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ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Warriors of Honour ©[/B] vs Matt Gauge & Casey Valentine Gauge and Valetine are so far a throw together team and Warriors vs Showstealers is your next big tag team draw. If you want to keep Matt and Casey together may I suggest Second Sons of Wrestling as a tag team name. Kevin Jones vs [B]Nigel Svensson[/B] ROF Talisman Title [B]Billy Robinson ©[/B] vs Don Henderson Svenssons win sets him up for a one on one with Robinson and then he finally wins the title. [B]Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes[/B] vs Eric Future & Keith Adams First match back as a tag team and I think their gonna mop the flow with Future and Adams and quicklyhead to a tag title shot. Triple Threat match [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs Rolling Johnny Stones vs UK Dragon I think this leads to who is the next top contender to the title and I like the idea of some really good technical matches between JD and Merle. ROF Championship [B]Merle O’Curle ©[/B] vs Walter Morgan If Walter can pull a B with Don Henderson I can't wait to see what this match brings you. O'Curle hopefully goes at least a year witht he belt so Morgan is SOL in this match
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ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Warriors of Honour ©[/B] vs Matt Gauge & Casey Valentine [I]Tag Division needs to settle down a bit, so I think the Warriors retain[/I] [B]Kevin Jones[/B] vs Nigel Svensson [I]Something tells me Svensson is going to play the put's in good performances/but makes rookie mistakes in the big matches angle for the time being, that being said I'll think he'll be in the Talisman title picture by the summer.[/I] ROF Talisman Title [B]Billy Robinson[/B] © vs Don Henderson [I]Robinson retains and finally puts this feud to bed.[/I] [B]Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes[/B] vs Eric Future & Keith Adams [I]Successful return for the Showstealers, who need to be built up as genuine threats in the floundering Tag Division.[/I] Triple Threat match JD Morgan vs [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] vs UK Dragon [I]You could stick a pin in any of these three guys and they'd go on to have a good match with either O'Curle or Walter Morgan next month.[/I] I'll choose Stones. ROF Championship [B]Merle O’Curle ©[/B] vs Walter Morgan [I]I like the idea of another dominant reign for O'Curle , so I think he retains here, against the nearly man of the ROF roster.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;311817]Hey, if I can make Sammy the Shark and the NY Doll into a semi-legit tag team, surely there is hope for the Tribe :p[/QUOTE] I gave them nearly 3 years and they still only had an E for technical ability. Unfortunately that won't cut it in ROF. Shame too, because I actually like the look of them as a team. I'm sure I'd have pushed them if I was more entertainment based. You never know, I might give them another try someday...put them in my development fed when ROF are ruling the world! :D
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[B]ROF Ashes to Ashes – January 2010[/B] [U]ROF Tag Team Titles[/U] Warriors of Honour © vs Matt Gauge & Casey Valentine Kevin Jones vs [B]Nigel Svensson[/B] Nigel has a ton of talent, and I think he should be pushed to see how far he can get up the card at a young age. [U]ROF Talisman Title[/U] Billy Robinson © vs [B]Don Henderson[/B] A Henderson win just about evens up the rivalry which would be renewed three months down the line, in some huge blow out cage match or something..lol [B]Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes[/B] vs Eric Future & Keith Adams Yeah...Future and Adams should name their team, the Low Talent Union. They're definitely outclassed by Barnes and Matravers. [U]Triple Threat match[/U] JD Morgan vs Rolling Johnny Stones vs [B]UK Dragon[/B] I think UK Dragon should get this victory. No reason to push him under, he's the biggest International Star in ROF, and puts on the best matches. [U]ROF Championship[/U] [B]Merle O’Curle © [/B]vs Walter Morgan Walter Morgan has been getting a lot of shots lately. He's definitely a ROF Championship caliber wrestler...BUT O'Curle is known for his great title runs.
