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21CW Changes (C-Verse)

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[B][/B][QUOTE][SIZE="2"]I know that I started another diary recently, but I just didn't get into it, I think I tried to hard to make it impressive instead of writing it in a style I'm comfortable doing a dynasty in. So this is me doing a dynasty in a style I'm comfortable doing it in, and I have the attention span to carry it out in. And I totally forgot to put in what year I'm in, lol! This is in the year 2011, in the first month. That was like the main thing I needed to say before posting the show, and I didn't, lol![/SIZE][/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="2"][I][CENTER]It was supposed to be any other night of 21CW Best of British Wrestling. For almost four years 21CW had been growing in size with their weekly television show. But tonight was different. Tonight was the start of a story. Tonight was the beginning of Jeff Nova losing control of perhaps the biggest promotion in British History? And it all started on a show that felt like all the others.[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/bobw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="1"][I][CENTER]Parliament Square with an Attendance of 1,000[/CENTER][/I][/SIZE] The Show kicked off with the fans cheering one mans name, not the usual intro as standing in the middle of the ring is Jeff Nova, standing tall and proud like he always does, dressed up in a business suit and a microphone in hand. [CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/JeffNova.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]“Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman to the first Best of British Wrestling of this new year in 2011. I am Jeff Nova, the man responsible for bringing Sports Entertainment to the United Kingdom, making wrestling a mainstream form of entertainment on this side of the Atlantic. I took the second biggest promotion in this country and turned it into a giant. For the last four years, we have slowly risen to where we are now. And I am proud of what we have achieved and what the talents that have stepped inside a 21CW ring have accomplished. And I will look back on these four years as a great memory.”[/COLOR] This got a silent stunned reaction from the crowd as Jeff Nova continued. [COLOR="red"]“Because tonight…….everything changes. Because I am no longer the sole owner of 21st Century Wrestling! As of this year, I am only a shareholder, who for now is in charge of running the wrestling show. Our new owner has decided to remain anonymous, but when it’s all said and done I answer to this new owner and do not have complete control anymore. And my following announcement comes from the owner of this company.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Tonight, we will find out the Number One Contender for Joss Thompsons’s 21st Century Wrestling World Title. Tonight, four of 21CW’s finest will compete in a beat the clock tournament, with the winner earning a title shot at the up and coming pay per view, Only The Strong Survive. The four competitors will be Jonathan Faust, Tyler Silvano, Ash Campbell and Edward Cornell. Their opponents will remain a mystery until the time of their match arrives. But first we have Daniel Black Francis defending his 21CW UK Title against Luke Cool."[/COLOR] Daniel Black Francis’s music hits as he comes out and then the cameras fade to commercial. [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [QUOTE][B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/21CW_UK.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/DanielFrancis.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/LukeCool.jpg[/IMG] Daniel Black Francis (c) vs. Luke Cool[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]These two started off the show pretty well, giving us a good match with no hype or fanfare behind it. It became clear that the match was made to showcase Daniel Black Francis as 21CW United Kingdom Champion as he never looked in any trouble and picked up the victory. [B]Winner:[/B] Daniel Black Francis with the Dreadlock Drop at 9:42 [B]Rating:[/B] C-[/CENTER][/QUOTE] The cameras go to ringside and show Steve Smith at the announcers table as he hypes up the match between 21CW Tag Team Champions The Ivanoff Brothers in a non title match against The Elimination Agents. [B]Rating:[/B] D+ Steve Smith is interrupted as he tells the production crew to go to a feed backstage, as we see Tyler Silvano knocked out on the floor as a medical team tends to him. Eventually Tyler Silvano gets up and pushes the medical staff out the way, saying he has a tournament to win. [B]Rating:[/B] C [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/RodTodd.jpg[/IMG] [B]Adam Matravers vs. Jonathan Faust[/B] The first match in the Beat the Clock Tournament was Jonathan Faust, formerly Rod The God Todd, against Adam Matravers. Jonathan Faust came out with his goons, The Assassins’ Guild, Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton. Unfortunately these two don’t click, which means this could have been a better match, surprisingly. The match was an even affair but at the end it looked like Adam Matravers may pick up the win, until Louie got up on the apron, getting the attention of Adam and the referee. Stefan then threw Jonathan Faust a pair of brass knucks, which he used on Adam Matravers to pick up the victory at 15:59. [B]Winner:[/B] Jonathan Faust defeated Adam Matravers in 15:59 by pinfall after using a foreign object. [B]Rating:[/B] C+[/CENTER][/QUOTE] The cameras go backstage to interviewer Kathleen Lee, who was standing by with Ash Campbell, as Kathleen asked Ash about the beat the clock tournament. [COLOR="Blue"]“Look Kathleen, I’m Ash Campbell. Wrestling is in my blood and the truth is I’m one of the best in the business and easily the best in this little promotion in the UK. Jonathan had to cheat to win, and still only won in around sixteen minutes. Tyler Silvano has been attacked, what a shame that is. And Edward Cornell has been living in people’s shadows, especially one person’s, for his whole life. There’s only one man that can go toe to toe with Joss Thompson and that is me. Who I face is irrelevant; I’ll have the quickest time.”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B- [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/JonnyV1A.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/StevieStoat.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tyler Silvano vs. Stevie Stout[/B] Tyler Silvano was a new signing of Jeff Nova’s in 2007, and has show cased the type of ability that rivals Britain’s best exports like Jack Giedroyc and Cliff Wilson. Tyler came out selling his injury well as the ref rung the bell. Stevie Stoat, no slouch in the ring by any means had an easy time controlling the match, completely destroying every attempt of Tyler’s to get back into the match with Machine like precision. However when it looked like Stevie Stoat was about to put Tyler away, Tyler hit his Stop The Press finisher and picked up the victory at 15:35 in a surprise victory. [B]Winner:[/B] Tyler Silvano defeated Stevie Stoat in 15:35 by pinfall with a Stop The Press. [B]Rating:[/B] C[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Daniel Black Francis has his bags packed and is heading for the parking lot when he bumps into Davis Wayne Newton in his street clothes. Newton chuckles as Daniel goes to walk by, and Daniel can’t help but ask what’s so funny. [COLOR="Lime"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Just you’re title reign. How many times you going to beat nobodies for that title and pretend you’re a valiant champion?”[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“So that’s what you think huh? Well not that I consider you a somebody, but why don’t you try your luck against me. Should be fun beating you in the ring.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well, I usually wouldn’t waste my time with someone like you, but hell. I’m Davis Wayne Newton and I’ll make your career by beating you. See you next week peasant!”[/COLOR] Davis Wayne Newton taps Daniel on his shoulder and walks off as Daniel shakes his head. [B]Rating:[/B] C [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/AshCampbell.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/PhillipCooper_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ash Campbell vs. Phillip Cooper[/B] Ash Campbell has come over to the United Kingdom and made a splash just like his father did in the States. Perhaps one of the most over men in the United Kingdom right now, he was going up against Phillip Cooper, who had raised in popularity and quality along with 21CW in the Beat the Clock tournament. Phillip Cooper gave Ash Campbell a good run for his money, not running but trading move for move with the ****y superstar. Phillip even had some fun in their, putting on of his trademark hats on Ash Campbell’s head before knocking it off with a punch to the face. However as the clock started to get closer to Ash’s time limit, it put Ash into another gear and he hit the Shooting Star Press at 14:40 to pick up the victory. [B]Winner:[/B] Ash Campbell defeated Phillip Cooper in 14:40 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press. [B]Rating: [/B]C+[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Backstage Jeff Nova is going through some papers, and minding his own business until Alicia Strong bursts into his office. She slammed her hands down on the desk, making sure she had Jeff Nova’s attention. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Look, I want that Amber Allen bitch in a rematch. She only won that title from me because she had that Christy Higgins girl help her out, and we all know it. So I want my rematch.”