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[QUOTE]In homage to the C-verse DOTM winner, who is famed for his detailed writing of matches, here is the one time in the year when I can be bothered to put any detail at all into my matches! Here is the King of the Ring match. The ending is in spoiler form - typed in white so it will show if you highlight over it - just in case anyone wants to wait for the newsletter for the result. :D [/QUOTE] After the usual introductions, the first two wrestlers came down the aisle. [B]UK Dragon [/B]drew [B]#1[/B]. [B]Sergei Kalashnov [/B]drew [B]#2[/B]. The fans were firmly behind former 2-time champion UK Dragon as the pair locked up. Dragon maintained the upper hand for the opening couple of minutes but never really looked like getting Kalashnov over the top. [B]Byron[/B] drew [B]#3[/B] and took ages to get to the ring. When he did finally get there, he broke up Dragon’s attempts to get Kalashnov over the top rope before working over both men. Not well enough, as it turned out. A bit of posing later and he was flat on his back courtesy of a Dragon Drop. [B]Duane Stone [/B]drew [B]#4[/B]. Some of the fans seemed unsure as to what their reaction should be, whilst some applauded him into the ring, and others showed their disdain for the ‘non-ROF’ man. Stone quickly showed what he could do by laying a beating on each man in turn before squaring off more evenly with UK Dragon. [B]Rolling Johnny Stones [/B]drew [B]#5[/B]. As he entered, he grabbed a sign from a fan at ringside and showed it to Duane Stone. It read – Who needs Stone? ROF’s got Stones already! Stone smiled before completely wiping out Johnny Stones. The two went at it furiously. Meanwhile Kalashnov was getting the better of Byron and Dragon was getting a breather. [B]Adam Matravers [/B]drew [B]#6[/B] and the crowd quickly got on his back. On commentary it was questioned what would happen if Matravers won, given he is vetoed from all title shots for 6 months. Matravers went after UK Dragon, who gave him as good as he got. The other pairs continued to go at it on different sides of the ring. [B]Walter Morgan [/B]drew [B]#7[/B]. The former champion came in steadily and surveyed the scene. After Byron and Kalashnov had nailed each other with a double clothesline, Morgan swiftly went after Byron and threw him over the top. [I]Byron is eliminated[/I]. Morgan then put Kalashnov in the Wigan Wrench, all the while watching the Stones vs Stone battle near by. [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B]drew [B]#8[/B]. The NOTBPW 2nd representative came in very quickly, before howling at the fans – who quickly howled back in derision. Hawkins flipped them the bird before joining Duane Stone in working over Johnny Stones. The pair of them seemed on the verge of getting Stones out when Walter Morgan came in to help Stones out. Meanwhile Kalashnov was suffering on the mat after being in the Wigan Wrench for over a minute, and Dragon and Matravers continued to scrap it out, with Dragon gaining the upper hand. [B]Billy Robinson [/B]drew [B]#9[/B]. He seemed to consider helping Stones and Morgan in their battle against the NOTBPW men, but thought better of it, instead working on the still stricken Sergei Kalashnov. Meanwhile UK Dragon was pounding Matravers on the ropes and a stiff kick sent Matravers out. [I]Adam Matravers is eliminated[/I]. [B]Stevie Stoat [/B]drew [B]#10[/B]. He entered the ring in his usual ****y style and was promptly met by old rival UK Dragon. However, Stoat was the fresher and got the better of Dragon. He then left Dragon alone though and actually went over to help the NOTBPW pair against Stones and Morgan. His help gained them the advantage and Stoat nailed a superkick on Walter Morgan to send him out. [I]Walter Morgan is eliminated[/I]. [B]Luke Cool [/B]drew [B]#11[/B], although his appearance wasn’t really the focus of the attention. Stoat looked for appreciation from Stone & Hawkins, who had double-suplexed Stones to the canvas. They looked like they were impressed and gave Stoat a high-five…before promptly sending him packing with a double-clothesline. [I]Stevie Stoat is eliminated[/I]. Stoat was furious outside the ring and grabbed at the ankle of Hawkins, who tried to kick him off. Stone meanwhile was back working on Stones. Billy Robinson made the most of the situation by coming up behind Hawkins and dumping him while he was off balance. [I]Wolf Hawkins is eliminated[/I]. [B]Leo Price [/B]drew [B]#12[/B]. He received a nice ovation from the fans that weren’t still watching Wolf Hawkins following hot on the tail of Stevie Stoat. Back in the ring, UK Dragon and Sergei Kalashnov (the first two men to enter) were once again squaring off. Stone and Stones were still going at it, and Billy Robinson was actually being countered at every turn by Luke Cool. Price took advantage of that though by nailing a german suplex on the unaware Cool, and then going to work on Robinson on the canvas. [B]Louis Figo Manico [/B]drew [B]#13[/B]. The Spaniard came in quickly with a lot of focus and decided to go after the most tired – Dragon and