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MPWF: Taking Over Lucha

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"You're kidding, right?" I said. "Nope. I got you a job in the business kid." said Jamie Kirkland, my best friend since second grade. We grew up watching SWF together, and had eventually graduated to the more interesting indies. "Awesome! Wait... where? I applied to [I]all[/I] of the promotions I could find!" "Mexico." "Oh... snap." "You're going to work for Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation. And, for a man by the name of Cique Jr. He's the main booker over there." "Okay, when am I going?" "How about, right now?" "Oh SNAP." [I]Hokey dialogue aside, basic jist of it is that I, Matt Truth, get a job at Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation. And I'm sure that wackiness will ensue. It usually does.[/I] I got on a plane, and touched down in Tijuana, Mexico. Then, I met a man who calls himself Cique. "Hola." "Hola?" Oh snap! I don't speak spanish. That... that'd be a major problem. Quite quickly in fact. But... we'll work around it. "Este es Tijuana, Mexico. Los oficinas de MPWF esta dos puertas abajo. Es un location bueno." "Uh... wah?" Cique, (who I could recognize by the facepaint, I mean, who wears face paint?) grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the airport, grabbing my bag on the way. He walked a little way down the street, and stopped right outside the National Arena. This is where I'd spend most of my time, as MPWF had an exclusive contract with the arena, and their offices were upstairs, above the ring. Excellent. There, I met Domino. He's a legendary luchadore, and the owner of MPWF. He left OLLIE (our sworn enemy) after some backstage disputes, and now ran this company. And, he speaks English! "Hello Senor Truth, the new head booker of MPWF." Head booker? [I]Head booker?[/I] I didn't know who was on the roster. "As you may have heard, we've been looking for someone to fill the role. And, as your offer was the most cost-effective, you got the job." Cost-effective? Damn, Jamie sold me out. "How much do I make?" "Eleven Pesos an hour." I pulled out the chart the airline had given me, which had the day's exchange rates printed on it. Oh snap! That's about... "A dollar an hour!" Oh snap!
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[I]As many of you are unfamiliar with lucha, I'll use this post to show the roster, some history, and all that.[/I] I stepped into my burning hot office, and immediately disturbed a chicken that was sleeping in my chair. There was also a dog sitting there, a small, scrawny type, that could have been any number of kinds. He just snoozed, not concerned with the new guy in his space, as well as the squawking chicken running around like... it's head was cut off. Ooh. "Here is the roster, you have a show in four days. Good luck!" Domino stepped out, leaving me with a handwritten pile of papers, each clipped to a photo. [QUOTE] [CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]Main Event[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/SoulTaker.jpg[/IMG] [B]Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF[/B] [I]Soul Taker is a superb luchador, and one of the most incredibly over heels in Mexico, where his lengthy and awe-inspiring graveyard-themed entrance is something that everyone looks forward to. Prior to the 2005 draft he was just reaching his peak with OLLIE, capturing the company's Universal title. A switch to MPWF did nothing to halt his progress, and in the following year and a half he captured the MPWF title on two separate occasions. He is rightly considered to be one of MPWF's crown jewels.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [I]The masked high flier known as Ultimate Phoenix was originally called Blue Sky, and seen as nothing more than an average cruiserweight competitor, floundering on the US independent circuit throughout his early years. However, since then he has made an amazing career turnaround, the catalyst of which was a move to Mexico where he began putting on a string of great performances that showed how talented he really is. He joined CZCW in 2006, adding them to his Mexican commitments.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/Elctrico.jpg[/IMG] [I]Eléctrico (occasionally incorrectly written as Electo) is a very popular luchador, a long-time member of the MPWF roster. His awesome electric-themed mask and costume make him probably the most instantly recognisable wrestler in the country, to the extent that any article on lucha libre wrestling outside of Mexico invariably features a picture of him. He has managed to translate his popularity into success over the years, most notably holding MPWF's world championship on two occasions.