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Walter comes up short again, that guy is just never going to win the big one is he. Couple more observations..... Despite the name and attitude change the Martin Brothers are still in the same position as they were about two years ago, as a pair of jobbers. If anything they are even further away from being a competive unit, given the level of competion in the tag ranks. I take it Dark Angel's Acolytes were random workers you found 'generated' in some unknown Dojo ;) . Of course had a look at who the computer run BHOTWG was putting the World Title on in your gameworld review. [I]The World title began and ended the year in the hands of Hiroaki Nakasawa [/I][B](Agreed....he's grown into one of the best heavyweights in Japan),[/B] [I]but saw lots of changes in between. Eiji Hamacho [/I][B](He's fine as a veteran mid-carder but World Title material ?!)[/B][I] won it in April and held it until October, making more defences then any other BHOTWG champion in the last 5 years. He lost it to Yasunobu Masuno [/I][B](I suppose if he's improved his work-rate/stamina levels he could be World Champion material,but I'm sure BHOTWG must have better candidates)[/B][I], who quickly passed it on to touring wrestler and surprise winner Wael Hossam[/I] [B](What the hell, one he's just not good enough, two never put your main belt on a Touring wrestler)[/B][I] . However, the Egyptian left mid-tour when INSPIRE made his contract an exclusive written one, and he dropped the belt back to Nakasawa [/I][B](At-last they see some sense, really if they have no-one better, they should just keep the belt on Nakasawa for about a year. Then again what's Horri doing, has Ino gone off on his travels ?) [/B]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;355882]Walter comes up short again, that guy is just never going to win the big one is he.[/QUOTE] Well, he's definitely the nearly man of ROF. He's developed into a strong challenger for Giedroyc and is certainly a bona fide main eventer now whereas he wasn't in the past. [QUOTE]Couple more observations..... Despite the name and attitude change the Martin Brothers are still in the same position as they were about two years ago, as a pair of jobbers. If anything they are even further away from being a competive unit, given the level of competion in the tag ranks.[/QUOTE] I don't like Kelly Martin. And in the game he sure as hell doesn't like me! :D I'm expecting him to leave when his contract is next up, so don't expect them to be pushed now. To be honest, I always saw them as a bit of a joke team that fans wouldn't take seriously with a renewed push (for example, I don't think the High and Low recent push would have worked with them). Yet their match ratings are as good as most in the division so they're a useful team to have around. I'm hoping Lance, as the more professional brother, will continue to develop so that he might become a worthy wrestler in either another team or in a midcard singles role. [QUOTE]I take it Dark Angel's Acolytes were random workers you found 'generated' in some unknown Dojo ;) .[/QUOTE] Not quite. Hell Above are both very young. Saint was a generated worker whose name I didn't actually change at all. He's American and was generated early by the game but never worked in the US for 2 years and thus became available in the UK. He's got really good technical stats, but his performance stats aren't up to scratch. He's only about 22 though, so has lots of time and I'm hoping he'll improve. Martyr is actually British 'future worker' Simon Ice, who also has decent stats except for performance. They have good chemistry as partners so stuck them together in the hope they'll develop a bit. [QUOTE]Of course had a look at who the computer run BHOTWG was putting the World Title on in your gameworld review. [I]The World title began and ended the year in the hands of Hiroaki Nakasawa [/I][B](Agreed....he's grown into one of the best heavyweights in Japan),[/B] [I]but saw lots of changes in between. Eiji Hamacho [/I][B](He's fine as a veteran mid-carder but World Title material ?!)[/B][I] won it in April and held it until October, making more defences then any other BHOTWG champion in the last 5 years. He lost it to Yasunobu Masuno [/I][B](I suppose if he's improved his work-rate/stamina levels he could be World Champion material,but I'm sure BHOTWG must have better candidates)[/B][I], who quickly passed it on to touring wrestler and surprise winner Wael Hossam[/I] [B](What the hell, one he's just not good enough, two never put your main belt on a Touring wrestler)[/B][I] . However, the Egyptian left mid-tour when INSPIRE made his contract an exclusive written one, and he dropped the belt back to Nakasawa [/I][B](At-last they see some sense, really if they have no-one better, they should just keep the belt on Nakasawa for about a year. Then again what's Horri doing, has Ino gone off on his travels ?) [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think you'd totally appreciate the Burning main event right now. Apart from Nakasawa and Hamacho, Masuno is still there along with his Mullet Power partner Yasuhiko Taira (stamina at D+). And the main event is rounded out by head booker Eisaku Hoshino, ex-GCG champ Hiroyasu Gakusha and Kinnojo Horri, who has been world champ twice (in 2008 and 2010). Koshiro Ino doesn't work for BHOTWG presently.