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;311946]I gave them nearly 3 years and they still only had an E for technical ability. Unfortunately that won't cut it in ROF. Shame too, because I actually like the look of them as a team. I'm sure I'd have pushed them if I was more entertainment based. You never know, I might give them another try someday...put them in my development fed when ROF are ruling the world! :D[/QUOTE] Those guys are useless, and are about 21 or so right? If the training camps/Dojo's opposite from promotions were in the game. They'd be a candidate to train for a LONNNG time..lol
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[IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROFNews2010.jpg[/IMG] Here are the Short Fuse results from January's shows. [U]Week 1 - The Cobra Den, Wigan - 744 crowd[/U] [B]Kashmir Singh [/B]beat Sander Laine [B]C-[/B] [B]Warriors of Honour [/B]beat Absolutely Flawless [B]C+[/B] [B]Kevin Jones [/B]beat Johnny Highspot [B]D+[/B] [B]Rolling Johnny Stones [/B]beat Nigel Svensson [B]C+[/B] Show Rating [B]C[/B] [U]Week 2 - The Cobra Den, Wigan - 903 crowd[/U] [B]Hugh de Aske [/B]beat Martin Heath [B]C-[/B] [B]Petey Barnes [/B]beat Casey Valentine [B]C[/B] [B]Warriors of Honour [/B]beat G-Force to win the tag titles [B]C[/B] [B]Merle O'Curle [/B]beat Jonni Lowlife (non-title) [B]C+[/B] Show Rating C+ [U]Week 3 - The Cobra Den, Wigan - 973 crowd[/U] [B]Can-Am SAS [/B]beat Sharp & Heath [B]D+[/B] [B]Hugh de Aske [/B]beat Sander Laine [B]C-[/B] [B]Injustice[/B] beat High and Low [B]D+[/B] [B]JD Morgan [/B]beat Jacques DuPont [B]C+[/B] Show Rating [B]C[/B] [U]Week 4 - Parliament Square, London - 1,000 crowd[/U] [B]Kashmir Singh [/B]beat Jon Michael Sharp [B]D+[/B] [B]Par Excellence [/B]beat Casey Valentine & Sander Laine [B]D+[/B] [B]Petey Barnes [/B]beat Martin Heath [B]D+[/B] [B]British Samurai [/B]beat Kevin Jones [B]B-[/B] Show Rating [B]C+[/B] [CENTER]______________________________[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Tag Team Wrestling in ROF[/CENTER][/B] Much has been made of the ups and recent downs of the tag team scene in ROF. And the exit of recent champions G-Force from the tag ranks is another blow from which the company needs to recover. Way back in 2006, the tag division was a strength of the company with The Shooters, The Show Stealers, The Wigan Bulldogs and Absolutely Flawless competing in the formative days of the company. Tag teams took a back seat for much of 2007 before The Shooters and Future X started a rivalry and then the formation of Warriors of Honour in 2008 added extra spice to the division. Then the Gauge twins joined ROF and their matches with the Warriors were very well received. Now G-Force are gone, and the tag division would appear to need a lift. However, the talent would appear to be there within the current ROF roster to build the division into a very strong entity. We take a look at the teams plying their trade here, as well as considering others that may give the division a boost. [U]Warriors of Honour[/U] The current champions have been mainstays of this division for some time now. British Samurai is developing Dan Judoka’s talents and they are certainly the kingpins of the tag ranks now that G-Force is no more. Both wrestlers are good all-rounders and have excellent chemistry teaming together. They are likely to be at the forefront of the tag ranks here for some time to come, unless Samurai gets cold feet and wishes to return to singles competition. [U]High and Low[/U] Jonni Lowlife and Johnny Highspot are one of the many teams in ROF that have suffered a little over the past 12 to 18 months. They are popular with the crowd, who enjoy their never say die attitude and spontaneous style. But, with the exception of a very short-lived title reign, have always been seen as a middle ranking team at best rather than as a genuine contender. The two still seem happy to work together with neither craving a singles run at present – it just remains to be seen whether High and Low can break that fan perception in coming months. [U]Par Excellence[/U] The French DuPont twins have never really got a head of steam up in ROF and therefore are again not really seen as genuine contenders at present despite having recent title shots. However, they have at one time or another in the past few months beaten all the remaining established teams in ROF with the exception of Warriors of Honour. The DuPonts have also put in some great displays (albeit losing ones) in singles action which has earned them the respect of the ROF fans at the events. Much like High and Low, they need to break that glass ceiling and make themselves seen as genuine contenders, because they definitely have the talent and teamwork – they are certainly the kings of double teaming in ROF. [U]Absolutely