[/COLOR] Jeff Nova smiled and attempted to calm down the fiery blonde. [COLOR="Purple"]“Don’t worry Alicia, you’ll get your rematch at Only The Strong Survive. Now if you don’t mind…”[/COLOR] Jeff Nova trailed off as Alicia smiled and flicked her blonde hair behind her shoulders and walked out of the scene. [B]Rating: [/B]C [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/IgorIvanoff.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/IvanIvanoff.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/GenocideAgent.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/SuicideAgent.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Ivanoff Brothers vs. The Elimination Agents[/B] The tag team division isn’t nearly as good as the Women’s Or Single’s division, but promotions rarely have good tag team divisions. The Elimination Agents are all about power and so are the Ivanoff Brothers, so this was hard hitting, but slightly boring compared to the other matches of the night. Genocide Agent would pick up the win with a Hanging Powerslam on Igor. [B]Winner:[/B] The Elimination Agents defeated The Ivanoff Brothers in 7:54 when Genocide Agent defeated Igor Ivanoff by pinfall with a Hanging Powerslam. [B]Rating:[/B] D[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Having just picked up the victory, The Elimination Agents celebrate in the ring by doing some weird sort of dance for the fans. [B]Rating:[/B] D- We go backstage again, this time with Edward Cornell standing in front of a camera on his own. [COLOR="Sienna"]“So, I’ve got to beat 14:40 do I. Well by the trend that has appeared so far, I’ll beat it with a few seconds to spare. And then, finally the reign of Joss Thompson, with his cheating and his unacceptable behaviour will be over. And Another Cornell will rise to the top of their promotion. I’m sorry Ash, but my family’s heritage will move on just that little bit further than yours, because I will be toppling Joss Thompson, after I beat whoever it is that 21CW can put in front of me.”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/PitBullBrown.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/EdwardCornell_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Pit Bull Brown vs. Edward Cornell[/B] And it’s main event time, as Pit Bull Brown was Edward Cornell’s opponent. Pit Bull Brown has managed to hang on in the upper echelons of the company, but Edward Cornell along with Ash Campbell is the two quickest rising stars. Once they were both in the ring, Pit Bull Brown offered Edward Cornell a handshake to start off the match, and then when Edward took it, Pit Bull Brown sucker punched him down to the mat. This allowed Pit Bull Brown to take the early advantage as cameras went backstage to watch Ash Campbell watching and smiling. However Edward Cornell in typical hero fashion started to fight back. At around 13:50 Edward Cornell managed to lock in his version of the Rear Naked Choke and the cameras went backstage to see Ash Campbell almost begging Pit Bull to escape or hold on, but he had little chance and tapped out at 14:01. [B]Winner:[/B] Edward Cornell defeated Pit Bull Brown in 14:01 by submission with a Rear Naked Choke. [B]Rating: [/B]C+[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Edward Cornell gets up to celebrate and climbs the turnbuckle, but his music is cut short by Joss Thompson’s music as he comes out to the ring and slides in. He steps face to face with Edward Cornell and then holds up his title as the scene fades to black. [B]Rating:[/B] B- [QUOTE][B]OVERALL SHOW RATING:[/B] C+ [B]TV RATING:[/B] 0.39[/QUOTE][/SIZE][/FONT]
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I'll be honest, I did some tweaking on the product settings for 21CW, making it more like a SE form of the original 21CW, and less traditional, and also downplayed a lot of the other product settings so it's mainly just a Modern Sports Entertainment Promotion. And I did take some of their main eventers and boost their popularity a bit, my reason being if Jeff Nova takes over a promotion in England, there's going to be press on the big stars in the promotion. I also tried to start a game without changing anything with 21CW, and I couldn't get anything good from it either.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/bobw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="2"][CENTER]Aston University Sports Hall with an Attendance of 703[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/StevieStoat.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/JohnnyStones.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/PhillipCooper_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stevie Stoat vs. Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Phillip Cooper[/B] The show was set to be kicked off with action this week as three of 21CW’s stars on the brink of the main event all competed to prove they were the next big star. Rolling Johnny Stones seemed to turn up in his street gear, a pair of jeans and trainers instead of his usual wrestling attire. The match kicked off at a fast pace, as Rolling Johnny and Philip got rid of Stevie Stoat to begin with so they could focus on each other. Then the three took turns to fight each other, with close pinfalls after big hitting moves, being broke up by the third competitor. It looked like Phillip Cooper was going to win with his Cooper Fly Splash, but Johnny picked Phillip Cooper from Stevie and hit him with a vicious brainbuster to pick up the win. [B]Winner: [/B]Rolling Johnny Stones defeated Phillip Cooper and Stevie Stoat in 8:18 when Rolling Johnny Stones defeated Phillip Cooper by pinfall with a Brainbuster. [B]Rating:[/B] C+[/CENTER][/QUOTE] The music of Tyler Silvano came over the speakers as Tyler walked out to a decent ovation, as he slide in the ring and took a microphone. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“Last week, I had the opportunity to do what I have yet to do in my career, and win an opportunity to clash horns with the 21CW World Champion. But, that whole dream was destroyed by someone backstage, who took it upon themselves to rob me of my chance and make sure I wasn’t at 100% for my Beat the Clock Match. And, truth be told, I’m not too pleased about all of this. Because whoever you are, you stole my opportunity and didn’t even have the guts to do it to my face. So I don’t know who it is that robbed me, but I when I find out, I will make that person pay dearly for the sins that they have committed against me.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorchid"]“But, I need to calm the rage building inside me tonight. So, I went to good old Jeff Nova and requested a match. And my opponent is someone who gave an off the cuff remark regarding my attack, and that is the reason that I will take my aggression out on you. So Ash Campbell, seeing as one of the best in the business is not facing Joss Thompson at the Pay Per View and is therefore free to face other people, I’m going to take my aggression out on you. Tonight I will not only show you, but whoever it is that attacked me, that you don’t mess with Tyler Silvano without retribution being paid in full!” [/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B- [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/LouiePeyton.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/StefanRaynor.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/GenocideAgent.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/SuicideAgent.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Assassins’ Guild vs. The Elimination Agents[/B] The Elimination Agents came down in a cheery mood, well as cheery as it’s capable to be when you’re face is covered in red tribal paint. However The Assassins’ Guild was looking to put a downer on the party and get their first win of the New Year. The Elimination Agents seemed on fine form as they controlled most of the match. However a miscued attempt at a comeback caused Louie Payton to knockout the referee. This gave the Ivanoff Brothers an opportunity to run down and hit the agents with the Soviet Missile and the Red Curtain before sliding out of the ring. Stefan Raynor seemed keen to add insult to injury and threw out Suicide Agent and hit Genoicde Agent with a Single Arm DDT for the victory. [B]Winner: [/B]The Assassins' Guild defeated The Elimination Agents in 7:52 when Stefan Raynor defeated Genocide Agent by pinfall with a Single Arm DDT. During the match we also saw Igor Ivanoff run in and attack Genocide Agent, and Ivan Ivanoff do the same to Suicide Agent. [B]Rating:[/B] D-[/CENTER][/QUOTE] The Ivanoff brothers couldn’t resist and ran back down to the ring to lay the boots down on the Elimination Agents before taunting there fallen foes. [B]Rating:[/B] D- [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/PitBullBrown.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG] [B]Pit Bull Brown vs. Adam Matravers[/B] Adam Matravers came out as the commentary team commented on the fact that Adam Matravers could have beaten Jonathan Faust last week, and he definitely wasn’t happy about how he lost. And Adam Matravers definitely seemed eager to prove he was one of the best wrestlers in 21CW as he went all out against Pit Bull Brown, hitting some of his biggest moves and generally wowing the crowd. So it was no surprise when Adam Matravers picked up the victory with a Mile High Moonsault. [B]Winner:[/B] Adam Matravers defeated Pit Bull Brown in 9:56 by pinfall with a Mile High Moonsault. [B]Rating: [/B]C[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Adam doesn’t take much time to celebrate as he demands a microphone. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Jonathan Faust, I want a rematch! Your not going to get away with cheating me out of my victory over you!”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C The cameras go backstage to Number One Contender for the Women’s Title, Alicia Strong. [COLOR="Teal"]“Ladies and Gentleman, if you where watching last week, you will all know that I am scheduled to face Amber Allen for the Women’s Title at Only The Strong Survive. What you don’t know, is that tonight, I get to pick Amber Allen’s poison. And also, Amber Allen must defend her title in this match. Now I could have picked Ashley Glover or even Amber Allen’s friend, Christy Higgins. But, instead, I went across the pond to the United States, and brought back an opponent that I know Amber Allen will just “love” to face. So have a good night Amber, I know I will.”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/AmberAllen.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] [B]Amber Allen vs. Wanda Fish[/B] For those in attendance that knew about Women’s Wrestling, the special opponent Alicia Strong had picked was a pleasant surprise, as Wanda got a decent ovation. However a lot of UK fans have no idea who Wanda is, and so Amber Allen was the bigger star in this match. This didn’t stop Wanda Fish showing off just how good she is as she troubled the women’s champion for the entire match, controlling a lot of it and showcasing her great overall skills. However Amber Allen kept composed and showed that she is a good athlete herself, as she pinned Wanda with a Northern Lights Suplex to make her first defense of the Women’s Title. [B]Winner:[/B] Amber Allen defeated Wanda Fish in 8:14 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. Amber Allen makes defence number 1 of her 21st Century Women's title. [B]Rating:[/B] D+[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Jonathan Faust comes down to the ring, seemingly to respond to Adam Matravers challenge. He gets to the ring and calls out Adam Matravers, who appears and looks ready for a fight, despite already having been in action. However half way down the ramp and Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor jump over the barricade in front of Adam, and Adam turns to see Pit Bull Brown walking from the entrance behind him. The three ambush Adam Matravers on the ramp, as Jonathan Faust joins and they leave Adam Matravers down and out. [B]Rating:[/B] C- [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/AshCampbell.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/JonnyV1A.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ash Campbell vs. Tyler Silvano[/B] Ash Campbell came out looking unbothered by the words that Tyler Silvano had used early in regards to him and his comments on Tyler’s mystery attack last week. Maybe he should have been though, as Tyler Silvano came out with all guns blazing. Ash Campbell was no push over and made some comebacks, but Tyler Silvano managed to kill off these attempts. Tyler Silvano used his technical ability, which is superior to Ash Campbells to keep control off the match and picked up the victory with his Showtime! Finisher, the Flux Capacitor or Moonsault Side Slam from the top rope. [B]Winner:[/B] Tyler Silvano defeated Ash Campbell in 14:56 by pinfall with a Showtime!. [B]Rating:[/B] C+[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Jonathan Faust appears backstage with his lackey’s, Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton standing behind him. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Are you really that dense Adam? Do you really think I would go out to the ring and call you out, accept your challenge and then trade fists with you, when I have a main event match tonight against Edward Cornell? Look Adam, you’re below me, always have been and always will be. And I don’t see why I should lower myself to your level, just because you’re upset that I beat you. I faced you last week because a shot at Joss Thompson was on the line. I’ll only get in the ring with you, if there is something in it for me, and clearly there is nothing in it for me to prove that I am better than you, one more time.” “As for Edward Cornell, congratulations on winning the Beat The Clock tournament. That being said, tonight I prove that you got lucky, and that it should be me facing Joss Thompson, when I pin your shoulders to the mat, and give Jeff Nova no choice but to add me to the main event at Only The Strong Survive.”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B- [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/DanielFrancis.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/JoseThompson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Daniel Black Francis vs. Joss Thompson[/B] Daniel Black Francis came out to the ring for his scheduled bout with Davis Wayne Newton, but Daniel took the microphone to speak to the crowd. [COLOR="Red"]“Unfortunately, and perhaps Davis Wayne Newton knew this all along, but Davis Wayne Newton is not here tonight, he’s over in NOTBPW. So, I challenge anyone to take his place.”[/COLOR] Daniel Black Francis and the fans where surprised at who answered, as the 21CW World Champion responded to the challenge and came down to the ring. Daniel Black got over his surprise as the bell rang and the two got down to business. Daniel Black Francis put in his best effort and at times stayed toe to toe with Joss Thompson but Joss Thompson seemed very nonchalant about the match and seemed to just wait for his opportunity to finish it, which he did with a Clean Cutter. [B]Winner:[/B] Joss Thompson defeated Daniel Black Francis in 13:20 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter. [B]Rating:[/B] C+[/CENTER][/QUOTE] A Video Recap of the Beat The Clock Tournament played. [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/RodTodd.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/EdwardCornell_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jonathan Faust vs. Edward Cornell[/B] The fans were behind Edward Cornell, perhaps as loudly as they would be behind Jeff Nova if he had returned to the ring. He definitely seemed determined to put Jonathan Faust away and build momentum towards the PPV, but Jonathan Faust was just as determined to show he deserved the title shot. What resulted was an amazing first ten minutes of back and forth action, which had the crowd on their feet, cheering moves by either competitor, which is surprising because if any man is hated as much as Joss Thompson, it is Jonathan Faust. Then the fight turned into a brawl, as the two traded fists, and clotheslines, and beat each other down in the corner, before Jonathan Faust managed to catch a charging Edward Cornell in a Devil’s Drop, but Edward Cornell shockingly kicked out. Eventually Edward started to build up momentum and seemed ready to lock in his Rear Naked Choke, but Joss Thompson’s music hit. Edward Cornell reacted by opening the ropes and beckoning the appearing Joss Thompson to come down and step face to face with him. Jonathan Faust started to get up and smirked, turning Edward Cornell around and hitting the Devil’s Drop and picked up the win, as Joss Thompson stood at the top of the ramp, and held his belt high in the air. [B]Winner:[/B] Jonathan Faust defeated Edward Cornell in 19:38 by pinfall with a Devil's Drop. During the match we also had Joss Thompson run in and attack Edward Cornell. [B]Rating:[/B] B-[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]OVERALL SHOW RATING:[/B] C+ [B]TV RATING:[/B] 0.39[/QUOTE][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/bobw.jpg[/IMG] Cobra Den with an Attendance of 1,000[/CENTER] As the commentary team of Steve Smith and Melanie Florence welcome us to Best of British Wrestling, they are interrupted from hyping the show as the music of Ash Campbell starts to blare around the arena. Ash Campbell came down to the ring looking extremely annoyed as he slid into the ring and demanded a microphone from the ring announcer lady. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Last week, was a fluke! In fact, the past two weeks have been complete flukes for Edward Cornell and Tyler Silvano. I should be facing Joss Thompson at Only the Strong Survive and then last week Tyler Silvano pulls out the upset of the century when he beats me. And Tyler, it isn’t because you are better than me, but it’s because God himself smiled down on you and gave you a miracle.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]“I am Ash Campbell, Second Generation Superstar, son of one of the biggest names in wrestling history. I have all the attributes to be one of the legendary names in this industry. I was made to be a world champion and I am better than anyone in this stinking country that is just a poor man’s America.”[/COLOR] That certainly got some heat, which Ash Campbell ignored completely as he continued. [COLOR="magenta"]“It’s even worse up here in the north. At least the south has some civilized people. But it doesn’t matter where I am, or how much better I am than everyone else in this promotion. Right now Tyler Silvano can walk around claiming he beat Ash Campbell, and through his own ignorance he may have the nerve to say he’s better than me. And I’m not going to allow that. So Tyler Silvano, I’m free at Only The Strong Survive and so are you. If your man enough, give me the opportunity to put you back in your place.”