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[IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROF2012.jpg[/IMG] ROF.co.uk is asking for fan feedback! As we finish 2011, who has impressed you most over the past year of ROF programming and PPVs? Which team has been the best? And who should be doing better? Please take part in our polls. [CENTER][U]Wrestler of the Year[/U][/CENTER] [B]Merle O'Curle [/B]became the first ever 3-time ROF champion when he won the title from Rolling Johnny Stones back in February at Blaze of Glory. He then held off challenges from old rivals Stones and UK Dragon. His 3rd reign was not his longest, as he lost the belt in the summer to Giedroyc but he did have a 6 month title reign. He was then runner-up in the King of the Ring match and has been a title contender ever since. [B]Jack Giedroyc [/B]is the current ROF champion. 'Wrath of God' spent the first part of 2011 locked in a feud with Dark Angel. Although he lost more than he won in the feud, he did win the blow-off match in a steel cage at Dying Embers. He then embarked on a winning run against the likes of JD Morgan and Johnny Stones to put himself into title contention. Giedroyc faced champion Merle O'Curle at Heat of Battle in July, and won the title at the first time of asking. Giedroyc defended it against O'Curle at Inferno, and held on to the belt right through to the end of the year despite further challenges from O'Curle, Dragon and Walter Morgan. [B]Dark Angel [/B]entered ROF at Pyromania in 2011 and went into a feud with Jack Giedroyc. Angel held his own against the Wrath of God, winning more matches than he lost. His defeat to Giedroyc at Dying Embers was actually his only singles defeat since he arrived in ROF. Since then he has been working his way up the rankings on his 'crusade' to the ROF title, beating the likes of Walter and JD Morgan, Billy Robinson and Rolling Johnny Stones. [B]Walter Morgan [/B]seems to have finally found a regular place in the main event. His big moment came at King of the Ring, when he outlasted the other 14 wrestlers to win the bout, managed to pin Merle O’Curle and earned the title shot at Light Up The Night. He failed to win the title there, and again in the 4-way at Pyromania, but he was the last man eliminated on that occasion and therefore starts 2012 as number one contender. [CENTER] [U]Tag Team of the Year[/U][/CENTER] [B]The Show Stealers [/B]began the year as tag champions and made two successful defences of the belts at Ashes to Ashes and Blaze of Glory against Warriors of Honour and Can-Am SAS. They then lost the belts at Combustion, but Matravers & Barnes stayed in title contention throughout the rest of the year. [B]Warriors of Honour [/B]won their 3rd tag titles at Combustion by beating The Show Stealers. They then held on to the belts for six months against both Show Stealers and Can-Am SAS before High and Low beat them for the belts at the King of the Ring. Samurai & Judoka remained in contention through to the end of the year. [B]High and Low [/B]showed a lot of improvement in 2011, winning their second tag team title at King of the Ring when they beat Warriors of Honour. Prior to that, they had gone up the rankings by beating all the other ROF teams. Their title reign was quite short-lived as Red Mafia beat them for the belts at Napalm Nightmare in a match where High and Low didn’t know who their opponents were. They remain strong contenders and await a title rematch going into 2012. [B]Red Mafia [/B]made a big splash on the tag division at the back end of the year. Khoklov & Dorosklov teamed together to make the most of an opportunity at High and Low’s tag titles at Napalm Nightmare and won the belts with an awesome display. They then dominated the elimination match at Pyromania and are looking like a real force in the division as we enter the new year. [CENTER][/CENTER] Which wrestler not currently in the main event should be moving to the top end of the card in 2012? If you want to pick someone in a tag team, please use the 'other' option. [CENTER][/CENTER] [QUOTE]ooc... apart from being a bit of fun, I'm hoping these polls will give me an idea of the current interest in the diary. I've noticed the star rating dropping with the last few people that have voted and the average amount of predictions for shows is a bit lower than it used to be. 5 years in - are people still enjoying the diary or does anyone have any suggestions for improvement or changes they'd like to see? I'm still enjoying doing it, I have to say! Just a little concerned that perhaps people are now finding it a bit stale.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE]ooc... apart from being a bit of fun, I'm hoping these polls will give me an idea of the current interest in the diary. I've noticed the star rating dropping with the last few people that have voted and the average amount of predictions for shows is a bit lower than it used to be. 5 years in - are people still enjoying the diary or does anyone have any suggestions for improvement or changes they'd like to see? I'm still enjoying doing it, I have to say! Just a little concerned that perhaps people are now finding it a bit stale. [/QUOTE] As for the stars thing, occasionally you get a person or a couple of people who go through and vote 1 stars just to be funny or jerks. I have seen it happen before to good diaries like Mystic's and Brifidelity in the past where their rating just drops suddenly for no reason after being steady for a long time. As for the predictions, that is probably due to some of the predictors in the past moving on to other things and not following the board as regularly anymore. After all TEW 2007 is over a year old now and and I am sure several peoples interest has risen and waned over that time. And that will end up reflecting over a long diary as well, as I see it in mine all the time. I have found the best indicator of actual interest in your diary is if the views are still rising after you post. And considering you are closing in on 15,000 views, a number held by less than 20 diaries total, I am sure you still have a well liked and read diary, despite the turndown in predictions or comments.