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Mid Atlantic Wrestling: A True Underdog Story

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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B] The following is my MAW roster after six months of game time. The numbers and letters along with the wrestler's name is their record in MAW for the year and their popularity in the Mid Atlantic region. [CENTER][SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Wrestling Roster July 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [U][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Main Eventers[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] [COLOR="Blue"]Des Davids[/COLOR]..................2-3...........E+ [COLOR="Blue"]Eddie Howard[/COLOR]...............3-2...........E- [COLOR="Blue"]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR]...4-3...........E+ [COLOR="Red"]Steven Parker[/COLOR]..............5-3...........E [COLOR="Red"]The Mean Machine[/COLOR]........5-3...........E+ [U][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Upper Midcarders[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] [COLOR="Red"]Antonio[/COLOR]......................4-4............E- [COLOR="Blue"]D.C. Rayne[/COLOR].................2-4............E- [COLOR="Blue"]Erik Strong[/COLOR]..................2-2-1........E- [COLOR="Red"]Flash Savage[/COLOR]...............0-3...........E- [COLOR="Red"]Oscar Golden[/COLOR]...............1-3...........F+ [COLOR="Red"]Ricky Douglas[/COLOR]..............0-2...........F [COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR]..............2-1-1........E- [U][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Midcarders[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] [COLOR="Red"]Huey Cannonball[/COLOR]..........0-0...........F [COLOR="Blue"]Kashmir Singh[/COLOR]..............4-2..........E [COLOR="Red"]Mark Smart[/COLOR].................0-1..........F- [COLOR="Red"]Max Mayhem[/COLOR]...............0-1..........F+ [COLOR="Red"]Stan Manna[/COLOR].................1-2.........E- [U][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Lower Midcarders[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] [COLOR="Blue"]Curtis Jenkins[/COLOR]...............0-0.........F [COLOR="Red"]Ryan Turner[/COLOR].................0-0.........F- [COLOR="Red"]Tempest Appleby[/COLOR]..........0-1.........F- [U][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Openers[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] [COLOR="Red"]Davis Newton[/COLOR]...............1-1.........F [U][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Managers[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] [COLOR="Blue"]Nicole Kiss[/COLOR]...................0-0.........E- [U][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Referees[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] [COLOR="Blue"]Jay Fair[/COLOR].......................0-0.........E+ [U][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Road Agents[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] [COLOR="Red"]Rip Chord[/COLOR].....................0-1.........B- [/B][/FONT]
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][CENTER][B] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Wrestling News Brief[/SIZE] Mid Atlantic Wrestling would like to announce that effective immediately all ties have been cut with Huey Cannonball. We would like to wish him all the best in his future endeavors and we would love to see him back inside a MAW ring one day. [/B][/CENTER][/FONT]
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[CENTER][B][FONT="Trebuchet MS"] [SIZE="4"]MAW Heatwave Live From Stanley Hall Saturday, July Week 4, 2007[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Mid Atlantic Championship Steven Parker vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/SIZE] Last month at Summer Kickoff Mainstream Hernandez made the most of his opportunity to gain another title shot at Steven Parker. For two months straight these two have put on two of the best matches that MAW has ever seen, and look for this matchup to put a cap on this great feud with their best match yet, but the question is, who will be walking out of Stanley Hall holding the most prestigious title in MAW? [SIZE="3"]Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Natural Storm vs. The Canadian Blondes[/SIZE] Even though the Blondes lost to the new team of Strong and Shaffer last month, they put in a petition to receive a Tag Team Championship match, and they were granted this match. Will they take back the titles they once held, or will this be the second opportunity they let slip by in recent months? [SIZE="3"]The Mean Machine and Antonio vs. Des Davids and Kashmir Singh Erik Strong vs. Davis Newton [/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE] Quick Pick Guide: Mid Atlantic Title: Steven Parker (c) vs. Mainstream Hernandez Mid Atlantic Tag Team: Natural Storm (c) vs. Canadian Blondes The Mean Machine and Antonio vs. Des Davids and Kashmir Singh Erik Strong vs. Davis Newton [/QUOTE]
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Mid Atlantic Title: Steven Parker (c) vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [I]If it's the end of the feud, time for the belt to change hands?[/I] Mid Atlantic Tag Team: [B]Natural Storm (c)[/B] vs. Canadian Blondes [I]After the Blondes flopped last time, it doesn't seem they'll be picking up the gold.[/I] [B]The Mean Machine and Antonio[/B] vs. Des Davids and Kashmir Singh Erik Strong vs.[B] Davis Newton[/B]