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/MayanIdol.jpg[/IMG] [B]Campeónes de Tríos MPWF[/B] [I]Mayan Idol is a very powerful luchador from Tampico, who is fast becoming one of the most popular wrestlers in Mexico, not least thanks to his outrageously cool mask. Weighing in at 248lbs, he is much larger than most of his enemies, and that is reflected in his ring style - some of his trademark moves include powerbomb variations and chest-crushing sentons. That said, he is deceptively quick for his size, and does have quite a few good high risk moves at his disposal.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/ElBandito.jpg[/IMG] [I]El Bandito is one of the most famous wrestlers in modern Mexican history. One of the best in-ring all-rounders in the sport, his golden period in terms of success was between 1999 and 2005, when he was the SOTBPW champion on four separate occasions. Although age and injuries are beginning to take their toll, he is still a fine competitor, and proved that by winning the MPWF title in 2006. A true lucha libre legend, he wields enormous influence in the sport.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Upper Midcard[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] [B]Campeón de Lucha MPWF[/B] [I]Ángel De México made his debut in 2003, and was initially seen as being just another one of the competent but unspectacular rookie luchadores that had begun appearing around that time. A stint in OLLIE did nothing to change that notion, as while he tried hard and made few mistakes, he showed nothing to elevate himself above the pack. In the summer of 2006 he moved on to MPWF, and his career has taken off - showing a new fire, and vastly improved skills, he is rising up the ranks fast.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/Magnifico.jpg[/IMG] [I]Magnifico is a famous luchador, and one of the most successful modern-day Mexican wrestlers in terms of championship victories. Closely associated with MPWF, where he has spent his entire career, he has been world champion of the promotion on five separate occasions between 1999 and 2004. However, a common criticism of that record is that it was during a very weak period for MPWF, with few true stars around. Recent years have seen his popularity wane somewhat.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/GenioVerde.jpg[/IMG] [I]Genio Verde, "The Green Genius", is a top heel in the world of lucha libre, a bad guy straight from the pages of a comic book. He debuted in 2005 shortly before the nationwide draft, and his evil genius character and cool costume soon got him noticed, as did his big feud with main rival Spanish Superfly. Prior to coming to Mexico, he was known as The Magnificent Mark, and was a struggling independent worker who had found little in the way of fame or success.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/SpanishSuperfly.jpg[/IMG] [I]Spanish Superfly is a very popular luchador, whose noble character has really struck a chord with the Mexican audience. A big, muscular, athletic competitor, he has the natural look of a champion, and has lived up to that image by becoming a three-time MPWF champion over the years. However, despite those successes, his career has been in something of a rut since the 2005 draft, and he has fallen out of the regular main event spot that he was once almost guaranteed to have.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/HombreDelaEnerga.jpg[/IMG] [I]Hombre De la Energía (Don Meade) is an American-born wrestler who works exclusively in Mexico, where he lives. "Power Man" is only slightly bigger than the average Mexican luchador, weighing in at 240lbs, but has such muscularity that he can easily throw around anybody he faces with apparent ease. This, coupled with his sneering, arrogant personality, make him a natural heel. He joined MPWF in mid-2006, and is quickly making his Lariat finisher the most feared move in the promotion.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Midcard[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/Relampago.jpg[/IMG] [I]Hijo Del Relámpago is a young rising star from the world of lucha libre. He is the grandson of the original Relámpago, a wrestler who was active in the 1960s and 1970s with OLLIE and then MPWF, but who never achieved a great deal in terms of success (although he was highly respected by his peers for his selfless work). Hijo Del Relámpago seems to have talent to burn, and is so highly thought of that he was hired by MPWF in November 2006, at only 19 years of age.