before booting him in the gut and then whipped him across the ring into the corner. Kuno ran up the corner however, and leapt off of the top rope with a Flying Cross Body, and collided with Udo in the middle of the ring. Kuno flattened him and hooked the leg to make the pin, but Udo kicked out just in the nick of time, eliciting a multitude of gasp to come from the audience. Kuno then pulled his opponent up to his feet and kicked him in the gut before running across the ring. He jumped onto the second rope and then leapt backwards to attempt a springboard dropkick, but Udo stopped him with a running clothesline just as Kuno turned around, and he crashed to the mat holding the back of his neck and head. Udo pulled Kuno back up to his feet and whipped him in the corner, and when he hit, he charged in after him and dropkicked him in the corner, a move reminiscent of Elemental, which caused the fans in attendance to boo loudly at Udo. This only seemed to enrage the evil one however, as he picked Kuno up and chopped him viciously across the chest. Kuno flopped backwards into the corner, before leaping forward with a chop of his own, sending Udo reeling backwards. Kuno then began his comeback when he dropkicked Udo square in the chest, before heading up to the top rope. He seemed to want to end the match right now as he signalled for the Glittering Mirage Kick. Udo suspected he would do so, as he ran forwards while Kuno jumped, causing him to crash land a long way away from Udo. Gnasher then went up top himself and tried to connect with his Udo Moonsault, but Kuno was the one to move this time, as he rolled out of the way. Udo didn’t get a second chance though, because as soon as he got up to one knee, Kuno charged across the ring and connected with the Glittering Magician, making Gnasher crumple backwards onto the mat. Kuno made the cover, and got the victory in a fairly impressive junior contest. [b]Winner:[/b] Akahashi Kuno by pinfall in 10:38 [b]C+[/b] – [i] Pretty good match, although a little low rated for Kuno. [/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] #1 Contendership for the Pacific Championship Atsushi Nagamichi vs. White Manta vs. Kenzo Isozaki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/atsushinagamichi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/WhiteManta.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/KenzoIsozaki.jpg[/IMG] All three of these men had motives into getting the victory here tonight besides just getting a title shot. Atsushi wanted to be able to face his friend and tag partner and enjoy a good match against him. Manta wanted to prove to everybody that his win last week wasn’t a fluke and that he may be old, but he can still go. Kenzo wanted to make his debut on a BHOTWG big event with a bang, taking home the Pacific Championship and proving that the fliers deserve a title all to themselves. All three men circled the other two before the bell rang, and once the bell did ring, there was a moment of uncomfortable silence as they waited to see who would attack first. That would be Kenzo, who ran at Manta and kicked him in the chest, causing the veteran to stagger backwards, but not fall over. Kenzo was visibly irritated by this, and went to hit a step up enziguri, but Atsushi came up behind him and clubbed him in the back. Nagamichi then sent him across the ring, and when he came back he drove his knee with vicious force into Kenzo’s gut, causing the flier to flip forward and land on his back holding his stomach. Atsushi then walked over to Manta and picked him, only to be hit in the side of the head with a forearm smash. Manta followed up with a spinning forearm smash that knocked Nagamichi backwards and down to the mat. Manta tried to follow that up with an arm bar, but Kenzo came flying towards him and connected with a running dropkick, knocking Manta down to the mat himself. Kenzo picked Atsushi up, and being the biggest man in the match, booted him in the gut and hoisted him into the air for a suplex. Atsushi tried to wriggle out of it by dropping behind Kenzo, but Isozaki wasn’t phased and actually seemed rather happy that he had, as he flipped Atsushi in front of him with a front facelock takedown. He then locked him in a rear chin lock, causing him to desperately reach the ropes with his hands, but it was to no avail. However, he need not have bothered, as Manta returned the earlier favour and dropkicked Kenzo right in the face, causing him to fly back in exactly the same fashion as Manta had. He then took over where Kenzo left off and locked Atsushi in a rear grounded chickenwing, before combining that with a one arm rear chin lock, causing a lot of pain, evident in the fact that Atsushi was frantically flailing his arms around, trying to grab hold of anything that may help him. Kenzo came back in and kicked Manta in the side of the head, forcing him to break the hold. Nagamichi rolled out of the ring in order to recover, as he had been locked in two very painful submissions. Kenzo pulled Manta up and whipped him across the ring, and when he came back, he chopped him strongly in the chest, causing the veteran to fall backwards and clasp his chest in pain. Isozaki tried to pull Manta up to his feet again, but he received a couple of side elbows to the gut and a pair of forearms to the skull, causing him to stagger on the spot, as he temporarily lost his balance. Manta ran to the ropes, and when he came back, Kenzo had recovered and tried to take him down with a clothesline, but Manta dove between his legs and appeared behind Isozaki, much to his opponents surprise, and when he turned around, Manta leapt into the air and connected with a jumping enziguri, and impressive feat as it normally requires a step up to do, and received a fair amount of applause for it. Kenzo went bolt upright before falling flat on his face, he seemed to be in a completely different place, and Manta rolled him over in order to make the cover. The referee got to two, and it seemed like Manta was going to take the victory when Atsushi came flying in off of the top rope and connected with a diving leg drop to the back of his head. Manta rolled around, clasping his head, before eventually rolling out of the ring. Nagamichi then repeatedly drove his elbow into the gut of Kenzo before making the cover himself. Isozaki kicked out almost immediately, having recovered from the enziguri and working through the pain in his gut. Atsushi picked him up and booted him in the gut before whipping him strongly into the corner. He then charged in and drove his elbow into the side of Kenzo’s face, before pulling him out and nailing him with an uppercut, causing Isozaki to stagger back into the corner and fall to the mat. Nagamichi then went to the other corner, and seemed ready to take out the bigger man with a running knee to the face, but when he charged towards Isozaki, he was nailed in the face with a dropkick from Manta, who had slyly rolled into the ring. Manta picked Atsushi up and booted him into the gut before whipping him towards Kenzo. They collided in the corner and both dropped forward and landed face down on the mat. Manta went over and attempted to make the cover on Atsushi, but he kicked out at two. Manta then tried to pin Kenzo, but he kicked out almost immediately due to having more time to recover. Manta leaned back and let out a sigh of annoyance, as he was beginning to wear down, and wanted to finish the match right now. He pulled Atsushi up to his feet and booted him in the gut, before hoisting him up into the air, and instead of dropping him down with a normal suplex, he held the youngster up in the air. After a while, Nagamichi began to try and reverse the move, but he couldn’t focus enough to do it due to the blood running to his head. Instead he just wriggled in his position, which caused Manta to take this as a sign to do the move, and he dropped backwards, sending Atsushi crashing to the mat. He made his way up to his feet, and looked around for Kenzo, aiming to finish the match by hitting him with the White Out, and he found him still slumped near the corner. He looked at Kenzo with an expression of worry, as he wasn’t really sure whether he should go towards him, as he was sure that Kenzo would have recovered by now. Manta pulled him up to his feet and tried to go for the White Out, a snap hurracanrana, but Kenzo stopped Manta from finishing the move, and lifted him back onto his shoulders, before driving him down with a powerbomb, a move invented by his tag partner. Manta’s head bounced off of the mat and Kenzo attempted to get the pin, but Atsushi dropkicked Kenzo in the back of the head, stopping him from getting it. Nagamichi then pulled Isozaki to his feet and tried to kick him in the side, only for the bigger man to grab his leg and drive his elbow into his knee. Atsushi staggered backwards, and fell victim to an enziguri. He dropped to the mat and rolled onto his back, grabbing his head, which gave Kenzo an opening, as Manta had rolled out of the ring due to the powerbomb. Isozaki made his way to the top rope, turned away from the ring and then leapt into the air, twisted and connected with the Kenzosault, a Twisting Somersault Senton. Isozaki made the cover, and managed to get the victory and a shot at the Pacific Title in little over a week. [b]Winner:[/b] Kenzo Isozaki by pinfall on Atsushi Nagamichi in 13:41 [b]B-[/b] [i]- Bit disappointing, but he kept his great momentum here[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Black Manta[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/blackmanta.jpg[/IMG] Stunner came into this match probably as determined as he was back at Sword of Destiny, as he hadn’t been on the last few shows and was eager to get back on track with his winning streak again. Neither man wasted any time after the bell rang, because as soon as it did, Stunner rushed towards Manta and took him down with a running dropkick. He rolled backwards from the impact, but had no time to recover as Stunner walked over to him and picked him up again. He booted Manta in the gut, and made sure he was in control by driving his knee into Manta’s gut with vicious agility. He repeated that one more time before whipping the masked man across the ring, and when Manta came back, Stunner took him up and over with a lightning fast snap suplex. Manta grabbed his back in pain after the move, but was pushed down to the mat by Stunner who tried to get the cover. Manta kicked out just after the referee counted to two, which angered Okazawaya a fair amount. Stunner picked him up again and whipped him into the corner, and once Manta hit the turnbuckles, he charged in and leapt into the air, delivering a devastating running high knee to Manta’s chest. He tumbled forward and hit the mat face down, and was rolled over once more by Stunner, who attempted another pin. Manta showed great resilience when he kicked out once again just before the referee counted to two. Stunner was extremely angry by this point, as he was annoyed that two fairly big moves had failed to put away such a useless, in his view, wrestler. He picked Manta up and tried to boot him in the gut, but Manta moved out of the way of the boot and swept Stunner’s feet, causing him to fall backwards and hit the mat. Stunner tried to get back up to his feet, but when he got up to one knee, he fell to a running dropkick from Manta. He pulled Stunner up to his feet, and attacked him with two forearms to either side of his face, before running across the ring. When he came back, Stunner tried to clothesline him down in retaliation and slight desperation in order to regain momentum, but Manta ducked under it, and also ducked under a back elbow attempt when he came back. When he came near Stunner a third time, Okazawaya tried to hit him with a Running Destiny Kick, but Manta slid across the mat and tripped him up, causing him to land flat on his face again. Manta then showed us his technical skill when he locked Stunner in a tight grounded headlock, keeping the young star on the mat and preventing him from getting up. Stunner tried to fight his way out it, but Manta kept the pressure on, almost putting his entire weight on Stunner’s head. Okazawaya eventually, after a very long struggle, fought his way up to standing, before getting hammered in the back with a clubbing fist from Manta. He dropped down to one knee, prompting Manta to run to the ropes. Stunner tried to get up or get out of the way in order to evade what was coming, but his back was in too much pain to move as quickly as he wanted, and he suffered a running kick to the side of the head, which made him fall down to the mat. Manta then returned to the mat, this time locking Stunner in a grounded hammerlock. Okazawaya tried to stand up while in the move in order to escape it, but Manta clubbed him in the back again to prevent him from doing so. He then took this opportunity to knee Stunner in the head, as there was no way for Stunner to block a move aimed there, which caused Okazawaya’s resistance attempt to suddenly stop, visible by the fact that his free arm, which was shaking to try and reach the ropes, stopped and dropped to the mat. Manta pulled Stunner up to his feet, and once he was up to both, he booted Stunner in the gut, and after he doubled over from it, drove his elbow into the back of Stunner’s neck, causing him to drop down to the mat holding it. Manta ran to the ropes again, looking once more for the running kick to the side of the head, but Stunner played possum, because as soon as Manta came near him, Stunner moved out of the way and swept Manta off of his feet with swift kick to the back of his knees. Stunner pulled him up to his feet and whipped him into the corner, and as soon as Manta hit the turnbuckles, Stunner charged in and delivered the running knee like he had earlier in the match, squashing Manta in the corner. He then pulled his opponent out and booted him in the gut, despite him already being doubled over in pain, and hoisted him up into the air before bringing him down with a suplex. Stunner tried to go for the cover again, but was disappointed as Manta kicked out after two. But unlike earlier, where he became visibly angry, he calmly picked up Manta and booted him in the gut before chopping him viciously across the chest, causing the masked man to drop backwards onto the ropes. He ran to the other side of the ring, and it seemed like Manta was going to counter whatever Stunner was planning to do with a Cross Body, but Stunner countered the counter when he dropkicked Manta in the gut, causing him to drop to the mat and hold his stomach in pain. He then stood up himself and waited for his opponent to get up, and when he got up to one knee, Stunner ran across the ring, which caused the fans to cheer slightly as a fair few suspected what was coming next. Manta got up to both feet, but was knocked flying when Stunner exploded with the Running Destiny Kick, connecting with a sickening noise to the forehead of Manta. Once Manta hit the mat, he seemed to just be unconscious, as he didn’t look like he was with us anymore. Nonetheless, Stunner scurried over and made the cover, and the referee counted to three. Stunner got the victory in a fairly good fashion, even if the match proved to be a little lacklustre for him. [b]Winner:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya by pinfall in 7:43 [b]C[/b] – [i]Pretty bad match for Stunner[/i] _____________________________________ [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Kenji Fukamura w/Jin Sakamoto vs. Viper w/Cobra[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Viper-1.jpg[/IMG] Kenji walked down to the ring with a severe look of thought on his face, as he was most likely thinking of way to beat this monster he was going to face called Viper. Jin didn’t look at all pleased when he came down to ringside, in fact he looked very angry, as it has been reported that what caused him to writhe in pain was the fact that a fireball was thrown in his face. Viper came down to the ring, accompanied by his partner, and with a snake wrapped around his shoulders. He threatened Jin with it when he saw him, but Sakamoto seemed to just stand there and look at Viper with a look of hate on his face. When the competitors got into the ring, Viper seemed more than eager to start the match, and Kenji seemed reluctant to even hand his belt to the announcer. As soon as the bell rang, he immediately was put on the defensive as the much bigger Viper stampeded towards him and tried to clothesline him. Kenji rolled under his arm, but was clocked in the back of the head when Viper swung his left elbow back. He dropped to the mat, and Viper smirked a little bit before walking over to the champ. He picked Fukamura off of the mat and hoisted him into the air with ease, before slamming him down with a one handed spinebuster. Kenji’s head snapped off of the mat, and he instantly grabbed it in pain. Viper took this as a cue to unleash more pain and suffering as he pulled Kenji up by his hair, before whipping him into the corner. He charges after the smaller champion and tries to kick him across the face by raising his foot, Kenji ducks under the kick however, and Viper gets stuck with his leg caught on the top. He tries to yank it down, and successfully does, but Kenji unloads a ferocious flurry of kicks and punches on him that forces him backwards, much to the anger of his partner. Two kicks connect with his right knee, causing him to grab it in pain. A further two connect with his ribs, causing him to reel. Three punches connect with his chest and one with his jaw, causing to fall to the mat. Kenji realises this could be his chance and covers Viper, and it almost looks like he is going to retain, but Viper throws him off of him instead of kicking out. Fukamura gets right back up and tries to attack Viper again, but he is met with a strong punch across the face that causes him to spin around and fall to the mat. He pulls the champ up to his feet and boots him in the gut before hoisting him into the air. He tries to suplex the smaller man, but Kenji drops down in front of him, trying to counter the move. He can’t reach the ground, and Viper takes no notice, instead he lifts Kenji back up to suplex him again. Kenji reverses the move successfully this time, swinging down and connecting with a DDT that spikes Viper right on his head, causing him to flip over from the impact. Kenji then went up to the top rope and waited for Viper to get up so he could execute a missile dropkick, and when Viper did, he tried to connect with the move, but when he kicked Viper in the chest, it seemed to have no effect except damaging Kenji’s legs. Viper laughed and picked Fukamura up by one of his legs, causing Kenji to hop on one leg. He looks at the champ with an expression of ferocity, as he appeared to be ready to hit a clothesline, but Kenji hit him with an enziguri out of nowhere that caused him to stagger backwards and eventually fall back onto the mat. Kenji went back up to the top rope again and seemed ready to pull off a head scissors takedown on Viper as he got up, but Cobra leapt up onto the apron and pushed him off of the top rope. The referee got right in his face and sent him to the back, much to the annoyance of Viper. Sakamoto took this time to get in the ring and gave Viper a low blow, which sparked a huge cheer from the crowd, before hoisting him onto his shoulders and driving him into the mat with the Warriors Code. He scurried out of the ring quickly before the referee saw him. Kenji made his way over to the cover and draped his arm across Viper’s chest. The referee made the count. 