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Young Americans (C-Verse '75)

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[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B]Disclaimer:[/B] [I]This diary is fictional and purely meant for light reading. No harm was meant to anyone who reads this.. Well besides the french anyway.. I meant everyword of that.... Oh and Jim.. If your reading this.. You might want to get yourself checked out by a doctor.. I hate to be the one to tell you this but.. well.. I have been banging your wife for 2 months now and i seem have have developed a rash from her. So unless she got it from you, she is with someone else as well. Anyway. See you at bowling tonight.[/I] [CENTER][img]http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/5036/internetta1.jpg[/img] [B][SIZE="6"][FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Plum"]American Independent Circuit Wrestling[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [B]Previously in 1975:[/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B]January 1975[/B][/SIZE] [B]January 1[/B] - [I]LiquidGate scandal: John N. Bitchell, H. R. Holdhands and John Atchoo are found guilty of the LiquidGate cover-up.[/I] [B]January 1[/B] - [I]Work is abandoned on the British end of the Channel Tunnel. France is deemed too smelly to travel to.[/I] [B]January 2[/B] - [I]The Federal Rules of Evidence are approved by the United States Congress.[/I] [B]January 7 [/B]- [I]OPEC agrees to raise crude oil prices by 10%.[/I] [B]January 8[/B] - [I]El Grasso becomes Governor of Connecticut, the first woman U.S. governor who did not succeed her husband. [/I] [B]January 8[/B] - [I]U.S. President Hansolo Ford appoints Vice President Nelson Rocknroller to head a special commission looking into alleged domestic abuses by the CIA.[/I] [B]January 12[/B] - [I]The Pittsburgh Metallers defeat the Minnesota Pillagers 16-6 in Tupper Bowl IX to capture their first-ever Pro Football World Championship. [/I] [B]January 14[/B] - [I]Heiress Lesley Spittle , 17, is kidnapped from her home in Shropshire, England by Donald Feelson. Fun & frolics had by both[/I] [B]January 15[/B] - [I]International Women's Year launched in Britain by Princess Butch and Babs Castle. Men everywhere hang there heads[/I] [B]January 15[/B] - [I]Portugal grants independence to Angola.[/I] [B]January 20[/B] - [I]In Hanoi, North Vietnam, the Politburo approves the final military offensive against South Vietnam.[/I] [B]January 29[/B] - [I]The Weather Underground bombs the U.S. State Department main office in Washington, D.C.. Michael Fish is found and hung.[/I] [B]January[/B] - [I]Saltair 8800 is released, sparking the era of the microcomputer and the beginning of the road to free porn for all.[/I] [B][SIZE="4"]February 1975[/SIZE][/B] [B]February 1[/B] - [I]The Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation is launched, becoming the first TV network in the Philippines.[/I] [B]February 4[/B] - [I]The first successfully predicted earthquake occurs in Haicheng, Liaoning, China. Millions die however as they forgot to tell the residents.[/I] [B]February 9[/B] - [I]The Soyousay 17 crew returns to Earth after 1 month aboard the Salyut 4 space station claiming to have banged a martian.[/I] [B]February 11[/B] - [I]Maggy Thatchedroof defeats Eddy Heathstone for the leadership of the UK Conservative Party in the United Kingdom. Nobody cared.[/I] [B]February 13[/B] - [I]A "Turkish Federated State of North Cyprus" is declared as an unsuccessful first step to international recognition of a Turkish Cypriot separatist state in Cyprus.[/I] [B]February 13[/B] - [I]Fire breaks out in the World Trade Center. Turned out someone left a baked potato in the microwave.[/I] [B]February 23[/B] - [I]In response to the energy crisis, daylight saving time commences nearly 2 months early in the United States. People use it as an excuse to get into work later.[/I] [B]February 28[/B] - [I]A major tube train crash at Boorgate station, London kills 43 people.[/I] [B]February 28[/B] - [I]In Lomé, Togo, the European Economic Community and 46 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries sign a financial and economic treaty, known as the first Lomé Convention.[/I][/FONT] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][I]"So its March 1975.. Not sure how.. It was May 2007 but when i woke up im back in 1975.. Its like some BBC cop show that lasts for only 2 series and has a David Bowie name.. Well at least i think im from 2007. Am I mad, in a coma, or did i just smoke too much weed last night? Turns out that in 1975 i work for a wrestling promotion called American Independant Circuit Wrestling for a man called Walter Crowe, a real manipulative sonova bitch and his collegue Nathen Crosby, a man that tends to grease the palms of those that can help him. However at least i have Dale Christian in my corner. A real nice guy and someone im sure will be helpful in getting me home"[/I] [B]Crowe:[/B] "Oi Adam You great... soft... sissy... girlie... nancy... French... bender... Man United supporting POOF! get your arse in here. We need to talk!!"[/FONT] [B]Coming Up:[/B] [I]Pulling together a roster[/I] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]O.O.C Is it 1005 or 1006. With the release of C-Verse 1975, the desire to do my 4C diary went completely. I was struggling to turn a profit and was bound to annoy someone with my decision to axe either Jacob Jett or Joey Poison. Its why i have decided to do AICW. There are just 3 people on the roster and i can sculpt the promotion my way. [/FONT][/QUOTE]
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O.o.c Would of had another entry up but i found AICW is a touring company so im having to figure out how to run one of those. Im assuming that ppa contracts are for people that work for you during the time specified and touring means that they will only work during the tour months?? Am i right??