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/LuchadorOriginal.jpg[/IMG] [B]Campeónes de Tríos MPWF[/B] [I]Luchador Original (often misquoted as Luchadore Originalic) is a veteran of Mexican wrestling, who in November 2006 completed his second full decade of competitive professional wrestling. He is something of a "nearly man" in the world of lucha libre; even at the height of his powers, there was always some other worker who was a little more over, with a little more momentum, who would get to the world title before him. With age slowing him down, he looks likely to never win a world title now.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/CiqueJr.jpg[/IMG] [B]Campeónes de Tríos MPWF[/B] [I]Cique Jr, the nephew of the original, is the Mr. Consistency of lucha libre. He's never had the charisma of Axxis Jr, the looks of Champagne Lover, the costume of Eléctrico, the flashiness of Marcos Flores, or the silky skills of Soul Taker, but what he has brought to the party is supreme professionalism, selflessness, and a work ethic that can't be bettered. As a result, Cique may have never won a world title, but he has had a long and satisfying career and the respect of all his peers. My booking amigo.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/Atlantis.jpg[/IMG] [I]Atlantis Jr is the son of the original Atlantis, and is a fairly talented luchador who has had a turbulent career so far. He debuted for SOTBPW back in 1999, and five years later reached the peak of his career by winning the SOTBPW title. Unfortunately for him, a disasterous title reign coupled with a short-sighted and poorly received heel turn killed his momentum entirely. He has since moved to MPWF via the 2005 draft, and is now trying to rebuild his once glittering career.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/Asiatico.jpg[/IMG] [B]Campeón de Parejas MPWF[/B] [I]Asiatico is a veteran luchador, the more senior half of "The Continental Connection" tag team, his regular partner being Europea. The two of them have found much success recently with MPWF, where they have won the Campeónes de Parejas titles on two occasions and generally dominated most of the opposition. Neither is a particularly great wrestler, the secret of their success is little more complicated than a strong work ethic and good, solid basic skills.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/Europea.jpg[/IMG] [B]Campeón de Parejas MPWF[/B] [I]Europea is a luchador, most famous for being part of the tag team "The Continental Connection" along with Asiatico. They have come to fame as MPWF's most successful tag combination since the big 2005 draft, winning the Campeónes de Parejas on two occasions. Like his regular partner, Europea isn't particularly talented, but does know enough to enable him to cover his weaknesses pretty well. One problem that he does have is that he tends to be quite injury prone.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/Apprentica.jpg[/IMG] [I]Apprentica Jr is a young luchador, the son of the original, who is slowly building up a fan base through his work with MPWF. While not the most talented wrestler around, he always works hard and is willing to take a beating from better workers, and that means he is slowly getting ahead in the business. After the 2005 draft he started showing a more aggressive side to himself, and debuted his new flip neckbreaker finisher, The Whiplash. It is becoming quite a feared and over move.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/DanielCano.jpg[/IMG] [I]"The Silver Warrior" Daniel Cano is a luchador from Mexico City, who is dependable but not really spectacular in any way. He is very recognisable because of his dyed white hair and silver costume. Originally he was a masked singles wrestler, but after the massive national 2005 draft in lucha libre he ended up becoming primarily a tag team wrestler, teaming with his younger brother Javier Cano in MPWF. It was at this point that he also dropped the mask entirely.[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]Lower Midcard[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/JavierCano.jpg[/IMG] [I]Javier Cano is a rookie luchador, who is the younger brother of another Mexican wrestler, "The Silver Warrior" Daniel Cano. He first came to people's attention during the lucha libre nationwide draft in 2005, when he ended up with his brother in MPWF - adopting similar costumes, the two siblings entered into the tag team ranks together, with Javier donning a gothic black look. At this early stage in his career he is a very spotty, incomplete worker, but he is showing signs of improvement.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/Velocidad.jpg[/IMG] [U]New Signing[/U] [I] Although it may be very early in his career, some veterans of the lucha libre scene are already hailing young Velocidad as the "next big thing" to hit Mexican wrestling. Although he is still inexperienced, inconsistent, and lacking finesse, what cannot be denied is that he is one of the quickest wrestlers you will ever seen, moving around the ring with a dizzying pace and energy. Making his pro debut in September 2006, big things are expected from him.