1… 2... Thr… NO!! Viper somehow gets his shoulder up, which causes the crowd to let out a huge gasp. Kenji rolls around on the mat and slaps it in frustration, as that may well have been his only chance against this big an opponent. He stomps a mudhole in Viper, and then runs to the ropes and comes back with a snap leg drop. Kenji then get s back up to his feet and executes another snap leg drop, causing Viper to grab his throat in agony and begin to roll around the mat. Kenji tries to pull him up to his feet, but Viper powers out and pushes him away. Fukamura runs at him to try and knock him down, but he grabs the champ, lifts him high into the air, and then brings him crashing down with a spinebuster. Fukamura seems to be out cold from the impact, but Viper doesn’t capitalise due to still feeling the effects of the Warriors Code he suffered earlier. Viper eventually decides against the pin as soon as he comes to, as he feels Kenji has recovered too much. He then plucks Fukamura up off of the mat and boots him in the gut before whipping him across the ring. When Kenji comes back, Viper spins around and tries to connect with the Snakebite Roundhouse Kick, but the champ ducked underneath it and appeared behind Viper. When Viper turns around, he is met with a huge Superstar Kick right to the jaw. He staggers backwards, and it looks like that wasn’t enough, but eventually Viper grabs his face and falls backwards onto the mat. Kenji goes up to the top rope, before leaping off and connecting with a Diving Leg Drop. He tries to make the cover, and the referee begins to count. 1… 2… 3!! Kenji has scored the possible upset tonight. Jin climbs into the ring and raises Kenji’s hand in victory. He then focuses on Viper and stares him right in the face, before yelling at him about being a runt and a fool for what he did last week. [b]Winner:[/b] Kenji Fukamura by pinfall in 14:49 [b]B[/b] [I]- That’s what I’m talking about, even though they didn’t seem to click, they put on one hell of a match.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Shogo Takani vs. Tatsumaki Mibu Submission Match[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shogotakani.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] These two came down to the ring with pretty empty expressions, as both were very determined to come off the winner here. Shogo is one of the more respected technicians in Japan today, as well as one of the more experienced members of the roster. He felt he would gain great self-pride and prove to the fans that he can still go, if he won here tonight. Mibu is one of the up-and-comers on the roster in a few people’s eyes, and is quite talented on the mat for somebody his age. Both men circled each other, and when the bell rang, Mibu ran towards Shogo, trying to take him down with a drop toehold. Shogo showed his experience edge when he rolled forward, bringing Mibu over with him, and re-positioned himself so he had a tight knee lock on Mibu, which surprised a lot of people. Mibu let out a yelp of pain, but quickly managed to escape the hold by fighting his way to the ropes. He got back up to his feet, but Shogo didn’t let up, as he ran in and kicked the back of Mibu’s knee, and then took the youngster back down again with a chop block. He then pulled Mibu to the middle of the ring and held his leg up, before kicking at the joint and then driving his elbow down into the joint as well, putting Mibu in a standard knee lock. Tatsumaki desperately reached around for the ropes, trying to force Shogo to break the hold, but he was too far away to reach them, and Takani just heightened the intensity of the lock whenever he tried to move even an inch. Takani eventually got bored of the move, and stood up, still clutching Mibu’s leg. He tried to roll Mibu over in order to lock in a Single Leg Boston Crab, but Tatsumaki kicked him away and rolled away before getting up. He shook his leg out in order to test how much it hurt before getting ready for Shogo. Takani charged at him, trying to tackle him down to the mat in order to lock in more moves, but Mibu moved out of the way and kicked Shogo in the gut when he went past, causing the veteran to drop to the mat clutching his stomach. Mibu then saw this as his golden chance in the match so to speak, as Shogo was stunned for a few moments, and he dropped down to the mat, grabbed Takani’s right leg and locked him in a reverse knee lock. Shogo tried to break out of the hold by simply powering out of it, but due to his age, his bones are more fragile than they would be for Mibu, so the pressure of withstanding the hold while standing up forced him to give up on that front. Mibu enjoyed applying more pressure from time to time, finding some kind of entertainment in seeing how badly he could damage an old man. He stood up while still holding his leg by the knee, and proceeded to drive his elbow into the joint three times, causing Shogo to grunt in pain. Mibu then executed a reverse single leg boston crab, and in order to apply the pressure, he sat down on Shogo’s back, but not before locking him in a stretched rear chinlock. The veteran desperately struggled to get out of the hold, flailing his arms around in order to try and grab on to the ropes. Luckily, he was close to them and seized the bottom one with one of his hands, forcing Mibu to break the deadly hold. Takani slides to the outside in order to nurse his knee, and rolls back in as the referee reaches 9. Mibu instantly goes back on the offensive, booting him in the gut and lifting him up before slamming him down to the mat with a Scoop Slam. Mibu then ran to the ropes, and when he came back he drove his elbow into Shogo’s sternum. Mibu tried to pick up Shogo, but Takani began to fight back, nailing him in the gut with three consecutive elbows, causing Mibu to back off, and then runs to the ropes and comes back with a big clothesline, knocking the smaller Mibu off of his feet. He then tries to lock in the Twisting of the Knife, an ankle lock, but Mibu scurries away and grabs hold of the ropes with both hands. Shogo showed general frustration, but got up and followed the rules nonetheless. Mibu, in order to get himself more room, kicks Shogo in his knee, causing the veteran to back off and grab it in pain, before getting up to his feet again. He run at Shogo and attempted to clothesline him while he tended to his knee, but only just misses, as Shogo realises and ducks underneath his arm. He then brings Mibu down to the mat with an armbar takedown, and locks him in an arm bar, but Mibu rolls through and stands straight up. He runs around Shogo until he is behind him, and when the veteran stands up, Mibu connects with the Feral Assault, a spinning thrust kick to the jaw. Shogo staggers and falls backwards from the impact, luckily landing in the middle of the ring. Mibu then grabs his leg and quickly locks in the Wolfs Bite, a figure four leglock. Takani frantically tries to get to the ropes, as he refuses to tap out to a youngster like Mibu, but in the end he has no choice and slaps the mat to show he has given up. [b]Winner:[/b] Tatsumaki Mibu by submission in 12:18 [b]C[/b] [I]- Disastrous, Shogo is really disappointing me, he puts on great matches with people he doesn’t need to, but when it matters he doesn’t click with his opponent at all, as shown here.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Master Kitozon & Tasuku Nandaba vs. Dayu Ichihara & Paul Kingsley[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MasterKitozon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/paulkingsley.jpg[/IMG] Both of these teams have something to sort out with a member of the other team in one way or another. Kingsley has recently been involved in matches with Tasuku Nandaba, and has developed a feud of sorts as to who can really punch better. Dayu Ichihara has issues with both of these men. Master Kitozon because of their sheer hatred for each other in the ring, and Tasuku because he believes this young star is trying to take his place at the top, something he just won’t allow. Kitozon has been known to say he doesn’t dislike anybody, as he respects everybody, but if anybody does something disrespectful then he feels he has to step up. Tasuku also feels he should get his shot at facing some of the biggest names in the company, which is why he mainly wanted to team with Kitozon, so he could learn how his partner wrestled in preparation should he get a match. Both teams speak amongst themselves to see who would be in the ring first, and as soon as the bell rings, it appears that Master Kitozon and Paul Kingsley will be the first two participants. They circle each other, and Kitozon extends his hand in respect, which is given a mixed reaction, due to them not liking foreign workers getting big in Japan. Kingsley refuses to shake hands with him, and this causes the crowd to explode with boos. The two lock up, and Kitozon easily gains the control, but instead of locking in a hold or anything, he just pushes Paul away and gets ready for another attempt. Paul charges in again, and tries to gain control, but Kitozon overpowers him and pushes him away once more. Kingsley is getting visibly upset at being seemingly upstaged by Kitozon, and lets his anger get the better of him, which is exactly what Kitozon was expecting. He charges towards the legend and tries to clothesline him, but Kitozon ducks under his arm, grabs it and wrenches it behind his back in one fluid motion. Kitozon occasionally applied more pressure on the hold, with little effort it seemed. Paul tried to fight out of the move, attempting to twist his arm back round, but Kitozon just put the hold on tighter if he did. Eventually he managed to break out of the hold by punching Kitozon in the stomach. He ran to the ropes and managed to clothesline the legend to the map due to him being stunned. Paul then picked him back up and whipped him across the ring into his corner. Kingsley followed up with a running corner clothesline before tagging out to Dayu. Ichihara came in and double teamed Kitozon with Paul when both people stomped a mudhole in his chest. Dayu then pulled him out of the corner and then picked him up off of the floor, before chopping him in the chest to keep control. Kitozon fired back, however, with his one chop to Dayu, who sprang backwards clutching his chest in pain as well as shock. He tried to chop Kitozon again in order to regain momentum, but Kitozon just fired back with another chop almost immediately, showing no pain at all. Ichihara then angrily swung his right fist, aiming to connect with his jaw, but Kitozon did to him what he did to Paul, caught his wide arm and wrenched it behind his back. Kitozon switched holds shortly afterwards however, going from an arm wrench to a hammerlock. He continually applied more pressure by pushing the arm further up Dayu’s back, causing him to grunt in pain and drop down to one knee every time. Kitozon pushed Dayu away before kicking him in the back to add some more pain to the mix. Ichihara clutched his back for a short time before making his way back up to his feet, as Kitozon had backed off to allow him time to breathe. Dayu realised he had to come up with a new combat style to surprise Kitozon with, and so seemed to not move for a long time. Kitozon noticed and warily made his way towards Dayu, only to be chopped across the chest and hit in the side of the head with a forearm. Ichihara ran to the ropes, and when he came back he spun around and drove his elbow right into Kitozon’s jaw, stunning the legend and causing him to fall backwards. Dayu then brought his technical skills forward when he locked Kitozon in a front headlock, a simple but effective move. Kitozon rolled through it quite easily however, which surprised Dayu, and locked him in an arm bar. Dayu struggled in the move primarily, but managed to fight his way out of it by powering out and rolling forward. Kitozon rolled through with him, but was caught off guard when Ichihara easily wrenched his arm free, stood up and stomped on Kitozon’s arm, causing the legend to grab his arm in pain. Dayu then backed off and walked over to his corner, before sitting down seemingly waiting for Kitozon to stand up. He eventually did, and Dayu charged towards him, aiming to clothesline him once more, but the legend exploded with one of his own which took Dayu clean off of his feet and sent him crashing to the mat. Kitozon then made his way to his corner and tagged in Tasuku, which received a fairly big cheer from the crowd. Nandaba went over to Dayu and pulled him up to his feet before booting him in the gut and hoisting him up and over with a snap suplex. Dayu grabbed his back in pain before getting stomped in the chest by Nandaba. Tasuku then noticed Paul was running towards him, and just narrowly ducked a clothesline attempt, and when Kingsley turned around Tasuku picked him up and scoop slammed him before stiffly kicking him out of the ring. Dayu got up and tried to sneak behind Tasuku to back suplex him, but Nandaba reversed the move by elbowing him in the side of the head and then spun around Dayu before clubbing him strongly in the back, causing Ichihara to drop down to one knee. Tasuku then ran to the ropes, and looked ready to kick Dayu in the side of the head, or possibly knee him in the head, but when he got close to Dayu, he was elbowed in the gut and hit in the jaw with a stiff uppercut from Dayu, and collapsed backwards onto the mat. Dayu walked over to him and drove his knee into his back before locking him in a grounded abdominal stretch, a favourite move of his due to the pain it inflicts. Dayu tried several times to break out of the hold, but Ichihara had the hold in too tightly, and whenever Tasuku tried to move even an inch, he received a strong knee in the back for his trouble, which instantly stopped any resistance. Eventually Dayu got bored of the hold after it became clear that Tasuku wasn’t going to tap out, and drove his knee into Nandaba’s back one more time before standing up and pulled the next generation up to his feet. He attacked the youngster with a pair of forearms to the side of his head before spinning round and delivering a Rival Forearm, a discus forearm/elbow smash, which caused Tasuku to stagger backwards, seemingly dazed from the shots. Dayu then picked him up, with a fair bit of effort due to Tasuku being stunned, and held him horizontally, before driving him down onto his knee in a sickening backbreaker. Dayu then made the cover attempt, as that move is very effective, and threw a fit after the referee only made it to two before Nandaba kicked out. Ichihara pulled him off of the mat, booted him in the gut and ran to the ropes before attempting a running Rival Forearm, but Tasuku ducked underneath his arm and clocked Dayu in the back of the head with a back elbow. Tasuku then turned around and saw Dayu drop to one knee, and ran to the ropes. Dayu turned around to face Nandaba, but was booted in the chest by a running kick from Tasuku, and slumped backwards onto the mat grabbing his chest. Nandaba tried to make a cover in order to capitalise on the shock, but Dayu kicked out almost immediately. Nandaba then went where he rarely ever goes, the top rope, in an attempt to knock Dayu off of his feet again with a flying clothesline, but he missed when Dayu moved out of the way of the move, causing him to crash down to the canvas. Ichihara then picked him up and chopped him across the chest before punching him in the face. Tasuku seemed to take the last shot happily as he showed no pain whatsoever, before nearly knocking Dayu off of his feet with a punch of his own which sent Dayu reeling backwards. Tasuku then unloaded a lot of rage on him, connecting with punch after punch to the jaw, sending his opponent down to the mat after the sixth or seventh shot. Tasuku then went to his corner and tagged in Kitozon, who happily entered the ring and began to stomp away at Dayu’s chest. He pulled Ichihara up to his feet and booted him in the gut before spinning him around. Kitozon then put Dayu in a Full Nelson, which he immediately tried to struggle out of due to his fear of the move. It