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A Star Is Porn..

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[center][SIZE="6"][B]A STAR IS PORN[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]or A TALE OF 62 TITTIES[/SIZE][/center] [b]July 2007[/b] - [I]After the fallout of the murder/suicide of the Benoit family, the WWE shares plummet. Many shareholders bail out, the prices hitting an all time low and the WWE losing an estimated $250m. The U.S government conducts an investigation into steriod use in the wrestling buisness. The results showing the majority of male wrestlers have or are using steroids. Public support for the industry falls drasticly, with many companies struggling to survive.[/i] [b]October 2007[/b] - [i]After months of investigating the link between steroids and domestic abuse, the U.S government has passed a law banning the use of steroids as a "recreational drug". Also after further investigations, they ban anyone who has a proven record of using steroids from working in the wrestling industry as in-ring competitors. Many workers are out of their jobs. Some choose to take out "normal" jobs, others try their hand in the NFL, MMA and other sports. Some try to stay in the buisness, taking jobs backstage as trainers and road agents. [/i] [b]November 2007[/b] - [i]Following the U.S lead, Canada, Mexico, Japan and the UK all follow suit in the banning of steroids and steroid users from competing in wrestling. However, due to still alot of people interested in the "sport" most companies turn to their female employee's to step up to the plate and to help turn the business as a whole around. [/i] [b]December 2007[/b] - [i]An unknown underground network of wrestling companies, simply working under the united banner of "The CornellVerse", have risen into the main stream. These female based companies bring alot of new workers to the masses, the majority unheard of before. [/i] [b]January 2008[/b] - [i]The world of wrestling has now changed, all companies now only use female competitors. It is still undetermined if wrestling will ever be as popular as it ever was. Although alot of people have stayed and are supporting the industry, just as many have given up and lost interest. Carmen Electra, owner of the Las Vegas based "Naked Women's Wrestling League" announces she is selling the company. She feels that the company isnt doing well, and is losing popularity due to its "adult nature". She is quickly followed by Holly Golightly, owner of another Las Vegas based company "Babes Of Sin City". However Holly still wants to be involved with the company, stating she's finding the ownership and day to day running of the business quite hard to handle. [/i] [b]1st February 2008[/b] - [i]A press conference is set to be held today, regarding the future of both NWWL and BSC. There are rumours of one man taking over both companies, but who would be willing to buying out two adult-themed wrestling business'? We will find out later today![/i]
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Guest Vitamin E
..... Anyway, interesting concept to do in regards to current events. Not sure if EVERYTHING like that would happen or if it would happen to the degree you explained, and I wish some more information was given about how only females are being used and the two companies and other tidbits. Still an interesting concept, and hopefully you dont have yourself as buying out both companies as thats really an uninteresting/way overused concept in diary writing. An all female company, though, isnt something usually seen in diaries as, and Im not sure as Ive never personally done one like that, it might either be to difficult to use an all female roster (both game wise and writing wise) or people just get tired of writing an all female company.
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[QUOTE=Vitamin E;254650]..... I wish some more information was given about how only females are being used and the two companies and other tidbits.[/QUOTE] As stated above, any wrestlers that had / are using steroids (so more than likely the majority) had been banned from competing in the wrestling industry. I know this would leave quite a number not banned, but meh! I havent actually seen it done in any dynasties of one person owning two companies, Im not saying it hasnt been done, just never personally seen it. Plus, the reason behind this is more that in the poll I done of what to base the dynasty on, there actually was a tie between the two companies
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Guest Vitamin E
No I dont mean the two company thing. I mean the idea of using a female based company as opposed to the traditional male based companies. It's an interesting concept, I just never seen much come of diaries that use it because the ones I've seen usually end not too long after the initial post. And yeah not really much else you can give on the female-only thing, but hopefully you give some information on the two companies and whatnot, especially if it's a cornellverse based diary/based promotion, to give readers a better idea on things.
