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Mid Atlantic Wrestling: A True Underdog Story

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Mid Atlantic Championship: Steven Parker (c) vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [I]In terms of diary time Parker's not had the belt that long, but he's actually held it for a year long reign. Hernandez is hot right now, coming off his win over Rip Chord (OK Chord was well past his sell by date, but it's still a massive win) and I can just feel a title change here. Hernandez as a face champion will then have plenty of heel challengers lining up with Parker (wanting a re-match), Jean 'Mean Machine' Cattley with his 12 month (money in the bank style) title shot and even Rip Chord's Man Servant Antonio. [/I] [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Des Davids [I]So I was wrong about David's last time and you did the safe (and many would say sensible) thing of giving the one year title shot to Mean Machine. To me that signals that you think Davids is no where near ready yet to make the step up.[/I] D.C. Rayne vs. [B]Antonio[/B] [I]Antonio will get back on track here (albeit through nefarious means) over one half of the Tag champions.[/I] Eddie Howard vs. [B]Davis Newton[/B] [I]Newton is one of those uber talented rookies you could legitimately give a win to right off the bat in a small promotion like MAW, especially against someone as mediocre as Eddie Howard. I predict that Newton will be one of your top stars within a year.[/I] [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Oscar Golden [I]Singh's been on a good roll since coming into MAW, with only a loss to champion Steven Parker. I forsee Singh continuing to beat the lower end of the roster, but coming up short against the top end for a while yet.[/I] [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Trent Shaffer [I]Have these two met before ? Anyway I couldn't really call this one, it's literally a coin toss. I tossed a coin and it landed on Heads which was Erik Strong.[/I]
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Mid Atlantic Championship: [B]Steven Parker [/B](c) vs. Mainstream Hernandez The Mean Machine vs. [B]Des Davids[/B] D.C. Rayne vs. [B]Antonio[/B] Eddie Howard vs. [B]Davis Newton[/B] [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Oscar Golden Erik Strong vs. [B]Trent Shaffer[/B]
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Mid Atlantic Championship: [B]Steven Parker [/B](c) vs. Mainstream Hernandez [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Des Davids D.C. Rayne vs. [B]Antonio[/B] Eddie Howard vs. [B]Davis Newton[/B] [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Oscar Golden Erik Strong vs. Trent Shaffer
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Mid Atlantic Championship: [B]Steven Parker (c)[/B] vs. Mainstream Hernandez - [I]Somehow cheating, such as Antonio or Chord interfering. [/I] The Mean Machine vs. [B]Des Davids[/B] D.C. Rayne vs. [B]Antonio[/B] Eddie Howard vs. [B]Davis Newton[/B] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Oscar Golden[/B] [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Trent Shaffer
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Mid Atlantic Championship: [B]Steven Parker[/B] (c) vs. Mainstream Hernandez [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Des Davids [B]D.C. Rayne[/B] vs. Antonio Eddie Howard vs. [B]Davis Newton[/B] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Oscar Golden[/B] Erik Strong vs. [B]Trent Shaffer[/B]
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Mid Atlantic Championship: [B]Steven Parker[/B] (c) vs. Mainstream Hernandez [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Des Davids D.C. Rayne vs. [B]Antonio[/B] [B]Eddie Howard[/B] vs. Davis Newton [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Oscar Golden Erik Strong vs. [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] Whiplash...? Your welcome.