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C+ The video tron comes to life as the cameras focus on Tyler Silvano, who is somewhere backstage, and has a wrestling hood covering the majority of his face. [COLOR="Red"]“Ash Campbell, I can’t say I’m surprised. So you want an opportunity to prove that last week was merely a fluke. You want to know if I’m man enough to give you that opportunity. And all because that tiny little head of yours, can’t comprehend the fact that your heritage doesn’t make you a great wrestler, and that you cannot live off your father’s name. I don’t care if your second generation or if you’re the ****iest S.O.B in the UK. What I care about, is carving my own name in history as one of the men responsible for making 21CW a company on par with any promotion in the world, and be remembered for doing so. I got my revenge for you’re off the hand comments regarding my mystery attacker two weeks ago. So I wouldn’t really gain anything by facing you again would I?”[/COLOR] Ashl Campbell was shown in the ring getting pissed off as it seems that Tyler Silvano was about to reject the challenge. So Ashley Campbell interrupted Tyler. [COLOR="magenta"]“I’ll tell you what you can gain. If you beat me at Only the Strong Survive, I’ll tell you who attacked you two weeks ago.”[/COLOR] Tyler smiled as he flipped back the hood he was wearing. [COLOR="red"]“In that case Ash, I’ll see you at the PPV!”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/AshCampbell.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/JohnnyStones.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ash Campbell vs. Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] Ash Campbell stayed in the ring as he was I action first and waited for his opponent who turned out to be Rolling Johnny Stones, who this week was actually in his ring attire, apparently last week he turned up really late and only just got to the ring for his opening match. Perhaps this was punishment as Ash Campbell dominated Johnny Stones for the majority of this match, Johnny Stones only coming back for a brief moment near the end of the match, but it was academic anyway. [B]Winner:[/B]Ash Campbell defeated Rolling Johnny Stones in 12:33 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press. [B]Rating:[/B] C+[/CENTER][/QUOTE] The cameras go backstage as Kathleen Lee is standing by with the Elimination Agents. [COLOR="Sienna"]“You guys wanted some interview time?”[/COLOR] The Elimination Agents turned away from each other and turned to face Kathleen Lee, who backed up slightly as the two stared at her. Genocide stepped forward and grabbed Kathleen Lee’s hand. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“We don’t want interview time! We want Ivanoff Brothers at Strong Survive for Titles!!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“So you’re making a challenge?”[/COLOR] Suicide steps forward and takes the microphone out of Kathleen Lee’s hand. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“YEAH!”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] D- [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/IgorIvanoff.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/GenocideAgent.jpg[/IMG] [B]Igor Ivanoff vs. Genocide Agent[/B] This match was never expected to be amazing. A lot of the tag team division are just wrestlers who aren’t as talented as the rest of the roster. Of course they’ve improved a lot from having weekly appearances but the two aren’t the most accomplished wrestlers. What they are okay at, is Brawling and that was strictly what this was. The two went toe to toe until Ivan attempted to distract the referee so that Igor can cheat, but Suicide slide in and low blowed Igor, allowing Genocide to hit a Hanging Powerslam for the win. [B]Winner:[/B] Genocide Agent defeated Igor Ivanoff in 7:55 by pinfall with a Hanging Powerslam. During the match we also had Suicide Agent run in and attack Igor Ivanoff. [B]Rating:[/B] D[/CENTER][/QUOTE] The cameras go backstage to find Jonathan Faust with his Assassins’ Guild. [COLOR="Orange"]“One Devil’s Drop later and I’ve proven to you all that I deserve that title shot and not Edward Cornell. But of course, Jeff Nova has to appease you fans and Edward Cornell is still the Number One Contender. And then, Jeff has the nerve to suggest I face Adam Matravers at the Pay Per View. My reply, was if he booked that match I wouldn’t be attending the Pay Per View. Because he is not going to fire one of his biggest stars! But don’t worry Adam, I’ve found some opponents for you. Tonight, you will be facing one of my lackey’s, Stefan Raynor. And after he’s beaten you, then not even Jeff Nova will think you can hang in the ring with me.”[/COLOR] Jonathan turns to Stefan and slaps him on the shoulder. [COLOR="orange"]“I want you to destroy him tonight!”[/COLOR] Stefan Raynor nodded and walked away to prepare. [B]Rating:[/B] B A video plays hyping Daniel Black Francis’s wins and the confrontation he had with Davis Wayne Newton [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/DanielFrancis.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG] [B]Daniel Black Francis vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] This match was supposed to go down last week but Davis Wayne Newton was busy with NOTBPW. However he was back this week to give the match that was supposed to have happened in front of the Midland fans. The match went down well as Davis Wayne Newton showcased enough talent and connection with the fans to suggest that he should be a main eventer and that perhaps the UK Title is a bit below him already in 21CW. However Daniel Black Francis was eager to keep up with the youngster. Eventually Daniel Black Francis started to build up enough momentum to think about ending the match, before a roll up and use of the ropes gave Davis Wayne Newton the cheap victory. [B]Winner:[/B] Davis Wayne Newton defeated Daniel Black Francis in 15:28 by submission after blatantly cheating. [B]Rating:[/B] C+[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="YellowGreen"]“Eddie, oh Eddie!”[/COLOR] The cameras come in on Joss Thompson with a microphone in hand backstage and a ****y smile on his face. [COLOR="yellowgreen"]“What happened last week Eddie? The great cousin of perhaps the greats wrestler from the United Kingdom, and he lost to Jonathan Faust, aka Rod The God Todd. Your supposed to be the great threat to my title Eddie, but you can’t beat the other big players in 21CW. Beating Pit Bull Brown doesn’t make you the most qualified to face you, it makes you lucky that you had such an easy match to get your title shot against me. But all of this is fine, I’m cool with it all. Because it means that I’m going to have an easy match come Only The Strong Survive. And on 21CW’s first Pay Per View show, I will prove that you are weak, as you fail to survive The Complete Package!”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/CherryBomb.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/AliciaStrong_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong[/B] The commentary team hype up the next match saying that Alicia Strong will have to face an opponent of Amber Allen’s choosing tonight. The fans of Women’s Wrestling recognized the music and the opponent as Cherry Bomb who came out to the ring to a mixed reaction to face the fan favourite Alicia Strong. The match was an even affair, and by the standards of our women’s division, a good match as they showed that anything the men can do, so can the women. Alicia stuck to leading the match and all though Cherry Bomb did test the Number One Contender, Alicia always looked in control. [B]Winner: [/B]Alicia Strong defeated Cherry Bomb in 7:36 by pinfall with an Angel Driver. [B]Rating:[/B] C-[/CENTER][/QUOTE] As Alicia Strong celebrates her victory, the video-tron comes on and a video for Amber Allen and her rise to the Women’s Title plays, much to the annoyance of Alicia Strong. [B]Rating:[/B] C Kathleen Lee catches Davis Wayne Newton backstage. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Davis, how much did that victory mean to you against the 21CW UK Champion Daniel Black Francis?”[/COLOR] Davis stopped and turned to Kathleen Lee, smiling. [COLOR="Olive"]“What does it mean? It means that I’ve proven exactly what I said to him two weeks ago. When he comes up against a real opponent like me, he’s nothing! There’s a reason I’m in NOTBPW and he isn’t!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]“But you cheated to beat Daniel Black Francis!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="olive"]“Doesn’t matter baby! What matters is that I got the victory and proved I’m a star in the making. And Daniel Black Francis, can rot in the midcard!”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/JonnyV1A.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/LukeCool.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tyler Silvano vs. Luke Cool[/B] The fans seem to be getting behind Tyler Silvano, perhaps because of who he is feuding with, but this match seemed to not have the same feel as his previous ones have, perhaps because of his opponent being Luke Cool, who the fans have only just accepted as a 21CW wrestler. Tyler Silvano took control early on, with a fire that has just started to burn inside of him since his beatdown a few weeks ago. However Luke Cool would throw Tyler Silvano’s shoulder into the steel post of the turnbuckle to take control. Favouring his left shoulder, Tyler couldn’t mount a good offence against Luke Cool until near the end, where he hit a variation of a spinning neckbreaker, called “Stop The Press” and picked up the victory. [B]Winnner:[/B] Tyler Silvano defeated Luke Cool in 14:39 by pinfall with a Stop The Press. [B]Rating:[/B] C-[/CENTER][/QUOTE] This time Kathleen Lee catches the beaten Daniel Black Francis backstage. But Daniel doesn’t let Kathleen ask any questions and breaks from his usual Fun Babyface demeanour. [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]“This isn’t over Davis, this isn’t over!”