Kalashnov. He quickly made Kalashnov the main focus of his attention, which meant Dragon was free to go after the ailing Luke Cool. A Dragon Drop later and Cool was ripe to be thrown over the top rope. [I]Luke Cool is eliminated[/I]. [B]Burning EXILE [/B]drew [B]#14[/B]. The ROF Japan representative came in and unloaded on everyone with stiff chops and kicks. He got the better of most, but not Manico, who saw him coming and caught him in a short-arm clothesline. As wrestlers got up from the EXILE attack, UK Dragon and Rolling Johnny Stones fought by the ropes. Duane Stone saw his opportunity and attacked them both, meaning to double clothesline them both out of there. Dragon ducked though. Stones wasn’t so lucky and went flying out of there. [I]Rolling Johnny Stones is eliminated[/I]. However, Stone had been made off-balance by the move and Dragon quickly got him in a suplex position and snapped him over the top and out. [I]Duane Stone is eliminated[/I]. Stones and Stone were jaw-jacking all the way back to the locker room, but both smiled and shook hands before they went through the curtain. [B]Don Henderson [/B]drew [B]#15 [/B]and was the last man to enter. Fans cheered as last year’s winner came down with a good draw. He, unsurprisingly, went straight for Billy Robinson. As the two old rivals battled, Leo Price went after Burning EXILE, with both men still reasonably fresh. One man who definitely wasn’t fresh was Sergei Kalashnov, who had been in there for half an hour and was being battered by Louis Figo Manico, who hit him with a Madrid Maul. But Kalashnov was like a limpet on the ropes, refusing to be thrown out. UK Dragon was the odd man out of the 7 remaining and was able to grab some deep breaths, having also been in for half an hour. Once Dragon had got his breath back, he looked for an opportunity and found it. Old friend Burning EXILE had Leo Price struggling to hang on, so Dragon helped out and Price was sent crashing out. [I]Leo Price is eliminated[/I]. In the true spirit of the battle royal, Dragon and EXILE then went at it hammer and tongues, with the fresher man looking to come out on top. Meanwhile Billy Robinson was measuring Don Henderson after working him over. However, he hadn’t reckoned with Henderson still being as fresh as he was, and Henderson ducked to send Robinson careering over the top and out. [I]Billy Robinson is eliminated[/I]. On the other side of the ring, Sergei Kalashnov mounted a major comeback against Louis Figo Manico. Unfortunately he then decided to try a top rope move to really capitalise on his momentum. He ate a Manico boot on the way down and the Spaniard finally was able to throw him out. [I]Sergei Kalashnov is eliminated[/I]. The bell rang and we were down to the final 4 – UK Dragon, Louis Figo Manico, Burning EXILE and Don Henderson. We were down to the final 3 men to enter the match…and the first. [COLOR="White"]Dragon and EXILE decided to try and work together against the Scot and the Spaniard. And the first minutes of the pinfall/submission section were like a tornado tag team match. Dragon and EXILE kept the upper hand, as they were more used to each other’s moves and had tagged before. But one miscue cost them. Dragon came off the top and nailed EXILE by mistake as Manico moved. Henderson capitalised by locking the Scottish Deathlock on Dragon, whilst Manico nailed EXILE with a Madrid Maul. The ref counted the pin. [I]Burning EXILE [/I]is eliminated. Meanwhile Dragon was holding on for dear life in the deathlock and trying to get to the ropes. But Manico was an opportunist and grabbed Henderson by the neck, quickly affecting a devastating DDT-like manoeuvre. Dragon howled in pain as his own legs were also worse afflicted by the move. Manico pinned Henderson and ensured a new King of the Ring would be crowned. [I]Don Henderson[/I] is eliminated. The final portion looked a mismatch. Manico was stood up and still reasonably fresh. Dragon was on the canvas and cooked. But Dragon mustered up every ounce of strength to fight as hard as he could, often utilising his now one good leg with kicks on Manico, and getting the closest possible near fall with a backslide. But it was to be Dragon’s final moment of defiance. Manico nailed a Madrid Maul and made the pinfall for the 1…2…kick out! Dragon amazed Manico by kicking out of his signature move but it only delayed the inevitable. Manico hit another Madrid Maul and this time there was no kick out. [I]UK Dragon is eliminated[/I]. [B]Louis Figo Manico [/B]is the [B]2013 King of the Ring[/B].[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROF2012.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Here is a quick rundown of the current ROF Japan roster.[/FONT][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROF%20Japan/RosterJapan12013.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROF%20Japan/RosterJapan22013.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROF%20Japan/RosterJapan32013.png[/IMG][/CENTER]