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/GuillermoMarcos.jpg[/IMG] [I]"The Fan's Own" Guillermo Marcos is a rookie luchador. Famously, he used to be just a regular fan who attended all the major shows that he could, but who then decided to live the dream and train to become a wrestler himself. He achieved the first part of his dream in 2005, when he earned a professional contract with MPWF. The highlight of his career so far has been his team with Heavy Metal Anarchy, which has seen him involved in some pretty good matches against the Cano brothers.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/HeavyMetalAnarchy.jpg[/IMG] [I]Heavy Metal Anarchy (Antonio Nieto) is a young luchador competitor. His fan-favourite character, that of a head-banging metal fan complete with leather entrance attire and loud theme music, is starting to get him noticed in MPWF, where he has been working for the past few years. He is slowly developing into a competent worker. In late 2006 he began teaming regularly with fellow rookie Guillermo Marcos, and their battles with the Cano brothers have resulted in HMA's best matches to date.[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]Openers / Enhancement Talents[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] [U]New Signing[/U] [I]Masked Cougar is a high flier who is one of the brightest prospects in North American wrestling. A huge fan of Mexican lucha libre wrestling, he bases his look, character, and some of his ring work on that culture. However, it was in Japan that he got his first break, as he spent a few years with WLW, and was quite successful. He returned to the States in 2006, a much improved worker, and has recently begun setting CZCW on fire with his smooth, fluid, fast-paced style of wrestling.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [I]Insane Machine is a highly rated cruiserweight, best known for his work with CZCW. Prior to joining them in 2002, he worked without a mask under his real name, Chris Perkins, but had little success. Once he donned the outrageously cool mask though, his career seemed to take off, and he soon became quite popular. In 2004, his successes with CZCW led him to be invited over to WLW in Japan, and he has slowly built up quite a fan base over there, making him an international wrestling star.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/LunaLigera.jpg[/IMG] [I]Luna Ligera is a young luchador who teams with his twin brother Luna Oscura as The Luna Twins. Neither are particularly great at the moment, but with experience they may develop into competent workers. At the moment, their main selling point is that they have an instinctive understanding of what each other is thinking, and that means they can perform some very fluid free-flowing tag team moves in almost perfect synchronisation.[/I] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/LunaOscura.jpg[/IMG] Luna Oscura is a young luchador who teams with his twin brother Luna Ligera as The Luna Twins. Neither are particularly great at the moment, but with experience they may develop into competent workers. At the moment, their main selling point is that they have an instinctive understanding of what each other is thinking, and that means they can perform some very fluid free-flowing tag team moves in almost perfect synchronisation. [/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B]Managers:[/B] Chica De Partido, Gabriela Ortega [B]Announcer:[/B] Mario Serrano [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] Carlos Moreno [B]Road Agent: [/B]Domino [B]Referee: [/B]Sebastian Cabrera
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As the chicken continued its frantic squawking, the mid-day heat beating down on my head, I tried to make sense of it all. The fact that the title names were in spanish, was no help either. But, eventually I believe I managed to put together a usable card. And afterwards, I really wanted a chicken sandwich. But, I came to a few conclusions about the roster. - We're long on faces, short on heels. One or two more good ones would help the roster. - To put up the shows the fans expect, we need to use the main eventers basically every show. It might grind on them, but we need those matches. - Angles won't go over so well, so keep them to a minimum. Domino came in later, and said the show I was booking was the first in a series of weekly events, designed to transition into a television show. He said he was concerned with another of our rivals, South of The Border Pro Wrestling's TV deal, and he wanted to match them. OLLIE was also looking for a deal, and that's a driving force for him as well. He asked to see the card, and I showed him. [CENTER][IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/MPWF_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]MPWF Lucha Libre[/B] [B]Campeónes de Parejas MPWF[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]El Equipo Insano (Guillermo Marcos and Heavy Metal Anarchy)[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Continental Connection (Asiatico and Europa)[/COLOR] (c) [COLOR="Blue"]Mayan Idol[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Atlantis Jr.