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;357051]As for the stars thing, occasionally you get a person or a couple of people who go through and vote 1 stars just to be funny or jerks. I have seen it happen before to good diaries like Mystic's and Brifidelity in the past where their rating just drops suddenly for no reason after being steady for a long time. As for the predictions, that is probably due to some of the predictors in the past moving on to other things and not following the board as regularly anymore. After all TEW 2007 is over a year old now and and I am sure several peoples interest has risen and waned over that time. And that will end up reflecting over a long diary as well, as I see it in mine all the time. I have found the best indicator of actual interest in your diary is if the views are still rising after you post. And considering you are closing in on 15,000 views, a number held by less than 20 diaries total, I am sure you still have a well liked and read diary, despite the turndown in predictions or comments.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the reply, D-Mack. Yeah, I think everything you said is pretty much true. There's always going to be peaks and troughs, and I know that I have quite a few steady readers and that quite a few former readers just aren't around the boards anymore (at least I haven't seen them in ages). I think I was more looking for feedback on formats etc. After 5 years of game time, is the newsletter format still popular? And are people that read still interested in this version of ROF? Already I've had a nice few replies to the polls, so thanks to those that voted. And I already have an idea that Danny Demon has voted in the wrestler of the year poll somehow! :D
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROF2012.jpg[/IMG] Thanks again to those ROF fans who have voted in the end of year wrestler polls. If you haven't already voted, we will be leaving voting open for another day or so before we announce the winners. Now...on to January's tv show results and PPV line-up. ______________________________ [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/AshestoAshes12.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/KevinJonesROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/NigelSvenssonROF2.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Kevin Jones vs Nigel Svensson[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]These two men were the first 2 eliminated in last month’s Talisman Title 4-way. So whilst Billy Robinson and Hugh de Aske fight it out again over the title, Jones and Svensson vie for position in behind. Surely whoever wins this match will be destined for the next Talisman title shot. Svensson has been there before, whereas Jones continues to wear the nearly man tag of the ROF midcard. Will this finally be his chance to shine, or will Svensson’s dangerous hyper extension armlock get the job done again?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/BillyRobinson2ROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder4-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/HughdeAskeROF.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Talisman Title[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Billy Robinson © vs Hugh de Aske[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Billy Robinson came through last month’s Talisman Title 4-way with the belt still around his waist, and seems to be a step ahead of his competition. The 4-time champion has an experience edge over Hugh de Aske, and that has shown itself to be important in their matches thus far. Still, the Crossbreed Pirate has some stickability and remains in title contention as the last man eliminated from the match last month. Can he win back the title?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/DonHendersonROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/JDMorganROF-1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Don Henderson vs JD Morgan[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Don Henderson refused entry to the Talisman Title 4-way in December, saying that he wanted to move on to bigger and better things. However, he has until now always come up a little short when opportunity has come knocking at his door. He has dropped down the rankings beneath the Talisman contenders, but a win here against JD Morgan would move him straight away into the ROF upper echelon. But it will be a very tough ask against dangerous Morgan.[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/RedMafiaROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ShowStealersROF.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Red Mafia © vs The Show Stealers[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Red Mafia were very impressive in retaining their tag titles at Pyromania. They almost single-handedly took apart their opponents, although The Show Stealers did last longer in the match than High and Low or Warriors of Honour. Indeed The Show Stealers will be looked at by fans as perhaps the best opportunity for a team to defeat Red Mafia, given their propensity for quick double team moves that keep opponents on their toes. But will the Russian combo prove too strong even for Barnes and Matravers?