proved to be of no use however, as Kitozon had the move in too tight. But that wasn’t the surprise for Dayu, as he soon found himself flying through the air and crashing down to the canvas face down, as Kitozon pulled off one of the most beautiful Release Full Nelson Suplex most of the fans have ever seen. Kitozon seemed content with himself as a small smile crossed his face, but he didn’t go for the pin, instead he chose to tag out to his partner. Tasuku came in and picked Dayu up off the mat and booted him in the gut before whipping him across the ring. When Ichihara came back, he ducked underneath a punch aimed at him by the recovering Dayu, and took him down with a drop toehold. Tasuku scurried around the mat and locked Dayu in a headlock, which was easily escaped as Nandaba had forgotten how close he was to the ropes. He then rolled away and waited for Dayu to get back up so he could finish the match, but Paul seemed to notice this and came in from the apron. Ichihara got up to his feet, and Nandaba charged across the ring ready to connect with the Base Collision, but Paul intervened and levelled Tasuku with a left hook, stopping his momentum dead in it’s tracks. Dayu collapsed back down to the mat out of surprise having almost been speared, and crawled over to make the cover. Kitozon had come in a little before he began to move however, infuriated by the fact that Paul had intervened illegally, and faced off with Kingsley. Paul tried to nail the legend with a left hook as well, but Kitozon ducked it and dropped Paul with a Kitozon Chop instead! He then saw Dayu about to get the victory, and stomped on the back of his head, breaking up the cover. Ichihara rolled around clutching his head before getting picked up by Kitozon and whipped into the corner. Dayu had no time to recover, as he was soon sandwiched in the corner with a clothesline from Kitozon, who rolled to the outside to deal with Paul who was trying to recover from the Kitozon Chop from earlier. Tasuku had made his way up to his feet during this time and crouched down on the spot, waiting for Dayu to get up. Ichihara crawled to the middle of the ring and slowly but surely made his way up to both feet, clearly feeling the effects of the clothesline from Kitozon. He turned around, and was knocked flying by Tasuku who charged towards him at full speed and broke him in half with the Base Collision. Kitozon noticed this and quickly booted Paul in the gut and suplexed him on the outside in order to prevent him from breaking up the count. Tasuku made the cover and the referee made the three count, giving Nandaba and Kitozon the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Master Kitozon & Tasuku Nandaba by pinfall on Dayu Ichihara by Tasuku Nandaba in 18:14 [b]B+[/b] [i]- Tasuku & Kitozon apparently showed excellent chemistry together here tonight, which could mean good things for Nandaba.[/i] ____________________________________________ [b]Overall:[/b] B [b]Notes:[/b] Pretty good event, that was no doubt saved by stellar main event, considering the horrible matches that took part. ____________________________________________ [/center]
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[CENTER][U][B]Current Prediction Tally for the Week[/B][/U] [B]chris caulfield:[/B] 2/4 [B]SadisticBlessings:[/B] 5/5 Thankyou for predicting guys, the next show will be up over the course of the next few days. Feel free to leave comments, whether it be on pushes, writing style or quality of the write ups, as they are much appreciated.[/CENTER]
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[center] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/banner_break_07_12_2007_11_12_25_72.gif[/IMG] Saturday, Week 2, June 1975 Held in front of 5,000 people (SELLOUT) at the Yamanashi Athletic Stadium in Chubu [u]Pre-Show [/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Akahashi Kuno vs. Seijiro Orinichi [/u] [i]Kuno takes down the younger Seijiro with a Kuno Special ’75 at 2:45.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Alexander Tomov by submission [b]B[/b] –[i] Dang, no chemistry notes, I guess they’re just that good[/i] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Byron Valmont vs. Eiji Kiriyama [/u] [i]Eiji obliterates Byron in just under 3 minutes after making him tap to the Judo Sleeper.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Eiji Kiriyama by submission [b]C+[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 3: Edo Phoenix & Flash Asagi vs. Haku Suzuwara & Gnasher Udo[/u] [i]Edo takes the win after a Blazing Enziguri to Haku.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Edo Phoenix & Flash Asagi by pinfall [b]C-[/b] _______________________________________________ [u]Main Show [/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Sensei Iketani[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kazuomitsushi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SenseiIketani.jpg[/IMG] These two men came down to the ring with very focused expressions on their faces, as each man can benefit from taking the victory in this match tonight. Kazuo would prove that he is once again the rising star he is tipped to be, and Sensei would begin to be seen as a star in people’s eyes as well if he took away the win, as he has been on a bad streak as of late. When the bell rang, both men ran towards each other, intent on gaining the quick victory. Kazuo tried to clothesline Sensei down to the mat, but Iketani ducked underneath his arm and dropkicked him in the back of the knee, causing Kazuo to drop down to one knee. Mitsushi spun around, and managed to catch a dropkick attempt from Sensei and it looked like he was going to go for a Boston Crab, but Iketani put up too much of a fight for Kazuo to turn him over, and instead slingshotted his opponent over the top rope, sending him crashing to the outside. Kazuo had the visible control of the match already, and he followed Sensei to make sure he kept it. He pulled his opponent up and booted him in the gut before whipping him back into the ring. He made his way back into the ring, but was met with a dropkick from Sensei and fell backwards onto the ropes. Iketani tried to clothesline him over, but he wasn’t strong enough to do so, and was instead taken down himself when Kazuo pushed him to the mat. Mitsushi walked over and stomped on his sternum before pulling him up off of the mat again, and whipped him across the ring. When Sensei came back, he hoisted him into the air before drilling him into the mat with a hugely impactful spinebuster that shook the ring, quite impressive for two non heavy workers. He went for the cover on Iketani, but Sensei kicked out just before the three count. Kazuo took his anger from that fact out on Sensei by unleashing a volley of punches right into his jaw, before pulling him up by his hair. He tried to whip Sensei across the ring again, but Iketani countered by standing firm and then kicking Kazuo stiffly in the gut, causing him to double over due to the strength behind the kick. Sensei then ran across the ring, and when he came back he leapt onto Kazuo’s shoulders before delivering a nice head scissors take down. Kazuo bounced across the ring after the move, and Sensei scurried over to try and get the cover, but Mitsushi kicked out just after the two count, which made the crowd gasp. Iketani ran across the ring again, and when he came back he attempted a snap leg drop, but Kazuo rolled out of the way just before after he went for the move, and Sensei ended up just dropping on the canvas. Mitsushi stood up amazingly quick and stomped away at Sensei’s gut before picking him up. He whipped Iketani across the ring, and when he hit the turnbuckles, charged in and crushed Sensei with a massive corner clothesline. Iketani fell forward out of the corner, but was caught by Kazuo. Mitsushi then booted him in the gut, causing him to double over, before clubbing him in the back with his arm, causing Iketani to drop to the mat. Kazuo picked him back up and whipped him across the ring, and as soon as he did, he ran the opposite way himself. When Sensei came back, Mitsushi leapt into the air and delivered a devastating running high knee, called the Rising Kazuo Blast, which sent Iketani flying forward, due to him still having momentum after coming off the ropes, and eventually crashed down to the mat. Kazuo walked over to him and made the cover, but Iketani showed great resilience when he kicked out at two and a half, which made the crowd clap in admiration. Mitsushi picked his opponent back up off the mat and booted him in the gut before hoisting him high into the air, seeming to go for the Ore Ga Mitsushi Brainbuster, his new finishing move he unveiled on Thursday, but Sensei countered the move and dropped behind Kazuo, catching him off guard. He then ran to the ropes, and when Mitsushi turned around, he dropkicked him right in the jaw, causing Mitsushi to fall backwards and hit the mat. Iketani then went up top and waited for Iketani to get up, and when he did, he leapt off of the top rope and connected with a Diving Cross Body, which brought Kazuo down to the mat, and went for the cover. Kazuo kicked out just in time, which caused the crowd to applaud him. Iketani didn’t really mind that Kazuo kicked out, instead just standing up and stomping on his chest. Kazuo tried to get up, but Iketani kicked him stiffly in the chest, and then once in the back before kicking him strongly in the side of the head. This assault sent Kazuo back down to the mat, seemingly very dazed.Sensei then set Kazuo up in the corner before going to the opposite one. He jumped up and down and signalled to the crowd who began to cheer for him, before charging around the ring to build up speed. Once he had gained enough, he turned and ran towards Kazuo, and at the last moment, he flipped forward, going for the Cannonball Splash. But to his surprise, as well as the crowds, Kazuo caught him in mid-move and lifted him into the air, before drilling him into his knee with a modified backbreaker. The crowd gave Kazuo a huge round of applause for what he pulled off, but Mitsushi didn’t really care, as he just went over to Sensei and pulled him up off of the mat, before booting him in the gut. He then lifted him into the air and brought him crashing down with the Ore Ga Mitsushi Brainbuster, folding him up like an accordion. He made the cover, and it was pretty academic from there. [b]Winner:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi by pinfall in 7:32 [b]C+[/b] – [i] Pretty decent match. [/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Shogo Takani & Kiba Izumi vs. Noriyoshi Sanada & White Manta[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shogotakani.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kibaizumi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/noriyoshisanada.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/WhiteManta.jpg[/IMG] When Takani & Izumi came down to the ring, they received prominent boos from the entire crowd. It didn’t seem to effect them however, as they didn’t change their expressions one little bit. When Sanada & Manta came down to the ring, they got a very big pop, with Sanada’s name being chanted by a large number of people in attendance. Both teams talked to each other while coming down to the ramps, and as soon as the bell rang, it was clear that Manta and Shogo would be facing off first. The two veterans circled each other before locking up in the middle of the ring. Takani, being the larger man, got control almost right away with a headlock. Manta tried to push him away, but he had the hold on too tight. Manta then resorted to elbowing Takani in the gut a couple of times, which made the veteran loosen the hold slightly. He managed to wriggle out of the hold and run to the ropes, but Shogo stopped him in his tracks with a shoulder block, pushing Manta down to the mat. Takani then ran across the ring, leapt over a prone Manta and then came close to dropping his elbow into Manta’s gut, but he moved out of the way at the last second and kipped up. He then climbed up to the top rope and waited for the larger Shogo to get up, and when he did, Manta flew off of the top turnbuckle with a Flying Kick, connecting with Takani’s chest, knocking him to the floor. Manta tried to get the cover, but Shogo powered out of the hold by lifting the smaller Manta off of him. He then stood up and dared Manta to attack him again, and when Manta tried to kick him in the ribs, he grabbed Manta’s leg and whipped him down to the mat with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Manta scrambled back up to his feet, but Takani knocked him back down with a running shoulderblock, before dropping down to the mat and locking Manta in a good ole’ headlock. Manta initially struggled to get out of the hold, but eventually managed to escape it by grabbing one of Takani’s arms and rolling under him, forcing him off and locking the veteran in a grounded hammerlock. He struggled to get out of the hold for a while before he simply powered out of it, catching Manta off guard in the process. He used this chance to stand back up and run to the ropes. Manta tried to get up to standing and dropkick Shogo again, but Takani levelled him with a clothesline that took him clean off of his feet. Shogo pulled Manta up off of the mat and booted him in the gut before lifting him up and over with a snap suplex. Manta grabbed his back in pain, which gave Shogo a short time to lock in his next move, a grounded abdominal stretch. Manta was nearly stretched in half due to the power of Shogo, who was completely relentless. Manta was close to tapping when Sanada ran in and booted Takani right in the face, causing him to fall backward and release the hold. Izumi ran in to try and attack Sanada, but was clotheslined down by him instead. Noriyoshi then pulled Manta over to his corner and tagged himself in. Sanada walked over to Shogo and tried to pull him to his feet, but he was elbowed in the sides and gut several times by the veteran before he could get him up to standing. He staggered backwards clasping his gut, allowing Shogo to run to the ropes. When Takani came back, he kneed Sanada right in the temple, causing the undefeated technician to drop to the mat, seemingly out cold. Takani then went back to the front headlock he had used on Manta and locked it in. It seemed like he was going to get the win when Sanada didn’t retaliate when the referee raised his hand twice, but on the third try, Noriyoshi reacted and mounted a comeback by standing up while in the hold. Takani tried to use this to his advantage and seemed about to lift Sanada into a powerbomb, but Noriyoshi powered out of that as well, lifting Takani up and dropping him behind him with a big back body drop. He then went over to Shogo and stomped away at his chest frantically, before shifting around him and grabbing his leg. He kicked at the joint before driving his elbow into it. Shogo grunted in pain, and Sanada locked him in a tight knee lock. Takani showed his experience advantage however when he reversed the hold into a sleeper hold, wrapping his arms around Sanada’s head and then applying a body scissors. At first he seemed successful, with Sanada appearing to fade from the move, but when he told the referee to lift his hands to check, Noriyoshi sprang back to life all of a sudden and elbowed Shogo right in the gut. The veteran released the hold in pain and grabbed his stomach, allowing Sanada to roll away and recover. During that time, Takani rolled over to his corner and tagged in Izumi. Kiba ran over to Sanada and tried to lock him in a rear chin lock, but Noriyoshi grabbed his arms before he could lock the move in. This turned out to be a mistake, as Kiba instead locked in a surfboard, which caused more pain to Sanada than a rear chin lock. Sanada managed to fight his way out of it however, fighting his way up to standing, and after he was up, he turned Izumi around, before catching him with a Backslide. Izumi rolled through the move and ran to the nearest ropes, and when he came back he tried to clothesline Noriyoshi to the mat, but instead he was met with a flying elbow smash from Sanada, which knocked him right off of his feet. Sanada then scurried over to him and promptly locked him in the Sanada Pyramid, causing Kiba to scream in pain. Takani tried to come in to break the hold, but Manta flew across the ring and connected with a jumping enziguri, which knocked Shogo out it seemed, as he collapsed to the mat. Shortly after, Izumi tapped out frantically, giving Sanada another victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada & White Manta by submission on Kiba Izumi by Noriyoshi Sanada in 8:46 [b]B-[/b] [i]- Bit disappointing rating, but still pretty decent.