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Mid Atlantic Wrestling: A True Underdog Story

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Two out of Three Falls: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Antonio Mid Atlantic Championship: [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Eddie Howard D.C. Rayne vs. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Ricky Douglas[/B] [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] vs. Erik Strong vs. Flash Savage vs. Max Mayhem Oscar Golden vs. [B]Temptest Appleby[/B]
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Two out of Three Falls: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Antonio Mid Atlantic Championship: [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Eddie Howard D.C. Rayne vs. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Ricky Douglas Trent Shaffer vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Flash Savage vs. Max Mayhem [B]Oscar Golden[/B] vs. Temptest Appleby
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Two out of Three Falls: Mainstream Hernandez vs. [B]Antonio[/B] [I]Antonio to win this by winning the final fall via some sort of blatant cheating. You need the 'heel' to win here to keep the feud going strong.[/I] Mid Atlantic Championship: [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Eddie Howard [I]'B.J Whitmer' Title shot...Translation a routine title defence for the champion, where the challenger has pretty much no hope of winning the title.[/I] D.C. Rayne vs. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] [I]Unless you're really serious about pushing Rayne as a singles star, which I don't think you are quite ready to do yet... Mr Cattley goes over here.[/I] [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Ricky Douglas [I]You seem pretty high on Kashmir, and Douglas just seems to be Parker's side-kick in the A* Alliance.[/I] [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] vs. Erik Strong vs. Flash Savage vs. Max Mayhem [I]Shaffer seems to be the one with the most upside out of these group of up and comers, so I reckon he'll continue his debuting win streak in MAW to 2-0 [/I] [B]Oscar Golden[/B] vs. Temptest Appleby [I]Golden's the more established name on the roster, but Appleby seems to be one of those 'bargains' that can be found on the independent scene. Could go either way, but I'll go for the established roster member this time in Oscar Golden.[/I]
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Two out of Three Falls: Mainstream Hernandez vs. [B]Antonio[/B] Mid Atlantic Championship: [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Eddie Howard D.C. Rayne vs. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Ricky Douglas Trent Shaffer vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Flash Savage vs. Max Mayhem [B]Oscar Golden[/B] vs. Temptest Appleby
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][CENTER][B] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/Banner.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Wrestling Destiny Awaits Saturday, March Week 4, 2007 Live from Stanley Hall Attendance: 60[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TrentShaffer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/ErikStrong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MaxMayhem.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/FlashSavage.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Trent Shaffer vs. Erik Strong vs. Max Mayhem vs. Flash Savage[/SIZE] This four way match kicked off Destiny Awaits with four of the best high flyers that MAW has to offer. This match featured spot after spot, and was very effective at getting the crowd going early in this event. Trent Shaffer was looking like he was going to walk away with the win a couple of times in the match, but he would have pinfalls broken up by the other three men in the match. The finish came when Savage took Shaffer out with a dropkick to the outside, then Mayhem a DDT on Savage, and when Mayhem got to his feet Erik Strong came off with a Strong Sault onto the standing Mayhem for the three count. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Erik Strong Match Time: 8:45 Match Rating: D-[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/RickyDouglas.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Kashmir Singh vs. Ricky Douglas[/SIZE] This match saw one half of the A* Alliance, Ricky Douglas, face off with a man that has been fairly impressive since debuting back in January. Douglas dominated the early going with some hard hitting shots on the small, but powerful Kashmir Singh. When it looked like Douglas was going to pound Singh into submission, he surprised the crowd with some impressive technical skill, then capped it off with a flying clothesline from the top rope, leaving the crowd amazed at his all around ability. He then lifted Douglas up on his shoulder and ran towards the middle of the ring and nailed the Running Powerslam for his second victory in his first three MAW matches. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Kashmir Singh Match Time: 9:27 Match Rating: D-[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG] The Mean Machine then makes his way out to the ring for his match with one half of the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions, D.C. Rayne. But before the match he has something to say to the sixty fans at Stanley Hall for this MAW event. [COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="3"]The Mean Machine[/SIZE][/U] Last month I told you all that it was my time to take back the Mid Atlantic Championship. And what did I do right after I say that, I destroyed another person that got in my way. So I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep on saying it until Rip gives me a shot to gain my championship back, that title belongs to me, Steven Parker is just warming it while I run through the roster waiting for my opportunity. This week I will prove my point by taking out one half of the tag team champions, D.C. Rayne. Now don’t get too comfortable, this is gonna be a short match.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]D.C. Rayne vs. The Mean Machine[/SIZE] D.C. Rayne started the match trying to show a sign of respect to The Mean Machine, but he wasn’t in the mood for it and he slapped Rayne right across the face. Machine then followed that up with a quick series of snap suplexes, and he got up and let the fans know that he was the best that MAW has to offer. As he was chatting himself up though Rayne crawled over to him and rolled him up, but only got the two count. Rayne controlled the match for the next few minutes, but Machine quickly reverse an attempted bodyslam from Rayne into the Mood Swing, and Mean Machine won another match as promised. [SIZE="3"]Winner: The Mean Machine Match Time: 9:38 Match Rating: D+[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Tempest Appleby vs. Oscar Golden[/SIZE] Appleby made his MAW debut in this match against a member of the Canadian Blondes, Oscar Golden. Appleby showed the MAW fans what he was all about early with a highly unusual, but very speedy moveset that caught Golden off guard. He had no clue what way Appleby was going to hit him from next, and he found himself swinging and missing at thin air a number of times. The fans thought the match was over at one point when Appleby hit a hurricanrana off the top rope, but Golden kicked out at the last second. The finish came when Appleby went for a move, but Golden ended up behind him and nailed a bridging German Suplex called the Golden Showers for the victory. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Oscar Golden Match Time: 8:08 Match Rating: D[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] Steven Parker then makes his way out to the ring with his Mid Atlantic Championship draped over his shoulder, ready to defend it against the second half of Natural Storm, Eddie Howard. He demands the microphone before the match gets underway, and he lets the fans know what is on his mind. [COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="3"]Steven Parker[/SIZE][/U] Ladies and Gentlemen, you are witnessing greatness standing before you. You all saw that last month I made quick work of D.C. Rayne, and now tonight, I will make quicker work of his tag team partner, Eddie Howard. I’ll be damned if I allow anybody in this promotion to become a double champion, unless that man is me, “The Future” Steven Parker. But then again, those tag team championships are beneath me. That would be a huge step down. Come on people, I’m the Mid Atlantic Champion. I could win those tag titles with one hand tied behind by back. Where’s the challenge in that? So bring out this chump, I’m ready to get out of here.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MAW_Championship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Championship Steven Parker © vs. Eddie Howard[/SIZE] For the second time in two months, Steven Parker was defending his championship against one half of the Tag Team Champions, this time, Eddie Howard. Howard came out of the gate looking to avenge his friend D.C. Rayne’s loss to Parker, and he stomped the champion into the mat for the first few minutes of the match. The fans were very into this match, as they though that Howard had won the championship on several occasions. Howard hit a huge piledriver on Parker, then pinned him, but Parker kicked out at the very last second as the crowd let out a sigh. The two men then fought back and forth for the next few minutes, but Howard slipped up once, and that led straight into the Future Shock from Parker, and he had once again defended his Mid Atlantic Championship. [SIZE="4"]Winner: Steven Parker Match Time: 12:39 Match Rating: C[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/Antonio.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Two out of Three Falls Match Antonio vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/SIZE] These two men did not even wait for introductions to be over. As they were being announced they met in the aisle and started hammering away on each other. The referee, Jay Fair, finally got them in the ring, but they had been battling on the outside for a solid minute. As they got into the ring Rip Chord made his way down to the ring to encourage his protoge Antonio onto victory. The two men traded technical holds for a few minutes, each trying to get the early advantage, which Antonio got when he got Mainstream in a hammerlock, then dropped him head first into the mat with the Italian DDT to go up 1-0 very quickly. [SIZE="3"]Antonio: 1 Mainstream: 