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/DarkAngelROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/UKDragonROF.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Dark Angel vs UK Dragon[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Dark Angel scored an important win over Rolling Johnny Stones at Pyromania – a win that has left only 2 more names on his list of the ROF elite to defeat. One of those is UK Dragon, who is looking to rebuild momentum himself after failing in his bid to win the ROF title in the Pyromania 4-way. Dragon is always dangerous and is a very similar style of wrestler to Angel. Will that cause Angel problems, or is the Dark one going to move one step closer to the end of the crusade?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/WrathofGodROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/WalterMorganROF.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Championship[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Jack Giedroyc © vs Walter Morgan[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Walter Morgan has performed well since his slightly surprising King of the Ring win back in September. He fought valiantly in a great title match with Giedroyc in October, but ultimately failed to win the belt. He was also excellent in defeat in the Pyromania 4-way, being the final man eliminated. Now he meets Giedroyc one-on-one again, and has a chance to dethrone the champion. Giedroyc has been a terrific champion and knows he can beat Morgan. But Walter has the advantage of a submission win over Giedroyc from last week's Cauldron and may have the momentum on his side.[/I] ______________________________[/CENTER] [B]ROF Ashes to Ashes – January 2012[/B] Kevin Jones vs Nigel Svensson [U]ROF Talisman Title[/U] Billy Robinson © vs Hugh de Aske Don Henderson vs JD Morgan [U]ROF Tag Team Titles[/U] Red Mafia © vs The Show Stealers Dark Angel vs UK Dragon [U]ROF Championship[/U] Jack Giedroyc © vs Walter Morgan
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Kevin Jones vs [B]Nigel Svensson[/B] [I]Svennson has the better future as Jones is a midcard gatekeeper now.[/I] ROF Talisman Title [B]Billy Robinson[/B] © vs Hugh de Aske [I]The only way that de Aske winning would make sense is if Robinson is headed back to the main event, and you haven't ousted anyone there.[/I] Don Henderson vs [B]JD Morgan[/B] [I]Morgan is the most likely to drop down, mostly due to age. But the Dean has held up well in "my" timeline, so he should still be better here.[/I] ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Red Mafia[/B] © vs The Show Stealers [I]The Iron Curtain will fall over the tag titles for a while.[/I] [B]Dark Angel[/B] vs UK Dragon [I]The eventual Dark Angel-Merle O Curle feud continues to build.[/I] ROF Championship [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] © vs Walter Morgan [I]If Morgan is ever going to break thru, it would be now with his momentum,but the money feud is Giedroyc -O Curle. And that is more meaningful if it is for the title.[/I]
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[B]Kevin Jones[/B] vs Nigel Svensson [I]Whilst I don't see Jones ever rising to main event status, I still think Svensson is a year or two off himself, seeing as Jones hasn't challenged for a title for a while....it's time he got another opportunity.[/I] ROF Talisman Title [B]Billy Robinson ©[/B] vs Hugh de Aske [I]I just don't see Robinson dropping the mid-carders belt for the time being.[/I] Don Henderson vs [B]JD Morgan[/B] [I]I see this as one of those 'prove you can hang' with the big-guns sort of matches. As D-Mack said JD Morgan is the most likely to drop down from the main event and make way for one of the mid-carders to move up due to his advancing years, but I see him winning this match-up. If however you get a good match out these two, I could perhaps see this leading to a feud that eventually puts Henderson over. [/I] ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Red Mafia ©[/B] vs The Show Stealers [I]Red Mafia just look unstoppable right now.[/I] [B]Dark Angel[/B] vs UK Dragon [I]Hopefully you don't get bad chemistry issues between these two, because on paper this looks like a fantastic match-up due to their similar fighting styles. I'll go for Dark Angel to continue his momentum, towards an eventual showdown with O'Curle (who must be hurting inside that he's not on PPV).[/I] ROF Championship [B]Jack Giedroyc ©[/B] vs Walter Morgan [I]I don't know what to think about Walter now, just when I start believing he'll finally break through and win the title, he chokes. When I think he's dropped out of contention, he comes back with a big-win. I'll take the safe-bet and go for the champ, and if Walter does win it'll at-least be something of a suprise.[/I]
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Kevin Jones vs [B]Nigel Svensson[/B] ROF Talisman Title [B]Billy Robinson ©[/B] vs Hugh de Aske Robinson retains Don Henderson vs [B]JD Morgan[/B] Morgan isn't ready to step down just yet ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Red Mafia ©[/B] vs The Show Stealers Red Mafia retain the belts for a while longer. [B]Dark Angel[/B] vs UK Dragon ROF Championship [B]Jack Giedroyc ©[/B] vs Walter Morgan Walter as champ? Nah...