[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Bishima[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Bishima.jpg[/IMG] Stunner came down to the ring with a fairly relaxed expression, as he seemed to just want to get this match over with. Some would attribute this to being ****y, but it was mainly due to his proven records over the entire tour, with his only loss being to former fellow undefeated star Noriyoshi Sanada. When Bishima came down to the ring, he seemed to be determined, yet evil as always, looking as if he wanted to tear Stunner apart and end his streak quickly. When the bell rang, Bishima charged right at Stunner, eager to take the match right to him. When he got near to him however, Stunner kicked him hard in the chest, causing Bishima to stagger backwards. Stunner followed up with three more stiff kicks to his chest, eventually knocking Bishima over with a fourth. Stunner pulled him up and booted him in the gut before hoisting him into the air for a suplex, and then brought him crashing down to the mat in front of him with a Front Suplex. He made the quick cover, attempting to take the victory, but Bishima kicked out at two. Stunner locked him in a head lock, and when it seemed like Bishima was going to escape, he drove his knee right into his opponent’s head, causing him to go limp for a little while. He then pulled Bishima back up to his feet while still in the hold, before clubbing him in the back with his fist. Bishima dropped down to one knee, and Stunner switched from a headlock to a standing armbar, every now and then he clubbed Bishima in the back again, to make sure he stayed down. Bishima constantly fought to get out of the hold, and tried to back flip out of it, but Stunner kicked him in the face when he did, knocking him down to the mat. Stunner cart wheeled towards his head, and locked him in another grounded headlock. Bishima surprised him by rolling under him and escaping the move, before jumping up onto the top rope. Stunner got back up to his feet, and saw Bishima leaping off of the top. He couldn’t prevent the next move, as he was caught off guard, and Bishima connected with a beautiful head scissors takedown, throwing Stunner right across the ring from the impact. He scurried over to Okazawaya, and made the cover to try and get the victory, but Stunner kicked out at two, much to Bishima’s frustration. Bishima pulled him back up to his feet, and was met with two forearm shots to the gut, causing him to release Stunner and grab his gut. Stunner followed up with a kick to the chest when Bishima straightened up, followed by a kick to the side of the head that knocked him down to the mat. Stunner pulled him up to his feet and whipped him across the ring, and when he came back, he tried to clothesline Bishima, but he dove between Stunner’s legs, and then dropkicked him in the back of the knee. Stunner faltered, giving Bishima time to leap up to the top rope again. He tried to deliver a Diving Double Axe Handle to the back of Stunner’s head, but Okazawaya scooted out of the way just in time, causing Bishima to crash land and fall to the mat. Stunner pulled him up to his feet and whipped him into the ropes again, and when he came back, he suplexed Bishima over quickly with a snap suplex, before attempting the cover again. Bishima kicked out almost immediately though, which prompted some of the fans to boo. Stunner then ran to the ropes, and when Bishima got up to one knee, he ran towards him and drove his knee right into the side of his head, causing him to drop down to the mat. He went for the cover once again, but Bishima still refused to be pinned as he kicked out just in time. Stunner pulled him back up to his feet and whipped him across the ring again, eager to take him down with a Running Destiny Kick, and he ran the opposite way to build momentum. However, when he came back, he was hit with a Diving Cross Body, as Bishima had jumped onto the top rope and leapt back towards him. Bishima made the cover and the referee made the count, but Stunner kicked out just before the three count was made, which elicited a gasp from the crowd. Bishima pulled him up to his feet and kicked him in the gut before nailing him with a pair of forearms to the side of the head. He then ran towards the ropes, and when he came back, he was levelled by a clothesline as Stunner exploded and sent his opponent flying. Okazawaya walked over to his opponent and picked him up before kicking him in the gut. He nailed Bishima in between the shoulder blades with a stiff double axe handle, causing him to drop to one knee. Stunner then followed up by running to the ropes and connecting with a running dropkick right to the head. He then pulled Bishima up to his feet before kneeing him in the gut. Bishima doubled over, and Stunner grabbed his head before proceeding to repeatedly drive his knees into the skull of Bishima, releasing him after the tenth direct shot. Bishima crumpled to the mat, and Stunner made the cover, but for some reason Bishima kicked out just in the nick of time, which made the crowd boo once again. He picked his opponent up and whipped him into the corner, but when Bishima got to the turnbuckles, he leapt up onto the second, onto the top rope, and then sprang off with a missile dropkick, connecting with Stunner’s chest. He made the cover, and the referee made the count, but Okazawaya kicked out just after two, which made the crowd applaud him. Bishima pulled Stunner back up to his feet and whipped him across the ring, hoping to enziguri him when he came back, but instead he was levelled when Stunner exploded with the Running Destiny Kick!!! Bishima flew backwards and dropped to the mat, and Stunner scurried over to make the cover. The referee made the count, and Stunner got the fairly hard fought victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya by pinfall in 9:58 [b]C+[/b] – [i]Better than Stunner’s last match[/i] _____________________________________ [B][U]Match 4:[/b] The Mibu Ronin vs. Yukata & Onishiki vs. Higa & Shirou[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shikimaramibu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/demonyukata.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/onishiki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/hitoshihiga.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akirashirou.jpg[/IMG] All three teams had a huge prize waiting for them if they won this match, a chance to wrestle the Black Serpent Cult for the Burning Japanese Tag Team titles at Inferno of Purity. The Mibu Ronin probably had the most intent to win this match, as they were the team who lost the belts to the Cult after a Fireball to Tatsumaki’s face, and they still feel as if they are the rightful champions. Yukata & Onishiki are fairly mismatched again their opponents in this match, as Yukata is by far the smallest man, which may serve as an advantage or curse. Higa & Shirou are a true powerhouse team, known for being able dismantle their opponents before they pair up for the first time tonight. This match acted as a three corner tag team match, with one member from two of the teams facing off, and anybody could tag themselves in to the match, even if the person they tag in from is not their partner. When the bell rang, Shikimara and Akira faced off first, giving the fans a powerhouse bout they most likely won’t forget. Both men locked up right away, with Mibu gaining the control and pushing Akira away, which only served to anger the Bulldozer, as Akira charged at Mibu and attempted to take him down with a shoulderblock, but he stood firm against Akira, resulting in Shirou losing his momentum. Mibu pushed him away once more, and when he ran at him again, he clotheslined the Bull to the mat, surprising a lot of people, possibly even himself. Mibu picked him up off of the mat and whipped him into the corner, and once he saw his opponent hit the turnbuckles, he charged in and went for a running shoulder block, but Akira moved out of the way just before he hit the move, causing Mibu to crash into the ring post head first. Shikimara staggered backwards, and fell prey to a clubbing blow to the back followed by a hasty back suplex, which caused the fans to gasp out loud, as Mibu was a big man, not one who is usually picked up. Shirou went for the cover, but that was quickly broken up by Yukata, who had flown in from the outside, connecting with a diving leg drop to Akira’s head. Shirou rolled off of Mibu, clutching his skull before making his way back up to his feet. He tried to pull Shikimara back up to his feet, but was stopped by a couple of sharp elbows in the gut as well as an uppercut right to the jaw which made him stagger back clutching his chin. Mibu took this chance and ran towards Shirou and knocked him off of his feet with another clothesline before pulling him up to his feet again. Akira tried to punch Mibu, but the big man ducked it with apparent ease before driving his knee forcefully into his opponent’s gut, as if to subdue him. It seemed to do the trick, as Shirou doubled over in pain clutching his gut before being clobbered in the back with a double axe handle, delivered with amazing force due to the power of Mibu, that caused him to drop down to one knee. Mibu then ran to the ropes and seemed about to kick Akira in the side of the head, or possibly in the face, but Shirou moved out of the way just in time, resulting in the big Mibu over-swinging and falling backwards onto the mat. Akira went over to him and pulled him up to his feet before whipping him across the ring, and when Mibu came back, Akira tried to knock him down with a stiff shoulderblock, but his opponent resisted yet again before pushing Shirou away. Akira ran back towards Mibu, as he has done several times already, and tackled Mibu in the gut, before forcing him into one of the corners. He didn’t notice Onishiki nearby, who tagged himself in, much to Akira’s dismay. Onishiki took over where he left off and unleashed a huge barrage of punches on Mibu’s face, causing his opponent to slowly slump lower and lower in the corner before he was sitting down at the bottom. Onishiki went to the opposite corner, crouched, and then ran towards Mibu, seemingly going for a running knee to the face, but Mibu moved out of the way just before he connected, resulting in Onishiki crashing into corner knee first. Onishiki dropped backwards onto the mat clutching his knee in evident pain. Mibu walked over to him and pulled him up to his feet before booting him in the gut and hoisting him up into the air, and then brought the former sumo down to the mat with a nice vertical suplex. Onishiki grabbed his back in pain, due to force that Mibu put into the move, and was quickly covered for the pinfall, but once again Yukata flew in and broke up the pin, stomping on Mibu’s head. Shikimara instantly stood up and stared at Yukata, who stared right back, apparently not backing down. Mibu put at stop to that almost instantly however, picking DEMON up by his throat and throwing him across the ring, a move which prompted slight applause from the crowd as it was a true display of his amazing power. Mibu went over to Onishiki, but the Samoan caught him off guard with a couple of elbows to the side, and as soon as he recovered from them, he was knocked down to the mat with a massive clothesline from Onishiki. The Samoan Sumo then grabbed hold of Mibu’s head and dragged him to the corner, only for Hitoshi Higa to tag himself in. Onishiki complied, but as soon as Higa came into the ring, he knocked the rising star over with a pummelling blow to the back of the head, and then reached down and tagged himself back in. He clambered back into the ring and focused on Mibu, who had recovered slightly, and pulled him out of the corner, only to send him back in with an uppercut. However, Mibu stormed out of the corner and knocked Onishiki to the mat with a shoulderblock, before running around the ring, knocking everybody off of the aprons seemingly in a fit of rage. He then ran at Onishiki and seemed and to boot him in the gut and finish him with the Full Moon Devastation, but Onishiki tripped the Feral Warrior up with a drop toehold that sent him into the bottom turnbuckle. Onishiki dragged him out of the corner by his foot and lifted him up to his feet. He looked around and noticed all of the other participants were outside of the ring, still suffering from the attack they had just received, even Tatsumaki was on the outside, as it seemed Shikimara didn’t realise who he was and attacked him anyway, and at this moment a smile crossed Onishiki’s face. He hoisted Shikimara up onto his shoulder, a move that received a huge amount of applause, due to Mibu’s size proving nothing against Onishiki’s power, and seemed ready to nail the Samoan Driver, but Mibu wriggled out of it and dropped down behind Onishiki before clobbering him in the back. Mibu booted the Samoan in the gut and lifted him onto his shoulders, ready for the Full Moon Devastation, but when he went for it, Onishiki landed on his feet, an impressive display of Onishiki’s good sense of balance, and booted Mibu in the gut before spiking him into the mat with a sickening DDT. Onishiki wasted no time and made the cover, hooking the mammoth leg of Mibu as he did so. The referee made the count, and Onishiki got the victory. He left the ring quickly and grabbed Yukata before helping him to the back. Higa & Shirou sat on the outside, clearly having lost pride due to losing, while Tatsumaki climbed into the ring and seemed to be staring daggers at Shikimara. He helped his partner up to his feet, and seemed to just be talking to him. All of a sudden, he pushed his partner away and exploded with rage with the Feral Assault, kicking Shikimara right in the face. Tatsu then yelled something about Shikimara being an idiot and how he cost them the match by going crazy. The bombshell of this rant however, was when Tatsumaki screamed that he didn’t want to be associated with Shikimara anymore, effectively breaking up the team. Tatsu received a huge round of applause and cheers from the audience, who were more than happy to see Shikimara beaten up. Tatsu then headed to the back, before looking back at the ring and began to laugh at the still prone Shikimara, before heading backstage. [b]Winner:[/b] Yukata & Onishiki by pinfall on Shikimara Mibu by Onishiki in 12:43 [b]B-[/b] [I]- Only barely missing the rating I hoped for, but it was still good for the length it went on for.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Elemental vs. Dayu Ichihara [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Elemental.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] When Elemental came down to the ring, he received enormous amounts of cheers from the crowd that seemed to erupt, but his face told a completely different story to a hero. He was really worried about this match, as it could mean the end of his two year undefeated streak, but more so the end of his career if Dayu attacks him the way he has the past few matches. When Ichihara came down to the ring, with a completely opposite reaction from the crowd, he had the smuggest of expressions, as he was completely sure of what the outcome of this match was going to be, due to his huge size advantage, and all-round skill advantage. When the bell rang, both men circled each other. This was short lived however, as almost immediately, Dayu charged at Elemental and tried to clothesline him, only for the young phenom to dive between his legs and appear behind him. He turned around and was met with a massive dropkick to the jaw, which showed Elemental’s immense athletic ability, that sent him staggering backwards. Elemental then ran the way Dayu was facing, and when he neared the star, he leapt high into the air and wrapped his legs around Ichihara’s neck before connecting with one of the most beautiful hurracanrana’s we have ever seen from him. Ichihara landed right on the back of his neck, and struggled to kick out of the move, despite his power advantage, only managing to do so just before the three count. He shot up to his feet soon after however, and obliterated Elemental with a closed fist right to the forehead that dropped the phenom. He then picked Elemental up and whipped him into the corner, but before Elemental reach the turnbuckles, he leapt up onto the top and flew off, going for a head scissors takedown, but Dayu was ready for this one, as he stood firm, preventing Elemental from finishing the move. He was left incredibly vulnerable, and Dayu used this to his advantage, hoisting him back onto his shoulders, before throwing him backwards in a modified flapjack of sorts, causing the phenom to crash to the mat and bounced over due to the impact of the move. Ichihara simply sat up after executing the move and beamed, he was clearly very happy with himself at stopping Elemental’s momentum so quickly and easily. He then went over to the phenom and grabbed him up off of the mat, booted him in the gut and hoisted him into the air before brining him crashing down onto his knee with a sickening crack. Elemental roared out in pain and grabbed his back in agony. He had no chance to recover however, as Dayu locked him in a grounded abdominal stretch, the move that had caused Elemental so much pain and suffering in these two men’s last two matches together. Dayu locked the move in tight, making sure there was no way for the young phenom to escape, and every time the young star struggled, Dayu drove his knee forcefully into the back of his opponent, rendering him helpless. Ichihara was unrelenting, as he didn’t loosen the hold at all, seemingly intent on breaking the young star in half. He eventually got tired of the hold and pulled Elemental up off of the floor, before placing him across his shoulders, facing up at the ceiling. Dayu then dropped to a seated position, bringing Elemental crashing down across his shoulders with an argentine backbreaker. The young phenom screamed in agony, and Dayu had the biggest smirk he ever had across his face at that moment. He picked Elemental up off of the floor again, not wanting to go for the cover, instead wanting to inflict as much pain on the young star as possible, and booted the phenom in the gut, before hoisting him up into the air. He held Elemental there for a few seconds, before bringing him crashing backwards with a delayed vertical suplex, yet again causing Elemental to grab his back in pain. The plan behind Dayu’s targeting Elemental’s back was that if it he damaged it enough, Elemental wouldn’t be able to fly, let alone walk, due to the pain, thus taking away his entire game. Ichihara laughed to himself and got up from his seated position before going over to Elemental. Dayu picked him up and whipped him across the ring, and when he came back he tried to nail the phenom with a back elbow, but Elemental ducked it, quickly turned upside down and pulled Ichihara down with a Schoolboy Pin! The referee counted, and it almost seemed like Elemental was going