0[/SIZE] Antonio then tried to put the match away quickly by pinned Hernandez again, but Mainstream was able to kick out right before the referee got to three. They then got up to their feet at the same time, but it was Mainstream who got the upper hand by throwing down some haymakers on Antonio as Rip Chord was yelling instructions at his protégé. They fought back to even, but Antonio was unsuccessful with another Italian DDT, allowing Mainstream to take him down with a DDT of his own. He then quickly headed up top and nailed a shooting star press and evened the falls up at one a piece. [SIZE="3"]Antonio: 1 Mainstream: 1[/SIZE] As the two men got back up to their feet Rip Chord made his way onto the apron, and Mainstream Hernandez started making his way over to him, and Antonio was hot on his heels. Mainstream challenged Chord to hit him, and he took a mighty swing, but he missed and hit Antonio right in the jaw on accident, then Mainstream followed up with a sunset flip and got the big victory over Antonio, thus giving him a match versus Rip Chord next month at Legacy. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Mainstream Hernandez Match Time: 16:53 Match Rating: D[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] After the match Mainstream headed to the corner where he held his hands high up in the air, but he made a huge mistake by forgetting about Rip Chord. Chord rolled into the ring, and when Mainstream turned around Chord connected with a huge right hand to the jaw of Mainstream. He then demanded a microphone. [COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="3"]Rip Chord[/SIZE][/U] Congratulations Mainstream, you now have your wish. You get to face me one on one next month. But be careful what you wish for bud, because you forget that I own this company, so I can make any match I want. Since I’m a man of my word I will still face you next month, but it will be in a no disqualification STREET FIGHT![/COLOR] [SIZE="4"]OVERALL RATING: D[/SIZE] [/B][/CENTER][/FONT]
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Thanks for all the predictions on the last show guys, some of you are putting together some very nice records. Right now my laptop's power cord broke, and my battery is about dead, so I'm on my dad's computer right now so I can't get any TEW stuff done until the replacement comes, which should be in the next day or two. So when I get it back I'll put up standings, then the preview for MAW Legacy, which is shaping up to be a great show headlined by the street fight of the year.
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[B][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][CENTER][U]Current Standings Through 3 Events[/U][/CENTER] Emark...................13-6 Midnightnick.........12-7 Nimo34..................11-8 Dragonmack.........10-9 Gremlinator..........10-9 Theoutaw321........9-3 Tigerkinney...........9-3 Chris Caulfield......9-4 Bgbuff....................6-0 smurphy1014.........6-0 Foolinc...................6-7 Trypio....................4-3 Wrestlinggod.........2-5 [/FONT][/B]
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[CENTER][B][FONT="Trebuchet MS"] [SIZE="4"]MAW Legacy Live From Stanley Hall Saturday, April Week 4, 2007[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]No DQ Street Fight Mainstream Hernandez vs. Rip Chord[/SIZE] Rip Chord made a promise to Mainstream Hernandez that he would come out of retirement for one match if he could beat Antonio last month in the two out of three falls match. Mainstream surprised Chord by beating his protoge, and now after all Rip Chord has put Mainstream through, the two have a final encounter at Legacy, and it's a no disqualification street fight. [SIZE="3"]Winner Receives a Title Shot in the Next Twelve Months Antonio vs. The Mean Machine vs. Des Davids[/SIZE] This is a huge triple threat match where the winner receives a title shot any time they want in the next twelve months, no questions asked. So whoever wins this match could be in the driver's seat in the MAW Title picture for an entire year if they wish. [SIZE="3"]Kashmir Singh vs. Steven Parker Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Natural Storm (c) vs. The Canadian Blondes Erik Strong vs. Stan "The Man" Manna[/SIZE] [/FONT][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE] Quick Pick Guide: Street Fight: Mainstream Hernandez vs. Rip Chord 12 Month Title Contract: Antonio vs. The Mean Machine vs. Des Davids Mid Atlantic Tag Title: Natural Storm (c) vs. The Canadian Blondes Kashmir Singh vs. Steven Parker Erik Strong vs. Stan Manna [/QUOTE]
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Let's see if I can get back on my roll. Street Fight: Mainstream Hernandez vs. [B]Rip Chord[/B] 12 Month Title Contract: [B]Antonio [/B]vs. The Mean Machine vs. Des Davids Mid Atlantic Tag Title: [B]Natural Storm[/B] (c) vs. The Canadian Blondes Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] Erik Strong vs. [B]Stan Manna[/B]
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Street Fight: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Rip Chord 12 Month Title Contract: Antonio vs. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Des Davids Mid Atlantic Tag Title: [B]Natural Storm[/B] (c) vs. The Canadian Blondes Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Stan Manna