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;357534][B]Dark Angel[/B] vs UK Dragon [I]Hopefully you don't get bad chemistry issues between these two, because on paper this looks like a fantastic match-up due to their similar fighting styles. I'll go for Dark Angel to continue his momentum, towards an eventual showdown with O'Curle ([B]who must be hurting inside that he's not on PPV[/B]).[/I][/QUOTE] To be honest, apart from the cards which involve more wrestlers like King of the Ring and Pyromania, I tend to have one or two main eventers missing on each PPV. Of the 8 main eventers, there's often only 6 on a main show. This month it's O'Curle and Johnny Stones who miss out. And especially guys like O'Curle and Dragon are wrestling a lot in Japan on tours, so I can use the excuse that they're a bit fatigued. The good thing is that 5 years in, I don't necessarily need O'Curle on the card to stand a chance of it scoring a good rating.
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I don't usually do predictions, because I can never usually be bothered, but it seems you're becoming a bit concerned with the lack of support being shown, so in an effort to keep the diary going, here's some ;) [B]ROF Ashes to Ashes – January 2012[/B] Kevin Jones vs [B]Nigel Svensson[/B] - Svensson's awesome. I reckon Jones losing his nearly-man status to Svensson, who in my eyes is still sortof a nearly-man himself, would pretty much keep Svensson out of the main event for ages. So I'm hoping he goes over here. [U]ROF Talisman Title[/U] Billy Robinson © vs [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] - Never liked Billy. I mean.. look at the guy. [B]Don Henderson[/B] vs JD Morgan - Henderson has to win this if he's ever going to step up. After 5+ years of service, I reckon he probably should. Morgan seems to have slipped to a point where he only seems dangerous because we keep being told he is. I mean, the guy debuted in a Santa suit... The most high-profile guy he's beaten recently is Seraphym. Unless Sander Laine is a wrestling God in disguise, I can't see JD being able to overcome The Highland Hitman, given how badly Henderson wants/needs the win. [U]ROF Tag Team Titles[/U] [B]Red Mafia[/B] © vs The Show Stealers - Khoklov is bigger than both Show Stealers put together. Via the medium of WWE Logic, I therefore predict the Russians will win. [B]Dark Angel[/B] vs UK Dragon - Dark Angel is now more ancient than most Roman ruins, but he's cooler than UK Dragon. So... yeah. [U]ROF Championship[/U] Jack Giedroyc © vs [B]Walter Morgan[/B][/QUOTE] - The Battle Of The Cranial Accessories. Crown vs Stupid Helmet Thing. King vs. Deity. Call it what you will, it's going to be awesome. But Morgan will win. Henry VIII beat God, and he was fat. Surely Walter I can. Oh, and I lol'd at the Koiso reference back in August btw. I thought I commented on it, but apparently not.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;357559]I don't usually do predictions, because I can never usually be bothered, but it seems you're becoming a bit concerned with the lack of support being shown, so in an effort to keep the diary going, here's some ;)[/QUOTE] Oh don't worry, the diary is definitely keeping going - I've got about another 5 months already played out! It's not so much that I'm concerned at a lack of support, because I know I get quite a lot of views for the diary; more that I was wondering if people were starting to tire of the format or diary generally. I think ROF is a great promotion to run. But given the lack of storylines and reliance on the same main eventers because in-ring skill is so important, I just wanted to know if people were still interested in what was going on. But I've had quite a few replies to the polls, am still enjoying the challenge myself, so everything seems hunky-dory! :D
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROF2012.jpg[/IMG] Results are in for the end of year ROF wrestler polls. Here are the outcomes! Many thanks to all those who voted in each category. [U]ROF Wrestler of the Year[/U] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/WrathofGodROF.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Giedroyc - 56%[/B] Merle O'Curle - 25% Dark Angel - 6% Walter Morgan - 6% Billy Robinson - 6% [U]ROF Tag Team of the Year[/U] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/WarriorsofHonour.jpg[/IMG] [B]Warriors of Honour - 40%[/B] High and Low - 27% Red Mafia - 27% The Show Stealers 7% [U]ROF Needs a Push Award[/U] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/NigelSvenssonROF2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nigel Svensson - 35%[/B] Billy Robinson - 18% Don Henderson - 18% Adam Matravers - 6% Greg Gauge - 6% Hugh de Aske - 6% Kashmir Singh - 6% Seraphym - 6%[/CENTER]