to sneak away with the victory, but Dayu kicked him in the head to break up the pin. The fans booed when they saw this, as they really wanted Elemental to come out on top, due to their love for him. Dayu got up and stared at the phenom, who was making his way up to his feet, before chopping him in the chest. Elemental dropped down to the mat clutching at his chest, which turned red already, but was picked up almost immediately, only to fall back down when Dayu chopped him again. The Phenom tried to mount a comeback and began to kick Dayu stiffly in the chest and legs, but it was to no avail, as Ichihara just absorbed the assault and then knocked Elemental over with a clothesline. He then went to lock the abdominal stretch in once again, but Elemental quickly scurried towards the ropes and clung onto them to prevent Dayu from locking the move in. Ichihara kicked him in the back and dragged into the middle of the ring after he released the ropes. He then drove his elbow into the phenom’s gut, and connected with a second one. Dayu ran towards the ropes, and when he came back, he tried to pull of a snap driving elbow, but Elemental rolled out of the way incredibly fast at the very last nanosecond, causing Dayu to hit the canvas and grab his elbow in pain. Elemental then went up to the top rope, clearing working through his back damage, though he still showed effects, such as being slower that usual, and waited for Dayu to get back up. When he did get up, Elemental flew off of the top and connected with a graceful missile dropkick which knocked Ichihara down to the mat. Elemental scurried over to make the cover, but Dayu kicked out just after two, much to the anger of the fans. Dayu made his way up to his feet, and Elemental backed away from him into the corner. Ichihara ran towards Elemental, attempting to clothesline him, but the young phenom slipped under his arm and rolled forward, causing Dayu to hit the turnbuckles. He turned around to attack Elemental, who was running towards him. Elemental ran up Dayu’s chest, back flipped off, and, while Dayu was confused as to what he was doing, as Elemental rarely did this move, dropkicked Ichihara in the chest, forcing him into the corner. Dayu was dazed, as he hit the top of his head on the top turnbuckle. Elemental then went to the opposite corner, and prepared to amaze the fans. He ran across the ring, pulled off a handspring, and when he reached Dayu he leapt into the air and kicked him right in the side of the head, which caused the fans to erupt as it was an impressive move. He backed out of the corner and looked at the stunned Ichihara, who promptly crumpled forward onto the mat. He made the cover, and it seemed like he was going to get the victory, but Dayu kicked out just before the three count, eliciting a huge gasp from the crowd. Elemental slumped backwards and looked up at the ceiling, “”Why was it so hard to put Dayu away?” was the thought that passed through his brain. Dayu recovered quickly and stood up, catching the phenom off guard, who promptly scrambled up to his feet too. Dayu ran at him, and connected with a vicious clothesline that turned Elemental inside out. Ichihara was now firmly back in control, after seemingly taking a huge beating from the much smaller Elemental. He pulled the phenom up to his feet and whipped him into the corner with all of his strength, resulting in Elemental flipping over the top of the turnbuckles and crashing to the floor. Dayu didn’t follow him, and simply waited for the phenom to re-enter the ring. When he did, Ichihara instantly grabbed him and pulled him up to his feet, before booting him in the gut and hoisting him into the air. Elemental tried to wriggle out of the move, as he could what was coming, but Dayu was putting all of his strength into holding him there, before driving him head first into the mat with the Ichihara Power Drive. For some reason though, Dayu didn’t go for the cover, instead a demonic look, almost identical to Bishima and DEMON Yukata, spread across his face. He approached his fallen foe, and dropped to the mat before locking him in the grounded abdominal stretch. Elemental fought as much as he could, but his back was really hurting him by this time, and he eventually succumbed to the pain, tapping out to the hold and taking his first singles loss ever. [b]Winner:[/b] Dayu Ichihara by submission in 17:24 [b]A[/b] [I]- Amazing, they clearly had pretty good chemistry between them. If Ichihara didn’t have bad chemistry with Kitozon, I would give him the belt, because he is completely outperforming the legend right now.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba vs. Connor Thompson[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/connorthompson.jpg[/IMG] Tasuku came down to the ring to a fairly big reaction from the crowd. This was his third chance at getting a shot at the Burning World Championship, as he was completely determined to win this time, as the last two times he hasn’t enjoyed the sensation of success. Connor was equally as determined, and knew what it took to win a match like this before, as he had won a Contendership match that led to one of the better matches of his career against Master Kitozon. Both men stared each other down in an attempt to gain the psychological advantage, but neither man gave way at all. When the bell rang, both men threw a punch at the other, and both shots connected. Connor staggered backwards clutching his jaw while Tasuku just simply shook his head to work off the pain. Connor looked at him sort of perplexed, as he had just hit Tasuku with a strong punch, and yet he showed no signs of pain. Tasuku walked over to Connor, and when he got within an arm’s reach, Connor threw another punch, but Nandaba dodged it and grabbed his arm. He brought the elbow down upon his knee before switching the hold into a hammerlock. Connor winced and staggered forward every time that Tasuku applied more pressure, and eventually managed to reverse the hold into a hammerlock of his own. Nandaba struggled as well, but escaped the hold quicker than Connor, simply powering out of the hold, spinning round and pulling Connor into a short arm clothesline, knocking him down to the mat. He pulled Connor back up to his feet before booting him in the gut, causing him to double over in pain, and then clubbed him right between the shoulder blades with a double axe handle, which made the veteran drop to the mat and momentarily clutch his back in pain. Tasuku took the match to the mat and locked Connor in a front headlock, which proved to be a tricky move to get out of on this occasion, much to the annoyance of Thompson. Tasuku put all of his power into the hold, but Connor eventually managed to wriggle out of it and with amazing speed, locked Tasuku in the move instead. Nandaba’s legs flailed madly for a few moments as he tried to wriggle out of the move, but it was to no avail. He eventually managed to simply power out of the move, which was really beginning to annoy Connor, as he had too much power to really lock in a successful submission, and fought his way back up to his feet. Connor locked up with him almost immediately and got control with a quick knee to the gut followed by a front headlock. Tasuku tried to punch his way out of it, connecting with Connor’s gut, but the veteran was resilient against the effects and kept the hold in. After a while, Tasuku managed to get out of the hold by lifting Connor up and then dropping him backwards onto the canvas. Thompson grabbed the back of his neck and rolled away from Tasuku, who was recovering from the head submissions he just suffered. Connor made his way back up to his feet, and immediately saw Tasuku running at him, with an arm outstretched to clothesline him. He ducked under the arm and grabbed it before using it to pull Tasuku down to the mat. Connor locked him in a normal arm bar, and from time to time he turned it into a Fujiwara Armbar, just to apply more pressure and cause more pain. Tasuku managed to fight his way to the ropes, and when he reached them he grabbed hold of the bottom rope with his free hand. Connor released the hold, obliging to stick within the rules, but not before driving his elbow into Tasuku’s arm. He stood up and saw Tasuku clutching his arm in pain, and seemed to get an idea. He grabbed his opponents arm, stretched it out across the canvas, and then stomped on the elbow. Tasuku grunted in pain, but refused to show he was in any pain whatsoever. Connor then delivered a leg drop to Tasuku’s elbow, but still his expression was empty, although it was clear he was in pain, as Connor isn’t exactly light. He quickly withdrew his arm from its position and cradled it, trying to nurse the pain, while still wearing a blank expression. Connor walked over to him and tried to pull his arm out again, but was met with a clubbing blow to the back of his left knee, which caused him to stagger and fall backwards onto the mat. Tasuku managed to get back up to his feet, but Connor was still down and was rubbing his knee. Nandaba took advantage and stomped on the veteran’s knee, causing him to grunt in pain every time, before pulling the leg out and dropping his good elbow into the knee. He stayed in a seated position, and refused to loosen the hold, but eventually his boredom got the better of him and he stood up. He went for a new submission, and stood next to Connor’s knee, and grabbed the leg. He then wrapped Thompson’s leg around his, causing it to move out of place and cause Connor a large amount of pain. Thompson managed to fight out of it however, by continually punching Tasuku in the back, and Nandaba eventually released it to rub his back and see how badly he was hurt. Tasuku made his way back to where Connor was, but was met with a boot to the gut and was whipped across the ring. When he came back, Connor nailed him with a back elbow right to the jaw that knocked him down to the mat. Connor used the time that Tasuku was dazed by the shot to grab his arm and stretch it out again. He stomped on the elbow again, before delivering a leg drop there as well, causing Tasuku to yell out in pain this time. Connor pulled Nandaba up to his and booted him in the gut before hoisting him up into the air and connecting with a powerful vertical suplex that caused Tasuku to rub his back once it happened. Connor went over to Tasuku and pulled him up to his feet, but was elbowed three times in the ribs by his opponent, causing him to release Tasuku from his grip, allowing the younger star to punch him across the face, causing Connor to drop down to one knee. Tasuku went to the nearby corner and waited for Connor get up, preparing to hit him with a chop block, focusing on the knee he had attack earlier. When Connor did get up, Tasuku charged at him full speed and aimed for his knees, but Connor leapt over his outstretched arms, showing quite impressive foresight on Connor’s behalf. The veteran looked at shocked Tasuku, and simply smiled before locking up with him. Tasuku gained the control this time with a front headlock. From there he exploded with a barrage of knees right to the forehead and general face of Connor, connecting with six consecutive knees. Thompson dropped to the mat when Tasuku released him, but when Nandaba tried to pull the veteran up to his feet, he caught Tasuku off guard by elbowing him in the gut and then lifting him up into the air. The veteran then brought Tasuku down onto his knee with a backbreaker, causing the younger star to wince and quietly grunt in pain. Connor pulled Tasuku up to his feet and turned him around so Tasuku was facing the same way he way, and then clubbed Nandaba in the back. While his opponent was dazed, Connor put his weak arm behind his back in a hammerlock position before lifting him up into the air and then dropping him onto it with a back suplex. Tasuku yelled out in pain and instantly brought his arm in front of him before rubbing it and getting up. Connor was smiling, by effectively rendering his powerful arm useless, he had removed one of Tasuku’s finishers from his arsenal. This way he needed to only focus on one, the Base Collision. He walked back over to Tasuku and pulled him up to his feet before whipping him across the ring, when he came back, he tried to clothesline Tasuku to the mat, but the younger star ducked under his arm, and again when Connor tried to nail him in the head with a back elbow. When he came back again, Connor swung wildly with his fist, and Tasuku flew over the top of it, showcasing his unrivalled athleticism, and connected with a beautiful flying lariat. Connor was knocked off of his feet and collapsed to the mat. Tasuku walked over to him and pulled him up before booting him in the gut and whipped him strongly across the ring. Connor came back and was lifted high into the air, which was a hard feat to perform for Tasuku, who arm nearly buckled, and then slammed to the mat with a spinebuster. Tasuku went for the cover, but Connor kicked out almost immediately, showing his great resilience. Tasuku picked the veteran up again and chopped him in the chest with his stronger arm, but Connor fired back with one of his own. This evolved into a chop battle, with each man seeing how badly they could damage the other with chops. Tasuku was the first to gain control, with six consecutive chops to Connor’s chest, forcing the veteran to the ropes. Connor fired back once he was there however, with five chops of his own, causing Tasuku to stagger backward clutching his chest. Connor ran at the youngster and ducked a clothesline attempt before driving Tasuku down with an STO. Nandaba rolled backwards and clasped his head while grimacing in pain and Connor went for the cover. Tasuku kicked out just before the three count, which caused the crowd to cheer. Connor pulled his opponent up to his feet and whipped him across the ring, but when he came back, Nandaba knocked Thompson down with a running shoulderblock before clutching his head again, seemingly feeling the effects of the STO. Connor sensed this and shot up to his feet, and clubbed Tasuku in the back before he knew what was going on. Nandaba dropped down to one knee, and Connor went to hit him with a double axe handle, but Tasuku suddenly evaded the move and tripped Connor up. Tasuku then crawled over to the nearest corner and waited for Thompson to get up, and when he did, he charged towards him. Connor realised this was the Base Collision, and only just evaded the move, pushing Tasuku towards the ropes. He, however, didn’t realise Tasuku kept on moving after being pushed, and when Connor turned to face him, Nandaba broke him in half with the Base Collision. There were even a few brief moments where both men were off of the floor as Tasuku put all of his power into the move. Connor was out cold, and Tasuku made the cover, and got the victory! He held his damaged arm carefully as the other arm was raised, to a thunderous ovation from the crowd. [b]Winner:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba by pinfall in 19:11 [b]B[/b] [i]- Poor main event in my view, but at least they didn’t suffer from bad chemistry etc.[/i] ____________________________________________ [b]Overall:[/b] B [b]Notes:[/b] Good event overall, with some really surprising matches, and an event that has really told me who deserves to be a champ or get pushed. ____________________________________________ [/center]
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[CENTER] [B][U]Final Prediction Tally for the week[/U][/B] [B]SadisticBlessings:[/B] 10/10 [B]chris caulfield:[/B] 6/9 Well done SadisticBlessings, you can pm me a uppermidcard or semi-main event match you would like to see at Inferno of Purity. chris caulfield, you can pm me a choice of worker you would definitely like to see working either on the tour show or at Inferno of Purity. [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] A fantastic week for BHOTWG, with two stellar main events, and one amazing semi-main event during the tour shows that left the fans begging for more. That request is answered, as there is one more tour show left before we cap it off with Inferno of Purity, featuring the main event of Master Kitozon and Tasuku Nandaba. Apparantly, Dayu Ichihara is trying everything in his power to try and get involved in that match, as he feels he deserves the title. And amazing news from the talent department, as we have secured one of the biggest American names today to appear at Inferno of Purity. He will be appearing in a match this Thursday as well, to prove himself to the fans. [B][U]Card for Tour shows[/U][/B] [B][U]Thursday[/U][/B] [u]Iwakuni Stadium in Chugoku[/u] [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Akahashi Kuno vs. Seijiro Orinichi [I][B]Tag Team[/B][/I] Kenji Fukamura & Atsushi Nagamichi vs. Kenzo Isozaki & Byron Valmont [B][I]Submission Singles[/I][/B] Noriyoshi Sanda vs. Satoru Sugimura [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Eiji Kiriyama vs. Mystery Worker [B][I]Singles[/I][/B] Cobra w/Viper vs. Onishiki w/DEMON Yukata [B][I][U]Main Event[/U] Six Man Tag Team[/I][/B] Master Kitozon, Seison Yamanaka & Connor Thompson vs. Dayu Ichihara, Toshiro Saito & Paul Kingsley [I]Predictions & comments welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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Thursday Iwakuni Stadium in Chugoku Singles Akahashi Kuno vs. [B]Seijiro Orinichi[/B] Tag Team [B]Kenji Fukamura & Atsushi Nagamichi[/B] vs. Kenzo Isozaki & Byron Valmont Submission Singles [B]Noriyoshi Sanda[/B] vs. Satoru Sugimura Singles Eiji Kiriyama vs. [B]Mystery American Worker[/B] Singles [B]Cobra w/Viper[/B] vs. Onishiki w/DEMON Yukata Main Event Six Man Tag Team [B]Master Kitozon, Seison Yamanaka & Connor Thompson[/B] vs. Dayu Ichihara, Toshiro Saito & Paul Kingsley Plus I gave you a great match yay for me and boo for you as if it was your main event you may of got a B+.
