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ok, so i have tried to start two diaries with no success, it seems im not a very good writer, but it got me thinking..who is the best writer in the whole of the GDS Forums and that is where my idea comes in anybody who thinks they may be the best writer tell me in this thread, i will then PM you the details of a story such as Write up a current day Smackdown show using all of the real life rivalries, or re-write the very first ECW on Sci Fi, then when i have all the story's i will read through all of them and then post the top ten writers on here, after that i will create a new scenario and it will be up to the writers to write the most interesting story they can.....everytime all the stories have been posted everybody will get a chance to vote and the 2 people with the least number of votes will be out, then we will start a new scenario and keep going until we find the BEST WRITER IN THE HISTORY OF GREYDOG SOFTWARE FORUMS i am really hope to get alot of hits for this...anyone can enter please feel free
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;262763]I nominate Sebsplex and Jehovah, but I'm guessing neither would touch a WWE dynasty. Therein lies the problem... I think the best dynasties are all C-Verse. That said, I really like Tristram for real world stuff.[/QUOTE]I'll touch it if you touch it. God, it's like third grade all over again... Seriously, this sounds interesting. I would definitely give this a try if I make the cut - it would be writing one show, and not like a month's worth, right? I nominate Pox - I desperately want to see him do the Wrath of God treatment on Chavo Guerrero.
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i only used wwe as a sample, it would be one show then we would have about 2/3 week break while everyone votes then another one of show but it could go from WWE to TNA to SWF of the C-Verse then back to say WWE but in 1997 or something like that if you would liketo enter then just right on here like sebsplex, vitamin E and Jehovan have, when i have all entries i will send a private message to all the entries informing them of what to right, then they must send it back to me either in a private message or a email.. i will pick the top 10 and we go from there like i explained above...be aware that the first thing you have to write will be very short such as just write a end to Raw or something, i hope this works out and i promise not to show favortism to anyone
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it would be general whole show writing, since some people are confused i show you a sample i would send you a message saying right up the first episode of Raw after the Great American Bash with these results Lashley Beat Cena Umaga Beat Hardy Orton Beat Rhodes Melina Beat Candice the Raw must have A No 1 contenders Main Event Match for the WWE Title Mickie James become the no 1 contender to Melina Umaga Squash someone Start a Hardy vs Carlito fued Must have 5 to 6 Matches then the writer must work in this boundaries this is just an example and is not the one that you have to write but i hope you see what i mean The writer would then have the choice of making Cena, or Kennedy or Booker No 1 contender making Mickie number 1 contender in a angle or a match Pick Umaga opponant ETC ETC
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ok i didnt get as many as hoped but here we go, the participants in this competition to find the best writer in GDS are: JEHOVAN VITAMIN E SEBSPLEX ANDREZ MAD5226 RKO_HBK BGBUFF MONKEYPOX i will post a thread soon with a title suchas the greydog software challenge round 1 with all the informatoin so keep an eye out and good luck
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