[/COLOR] Rating: C- [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/StefanRaynor.jpg[/IMG] [B]Adam Matravers vs. Stefan Raynor[/B] If there was a surprise match of the night, it would be this one. Adam Matravers has always been considered one of the UK’s hottest prospects and best talents, but Stefan Raynor shocked a few people in this match too, showcasing an understanding of ring work that most didn’t know he had. Perhaps it just clicked today, but it was a great match from a tag team specialist. However most could easily see what the point of this match was, as Adam Matravers was built up as determined and unstoppable. Everything Stefan Raynor threw at Adam, just didn’t seem enough to keep the star down, as he kicked out of anything and hit some amazing moves, before hitting his trademark Mile High Moonsault. [B]Winner:[/B] Adam Matravers defeated Stefan Raynor in 9:31 by pinfall with a Mile High Moonsault. [B]Rating:[/B] C+[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Adam Matravers is celebrating his victory in the ring when Louie Payton and Pit Bull Brown ran down to the ring. Adam Matravers was ready for them and started to fight back, but the numbers were too much and Louie Payton and Pit Bull Brown left Adam Matravers down and Louie and Pit Bull Brown helped Stefan Raynor to the back. [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/DJReason.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/JoseThompson.jpg[/IMG] [B]DJ Reason vs. Joss Thompson[/B] What a Match! Joss Thompson came out looking as confident and assure of himself as is humanly possible, and then DJ Reason came out, charging to the ring and going straight for Joss Thompson, taking the Champion out of his usual game. Joss Thompson was caught off guard so much that DJ Reason controlled the match for the first five minutes, hitting big moves and looking like he had the match under control. However Joss Thompson isn’t called the Complete Package for nothing, as he started to demonstrate the difference between himself and DJ Reason, Joss’s Technical Ability as he started to slow down the rampaging DJ Reason with Rest holds and tied the Club DJ in knots. However by the end of the match, it was back and forth move after move as the fans didn’t know who was going to pick up the decisive fall. It ended up being the champ though with a Clean Cutter to win the match. [B]Winner:[/B] Joss Thompson defeated DJ Reason in 14:36 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter. [B]Rating:[/B] B[/CENTER][/QUOTE] There was little time for fanfare as out ran Edward Cornell, and the show faded out with Joss Thompson and Edward Cornell brawling in the ring and security rushing down to keep them apart. [B]Rating:[/B] B- [QUOTE][B]OVERALL SHOW RATING:[/B] B- [B]TV RATING:[/B] 0.40[/QUOTE][/SIZE][/FONT]
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This is very good. You've got quite a capable women's division and you're booking it like (I think) Sports Entertainment should be booked. You don't have too many folks who are pure rubbish in the ring like so many other SE promotions tend to carry. Your product seems like what TNA would like to be more than what WWE actually is. Just be careful. Alicia and Wanda can put up matches rated better than many of your men's matches (once Wanda gets a bit of overness). You might have to artificially suppress them (have them lose matches in dark time to your male enhancement talents, for example) if you don't want that to happen.
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Guest Vitamin E
There was always something about 21CW that I liked with the Cornelverse. Of course, whenever I played as them I made them based in America so I could do the "FOX OWNS A WRESTING PROMOTION!" thing <_< Anyway, from the first show... Since the characters arent exactly...developed and known like wrestlers in the real world, youll have a bit more of work to do to get their characters over. Actually, first of all Id like to say that since youre starting in 2011 I would have liked it if you posted a small backstory of the events that happened between 2007 and 2011. Anyway, the first show... The match writeups seemed on the short side, but you're doing a recap style so it's hard to make a 10 minute match written that long without getting into move by move results. And unless some big things happened during the match I can see why the match write ups are short, though maybe add in some parts like "At one point such and such happened and so and so reversed into a deadly looking move A" or something. I really cant comment on anything else...Maybe post a roster with what gimmick people are using? That way it'd be easier to get into/feedback on promos from wrestlers, as if a wrestler is using a Bangkok Savage gimmick but has a promo written in a Hollywood actor kind of tone, I dont want to post "so and so had a good promo" <_<
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Thanks for the comments. As for my roster, I'm fortunate that it's talented at the moment but it certainly wasn't that way when I started. 21CW has some good top stars like Jonathan Faust, Joss Thompson, Adam Matravers, DJ Reason, Johnny Highspot and others, but the lower card, especially the tag teams aren't that great. Fortunately they've improved, especially the Assassin's Guild, which I only just noticed when I started this dynasty. Stefan Raynor especially has improved substantially. And I am aware of Alicia Strong and Wanda Fish's tendancy to start overshadowing the rest of the roster. Right now I'm not too worried about Wanda caused I only just signed her, but Alicia Strong is certainly reaching a point where she might start hitting the C+ matches, but right now Amber Allen is not too far away from that either. Vitamin E, I do plan to do some backstory, but I was thinking about doing it in a different way than other diaries, and my tendancy to lose interest with too much effort being put into a back story caused me to try get some shows up first so I can get into the product I'm running. I've been in this situation before where I've got a game I've got into, tried to turn it into a Dynasty and lost interest in the Dynasty and the game. As for my match write up, that isn't a strong point of mine. I've tried but it just never comes across like I want it too. I'm not good at visualizing matches unfortunately. As for the gimmicks, that will become clearer as time goes on, when my backstory comes in. Anyway, thanks for the replies.
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[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][SIZE="4"][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/JoseThompson.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Complete DVD[/B][/SIZE]The biggest, brightest and most talented 21CW star comes to DVD.[/CENTER] [I][U]Part One [/U][/I] [I]September 2006 is perhaps the one month responsible for the return of British Wrestling to the glory days of old. British Wrestling has never lived up to the prestige of wrestling in Japan or the glitz and glamour of wrestling in the United States for the last couple of decades. While worldwide names like Sam Strong, Bruce The Giant, Tommy Cornell and Rip Chord have been made in other nations, no star that has made his wage in the UK has become a household name. But one man planned to change all of that, and grabbed more than just the UK fans attention in September of 2006. “The Complete Package” was at the time the MOSC UK Champion, and was reaching levels of popularity that not many UK wrestlers do, all though it was clearly dwarfed by wrestlers abroad. Many fans would have probably thought Joss Thompson would stay MOSC UK Champion for awhile………………………..until they saw 21CW’s first Best of British Wrestling Show![/I] [B]Joss Thompson:[/B] A lot of people asked me why I did what I did back in September 2006. A lot of ignorant and short sighted people that is! And four years on, I’d like to tell them all to look at me now, and then the answer to their question should be clear. [QUOTE][CENTER]The fans were alive with excitement as the first ever nationally televised British Wrestling show was underway, already about 30 minutes in of the two hour show. This clearly was a historic moment for British wrestling that these fans where cherishing. The fans had already seen Jeff Nova welcome the fans to this new era in British wrestling, and he had told the fans that all the champions would be decided tonight. They had already seen Daniel Black Francis start his first of what would become three reigns with the 21CW UK Title. And then the cheering stopped! [CENTER][/CENTER] The reason for this was the beginning of the “Biggest and the Best” hitting the speakers, as the fans wondered if it could be who the music usually preceded. When “The Complete Package” Joss Thompson did come out, the fans erupted in a mixture of boos and cheers, all backed up by the feeling of utter shock at the MOSC UK Champion showing up on 21CW’s first Best of British Wrestling Show. Joss Thompson waltzed down to the ring with his MOSC title slung over his shoulder and stepped into the ring, the fans quickly quietening down as everybody wanted to hear what Joss Thompson had to say. [B]Joss Thompson[/B] [COLOR="Red"]You sheep, you simple minded sheep don’t know whether to cheer or boo me do you. Well let me make this really easy for you, I don’t need you’re support. Because with or without you fans, I am the “Complete Package”! I am the Tommy Cornell, the Sean McFly, the Jeremy Stone, the Yoshimi Mushashibo of the British Wrestling Scene. So whether I have the approval of you fans is not a concern of mine. What is a concern of mine is that the top wrestler in the British Isles wasn’t part of the supposed biggest promotion in the British Isles. When I came to the United Kingdom, I went to the biggest promotion at the time. Men of Steel Combat! But then Jeff Nova had to go throwing around his past accomplishments and made 21st Century Wrestling the biggest promotion in the UK. And he starts signing anyone with any sort of potential, and naturally he called me. He wanted to sign me to an exclusive 21st Century contract, so I wouldn’t wrestle for the real Men up north. And I told Jeff that I’d only sign on the dotted line, on my terms. And as you can see, he wanted me on his show so badly, that he’s let the MOSC UK Champion come on 21CW Best of British Wrestling. But not only that, tonight he has given me a 21CW World Title Shot. So, in front of you undeserving fans, you will witness for the first time in history, one man holding both the MOSC and 21CW top titles. The Complete Package is about to completely revolutionize the British Wrestling Scene, by defeating the poor excuse for a champion known as Pit Bull Brown. And all you Londoners will have to watch your 21CW World Champion gets pinned by the MOSC UK Champion, in the centre of a 21CW ring. I look forward to ruining your evening![/COLOR] Joss Thompson smirks to the fans and drops the microphone, letting a loud thud be the only noise that accompanies the loud booing for the Complete Package as he heads to the back.