Flawless[/U] The Martin twins were tag champs in ROF back in 2006, but that was a time when the promotion was at a somewhat different level to what it is now. Lance and Kelly are survivors though. They have been ever-present on the roster for years now, not complaining and getting on with their jobs. Unfortunately for them, ‘jobs’ has been the operative word in the past couple of years. The Martins have become a bit of a laughing stock amongst ROF fans, who just don’t view them as a serious proposition. However, both Martin twins have been steadily improving their in-ring skills and show good teamwork. ROF fans are generally won over with strong in-ring work, so there is still a chance that the Martins will come again, although it will take a lot of effort and belief on their part. [U]Sharp & Heath[/U] If Absolutely Flawless are some way down the ROF pecking order, then Sharp & Heath are right at the bottom of the pile. Rarely scoring a victory in any form, both Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath are really still learning their trade. Although they have been on the roster for 3 years now, they were very green at the time they began with the company. They appreciate that their current role is to improve in the ring and learn from more experienced workers. Whether the pair will last as a team as they continue their education is open to discussion. [U]Injustice[/U] Injustice are the first of the ‘new’ teams here in ROF, who are looking to move themselves up the tag ranks. Certainly this team has some early momentum and other factors in their favour. Eric Future was one half of the successful and former champion Future X team before splitting with Petey Barnes and aligning himself with accomplished ring veteran Keith Adams. The pair has a sense of unity about how they have been treated in ROF and are already showing good teamwork. If their differing styles mesh, they could become major contenders in the tag division, and a victory over Barnes & Matravers at Ashes to Ashes is already a good sign. [U]Can-Am SAS[/U] Another new team in ROF, the Can-AM SAS of Shane Nelson and Al Coleman have started very brightly, unbeaten with 4 tag victories already under their belts since their decision to team together. Shane Nelson was a highly-regarded tag specialist in CGC in Canada, and his flying skills should play well off the technical work of Coleman. The team has gelled quickly and shown some good chemistry, and certainly have a strong chance of success here in ROF. However both men, particularly Coleman, are still proving themselves to the ROF crowds. [U]The Show Stealers?[/U] Adam Matravers has come back into ROF and immediately pitched into the ongoing battle between Future X members Petey Barnes and Eric Future. Matravers has sided with former Show Stealers partner Barnes, but so far his help hasn’t really had the desired effect, with Injustice even managing to beat the Show Stealers in a shock at Ashes to Ashes. Both Barnes and Matravers, whilst allies, had stated that they would prefer to wrestle in the singles ranks now. But depending on their success or lack of it, they may decide that reforming the Show Stealers team would be their more realistic chance of ROF gold. If they listen to fan feedback, they will be reforming full-time sooner rather than later. [U]Matt Gauge?[/U] Since losing brother and partner Greg, Matt teamed with Casey Valentine in a losing effort against Warriors of Honour. However that seems to be very much a one-off. At the moment Matt hasn’t made his intentions clear – will he form a new team or will he use the opportunity to move into the singles ranks? The latter is perhaps more likely at this point. [U]Other options?[/U] ROF has a few singles athletes who might be well served to team up and challenge in the tag ranks – the likes of Hugh de Aske, Kashmir Singh, Casey Valentine, Nigel Svensson might all benefit from forming a tag team. Much like Nelson & Coleman did, free agents might also be looking to form tag teams if they recognise a gap that could be filled in the ROF ranks. Recognised tag teams from other promotions are perhaps less likely to find their way into ROF – the Elimination Agents have split in 21CW, the Ivanoffs are not a great fit for their ROF product and it is a similar story with The Party Animals. The Tribe are not likely to be invited back just yet. And ROF would be taking a chance on some of the other free agent teams out there, such as Nigerian Hit Squad, Youth Bandits and United Nations, who may or may not go down well with the fanbase. The tag champs in 21CW, Pit Bull Brown & DJ Reason, might be a better bet, but prohibitive wage demands would probably make that idea a non-starter. Or is there another answer? Can the fans think of any potential teams out there that could give the ROF tag division a boost?
