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4C: The Underground Alternative

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Okay, my name's Maddox. It's my last name. But that's not why I'm writing this down. I'm a wrestling internet smark. Yes, the lowest of the low. A kid from Massachusetts who spends too much time on the web, reading about SWF spoilers, and who's getting pushed where. I write a little blog in which I speak about the wrestling world in general. I watch all the indies. Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, New York Championship Wrestling, The Coastal Zone, all of them. Recently, I stumbled on a company called 4C. That stands for Canadian Charisma Championship Combat, which I thought was just about the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. But... I still watched the tapes. And I fell in love. I mean, my old favorite was CZCW. The all out action appealed to me, because I'm a spot fanatic. Yeah, it doesn't get many points in the smark community, but to me a Shooting Star Press off the top of a cage, taking out five other guys is the most amazing thing. Ever. Anyway, I wrote a blog up, raving about 4C. And I got a few responses, mostly "o u suck faggot dick ass" from the kind of people who write like that. But I got a couple positive comments, from rabid 4C fans. The company's got an underground fanbase, and they seem to reed the Maddox Missive. I went to sleep that night, not thinking anything of it. And when I was woken up in the middle of a night by a phone call, I still didn't think anything of it. "Hello?" "Kid? You want a job?' Now, I was confused. I didn't know who this guy was, it was two A.M., and I'm just a bit hungover. But I'm also unemployed, so I said... "Yeah." "Welcome to 4C, biatch. We're the underground, and you've been drafted. My name's Troy Winner, I'm your boss." "4C's in Canada! I'm sixteen! And why the heck are you calling me?" "A long story, involving a goat, moonshine, poker and Dan Stone. And body mass." "How am I gonna get there?" "I'm outside your window with a car, biatch." Now that woke me up. I looked out my window with the phone to my ear. I saw a car idling on the road, but no Troy Winner. "Kid, look down." Ah. That just makes the loonybin. My new boss, the head of 4C, the king of the underground. Is no more then three and a half feet tall. "I'm in." Why the hell not?
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I got to Ontario three hours later, sleep deprived, and now definitely hungover. The early sun throbbed in my eyes as I pulled into a parking lot that was marked with an "X" on the map. The map was also covered with X's over each Hooter's location in the Northeastern United States, and all of Canada. Mr. Winner seemed to be a ladies man. At least, I say that because of the snoring woman in the backseat. Troy was snoring next to me where I had dumped him after he passed out at the wheel going ninety-five. We almost hit a sheep. I had grabbed the wheel, somehow dislodged his foot from the gas, and coasted for a good half-mile on the shoulder before we stopped. Then I took over. Yes, it was an eventful night here in my world. As the car bounced to a spot on the gravel, I noticed the dilapidated shape of the building I was pulling up to. A few other cars were in the lot, and a sign said "Windsor Arena Hall - The Home of 4C." So I seemed to be in the right place. The jolting of the lot shook Troy awake, and he grunted sleepily, opened his eyes and winced. A wince that shook me to the core. "Who the hell are you?" Damn. That's just not good. "I'm Maddox sir, the guy you hired last night." "Whaz that? I didn't hire nobody!" "Yeah, you did. Sorry. I've got a contract." I actually did have a contract. Made up on the back of... um... what I believed to be the panties of the woman behind me, I had a contract that read. [I]This guy is the booker of 4C. I don't know his name.[/I] And I quote. Under that, Troy and I signed. Mr. Winner's signature was a looping scrawl that looked impossible to duplicate. Me, mine was second-grade cursive. Looking. I'm not in second grade. That was at least two years ago. Joke. Or is it? Anyway, Troy Winner looked it over, wincing at the sun every so often as the blonde slumbered behind us. I cannot express how surreal the scene was. But I bet you understand that. The midget, the drunk girl (who I now noticed was wearing the trademark orange shorts) and me. The head booker of the seemingly motley-company known, as 4C.