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[COLOR="Gray"]ROF Ashes to Ashes – January 2012[/COLOR] [B]Kevin Jones[/B] vs Nigel Svensson [I]- Part of it is the odd affinity I feel towards the former member of Monkey Business, but I think Jones is in line for a solo shot at the Talisman title. Svensson's INSPIRE-ational success means he can afford to lose here and not lose anything really.[/I] ROF Talisman Title [B]Billy Robinson ©[/B] vs Hugh de Aske [I]- OMG~! I just heard Danny D fall off his chair as he read that I picked Billy R. for the win. Why? Because then Danny D.'s Billy R. can match up with Kevin Jones (whom I mark for.[/I] [B]Don Henderson[/B] vs JD Morgan [I]- I think an angry and motivated Henderson picks up the win here in a minor upset. As JD puts over The Hitman from the Highlands to shake up the Main Event scene a bit.[/I] ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Red Mafia ©[/B] vs The Show Stealers [I]- Russian Domination isn't over quite yet.[/I] [B]Dark Angel[/B] vs UK Dragon [I]- UK could easily win this but for three things in my mind. The first - is that O'Curle still remains and I don't see DA losing until the penultimate focus of his RoF Insurrection. The second - Dragon's a tired scaly beast (of course, so is DA) but in a battle of Frequent Flier (Miles) Dragon misses his Tokyo connection flight and only just makes the show. The third - three names; Seraphym, Saint, Martyr.[/I] ROF Championship [B]Jack Giedroyc ©[/B] vs Walter Morgan [i]- I want to vote for Walt, I truly do, but I just can't see the 'nearly man' of the RoF toppling the Wrath of God. Dammit. I didn't want to type that.[/i]
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I love the 'crossing people off' with Dark Angel. It's the type of thing I'd love to run in my diary but I would hate to tread on your toes. I'll wait for this storyline to finish before I steal it hah :D Also, CAN THE MARTINS. Stroppy storming out idiots. Jack over Merle in the advertised match I think :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROF2012.jpg[/IMG] The line-up for the inaugural ROF Tigerkinney Trios Tournament has been announced. Well, almost. 7 out of the 8 competing teams are now known. The only question mark surrounds the team which will contain Dark Angel. He wanted his minion team of Hell Above to be his partners, but as they were not in the top 8 of the ROF tag rankings, it appears that he may be forced to team with Par Excellence instead. However, he has been thrown a lifeline by ROF management as the teams of Par Excellence and Hell Above will meet on the opening Cauldron of the month to determine who will partner Angel in the tournament. If Angel were to be forced into a team with partners not of his choosing, he certainly wouldn't be the only one in such a situation. It is believed that whilst many teams are perfectly happy to be working together, the teams of Don Henderson/Can-Am SAS and JD Morgan/Injustice are less satisfied with their alliances but are hoping to co-exist successfully. The 4 first round matches shown will take place on each of the Cauldron shows in February. Then the semi-final and final matches will form part of the Blaze of Glory PPV at the end of the month. Predictions are welcome for the tournament. Winners of match 1 will face winners of match 2 in the semi-final, and winners of match 3 will face winners of match 4. [U][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Tigerkinney Trios Tournament[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/TriosHenderson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/TriosJones.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/TriosWalter.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/TriosSvensson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/TriosJD.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/TriosStones.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/TriosDragon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/DarkAngelROF.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Quick Predictions[/B] Don Henderson & Can-Am SAS vs Kevin Jones & Warriors of Honour Nigel Svensson & Red Mafia vs Walter Morgan & The Show Stealers JD Morgan & Injustice vs Rolling Johnny Stones & High and Low UK Dragon & Cool Breeze vs Dark Angel & partners