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[IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROFShows2010.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/BlazeofGlory10.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/DonHendersonROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder4-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/BillyRobinson2ROF.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Talisman Title Submission match[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Don Henderson © vs Billy Robinson[/FONT][/SIZE] [I]Last month Don Henderson made the most of his opportunity and beat Billy Robinson to begin his 2nd reign as Talisman champion. Robinson is out for revenge and would like nothing better than to end Henderson’s reign at the first hurdle – something Henderson has done to him in the past. To add extra spice this is a submission match, which pits Henderson’s Scottish Deathlock against Robinson’s Capital City Crucifix.[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/AdamMatraversROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/KeithAdamsROF.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Adam Matravers vs Keith Adams[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Keith Adams has been something of a pain in the rear end of Adam Matravers. At Pyromania, Adams distracted Matravers in his match with JD Morgan. And last month at Ashes to Ashes, Adams teamed with Eric Future to defeat the team of Matravers and Petey Barnes. In 5 major shows since his ROF return, Matravers is still to taste victory. Can he put that right here and at the same time gain the satisfaction of getting one over Keith Adams?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/WarriorsofHonour.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ParExcellenceROF.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Warriors of Honour © vs Par Excellence[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Greg Gauge’s departure from ROF helped Warriors of Honour to their 2nd tag title reign and also meant last month’s defence was against a quickly thrown together team of Matt Gauge and Casey Valentine. This month they are challenged by the opposite – a team that works like a well-oiled machine. Par Excellence have improved throughout their tenure in ROF and now feel that a tag title reign is within their grasp. The Warriors won’t want to give their titles up so quickly after regaining them though.[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/EricFutureROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/PeteyBarnesROF.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Eric Future vs Petey Barnes[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]These two former Future X partners met in singles action at Pyromania, where Future enlisted the help of Keith Adams to help beat Barnes. Last month Future scored another major win in tag team action with his new partner Adams. Now Barnes has an opportunity to get one back over his former friend. However, whilst Barnes is disappointed at how his former team-mate is behaving, some feel Future has the bigger will to win in this feud. Who will be victorious?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/RollingJohnnyStonesROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/WalterMorganROF.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Rolling Johnny Stones vs Walter Morgan[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]These two men meet for the first time in years, with both seeking a win that would elevate them once more to title contention. Morgan was beaten in a very close battle with champion Merle O’Curle last month at Ashes to Ashes, whilst Stones suffered defeat to the opportunist JD Morgan in the triple threat contenders match. Both of these men are fan favourites and have an array of technical skills. Both would be worthy champions in ROF. But which one will come out on top at Blaze of Glory?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/MerleOCurleROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/JDMorganROF-1.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Championship[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Merle O’Curle © vs JD Morgan[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]JD Morgan made his ROF debut against Merle O’Curle at the back end of 2007, and the two men have had some great battles over the ROF Championship since then. Since losing his title at the start of 2009, Morgan had a fairly quiet time of it, seemingly losing his air of defiance and resilience that he carried in his time as champion. Now he seems focused and back on the march, and this meeting with O’Curle should be a classic. O’Curle once again is dominating his opponents as champion. Something has to give.[/I] ______________________________[/CENTER] [B]ROF Blaze of Glory – February 2010[/B] [U]ROF Talisman Title Submission match[/U] Don Henderson © vs Billy Robinson Adam Matravers vs Keith Adams [U]ROF Tag Team Titles[/U] Warriors of Honour © vs Par Excellence Eric Future vs Petey Barnes Rolling Johnny Stones vs Walter Morgan [U]ROF Championship[/U] Merle O’Curle © vs JD Morgan
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ROF Talisman Title Submission match [B]Don Henderson ©[/B] vs Billy Robinson One Month titles reigns don't fly with me [B]Adam Matravers[/B] vs Keith Adams Gonna split the wins Matravers takes his Barnes loses his ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Warriors of Honour ©[/B] vs Par Excellence Par Excellence needs a bit more momentum but I think they could very well be real contenders. [B]Eric Future[/B] vs Petey Barnes See the Matravers/Adams Fight [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] vs Walter Morgan Morgan just had his shot. Next month Stones vs O'Curle and another great Morgan vs Morgan match. ROF Championship [B]Merle O’Curle ©[/B] vs JD Morgan The Irish Stretching Machine contineus to be a dominant champion.