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PPA will be able to work for you anytime, they're kinda your regular workers if you want. Touring contracts are valid for one tour only, probably used for special appereances, guests/try-out workers. I'm not an expert, but that's what I figured messing with touring promotions here and there.
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PPA deals are the same in a touring promotion as any other promotion. Touring deals are PPA deals that just last for a tour, and are ideal for trying out new workers. However, they do have a [I]huge [/I]advantage. Once a worker signs a touring contract, they will not sign any other new contract until the tour over. Therefore touring contracts can be very good for locking down talent, at least for a few months
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[FONT="Arial"][B]Walter Crowes Office[/B] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Oi Adam You great... soft... sissy... girlie... nancy... French... bender... Man United supporting POOF! get your arse in here. We need to talk!!"[/COLOR] [I]I headed into Crowes office as his secretary hurried out adjusting her blouse. The room was thick with cigar smoke and posters of various glamour girls lined the walls. Crowe had reached into his drawer and began pouring two glasses of whiskey, handing one to me.[/I] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="darkred"]"Things you need to know..Gene Plumelli pulled a lot of strings to get you this job, and if you even think about ballsing it up, you might as well just put him in the ground now and if you do, then you might have well join him as you WILL be hunted down. Point two. Your first tour will be in June so you have a few months to gather some top notch fellers who can get us the greens. Thirdly, we need a title. We were using an old title from another company and the faggots have decided that we cant have them anymore. So i need you to think up some new ideas for them. Forth.. I want cash.. More than i have now. And if it looks like we are losing cash when your contract is coming up for renewal then im going to kick you into the gutter where you belong"[/COLOR] [B]Adam:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"You love hearing the sound of your own voice dont you"[/COLOR] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="darkred"]"Fifth.. I dont want any old codgers in their zimmer frames blocking up the hallways here waiting to check out so anyone older than 42 is a big no no."[/COLOR] [B]Adam:[/B] [COLOR="navy"]"Arnt you older than 42 though?"[/COLOR] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="darkred"]"Me.. I haven't aged a day since i was 21. Finally.. I dont want any johnny-come-lately's running between us and other promotions. Anyone you hire has to work for us alone"[/COLOR] [B]Adam:[/B] [COLOR="navy"]"Are you done boss, the smell of cigars and stale sex is making me feel nausous"[/COLOR] [I]Crowe was on his feet and took the whisky glass from me. He set it down on the desk and i turned to leave. Suddenly Crowe swung and caught me right on the kidneys and i was stumbling to the ground. He grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me back to my feet[/I] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Listen up.. You have a f&%*ing mouth on you and its gonna land you in trouble"[/COLOR] [B]Adam:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"And your an overweight, over-the-hill, nicotine-stained, borderline-alcoholic homophobe with a superiority complex and an unhealthy obsession with male bonding?"[/COLOR] [I]Possibly a mistake on my part saying that as Crowe sent his fists straight into my stomach making all the air escape me[/I] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"You make that sound like a bad thing. Now get out"[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B]Coming up:[/B] Maybe a show, and hopefully no more lines stolen from Life On Mars[/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][B]Outside the office of Walter Crowe[/B] [I]I headed out of Crowes office desperately trying to get air back into my lungs, and walked straight into Dale Christian before finally collapsing to my knees. Dale got me back onto my feet and sat me down on the nearest chair.