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"Alright biatch, this seems to be in order." Whew. I thought he would punch me in the balls. Not that I've thought about that. Not at all. "Come on in and meet the boys." As the chick slept on in the car, Troy and I exited. We walked into the arena, past what appeared to be a smoldering trash can, and up a flight of stairs. And another flight of stairs. And another flight of stairs. And another flight of stairs. And another flight of stairs. And another flight of stairs. And another flight of stairs. And another flight of stairs. And another flight of stairs. And another flight of stairs. And another flight of stairs. And another flight of stairs. And another flight of stairs. And another flight of stairs. And so on. There were a lot of f***ing stairs. Now, this means I must explain the technique used by Mr. Troy Winner, head of 4C, to climb up these stairs. He grabbed the top with his arm, and pulled himself up like you or I would exit a pool. Damn, the midget's ripped! Wait, I can hear you thinking "stairs aren't that high, there's no way he'd need to do that." These stairs were. These were like pyramid stairs. They were, to take a word from Troy Winner, a biatch. So we climbed and climbed, and reached a door with a... a... cat taped to the door. Shaved into it's fur was "4C Headquarters." The cat blinked and meowed at us as we passed. Oh yes, this cat was very much alive. "Don't mind Rampien, he's always in the way, and the sign fell down. So I grabbed the cat. But now the f***ing mice are taking over. It's a problem." I felt the pressure of a thousand beady little eyes on me as I passed through the hallways. Damn, I hate mice. Little, crawly, [I]fuzzy[/I], cute, evil, malicious, stuarty, mice. Damn. "Here's your office. The boys are inside waiting for you." I stepped inside, and was grabbed from behind. "What's the capital of Djbouti?" I knew that! Thank you, stupid quirks of capitals! "Djbouti!" "Wrong! It's D. Idiot." That's how I met Joey Poison. I was spun around to meet the eyes of a man with distinctively colored hair, a big frame, and a maniac's grin. "Hahaha! I'm so glad you're here!" "Why?" "The mice... they're planning to revolt. I hear their cries on the voices of the spiders." Ah. Lovely. This was their head booker before me? "Roster and other stuff on the table. Show in an hour. Watch for the mice." Mice? What mic.... ONE HOUR!
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Okay. One hour to think, one hour to plan stories, feuds, shows... all of that. Damn, I'm in a tight spot. Deep breath... deeeeep breath. Okay, look at the natural progression of 4C. Jett and Poison... the top two stars in the company. One heel, one face. From what I can tell, some good matches between them. Book it. And... to spice things up, and let Jett be Jett... ladder match! And a 4C Championship def Next... okay, we've got another title here, the 4C Hardcore Championship... held by Brett Fraser. And according to our scouts, Sayeed Ali's a good hardcore guy too... let's throw them in a bout. And... an idea popped into my head. I wrote down on the piece of paper Air Attack Weasal, a guy the scouts say is a spot monkey, versus Too Hot, another spot monkey. For the right to face a mystery opponent next week. Week? That's right. On the desk was a press release, announcing that 4C would begin weekly shows titled 4C Presents... Extreme Weekly. Yeah, we're gonna burn out our cash supply, but hopefully enough people watch that we can break even. Or even make a profit! Huzzah! So, here's the card again. (Predictions Welcome. CONTEST.) [QUOTE] [B]4C Presents... Extreme Weekly (January Week 1, 2007)[/B] [B]For The Right To Face A Mystery Opponent[/B] Air Attack Weasel vs. Too Hot [B]4C Hardcore Championship[/B] Brett Fraser © vs. Sayeed Ali [B]4C Championship[/B] Joey Poison © vs. Jacob Jett (Ladder Match)[/QUOTE]
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4C is my favorite promotion and like a true mark for a cult promotion I'm gonna heckle you when you put guys I don't like in matches :). Before his upgrade in skill Steve Flash would be my recommendation for an immediate hire but now he costs to much. When you hit Regional though go after him like there's no tomorrow. A Psychology, A Selling, A Respect and better than average ring skills in most areas. For The Right To Face A Mystery Opponent [B]Air Attack Weasel[/B] vs. Too Hot [I]Too Hot is Too Green to take a win. He needs a tag team partner and some skill increase before being a threat to anyone. On a side note I lucked out with tag chemistry with him and Weasel once. I know Chem changes every came but you might want to try it.[/I] 4C Hardcore Championship Brett Fraser © vs. [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] [I]Ali is by far the better worker and your fans are gonna rag on Brett soemthing awful so giving Ali the title is your best bet. Nomad is the only other guy on your roster with enough Hardcore skill to hold the title so you may want to hire some more Hardcore workers.[/I] 4C Championship [B]Joey Poison ©[/B] vs. Jacob Jett (Ladder Match) [I]Jett's great I just like Poison better. On top of that You'll proabbly lose Jett early on.[/I]