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Great show by the way, and though the winner wasn't a shock in 'The Fig' (he's been gradually built up as a threat since the beginning of the year), the match did throw up it's usual array of surprises, such as Walter Morgan being eliminated early and Burning EXILE making it to the Final 4. I'm pleased for U.K Dragon making the Final two, and I hope it's the start of a renewed push for the masked man. That ROF Japan appears to be almost, if not as big as the main ROF Roster, I really don't know how you can juggle such as big roster, but you manage it somehow. Interesting to see where this angle with Jonathan Faust is heading, if it's heading towards him possibly merging into his Rod 'The God' persona, I will mark out for that.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;397380]Great show by the way, and though the winner wasn't a shock in 'The Fig' (he's been gradually built up as a threat since the beginning of the year), the match did throw up it's usual array of surprises, such as Walter Morgan being eliminated early and Burning EXILE making it to the Final 4. I'm pleased for U.K Dragon making the Final two, and I hope it's the start of a renewed push for the masked man.[/QUOTE] The King of the Ring is always interesting, because obviously I book the winner (Manico) and someone to be kept strong, which means they invariably make the final 4 (Dragon in this case). The other 2 of the final 4 could be anybody, although it's often the next 2 most over in the South. Not this year though, as neither Henderson nor EXILE would be those people. I do want to give Dragon another major run before he packs in (I'm concerned he'll be an early retire because his stats are starting to fall) but he's needed for the Japan brand right now too. [QUOTE]That ROF Japan appears to be almost, if not as big as the main ROF Roster, I really don't know how you can juggle such as big roster, but you manage it somehow.[/QUOTE] I do have an enormous roster of 70 wrestlers - 40 on the main brand and 30 on the Japan brand. I can just about manage that and have everyone wrestle twice per month. Dark match battle royals and 6-man tags happen quite frequently, but that's ok! Basically, without much of a talent pool to work with, I've got to try and give these youngsters chance to improve their skills now for the long-term sake of the promotion (which probably won't matter in the end because TEW08 will come out and stop me)! That said, I can already see a few of these being ditched after their initial contract unless they've shown real stat improvement already. [QUOTE]Interesting to see where this angle with Jonathan Faust is heading, if it's heading towards him possibly merging into his Rod 'The God' persona, I will mark out for that.[/QUOTE] To be honest, I wasn't convinced by him at first and I just realised that I was basically jobbing him out, so decided to make an angle out of it. As of writing this, I'm at the end of the year in the game and the angle is ongoing and a slow-burner, but it's hopefully allowing him to improve his in-ring skills, which he needs to do to be a real player here. And I'm not going to tell you if you're right or not! :p
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROF2012.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Issue104b.png[/IMG] ______________________________ [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/LightUpTheNight13.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/PeteyBarnes2ROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder4-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ByronROF.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"][U]ROF Talisman Title[/U][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Petey Barnes © vs Byron[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]A new challenger for Petey Barnes as Byron came through the 4-way contenders match on Cauldron, beating Luke Cool, Joey Beauchamp and Chris Lister to gain the PPV Talisman shot. Byron has been in ROF for just over a year now and has picked up some useful wins without really putting himself in real contention before. But now he’s there and he’s no stranger to winning gold, as 6 UCR World Combat titles would testify. Barnes has beaten all-comers so far, but will the new challenge of Byron be a step too far for the X factor?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/StevieStoatROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Stevie Stoat vs Wolf Hawkins[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Last month at King of the Ring, NOTBPW representatives Duane Stone and Wolf Hawkins were having a strong battle with Rolling Johnny Stones and Walter Morgan of ROF. But then Stevie Stoat interjected himself by eliminating Morgan. In looking for favour from the visitors, he instead was dumped to the outside. An unhappy Stoat then proceeded to pull at Wolf Hawkins, eventually helping cause his elimination. Hawkins is irritated that he got Stoat out fairly but was denied himself by Stoat’s underhanded ways. He returns to ROF here to see if he can gain a measure of revenge in singles action.[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/AdamMatraversROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/DonHendersonROF.