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Mid Atlantic Title: Steven Parker (c) vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [I]Time for someone to end Parker's title reign, and I can't see anyone much better on the roster than Mainstream to do just that.[/I] [B]Mid Atlantic Tag Team:[/B] Natural Storm (c) vs. Canadian Blondes [I]The Blondes lost to the newly formed team of Strong and Shaffer (will they be getting a proper team name ?) , so I don't fancy their chances of taking the tag belts off Natural Storm[/I] [B]The Mean Machine and Antonio[/B] vs. Des Davids and Kashmir Singh [I]Davids and Singh will look stronger throughout the match, but the heels will come away with the victory. This could be a good opportunity to see how Davids and Singh perform as a team, as on paper they look like they could be a good tag unit.[/I] Erik Strong vs. [B]Davis Newton[/B] [I]Newton who got his first win last month, continues his win streak. Newton has all the potential to become a big singles star, where as Strong has 'career mid-carder' written all over him.[/I]
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Mid Atlantic Title: [B]Steven Parker[/B] (c) vs. Mainstream Hernandez Mid Atlantic Tag Team: [B]Natural Storm[/B] (c) vs. Canadian Blondes [B]The Mean Machine and Antonio[/B] vs. Des Davids and Kashmir Singh Erik Strong vs. [B]Davis Newton[/B]
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Mid Atlantic Title: Steven Parker (c) vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Mid Atlantic Tag Team: [B]Natural Storm (c)[/B] vs. Canadian Blondes [B]The Mean Machine and Antonio[/B] vs. Des Davids and Kashmir Singh [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Davis Newton
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Mid Atlantic Title: Steven Parker (c) vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Mid Atlantic Tag Team: [B]Natural Storm[/B] (c) vs. Canadian Blondes The Mean Machine and Antonio vs. [B]Des Davids and Kashmir Singh[/B] Erik Strong vs. [B]Davis Newton[/B]
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B][CENTER] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/Banner.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Wrestling Heatwave Saturday, July Week 4, 2007 Live from Stanley Hall Attendance: 108[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MAW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/FlashSavage.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Natural Storm vs. The Canadian Blondes[/SIZE] Natural Storm headed to the ring looking very confident that they would walk away from this match with their championships, but if the blondes from up north had anything to say about it, they would be two time champions. Natural Storm showed why they are champions as they dominated the start of the match, using great teamwork to isolate the challengers. Without their third member, Huey Cannonball around anymore, the Blondes showed a lack of confidence in this match. Near the end things broke down and the referee lost control and a chair was introduced into play. As Jay Fair was getting the two illegal men out of the ring Oscar Golden threw a chair to Eddie Howard, then fell on the mat, and when the ref turned he saw the smoking gun and had no choice but to disqualify Natural Storm. It was then that all four men realized what happened, and Oscar Golden realized he just got them a win, but kept them from getting the titles. [SIZE="3"]Winners: The Canadian Blondes (Natural Storm retains Gold) Match Time: 12:46 Match Rating: E[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] As Natural Storm leaves the rings with their tag team title reign still intact they point and laugh at the Blondes, because even though they lost the matchup due to the Blondes underhanded tactics, the Blondes outsmarted themselves as they could not capture the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship. As they walked away from the ring it was clear that Oscar Golden had a sickened look on his face as Flash Savage looked very upset at what just took place. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/ErikStrong.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DavisNewton.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Erik Strong vs. Davis Newton[/SIZE] This match saw Erik Strong in his natural element, singles action, after teaming with his new partner Trent Shaffer last month. Strong did not bank on facing a young rookie with such talent though, as Newton brought it to Strong early and very often. He hit some beautiful technical moves, not letting Strong take advantage of some of the best high flying offense that MAW has to offer. Strong eventually broke free of the oppressive offense of Newton and hit some quick moves, but as Strong was waiting for the Strong Sault, Newton came up behind him and clubbed him in the back and drilled him with a neckbreaker, taking him off the top. Newton then locked in a nasty crossface and Strong was forced to tap out. [SIZE="3"]Winner: Davis Newton Match Time: 9:47 Match Rating: C-[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG] The Mean Machine and Antonio head out to the ring for their match with Des Davids and Kashmir Singh. Before the match though Machine grabs a microphone from ringside and tells Antonio to go stand in the corner while he addresses the crowd, which Antonio obediently agreed with. [COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="3"]The Mean Machine[/SIZE][/U] How many times do I have to tell all you people, I am the greatest wrestler that has ever graced a Mid Atlantic Wrestling ring. I proved it once again last month when I beat that no good Des Davids to keep a hold of my title contract, and after me and Antonio beat him and that man from India then that will send Davids back to the football field where he belongs. I hear the Panthers need a guy to wash their dirty jock straps, he’d be perfect for that. After we make short work of this duo here tonight then whoever wins the title match tonight better be looking over their shoulder, because they should know that The Mean Machine could be lurking around every corner ready to pounce.