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Haven't kept up lately, but I'm loving the way Inferno is shaping up. Tasuku and Kitozon is a great team in and of itself, good to know they've got chemistry. Perhaps once Kitozon starts slowing down and drops the title the team could serve to elevate Nandaba? It's an idea, anyway! Elemental's first A-rated match... quite a moment in wrestling history, right there! :D Singles [B]Akahashi Kuno[/B] vs. Seijiro Orinichi [i]No contest whatsoever.[/i] Tag Team Kenji Fukamura & Atsushi Nagamichi vs. [B]Kenzo Isozaki & Byron Valmont[/B] [i]I was predicting Kenzo vs Fukamura for Inferno of Purity, and this seems to be a logical way to set that up. Hate to see Kenji's momentum go down the drain in a tag match thanks to Nagamichi's incompetence, but hey, it's all part of the over-arching storyline I'm sure. :p [/i] Submission Singles [B]Noriyoshi Sanada[/B] vs. Satoru Sugimura [i]Satoru? Beat Sanada? Pffffffffffffft.[/i] Singles Eiji Kiriyama vs. [B]Mystery American Worker[/B] [i]If you were bringing in a talented worker on trade from someone, I have a feeling they'd get a better first opponent than Eiji. So my guess is this is someone you've picked up to keep for a while.[/i] Singles [B]Cobra w/Viper [/B]vs. Onishiki w/DEMON Yukata [i]I think this would be Onishiki's first singles win against a non-jobber since the game started. Well, it's gotta happen eventually right? Sadly, I don't think this is the one.[/i] Main Event Six Man Tag Team [B]Master Kitozon, Seison Yamanaka & Connor Thompson[/B] vs. Dayu Ichihara, Toshiro Saito & Paul Kingsley [i]Five main eventers and a mediocre upper midcarder... hmm, wonder who's taking the fall in this one?[/i] :p
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[center] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/banner_break_07_12_2007_11_12_25_72.gif[/IMG] Thursday, Week 3, June 1975 Held in front of 5,726 people at the Iwakuni Stadium in Chugoku [u]Pre-Show [/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Haku Suzuwara vs. Hitoshi Higa [/u] [i]Higa obliterates the smaller Haku with the Higa Hammerlock Suplex in 3:17.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Hitoshi Higa by pinfall [b]C+[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Gnasher Udo vs. Edo Phoenix [/u] [i]Edo gets the win with the Blazing Enziguri followed by a Blaze of Glory in 2:38.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Edo Phoenix by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 3: Shogo Takani vs. Jin Sakamoto[/u] [i]Shogo just manages to get the win with the Twisting of the Knife at just under 8 minutes.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Shogo Takani by submission [b]B-[/b] _______________________________________________ [u]Main Show [/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Akahashi Kuno vs. Seijiro Orinichi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/seijiroorinichi.jpg[/IMG] Both men came down to the ring with determined expressions, as this was the night before the final event of the tour, and an impressive showing here by either man could lead to them getting a match on the card. When the bell rang, Seijiro ran towards Kuno, but was floored by a kick straight to the chest that resounded throughout the arena. Kuno picked his opponent up and booted him in the gut before hoisting him up into the air for a suplex. Seijiro countered however, wriggling out of the move and dropping down behind Kuno. He then leapt into the air and dropkicked Kuno right in the back, causing him to fall forwards and hit the mat face first. Seijiro ran across the ring when he noticed Kuno was coming to, and tried to dropkick him in the side of the head, but Kuno moved out of the way at just the right second, and Seijiro kept going, and slid out of the ring. He hit the floor and grabbed his back before slowly making his way up to his feet. Kuno noticed and ran the opposite way to build momentum, and ran towards Seijiro after bouncing off of the ropes before leaping over the top rope and connecting with a Diving Cross Body. Seijiro crashed to the floor and seemed to be out while Kuno began to yell to the crowd as the adrenaline was building inside of him. He rolled Seijiro back into the ring and tried to cover him, but Orinichi kicked out almost right away, having recovered slightly. Kuno pulled him up to his feet and tried to kick him in the head to take him down, but Seijiro ducked under his leg and took Kuno down instead by kicking his legs out from under him. Kuno hit the mat hard and clasped the back of his legs before making his way up to both feet. Seijiro took him right down however with a running dropkick to the chest that made Kuno flip over from the impact. Orinichi rolled him over and tried to get the pinfall, but Kuno kicked out just before the three count, causing Seijiro to get a little frustrated. He pulled his opponent up to his feet and tried to whip him across the ring, but Kuno resisted, and countered the move by pulling Seijiro into a short-arm clothesline. Kuno then used the time he had gained from that move in order to recover. Eventually her pulled Seijiro up off of the mat and booted him in the gut before hoisting him up into the air again, like he had earlier in the match, and this time he connected with the suplex. Kuno then locked him in a rear chin lock, causing Seijiro to flail his arms around, trying to reach the ropes. Kuno kept the hold locked in, but Seijiro eventually managed to fight his way back up to both feet, and drove his elbow three times into Kuno’s gut before running to the ropes. When he came back however, Kuno was ready for him. Akahashi leapt into the air and connected with the sickest sounding enziguri we have ever heard, and Seijiro dropped down to the mat, seemingly out cold. He went over to make the cover, and it seemed like he had won the match before Seijiro got the shoulder up. The fans applauded this, but Kuno was livid, as that was one of his big moves, and yet it had failed to put Seijiro away. Kuno got up to his feet and tried to pull his opponent up as well, but Seijiro slapped his arms away and chopped him across the chest. Kuno staggered backwards clutching his chest, but Seijiro continued with the chops, eventually backing his opponent into the corner. He then ran across to the ropes, and when he came back, he leapt into the air, apparently going for a Running Splash, but Kuno rolled underneath him and out of the corner, causing Seijiro to crash land on the top turnbuckles. He staggered backwards clutching his chest in pain, due to hitting it on the exposed part of the turnbuckle. Kuno took advantage of this and hoisted Seijiro up into the air and drove him backwards into the mat with a Back Suplex. Orinichi landed right on the back of his neck, causing him to grab it and roll around on the mat. Kuno used this time to go up to the top rope, and waited for Seijiro to get up to his feet. When he did, Kuno leapt off of the turnbuckle and connected with the Glittering Mirage, knocking Orinichi down to the mat face first. Kuno went for the cover, but yet again Seijiro kicked out, showing a whole new resilience than he had in previous matches. Kuno was getting very angry at this point, as he was failing to put away what should be an easy opponent. He ran across the ring when he saw Seijiro getting up to his feet, and when he came back, he got ready to pull off the Glittering Magician. Orinichi had somehow realised this was going to happen, and caught Kuno’s first leg, and ducked the second, so that he had locked in a modified Reverse Single Leg Boston Crab. Kuno yelled out in pain, and was desperately trying to reach the ropes. He wasn’t able to however, as Seijiro kept pulling him into the middle of the ring every time he got near to them. Kuno was intent on getting out of the hold, and summoned all of his strength, powering out of the hold and rolled Seijiro forward. Kuno then got ready to end the match, but struggled to get up to his feet due to his left leg being weak after the hold. He ran across the ring anyway, ignoring any pain, as that could mean he would lose the match if he succumbed to the pain, and when Seijiro got up to one knee, Kuno exploded with the Glittering Magician. Orinichi dropped backwards to the mat, and his eyes were hazy, as Kuno had just knocked him out with the move. Kuno wasn’t done yet however, as he wanted to make sure he could get the victory. He pulled Seijiro up to his feet, put his right arm behind him, and lifted Seijiro into the air before driving him into the mat with a Front Slam. He then picked Seijiro up, still in the same position, and drove him back down into the mat with a Flatliner, finishing the Kuno Special ’75 combo. It was now that Kuno rolled his opponent over and made the cover, and this time he got the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Akahashi Kuno by pinfall in 8:59 [b]B-[/b] – [i] Pretty good match, guess Seijiro was nervous about being on the tv tapings haha. [/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Fukamura & Nagamichi vs. Kenzo Isozaki & Byron Valmont [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/atsushinagamichi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/KenzoIsozaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/byronvalmont.jpg[/IMG] These two teams came down to the ring with a lot on the line. Kenji had the chance to prove himself in front of his opponent at Inferno of Purity, Kenzo Isozaki, if he failed to do so, it could mean he loses his title tomorrow night. Atsushi would need to do everything he could to stop his opponent from gaining any kind of control, or else he could lose a friend in Kenji. Kenzo on the other hand, would need to prove himself as well for Kenji, or else the champ might refuse to defend his title against him. Byron could possibly suffer an assault at the hands of his partner here tonight. When the bell rang, both teams decided who would face off against the other, and it was eventually decided to be Kenji and Byron who would start the match. Both men circled each other, and Byron was the first to charge in, eager to get part of the Pacific Champion for himself. He was too eager however, as Kenji easily evaded a running dropkick, and drove his elbow into the back of Byron’s head once he hit the mat. He pulled Valmont up to his feet and booted him in the gut before whipping him across the ring. When Byron came back Kenji punched him in the forehead, causing him to fly forwards and hit the mat back first, clutching his face. Kenji then pulled him up to his feet before spinning him around so Byron was facing the same way as he was. Kenji clubbed him in the back, causing him to drop to one knee and clutch his spine, before hitting him in the back again with a double axe handle. Byron dropped down to all fours and tried to get to Kenzo, but Kenji drove his elbow once again into his opponents head when he tried to get out of the match. Kenji whipped Valmont into his corner, and charged in, attempting a running corner dropkick. He connected, and Byron collapsed down to the mat clutching his chest in pain. Kenji then tagged out to Atsushi, who eagerly climbed into the ring and pulled Byron up to his feet. Together, Kenji & Atsushi whipped Byron across the ring, and when he came back, they both dropkicked him in the chest, causing Valmont to drop backwards to the mat, trying to recover after having the breath knocked out of him. Atsushi rushed over to make the cover while Kenji climbed onto the apron, and just missed getting the victory when Byron kicked out at 2.9. Atsushi pulled him up to his feet and grabbed his arm, stretching it out straight. He then head butted Byron’s elbow, before driving his own elbow into the joint as well. Valmont yelled out in pain as he did this, which only made Atsushi continue, as he repeatedly drove his elbow into the joint. He decided to end it with an Armbar Takedown, driving Byron into the mat. Atsushi then attacked his back instead, driving his knee into Valmont’s spine. He then drove his elbow there as well before locking Byron into a Fujiwara Armbar, eager to apply pressure to the damaged arm. Byron struggled to get out of the hold, as it was causing him a lot of pain. He was eventually saved by his partner, Kenzo Isozaki who flew into the ring and connected with a leg drop to Atsushi’s gut. Nagamichi released the hold and clutched his gut, but was pulled up by Kenzo. Isozaki whipped him across the ring, and was intending to connect with a dropkick, but he was knocked off of his feet with a dropkick from Kenji instead, and rolled out of the ring while Atsushi steadied himself on the ropes. Byron spent this time recovering and made his way up to his feet, still clutching his bad arm. Atsushi used this to his advantage as he charged towards the British flier and connected with a running knee to the gut which caused Byron to double over in pain. Atsushi then drove him down to the mat with a double axe handle to the back before focusing on his arm again with a standard armbar. Valmont had figured out a way to counter this it would seem, as he rolled forward and escaped the hold, and when an astonished Atsushi looked up at him, Byron dropkicked him in the face. Byron then went over to his corner and tagged in Kenzo with his good arm. Isozaki jumped over the top rope and landed in the ring staring right at Kenji who was on the apron. He pointed at his future opponent, before focusing on Atsushi who was down on the mat. He locked Atsushi in a rear naked choke, and Atsushi flailed around trying to find some way of escaping the hold, but he almost immediately began to fade, feeling the effects of the hold. Kenzo used his superior power to put as much pressure in the hold as possible, and it seemed like Atsushi had fallen asleep, as his arms and body went limp. Kenji noticed his partner’s predicament and leapt onto the top rope. Kenzo noticed this and released Atsushi from the hold and stood up. But by the time he had gotten up to his feet, Kenji had leapt off of the corner and connected with a Missile Dropkick which knocked Isozaki flying across the ring. Kenji then dragged his partner over to his corner and tagged himself in. Byron ran into the ring to stop Kenji gaining momentum, but fell victim to back elbow right to the jaw which knocked him down. Kenji walked over to Kenzo and pulled him up to his feet before booting him right in the gut. Fukamura then tried to lift the bigger man into the air for a Back Suplex, but Kenzo flipped over his shoulder and landed behind him. Kenji turned around, but was met with an enziguri to the side of the head which caused him to drop forward and hit the mat. Kenzo saw this as his chance and he went up to the top rope and turned around to face the crowd. Some of the fans stood up to get a better view of the move he was about to pull off. Kenji had gotten up however, as Kenzo had taken too long to get up to the top, and ran towards him. He battered Kenzo in the back with his fist, causing his opponent to slightly lose balance. Kenji then put one arm under Kenzo’s legs, and used all of his strength to lift Kenzo into the air and bringing him crashing down with a modified Super Powerbomb, called the Super K Bomb. Kenzo flopped on the mat, clutching his back, and the fans exploded. He made the cover, and the referee had almost reached the three count when Byron flew across the ring and connected with a diving elbow drop right to Kenji’s head. He rolled off of Kenzo, who slowly made his way up to his feet. Byron stood up and charged at Atsushi on the apron, knocking him off with a dropkick to the face. Kenzo slowly made his way up to the top rope again, and turned away from the ring once more. He leapt off of the top, and used up all of his remaining energy to connect with the Kenzosault, a Corkscrew Senton. He made the cover, and Kenji had no energy left himself to kick out, due to using all of it to pull off the Super K Bomb. The referee counted to three just as Byron flew off of a corner and connected with a Shooting Star Press, the Bombs Over London, to a standing Atsushi on the outside. Kenzo made his way up to his feet, and Byron rolled back into the ring. Both men looked at each other before high-fiving and looking at the downed Kenji in the ring. Just then, an evil smile crossed Kenzo’s face, and Byron seemed to realise what he was about to do. Isozaki went back up to the top rope, and it appeared that he was going to go for the Kenzosault one more time. Suddenly, three people burst from the back, Akahashi Kuno, Flash Asagi and Stunner Okazawaya, and charged down to the ring. Kenzo dropped off of the top rope and quickly got out of the ring along with Byron. The three saviours yelled insults at Kenzo & Byron, who retreated up the ramp. Both men bumped into something behind them, and turned around to find Tasuku Nandaba staring down at them. They backed away, but were levelled with a double clothesline from the next generation superstar. Tasuku then made his way down to the ring and checked on Kenji before pulling him up to his feet, and Atsushi rolled back into the ring himself. The six men in the ring looked at the two on the ramp, who were suddenly joined by four men themselves. Dayu Ichihara, Satoru Sugimura, Cobra & Viper stood side by side next to Kenzo & Byron and stared down the six men in the ring. Both teams did nothing but stare at the others before the six on the ramp headed backstage and the six in the ring ran after them. Had we just seen two factions form? [b]Winner:[/b] Kenzo Isozaki & Byron Valmont by pinfall on Kenji Fukamura by Kenzo Isozaki in 12:31 [b]B[/b] [i]- Really good match, Kenzo is performing much better than expected. I tested this match with each team winning. If Kenji & Atsushi had won, it would have been a C+ match, not that I didn’t originally want the match to go this way, but it was interesting to see that. Maybe the fans want Kenzo to win or something?[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Satoru Sugimura Submission Match[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/noriyoshisanada.