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ROF Talisman Title Submission match [B]Don Henderson ©[/B] vs Billy Robinson Henderson locks in the Scottish Deathlock to retain. Whilst I don't think that the Talisman title should necessarily have long reigns, these two have traded Talisman reigns and wins enough and it's time to move onto fresher feuds amongst the mid-card divsion of ROF [B]Adam Matravers[/B] vs Keith Adams [I]About time Matravers got a big win in his return to ROF.[/I] ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Warriors of Honour[/B] © vs Par Excellence Might as well leave the Tag Titles in the reliable hands of the Warriors of Honour, as Apu said Par Excellence seem to be showing promise but need to build up a bit more momentum before they can be considered more than High/Low level 'filler' contenders. [B]Eric Future[/B] vs Petey Barnes Showstealers and Injustice split the series, as Future sneaks out against his former partner again [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] vs Walter Morgan [I]I agree with Apu here , in fact I've been agreeing with him the whole way through these predictions.[/I] ROF Championship [B]Merle O’Curle ©[/B] vs JD Morgan [I]Whilst JD has been able to rebound back into the main event, after I thought he may of been gradually moving down the pecking order, I just don't forsee another title reign for him.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;312420]I've never seen anyone use the Nigerian Hit Squad and I think I'd like to see them in action.[/QUOTE] I saw someone use them in a MAW diary a few months ago. They were typical brawler tag team. No tech skill and gas after 5-7 minutes. Not sure if they would be a good fit in ROF.
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ROF Talisman Title Submission match [B]Don Henderson[/B] © vs Billy Robinson [I]Henderson one ups his former partner again[/I] [B]Adam Matravers[/B] vs Keith Adams [I]Matravers needs the win more[/I] ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Warriors of Honour[/B] © vs Par Excellence [I]Par Excellence will get their chance soon I think. just not now[/I] Eric Future vs Petey Barnes [I]Future to win to keep the tension going.[/I] Rolling Johnny Stones vs [B]Walter Morgan[/B] [I]Although RJS usually goes huge , I just have never really liked him.[/I] ROF Championship [B]Merle O’Curle[/B] © vs JD Morgan [I]Although I mark for the Dean of Submissions (especially after creating that moniker for him) I stand by what I have said before. The title will have to be pried from O'Curles cold dead hands before he loses it.[/I]
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[B]ROF Blaze of Glory – February 2010[/B] [U]ROF Talisman Title Submission match[/U] [B]Don Henderson[/B] © vs Billy Robinson Surprised at the quick rematch, but Henderson probably takes this one. [B]Adam Matravers[/B] vs Keith Adams Probably won't be a good match, but I feel Adam should take it. [U]ROF Tag Team Titles[/U] [B]Warriors of Honour[/B] © vs Par Excellence Par just isn't at the level where they could be champions yet. Eric Future vs [B]Petey Barnes[/B] Show Stealers sweep and push along the angle. Rolling Johnny Stones vs [B]Walter Morgan[/B] Tough match to call, should be a B+ and I think Morgan needs a win to stay legit. [U]ROF Championship[/U] [B]Merle O’Curle[/B] © vs JD Morgan O'Curle is dominate and will not be knocked off for quite some time.
