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Age of Empires II


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I was wondering if anyone has this game. I know that it's really old, but it sure is fun and I was looking for people to play against online. (You can do it by IP address in-game.) I have the expansion and newest patches too! (If you've never played it, check it out! It's probably cheap now, and isn't dated IMO. It's one of my favorite RTS's)
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[QUOTE=Ghetto Anthony;248339]I have it, and yeah, I'll play you. I just need to re-install it if I can find it. :p If anyone has Civilization 4, that's a fun one to play online too.[/QUOTE] Thanks! If anyone else has it, we can have a 2v2, 3v3, etc. game. I have Civ III, but not IV. I'd get IV, but the 3D look kills the feel of the game. Trading and etc. is awesome though... (I like to ally with someone weak in the beginning, human or CPU, and get all of their stuff, say I'll protect them, then send a giant army to their capital and destroy them!) Edit: We can play whenever you want, host a game (I would by my firewall messes up stuff when I host) and PM me your IP address (you have to click on a button in the room and it tells you it). Edit Edit: Do you have the expansion? IDK if I can play someone without it... Also, look for the game's site and get the patches for it, as you'd need them to play it.
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;248352]Edit: We can play whenever you want, host a game (I would by my firewall messes up stuff when I host) and PM me your IP address (you have to click on a button in the room and it tells you it). Edit Edit: Do you have the expansion? IDK if I can play someone without it... Also, look for the game's site and get the patches for it, as you'd need them to play it.[/QUOTE] Nope, don't have the expansion. I'll take a look at the site, 1 sec. Just the 2MB patch?
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Civ III is the least civ-like out of all the civs. IV is a return to greatness (albeit it took me awhile, I loved and started on III.) One of my friends made a great point in that, if you started with Civ and it's early predecessors, Civ III had a bastard child type feel to it. If you had never played a Civ before, and started with CIII, IV will feel semi-foreign and chances are you will not like IV as much. Kinda like if you play a MMO, you will always look for something to compare to your first experience (but nothing will) so that game will always be "The Best" in your eyes (like EverQuest is in mine).
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[QUOTE=panix04;248405]i have aom! Damn i loved that game![/QUOTE] Age of Mythology seemed like a beta for Age of Empires III... It was too easy too! Just build the underworld gate in your town and the opponent's, then send an army through! And, I'm still open for people with The Conquerors expansion who want to play...
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