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[CENTER][B]4C Presents... Extreme Weekly Tuesday, Week 1, January 2007 Windsor Arena Hall (196 Fans)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Air Attack Weasel defeated Too Hot[/B] The match was open as these two quick high-fliers entertain the crowd. Air Attack Weasel is more fundamentally sound then Too Hot, but Hot's more flashy. So, the combination works well. And they're pretty cheap. Lovely. Anyway, after Too Hot misses the Heat Seeking Missile, Air Attack Weasel capitalizes with an Air Attack Ace for the win. (E) Jacob Jett stalks out to the ring, promo on his mind. Now, before this begins, I'd like to warn you. Jacob Jett's promos are... different to say the least. And this is a pretty good example. Jett comes out, strutting around, playing to the crowd, before picking up a microphone and raising it to his lips. The fans scream in anticipation as "Amazing" shows his skills on the mic. Jacob Jett: [COLOR="Blue"]"Joey Poiiiison... Joey Poiiiisooon. Jacob Jett's coming for you Poison. I hear you aren't the head booker anymore Joey. I heard its some American kid Joey. What do you feel about that Joey? Why do you think it happened? It couldn't be because you kept booking yourself over me Poison! Could it? Maybe the fans realized that "Amazing" Jacob Jett is the reason they take their hard-earned cash here, and spend it on our shows. But no... Joey Poiiison needs his second title reign. And he's got the power to do it. Now Poiiison, someone else makes the rules. And fans, that's why you should be hyped for tonight's match. Because Joey... Poiiiison no longer runs the show. Now say my name![/COLOR] The crowd shouts "Amazing!" before Jett struts off to wild applause. (D-) [B]Brett Fraser © defeated Sayeed Ali to retain the 4C Hardcore Championship[/B] These two engage in a typical hardcore brawlfest, complete with chairs, tables, and all of the above. Fraser comes out without his typical ****y attitude, instead wearing a shirt with the Canadian Flag on it, and his trademark moose hunting hat. Ali's waiting in the ring, and he takes the fight right to Fraser, who gives as good as he gets. The two brawl in the ring until Ali rolls to the outside. He grabs a chair, and swings it at Fraser. But Fraser wrests it away, and cracks Ali over the head with it. He then drops it, grabs the staggered Ali, and hits the Double Arm DDT onto the chair for the win. As Fraser celebrates, a man dressed in an impeccable suit steps out to the ring. Honest Frank: [COLOR="Red"]Bravo Brett Fraser! Bravo! My name is Honest Frank, and I'd like to congratulate you on your successful title defense. Now, I'm a man of my word, and I'd like to polish your belt for you in honor of your success. Please?[/COLOR] Fraser takes out a polishing cloth, and raises his arms pleadingly. Fraser looks around, then walks over and places the belt into the arms of Honest Frank. Frank begins to rub for a second, but as he polishes, he begins to laugh. Fraser takes a step back in alarm, and Honest Frank smacks him in the head with the belt, dropping him to the mat. Frank runs away as Andy Gordy runs over to revive the fallen champion. (E-) [B]Joey Poison defeated Jacob Jett to retain the 4C Championship in a ladder match[/B] This was a great contest that'll probably be the height of our main events for months to come. Actually, I hope not, but I expect it. Jett used the ladder for several breathtaking highspots, including a Shooting Star Press to the arena floor below. Jett's a house of fire in the ring, and he can really go. But Joey Poison's too smart tonight. He manages to roll out of the way of a Jett Take Off from the top, and as Jett crashes and burns, Poison manages to retrieve his belt and keep his title. (D) [B]Overall Show: D-[/B]
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[QUOTE]As Fraser celebrates, a man dressed in an impeccable suit steps out to the ring. Honest Frank: Bravo Brett Fraser! Bravo! My name is Honest Frank, and I'd like to congratulate you on your successful title defense. Now, I'm a man of my word, and I'd like to polish your belt for you in honor of your success. Please? Fraser takes out a polishing cloth, and raises his arms pleadingly. Fraser looks around, then walks over and places the belt into the arms of Honest Frank. Frank begins to rub for a second, but as he polishes, he begins to laugh. Fraser takes a step back in alarm, and Honest Frank smacks him in the head with the belt, dropping him to the mat. Frank runs away as Andy Gordy runs over to revive the fallen champion. (E-)[/QUOTE] OH MY GOD!!!! I can't believe someone else is actually using Honest Frank outside of NYCW !!! Something to consider. There is a canadian worker, Dirty Frank, who is unsigned and has decent overness in Canada for a small company. I have always wanted to team him and Honest Frank together in a tag team. Something like Totally Frank or Perfectly Frank would be a cool team name. That might be a good team for 4C as Dirty Frank has decent ring skills and Honest Frank has decent mike skills.