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/Antonio.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Des Davids and Kashmir Singh vs. The Mean Mahcine and Antonio[/SIZE] Right out of the gate this match had no organization as Davids went straight after Machine and Singh went straight for Antonio. For the first few minutes the four men brawled around the ringside area as Jay Fair let the men brawl it out, knowing that’s what the fans wanted to see. Machine and Davids finally made it into the ring and order seemed to be restored, if only for a moment. After a cheap move from Machine things broke down again, this time with Davids and Machine brawling all the way to the back. That left Singh and Antonio in the ring, and with Antonio watching the action Davids caught him from behind, but Antonio slipped out of an attempted reverse DDT. He then hooked Singh’s arm behind his back and nailed the Italian DDT for the victory. [SIZE="3"]Winners: Antonio and The Mean Machine Match Time: 11;55 Match Rating: D+[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] With the main event next Mainstream Hernandez makes his way out to the ring, hoping to capture his first championship in his time in Mid Atlantic Wrestling. He gets in the ring to a standing ovation, then grabs the microphone before Steven Parker can make his way out to the ring. [COLOR="DarkBlue"][SIZE="3"][U]Mainstream Hernandez[/U][/SIZE] I’m going to keep this short and sweet, because I want to capture my first title reign sooner than later. Tonight myself and Steven Parker will push each other to the limit, you all are going to see a great match, no doubt about that. But don’t expect to see Steven walking towards the back with his championship still around his waist, because tonight you will see the dawning of a new age in MAW, the Age of Mainstream.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MAW_Championship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Championship Steven Parker vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/SIZE] As soon as the bell rang for the biggest match in the history of Mid Atlantic Wrestling these two fierce competitors went straight after each other, and the crowd was going crazy the entire time. They brawled back and forth for a solid five to ten minutes before Parker was able to get the upper hand and put in a few rest holds on Hernandez, effectively wearing the challenger down while Parker was able to recharge his battery. This lasted for several minutes, until the fans started up a Mainstream chant and he began to fight back against the champion, until he was up to a vertical base and was able to take Parker down. The floodgates opened from there, Mainstream started flying around the ring hitting Parker with high impact, fast striking moves that caught the champion off guard. Hernandez then went up top and attempted a cross body on Parker, but he was able to move, then he got Mainstream up on his shoulders for the Future Shock. Hernandez quickly slipped off of his shoulders and hit Parker with a nasty lung blower, then headed to the top. Hernandez flew off the top with a moonsault, but Parker moved again, but this time Mainstream landed on his feet. Whenever Parker got up Hernandez was waiting for him and nailed him with a superkick, then fell on top of him and got the three count, and MAW had a new champion for the first time in a year. [SIZE="3"]Winner and NEW Mid Atlantic Champion: Mainstream Hernandez Match Time: 30:04 Match Rating: C[/SIZE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] After the match the crowd went absolutely crazy as Mainstream Hernandez ran around the ring holding the Mid Atlantic Championship high over his head. He even went into the crowd to celebrate. And as the show was about to be over he stood squarely in the middle of the ring and held the title up high, but then Steven Parker emerged from behind him holding of all things, a ladder. He then charged, and Mainstream turned around just in time to catch the ladder right in the face. Parker then took the title he held for a year and set the ladder up, and he scaled it and hung the ladder from a hook that had lowered from the ceiling. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][U][SIZE="3"]Steven Parker[/SIZE][/U] Mainstream, you may have gotten the best of me tonight, but if you really want that title, then next month you are going to have to scale these rungs of this ladder and get this championship, because in exactly one month, I’m cashing in my rematch clause. It’s going to be me and you, for the Mid Atlantic Championship, LADDER MATCH![/COLOR] [SIZE="4"]FINAL RATING: D+[/SIZE] [/CENTER][/B][/FONT]
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[B][FONT="Trebuchet MS"] [CENTER]Top Ten After 7 Events[/CENTER] Nimo34............24-14 Midnightnick.....24-14 Emark.............23-15 Dragonmack.....23-15 Theoutaw321....20-7 Tigerkinney.......19-12 Bfbuff..............14-4 Gremlinator.......13-11 ChrisCaulfield.....12-6 d_w_w..............6-3 Best of the Rest: smurphy1014, foolinc, trypio, wrestlinggod [/FONT][/B]