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A Tournament named in honour of my original Trios Tournament (though I sort of ripped the idea off ROH) in my BHOTWG diary, well I have to say I'm flattered :) [B]Quick Predictions[/B] [B]Don Henderson & Can-Am SAS[/B] vs Kevin Jones & Warriors of Honour [I]Henderson is keen to establish himself higher up the rankings and the Can-Am SAS could do with re-establishing. [/I] [I]The Warriors are slowly making their way down after a good run as tag champs last year and I have a feeling that eventually Judoka might turn on Samurai to set up one of those teacher vs student feuds and Jones seems to be stuck in the role of gatekeeper to the mid-card.[/I] [B]Nigel Svensson & Red Mafia[/B] vs Walter Morgan & The Show Stealers [I]Svensson was tipped by many in the recent poll to be the break-through star of 2012 and Red Mafia are just dominant at the moment as the Tag champs. [/I] [I]On the other side Walter from Wigan does not need to win this to estabish himself as a main event threat, despite coming up short (surprise, surprise :rolleyes:) again whilst challenging for the ROF Title, and I feel that right now The Show Stealers or for that matter any team can get the better of Red Mafia.[/I] JD Morgan & Injustice vs [B]Rolling Johnny Stones & High and Low[/B] [I]The Dean of Submissions is hampered by having the mediocre Injustice, whilst Stones is paired up with the much improved High and Low. It would be a shock if Morgan's team progress to the next round.[/I] UK Dragon & Cool Breeze vs Dark Angel & partners [I]I think that Dark Angel will get hampered with Par Excellence and will thus end up losing this match. Reasons for Dragon's team winning is that DA does not really need further participation in this tournament to further his current ambitions and this could be a good springboard to help push Cool Breeze.[/I] [B]Semi Finals:[/B] Nigel Svensson & Red Mafia to beat Don Henderson & Can-AM SAS U.K Dragon & Cool Breeze to beat Rolling Johnny Stones & High and Low [B]Finals:[/B] Nigel Svensson & Red Mafia to beat U.K Dragon & Cool Breeze
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROF2012.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/BlazeofGlory12.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/TriosHenderson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/TriosWalter.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]Trios Tournament Semi-Final[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Don Henderson & Can-Am SAS vs Walter Morgan & The Show Stealers[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]The first semi-final sees a meeting of two of ROF’s greatest technical workers along with two of ROF’s best tandems. Henderson and Morgan are both former Talisman champions who have never gone on to win the big one. Both Can-Am SAS and Show Stealers know what it’s like to win tag gold. Both teams were impressive in their first round match, particularly Morgan and Show Stealers in defeating Nigel Svensson and tag champions Red Mafia. They will be slight favourites going into this one but it could go either way.[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/TriosStones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/TriosDragon.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]Trios Tournament Semi-Final[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Rolling Johnny Stones & High and Low vs UK Dragon & Cool Breeze[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Two former ROF champions in Stones and Dragon, former tag champs in High and Low, and an up and coming team looking for a big win to establish themselves in Cool Breeze. Stones has been out of title contention for a while now and will see this as a route back towards the ROF Championship. High and Low also are desperate for the win since they lost their belts to Red Mafia in November and haven’t yet had a rematch for the gold. But Dragon and Cool Breeze are dangerous competitors and this match is again anyone’s guess.[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/BillyRobinson2ROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder4-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/NigelSvenssonROF2.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Talisman Title[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Billy Robinson © vs Nigel Svensson[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Nigel Svensson beat Kevin Jones last month at Ashes to Ashes to set up this meeting with Talisman champion Billy Robinson, who has shown his superiority to Hugh de Aske in recent months. Svensson is always there or thereabouts in the title shake-up and is a former champion himself. And with his devastating hyper extension armlock, Robinson may well be in danger of losing the Talisman Title here. However, despite his still relative youth, Robinson is an experienced and skilled competitor himself.[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/HughdeAskeROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/KevinJonesROF.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Hugh de Aske vs Kevin Jones[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]These two men are battling for position in the contendership stakes for the Talisman Title. Hugh de Aske has had chances to win back the belt he lost towards the back end of 2011, but has failed to beat Billy Robinson. Jones took part in the Pyromania 4-way but still seeks a one-on-one match for the gold. De Aske is getting more and more busy with his cross-atlantic schedule, and Jones may see this as his chance to grab a momentum building victory.