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Adam Matravers vs Don Henderson[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Adam Matravers hasn’t had a good few months, with a 6-month title match ban now hanging over him. But he saw a glimmer of light on Cauldron last week when he took Don Henderson to a time-limit draw. Henderson wasn’t too impressed with the result and has challenged Matravers to a rematch on the PPV with no time limit. Matravers has reluctantly accepted. Can ‘Mile High’ kick his career on with a win, or will Henderson show his superiority?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/WarriorsofHonour.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/Can-AmSASROF-1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"][U]ROF Tag Team Titles[/U][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Warriors of Honour © vs Can-Am SAS[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Current champions meet former champions as Can-Am SAS try to succeed where Red Mafia and Reborn Romeos failed and dethrone the Warriors. Nelson and Coleman are a good unit who use quick tags and mesh well despite differing styles. That said, they have often flattered to deceive in ROF since their one and only title run a couple of years back. Having beaten Reborn Romeos on Cauldron to earn the title shot, will they grasp their chance?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/WrathofGodROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/JonathanFaust2ROF.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Jack Giedroyc vs Jonathan Faust[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Jack Giedroyc has been AWOL on Cauldron over the past month to recharge his batteries following his title match defeats. But he has returned for the PPV by issuing an open challenge to anyone on the roster to face him. His challenge was surprisingly answered by Jonathan Faust, a man who has suffered many losses lately and seems greatly at odds with himself. Does Faust have something up his sleeve, or will it prove an easy evening’s work for the Wrath of God?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/MerleOCurleROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/LouisFigoManicoROF.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Championship[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Merle O’Curle © vs Louis Figo Manico[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]In terms of momentum building, nobody in ROF can hold a candle to Louis Figo Manico over the past few months. He has beaten many of the best athletes in ROF, and despite a couple of near misses in the Great Balls Gauntlet and last month’s 3-way title contenders match, he finally won the King of the Ring to earn a one-on-one shot at Merle O’Curle and the ROF Championship. O’Curle won their only previous meeting last year, but Manico has the focus to cause an upset here. Can the Spaniard reach his goal of becoming ROF champion, or will the Celtic Crippler merely add him to his list of victims?[/I] _______________________________[/CENTER] [B]ROF Light Up The Night – October 2013[/B] [U]ROF Talisman Title[/U] Petey Barnes © vs Byron Stevie Stoat vs Wolf Hawkins Adam Matravers vs Don Henderson [U]ROF Tag Team Titles[/U] Warriors of Honour © vs Can-Am SAS Jack Giedroyc vs Jonathan Faust [U]ROF Championship[/U] Merle O’Curle © vs Louis Figo Manico
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ROF Light Up The Night – October 2013 ROF Talisman Title [B]Petey Barnes[/B] © vs Byron [I]Byron needs to beat somebody like Svennson, Matravers, or Robinson to be considered a real threat to the belt[/I] [B]Stevie Stoat[/B] vs Wolf Hawkins [I]Wolf gets a rude welcome from Stoat[/I] Adam Matravers vs [B]Don Henderson[/B] [I]After Matravers lackluster showing as a midcard champion, His window to the main event has closed.[/I] ROF Tag Team Titles Warriors of Honour © vs [B]Can-Am SAS[/B] [I]Not having to overcome a massive power avantage lets SAS take the belts.[/I] [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs Jonathan Faust [I]"The God"'s losing streak continues against his "Wrath"[/I] ROF Championship Merle O’Curle © vs Louis Figo Manico [I]Draw to set up a second match[/I]
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ROF Talisman Title [B]Petey Barnes[/B] © vs Byron [I]While Petey's showing as champ has been far from impressive, Byron is in no position to win it.[/I] [B]Stevie Stoat[/B] vs Wolf Hawkins Stevie needs to keep looking like a threat in the upper midcard. [B]Adam Matravers[/B] vs Don Henderson Henderson's showing as of late has been none too impressive. Somehow, I smell an upset in this one. ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Warriors of Honour[/B] © vs Can-Am SAS No reason to take it off them. [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs Jonathan Faust Faust continues his losing ways. ROF Championship Merle O’Curle © vs [B]Louis Figo Manico[/B] Why not? Louis deserves one last run and it gives you fresh match-ups in the main event.