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[IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROFNews2010.jpg[/IMG] Here are the Short Fuse results for February's events. [U]Week 1 - The Cobra Den, Wigan - 936 crowd[/U] [B]Dan Judoka [/B]beat Lance Martin [B]C[/B] [B]Injustice[/B] beat Sharp & Heath [B]D[/B] [B]Matt Gauge [/B]beat Jonni Lowlife [B]C[/B] [B]Rolling Johnny Stones [/B]beat Billy Robinson [B]B-[/B] Show Rating [B]C+[/B] [U]Week 2 - The Cobra Den, Wigan - 891 crowd[/U] [B]Can-Am SAS [/B]beat Sharp & Heath [B]D+[/B] [B]Adam Matravers [/B]beat Sander Laine [B]D+[/B] [B]Par Excellence [/B]beat Absolutely Flawless [B]C-[/B] [B]Merle O'Curle [/B]beat Eric Future (non-title) [B]B-[/B] Show Rating [B]C+[/B] [U]Week 3 - The Cobra Den, Wigan - 966 crowd[/U] [B]Hugh de Aske [/B]beat Johnny Highspot [B]C[/B] [B]British Samurai [/B]beat Jon Michael Sharp [B]C[/B] [B]Nigel Svensson [/B]beat Lance Martin [B]C-[/B] [B]Walter Morgan [/B]beat Petey Barnes [B]B-[/B] Show Rating [B]B-[/B] [U]Week 4 - Parliament Square, London - 1,000 crowd[/U] [B]Kashmir Singh [/B]beat Casey Valentine [B]C-[/B] Can-Am SAS drew with Par Excellence [B]C-[/B] [B]Adam Matravers [/B]beat Eric Future [B]D+[/B] [B]Rolling Johnny Stones [/B]beat Matt Gauge [B]C+[/B] Show Rating [B]C[/B]
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I actually think I'm about ready to come around on Par Excellence and feel that could be a great heel addition to the tag team roster and worthy successors to WoH. Something about conniving French heels which will NEVER go out of style in England. Also, for fun and frustration... Matt Gauge and the revolving door of special tag team partners could be good for a bit of a storyline too. Some masked Lucha performers wouldn't hurt either. I'm sure at some point UK Dragon's meet all the wrestlers in the CVerse by this point due to his jet setting ways. Or perhaps some technical lads from the continent might help. I'm also a fan of Shane Nelson so I look foward to him cracking the main roster. There's something inherently funny about a pure British Fed going to Skid Row, Rhode Island. Should be interesting to see RoF abroad... if you ever do an international show... perhaps calling it Wildfire? This continues to be a great read. Even if it appears I'm wrong about the upsurge of Walter Morgan at the titular face of the promotion.
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[QUOTE=Beeker;312906]I actually think I'm about ready to come around on Par Excellence and feel that could be a great heel addition to the tag team roster and worthy successors to WoH. Something about conniving French heels which will NEVER go out of style in England. Also, for fun and frustration... Matt Gauge and the revolving door of special tag team partners could be good for a bit of a storyline too. Some masked Lucha performers wouldn't hurt either. I'm sure at some point UK Dragon's meet all the wrestlers in the CVerse by this point due to his jet setting ways. Or perhaps some technical lads from the continent might help. I'm also a fan of Shane Nelson so I look foward to him cracking the main roster. There's something inherently funny about a pure British Fed going to Skid Row, Rhode Island. Should be interesting to see RoF abroad... if you ever do an international show... perhaps calling it Wildfire? This continues to be a great read. Even if it appears I'm wrong about the upsurge of Walter Morgan at the titular face of the promotion.[/QUOTE] Many thanks for the comments, Beeker. There's chance for Walter yet. I think I hold back with him a little because his psychology and selling isn't great, so I don't quite see him at O'Curle or Dragon's level yet. But he's getting there. And he's the best technician on the roster. Yes I had a giggle at using Skid Row for a pure fed. But I went with it anyway! Par Excellence are a bit like Walter - will have good matches against good opponents, but have poor psychology. The question is whether they can carry the division at this point. But they're certainly good technicians who will get better with time. Could have used that Gauge idea, but I'm a couple of months ahead and have gone a different direction with him now. Stay tuned. I'm a bit restricted in terms of continental workers because I do have worker restrictions switched on. The only Mexican/US/Canadian/Japanese workers available to me are those who haven't worked a show in 2 years and thus become available in the UK after that. And as most wrestlers work independent shows, I'm really left with the duffers in general. I was quite lucky that neither Nelson nor Coleman had worked for 2 years and I have high hopes for their team, as I think they're a good match.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;313152]Can you change that by working in the US and thus becoming eligible for their workers?[/QUOTE] I don't think the game takes it into account. Theoretically if ROF opened an American brand, for example, you'd imagine that American workers would be interested in joining the promotion to work that brand. But I'd have to change workers' areas manually to create that reality, and I'd rather not do it if I can avoid it. I kind of like the challenge of working with what I'm given.