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][CENTER][B] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Wrestling News Brief[/SIZE] News is coming out from Mid Atlantic Champion Mainstream Hernandez today that he has signed a pay-per-apperance deal to wrestle for Sam Strong's USPW. This will be his main promotion now as MAW falls to number two, followed by CZCW. It is good that he will be getting more work, but MAW is starting to worrry that it is only a matter of time before he is taken away from them. This week marked the last day of Curtis Jenkins' contract with MAW, and seeing as they have not used him lately they just let the contract run out. Big things are happening for Rip Chord Invatational participant Darryl Devine. He signed with SWF shortly before participating in his only MAW event, and now he has captured the SWF All-Action title. Congratulations to Darryl and good luck to him in his future time in SWF. Finally some good news is coming out regarding MAW this week. In July CZCW suddenly fired one of the faces of their promotion, Fox Mask. Well now it appears that Fox Mask has signed a contract with Mid Atlantic Wrestling, and he will be making his debut at the August event, Freefall. [/B][/CENTER][/FONT]
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[CENTER][B][FONT="Trebuchet MS"] [SIZE="4"]MAW Freefall Live From Stanley Hall Saturday, August Week 4, 2007[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Mid Atlantic Championship Ladder Match Mainstream Hernandez vs. Steven Parker[/SIZE] Last month at Heatwave Mainstream Hernandez realized his dream that he had ever since he joined MAW, he won the Mid Atlantic Championship. In a thirty minute marathon with the champion Steven Parker, Mainstream showed why he should be the headliner of the promotion, and he won the title with a thundering superkick. But his celebration was short lived when Parker took him out with a ladder, setting up this epic encounter between these two bitter rivals in a ladder match for the biggest prize in MAW. [SIZE="3"]Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Natural Storm vs. Aerial Assault (Strong and Shaffer)[/SIZE] Trent Shaffer and Erik Strong recently chose a team name, Aerial Assault, and now can they ride this newly found team unity to become just the third set of tag champions MAW have ever seen, or does the experience of Natural Storm still trump the talent of Aerial Assault. [SIZE="3"]Final Encounter Des Davids vs. The Mean Machine Fox Mask (MAW Debut) vs. Max Mayhem Kashmir Singh vs. Davis Newton [/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE] Quick Pick Guide: Ladder Match for the Title: Mainstream Hernandez (c) vs. Steven Parker Mid Atlantic Tag Team: Natural Storm (c) vs. Aerial Assault Des Davids vs. The Mean Machine Fox Mask vs. Max Mayhem Kashmir Singh vs. Davis Newton [/QUOTE]
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Ladder Match for the Title: [B]Mainstream Hernandez (c)[/B] vs. Steven Parker [I]Too soon to lose the title unless he received a contract by SWF or so.[/I] Mid Atlantic Tag Team: [B]Natural Storm (c)[/B] vs. Aerial Assault [I]Hmm... normally I'd say AA, but since NS lost to the blondes I think the blondes will get another (perhaps successful) title shot on one of your next shows against NS.[/I] Des Davids vs. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] [I]After all he is the greatest wrestler that has ever graced a Mid Atlantic Wrestling ring. :)[/I] [B]Fox Mask[/B] vs. Max Mayhem [I]Cool new addition to your roster. He just can't lose this one, not clean at least.[/I] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Davis Newton[/B] [I]He doesn't seem to lose.[/I]
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Ladder Match for the Title: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] (c) vs. Steven Parker Mid Atlantic Tag Team: [B]Natural Storm[/B] (c) vs. Aerial Assault Des Davids vs. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] [B]Fox Mask[/B] vs. Max Mayhem Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Davis Newton[/B]
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Ladder Match for the Title: [B]Mainstream Hernandez (c)[/B] vs. Steven Parker Mid Atlantic Tag Team: Natural Storm (c) vs. [B]Aerial Assault[/B] [B]Des Davids[/B] vs. The Mean Machine [B]Fox Mask [/B]vs. Max Mayhem Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Davis Newton[/B]
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Ladder Match for the Title: [B]Mainstream Hernandez (c)[/B] vs. Steven Parker [I]It think Trypio hit the nail on the head with this, it’s too soon to lose the title, but if one of the big-boys (SWF/TCW) come in for him he may well have to drop it back to Parker. I’ll go with the general consensus and tip Mainstream to retain but a Parker win wouldn’t shock me here either[/I]. Mid Atlantic Tag Team: [B]Natural Storm (c[/B]) vs. Aerial Assault [I]I already prefer Aerial Assault already as team than Natural Storm and I think they will be future tag champs but I can’t see them winning the titles after only their first attempt and only being together as a team for a couple of months.[/I] Des Davids vs. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] [I]This one could go either way , you’ve been gradually building Davids as a genuine force in MAW, but Jean ‘Mean Machine’ Cattley is the heart and soul of the promotion (despite being a heel) and has the Title shot to cash in. Because of the ‘Title shot’ I believe that you would want to keep Cattley looking strong. David’s time in the main event scene could well come but for now he’ll have to make do with being that guy who just comes up a little short.[/I] [B]Fox Mask[/B] vs. Max Mayhem There’s not way that Fox Mask loses here, but Fox Mask being dropped by CZCW that’s a real shocker…he IS CZCW. Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Davis Newton[/B] [I]Two young blue-chippers with a good future, but Newton despite being a rookie is the one that has ‘main event’ star written all over him.[/I]
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