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Street Fight: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Rip Chord 12 Month Title Contract: [B]Antonio[/B] vs. The Mean Machine vs. Des Davids Mid Atlantic Tag Title: [B]Natural Storm[/B] (c) vs. The Canadian Blondes Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Stan Manna
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Street Fight: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Rip Chord 12 Month Title Contract: Antonio vs. The Mean Machine vs. [B]Des Davids[/B] just a gut feeling.... Mid Atlantic Tag Title: [B]Natural Storm[/B] (c) vs. The Canadian Blondes Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Stan Manna
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Street Fight: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Rip Chord-I see a really good rating 12 Month Title Contract: Antonio vs. The Mean Machine vs. [B]Des Davids[/B] Mid Atlantic Tag Title: [B]Natural Storm [/B](c) vs. The Canadian Blondes Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Stan Manna
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Street Fight: [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]vs. Rip Chord 12 Month Title Contract: Antonio vs. [B]The Mean Machine [/B]vs. Des Davids Mid Atlantic Tag Title: [B]Natural Storm (c)[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] [B]Erik Strong [/B]vs. Stan Manna
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Street Fight: Mainstream Hernandez vs. [B]Rip Chord[/B] [I]Long term Hernandez needs to go over in this feud, but I can see Chord pulling out the victory this time round to keep the feud going, it's the hot feud/storyline that you have going right now and I don't think you're going to drop it anytime soon.[/I] 12 Month Title Contract: Antonio vs. The Mean Machine vs. [B]Des Davids[/B] [I]You've pushed Antonio from the start but going on the rating he pulled with Hernandez in the main event of Destiny Awaits, perhaps you're pushing him too hard/too fast. Mean Machine is already an established main eventer and would be the safe bet to go with, but I reckon Davids will pick up the win here (the biggest of his career so far) by pinning Antonio. [/I] [I]Davids is a work in progress but the 12 Month contract gives you time to develop him, before you properly drop him into the main event.[/I] Mid Atlantic Tag Title: [B]Natural Storm (c)[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [I]I'm not a massive fan of Natural Storm but I see no reason for them to be dropping the Tag Titles at this stage of their reign. The Blondes haven't been built up enough as credible challengers yet. [/I] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] [I]So far the Mid-Atlantic champion has been booked as slightly something of an after-thought compared to the main feud between Hernandez vs Chord/Antonio.[/I] [I]Singh has made a good start to his MAW career but his win streak ends here. You need a strong champion and if Parker takes a non title loss to someone who has yet to really establish themselves in the promotion (despite the good start) it's really going to hurt his image as the Champion.[/I] [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Stan Manna [I]Filler match of the month, Strong seems to be getting the stronger push of late, and Manna has been rarely used so far, which gives me the impression that you're not that high on him.[/I]
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[QUOTE]So far the Mid-Atlantic champion has been booked as slightly something of an after-thought compared to the main feud between Hernandez vs Chord/Antonio.[/QUOTE] I noticed that, but trust me, it's all building up to something big sooner than later, and the focus will be back on the title. It'll all come around at this show, just wait and see.
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B][CENTER] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/Banner.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Wrestling Legacy Saturday, April Week 4, 2007 Live from Stanley Hall Attendance: 55[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/ErikStrong.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/StanManna.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Erik Strong vs. Stan Manna[/SIZE] This match featured on of MAW’s best high flyers taking on the half wrestler, half rockstar, Stan “The Man” Manna. Manna dominated the start of the match, focusing on the legs of Strong so that he could not carry out his high flying tactics against him. This proved to be very smart as Manna kept Strong on the ground, and any offense he delivered had virtually no effect on Manna. Manna slipped up though when he decided he would play to the crowd a little bit, and Strong took him out with a huge clothesline. Strong then worked over Manna, which set him up for the Strong Sault. Manna met him on the way up though and got him groggy in the corner, then hit his MDK Powerbomb which he calls the Rockin’ Roller for the win. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Stan Manna Match Time: 12:31 Match Rating: D+[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MAW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/FlashSavage.