[/I] [B]Dale:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Sorry im late. Looks like Crowe had some fun with you"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"Is he always like that"[/COLOR] [B]Dale:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"That guy can be very nice to people when he wants to be, but if you read all the articles that get printed about him, you will come to realise just how much of a politician he actually is. He got where he is by lulling me into sharing just how i got my 'King of Wrestling' tournament noticed and has used that knowledge to build AICW. Who knows what other palms he has greased to get what he wants"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"If you dislike him that much, why are you here"[/COLOR] [B]Dale:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"The idea was mine, and i would like to keep an eye on it. And this promotion isn't bad, as long as you stay away from Crowe"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"Kinda hard for me. I have to run all my ideas past him"[/COLOR] [B]Dale:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Yeah i know. Thats why i was trying to be there today when you met him. He rarely crosses the line when other people are there"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"Thats good to know"[/COLOR] [B]Dale:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"While you were in there, i was on the phone to some wrestlers. Not sure if you know why we dont have any people on our roster. Last month Crowe fired them all after a slightly disappointing tour which resulted in a tiny loss for him. But some guys have agreed to come back as a result of my chat to them. We have Red Falcon, Biff Imgram, Action Jackson & Handsome Tommy Handell for a start"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"Are they good.. Im sorry. Im too sore to concentrate"[/COLOR] [B]Dale:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"They should do as a starting block for you. Gives you a chance to look at combinations and chemistry. Anyway, we can talk more later. Lets get you looked at"[/COLOR] [I]Dale helped me back to my feet and took me to get checked out. Nothing was broken, but i was severely bruised. A few hours later, i headed to my office to start work on positions and possible contacts. Upon opening my office door, i was hit on the shoulder by a broom handle. Turned out my office doubled up as the storage cupboard, and i knew exactly where i wanted to put the brooms.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"No.. This just wont do"[/COLOR] [I]I slammed the cupboard door and headed for the front door. There was a bar across the road which was to become my office for the forseeable future[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/AICW/Untitled-1.gif[/IMG][/FONT][/CENTER]
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[SIZE="4"][CENTER][FONT="Arial"][B]"Drugs Are Bad... Mmmkay"[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [I]The big news story in April was about Franco Lambert. Franco Lambert was the owner of American Pro Wrestling Federation and Pittsburgh steel tycoon with rumoured ties to the New York mafia. When Lambert first appeared at APWF events he was more fat than muscle, but recently he began looking fitter and more bulked up than fatty. However, his vanity could be his downfall. The Wrestling Governing board -The GDS- instituted recently a Steroid testing program and each month have tested a random worker from a random promotion. Aprils selection was APWF, and Franco Lambert was 'picked'. The test results were positive and the press had a field day slating Lambert and rehashing all their old stories about mafia connections in APWF. Lambert has consistantly denied every using steroids and claim that his enemies have rigged the results to damage his reputation and his company.[/I][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][I]The stories about Franco Lambert carried on in the press right up till May. Lambert began to get more reclusive and rumours began circulating that the tycoon had become super paranoid. People claimed that his mob connections were apparently displeased with Franco's performance and his fall from grace and wanted some form of compensation from him. On the 1st May Franco Lambert passed away in his sleep, aged 46. In the wake of Lamberts death, Dan Stone - 3 time APWF Champion - took over the reigns of APWF. Stone wasn't known for being good with finance so the press began to speculate about who could be backing the new owner. Dan Stone announced to the world that before Franco Lambert died, he had told Stone that he was giving everything to him, and while events were considered suspicious, no charges were ever brought against anyone and Lamberts death was ruled as natural causes.[/I][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][B]The Bar Opposite AICW Offices:[/B] [I]Time had lost meaning to me recently. I spent way too much time drinking in the bar while 'working through' rosters and ideas for the tour which was rapidly approaching. With the recent death of Franco Lambert, and Dan Stones takeover of APWF, the world had become interested in wrestling and there had been a lot of movement. Today was the day i usually met Dale Christian. At least i think it was today. Like i said. Time had lost all meaning. I pushed all the paperwork to the corner of my booth and got another bottle... And i was done to the last pour when Dale turned up.