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[U]ROF Talisman Title [/U][B]Petey Barnes ©[/B] vs Byron [I]Like his predecessor, Petey is hardly setting the world alight with his title reign, but Byron does provide a fresh opponent, and something a little different from the fellow high-flyers he has been facing of late. Saying that I agree with D-Mack Byron needs a few more wins over others established contenders in the division to be considered a true threat to the belt.[/I] [B]Stevie Stoat[/B] vs Wolf Hawkins [I]Hawkins is probably only here for one more appearance, he may as well put someone over...even if it is someone the fans love to hate in Stoat[/I]. Adam Matravers vs[B] Don Henderson[/B] [I]I suspect that Matravers is sort of in the doghouse, after his disappointing run with the mid-card belt, and I think he will lose here. However a good performance could go a long way to reversing the damage he has done to his reputation.[/I] [U]ROF Tag Team Titles[/U] [B]Warriors of Honour ©[/B] vs Can-Am SAS [I]If Red Mafia couldn't get it done, then I don't think the Can-Am's will get it done either agains the Warriors, who look to be having a lengthy reign with the belts. When the Warrios do drop the Tag Titles it will be to a team that hasn't had a title reign yet like Reborn Romeos or Pure Quality.[/I] [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs Jonathan Faust [I]Faust's losing streak continues, this is also an effective way to rebuild Giedroyc after his Title Match losses to Merle O'Curle[/I] [U]ROF Championship[/U] Merle O’Curle © vs Louis Figo Manico- [B]DRAW[/B] [I]I agree with D-Mack, I think this one ends as a draw, to set up a return match at the next PPV, that's because I think the 'Figs' build would be a bit of a waste, if he lost the match, but on the other hand I don't think you want to end O'Curle's current title run just yet either.[/I]
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ROF Talisman Title [B]Petey Barnes ©[/B] vs Byron [I]I like Byron's look, and if this was 21CW and its SE Lord Byron would be a top dog. But this is the ROF and his prettyboy looks only means that the fans cheer harder when his nose gets bloody. Go Petey.[/I] [B]Stevie Stoat[/B] vs Wolf Hawkins [I]The Wolf gets sent back to Canada with stories of how he got upset by a guy named Stevie.[/I] Adam Matravers vs [B]Don Henderson[/B] [I]With Nigel in ROF JAPAN it is now Henderson who has my eye as "the next big thing" in the Ring of Fire. He wins here.[/I] ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Warriors of Honour ©[/B] vs Can-Am SAS [I]The WARRIORS continue to reign... that is until they get upset by those Romeo trying, skirt chasing, make up wearing, Metrosexual, guys.[/I] [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs Jonathan Faust [I]Finally the GOD gets a true W. Poor Jonathan. The letters M-O-S-C seem like it might have been a better choice.[/I] ROF Championship [B]Merle O’Curle ©[/B] vs Louis Figo Manico [I]Yeah the Spanish guy kicked butt in the King of Ring going through some of the best ROF - ROF JAPAN - and the NOTBPW could offer. Kudos. - Now it is time to get crippled and sent back to Madrid in a box.[/I]
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ROF Talisman Title [B]Petey Barnes ©[/B] vs Byron I don't want to see Petey lose the belt so soon and I don't think Byron has the real credentials to take it from him. Stevie Stoat vs [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] Put Stoat in a match and I'll pick against him. Adam Matravers vs [B]Don Henderson[/B] Next to O'Curle I think Henderson is my favorite guy on your roster. ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Warriors of Honour ©[/B] vs Can-Am SAS SHow 'em whose boss Samurai [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs Jonathan Faust Faust continues on his self frustrating losing streak ROF Championship [B]Merle O’Curle ©[/B] vs Louis Figo Manico The Pain From Spain gets a pain in the neck as O'Curle easily makes the guy who runs every european fed into the ground submit.