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[IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROFShows2010.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/Combustion10.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/BillyRobinson2ROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/UKDragonROF.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Billy Robinson vs UK Dragon[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Last month Dragon didn’t wrestle on the Blaze of Glory card because he had a busy month in Japan and a nagging calf injury. This month his schedule is lighter but his injury remains. However he wanted to be booked on the card and therefore finds himself in this match. Robinson lost his chance to win back the Talisman title last month, but will see this as a real chance to break the main event picture, especially with Dragon possibly at less than 100%.[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/DonHendersonROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder4-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/KevinJonesROF.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Talisman Title[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Don Henderson © vs Kevin Jones[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Henderson has a new opponent in the ultra-reliable Welshman Kevin Jones. Although he hasn’t wrestled much in the past two months, Jones picked up a big win over Nigel Svensson at Ashes to Ashes and another over Petey Barnes on Short Fuse this week to cement his worthiness as a Talisman contender. So far Henderson has battled to retain his title twice against Billy Robinson. Can he turn back this new challenge from the determined Jones?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/MattGaugeROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/NigelSvenssonROF.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Matt Gauge vs Nigel Svensson[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Since his brother left ROF in January, things have been fairly quiet for Matt Gauge. He has missed out on a couple of shows, including our American venture, through schedule conflicts. Svensson meanwhile continues to look great in the ring but lets himself down occasionally by making rookie mistakes at crucial times. Gauge is a relative rookie himself, but both men are very gifted technicians and this promises to be a great match, with a rise up the singles ranks in ROF the reward for the winner.[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/WarriorsofHonour.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/HighAndLowROF.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"][U]ROF Tag Team Titles[/U][/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Warriors of Honour © vs High and Low[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Warriors of Honour might feel they owe High and Low. Back in May last year, High and Low won the tag titles in a 3-way from Warriors of Honour. The Warriors only managed to win back their belts in January. Since then they have defended a couple of times, but now High and Low get what might be a final chance to grab the gold again for a while. Their current form is not good and a win for them here would be a major upset. But then it was a major upset when they won the belts last time out, and they are nothing if not unpredictable.[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/AdamMatraversROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/JDMorganROF-1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Adam Matravers vs JD Morgan[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]At Pyromania in December, Matravers met Morgan in the semi-main event. Morgan picked up the win courtesy, in part, of interference from Keith Adams, although Morgan certainly did not ask for it. Both men have requested this rematch so they can have a fair fight – Morgan for his love of competition and his wish to continue his momentum towards another title match, and Matravers who is desperately trying to move up the card towards the ROF Championship himself. With no distractions this time, who will prove the better man?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/MerleOCurleROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/RollingJohnnyStonesROF.