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/satorusugimura.jpg[/IMG] When each man walked down to the ring, they both had focused expression on their face, as Sanada was more eager than ever to keep his streak alive, while Satoru was more focused on ending that streak and getting a boost to his reputation. Sanada had unbelievable odds against him however it would first seem, as Satoru came down to the ring accompanied by Ichihara and the Black Serpent Cult, who he had stood by just a few minutes before. Those three were taken out however, when Stunner Okazawaya, Tasuku Nandaba & Kenji Fukamura ran out from backstage and knocked them down. Tasuku brawled to the back with Dayu, and the Black Serpent Cult retreated after being attacked by the other two. Satoru escaped the fight by running down to the ring, but Sanada ran through the second rope, connecting with a Running Plancha and officially starting the match. Sanada rolled his opponent back into the ring, and instantly began to stomp away at the bare arm, causing Satoru to grunt in pain before pulling him up to his feet. Sanada booted him in the gut and elbowed him in the shoulder before locking him in an arm wringer. Satoru tried to escape the move, but Sanada just kept applying more pressure each time. Eventually, Noriyoshi applied to much pressure and Satoru flipped forwards onto his back to prevent the breaking of his arm. Sanada kept hold of the arm and elbowed the joint before locking him in a chinlock, chickenwing combo. Sugimura desperately tried to get out of this hold as well, and it seemed like he could manage to do so, as he kept edging towards the ropes. Sanada put a stop to this however, by pulling Satoru back into the middle of the ring and then locked in a body scissors as well, which caused unbelievable amounts of pain to Satoru, because of the multiple submissions being locked in at the same time. Sanada yelled at him to tap out, but Sugimura refused to do so this early in the match, and elbowed him in the gut with his free arm in order to make him release the hold. Sanada rolled away clutching his stomach, before making his way up to his feet. Satoru slowly but surely made his way up to his feet as well, and almost immediately made his way towards Sanada and connected with a vicious chop to the chest. Sanada backed away, but then came back with a chop of his own, starting a chop fight between the two. Eventually it was Sanada who came out on top, when Satoru backed away and Sanada took advantage by locking him in another arm wringer. Satoru fought his way up to both feet, having dropped to one knee when the hold was locked in, and punched Sanada in the gut, making him back off. Satoru then ran across the ring, and when he came back he tried to knock Sanada down wit ha running clothesline, but was taken down himself when Sanada dropped down to the mat and dropped him with a drop toehold. Sanada then locked his opponent in an ankle hold, causing Satoru to scream out in pain and claw his way to the nearest rope. He struggled and struggled to try and reach the nearest one, but Sanada pulled him back to the middle of the ring to prevent him doing so. He then used his power to roll forward while in the hold, causing Sanada to flip forward and land face up, staring at the ceiling. Satoru rolled away and tried to recover, but found himself on the receiving end of a running knee to the head when he tried to get up. He dropped down to the mat face down clutching the side of his skull. Sanada then focused on Satoru’s legs again, and stomped at the knee’s, trying to weaken them up for the Sanada Pyramid. He then synched in knee lock on Satoru’s left leg, and dropped to the mat so he could pull the lower leg up as well. Sugimura struggled to try and get to the ropes again, but Sanada stopped him. Noriyoshi then stood up while still keeping hold of the lower leg, and pulled the leg up into the air, causing Satoru to come off of the mat for a brief second, before forcing the leg back down to the mat, causing the knee to collide with the canvas at high speed. Satoru let out a small yell and grabbed his knee. Sanada wasn’t about to let up however, and he scurried over to Satoru’s head, and drove his knee into the side of it. He continued to do so for about two minutes, with each knee connecting sickeningly with the side of Satoru’s head. Sugimura seemed to be out cold, and Sanada smiled when he saw Satoru’s glazed eyes. The undefeated star stood up and looked around for any signs of Satoru’s entourage so to speak, but could see nobody. He then pulled a limp Satoru up to both feet before kicking him strongly in the gut, sending him up into the air before crashing down to the mat, gasping for breath. Sanada then made his way over to his opponent’s legs and crossed both of the lower legs before dropping to the mat and locking in the Sanada Pyramid!! Satoru suddenly sprang to life and shot his arms out in front, trying to clasp the ropes before he would be forced to tap out. Sanada dragged him right into the middle of the ring before locking the hold in even tighter, almost bending Satoru in half. Sugimura screamed out in pain, and looked around desperately for any signs of help or to see if any rope was near enough. He saw neither, but refused to tap just yet. Sanada took this as a challenge, and applied even more pressure, at which Satoru couldn’t resist any more and frantically tapped out, giving Sanada the win. [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada by submission in 12:38 [b]B-[/b] – [i]Pretty good match, although slightly lower than I expected[/i] _____________________________________ [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Eiji Kiriyama vs. Mystery Worker[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/eijikiriyama.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/bg_bio_original.jpg[/IMG] Eiji waited in the ring for his opponent to come out, with the c0cky smirk he always has. He was visibly confident that this match was going to be easy, and that he didn’t need to use his full skill. Suddenly, familiar music blasted over the speakers, and the crowd hopped to their feet cheering, although a fair amount was booing as well. A hulking mass emerged from behind the curtain, and Eiji’s expression changed to one of fear and shock as he looked at his opponent. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/AresAegaleus.jpg[/IMG] Ares made his way down to the ring, and fans tried to slap him on the back, but could only reach his side. He climbed over the ropes, and stared down at the seemingly scared stiff Eiji. Kiriyama ran to the ropes and tried to knock the big man over with a shoulder block, but ended up being knocked over instead due to Ares countering with a clothesline. Ares picked Eiji up into the air before standing him up again. His opponent then tried to knock him off of his feet again, this time with a series of punches and kicks, but Ares simply resisted them, and Eiji retreated into a corner, with a look of extreme fright on his face. The giant walked over to the corner and punched him in the side of the face, knocking him right over the top rope and sending him crashing to the outside. Ares followed him out and pulled him up to his feet. He then lifted Eiji high into the air before dropping him down behind him with a Press Slam. Ares rolled him back into the ring and clambered back in, only to be met with several punches right to the jaw, an impressive feat, from Eiji who sprung to life. Ares resisted the moves again, and simply pushed Eiji down to the mat. Eiji ran to the ropes, but as soon as he ran back towards Ares, the huge greek wrestler exploded and snapped him cleanly in half with the Spartan Spear. Kiriyama went limp after the move, and Ares simply stood on his chest as the referee made the count. [b]Winner:[/b] Ares Aegaleus by pinfall in 5:54 [b]B-[/b] [I]- Woah, these two really produced a great match in such a short time….a B- for a squash match….wow.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Cobra w/Viper vs. Onishiki w/DEMON Yukata [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Cobra-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/onishiki.jpg[/IMG] When these two men made their way to the ring with their respective partners at their sides, there was feeling of tension in the air. Each man had something to prove by winning this match. Cobra would prove that he is not someone to mess with, and that he is clearly better than Onishiki. Onishiki on the other hand, would prove that he still had something left in him, even against this opponent, and that he was worthy of the tag title shot tomorrow night. When the bell rang, Cobra ran towards Onishiki and connected with a running forearm smash to the jaw which sent the former sumo staggering backwards clutching his mouth. Cobra booted him in the gut, and then again which made Onishiki double over in pain while clutching his stomach. Cobra then ran across the ring to the ropes, and when he came back he tried to connect with a running knee to the side of the former sumo’s head, but Onishiki moved out of the way just in time, and when Cobra turned to face him, knocked his opponent off of his feet and down to the mat with a short clothesline. Onishiki then stomped a mudhole in Cobra’s chest, who shuddered with each impact, before pulling him up to his feet and whipping him across the ring into the corner. Cobra hit the turnbuckles with a thud, and grabbed his back, before having the wind knocked out of him with a running shoulder thrust into the gut from Onishiki. Cobra dropped down to one knee holding his gut when Onishiki backed away, only to be knocked down to the mat properly with a double axe handle to the back. Viper shouted encouragement to his partner from the outside, but Cobra was pretty much helpless again his opponent right now, as Onishiki had built up far too much momentum. The former sumo picked Cobra up to his feet and scoop slammed him back down to the mat before locking in an arm bar. When it seemed like Cobra was going to escape the hold, as he fought his way up to his feet, Onishiki countered with an arm wringer, causing Cobra to drop back down to one knee. The Samoan then head butted Cobra on the side of the head, causing the tag champion to fall backwards in pain, clutching his head. Onishiki went over to Cobra and stomped on his chest before pulling him back up to his feet. He booted Cobra in the gut before throwing him overhead with a powerful belly to belly suplex. Cobra hit the canvas with a thud and grabbed his back in pain before Onishiki went for the cover. The referee got to two before Cobra kicked out, which got a few boos from the crowd, but a huge cheer from Viper on the outside. Onishiki pulled him up to his feet and booted him in the gut before whipping him strongly across the ring. He bounced off of the ropes and when he came back, Onishiki tried to clothesline him down to the mat, but Cobra ducked under the arm and connected with a thrust kick to the back of Onishiki’s head, causing him to drop forward onto the mat. Cobra then back into the corner and recover, but as soon as he saw his opponent stirring, he charged at him and drove his elbow into the gut of Onishiki. Cobra then pulled Onishiki up to his feet before booting him strongly in the gut, causing the former sumo wrestler to double over. Cobra then ran across the ring, and when he came back he kneed Onishiki in the side of the head, as Onishiki was still doubled over in pain. Cobra then pulled his opponent up to his feet before chopping him across the chest. He continually chopped him until Onishiki had backed into the ropes. Cobra then took advantage of that by running towards Onishiki and connecting with a clothesline which sent the big man to the outside. Yukata tried to protect his fallen partner from Viper, but the Cult member simply kicked him in the side of the head, and he fell to the floor beside Onishiki, clutching his skull. Cobra followed Onishiki and rolled him back into the ring after recovering, and went for the cover. Onishiki kicked out almost immediately however, which caused Cobra to yell out in anger, before picking him back up to his feet. Cobra tried to suplex the Samoan over, but Onishiki prevented him from doing so by wrapping his leg around Cobra’s. He then reversed the move with apparent ease, hoisting Cobra high into the air himself before driving him backwards with a Vertical Suplex. He then stood back up after the move and stomped away frantically at Cobra’s gut before driving his elbow into the gut as well. Onishiki then pulled Cobra up to his feet and booted him in the gut after elbowing him in the side of the head. Cobra doubled over, and Onishiki attempted a Gutwrench Suplex, but Cobra countered, flipping over during the attempt and landing on his feet before putting Onishiki in an inverted headlock and then drove him into the mat with a reverse DDT. The fans applauded at this impressive reversal, but Cobra couldn’t hear them, as that combo had caused him to use up a fair amount of energy. It served its purpose however, as Onishiki didn’t get up for a while. Cobra eventually made his way up to his feet, albeit slowly, and walked over to Onishiki, who was still down on the mat, and pulled him up to his feet. Onishiki countered by pushing Cobra’s arms away and then chopped him in the chest, before shoving Cobra down to the mat with an STO. Both men were down yet again, but this time Onishiki was the first man up to his feet, and he stomped on Cobra’s chest before pulling him up to his feet. Onishiki tried to punch him across the jaw, but Cobra ducked under Onishiki’s arm and locked him in a Full Nelson! He then dropped down to the mat with Onishiki, and quickly switched holds into the Cobra Constrictor Vice! Onishiki desperately tried to reach the ropes, but he was too far away from the ropes to do so. He tried rolling over to them, but Cobra stopped him from doing so by kneeing him in the back every time he attempted. Eventually, despite Yukata telling him not to, Onishiki tapped out to the hold, giving the Black Serpent Cult the advantage heading into their match tomorrow night. [b]Winner:[/b] Cobra by pinfall in 13:43 [b]B[/b] [I]- Really good, the Black Serpent Cult are really impressing me recently.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Team Kitozon : Master Kitozon, Seison Yamanaka & Connor Thompson vs. Team Ichihara : Dayu Ichihara, Toshiro Saito & Paul Kingsley[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MasterKitozon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SeisonYamanaka.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/connorthompson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/toshirosaito.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/paulkingsley.jpg[/IMG] Both teams were incredibly intent on taking the victory away here tonight. Team Kitozon because it keep Kitozon’s undefeated streak alive, and it would help Seison in the long run, while also allowing Connor to prove he can still hold his own with the main event. Team Ichihara was intent on victory because it would help to elevate all of them onto the same level as Kitozon, which Dayu & Saito would be more than happy to be at. For Kingsley it would benefit the most however, as it would show that he can still wrestle despite his many demons. Both teams spoke to each other, obviously speaking about a strategy for the match. When the bell rang, Connor Thompson and Dayu Ichihara were the two men who didn’t go to the apron, and it was clear that they would start the match. Both men circled each other for a little while, before both charged at the other. They collided in the middle of the ring, with neither man being willing to back down, they had stalemate. They pushed each other away, and ran in again, only for the same thing to happen once again. Dayu was getting frustrated already, and ran towards Connor, who stood still until the last second, when he used his power to flip Dayu over amazingly quickly and slam him down with a Spinning Powerslam, causing Dayu to let out a yelp of pain and grab his back. Connor made the first cover of the match up, but Dayu kicked out almost right away, not letting himself appear weak at all in front of his nemesis. Connor pulled him up to his feet and booted him in the gut before whipping him across the ring, and when Dayu came back, he tried to clothesline him down to the mat, but Ichihara managed to duck under his arm, and when Connor turned to face him, Dayu booted him in the gut and planted him with a DDT, before going for the cover himself. Connor kicked out just after the two count, but Dayu was not phased at all, and pulled his opponent back up to his feet. He unloaded three consecutive forearm smashes to alternate sides of Connor’s head before chopping him in the chest. Connor backed into the ropes while retreating from the chop, which caused Dayu to chop him in the chest again. Ichihara then whipped the Australian Hero across the ring, and when he came back, Dayu floored him with a vicious knife edge chop which turned Connor’s chest bright red. He picked Connor up off of the mat and whipped him into his corner, he ran in and tried to clothesline him, but Connor moved out of the way, and Dayu collided with the turnbuckles instead. Saito moved behind Connor and clubbed him in the back, causing him to drop down to one knee clutching his spine. Dayu then turned around and tagged in Saito, who stepped over the ropes and pulled Connor back up to both feet. He connected with a sickening chop right to the upper chest of Connor, knocking him right off his feet. Saito stomped at Connor’s gut before picking him up and booting him in the gut with force. Connor jumped backwards and clutched his gut when Saito connected, as the impact was very powerful. Connor slowly makes his way up to standing, but Saito ran at him and clotheslined him back down to the mat before stomping on his sternum several times. The behemoth picked Thompson back up and whipped him into the corner, and followed up with a strong clothesline, squashing Connor and causing him to drop down to the mat. Saito then pulled Connor out of the corner, before pulling him up to his feet. Connor tried to chop him in the chest, but Toshiro caught his hand before he could, and chopped Connor in retaliation, causing the smaller man to stagger away from him. Saito then tried to clothesline him again, but Connor ducked, and executed a nice dropkick to the back of Saito, causing him to stagger forwards, and then followed up with a Sleeper Slam, pulling Saito backwards onto the mat with authority. Saito hit the mat with a thud, and Connor made his way over to his corner and tagged in Kitozon. The legend walked over to Saito, who was making his way up to his feet. He clubbed Saito in the back with a double axe handle, but the behemoth retaliated by punching Kitozon in the gut, causing the legend to back up slightly while holding his gut. Saito got up to both feet, and