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [I]So the scene was set! For the first time in history the current 21CW World Champion would face off against the MOSC UK Champion in a historic match on Best of British Wrestling. [/I] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/21CW_World.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/BELTS/MOSCUKCHAMPIONSHIP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/PitBullBrown.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/JoseThompson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Pit Bull Brown vs. Joss Thompson[/B] The crowd were alive; the atmosphere was probably as thick as it had ever been in UK Wrestling as the two wrestlers stood on opposite sides of the 21CW Ring, both fighting to be a Double Champion, something not yet done in British Wrestling History. Pit Bull Brown had been Champion since May 2006, a five month reign before Jeff Nova had taken over the company. Joss Thompson had been champion since April 2005, and had been an unbeatable MOSC Champion for more than a year and five months. And it was clear who the firm favourite was with the crowds. The match started with the two locking up, and Joss Thompson immediately going for the go behind, but Pit Bull Brown did the same, applying a waist lock as Joss Thompson grabbed his hands and tried to pry them open. He succeeded and went for a wrist lock but Pit Bull Brown rolled through and released his arm as the two faced off, and a bunch of cheers went around the arena as both looked pretty evenly matched up at the beginning, both being technically sound and both could brawl. They went for a lock up again, and this time Pit Bull Brown got Joss Thompson in a headlock. Joss Thompson popped out of this by throwing Pit Bull Brown across the ring and into the ropes, but found himself on the mat when Pit Bull Brown hit a shoulder block. Pit Bull hit the ropes again as Joss Thompson laid down for Pit Bull to skip over and then leap frogged Pit Bull the second time before hitting an Arm Drag to Pit Bull. Pit Bull got back up and pushed a rushing Joss Thompson back into the ropes and then went for a sidewalk, which Joss Thompson flipped through before hitting a Hurricanarana to Pit Bull, showing that he might be slightly quicker and more agile than Pit Bull Brown. The match then slowed down, with Joss Thompson playing the heel in control, so the fans could try to rally behind Pit Bull Brown. Joss Thompson just taunted the fans, until he hit the ropes and tired a shoulder block, but Pit Bull stayed on his feet and roared at Joss Thompson. Thompson went to the ropes again, and against couldn’t knock down Pit Bull. Joss Thompson hit the ropes for a third time, but then hit a low dropkick to the knees to take Pit Bull down and then immediately locked in a Boston Crab, much to the fans annoyance. Of course the face comeback was in order as Joss Thompson picked up Pit Bull Brown and backed him into a corner, and started hitting forearms to Pit Bull Brown, who replied with his trademark punches, known as the best looking punches in the business, as the two traded blows before Pit Bull Brown started to get the upperhand and then hitting a body slam, followed by a Russian Legsweep for a close pinfall. A Leaping DDT followed and got a close pinfall combination two as the speed of the match was picking up and then fans on their feet. A stalled Vertical Suplex got Pit Bull another close count before he signalled for the end and set Joss up for the Dog House Piledriver, but it was countered into a Double Underhook Suplex for a close count for Joss Thompson. The fast pace continued, with both men hitting big moves until Pit Bull brown hit his Dog House Piledriver out of nowhere after a strong lariat and covered, but the fans where shocked when Joss Thompson kicked out. Pit Bull looked like he didn’t quite know what to do, as he picked Joss up again and looked to go for the same move, but got Back Body Dropped for his efforts. Joss then hit a Thrust Kick and followed it with the Clean Cutter, but this time it was Pit Bull’s turn to shock the fans as he kicked out just before the three. Joss clearly exerted himself with the comeback as the two men slowly got up to their feet and started trading tired blows, before a sequence of reversals of finishers followed, until it looked like Pit Bull was going to hit the Dog House Piledriver again, as he had Joss Thompson lifted up, but then the lights went out. When the lights came back on, Joss Thompson was behind Pit Bull and lifting him up for his Clean Cutter, and covered for the pin to become the first 21CW World and MOSC UK Champion.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B]Joss Thompson:[/B] First person in history to hold those two titles at the same time. I was born to make headlines like that, and it shows you the difference between the common wrestler and me! I am the best, and I showed Pit Bull Brown that. Sure, for a few months he whined and complained that the lights went out, but it’s not my fault Jeff Nova didn’t pay the electricity bill. I told the world I had nothing to do with that, and I didn’t! And I didn’t hesitate to defend the title against Pit Bull Brown, three more times after that. And I beat him those three times just like I did the first Best Of British Wrestling Show. I don’t need cheap tricks to win matches. I’m Great by Nature, don’t have to work at being this good. So it’s no surprise that I would set such a record like I did that night. But of course, I wasn’t finished, was I! [QUOTE][CENTER]Joss Thompson’s theme music began to blast around the entire arena as the fans began to boo loudly, and strips of white paper started to fall from the ceiling as Joss Thompson got handed his MOSC UK and 21CW World Titles. Joss Thompson took the two titles and shrugged of the hand holding high offer from the referee and went to the four corners of the ring, holding the titles up high for the world to see. After this display of victory, and Pit Bull Brown had been helped out of the ring by the referee, Joss Thompson kneeled down in the middle of the ring and beckoned a camera to come in closer to film him. With both titles over his shoulder, he began to speak to the one camera, over the music. [B]Joss Thompson[/B] [COLOR="red"]I’m the best in the World! I’m bigger than any promotion in the UK! I’m bigger than MOSC and I’m bigger than 21CW. And now I’m on television every week for you all to see the truth in my words. And Greg……………you can shove you’re Garbage Promotion with you’re talentless hacks. MOSC can go to hell![/COLOR] Joss Thompson laid the MOSC UK Championship on the ring floor in front of the camera and spat on the belt, as his saliva shined under the bright lights of the arena over the gold of the title belt as the camera then goes back to Joss holding his 21CW World Title high above his head.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B]Joss Thompson:[/B] Oh, did I rile up the big man that night. But does it look like I care? Does it look like five years later I have any reason to regret what I did? 21CW has still got the TV deal, has now got a Pay Per View Deal, and is getting better turn outs in Scotland than MOSC are. And as long as 21CW keeps growing, then you people don’t have to worry about me spitting on the 21CW title on a SWF show. As long as Jeff Nova can keep paying me more every time my contract comes up for renewal, then things will be sweet. As for those who think I was out of order, I made that MOSC UK Championship mean something. Before me it was just a belt held by big muscle bound idiots. I gave that title prestige, and then I took that prestige away. And if you ask me, I had every right to do so.[/FONT]