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Natural Storm © vs. The Canadian Blondes[/SIZE] This match featured the only two tag team champions in Mid Atlantic Wrestling history facing off for those very titles. The action started fast and furious with all four men facing off in the middle of the ring, and referee Jay Fair had a hard time containing them so he let them sort it out themselves. It eventually got sorted out with the Canadian Blondes isolating D.C. Rayne from Eddie Howard, and that is how the majority of the match went from there on. Then all of a sudden Rayne got a burst of energy and burst out of the corner and took both men down and tagged in Howard, who helped Rayne clean house. They then got Flash Savage by himself and hit him with the Storm Damage to retain the titles. [SIZE="3"]Winners: Natural Storm Match Time: 13:48 Match Rating: D-[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] Near the entrance Nicole Kiss emerges with a microphone, as the crowd cheers seeing the beautiful Ms. Kiss for the first time in quite some time. She acknowledges them all then gets down to business. [COLOR="Purple"][U][SIZE="3"]Nicole Kiss[/SIZE][/U] It’s good to be back here in Mid Atlantic Wrestling, and now it’s time for a very special interview with the owner of Mid Atlantic Wrestling, Mr. Rip Chord.[/COLOR] Rip then comes out from the back, still dressed in a suit and tie, seemingly not to worried that he has a street fight versus Mainstream Hernandez in the main event of this very show. [COLOR="Purple"][U][SIZE="3"]Nicole Kiss[/SIZE][/U] Thanks for coming out here Mr. Chord. There is only one question I have to ask you. Why after all these years have you decided to step into the ring with a rising star such as Mainstream Hernandez tonight?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="3"]Rip Chord[/SIZE][/U] Well I didn’t think it would come to this, because I had confidence that Antonio would get the job done, but he wasn’t quite ready for someone the caliber of Mainstream yet, but he be very soon, trust me on that. Ever since last January when Mainstream won the tournament named after myself, he’s gotten a little big for his britches, so somebody needs to knock him down a peg or two and remind him who’s in charge, and that’s me, Rip Chord. That’s all I’ve got to say right now, I’ve got a butt kickin’ to go get warmed up for.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/Antonio.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Winner Receives a Mid Atlantic Championship Opportunity in the Next 12 Months Antonio vs. The Mean Machine vs. Des Davids[/SIZE] This was a golden opportunity for Antonio and Davids to cement their spots at the top of MAW, and a great chance for The Mean Machine to get back to the peak. Machine and Antonio started the match out on the same page by jumping Davids, and after he was out Antonio went to high five Machine, but received a headbutt and a clothesline instead. Machine then went to work on the smaller Antonio, and when it looked like he was going to get a three count after a piledriver Davids broke the count up. Davids then dominated the next few minutes of the match, and looked like he was going to win it a few times. The finish came after Antonio took Machine down with the Italian DDT, then turned his attention to Davids. Davids then hit the Quarterback Sack on Antonio after a struggle, but Davids didn’t realize Mean Machine had gotten up and he walked right into the Mood Swing, and The Mean Machine had won the contract for a title shot anytime he wished over the next twelve months. [SIZE="3"]Winner: The Mean Machine Match Time: 12:57 Match Rating: C-[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG] After the match The Mean Machine was his calm, collected usual self, and he was handed the contract from the timekeeper, then grabbed a microphone. [COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="3"]The Mean Machine[/SIZE][/U] I told you all that I would have my chance at the Mid Atlantic Championship sooner than later, and here it is in writing. The Mean Machine is entitled to one Mid Atlantic Championship contest in the next twelve months whenever he wishes. Signed Rip Chord. There you have it, so you can all be rest assured, I will have my championship back in the next year. So that means that Steven Parker better grow eyes in the back of his head, because I’m gunning for him. Who knows if it will be tonight or next year’s MAW Legacy, he just better know that I’m gunning for him, and that’s not a good position to be in.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Kashmir Singh vs. Steven Parker[/SIZE] Kashmir Singh has impressed many in his short time in MAW, but he was face to face with the best that MAW has to offer, the Mid Atlantic Champion, Steven Parker. The two men faced off, and Parker unleashed a slap across the face of Kashmir, which he did not like and he exploded at Parker. Singh held control of the match early, but both men put on an impressive technical showcase to start off the match. Soon they became tired of trying to outwrestle each other and it turned into an all out brawl. Parker then looked to put it away with an Inverted Piledriver, but Singh was able to slip out. He then lifted Parker onto his shoulder looking for his Running Powerslam, but Parker slipped out from behind and got Singh up on his shoulders and nailed him with the Future Shock, giving him the win in a very grueling, yet great match. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Steven Parker Match Time: 17:43 Match Rating: C-[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] Rip Chord makes his way to the ring wearing a Mid Atlantic Wrestling shirt and blue jeans for his street fight with Mainstream Hernandez, and before the match he grabs the microphone to make his second address to the fans in one night. [COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="3"]Rip Chord[/SIZE][/U] Coming up next you all will witness my return to the ring. Get your cameras out because this is only a one night deal, so you all are witnessing something special. I guarantee that I will win this match. I am so confident that I will make this promise. If Mainstream Hernandez can beat me tonight, then at next months show, Whiplash, Mainstream Hernandez will go one-on-one with Steven Parker, and that match will be for the Mid Atlantic Championship![/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/RipChord.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]No Disqualification Street Fight Rip Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/SIZE] Mainstream’s music hit and he headed straight for the ring. He stomped towards the middle, but Rip Chord had equipped a set of brass knuckles. He took a swing at Hernandez, but he was able to duck the contact and level Chord with a dropkick. Mainstream then took out four months of frustration out on Chord. He just kept stomping away on Chord, and referee Jay Fair could do nothing about it since this match was no disqualification. Mainstream then went outside and threw a chair a couple of chairs into the ring, but he did not notice Chord had grabbed one of them, and when he got onto the apron he was met with a chair shot to the cranium. Chord then went outside and started getting payback on Mainstream. Eventually they went back inside, and Chord went to hit Mainstream with a chair again, but this time Mainstream got a hold of a chair and drove it into Chord’s chair, then right into his face. With Chord out cold on the mat Mainstream headed up top, then came off with a Shooting Star Press, and put this feud behind him, and looked forward to a Mid Atlantic Title match next month. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Mainstream Hernandez Match Time: 8:49 Match Rating: D[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]OVERALL RATING: D[/SIZE] [/CENTER][/B][/FONT]
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[B][FONT="Trebuchet MS"] [CENTER]Top Ten After 4 Events[/CENTER] Emark............16-8 Midnightnick...15-9 Nimo34..........15-9 Dragonmack....13-11 Theoutaw321..13-4 Chris Caulfield..12-6 Tigerkinney......11-6 Gremlinator......10-9 Bgbuff.............9-2 smurphy1014....6-0 Best of the Rest: Foolinc, Trypio, Wrestlinggod [/FONT][/B]
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[B][CENTER][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][CENTER] [Size=3]Mid Atlantic Wrestling News[/size] News is coming out today that MAW star Mainstream Hernandez is looking to broaden his horizons and work more than he currently is, so he has signed a new pay-per-appearance contract with CZCW. MAW officials are said to not be very upset over this, because he has made it known that his main priority is still with MAW, and this will allow him to improve much faster than he would just working one show a month. In other non-related MAW news, Tommy Cornell's TCW has been in a tailspin in recent months after being dominated in the ratings two nights a week by SWF, and many feel like TCW has fallen off to a cult level. Look for them to cut some talent as they try to make a run back up to a national level. [/CENTER][/FONT][/CENTER][/B]
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[CENTER][B][FONT="Trebuchet MS"] [SIZE="4"]MAW Whiplash Live From Stanley Hall Saturday, May Week 4, 2007[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Mid Atlantic Championship Match Steven Parker (c) vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/SIZE] For the last few months Steven Parker has steamrolled the competition, and has never really had a solid challenge for his championship in quite some time. That challenge has arrived though. After months of feuding with Rip Chord and Antonio, Mainstream Hernandez has earned himself a shot at the most coveted prize in MAW, the Mid Atlantic Championship. Will Hernandez cut Parker's reign off short of the one year mark, or will the champion roll on? [SIZE="3"]The Mean Machine vs. Des Davids[/SIZE] Last month these two men were two thirds of the championship contract match, which The Mean Machine came out on top of. At Whiplash these two all-time MAW greats face off in the middle of the ring to prove who really is the bigger star. [SIZE="3"]D.C. Rayne vs. Antonio Eddie Howard vs. Davis Newton (Making his MAW debut) Kashmir Singh vs. Oscar Golden Erik Strong vs. Trent Shaffer[/SIZE] [/FONT][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE] Quick Pick Guide: Mid Atlantic Championship: Steven Parker (c) vs. Mainstream Hernandez The Mean Machine vs. Des Davids D.C. Rayne vs. Antonio Eddie Howard vs. Davis Newton Kashmir Singh vs. Oscar Golden Erik Strong vs. Trent Shaffer [/QUOTE]
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