[/I] [B]Dale:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Holy crap. Look at you.. Your drunk"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"Im not drunk.. Im just lightly pished"[/COLOR] [B]Dale:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Well in that case im gonna stand up when i tell you this because your not gonna like this"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="navy"]"Oh cmon.. Your my mate.. Im sure i will"[/COLOR] [B]Dale:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"No you wont.. Im leaving AICW.."[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"What.... Why"[/COLOR] [B]Dale:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"People are interested in wrestling again. There interested in me again and i have been offered a contract with a bigger company.. And im gonna take it"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"But...."[/COLOR] [I]My stomach lurched and i knew i was going to be sick.. I tried to get up but the room just started spinning... Suddenly everything went black.. I was woken up by the bartender telling me it was time to go home. Dale Christian was gone..[/FONT][/I]
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[FONT="Arial"][B]AICW Summer Tour[/B] Wednesday Week 1 June 1975 The Junkyard (Midwest USA) [B]Attendance:[/B] 1000 [I](Sellout)[/I] [CENTER][B]Match One:[/B] Action Jackson [B]VS[/B] Bulletproof Action Jackson defeated Bulletproof in 11:52 by pinfall with an One More Time. [B]Rating:[/B] E- [B]Match Two:[/B] Darren Johnson [B]VS[/B] Duke Powell Darren Johnson defeated Duke Powell in 10:41 by submission. [B]Rating:[/B] E- [B]Match Three:[/B] Handsome Tommy Handell [B]VS[/B] Tito Bumfhole Handsome Tommy Handell defeated Tito Bumfhole in 12:39 by pinfall. [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [B]Match Four:[/B] Dale Christian & Dee Ray Morton [B]VS[/B] Quincy LeMieux & Walter Crowe Dale Christian and Dee Ray Morton defeated Quincy LeMieux and Walter Crowe in 11:33 when Dee Ray Morton defeated Quincy LeMieux by pinfall. [B]Rating:[/B] D- After his defeat Walter Crowe grabbed a mike: [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"This was just a taste of what AICW has to offer. Our next show is friday where we will christian our new AICW Champion. Make sure your there"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] E- [B]Final Rating:[/B] E+[/CENTER] [B]Note:[/B] [I]Now that the first show is out the way, I have an idea of just how much money im getting in and can start looking towards getting some decent workers in.[/I][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][B]Walter Crowes Office:[/B] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Oi Nancy.. I want a word"[/COLOR] [I]I looked around, desperately trying to find Dale Christian. He still had a few weeks left on his contract and i could use him as a buffer against Crowe but the guy was out training with some of our new signees.[/I] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="darkred"]"You hear me, you big girls blouse"[/COLOR] [I]Gingerly i headed into his office, knowing that another pounding would probably soon be upon me. Luckily Crowe had given me warning about todays meeting so i hadn't drunk today.. Being sober felt wrong....[/I] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Come in.. Sit down.. Can my secretary get you something"[/COLOR] [I]Danger.. Danger Bill Hobbitson.. Danger.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"Im... erm.. im good.. Whats up"[/COLOR] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Theres something i want to discuss with you... Brandy?"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"No thanks"[/COLOR] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"In that case let me get down to business. Fridays show.. Your booking a match for the AICW Championship.. I want it"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"You want in the match??"[/COLOR] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"No.. I want the Championship"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"You want me to rig it?"[/COLOR] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Of course im not telling you to rig it. Im just reminding you who is in charge around here. I could make your life a living hell"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"More than you already do?"[/COLOR] [I]Big mistake again on my part. I wonder if i would ever learn. Crowe sprung to his feet right away, grabbed me and pinned me up against the wall, tearing one of his glamour girl posters at the same time.[/I] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Listen you little ****, you know nothing about suffering yet, but if you keep up your mouth, your gonna feel pain like you wouldn't believe. [B]NOW[/B] who are you booking me against on friday?"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"I was going to have Biff Ingram face Red Falcon originally...."