[/I] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]Trios Tournament Final[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Winner of first Semi-Final vs Winner of 2nd Semi-Final[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Which team will prevail at the end of the Trios Tournament? All four of the semi-final teams have the skill to succeed tonight at Blaze of Glory. And all the men competing will be desperate to give themselves a lift towards title contention.[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/WrathofGodROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/MerleOCurleROF.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Championship[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Jack Giedroyc © vs Merle O’Curle[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Perhaps the most anticipated of matches ROF can currently offer, Giedroyc and O’Curle meet for the 4th time over the ROF Championship. Giedroyc won the belt from O’Curle last July, and then successfully defended it against him in August. O’Curle got another shot at Napalm Nightmare in November, but the result was the same. Giedroyc is the only person O’Curle has ever had such problems with, and the Irishman will be hoping it’s fourth time lucky for him tonight.[/I] _______________________________[/CENTER] [B]ROF Blaze of Glory – February 2012[/B] [U]Trios Tournament Semi-Final[/U] Don Henderson & Can-Am SAS vs Walter Morgan & The Show Stealers [U]Trios Tournament Semi-Final[/U] Rolling Johnny Stones & High and Low vs UK Dragon & Cool Breeze [U]ROF Talisman Title[/U] Billy Robinson © vs Nigel Svensson Hugh de Aske vs Kevin Jones Trios Tournament Final [U]ROF Championship[/U] Jack Giedroyc © vs Merle O’Curle
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ROF Blaze of Glory – February 2012 Trios Tournament Semi-Final Don Henderson & Can-Am SAS vs [B]Walter Morgan & The Show Stealers[/B] [I]Morgan and the show stealers don't have the personality issues that will cause the other team to implode[/I] Trios Tournament Semi-Final [B]Rolling Johnny Stones & High and Low[/B] vs UK Dragon & Cool Breeze [I]RJS is a master of the "high" and low and that team unity will take them to and through the final.[/I] ROF Talisman Title [B]Billy Robinson[/B] © vs Nigel Svensson [I]Svennson will eventually regain the belt, but will have to chase it a bit first[/I] [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] vs Kevin Jones Trios Tournament Final ROF Championship Jack Giedroyc © vs [B]Merle O’Curle[/B] [I]O'Curle finally regains the crown[/I]
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I have returned! [B]ROF Blaze of Glory – February 2012[/B] [U]Trios Tournament Semi-Final[/U] Don Henderson & Can-Am SAS vs [B]Walter Morgan & The Show Stealers[/B] [U]Trios Tournament Semi-Final[/U] Rolling Johnny Stones & High and Low vs [B]UK Dragon & Cool Breeze[/B] [U]ROF Talisman Title[/U] Billy Robinson © vs [B]Nigel Svensson [/B] [B] Hugh de Aske[/B] vs Kevin Jones Trios Tournament Final Dragon & Cool Breeze For my final prediction I say one thing.. [COLOR="Cyan"]May it be felt...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]MAY THE WRATH OF GOD BE KNOWN...[/COLOR]
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[COLOR="Orange"][B]ROF Blaze of Glory – February 2012[/B][/COLOR] Trios Tournament Semi-Final [B]Don Henderson & Can-Am SAS[/B] vs Walter Morgan & The Show Stealers [I]- two reasons. I mark for SAS and I think Henderson is hungrier to prove his RoF worth.[/I] Trios Tournament Semi-Final [B]Rolling Johnny Stones & High and Low[/B] vs UK Dragon & Cool Breeze [I]- I think this team needs this win moreso than the other. UK Dragon seems... RoF for now, until he gets a written deal from Japan and High n' Low seem more legitimate than Cool Breeze right now.[/I] ROF Talisman Title [B]Billy Robinson ©[/B] vs Nigel Svensson [I]- And when Danny D. returns he'll be shocked. Simply because I think Svensson's almost above this title.[/I] [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] vs Kevin Jones [I]- Unless de Aske's signed a written deal with DaVE or something, the Dread Pirate tops the Welsh Worrier.... er... Warrior.[/I] Trios Tournament Final [I]- Pure Mark-outery. I'm going with Grumpy Don Henderson and Can-Am SAS over Free Spirit Stones and the High n' Low.[/I] ROF Championship [B]Jack Giedroyc ©[/B] vs Merle O’Curle -[i] Poor Merle, he's just not gonna get the job done, likely due to a run-in by Dark Alba. Merle's gonna be pissed and that segues into the final 'blackout' feud.[/i]
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