[/COLOR] [B]Campeón de Mexico[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Angel De Mexico[/COLOR] (c) vs. [COLOR="Red"]Magnifico[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Spanish Superfly[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Genio Verde[/COLOR] [B]Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Soul Taker[/COLOR] (c) [/CENTER] [RIGHT][FONT="Courier New"][QUOTE]Quick Picks El Equipo Insano vs. Continental Connection (c) Mayan Idol vs. Atlantis Jr. Angel De Mexico (c) vs. Magnifico Spanish Superfly vs. Genio Verde Ultimate Phoenix vs. Soul Taker (c) [/QUOTE][/FONT][/RIGHT]
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[B]El Equipo Insano[/B] vs. Continental Connection (c) [I]I don't care if you're not supposed to drop titles on the first show these two youngsters are where it's at.[/I] [B]Mayan Idol[/B] vs. Atlantis Jr. [I]Best Mask Ever.[/I] [B]Angel De Mexico (c)[/B] vs. Magnifico [I]Won't lose not just because he's champ just because he's better than Magnifio.[/I] Spanish Superfly vs. [B]Genio Verde[/B] [I]If this is gonna be a feud then in true lucha style Verde must rack up the wins.[/I] Ultimate Phoenix vs. [B]Soul Taker (c)[/B] [I]And only because he's champ I like Phoenix better.[/I]
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Finally. A C-Verse Lucha Diary. El Equipo Insano vs. [B]Continental Connection[/B] (c) As much as I don't like them, they won't lose their titles first show. [B]Mayan Idol[/B] vs. Atlantis Jr. Idol has the size, the overness, and the cooler mask. [B] Angel De Mexico[/B] (c) vs. Magnifico Angel De Mexico is a rising star who needs this title, so he won't lose. Spanish Superfly vs. [B]Genio Verde[/B] I just dislike S.S Ultimate Phoenix vs. [B]Soul Taker (c)[/B] Same as Apu. He's just champ.
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Campeónes de Parejas MPWF El Equipo Insano (Guillermo Marcos and Heavy Metal Anarchy) vs. [B]Continental Connection (Asiatico and Europa) (c)[/B] [B]Mayan Idol[/B] vs. Atlantis Jr. Campeón de Mexico [B]Angel De Mexico (c)[/B] vs. Magnifico [B]Spanish Superfly[/B] vs. Genio Verde Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF Ultimate Phoenix vs. [B]Soul Taker (c)[/B]
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I have no idea how long you'll run with this the Truth, and I don't know much about Lucha (especially in the C-Verse) but I'm relishing the novelty of a Mexican Dynasty. US, UK, Canada and Japan are all well represented on these boards but this is the first Mexican one I can recall. Oh... and push Mayan Idol! *** Quick Picks All champeoneseses to retain - no point in hot shotting the belts off them yet Mayan Idol - I say again PUSH the bestest mask ever Genio Verde - more important to keep your thin number of heels strong
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[CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/MPWFLuchaLibre.jpg[/IMG] [B]Friday, Week 1, January 2007 National Arena, Tijuana (2000 Fans - Sell Out)[/B][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/GuillermoMarcos.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/HeavyMetalAnarchy.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/Asiatico.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/Europea.jpg[/IMG] [B]El Equipo Insano vs. Continental Connection (c)[/B] [U]Campeónes de Parejas MPWF[/U] [QUOTE]The four men inside the squared circle here tonight know what's at stake for them. The chance to become the prestigious Campeónes de Parejas MPWF. It's a chance that has been allowed to only a small few in this promotion's history, and they know it. They also know that they aren't the most talented men on the roster, so they do whatever they can to entertain the crowd as the show begins. For Heavy Metal Anarchy, this means blasting his music slightly louder then it should have been. For Guillermo Marcos, it's bonding with every fan who's ever wanted to step in the ring. For Asiatica and Europa, it's making those same fans hate their guts. And all four do an okay job tonight. The action in the ring's fluid enough, and despite a spirited showing, Continental Connection gets the win to retain their belts, 2-1.[/QUOTE] [B]Winners: Continental Connection Rating: D[/B] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/MayanIdol.