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/bobw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]Celtic Heritage Hall with an Attendance of 949[/CENTER][/I] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/AmberAllen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/CherryBomb.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/AliciaStrong_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] [B]Amber Allen & Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong & Wanda Fish[/B] The women started off the show with the champion teaming with her brought in hired gun and Alicia Strong teaming with hers. The wolf whistles were very audible as they came down to the ring and got ready for the match. The match started with Amber Allen and Wanda Fish showing that anything the men could do, the women could do just as well. Okay, maybe not as well as the top guys like Joss Thompson, but that will come. After a quick exchange, it was Wanda Fish showing how accomplished she is against the Women’s Champion. However Amber Allen isn’t against shortcut taking, and raked her eyes so she could tag in Cherry Bomb. The fans kind of lost interest with the two relatively unknowns in the ring but picked up as Alicia Strong came in and started to clean Cherry Bomb’s clock and Amber Allen’s when she came in. The tide never really changed as Alicia Strong hit the Angel Driver on Cherry Bomb for the victory, as she walked back up the ramp taunting Amber Allen just days away from their PPV Match. [B]Winner:[/B] Alicia Strong and Wanda Fish defeated Amber Allen and Cherry Bomb in 7:33 when Alicia Strong defeated Cherry Bomb by pinfall with an Angel Driver. [B]Rating:[/B] D+[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Following the adverts, Jeff Nova’s music hits as he comes from the back and comes into the ring, wearing a business suit, as he took a microphone from the ring announcer. [COLOR="Sienna"]“We are just days away from Only The Strong Survive, 21CW’s first pay per view as we blaze a path of glory towards being a national phenomenon. I’ve always dreamed of the day when 21CW would bring back prestige to the British wrestling scene, and this PPV is the first sign of our real success, and it is thanks to you fans for following us through the years.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]“Sunday Night will see 21CW’s finest fighting for pride and glory. The card is stacked with big match ups, like Amber Allen vs. Alicia Strong, The Elimination Agents vs. The Ivanoff Brothers, Davis Wayne Newton vs. Daniel Black Francis, Adam Matravers vs. Pit Bull Brown, Tyler Silvano vs. Ash Campbell, and Edward Cornell vs. Joss Thompson. And while it’s no mystery who I want to win that main event match, I just have a warning for whoever becomes the 21CW World Champion. Because it’s about time we took the word World in that titles name, literally.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“Oh, is that so!”[/COLOR] From the back walked out Jonathan Faust with the Assassins’ Guild close behind. Jonathan Faust stopped at the top of the ramp. [COLOR="darkolivegreen"]“You seem to be forgetting something old man. You’re not in complete control of this promotion anymore. Yes, you might be acting the big shot, but in actual fact you are just a puppet and if you don’t go along with the script, your strings are going to be cut. You have to answer to a boss now too, and guess what…………….I went over you’re head. So, Jeff…………you have about a minute to give me a match for the first 21CW PPV, Only The Strong Survive or I actually have permission from your boss, to walk down to the ring and beat the tar out of you.”[/COLOR] Jeff Nova seemed surprised, perhaps because nobody knows who this mystery new owner is, but then regained his composure. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Fine, if I need to put you into a match, then that’s what I’ll do. At Only The Strong Survive, you can face DJ Reason.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“Well thanks old man, all though the opponent seems a bit lacking. Oh, and by the way Jeff, my match is for the Number One Contendership. Thought I’d tell you that after you named my opponent!”[/COLOR] Jonathan Faust smiled as he started to head to the back, but was stopped by Jeff. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Oh, wait Jonathan. I forgot to mention, it’s a Cage Match. Have fun at the PPV!”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/Rave.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/Trance.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/DaveyCeltic.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/DaveyLondon.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Party Animals vs. The Anglo-Scots Connection[/B] This was filler, from the less talented section of the roster, who have started to lag behind the roster slightly, as in general has the tag team division. The Party Animals are slightly more over as they are 21CW long stays. The match was quick and compared to most matches, lacking in showmanship. Rave defeated Dave Celtic with the Gate Crasher. [B]Winner:[/B] The Party Animals defeated The Anglo-Scots Connection in 7:58 when Rave defeated Davey Celtic by pinfall with a Gate Crasher. [B]Rating:[/B] D[/CENTER][/QUOTE] The sound of a slow clapping can be heard around the arena. Backstage, Joss Thompson has taken the microphone away from Kathleen Lee and beckoned the camera in closer. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Congratulations Edward, you’ve taken what was a great match, thanks to a great champion, and ruined it with your childish jealousy. Joss Thompson vs. DJ Reason, reminiscent of Joss Thompson vs. Pit Bull Brown on the first Best of British Wrestling! But because your last name is Cornell, and you hate to see anyone that is better than you, you charge the ring like an immature child and start throwing fists at me in a blind rage. But at the end of the day your antics are pointless. Pit Bull Brown, Adam Matravers, Rolling Johnny Stones and Stevie Stoat all failed to stop me. So what makes you think you are any different? What makes you special Eddie? You’re name? Well you’re name is only as valuable as you make it. You can’t live off of Tommy’s legacy. Not while I’m around anyway. At Only The Strong Survive, my legacy continues.”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/LouiePeyton.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG] [B]Louie Payton vs. Adam Matravers[/B] This match had the unfortunate task of trying to match Adam Matravers match with Stefan Raynor. However it was clear that it wouldn’t be as good a match, as Adam Matravers was taped up and the first few minutes let us all in on the fact that either Stefan is the better of the Assassins’ or Adam and Stefan just mesh together. However it was still a good match, as Louie Payton went straight for the taped ribs of Adam Matravers as Adam attempted to knock down another road block on his way to Jonathan Faust. And his determination was clear as he wouldn’t stay down or let Louie keep going for his ribs, his speed seemingly unaffected by his supposed injury. However he looked in pain after hitting his Mile High Moonsault on Louie and picked up the pin. [B]Winner:[/B] Adam Matravers defeated Louie Peyton in 9:42 by pinfall with a Mile High Moonsault. [B]Rating:[/B] C-[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Kathleen Lee is backstage with Daniel Black Francis. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]“I’m standing by with the 21CW UK Champion, Daniel Black Francis, who in a few days time defends his title against the “Triple Threat” Davis Wayne Newton at Only The Strong Survive. Last week, you lost in a match to Davis Wayne Newton, after he used the ropes to pick up the victory. Are you at all afraid that Davis Wayne Newton may resort to the same tactics this weekend and take your title.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Well, now I know what type of man that Davis Wayne Newton really is, I know what I got to deal with. He caught me off guard last week girl, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let him do that to me again. I never take life to seriously, but with Davis Wayne Newton, I think I just might have to. That ego of his is annoying, and so far I haven’t see the man back it up. And there is nothing more cool than someone who talks a lot and can’t back it up. So this weekend I’ll knock Davis Wayne down a few notches, while adding a notch to my belt. So I suggest Davis Wayne does his homework and watches my match up next, and sees how a true and fair fighter gets the job done.”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C- [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/DanielFrancis.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/StevieStoat.jpg[/IMG] [B]Daniel Black Francis vs. Stevie Stoat[/B] Daniel Black Francis headed straight for the ring to face his opponent for tonight, Stevie Stoat. Stevie Stoat is by no means a slouch in the ring and would turn out to be a good warm up match for Daniel Black Francis heading into his PPV bout with Davis Wayne Newton. Stevie Stout put up a good amount of offence but Daniel was determined to get a head of steam going into his title defence at only the strong survive and hit his dreadlock drop for the three. [B]Winner:[/B] Daniel Black Francis defeated Stevie Stoat in 7:32 by pinfall with a Dreadlock Drop. [B]Rating:[/B] C[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Daniel Black Francis didn’t have time to celebrate or compose himself as out walked Davis Wayne Newton as he slide into the ring and hit a Fisherman’s Suplex to the unprepared DBF before looking down at the fallen champion as the scene faded to a commercial. [B]Rating:[/B] C- [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/EdwardCornell_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Davis Wayne Newton vs. Edward Cornell[/B] The cameras come back to the show with security having to drag Daniel Black Francis to the back as Davis Wayne Newton stands in the ring looking smug. He wasn’t smug when Edward Cornell came out though, who was his opponent tonight. And he was even less smug when Edward Cornell stopped by the side of Daniel Black Francis and gave him a gesture as if to say, don’t worry, I’ll get him for you tonight. The match started off with Edward Cornell simply over whelming the young Canadian star, with blows and knockdowns that Davis Wayne Newton seemed to have absolutely no answer for, until he went outside of the playbook with a low blow. However Davis Wayne Newton would show why he’s on the 21CW roster with a beautiful Belly to Belly Suplex to follow that got him a close pinfall, then followed by a picture perfect elbow drop. Davis Wayne Newton even hit a Fisherman’s Suplex but Edward Cornell kicked out and got to his feet roaring, ducked a clothesline and locked in the Rear Naked Choke to pick up the win. [B]Winner:[/B] Edward Cornell defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 15:03 by submission with a Rear Naked Choke. [B]Rating:[/B] C[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Adam Matravers is walking backstage, heading to his car in the parking lot, until he gets hit with a crowbar to the back of the head and collapses to the floor. The cameras reveal Pit Bull Brown standing above him. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“This Sunday, I’m going to take you out like Stefan and Louie should off. Jonathan Faust is too busy for the likes of you, and I’ll make sure you don’t even reach him.”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/LukeCool.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [B]Luke Cool vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith has been on the books for awhile, but hasn’t been wrestling regularly for 21CW and this match signalled his hopefully return to regular combat. This was pretty much a squash to reintroduce the world to Bulldozer as he dominated the match and hit a Backdrop Driver to pick up the victory. [B]Winnner:[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Luke Cool in 9:52 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. [B]Rating:[/B] D+[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Backstage the cameras come in on Ash Campbell and Jonathan Faust. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“So tonight, it’s the one and only Ash Campbell teaming up with Jonathan Faust, against the man that I goaded into a rematch, Tyler Silvano and DJ Reason, Jonathan’s opponent for this Sunday. Well Tyler, I guess I get to prove which one of us is better before Only The Strong Survive is even here, lucky me!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“And do you know why you’re going to lose tonight Tyler, it’s because your tag team partner is in way over his head. He got put up against me purely to keep me quiet, but Jeff didn’t realize I’d already got his boss to agree to make it a number one contender match. I guarantee if Jeff had known, I wouldn’t be facing DJ Reason. So you’ve got a dud as a partner Tyler. And neither of you will probably even make it to Only the Strong Survive.”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/AshCampbell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/RodTodd.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/JonnyV1A.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/DJReason.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ash Campbell & Jonathan Faust vs. Tyler Silvano & DJ Reason[/B] DJ Reason came out determined to prove Jonathan Faust’s words wrong as he stormed the ring before his partners music even hit, going straight for Jonathan Faust and being able to handle Ash Campbell as well when he tried to get involved. DJ Reason had even hit the Edge of Reason on Jonathan Faust before Tyler Silvano had even hit the ring. When Tyler Silvano finally reached the ring, he slide in and looked at the fallen opponents with a smile, and got the crowd laughing when he said I’ll take it from here to DJ. The ref rung the bell and Tyler Silvano helped Jonathan Faust slowly up to his feet. Jonathan must have thought it was Ash, cause a shocked look came over his face as he saw Tyler’s face looking back at him, before he got slapped a couple of times to wake him up. Tyler could have probably finished the match straight away but for some reason he toyed with Jonathan Faust, perhaps because of the encouragement by the fans. This let Jonathan Faust get back into the match and tag out to his partner, as they started to successful double team Tyler Silvano in their corner of the ring. Numerous tags and double teams followed until Tyler got the hot tag to DJ Reason, who started to clean house again, before a low blow was missed by Jonathan Faust, and Ash Campbell took advantage, hitting the Ash 2 Ash on DJ Reason and picking up the win. [B]Winner:[/B] Ash Campbell and Jonathan Faust defeated Tyler Silvano and DJ Reason in 17:50 when Ash Campbell defeated DJ Reason by pinfall with an Ash 2 Ash. [B]Rating:[/B] C-[/CENTER][/QUOTE] The cameras didn’t stay on the ring for long as we went backstage in time to catch Joss Thompson throwing Eddie Cornell into the windscreen of a car. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You want to resort to childish tactics, well here’s a dose of your own medicine. Never piss of the champ, got it!”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B- [QUOTE][B]OVERALL SHOW RATING:[/B] C [B]TV RATING:[/B] 0.36[/QUOTE][/FONT]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/otss.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][CENTER]Only on Pay Per View[/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER]----- [I]21st Century United Kingdom Title[/I] [B]Davis Wayne Newton vs. Daniel Black Francis ©[/B] Four weeks ago Davis Wayne Newton belittled the 21st Century UK Champions title reign, saying he hasn’t faced anyone of worth. The two were scheduled to fight the next week but Davis Wayne Newton had commits across the Atlantic. However two weeks ago Davis Wayne Newton defeated Daniel Black Francis by using the ropes. This didn’t sit well with the usually calm, collected and fun loving champion, so Daniel Black Francis challenged Davis Wayne Newton to a rematch with his title on the line. ----- [B]Adam Matravers vs. Pit Bull Brown[/B] At the start of this year, a Beat The Clock tournament was set up to determine the opponent for Joss Thompson. Adam Matravers was picked as Jonathan Faust’s opponent, and Jonathan Faust cheated to pick up the victory. Adam Matravers since has tried to get his hands on Jonathan Faust, but has found the Assassins’ Guild in the way! Now Pit Bull Brown is the last opponent in his way as the Assassins’ Guild has been moved out of the way. If Adam beats Pit Bull, Jonathan Faust has no defence apart from himself left. ----- [I]21st Century Tag Team Titles[/I] [B]The Elimination Agents vs. The Ivanoff Brothers ©[/B] The Elimination Agents have been gunning for the Tag Team Titles with an impressive victory over the tag team champions. The Tag Champs responded by costing the Elimination Agents a match against the Assassins’ Guild. However Genocide Agent would defeat Igor the next week and earn a Tag Team Title shot at only the Strong Survive. ----- [I]No.1 Contendership for the 21st Century World Title in a Steel Cage Classic[/I] [B]Jonathan Faust vs. DJ Reason[/B] Jonathan Faust beat Number One Contender Edward Cornell a couple of weeks ago on Best of British Wrestling. He then went to whoever the mysterious owner of 21CW is, and managed to get a match for the Number One Contendership! Jeff Nova picked DJ Reason as his opponent and made it a Classic Steel Cage Match to boot! ----- [B]Rolling Johnny Stones & Phillip Cooper vs. The Assassins’ Guild[/B] The Assassins’ Guild have been busy doing Jonathan Faust’s dirty work and haven’t been that big a factor in the tag team division. So they put out an open challenge at Only The Strong Survive, which the tandem of Rolling Johnny Stones and Phillip Cooper answered. ----- [I]21st Century Women’s Title[/I] [B]Alicia Strong vs. Amber Allen ©[/B] Amber Allen beat Alicia Strong for the Women’s Title at the end of last year in controversial fashion. Christy Higgins, not seen since that event, cost Alicia Strong the title and Alicia Strong has been determined to win it since then. Both got to pick each others opponents in the build up to the PPV, Alicia picking Wanda Fish for Amber Allen and Amber Allen picking Cherry Bomb for Alicia. But now it’s down to the two of them as Alicia Strong tries to make Amber Allen’s title reign very short. ----- [B]Tyler Silvano vs. Ash Campbell[/B] Tyler Silvano and Ash Campbell both had Beat the Clock Matches and both were successful but were beaten by Edward Cornell. However Tyler Silvano was mysteriously attacked before his match, and a throw away comment by Ash Campbell got him a match with Tyler Silvano. Tyler won that match but Ash Campbell couldn’t let it lie and challenged Tyler to a rematch by claiming he knew who attacked Tyler, and if Tyler won, Ash would reveal all. ----- [I]21st Century World Title[/I] [B]Edward Cornell vs. Joss Thompson ©[/B] Edward Cornell was the beat the clock winner on the first Best of British Wrestling of this year. Since then, Joss Thompson has continuously taunt Edward Cornell, so much so that Edward Cornell resorted to attacking Joss Thompson. Joss’s response was to completely destroy Edward Cornell in the parking lot just days before Edward Cornell’s title shot. Can Edward Cornell dethrone the Complete Package or will Joss Thompson’s reign continue?[/CENTER] [/FONT] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] Predictions Welcome
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[B]Prediction Key[/B] Davis Wayne Newton / Daniel Black Francis © Reason: Adam Matravers / Pit Bull Brown Reason: The Elimination Agents / The Ivanoff Brothers © Reason: Jonathan Faust / DJ Reason Reason: Rolling Johnny Stones & Phillip Cooper / The Assassins’ Guild Reason: Alicia Strong / Amber Allen © Reason: Tyler Silvano / Ash Campbell Reason: Edward Cornell / Joss Thompson Reason:
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