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B][CENTER] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/Banner.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Wrestling Whiplash Saturday, May Week 4, 2007 Live from Stanley Hall Attendance: 59[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/ErikStrong.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TrentShaffer.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Erik Strong vs. Trent Shaffer[/SIZE] These two men are no strangers to each other, as in the last three MAW events they have been in the ring together in some fashion. This match was not that much different from their match two months ago. It started with a lot of fast paced action like their previous match, and both men tried everything in their arsenal to attempt to pin the opponents shoulders to the mat. The fans were very into it while they watched both men give it all, and they thought they had seen the end when Erik Strong attempted the Strong Sault off the top, but Shaffer moved and Strong landed on his feet. The two men then charged at each other, and both attempted a crossbody, and they smashed heads in the middle of the ring. The referee then started the ten count, and to the surprise of the fans he actually reached ten and was forced to stop the match. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Draw Match Time: 12:21 Match Rating: D+[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/ErikStrong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TrentShaffer.jpg[/IMG] After the match the two men slowly got up after giving it their all in the matchup. Then Trent Shaffer looked over at Erik Strong with a lot of respect after they took each other to the limit. He then walked over to him and shook his hand, then the two men stood in front of the crowd raising their hands up high in the air, leaving the fans wondering if we just witnessed the creation of a new tag team in Mid Atlantic Wrestling. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Kashmir Singh vs. Oscar Golden[/SIZE] Oscar Golden had the task of taking on the very impressive Kashmir Singh in this match. Singh had only lost two matches in MAW since joining the promotion, once to The Mean Machine, once to Steven Parker. Golden looked to be the third man to beat Singh as he controlled the early part of the match, but it didn’t last long as Singh started slugging his way back into control of the match. He then used some impressive technical skills, and he took Golden down with a big German Suplex before hitting him with a big running half senton. As Golden got back up to his feet Singh scooped him up and spiked him to the mat with the Running Powerslam, and Singh had earned himself another MAW victory. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Kashmir Singh Match Time: 9:44 Match Rating: D[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/Antonio.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]D.C. Rayne vs. Antonio[/SIZE] This match had one half of the Tag Team Champions taking on the winner of the RCI, and the fans were very into finding out if Rayne’s tag team talent could relate to single’s success. Things started off looking very good as he controlled the pace of the majority of the match. But then his singles inexperience started to shine through when Antonio hit him from behind, as Rayne didn’t have his partner there to warn him of the impending impact. Antonio then took over control of the match, hitting a series of quick but deadly kicks to the legs and body of Rayne, capped off with a kick to the kneeling Rayne’s head, followed by the Italian DDT for the victory. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Antonio Match Time: 10:17 Match Rating: D[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] As Antonio is in the ring celebrating D.C. Rayne starts his way back down the aisle, and Eddie Howard comes out from the back, ready for his match. He meets Rayne and gives him a good effort pat on the back, then Rayne pumps Howard up for his match against he debuting Davis Newton, hoping he would have a better result than he had versus Antonio. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DavisNewton.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Eddie Howard vs. Davis Newton[/SIZE] Newton came out for this match, nobody in the crowd really knew what to expect from them. He gave them a shock by coming right at the larger Howard with a series of punches, staggering the big man. Then when Howard went to strike back he avoided the contact and took him down with an amateur wrestling like takedown, followed by a STF, but Howard reached the ropes. Newton then continued to dominate Howard with a series of armbars and leglocks, and the other half of the tag champs was ready to throw in the towel. Newton then attempted to hit his Fisherman’s Suplex on Howard, but he countered the move and rolled up Newton, earning himself a victory even though he was dominated the entire match. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Eddie Howard Match Time: 7:58 Match Rating: D+[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Des Davids vs. The Mean Machine[/SIZE] This match saw two of the men that were involved in the triple threat match for the championship opportunity last month. Machine came out to the ring flaunting the contract in front of Davids. Des did not take to well to this and he exploded at Machine, taking him down, and then he started laying punches into the man who has a title shot over the next eleven months. Davids took out his frustration on him, but the ref ordered him to break the assault. This gave Machine a chance to take advantage, and he controlled the match from there. After a few minutes of control he motioned that it was time for the Mood Swing. When he turned around though Des Davids was charging at him, and he nailed him with the Quarterback Sack, and three seconds later he was the victor. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Des Davids Match Time: 14:31 Match Rating: C-[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] After the match Des Davids grabs a microphone and Machine’s title contract, and he stands over the downed body of Mean Machine. [COLOR="DarkRed"][U][SIZE="3"]Des Davids[/SIZE][/U] Machine, you got lucky when you won this contract, but your luck is about to run out. As you saw tonight, I am capable of physically dominating you inside the ring. So here’s what I’m asking, no, here’s what I’m demanding. At next months event, me and you have a little rematch. This time though, you put your title contract on the line, then when I win it, I’ll be the next Mid Atlantic Champion.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MAW_Championship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Championship Steven Parker © vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/SIZE] This is the match that people have been waiting for since Hernandez won the RCI last year. The two fastest rising stars in MAW history faced off one on one for the biggest prize in the promotion, the title that Steven Parker holds, the Mid Atlantic Championship. The two men met in the center of the ring, and the action was initiated by a Steven Parker shove, and it did not slow down once from there. The two men traded blows for quite some time, and after several mintues neither man had a decisive advantage. All that changed though when Parker hit a chop block on Hernandez, trying to slow down his aerial advantage. Parker then locked in a Figure Four Leglock, but Hernandez refused to give up in this huge matchup that easily. Hernandez was able to fight back up to a vertical base, and the brawl was on from there again. Hernandez then took control, and he headed to the top rope and hit Parker with a flying hurricanrana. After some more slugging referee Jay Fair was knocked down, allowing Parker to go get a steel chair. He got into the ring, took aim and hit Hernandez squarely in the head with it. He then threw the chair out, woke the referee up, and pinned Hernandez for the very cheap three count, but you could feel this rivalry was far from over. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Steven Parker Match Time: 14:44 Match Rating: C[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]OVERALL RATING: C-[/SIZE] [/CENTER][/B][/FONT]
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[B][FONT="Trebuchet MS"] [CENTER]Top Ten After 5 Events[/CENTER] Nimo34............19-10 Midnightnick.....18-11 Emark..............17-12 Dragonmack......17-12 Theoutaw321....17-5 Tigerkinney.......13-9 Gremlinator.......13-11 Chris Caulfield....12-6 Bgbuff..............12-4 smurphy1014......6-0 Best of the Rest: Foolinc, Trypio, Wrestlinggod [/FONT][/B]
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[CENTER][B][FONT="Trebuchet MS"] [SIZE="4"]MAW Summer Kickoff Live From Stanley Hall Saturday, June Week 4, 2007[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Last Chance Match Steven Parker vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/SIZE] At last months Whiplash event, Steven Parker used the aide of a steel chair to defeat Mainstream Hernandez in a Mid Atlantic Wrestling classic. Hernandez was none too happy about losing in the title match like that, and has requested one more chance at Parker. So in this match, if Mainstream Hernandez beats Steven Parker, he gets one more one-on-one match with him for the Mid Atlantic Championship at July's event, Heatwave. [SIZE="3"]Winner Gets the One Year Title Contract The Mean Machine vs. Des Davids[/SIZE] Last month Des Davids took on The Mean Machine in singles action, and after Machine flaunted his title contract, Davids proceeded to physically decimate Machine, showing the promise that so many have said he has. He then challenged Machine to a match at Summer Kickoff for that very contract, and this should make for one of the biggest matches in recent MAW history. [SIZE="3"]Kashmir Singh vs. Antonio The Canadian Blondes vs. Trent Shaffer and Erik Strong Davis Newton vs. D.C. Rayne [/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE] Quick Pick Guide: Last Chance Match: Steven Parker vs. Mainstream Hernandez One Year Contract: The Mean Machine vs. Des Davids Kashmir Singh vs. Antonio The Canadian Blondes vs. Trent Shaffer and Erik Strong Davis Newton vs. D.C. Rayne [/QUOTE]
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There are no real stretches for this show I think. Last Chance Match: Steven Parker vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] One Year Contract: [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Des Davids Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Antonio[/B] The Canadian Blondes vs. [B]Trent Shaffer and Erik Strong[/B] [B]Davis Newton[/B] vs. D.C. Rayne
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Last Chance Match: Steven Parker vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] One Year Contract: The Mean Machine vs. [B]Des Davids[/B] [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Antonio The Canadian Blondes vs. [B]Trent Shaffer and Erik Strong[/B] [B]Davis Newton[/B] vs. D.C. Rayne
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See if I can do better than the first time around. Last Chance Match: Steven Parker vs.[B] Mainstream Hernandez[/B] One Year Contract: The Mean Machine vs.[B] Des Davids[/B] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Antonio[/B] [B]The Canadian Blondes [/B]vs. Trent Shaffer and Erik Strong Davis Newton vs. [B]D.C. Rayne[/B]