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As I burst into the office of Troy Winner following a triumphant show. (At least in my mind), I could hear the crowd booing the champion Joey Poison. But that was a good thing I suppose, so it's all relative. "Siddown biatch." That's Mr. Winner for you, all smiles and giggles. Remember, this is much, much funnier if you remember the height difference here. (I'm about 6"0') "We lost about 3,761 dollars on that show kid. Almost 4,000 dollars! Canadian!" "Isn't American worse?" "Shuddup, and don't try my patience. I was against this weekly show business from the start, but Joey and Jenny (he indicated the blonde, who was still wearing the orange shorts) convinced me that gaining popularity would lead to more dough. But damn! That's a hell of a loss!" "Yeah, I know Mr. Winner. But as 4C gets more of an audience, we'll begin to make money. I know it. And if we get in trouble, we'll cut back." "Alright, as long as we're aren't in debt in two years, then you're outta here." "What else'll get me fired Mr. Winner?" "I've only got three more rules. We gotta be more popular here in Ontario so I get better treatment at La Cherch De Femme downtown. And the last one's a combo deal: we run a tough product here, so no old guys, let's say... older then 42, and no guys who aren't more athletic then a D on our scout's scale." "Who is our scout, anyway?" "He's a guy in a chicken suit. Runs around, works at indy shows. But he's a smarty." "Great." "Alright kid, get to booking." "On my way." I sat back down at my desk. Okay, whadda we got to set. Um... we've got the mystery man versus Weasel set up, that oughta be good. Then... I brought in Raphael of RIPW fame, when he showed up saying that he's moved back home with his mama, and he wants a job up here. I obliged, 'cause I know he's good in the ring, and a great bad guy to boot. Let's debut him against... Nomad. That seems like a good combo. They both got that kind of long, straight hair. And... main event... main event. Well, on that press release, it also said that we were instituting a rankings system, to come out monthly, as well as a "three wins in a row, and you get a title shot rule." Well, let's get someone on the path. Kingman vs. Jett. Let the chicken guy decide the winner. [QUOTE][B]4C Presents... Extreme Weekly (January, Week 2, 2007)[/B] [B] Mystery Opponent Match[/B] Air Attack Weasel vs. ??? [B] Debut Match[/B] Nomad vs. Raphael [B] Singles Match[/B] Barry Kingman vs. Jacob Jett [/QUOTE] And... on to Week 2! Cheap beer ahoy!
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;269048]OH MY GOD!!!! I can't believe someone else is actually using Honest Frank outside of NYCW !!! Something to consider. There is a canadian worker, Dirty Frank, who is unsigned and has decent overness in Canada for a small company. I have always wanted to team him and Honest Frank together in a tag team. Something like Totally Frank or Perfectly Frank would be a cool team name. That might be a good team for 4C as Dirty Frank has decent ring skills and Honest Frank has decent mike skills.[/QUOTE] Hmm... interesting. Honest Frank may need a lackey... And our matches really can't get worse... I will take the idea... and steal it! Bwahahahahaha! Ha. Damn, now it's not a surprise.
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Mystery Opponent Match Air Attack Weasel vs. [B]???[/B] [I]I invoke the mystery opponent cluase. Stating that a mystery opponent almost always wins.[/I] Debut Match Nomad vs. [B]Raphael[/B] [I]Raphael will win on his debut and he's got a good enough psychology to carry others so he'd win in terms of raw skill. Since he'll be low on your roster you may want to consider tagging him with some one to get he psychology rub.[/I] Singles Match Barry Kingman vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] [I]Jett moves toward a rematch.[/I] Actually what I want to see is the debut of the guy in the chicken suit.