focused on Kitozon, but before he could do anything, he was booted in the gut and then hit in the chest with a running double axe handle. He staggered backwards, but Kitozon was unrelenting, as he chopped Saito in the chest about fifteen times, turning it bright red. Saito dropped down to his knees under the assault, and Kitozon took advantage of this by running to the ropes opposite to Saito. When he came back, he jumped up and tried to knee the behemoth in the head, but Saito suddenly sprang to life, catching Kitozon in mid-air before slamming him into the mat with a modified Chokeslam. The legend bounced off of the mat, and didn’t move afterwards, as the impact from the move stunned him. Saito went over and attempted to get the pin, and almost took the victory, but Kitozon kicked out at two and a half. Saito let out a long sigh of frustration before standing up and pulling Kitozon up with him. He hoisted the legend up onto his shoulder, seemingly going for either a Running or Standing Powerslam, but Kitozon reversed the move when he wriggled out of it and locked Saito in an inverted face lock before dropping him down to the mat with a Reverse DDT. Toshiro clasped his head, while Kitozon simply relaxed on the mat, recovering from the chokeslam still. Kitozon got up to his feet soon after the DDT however, and Saito began to stir as well. The legend stayed away from Saito, as he was wary that the behemoth might explode when he stood up. As soon as Saito got up to his feet however, still evidently dazed from the DDT, Kitozon ran towards him and kicked him in the chest, before kicking him in the back. Kitozon also kicked him several times in the back and front of the knees, causing Saito to stagger slightly. Kitozon then tried to connect with the Kitozon Chop, trying to level Saito and end the match quickly, but Toshiro moved out of the way of the attempt, and retaliated by grabbing Kitozon, hoisting him into the air, and then driving him down with a Back Suplex. The legend grabbed his head in pain, and Saito made his way back over to his corner, although visibly limping, and tagged Ichihara back in. Dayu went over to his nemesis and pulled him up to his feet. He tried to boot Kitozon in the gut, but the legend caught his leg and whipped him over with a dragon screw leg whip. He kept hold of Dayu’s leg, and locked in a knee lock after driving his elbow into the joint. Ichihara let out a slight yelp of pain, and spent the next minute trying toe get out of the hold. He eventually retaliated with a body scissors, which Kitozon escaped by releasing Dayu’s leg. Both men quickly got up to their feet, and began to brawl. Kitozon got the first advantage, connecting with shot right to the jaw, causing Dayu to stagger back. Ichihara soon got control afterwards however following a series of four straight shots to his nemesis’ chin. Kitozon staggered backwards, and when he went for another punch, Dayu ducked. It had been a ruse however, as Kitozon promptly locked Dayu in a front headlock and drove him into the mat with a DDT. Ichihara grabbed his head in pain, which allowed Kitozon some time to recover yet again. He then stood up and pulled Dayu up with him, before booting his rival in the gut and whipping him into his team’s corner. He connected with a thud, and Kitozon tagged Seison in, eager to give his young protégé another chance at Dayu. Seison asked for Kitozon to help him double team Ichihara, but Kitozon said it wasn’t his way to do so, and he simply took his place on the apron. Seison kicked at Dayu’s gut and sternum, slowly causing him to slide down to the turnbuckles and down to the mat. Seison pulled him out of the corner and drove his elbow into Dayu’s sternum before locking him in a grounded abdominal stretch, a move which Dayu used to end Elemental’s undefeated streak last week. Ichihara yelled out in pain, but almost immediately managed to reverse the move due to knowledge of its weaknesses. He climbed up to both feet, holding Seison on his back, who was still in the abdominal stretch position, before leaping into the air and landing on his back, crushing Seison underneath him, forcing Yamanaka to release the hold. Dayu sat up after the move, rubbing his back slightly, before getting back up to both feet. He pulled Seison up with him, before whipping him into his team’s corner. Ichihara then tagged in Kingsley, who eagerly entered the ring and punched Seison right across the face, sending the rising star to the mat. Dayu climbed back onto the apron while Paul pulled his opponent back up. He booted Seison in the gut before putting him into a front headlock and flipping him forward with a snap suplex. Seison landed with a light thud, and grabbed his back, with a look of pain on his face. Paul went over and made the cover, but Seison kicked out just after two, causing Paul to savagely punch him again and again across the jaw, finishing him off with a left hook to the side of the head. Paul pulled Seison up to his feet and whipped him across the ring. When he came back, Paul tried to execute a spinebuster, but Seison countered with a lightning fast DDT. Paul bounced off of the mat after the move, and Seison clambered over to his corner and tagged Connor back in. Thompson clambered into the ring and ran towards Paul with a look of pure hatred in his eyes. Many fans remember their fantastic feud together, and apparently Connor was not yet ready to forget it. He pulled Paul up to his feet and chopped him in the chest, punched him in the head, chopped him again, and so on about six times. Paul crumbled under this assault, falling down to the mat. Thompson was still not done venting his anger, as he drove his elbow into Paul’s sternum, and did that five more times before pulling Kingsley up to his feet. Paul tried to mount a comeback with a left hook, but Connor used his instinct to duck it and retaliated with a powerful punch which connected with Paul’s gut, causing the Brit to double over. Connor then ran to the ropes, and when he came back, he ducked another hook attempt, and drove his knee into Paul’s gut, before whipping him into the corner. Connor then followed up with a corner clothesline, sandwiching Paul between him and the turnbuckles before dragging him out. Connor nodded to Kitozon, and the legend suddenly jumped into the ring, prompting both Saito and Ichihara to run in to stop him. Connor ducked under a clothesline attempt from Saito, who ran into a huge missile dropkick from Seison, who had scurried up onto the top rope, and dropped to the mat. Ichihara tried to punch Kitozon in the face, but the legend ducked underneath and booted Dayu in the gut when he turned around. Connor used this chance to boot Paul in the gut before connecting with the Thunder From Down Under, a Sit-Out Scoop Slam Driver. He then made the cover on his longtime rival, as Kitozon took Dayu out of the ring with a Running Kitozon Chop. Both of Connor’s partners crowded round him to fend off any assault as the referee made the count. 1… 2… 3! The fans exploded as the referee raised Team Kitozon’s hands into the air. [b]Winner:[/b] Team Kitozon in 22:10 by pinfall on Paul Kingsley by Connor Thompson [b]B+[/b] [i]- Bit of a let down, must have only just missed getting an A.[/i] ____________________________________________ [b]Overall:[/b] B [b]Notes:[/b] Great show overall in my view, with quite a few surprises. Eiji was reportedly trying to use his command of politics to get the win over Ares, but management, namely me, wouldn’t have it, so we booked the match differently, made it about half the length, and had Eiji be completely obliterated by Ares…not to say he wouldn’t have been anyways. Sorry about the late post as well guys. I’ve just finished the last Harry Potter book, been reading it avidly, and I am not afraid to say I have started playing Pokemon Diamond. I get way too easily addicted to stuff hahaha. ____________________________________________ [/center]
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[CENTER] [B][U]Current Prediction Tally for the week[/U][/B] [B]SadisticBlessings:[/B] 6/6 [B]chris caulfield:[/B] 4/6 Good job both of you guys. The winner of the week's tally will get a different prize than usual, as it is the end of the tour. They will get to choose the main event of the first show of the next tour, as well as pm me their choice of who should get a good push next tour as well. I will be willing to accept anyone, apart from obvious current main eventers. [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] An amazing tour show from BHOTWG this week, with Team Kitozon emerging victorious in the main event against Team Ichihara. Kenzo Isozaki got the better of Kenji in their tag match as well. Speaking of the match, why did we see what we saw afterwards? Are those two teams at war now? Are they actually teams or were they just coming to each other's aid? Ares Aegaleus, who is the newest member of the BHOTWG roster, has laid out a challenge to anyone who is not already competing to face him in a match at Inferno of Purity. Tatsumaki Azai, formerly Mibu, has laid down a challenge to his former partner to meet him one-on-one at Inferno Of Purity. Who will emerge victorious? Will this be the early end of their rivalry, or will they carry on fighting into the next tour? More good news, as our TV show raked in a 16.44 rating, meaning a fantastic 322,000 people tuned in to watch. [B][U]Card for Inferno of Purity[/U][/B] [u]Tokyo Civil Stadium in Kanto[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/InfernoofPurity.jpg[/IMG] [i]Banner Credit to me[/i] [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Takehide Minobe [B][I]Singles[/I][/B] Black Manta vs. Jin Sakamoto [B][I]Grudge Match Singles[/I][/B] Shikimara Mibu vs. Tatsumaki Azai [I][B]Tag Team[/B][/I] Atsushi Nagamichi & White Manta (replacement for Kenji) vs. Byron Valmont & Satoru Sugimura [I][B]Submission Singles[/B][/I] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Kiba Izumi [I][B]Greek God Challenge[/B][/I] Ares Aegaleus vs. ??? [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Shogo Takani [I][B]Tag Team For the Burning Japanese Tag Team Championships[/I][/b] The Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) (c) vs. Onishiki & DEMON Yukata [B][I]Five-way Singles[/I][/B] Elemental vs. Akahashi Kuno vs. Edo Phoenix vs. Bishima vs. Gnasher Udo [B][I]Singles For the Burning Pacific Championship[/I][/B] Kenji Fukamura (c) w/Atsushi Nagamichi vs. Kenzo Isozaki w/Byron Valmont [I][B]Grudge Match[/B][/I] Connor Thompson vs. Paul Kingsley [B][I]The Third Meeting Submission Singles[/I][/B] Dayu Ichihara vs. Seison Yamanaka [B][I][U]Main Event[/U] For the Burning World Championship[/I][/B] Master Kitozon (c) vs. Tasuku Nandaba [B]TIEBREAKER: Who gets pinned in the Five-way Super Junior match?[/B] [I]Predictions & comments welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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I believe I'm ready to begin predicting again. I got swept up in other diaries and other games. So here's my choices. Singles [B]Kazuo Mitsushi[/B] vs. Takehide Minobe Singles [B]Black Manta[/B] vs. Jin Sakamoto Grudge Match Singles Shikimara Mibu vs. [B]Tatsumaki Azai[/B] Tag Team Atsushi Nagamichi & White Manta (replacement for Kenji) vs. [B]Byron Valmont & Satoru Sugimura[/B] Submission Singles [B]Stunner Okazawaya[/B] vs. Kiba Izumi Greek God Challenge [B]Ares Aegaleus[/B] vs. ??? Singles [B]Noriyoshi Sanada[/B] vs. Shogo Takani Tag Team For the Burning Japanese Tag Team Championships The Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) (c) vs. [B]Onishiki & DEMON Yukata[/B] Five-way Singles Elemental vs. Akahashi Kuno vs. [B]Edo Phoenix[/B] vs. Bishima vs. Gnasher Udo Singles For the Burning Pacific Championship Kenji Fukamura w/Atsushi Nagamichi vs. [B]Kenzo Isozaki w/Byron Valmont[/B] Grudge Match Connor Thompson vs. [B]Paul Kingsley[/B] The Third Meeting Submission Singles [B]Dayu Ichihara[/B] vs. Seison Yamanaka Main Event For the Burning World Championship [B]Master Kitozon[/B] (c) vs. Tasuku Nandaba TIEBREAKER: Who gets pinned in the Five-way Super Junior match? Bishima
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Awesome show - looking forward to seeing what comes out of the 'stable' angle you're starting up. Ichihara as leader of a group of workers just seems right to me for some reason. Singles [B]Kazuo Mitsushi [/B]vs. Takehide Minobe [i]I think we've all figured out my strategy for booking Kazuo by now, right? :p [/i] Singles Black Manta vs. [B]Jin Sakamoto[/B] [i]Could go either way - I see Jin picking it up simply because he's the better worker, and that goes a long way with BHOTWG's product. But really there's no reason it couldn't go the other way.[/i] Grudge Match Singles Shikimara Mibu vs. [B]Tatsumaki Azai[/B] [i]I honestly like both of these guys. Did they just have crappy chemistry together? Whatever the reasoning behind their break up, both have their strengths - but Tatsu has a better chance of sticking around for the long run, I think. He's a bit like a young Noriyoshi Sanada.[/i] Tag Team [B]Atsushi Nagamichi & White Manta (replacement for Kenji)[/B] vs. Byron Valmont & Satoru Sugimura [i]White Manta is the big dog in this match, from where I'm standing. Still, he's old, and probably won't last too long. So I could be wrong here. But neither Byron nor Satoru seems worthy of a win like this on the big show quite yet.[/i] Submission Singles Stunner Okazawaya vs. [B]Kiba Izumi[/B] [i]Another one where I could very easily be mistaken, but you seem to like Kiba a little when he finally gets a chance to wrestle. Stunner was a focal point of the last tour, but this time around he's pretty much just taken up space. The match is a toss up, but in the end you have to admit Kiba is the better wrestler right now.[/i] Greek God Challenge [B]Ares Aegaleus[/B] vs. ??? [i]Wondering who will be in this match is far more interesting than wondering who will win. Aegaleus was a great pick up for you - one of the founding fathers of gaijin wrestling. I doubt he'll be around for that long, but while you have him he can be a very valuable member of the roster. My pick for his opponent? Hitoshi Higa. Where's he been lately, anyway?[/i] Singles [B]Noriyoshi Sanada[/B] vs. Shogo Takani [i]Isn't Noriyoshi still undefeated? Yeah, Shogo is one of those guys he's been built up to face this whole time. And given his great match ratings so far, I could see him winning this. Shame there are no PPV carriers in 75, because this match is worthy of being on one.[/i] Tag Team For the Burning Japanese Tag Team Championships [B]The Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper)[/B] (c) vs. Onishiki & DEMON Yukata [i]Not expecting this match to be perfect, but it should be a respectable title defense for Inferno of Purity. At this point BSC are undeniably your most experienced and talented team, so I really don't see any need for them to lose the belts.[/i] Five-way Singles [B]Elemental[/B] vs. Akahashi Kuno vs. Edo Phoenix vs. Bishima vs. Gnasher Udo [i]Elemental > *[/i] Singles For the Burning Pacific Championship [B]Kenji Fukamura (c) w/Atsushi Nagamichi[/B] vs. Kenzo Isozaki w/Byron Valmont [i]Not an easy prediction to make, since Kenzo seems to be bound for great things right from the start on this. Even so, Kenji has been a great first Pacific champion - if he loses, he's still had an admirable reign. I'd like to think that you'll keep the chase alive for a while longer, though.[/i] Grudge Match [B]Connor Thompson[/B] vs. Paul Kingsley [i]Unless Connor announced his retirement at the end of the month, there's no reason Kingsley deserves a win over him at this point.[/i] The Third Meeting Submission Singles Dayu Ichihara vs. [B]Seison Yamanaka[/B] [i]Dayu has been a great opponent for Seison thus far, but has also pretty much dominated him both times. I'm thinking the "Submission Match" note is a sign that this will be Seison's big coming out party and opportunity to join the big boys in the main event.[/i] Main Event For the Burning World Championship [B]Master Kitozon (c) [/B]vs. Tasuku Nandaba [i]Tasuku is someone I could definitely see being near Kitozon's level a year or two from now. Seeing as this is his first title shot and first main event on a big show, I also think it would be awesome for him to take a big upset win here and shock the world. But I don't see it happening; sad truth is, his average match ratings would likely do more harm than good even as a transitional champion.[/i] TIEBREAKER: Who gets pinned in the Five-way Super Junior match? [b]Bishima[/b][i] has to be the one. Pretty much the biggest jobber of the four not-Elemental participants, though I could also see Gnasher taking the fall simply because he's young and has plenty of time to bounce back from any losses he's taking now.[/i]
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Singles [B]Kazuo Mitsushi[/B] vs. Takehide Minobe Singles Black Manta vs. [B]Jin Sakamoto[/B] Grudge Match Singles [B]Shikimara Mibu[/B] vs. Tatsumaki Azai Tag Team [B]Atsushi Nagamichi & White Manta[/B] (replacement for Kenji) vs. Byron Valmont & Satoru Sugimura Submission Singles [B]Stunner Okazawaya[/B] vs. Kiba Izumi Greek God Challenge [B]Ares Aegaleus[/B]vs. ??? [I]*Ares is one of my favorite characters, can't wait to see who is removed from their boots with the Spartan Spear. If you hold to what usually happens in the autoclickers, he'll eventually become your color commentator upon retirement. He doesn't speak Japanese too well, but I hear he can call "LARIAT!" like no other! :D [/I] Singles [B]Noriyoshi Sanada[/B] vs. Shogo Takani Tag Team For the Burning Japanese Tag Team Championships [B]The Black Serpent Cult [/B](Cobra & Viper) (c) vs. Onishiki & DEMON Yukata Five-way Singles [B]Elemental[/B] vs. Akahashi Kuno vs. Edo Phoenix vs. Bishima vs. Gnasher Udo Singles For the Burning Pacific Championship Kenji Fukamura (c) w/Atsushi Nagamichi vs. [B]Kenzo Isozaki[/B] w/Byron Valmont Grudge Match [B]Connor Thompson[/B] vs. Paul Kingsley The Third Meeting Submission Singles Dayu Ichihara vs. [B]Seison Yamanaka[/B] [I]*Could be a great match, if Seison gets built into a legit challenger for Kitozon's title that could be an A* for Amazing match.[/I] Main Event For the Burning World Championship [B]Master Kitozon [/B](c) vs. Tasuku Nandaba [I]*Inferno of KITOZON[/I] TIEBREAKER: Who gets pinned in the Five-way Super Junior match? [I]Everyone says Bishima, so in order to win the tiebreaker I will go with...[/I] [B]Gnasher Udo[/B].
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