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Last Chance Match: Steven Parker vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] One Year Contract: [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Des Davids Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Antonio[/B] [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] vs. Trent Shaffer and Erik Strong [B]Davis Newton[/B] vs. D.C. Rayne
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Last Chance Match: Steven Parker vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] One Year Contract: [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Des Davids Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Antonio[/B] The Canadian Blondes vs. [B]Trent Shaffer and Erik Strong[/B] Davis Newton vs. [B]D.C. Rayne[/B]
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I'm stinking it up with predictions of late, but that's a good thing you're not being predictable.... Last Chance Match: Steven Parker vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [I]Cant see anything other than a Hernandez win here to set up the big title match.[/I] One Year Contract: [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Des Davids [I]Davids' may of won last month but the Mean Machine will get the better of him when it really matters.[/I] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Antonio[/B] [I]Antonio will win via some form of cheating[/I] The Canadian Blondes vs. [B]Trent Shaffer and Erik Strong[/B] [I]A win here will establish the new team of Shaffer and Strong[/I] Davis Newton vs. [B]D.C. Rayne[/B] [I]Rayne will win via 'distraction' from Eddie Howard after Newton completely outclasses one of the tag champs again, possibly building towards a heel turn for Natural Storm.[/I]
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Last Chance Match: Steven Parker vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [I]But not the title[/I] One Year Contract: The Mean Machine vs. [B]Des Davids[/B] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Antonio[/B] The Canadian Blondes vs. [B]Trent Shaffer and Erik Strong[/B] Davis Newton vs. [B]D.C. Rayne[/B]
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B][CENTER] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/Banner.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Summer Kickoff Saturday, June Week 4, 2007 Live from Stanley Hall Attendance: 80[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/TrentShaffer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/ErikStrong.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/FlashSavage.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Shaffer and Strong vs. The Canadian Blondes[/SIZE] This is the first time in MAW history that Shaffer and Strong have been on the same team, but they didn’t show it for one second. They employed great teamwork by isolating one member of the Blondes from the other and not letting him reach his partner throughout the match. They even mixed in their signature high flying offenses in this match. They flowed so well together likely due to their nearly identical in-ring talent. The finish came when Flash Savage charged at both men, but they side stepped him and threw him out of the ring. Strong then took down Oscar Golden with an enzuguri, and then both men headed up top. Shaffer leaped first and nailed a Guillotine Legdrop, followed closely behind by the Strong Sault, and just like that Shaffer and Strong won their first match together. [SIZE="3"]Winners: Shaffer and Strong Match Time: 10:21 Match Rating: D[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DavisNewton.jpg[/IMG] Davis Newton then makes his way out to the ring for his second MAW match, this time against the tag team partner of the man he lost to at last month’s event. [COLOR="Red"][U][SIZE="3"]Davis Newton[/SIZE][/U] My name is Davis Newton, and folks, I’m the greatest wrestler that this shanty of a promotion has ever seen. You saw that last week when I completely destroyed one half of your precious tag team champions, Eddie Howard. Things just didn’t finish the way I planned, but I can get over that. And I plan to get over it in a big way tonight, when I take on Howard’s tag team partner, D.C. Rayne. Buckle yourself in folks, you are about to see a superior wrestling machine go out there and show this chump how it’s done.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DavisNewton.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]D.C. Rayne vs. Davis Newton[/SIZE] D.C. Rayne did not take too kindly to these words, and he came out gunning for young Davis Newton, who has only been considered a professional wrestler for almost three months. Rayne slapped Newton around a little bit, but Newton showed a veteran like poise in the ring, and he turned one of those slaps into a mean armbar, almost forcing Rayne to tap out. Newton did not look back from here. He slugged Rayne around the ring some before locking in a submission move, then he would slug some more. After a big belly to belly he signaled it was over, and he hit Rayne with his signature move, the Fisherman’s Suplex, and he gained his first ever professional win. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Davis Newton Match Time: 9:55 Match Rating: D+[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/Antonio.