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4C Presents... Extreme Weekly (January, Week 2, 2007) Mystery Opponent Match Air Attack Weasel vs. [B]???[/B] [I]interested to see who it is. i like weasel, but he's not the kind of guy who can carry a promotion, but he'd be good in building stars.[/I] Debut Match [B]Nomad[/B] vs. Raphael [I]toss up here. i like them both as lower to midcarders, but since i use u.s. based promtions, nomad is never over enough to justify a win, so i'm choosing him here.[/I] Singles Match Barry Kingman vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] [I]i'm partial to jacob jett. 'nuff said.[/I]
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[CENTER][B]4C Presents... Extreme Weekly Tuesday, Week 2, January 2007 Windsor Arena Hall (185 Fans)[/B][/CENTER] The show opens with Terry Smith hyping the show we have for you tonight, spending special time on the debut of two men, the mystery opponent and Raphael. He also speaks of the main event between Barry Kingman and Jacob Jett. The crowd eats up the card for this weeks action, having a strong cult audience will do that for ya. You know? (E) Then, the lights dim. A man steps out from behind the curtain. The crowd hushes, and... it's Mainstream Hernandez! As most of the people here are smart marks of one kind or another, he gets a nice pop from the fans. They know him from his time in Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, and a great Rip Chord Invitational. (E-) He grabs a mic. Mainstream: [COLOR="Blue"]"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Mainstream Hernandez, and I am here to bring 4C to the Mainstream! Now, some of you cult fans may think of that as a bad thing, but trust me, I can go in the ring. I've proven it to the fans in Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, and I'll prove it you as well. In fact, tonight I'll prove it to you, as I go one on one with Air Attack Weasel! Right Now!"[/COLOR] (E) [B]Mainstream Hernandez defeated Air Attack Weasel[/B] Apupunchau was right to invoke the clause of the mystery opponent. Weasel is here to make Mainstream look good, and like a good company man he does so. That's why we love our Weasel. That came out wrong. Anyway, Weasel gets some offense as a reward, but the end of the match comes when Mainstream dodges the Air Attack Ace, and hits the Apparition #14 for the victory. (E+) The camera cuts backstage to a vignette staring the newest addition to the 4C roster, Raphael. He's drying, fluffing, and styling his hair as he speaks to the mirror. Raphael: [COLOR="Red"]"4C, you're looking at the best looking face in pro wrestling. And you lucky few are blessed enough to see it tonight. You know, I'm so damn hot that anyone in the audience, man or woman, wants a shot at this.[/COLOR] Raphael turns to the camera and ****s an eyebrow. Raphael:[COLOR="Red"] "You want a shot, don't you Nomad?"[/COLOR] (E) [B]Nomad defeated Raphael[/B] Raphael comes out to the ring, if I may borrow a phrase, styling and profiling. Nomad walks out to a hard rock riff that gets every mark in the audience to leap to their feet. The two lock up with a will, leading to a match that blends together all the styles of wrestling. Nomad's a stiff worker, and Raphael takes some good shots during the match. Just paying his dues, I'm sure. Nomad hits the Drift Shift for the victory. (E) Raphael throws a tantrum after the loss, ripping off the turnbuckle covers, screaming at referee Chad Brent, and generally tossing a hissy fit. Nomad turns around, gives him a wink, and jams to an air guitar solo. This sends Raphael into an even greater frenzy, and security has to eventually come down and escort him to the back. (F+) Before the main event, Terry Smith walks out to the center of the ring, and explains the new "three wins = a title shot" system placed into effect by 4C management. (That's me!) Basically, all that needs to happen, is for you to win three matches in a row. It's that simple. Win three in a row, and you get a shot. Of course, it's up to the brass how you get that shot, but rest assured, you will get it. [B]Jacob Jett defeated Barry Kingman[/B] Sorry, this is a booking decision necessitated by the fact that Jacob Jett's truly the only guy I've got a great read on his character. Poison to a lesser extent, and Raphael just below that. Kingman, for all his struggles in the business, has never come up with a compelling visage. And it hurts him, especially here. Jett in eighteen minutes with the Jett Take Off. (D-) [B]Overall Show: E+[/B]