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[COLOR="White"]ROF Light Up The Night – October 2013[/COLOR] ROF Talisman Title Petey Barnes © vs [B]Byron[/B] [I]- Eventually Byron will win on PPV, and when he does... I'll be there driving the wandbaggon into the creek![/I] Stevie Stoat vs [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] [I]- Stoat will get CHEERed battling the evil, wolfish, Canada-based Hawkins. This will shock Stoat so much, he'll fall over and be pinned.[/I] Adam Matravers vs [B]Don Henderson[/B] [I]- A rider in the new contract Don signed... pin a former champ! In this case the disappointing in recent months Matravers.[/I] ROF Tag Team Titles Warriors of Honour © vs [B]Can-Am SAS[/B] [I]- I still don't see WoH going on a long run, indeed I thought they'd beat Red Mafia and then hot shot it to someone else. So SAS finally gets another shot to run with the titles.[/I] [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs Jonathan Faust [I]- This could have been built up to epic proportions as the Wrath of God taking on the former God. Instead this screams 'filler match' so I'll refill my pint while Giedroyc likely wins. Hopefully this leads to a crisis of faith for Faust.[/I] ROF Championship [B]Merle O’Curle ©[/B] vs Louis Figo Manico [I]- I mark for Figo but not enough to think he's going to short-circuit O'Curle this early in his reign.[/I]
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[U][B]ROF Light Up The Night – October 2013[/B][/U] ROF Talisman Title [B]Petey Barnes ©[/B] vs Byron I'm still behind Barnes here, he is gonna be a good champ until bryon picks his game up. [B]Stevie Stoat[/B] vs Wolf Hawkins Picking Stoat coz beeker picked hawk. What can I say Billy aint fighting lol :P Adam Matravers vs [B]Don Henderson[/B] We all know A.M sucks. ROF Tag Team Titles [B]Warriors of Honour © [/B]vs Can-Am SAS WoH rock, I hate Can-Am SAS. [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs Jonathan Faust Not a win till next year. ;) ROF Championship [B]Merle O’Curle ©[/B] vs Louis Figo Manico Not till next month.
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Just out of curiosity, what hare -brained, senile, insane jackass is booking NYCW in your part of the c-verse? :confused: Rodger f'n Dodger shouldn't even be on the roster in NYCW at this point, much less winning the f'n Empire title! :mad: Land 'Freakin' Mass would be a better champion! :rolleyes: ok. Rant done. :cool:
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Hot damn I got a mention in the diary. The Irish don't lose we just have temporary set backs. Manico is going to have the shortest reign in RoF history as O'Curle takes back what is rightfully his. Actually I think O'Curle will lose and then he'll switch over to the Japan brand for awhile and dominate there. Truth is as much as I hate O'Curle losing I hate Stoat winning even more.
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kinda knew Figo would win just didnt think it would be this quickly, I never thought Bryon would win he just doesn't seem at that leval yet, maybe im wrong though i have been before. Also Marcel what happend to the rankings system? just scraped it? got to complicated with the 70+ roster?
