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This league makes me sad... Here's my other league's roster, where I'm to be 6-3 this week: [B]QB:[/B] Derek Anderson Jeff Garcia [B]RB:[/B] Brian Westbrook Marshawn Lynch Steven Jackson Clinton Portis [B]WR:[/B] Kevin Curtis Terrell Owens Laveranues Coles Bobby Engram [B]TE:[/B] Heath Miller [B]K:[/B] Stephen Gostkowski (But changed weekly, sometimes I pick up Kris Brown and other guys depending on match-up) [B]DST:[/B] San Diego New York (Giants) I'm good at creating a great team most of the time, but I got crushed in here!
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Amazing. Well, a little more than halfway through the season, we have four teams at 6-3, one team at 5-3-1, and two teams at 5-4. Mathematically, everyone is alive and *realistically,* I'd say 9 teams have a shot at the playoffs. We'll know more after Week 11 (when everyone has played everyone else in theleague) but I noticed that I have a fairly tough road once I've gone once though the league. Thhose final four weeks are the "unbalanced" part of the schedule and I face four teams that currently have winning records. Going down the rankings: [U]Team / Final 4 Opponent's Record[/U] The Living Dead 18-17-1 Vikings 14-21-1 <--keep an eye on these guys Kennelz 22-13-1 Tagon's Toughs 17-19 Irish Drinking Team 16-20 E-ville Elite 14-21-1 <--ditto Fighting Amish 16-19-1 Upstate 20-16
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This week is going to be interesting matchup wise. Two of the 6-3 teams match up with the Kennelz going up agianst the Vikings, whereas the other 6-3 teams have relatively easy matchups, although Outlaw is at least still paying attention and could surprise me. The E-Ville/Irish Drinking Team matchup is another one to watch, as both need a win this week to keep pace.
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I have Mach, and will hopefully improve to 3-6-1. I'll technically have a mathematical chance of making the playoffs, but at some point I really messed up in this league... McNabb and Westbrook are high scoring players, at least compared to others, so they can't be the only reasons... I only ended up with so many Eagles players by chance! (Westbrook/McNabb was semi-intentional.) IDK, better luck next year... If I beat my opponent in my other league, I'll be alone in second place (His record is equal with mine...).
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;315304]McNabb and Westbrook are high scoring players, at least compared to others, so they can't be the only reasons... I only ended up with so many Eagles players by chance! (Westbrook/McNabb was semi-intentional.) [/QUOTE] Westbrook, McNabb, Brandon Jacobs, Chris Chambers, Deion Branch, Baltimore D/ST, LJ Smith, Bernard Berrian, Nate Kaeding...Those were your first nine picks. It just looks like you got hurt by injuries early on, and a lot of guys underperformed. I had the same thing early on, but fortunately quite a few of my sleepers (Braylon Edwards, Wes Welker, LenDale White) panned out. I'm just glad you started this and I hope we got enough response to do this again.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;315393]Westbrook, McNabb, Brandon Jacobs, Chris Chambers, Deion Branch, Baltimore D/ST, LJ Smith, Bernard Berrian, Nate Kaeding...Those were your first nine picks. It just looks like you got hurt by injuries early on, and a lot of guys underperformed. I had the same thing early on, but fortunately quite a few of my sleepers (Braylon Edwards, Wes Welker, LenDale White) panned out. I'm just glad you started this and I hope we got enough response to do this again.[/QUOTE] I Know if we do this again next year I am so in. Though no way I get as lucky as I did this year. I mean I so love my team. Who would of thought that my forth round pick would be the #1 WR and that my 6th round pick would be the number one RB.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;315393]Westbrook, McNabb, Brandon Jacobs, Chris Chambers, Deion Branch, Baltimore D/ST, LJ Smith, Bernard Berrian, Nate Kaeding...Those were your first nine picks. [/QUOTE] McNabb and Westbrook were supposed to be good because McNabb loves the RB Screen... Didn't fail completely, but the Eagles haven't been great at all. (Westbrook = good... McNabb is ok.) Jacobs just disappeared for a while, and Smith too. Baltimore's DST all of a sudden doesn't get points at all, kinda like the Bears. Chambers went from a horrible situation to a better one, but still not a great point earner. Branch got hurt a bit (didn't he?) but otherwise is ok. Berrian was a sleeper, and only did AS well as expected. IDK why I took Kaeding. NOOOO idea... There were better alternatives. (K isn't that important anyway) I'm going to do this again next year, and as long as we get 8 people, we should be good. I plan on using the online draft though, even if my basketball draft went haywire... :(