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I met with Troy Winner backstage after the show. There were orange shorts sitting on the desk, but the blonde was nowhere in sight. Damn, the midget's getting more action then me. That... that's just f***ing typical. "Ya know biatch, this was a pretty good show. Lower costs, only 3,562 dollars lost, and a nice main event. But... what's the deal with the American's, and guys from the outside? You don't think Joey was a good judge of talent?" "No Mr. Winner, I think he was. He brought in Jett, and that man's got real skills. I just think we need some guys with the tools to shine in the 4C world, and I brought them in. Now, we need to just get them over. Plus, the roster still has guys like Slim V and Hardcore Killah. For chrissakes, you can't do better then that?" "Hey, they're gangsta." As surreal as it was to hear a canadian midget say "gangsta" with the mice scuttling around over your shoes, I had more pressing matters. I stepped out of Troy's office, and heard this being called to me. "Hey biatch, the next show's in Quebec!" Quebec? Damn, another car ride with the sleeping drunk brigade. Freakin' Lovely. Anyway, down to booking. As Troy drove to Quebec on a specially modified car seat (don't call it a booster seat), the boys in tow, I sat down and puzzled out next week's show. Okay, another guy's coming in. He should be the last major addition to the crew... so let's stick him against Too Hot. Good jobber welcoming committee. Alright, let's get Honest Frank some action. Him versus Brett Fraser, title on the line. Good, that'll continue the feud nicely. And... Poison will defend the belt against... Phenomenal E. As an indy promotion extrordinare., the rule of thumb is to get the people outside your home base introduced to the champ. So we'll introduce the man. [QUOTE][B]4C Presents... Extreme Weekly (January, Week 3, 2007)[/B] [B]Debut Match[/B] Remmy Skye vs. Too Hot [B]4C Hardcore Championship[/B] Brett Fraser © vs. Honest Frank (In Possession Of The Belt) [B]4C Championship[/B] Joey Poison © vs. Phenomenal E[/QUOTE] See ya in Quebec!
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Debut Match [B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Too Hot [I]Skye wins his debut match.[/I] 4C Hardcore Championship Brett Fraser © vs. [B]Honest Frank[/B] (In Possession Of The Belt) [I]The crowded boos the hell out of Fraser and Frank gets the belt.[/I] 4C Championship [B]Joey Poison ©[/B] vs. Phenomenal E [I]Big E isn't high enough on the card yet to warrent a title.[/I]
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Not a huge fan of the backstory, but once the matches started I enjoy them. They're quick and fun write-up, get a bit more characterization into the write-ups (like you're getting with Troy Winner) and you'll have a strong diary. [b]Remmy Skye[/b] - no brainer as you called Too Hot your resident welcome wagon job boy. [b]Brett Fraser[/b] - wins but Honest Frank keeps possession of the belt. [b]Joey Poison[/b] - as I can't see doing a title change in Quebec even if it would be a surprise.
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[QUOTE=Beeker;269187]Not a huge fan of the backstory, but once the matches started I enjoy them. They're quick and fun write-up, get a bit more characterization into the write-ups (like you're getting with Troy Winner) and you'll have a strong diary. [b]Remmy Skye[/b] - no brainer as you called Too Hot your resident welcome wagon job boy. [b]Brett Fraser[/b] - wins but Honest Frank keeps possession of the belt. [b]Joey Poison[/b] - as I can't see doing a title change in Quebec even if it would be a surprise.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I mean, who, short of promotions that call Quebec home, would ever have a title change hands anywhere in [B]Quebec[/B] :p
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On another note ... this diary might inspire me to return to my original CVerse love ... 4C (running a game with a custom promotion right now ... started small and in Ontario, competiting with 4C at first ... now I'm almost at the point where I can make them my, ahem, biatch so to speak)
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[B][CENTER]4C Presents... Extreme Weekly Tuesday, Week 3, January 2007 Windsor Arena Hall (92 Fans) [/CENTER][/B] The show opens with a weird looking man with multi-colored hair standing in the center of the ring. No, not the normal weird looking man with multi-colored hair, a different one. He raises a microphone to his lips, and begins to speak. Remmy Skye: [COLOR="Red"]"Hello kiddies, my name is Remmy Skye. I am the man with the plan who is not named Stan. When the aliens are not eating my brain, I like to jump off twelve foot ladders onto a mat below. I often miss my opponents, but the pain makes it fun. I like cookies, rainbows, and anguish. I am here to take 4C by sunshine and fluffiness. And warfare. Hehe. Have a great day munchkins, I've got a match to win."