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/Atlantis.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mayan Idol vs. Atlantis Jr.[/B] [QUOTE]Mayan Idol's an interesting case as a luchadore. Not a flier or a technician, the man's a brawler really. Very few guys who grow up wanting to be a lucha libre star like Mayan Idol choose that route. But he did, and that, along with the awesome mask, have made him one over fella. Atlantis is struggling to make a place for himself here, and well... the fans can tell who's going to win this, but they're happy when it happens. Mayan Idol bounces off the ropes and absolutely crushes a stunned Atlantis Jr. with an Aztec Lariat for the win, twice in a row for the falls.[/QUOTE] [B]Winner: Mayan Idol Rating: C-[/B] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/GenioVerde.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/SpanishSuperfly.jpg[/IMG] [B]Genio Verde Attacks Spanish Superfly[/B] [QUOTE]As the fans in the National Arena look on, the video boards flicker to life. Spanish Superfly is walking backstage, preparing for his match against his arch nemesis, Genio Verde. But as he walks past an open door, the same Genio Verde jumps out, green-painted steel chair in hand. He attacks Superfly from behind, battering him with the steel chair. After this, he lets out a cheesy, melodramatic laugh and runs away with the crowd booing the entire time.[/QUOTE] [B]Rating: E[/B] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/Magnifico.jpg[/IMG] [B]Angel De Mexico (c) vs. Magnifico[/B] [U]Campeón de Mexico MPWF[/U] [QUOTE]A high-flying exciting match takes the fans minds off of Superfly's predicament, as Angel De Mexico defends his Campeón de Mexico Title against former Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF champ Magnifico. Granted, they weren't very strong reigns, but the belt's prestige stands at 92.5, so I suppose it counts for something. The match is open, with both men going all out to try to claim the title. In the end, Angel De Mexico is able to retain by hitting a Mexican Death to get the two straight falls.[/QUOTE] [B]Winner: Angel De Mexico Rating: C-[/B] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/SpanishSuperfly.jpg[/IMG] [B]Spanish Superfly Challenge[/B] [QUOTE]Spanish Superfly comes to the center of the ring, all bandaged up with a microphone. He challenges Genio Verde, saying that he's still standing after the beating given to him earlier tonight, and he's ready to have their scheduled match. The crowd cheers their hero standing up to the evil Green Genius, and they wait in anticipation for Genio Verde to come to the ring.[/QUOTE] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/GenioVerde.jpg[/IMG] [B]Genio Verde Response[/B] [QUOTE]Genio Verde steps out onto the ramp to the hisses and boos of our lucha crowd, and announces to Superfly that he will be unable to take part in the match tonight, due to the fact that he strained a muscle in his right arm while swinging the chair at Superfly. He apologizes, saying that he'd really love to step into the ring, but he can't. So, to offer a substitute, please welcome a man with no mercy. A machine. An [I]Insane[/I] Machine.[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/SpanishSuperfly.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [B]Spanish Superfly vs. Insane Machine[/B] [QUOTE]A good open match between a veteran of the MPWF scene and a newcomer. It was a risk to put Insane Machine this high up on the card, but the popularity of Spanish Superfly carried him through. In the end, Insane Machine got the win when he hit a Termination Kick right to one of the bandages on the head of Superfly, and getting the win. Genio Verde rushed to the ring, and the two raised hands above the fallen Spanish Superfly.[/QUOTE] [B]Winner: Insane Machine Rating: C-[/B] [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/SoulTaker.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [B]Soul Taker (c) vs. Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [QUOTE]The best match of the night is fittingly the main event. Soul Taker just appears in the center of the ring, seemingly coming out of nowhere. He's a scary dude, in both lucha-world and in real life. Ultimate Phoenix comes out playing to the crowd, and the match begins. Both men go all out to try and claim the victory. Hurricainranas, Suicide Dives, Planchas, all of it is on display here. But in the end, Soul Taker is too good for Ultimate Phoenix on this night, and he gets the win to retain his gold.[/QUOTE] [B]Winner: Soul Taker Rating: B[/B] [SIZE="4"]Overall: C[/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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  • 2 months later...