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[QUOTE=DannyDemon;400364]kinda knew Figo would win just didnt think it would be this quickly, I never thought Bryon would win he just doesn't seem at that leval yet, maybe im wrong though i have been before. Also Marcel what happend to the rankings system? just scraped it? got to complicated with the 70+ roster?[/QUOTE] I think with Byron it's a case of the diary audience not quite matching the in-game audience. He's always been pretty over because of his UCR run and he's more popular in the UK than most of the midcard. Although he hadn't really faced off against many of the Talisman guys, he's consistently beaten the lower ranking wrestlers and taken losses only against main event or upper midcard guys. He recently beat Faust to qualify for King of the Ring and then won the 4-way on Cauldron to get the title shot. That said, it was meant to seem like a bit of a surprise win. And surprises can be good - 7 replies to the last newsletter shows that the title changes spiked interest a little. I still use the rankings system to determine challengers. I just don't post it up for everyone to see any more. This is why Byron is deserving of the title shot - because he's at that point in the rankings! I just think a Byron title win freshens up the Talisman title a little. Plus (as will be alluded to in an end of year write-up) the Talisman picture has been stuck in a bit of a rut - I'm really looking for combinations that can deliver B- matches on PPV from that area of the card, and I've had too many C+ matches recently from people that should theoretically be able to do better. Byron isn't someone that has been part of that malaise, plus I feel I can do something with him character-wise that makes him stand out from the average midcard joe.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ROF2012.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Issue105b.png[/IMG] ______________________________ [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/NapalmNightmare13.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/Can-AmSASROF-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/RobinsonStoatROF.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Can-Am SAS vs Robinson & Stoat[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]After the events of Light Up The Night, where Stevie Stoat defeated Wolf Hawkins with an assist from new buddy Billy Robinson, ROF’s newest alliance have been heard bragging backstage about their success and how Canadians and Americans have nothing to offer ROF. Can-Am SAS beg to differ. The former tag champs were not impressed by the comments and, although they have no relationship with the NOTBPW wrestlers, still want to take an opportunity to shut Robinson & Stoat up. They get their chance at Napalm Nightmare.[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/ByronROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder4-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/PeteyBarnes2ROF.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Talisman Title[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Byron © vs Petey Barnes[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Last month ROF fans got a shock when Byron beat Petey Barnes to win the Talisman Title – his first title reign in ROF. However the former 6-time UCR champion is a proven champion in the past. Barnes is hungry to win the belt back straight away however. It also appeared at Light Up The Night that Byron was able to get under Barnes’ skin by making comments and gestures to Phoebe Plumridge throughout the match. Can Barnes ignore the mind games this time and take back the title?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/RollingJohnnyStonesROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/WalterMorganROF.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Rolling Johnny Stones vs Walter Morgan[/FONT][/SIZE] [I]At King of the Ring, these two men fought together for a part of the match. Here they fight against each other in a rankings match which will go some way to seeing the winner participate in next month’s Pyromania title 4-way. These two have the utmost respect for one another, so you can expect a fair, clean fight full of technical excellence. Both men are former ROF champions and both want to return to that position. Who will score the big win?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/WarriorsofHonour.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/RebornRomeosROF.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Warriors of Honour © vs Reborn Romeos[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]So far the Warriors have had perhaps the most impressive of their 4 tag title reigns. Having defeated Red Mafia for the belts and then subsequently in rematches, the Warriors went on to down Reborn Romeos and Can-Am SAS. Now the Romeos, who have impressed both on Cauldron and in their previous title opportunity, get another chance. Can Valentine and Martin really step up their game to take the belts, or will the Warriors continue their reign?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/AdamMatraversROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/DonHendersonROF.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Adam Matravers vs Don Henderson[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]In what can be classed as a definite upset last month, Adam Matravers defeated Don Henderson clean in a singles match. Although there is no doubting Matravers’ skill, he has struggled to win over ROF fans in both his Talisman Title reign and the way he has conducted himself since quitting his team with Petey Barnes. Henderson was not happy with his performance at Light Up The Night and wanted a rematch, which Matravers has somewhat reluctantly accepted. Will Henderson get a win back or does Matravers have his number?[/I] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/LouisFigoManicoROF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/VSborder2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/ROF/Wrestler%20Pics/MerleOCurleROF.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]ROF Championship[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]Louis Figo Manico © vs Merle O’Curle[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]In last month’s night of shocks, Louis Figo Manico capped things by beating the Celtic Crippler to win his first ROF title. Manico was riding high on momentum and crowd support that night, which combined to take him to a career best effort. The question is can he repeat that effort now that he is faced with an angry Irishman who wants his title back and wants it back fast. Manico has done it once. But the hard part often isn’t getting to the top…it’s staying there.[/I] ______________________________[/CENTER] [B]ROF Napalm Nightmare – November 2013[/B] Can-Am SAS vs Robinson & Stoat [U]ROF Talisman Title[/U] Byron © vs Petey Barnes Rolling Johnny Stones vs Walter Morgan [U]ROF Tag Team Titles[/U] Warriors of Honour © vs Reborn Romeos Adam Matravers vs Don Henderson [U]ROF Championship[/U] Louis Figo Manico © vs Merle O’Curle
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