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[2008] In Your Dreams: Wrestlemania 24 Aftermath

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So, I've been thinking about a mod set in the future; starting the night after Wrestlemania 24 to be precise. So of course, a lot of planning is needed, and I can cover all of WWE. I've been thinking about a few potential backstories and what the Wrestlemania 24 card would look like. Some thoughts on this would be great, as would ideas on potential storylines, signings and the like, and not just in WWE either, TNA and ROH especially I'd like to bring forward, so if you have any ideas whatsoever for those, let me know. And hell, maybe if we put our minds to it, it'll be released before the real Wrestlemania 24. :cool:
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I always thought a good future mod would have Vince retiring, and Stephanie and Triple H would be installed as owner and head booker of the WWE. I was playing a game using 1RC's converted data and modifying it so Raw and Smackdown were two separate promotions rather than brands. Steph owned Raw, with Trips as lead booker and Shane owned Smackdown with my user character as lead booker. PPVs were split with Wrestlemania and Royal Rumble being a Raw PPV and Smackdown getting Summerslam and Survivor Series. The ECW brand was completely removed in my modified version.
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[QUOTE=TheRick;242904]I always thought a good future mod would have Vince retiring, and Stephanie and Triple H would be installed as owner and head booker of the WWE. I was playing a game using 1RC's converted data and modifying it so Raw and Smackdown were two separate promotions rather than brands. Steph owned Raw, with Trips as lead booker and Shane owned Smackdown with my user character as lead booker. PPVs were split with Wrestlemania and Royal Rumble being a Raw PPV and Smackdown getting Summerslam and Survivor Series. The ECW brand was completely removed in my modified version.[/QUOTE] Dude, Royal Rumble and WrestleMania can't be brand-specific! That's crazy, they're the two hugest PPVs for WWE, an the great thing about them is that it opens the window for some brilliant multi-branded storylines.
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I decided to start off with the the biggest star in the WWE (well, not literally) - unquestionably John Cena, like it or not - and build things around him. Here's what I had in mind for Cena. [SIZE="1"]After defeating The Great Khali he awaited a challenger as a result of the draft, and was pitted up against Chris Benoit. The two fought in good spirits at Vengeance as Cena came out on top via an FU, then the Wolverine snapped and turned heel, winning the belt in an Ultimate Submission match at the Great American Bash. Cena then became embroiled in a feud with Vince McMahon lasting until Unforgiven where Cena put the Chairman out of action with a brutal FU through the cell. At Cyber Sunday, it was voted that he should rekindle his feud with Benoit in the main event and Benoit got himself deliberately DQ’d, before being told by the returning Sheriff Austin that if he did that at Survivor Series, he’d lose the title. At Survivor Series, ten years after the infamous Montreal Screwjob, Vince made his return, costing Cena the title in a Sharpshooter scenario almost identical to that of ten years ago. Austin then made himself the guest referee for the December to Dismember main event which would see Cena reclaim the gold. The following night on Raw, he had an in-ring celebration with Austin, beer and all, only to walk right into a Stunner, and hence a huge feud began, with both men playing faces/tweeners. Austin defeated Benoit to earn the title shot and wrestled minimally throughout the feud, which ended at the Royal Rumble, where Cena retained. Bobby Lashley emerged as the Rumble winner and shook hands with the devil himself, Vince McMahon, before making clear his intention to defeat Cena at Wrestlemania. After two months of intense buildup, Cena came out on top thanks to the shock involvement of a returning Austin, extending The Champ’s Wrestlemania streak to 5 and 0.[/SIZE] I see Lashley/Cena as Vince's dream main event. Prior to winning the Rumble, Lashley held the ECW title for several months, defending against Snitsky, Shelton Benjamin (who then turned face) and others before losing the gold in to the heel CM Punk in an Extreme Elimination Chamber at December to Dismember. Punk would then lose the belt to Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania. Thoughts? Any ideas for other goings-on; WWE or otherwise?
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Not sure if TNA would want Sandman and Dreamer, but that's where RVD and Sabu will end up. The remaining Originals have a little Vengeance/GAB feud with Shelton to get accross his anti-hardcore persona (which I think may actually happen in real life given the promo after ONS ladder match where he was on about how "that wasn't wrestling").
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[QUOTE=The Shape;243067]Not sure if TNA would want Sandman and Dreamer, but that's where RVD and Sabu will end up. The remaining Originals have a little Vengeance/GAB feud with Shelton to get accross his anti-hardcore persona (which I think may actually happen in real life given the promo after ONS ladder match where he was on about how "that wasn't wrestling").[/QUOTE] TNA would bring in Sandman and Dreamer. They could start their own little program by being a tag team and forming an alliance with their former ECW brethren, the Dudley's.
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[QUOTE=The Shape;243075]Heh, good idea. Though the Dudleys might be moving back to WWE soon, I heard. Before then there'd have to be them vs. RVD & Sabu in a tables match, lol.[/QUOTE] I'm gonna say this again (haven't said it here, but I say it all the time). I don't care what company it's in or where it is, down the line I wanna see another Dudleyz vs. Edge & Christian vs. The Hardyz TLC Match. Just one. JUST ONE. Agreed?
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;242905]Dude, Royal Rumble and WrestleMania can't be brand-specific! That's crazy, they're the two hugest PPVs for WWE, an the great thing about them is that it opens the window for some brilliant multi-branded storylines.[/QUOTE] I know what you mean and believe me I agree, but my thought is Stephanie and Triple H are on a path of destruction, stealing away two of the biggest PPV events from Shane's promotion. Not his own brand. My version of Raw is made up of the typical big man style that Vince Jr. likes and Shane's Smackdown is home to the cruiserweights and has a focus on more wrestling based in-ring action.
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