[/COLOR] (D-) [B]Remmy Skye defeated Too Hot[/B] Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have given this away in the show preview. Oh well, it's a little late for that. Remmy Skye dominates Too Hot, who vainly tries to get some offense. But... it's not so helpful. Remmy Skye with the Skye Driver to win the match. He giggles into the microphone as he leaves the ring, leaving the audience thoroughly creeped out. (E) Honest Frank comes down to the ring, the crowd booing his appearence, and the fact that he beat up a champ. Who they apparently have forgotten that they disliked just a few short weeks ago. Yet... they boo him here. Small world. Honest Frank: [COLOR="Red"]"Esteemed ladies and gentlemen of the audience, I am Honest Frank, the new 4C Hardcore Champion of the world! Love me, as I have defeated the former champion in fair combat, and now graciously choose to defend my title."[/COLOR] As the crowd boos, Honest Frank looks puzzled at the response he is receiving. [COLOR="Red"]"Why do you make such noise? I am the champion. You should be worshiping me as if I am a god? I am a fair and gracious champion! You will all love me! And I will feel the love tonight!"[/COLOR] (E) [B]Brett Fraser defeated Honest Frank to retain the 4C Hardcore Championship[/B] Yeah, that says retain. And no matter what Honest Frank says, it is a retention. Honest Frank never won the belt, so there's no change on the books. And since the turn of Fraser to the side of the good guys, he no longer is getting "go away" heat, which is absolutely lovely. Fraser wins with the Double Arm DDT onto a steel chair. (E) But as Fraser goes to pick up the belt, a man in a chicken suit runs out and steals it away. He runs to the back, squawking angrily as Fraser gives chase. Honest Frank grabs a microphone from Terry Smith, and explains that the chicken man is Stretch The Chicken Boy, and that he is his helper in retaining his belt that is still his. (F+) [I]Note: Dragonmack, this was supposed to be Dirty Frank, but he wanted 1,725 dollars an appearance. I quickly declined. It's a great idea, but that's cash earmarked for other guys, who can actually go in the ring. Too bad.[/I] [B]Joey Poison defeated Phenomenal E to retain the 4C Championship[/b] Maybe I should have chosen Kingman. In my mind, I was going back and forth between the two, trying to figure out who'd face Poison for the title. I settled on E, but the match proves that the opposite should have been true. Too bad, it's a good idea, but poor in execution. Poison is in trouble for the first few minutes of the match, but he manages to wear down E to the point that he can hit the Antidote Web for the win. (E+) [B]Overall Show: E[/B]
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Troy, me, Joey Poison and Jacob Jett met backstage after the show. Troy: "Damn kid, this was a step back. What happened to the first two shows?" Me: "Mr. Winner, we were in Quebec! No one knows us in Quebec, so they didn't like the matches as much as they would have in Ontario." Joey: "We need to lure them, like a spider lures the fly to the web, into liking and coming back to the show. Then we drain their fluids. I mean, drain their wallets." Jacob: "Bookerman, why the hell wasn't I on the f***ing show! They love me in Quebec! They love me everywhere! Because I'm 'Amazing!' Now say my name! Troy: "Biatch." Me: "Jacob, easy. You weren't on the show because you signed a PPA deal with CGC. I was scared you wouldn't show, so I didn't book you. Now that I know you're sticking around for a while, I'll put you back on the shows." Jacob: "You better. And you didn't say my name!" Joey: "Midnight snack June bug." We all turn, and look at Joey. Joey: "That's your name, right June bug?" Troy: "No spider biatch, he's Jacob Jett. Man you ain't right in the head son. Did you see the therapist I recommended?" Joey: "I caught here in my web." Me: "Yeah, I saw the aftermath of that one. Silly string everywhere." Remmy Skye: "Pie and punch off the cliff!" Troy: "Who the hell is that crazy biatch?" Me: "He's Remmy Skye, an excellent high-flier from the States. He's just... um... Remmy: "Fly Popsicle man!" Me: "Kooky in the membrane." Troy: "Ah. Go book the next show. It's back in Quebec, biatch." Okay, I did. I heard Remmy run in, jump off the table face first onto the hardwood floor, and jump out. Jesu, who the heck did I hire? So... the next Extreme Weekly, the last before Cage Rage. We needed some matches for Cage Rage. No one had the requisite three wins, but there were ways around that. Namely, that I could make a title match without the wins. It's just that, even if I don't like you, three wins gets you the match. I looked down at my drunken rambling notes. Written across in big letters was "I tell you Barty, he was farting sparks!" Damn, I had a few. But there were a few legible match ideas. So... Mainstream returns versus Nomad. Sounds good to me. And... Warren Technique versus Barry Kingman? Alright. Lastly... Jett versus Skye? Ladder match! Okay, that'd be good. So, the card was this way. [QUOTE][B]4C Presents... Extreme Weekly (January, Week 4, 2007)[/B] [B] Singles Match[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs. Nomad [B]Submission Match[/B] Warren Technique vs. Barry Kingman [B]Ladder Match[/B] Jacob Jett vs. Remmy Skye [/QUOTE] Okay, big show coming. How much have we lost?