[/COLOR] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"...Right.. Then drop Falcon down the card and book me against Ingram. You understand?"[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]".............."[/COLOR] [I]I think that ticked Crowe off as he send his knee straight into my gut.. I wheezed and picked myself back up. Crowe snarled and punched me square across the jaw and then kneed me again, this time in the family jewels. That time i stayed down. [/I] [B]Crowe:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Now go and tell Ingram that he is losing tomorrow"[/COLOR] [I]I crawled across the ground and left Crowes office, finally settling on a chair just outside. I waited and waited for the pain to subside and when it was down to a ache, i got up and went looking for Biff Ingram. Ingram liked drinking more than i did, and when i found him, he was three sheets to the wind.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"Biff.. We need to talk"[/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/AICW/Untitled-1.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Arial"][B]Preview for AICW Summer Tour (Friday)[/B] Brad Kelly [B]VS[/B] Bulletproof Handsome Tommy Handell [B]VS[/B] Kid Karma Dale Christian [B]VS[/B] Tito Bumfhole Biff Ingram [B]VS[/B] Walter Crowe [I]for the [COLOR="Blue"]AICW Championship[/COLOR][/I][/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial][B]AICW Summer Tour (Friday)[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Brad Kelly [B]VS[/B] [B]Bulletproof[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Handsome Tommy Handell [B]VS[/B] [B]Kid Karma[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Dale Christian [B]VS[/B] [B]Tito Bumfhole[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Biff Ingram [B]VS[/B] [B]Walter Crowe[/B] [I]for the [COLOR=blue]AICW Championship[/COLOR][/I][/FONT][/quote] Ouch, I hope this doesnt effect the amount of drinking you do before your next show :D
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[FONT="Arial"][B]AICW Summer Tour Show 2[/B] [B]Attendance:[/B] [I]931[/I] Friday Week 1 June 1975 Delaware Auditorium (Mid Atlantic) [CENTER][B]Match One:[/B] Quincy LeMieux [B]VS[/B] Red Falcon Red Falcon defeated Quincy LeMieux in 8:20 by pinfall with a Death Swoop. [B]Rating:[/B] D- [B]Match Two:[/B] Brad Kelly [B]VS[/B] Bulletproof Brad Kelley defeated Bulletproof in 9:45 by submission. [B]Rating:[/B] E [B]Match Three:[/B] Kid Karma [B]VS[/B] Handsome Tommy Handell Handsome Tommy Handell defeated Kid Karma in 9:49 by pinfall. [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [B]Match Four:[/B] Dale Christian [B]VS[/B] Tito Bumfhole Dale Christian defeated Tito Bumfhole in 9:52 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. [B]Rating:[/B] D [B]Match Five:[/B] Biff Ingram [B]VS[/B] Walter Crowe [I]for the [COLOR="Navy"]AICW Championship[/COLOR][/I] Biff Ingram defeated Walter Crowe in 9:45 by submission. Biff Ingram wins the AICW Championship title. [B]Rating:[/B] D- Biff Ingram is celebrating with his title in the ring. Walter Crowe gets up and attacks, beating Biff down into the mat. [B]Rating:[/B] F[/CENTER] [B]Final Rating:[/B] [SIZE="4"]D-[/SIZE] [B]Prediction Results:[/B] Trell: 0/4[/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][B]Delaware Auditorium[/B] Post Show [I]I knew that Crowe was going to be really pissed at me, but i just couldn't tell Biff to lose. I hadn't told anyone to lose.. Upon arriving in AICW, i had told the workers that i was aiming to make this a somewhat pure wrestling promotion. Thats not to say that i would never tell someone to lose, but it had to serve the interests of the company, and not just one man. Everyone knew the moment the match ended that Crowe was extremely annoyed about what happened. Thats why he attacked Biff in an unplanned segment at the end of the show.. I bet the crowd going home would blame that on me saying i was trying to make a more entertainment product. As for me, I was scrambling around trying to get my stuff together and get out before Crowe came and found me.[/I] [B]Crosby:[/B] "Boss.. I found him" [I]Crosby.. Walter Crowes biggest fan here at AICW[/I] [I]Crowe strutted into the room wearing shorts perhaps a size too small for him.[/I] [B]Crowe:[/B] "Nathen.. If you will" [I]Oh bugger.. Crosby had managed to get behind me, and grabbed my arms to hold me in place[/I] [B]Crowe:[/B] "I seem to remember you and me having a little chat. You remember..? In that chat we talked about tonights show and how i wanted the main event to turn out. Do you remember?" [B]Me:[/B] "............" [B]Crowe:[/B] "And i remember you doing that as well. I should fire you right now, but i cant. ..Gene Plumelli has got your contract pretty well tied up but i can make your life a living hell" [I]Crowe swung another fist into my chest and i thought i heard something crack[/I] [B]Crowe:[/B] "Anything to say" [B]Me:[/B] "............." [I]Another fist to the chest, followed by one to the fist.. I could taste blood.