[I]For some unknown reason to me, I still have this game. And, after a long hiatus from the internet (not counting my brother's failed XDW attempt), I return to this diary, and the GDS Forums. Not that anyone missed me, but what the hey?[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z176/TheTruthLucha/MPWF_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]MPWF Lucha Libre[/B] [B]Campeónes de Parejas MPWF[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Fases De La Luna (Luna Ligera and Luna Obscura)[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Continental Connection (c) (Asiatico and Europa)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Mayan Idol, Masked Cougar and Velocidad[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Hombre De la Energía and Los Hermanos De Cano[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Hijo Del Relámpago[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Insane Machine[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Cique Jr.[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Eléctrico[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix and Ángel De México[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]El Bandito and Soul Taker[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [QUOTE] Quick Picks Fases De La Luna vs. The Continental Connection (c) Mayan Idol, Masked Cougar and Velocidad vs. Hombre De la Energía and Los Hermanos De Cano Hijo Del Relámpago vs. Insane Machine Cique Jr. vs. Eléctrico Ultimate Phoenix and Ángel De México vs. El Bandito and Soul Taker[/QUOTE]
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[b][u]Quick Picks[/u][/b] Fases De La Luna vs. [b]The Continental Connection[/b] (c) [b]Mayan Idol, Masked Cougar and Velocidad[/b] vs. Hombre De la Energía and Los Hermanos De Cano Hijo Del Relámpago vs. [b]Insane Machine[/b] Cique Jr. vs. [b]Eléctrico[/b] Ultimate Phoenix and Ángel De México vs. [b]El Bandito and Soul Taker[/b] I prefer the SOTBPW line-up but MPWF has history and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with this lot. Push the Cano's, they rule!! :D Derek B
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I don't know how this one slipped under my radar, when you initially started it because I'd been waiting for a good Lucha diary since Mad2556's SOTBPW effort died a sudden death. [B]Predictions: [/B] Fases De La Luna vs. [B]The Continental Connection (c)[/B] [I]The Moon boys are too inexperienced right now to take the tag titles[/I] [B]Mayan Idol, Masked Cougar and Velocidad[/B] vs. Hombre De la Energía and Los Hermanos De Cano [I]When in doubt go with the team with the cooler masks[/I] Hijo Del Relámpago vs. [B]Insane Machine[/B] [I]Has the experience edge[/I] Cique Jr. vs. [B]Eléctrico[/B] [I]Electrico is one of your top stars, Cique is just an average mid-carder[/I] Ultimate Phoenix and Ángel De México vs. [B]El Bandito and Soul Taker[/B] [I]There's nothing really to gain here by having the faces win, unless you want to set up another Phoenix-Taker title match, might as well have the champ look dominant for now in all forms of competition.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;294848]I don't know how this one slipped under my radar, when you initially started it because I'd been waiting for a good Lucha diary since Mad2556's SOTBPW effort died a sudden death.[/QUOTE] You know I still think about picking that one back up. I'll probably see how this one goes before I do though. I think the main reason I lost intrest in that was because I just don't know much about Lucha. So I'll be reading this one closely... good luck.
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