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[center][b][SIZE="6"]PRESS CONFERENCE[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]HELD AT SIN - LAS VEGAS[/SIZE] [img]http://las-vegas.nightclubs.com/dbi/sin2.jpg[/img][/b][/center] Gathered in the main room of Sin, Las Vegas is a collection of local and national media employee's Sat on the main stage in the room, at a large table, are former NWWL owner Carmen Electra and current BSC owner Holly Golightly. [b]Carmen[/b] - [i]Ladies and gentlemen, members of the associated press, I thank you all for attending this press conference today. As you may know, I have put up NWWL for sale as I feel I no longer have much to offer the company. Plus I would like to concentrate on other aspects of my career. It is true that a buyer has approached me, the deal being sealed earlier today. In a moment I would like to introduce to you the new owner of the NWWL, but firstly, I introduce to you the current owner of Babes Of Sin City, Miss Holly Golightly[/i] [b]Holly[/b] - [i]Thank you. Now carrying on from what Carmen was saying, I would also like to add that the gentleman that has bought the NWWL had also approached myself as it was speculated that I was rumored to be stepping down as majority shareholder of BSC. Unfortunately, these rumors are indeed true. It was a hard decision to make but Im sure its the right one. However, I will be staying with BSC and helping the new owner out with the girls employed. We have a great roster and some gorgeous young ladies working for us. I am assured that the new owner will be running both companies as seperate business', so fans of either have no need to worry about missing out on their favorite performers. We still aim to provide a fun entertaining show for anyone that attends our show, just that someone else in charge.[/i] [b]Carmen[/b] - [i]Thank you Holly. Now, without further delay, I would like to introduce to you the new owner of the Naked Women's Wrestling League and Babes Of Sin City.........[/i] [b][i]The lights in the room go off, some loud funky type music is playing over the internal P.A, disco lights kick in to the beat, as a short balding bloke makes his way onto the stage in the room, accompanied by one member of each company[/i][/b] [b][I]THE NEW OWNER OF NWWL AND BSC REVEALS HIMSELF TO BE.............[/b][/i] [b]to be continued..................![/b]
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[QUOTE=Vitamin E;254661]No I dont mean the two company thing. I mean the idea of using a female based company as opposed to the traditional male based companies. It's an interesting concept, I just never seen much come of diaries that use it because the ones I've seen usually end not too long after the initial post.[/QUOTE] I've done/am doing seven, three of which are/were here (two in 05, one in 07). Apupunchau's 5SSW diary is active as well. You have to remember, there are FAR fewer folks (at least on this board) who are interested in women's wrestling. Even less of them are interested enough to do diaries on them. The concept is sound, the difference is you don't start with 100+ people in the world with B or better overness or virtual jobbers/journeymen with top shelf stats (see: Flash, Steve). So it's almost always a "build from the bottom" proposition. Oh, and you might pay a bit more attention to the 'looks' stat than you would with male workers. I like the premise, joose. Looking forward to stealing.....err, seeing the cuts you make for the diary. :p
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[QUOTE=Remianen;254693]I've done/am doing seven, three of which are/were here (two in 05, one in 07). Apupunchau's 5SSW diary is active as well.[/QUOTE] I always love getting mentioned, especially by the king of women's wrestling on the baords. ANyway yes my 5SSW Diary is till going it just takes me a bit to set up for each tour because I have to figure out who's on the roster and then I hand write each storyline. This tour I have 6 of them. Anyway enough about me I can't wait to see where this goes Joose I expect good things. I wish I was more into real world women's wrestling I'm just to broke to buy DVDs and too lazy to downlaod anything so I live vicariously through updates from guys like Rem on the state of the female end of the business.
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Ahh, Finally, the connection with the Title. I can't believe I didn't see that coming, lol. By the way, Awesome that your going ahead with this, after not really considering it in the first place (till of course, everyone started voting as I did, lol). Interested to see what you pull out of your hat!
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