[/I] [B]Crowe:[/B] "Are you going to book the rematch next show" [B]Me:[/B] ".............." [I]Crowe leaned in close, as if he was about to whisper some threat. He never had the chance, as i spat a mouth full of blood into his face. He wiped some of it off and slugged me in the chest again.[/I] [B]Crowe:[/B] "Nathen.. If you will" Crosby took one of my arms with both hands. There was a crack, and then i blacked out. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/AICW/Untitled-1.gif[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][B]Squalid Apartment Day after the show[/B] [I]I reached for my bottle of whisky and winced in pain. My right arm had been broken and a rib was cracked but other than that i was fine. On the side sat the painkillers i had been given untouched since the day i got them.. I had settled on another form of painkiller.. Jack Daniels.[/I] [B][I]*Knock Knock*[/I][/B] [I]I winced again as i pulled myself up off the couch, and opened the door.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] "Who the hell are you" [B]????:[/B] "My name is Iron Mike Milligan. And this is Mr Plumelli" [I]I looked downwards to see a old man sitting in a wheelchair.[/I] [B]Plumelli:[/B] "Ai.. You gonna let us in or what" [I]I stepped out the way and let Mike Milligan bring Mr Plumelli inside. He moved Mr Plumelli to near the window and then poured two glasses of Jack, one for himself and one for Plumelli.[/I] [B]Plumelli:[/B] "How is the arm" [B]Me:[/B] "Broken" [I]Iron Mike slapped me around the back of the head.[/I] [B]Milligan:[/B] "Show some respect boy" [B]Plumelli:[/B] "Its alright. The poor lad has had a rough time as late with Mr Crowe. But that is not why i am here" [B]Me:[/B] "Why are you here?" [B]Plumelli:[/B] "To check up on my investment" [B]Me:[/B] "Investment? What investment" [B]Plumelli:[/B] "So its true you dont remember. The specifics of the debt are not relevant, just as long as you remember that you owe me. You will go back to AICW and carry on booking for them, and be ready for when the time comes" [I]With that Iron Mike escorted Mr Plumelli out and left me sitting there all confused... What the hell was going on[/I][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/AICW/Untitled-1.gif[/IMG][/CENTER]
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Nice work Clarity, I am really getting into this even though i dont know who these people are, you made me so interested that I acually went and Downloaded the 1978 Mod to see who these workers are. keep up the great work
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[FONT="Arial"][B]AICW Summer Tour Show 3 Attendance: 607[/B] Tuesday Week 2 June 1975 The Portland Center (NorthWest USA) [CENTER][B]Match One:[/B] Action Jackson [B]VS[/B] Kid Karma Action Jackson defeated Kid Karma in 11:05 by pinfall with an One More Time. [B]Rating:[/B] E [B]Match Two:[/B] Brad Kelly [B]VS[/B] Tito Bumfhole Tito Bumfhole defeated Brad Kelley in 12:34 by pinfall. [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [B]Match Three:[/B] Dale Christian [B]VS[/B] Quincy LeMieux Dale Christian defeated Quincy LeMieux in 12:50 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. [B]Rating:[/B] D- [B]Match Four:[/B] Biff Ingram [B]VS[/B] Red Falcon [I]for the [COLOR="Navy"]AICW Championship[/COLOR][/I] Biff Ingram defeated Red Falcon in 11:58 by submission. Biff Ingram makes defence number 1 of his AICW Championship title. [B]Rating:[/B] D After the match Walter Crowe comes ringside: [B]Crowe:[/B] "Biff. You know it can only be so long before you face me.. So lets just get it over with on the next show" Biff nods his head in agreement. [B]Rating:[/B] F[/CENTER] [B]Final Rating:[/B] [SIZE="4"]D-[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][B]AICW Summer Tour Show 4[/B] [B]Attendance:[/B] 664 Friday Week 2 June 1975 Gymnasium Aguada (Puerto Rico) [CENTER][B]Match One:[/B] Brad Kelley [B]VS[/B] Kid Karma Kid Karma defeated Brad Kelley in 10:47 by submission. [B]Rating:[/B] E- [B]Match Two:[/B] Action Jackson [B]VS[/B] Dale Christian Dale Christian defeated Action Jackson in 5:41 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. [B]Rating:[/B] D- [B]Match Three:[/B] Storm Brothers [B]VS[/B] Handsome Tommy Handell & Quincy LeMieux Seth & Stuart Storm defeated Handsome Tommy Handell and Quincy LeMieux in 11:25 when Stuart Storm defeated Quincy LeMieux by pinfall with a Guillotine Leg Drop. [B]Rating:[/B] E [B]Match Four:[/B] Red Falcon [B]VS[/B] Tito Bumfhole Red Falcon defeated Tito Bumfhole in 9:54 by pinfall with a Death Swoop. [B]Rating:[/B] D- [B]Match Five:[/B] Biff Ingram [B]VS[/B] Walter Crowe Walter Crowe defeated Biff Ingram in 11:55 by pinfall with a German Suplex. Walter Crowe wins the AICW Championship title. [B]Rating:[/B] D- [B]Final Rating:[/B] [SIZE="4"]D-[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
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