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[QUOTE=i effin rule;299268]I'm in a bit of a pickle it seems. I need one more WR or RB to fill out my team for the week. The problem is, I don't have anyone left I can cut to add someone. So, I've come to the decision, a hard one. I'm offering up Marvin Harrison or Calvin Johnson for trade. I would certainly prefer to get a WR in return, and it needs to be a suitable replacement for either that can play this Sunday. If anyone is interested toss me a trade and I'll take a look at it.[/QUOTE] This is a horrible idea. It's definitely better to take the (possible) loss than trade away one of your key players. Would an NFL team trade one of their starters for a "suitable replacement" because they miss a week?
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;299287]This is a horrible idea. It's definitely better to take the (possible) loss than trade away one of your key players. Would an NFL team trade one of their starters for a "suitable replacement" because they miss a week?[/QUOTE] By suitable replace I certainly don't mean I'd trade Harrison for Patrick Crayton or something like that. I'm not stupid. But if someone is willing to give me equal value, then why not? I've won several fantasy football championships and certainly do not subscribe to "it's ok to lose one week" especially when I've already lost 3. I like to think I'm a smart player but you are implying that I'm willing to trade off Harrison for any ol' WR who's playing this week, and that's absolutely not the case.
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Crayton may not be the best choice of "meh" guy seeing as how he's played recently, but whatever. Edit: Indeed, Crayton has 50 points, almost twice that of Harrison or Johnson, and 13th overall! I made a trade offer, and if my choice of player seems too "everyday blah", take a look at my roster, I can be flexible.
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;299287]It's definitely better to take the (possible) loss than trade away one of your key players.[/QUOTE]I agree with this sentiment completely. You should just take the loss this week and move on. I'm sure your opponent wouldn't mind, whoever he is...
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I'm 1-4, and I'm facing a 4-1 guy, and I projected to win by one. That doesn't mean much, but it gives me some confidence... I'm starting 4 Eagles on Offense, so if McNabb is Mr. Potato Head again, I'm dead. I'm hoping for the Liontamer, and against NYJ, it's possible... (Especially with Westbrook AND Smith playing again, finally!) I doubt I'll be a play-off team, but I think I'll be able to manage 6-8 wins if everyone decides to play as good as they have shown they can...
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[quote=PeterHilton;300311]And for maybe the 10,000th time this season, I curse Wallbanger and all his children for taking Adrian Peterson.[/quote] I must point out that while I coveted Adrian Peterson as much or more than you did during the draft, masterded actually picked him before either of us. At least he went to a fellow Vikings fan. EDIT: And to think the Vikes ALMOST pissed that wonderful performance away -- no way that game should have been decided by a last second FG.
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As for me, I'm dealing with the bye week from hell on all my teams, how I managed to pull this off with three different teams and drafts I have no clue, but I am suffering mightily in all of them. I figure I'm gonna need about three passing touchdowns from Eli Manning to Plaxico Buress Monday night in order to have a prayer of surviving this week. If it happens, I'll look brilliant in trading for him.
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It's worth mentioning that in addition to Adrian Peterson this week, my opponent also has MJD. I had Griese starting for a bye-week Kitna and Housh back from his bye week and those two have given me a fighting chance. Although, I'm also taking on Randy Moss, so I can really get bent over and taken from behind in very short order...
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It looks like I righted the fantasy ship with a 100 point game... If Brandon Jacobs can score 9 points (likely, if he doesn't get injured...) #12 will beat #1! My team in this league looks like a bunch of scrubs, and IDK what happened to cause such a brain fart that left my team like this, but it seems to be working ok! Also, in my other league (a 2-0) start) I'll be improving to 4-2 this week! [B][U]Hilarious Story of Confusion and Shame:[/U][/B] A guy in my other league, who is one of my friends, and not an uber football buff, scored a freakin' ridiculous 194 points. No typo. 1... 9...4...! His starting roster: Tony Romo (17 Pts) - One of the highest scoring players this fantasy season. Joey Galloway (15 Pts) - Good game, serviceable player. Braylon Edwards (24 Pts) - Can someone explain why the Browns' passing game is looking like Indianapolis lately? I have Anderson (who was a free agent until I picked him up last weekend), and he scored a lot for me too! T.J. Houshdfdjfshfj (26 Pts) - Ahh! Adrian Peterson (40 Pts) - Sleeper!!! Maurice Jones-Drew (29 Pts) - I owned him, and dropped him. He had a bad early season, and now I'm sad. (Not really, I'm doing good...) Tony Gonzalez (22 Pts) - AHHH! TE??? John Kasay (15 Pts) - AHHH! K??? Tennessee (6 Pts) - The weak link...
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I can't catch a break... Even with random irrelevant supportfrom fellow managers, Jacobs can't get 4 freakin' more yards! Well, Chris Chambers has been traded to San Diego in what is probably the worst idea ever by a pro spots team (maybe not, but still silly). Pro Bowl WR and 1 of 2 remaining decent offensive players for a 2nd round pick (probably 26th-28th overall in the round...)... I benefit, and so do my Chargers! I hope I can go at least 4-10-1 now!
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God bless that SOB Bill Belichick. His team is up huge in the 4th. Miami scores a meaningless TD by intercepting the back-up. So Bill puts Tom back in and he proceeds to throw a totally unnecessary TD to Wes Welker. Welker's 2nd of the day. Thank you Bill. Thank you for your douchebaggery.
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