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Championship[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Merle O’Curle © vs Rolling Johnny Stones[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Rolling Johnny Stones made a triumphant return to ROF exactly a year ago with a Combustion victory over Merle O’Curle. The two men have since had some great matches together. Their last singles match together was in October at Molotov ****tail and was a corker, but having won King of the Ring Stones came up short in his attempt to win the ROF title. Now Stones gets another singles crack at O’Curle and is determined that this time will be his time. O’Curle has other ideas and has no intentions of letting his title slip away.[/I] _______________________________[/CENTER] [B]ROF Combustion – March 2010[/B] Billy Robinson vs UK Dragon [U]ROF Talisman Title[/U] Don Henderson © vs Kevin Jones Matt Gauge vs Nigel Svensson [U]ROF Tag Team Titles[/U] Warriors of Honour © vs High and Low Adam Matravers vs JD Morgan [U]ROF Championship[/U] Merle O’Curle © vs Rolling Johnny Stones
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Billy Robinson vs [B]UK Dragon[/B] [I]I just don't see Robinson cracking the main event soon, which a win here would indicate him doing, so UK Dragon takes this one.[/I] ROF Talisman Title Don Henderson © vs [B]Kevin Jones[/B] [I]From what he has shown, I think Jones has what it takes to take the Talisman title[/I] [B]Matt Gauge[/B] vs Nigel Svensson [I]I am a Matt Gauge mark and I think he is better than his brother[/I] ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Warriors of Honour[/B] © vs High and Low [I]High enough to challenge, but low enough to always lose[/I] Adam Matravers vs [B]JD Morgan[/B] [I]If Matravers is concentrating on tag matches, Morgan should win.[/I] ROF Championship [B]Merle O’Curle[/B] © vs Rolling Johnny Stones [I]Probably another classic, but as I have said before, the belt will have to be pried from o'Curles cold, dead hands.[/I]
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Billy Robinson vs [B]UK Dragon[/B] [I]Whilst Dragon could use the injury as an excuse for his loss, I think he'll find a way to win as Robinson isn't quite ready to be elevated into the main event scene[/I] ROF Talisman Title [B]Don Henderson ©[/B] vs Kevin Jones [I]Solid as Jones has been since coming into ROF, I don't see him being the one to end Henderson's current reign with the Talisman belt[/I] Matt Gauge vs [B]Nigel Svensson[/B] [I]This could go either way and a win here could give either man momentum towards a Talisman Title shot. As talented as Gauge is, I'm going to go for Svensson to get his first big win.[/I] ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Warriors of Honour ©[/B] vs High and Low [I]The Warriors are your most reliable performers in the divison right now, so you may as well keep the belts around their waists for the forseeable future.[/I] Adam Matravers vs [B]JD Morgan[/B] [I]Matravers has been patchy in terms of win-loss since coming back into ROF, so I see Morgan (who seems to have got back on track of late) getting the better of Matravers again.[/I] ROF Championship [B]Merle O’Curle ©[/B] vs Rolling Johnny Stones [I]The Irish stretching machine looks set to embark on another lengthy/dominant run with the title.[/I]
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[B]ROF Combustion – March 2010[/B] Billy Robinson vs [B]UK Dragon[/B] Robinson isn't in Dragon's league. If he wins this match, I will definitely cry..lol I'm guessing this will be a C+ or B- match. [U]ROF Talisman Title[/U] [B]Don Henderson [/B]© vs Kevin Jones Henderson all the way here, Jones just isn't all that great. Matt Gauge vs [B]Nigel Svensson[/B] Svensson needs this match to look credible. I think this will be a great technical match, and I feel these two will click well. [U]ROF Tag Team Titles[/U] [B]Warriors of Honour[/B] © vs High and Low High and Low, will be Down and Out. I just can't see them winning this match. Adam Matravers vs [B]JD Morgan[/B] Adam isn't quite on Morgan's level yet, but will put up a good fight. [U]ROF Championship[/U] [B]Merle O’Curle[/B] © vs Rolling Johnny Stones[/QUOTE] This should be an A ranked match, I don't know what it is about Johnny but he puts on great matches and connects with the crowd. But, I highly doubt O'Curle will drop the belt at this point. I only missed one match on the last show, lets see how well I do :D
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