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[QUOTE=masterded;315400]I Know if we do this again next year I am so in. Though no way I get as lucky as I did this here. I mean I so love my team. Who would of thought that my forth round pick would be the #1 WR and that my 6th round pick would be the number one RB.[/QUOTE] Shut up. :D [QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;315420]McNabb and Westbrook were supposed to be good because McNabb loves the RB Screen... Didn't fail completely, but the Eagles haven't been great at all. (Westbrook = good... McNabb is ok.) Jacobs just disappeared for a while, and Smith too. Baltimore's DST all of a sudden doesn't get points at all, kinda like the Bears. Chambers went from a horrible situation to a better one, but still not a great point earner. Branch got hurt a bit (didn't he?) but otherwise is ok. Berrian was a sleeper, and only did AS well as expected. IDK why I took Kaeding. NOOOO idea... There were better alternatives. (K isn't that important anyway)[/quote] Right. Injuries. But when ALL your first nine picks do worse than expected it's hard to compete. (I'd even go so far as to say McNabb has sucked. Take away that game against the Lions and he's averaging less than 11 pts a game) I actually liked you draft when it happened...just bad luck. :( [quote]I'm going to do this again next year, and as long as we get 8 people, we should be good. I plan on using the online draft though, even if my basketball draft went haywire... :([/QUOTE] On-line for sure.
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What are you guys freaking out about? It's being alled a sprain and Peterson said he could;ve returned to the game if necessary. I know the team will do an MRI but this is probably no big deal. Especially for a guy who probably only fell in the draft because he wasa little banged up in college. If anything, it shows that all those media people who criticized Childress for letting Chester Taylor get carries should go stick their heads up their a**es because he clearly knew what he was doing.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;315948]I was more commenting on the 34-0 embarassment we had to suffer through. I agree with the call to keep him out, it's not like we could mount any kind of comeback. [/QUOTE] Yeah, I am not freaking out about the injury I am freaking out because I Live in MN and am a Vikings fan and they got beat 34-0 by GB.
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[quote=masterded;315965]Yeah, I am not freaking out about the injury I am freaking out because I Live in MN and am a Vikings fan and they got beat 34-0 by GB.[/quote] Yeah, I feel dirty taking 15 points from the Cheesehead defense. (not dirty enough, though, to not take the win I hope I get from it!) :p
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[QUOTE=nZane;315974]I feel your pain. I live in Indiana and am about to put my head through a f*cking wall. As if last week wasn't bad enough...[/QUOTE] I have San Diego's DST in my other league... 4 INT's in one half (so far) and 2 returns... I'll take the points! (Sorry, Indy fans, and nZane especially... :( )
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;316341] Also, would it make much more of a difference if the playoffs were weeks 15/16? Almost as much would be clinched at that point anyway...[/QUOTE] It makes a HUGE difference. In the NFL, even teams who have clinched won't sit their stars in Week 15/16 because no one wants to risk a three week lay-off. Always a disaster. But Week 17? Very common for stars to only play a half or less and then your only break is the bye week which you would've had anyway. *Most* leagues do the title game in Week 16. But this is your first time doing a league so I'm sure we'll manage. Realistically, we as players should've noticed by now and said something. More our mistake than anything.
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It's not my first time, though! Just with yahoo! and on GDS! I haven't had trouble before in the past, and the results of the title game were just as expected, so I doubt it'll make much chaos. EDIT: To clarify, it was intentional. At the time I figured out some math to find that the way it is should result in the best league schedule. I can see why you'd be against it, so next time I can hold the championship on week 16...
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;316369]It's not my first time, though! Just with yahoo! and on GDS! I haven't had trouble before in the past, and the results of the title game were just as expected, so I doubt it'll make much chaos. EDIT: To clarify, it was intentional. At the time I figured out some math to find that the way it is should result in the best league schedule. I can see why you'd be against it, so next time I can hold the championship on week 16...[/QUOTE] Ah...well i don't know what to say. I've never been in a league where the title game was on Week 17 and I've seen other people get screwed up by it. So we'll see.
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