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[QUOTE]Note: Dragonmack, this was supposed to be Dirty Frank, but he wanted 1,725 dollars an appearance. I quickly declined. It's a great idea, but that's cash earmarked for other guys, who can actually go in the ring. Too bad.[/QUOTE] At that price, I would have told him to take a flying leap, and helped him out the window in the process. I'm amazed he wanted that much as he only has E+ overness and I can sign C- overness guys for less than that.
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Singles Match Mainstream Hernandez vs. [B]Nomad[/B] [I]I'm a huge Nomad Fan.[/I] Submission Match Warren Technique vs. [B]Barry Kingman[/B] [I]Technique is just too far down on the card to take this match.[/I] Ladder Match [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Remmy Skye [I]Remmy has teh Flashiness but Jett has the real talent.[/I]
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I'm not one for predictions but here ya go coz I'm feeling generous. And drunk. And generous. [b]Mainstream Hernandez[/b] - to show what a dirty rotten yank you are! [b]Barry Kingman[/b] - coz, uh, I'll go with the trend on this one. Although Technique has a much better name. [b]Jacob Jett[/b] - due to Maddox tipping his hand here, again. Thanks to his fine interaction with the booking committee.
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[B][CENTER]4C Presents... Extreme Weekly Tuesday, Week 4, January 2007 Windsor Arena Hall (172 Fans) [/CENTER][/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez defeated Nomad[/B] The show begins with a match this night as Mainstream Hernandez took on Nomad. The match was a good, open clean contest between two faces before Raphael made himself known. He attacked Nomad, causing Chad Brent to call for the DQ. Mainstream Hernandez fought Raphael off, but Raphael went to the back, screaming his lungs out at Nomad, calling him a "dirty boy rocker." Damn son, you need a better insult. (E) Jacob Jett comes out to the ring, ready to cut another of his trademark promos. Jacob Jett: [COLOR="Blue"]"Joey Poison, you ain't nothing! Craaaazy spider man, always talking about his antidote web, and june bugs. Man, you just is creepy. He's like that in the real, folks! The man is a nutzoid who's been given the power of the pennncil. Now, he's lost that power. And I, Jacob Jett, the most exciting man in professional wrestling today, intend to prove it. Remmy Skye, you're just as batty as Poison. No one in their right mind would take on Jacob Jett, and I am Jacob Jett... the master of the Jett Take Off, so say my name!"[/COLOR] (D-) The crowd chants "Amazing" as he stalks out of the ring. [B]Barry Kingman defeated Warren Technique[/B] Yeah, a pretty predictable match, I know. But there are few legit main eventers here, and Kingman's one of the most talented. I don't know how Technique got a fantastic series of matches to line up with Joey Poison, but this isn't one. Blegh. Or at least blegh for two main eventers. Kingman with the King's Crown for the pinfall victory. (E+) [B]Jacob Jett defeated Remmy Skye in a ladder match[/B] Good main event, it showed the skills of these two competitors. Problem is, they couldn't get the spots coordinated together to make a match. There's no chemistry between these two, and that's too bad, as they should work wonders together. But... they don't, so Jett gets the win with the Jett Take Off off the top of the ladder onto a prone Remmy Skye below. (E+) Overall Show: E+
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