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Kashmir Singh vs. Antonio[/SIZE] This match featured the winner of the 2007 RCI versus a man that debuted at that very event. Singh has proven a very tough opponent in the last six months, but Antonio was confident that he could get the job done against the man from India. The two were deadlocked in a technical showdown for the first few minutes of the match, but Antonio got the better of that. What he didn’t take into consideration though is the striking ability of Singh. Singh punished Antonio, but he was able to slip out, and he went for the Italian DDT, but Singh was able to roll out of it, then hoisted Antonio up onto his shoulder for the Running Powerslam, which he hit for the big three count, arguably his biggest win to date. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Kashmir Singh Match Time: 14:58 Match Rating: D[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG] The Mean Machine then made his way out to the ring for his big contract defense against Des Davids, but before the match started he had a few things to say. [COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="3"]The Mean Machine[/SIZE][/U] So, you think you all know what is going to happen here tonight because Des got lucky and pinned me in the middle of the ring last week. Let me tell you something, that’s not the first time I’ve lost, not gonna be the last either. But what sets me apart is that I don’t look forward, I don’t look in the past, I focus on the task at hand, and tonight, that task is holding onto this guaranteed title shot. Davids if you want it, you are going to have to come and earn it.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Winner Receives the Guaranteed Title Contract The Mean Machine vs. Des Davids[/SIZE] Before the match Machine handed over the contract to Jay Fair, and this match was underway. The two men each looked to get an early pinfall so that they could take the contract, but it was apparent that it was going to take more than a few rollups to finish this match. Davids controlled the early part of the match with a variety of wear down moves on Machine, headlocks and bear hugs. When it looked like Machine’s lights were about to fade he remembered what this was for and he came roaring back. He then took control of the match with a series of beautiful suplexes, then locked in a figure four leglock on Davids, but he refused to quit. After a rope break Machine charged at Davids, but he avoided the contact, then Davids charged for the Quarterback Sack, but Machine also avoided contract, then waited for Davids to turn, then nailed him with the Mood Swing for the successful defense of his all important title contract. [SIZE="3"]Winner: The Mean Machine Match Time: 13:43 Match Rating: C[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] Steven Parker then made his way out to the ring with the Mid Atlantic Championship draped over his shoulder, fresh off his biggest defense to date against Mainstream Hernandez. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][U]Steven Parker[/U] All month I have heard, Steven, why’d you have to ruin such a great match by using a chair. Blah, blah, blah. You see this shiny piece of gold around my waist, it means I’m the best that MAW has to offer, and I’ll do anything in my power to hold onto it, even if it means slightly bending the rules. But hey, it ain’t cheatin’ if you don’t get caught, and looks like I got away scott free. But tonight is Mainstream’s last chance. He’s loses, he takes his ball and he goes home. He never bothers me as long as I am champion, which is going to be another year if I have anything to say about it. So get that no good bum out here, I want him out of my life.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Last Chance Match Mainstream Hernandez vs. Steven Parker[/SIZE] Mainstream was more serious than he usually is on the way out, he didn’t give any fives, he just got right in the champs face and started swinging. That was the motto of this match, swing hard and swing often. The two men traded punches, and every time Mainstream connected there was a big cheer, and when Parker hit a shot there was a deafening boo. Parker had enough of this eventually and he turned to the area that he had Mainstream beat in, technical wrestling. He hit hold after hold on Hernandez, who was powerless to get out of anything. He did capitalize on a rope break though, and it was like letting a monkey out of his cage. Mainstream started flying around the ring hitting Parker with everything he had, and he looked to put him away until Parker ran him shoulder first into the ringpost. He then lifted Mainstream up to the top for a superplex, but Mainstream shoved him away and lept off the top and hit a huge hurricanrana on Parker, then bridged that into a pinfall, and three seconds later Mainstream was triumphant over the champion, giving him a title shot at next months event, Heatwave. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Mainstream Hernandez Match Time: 18:38 Match Rating: B-[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]FINAL RATING: C[/SIZE] [/CENTER][/B][/FONT]
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[B][FONT="Trebuchet MS"] [CENTER]Top Ten After 6 Events[/CENTER] Nimo34............22-12 Midnightnick.....22-12 Emark.............21-13 Dragonmack.....20-14 Theoutaw321....20-7 Tigerkinney.......16-11 Bfbuff..............14-4 Gremlinator.......13-11 ChrisCaulfield.....12-6 smurphy1014......6-0 Best of the Rest: Foolinc, Trypio, Wrestlinggod , d_w_w Coming up before the next preview will be the six month review of my roster with everybody's popularity and record so that you get a feel of how my talent roster is developing. And I've decided that the standings will run through a year, and then they will reset to give new people a chance to get to the top. [/FONT][/B]
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