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WWF 1993 Rewriting History

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Yokozuna Vs. [B]The Undertaker[/B] New champ, baby. Yoko as the chasing monster heel needs to happen. Maybe not chasing...a brisk pursuit? Don't want him to run short of breath. Razor Ramon Vs. [B]Mr. Perfect[/B] Should be fantastic [B]Ted DiBiase, IRS, Sean Waltman and “The Model”[/B] Vs. The Steiners, Jim Powers, and El Matador Close, but I think that Tito screws Team Juice. Even though I love that he's so high up the card. Flying Jallepeno! [B]Bret Hart[/B] Vs Diesel Should be fantastic. Lex Lugar Vs. [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] Job Lex out. The Quebecers Vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] Though I could be disastrously wrong. [B]Sean “The Show Stealer” Waltman[/B] Vs. Tatanka Tatanka has to lose eventually, and Sean can't look bad in the face of a...Jim Powers megapush. [B]Booker T[/B] Vs. Jeff Jarrett Ah, the only good thing about Late Period WCW...7 years earlier. [B]Crush[/B] Vs. Koko B. Ware Not Owen?
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Yokozuna Vs. [B]The Undertaker[/B] ~This is where the Undertaker takes the strap from Yokozuna. [B]Razor Ramon[/B] Vs. Mr. Perfect ~This feud is still continuing and Ramon will beat Perfect to retain. [B]Ted DiBiase, IRS, Sean Waltman and “The Model”[/B] Vs. The Steiners, Jim Powers, and El Matador ~There's way too much talent on the heel team to lose this matchup. El Matador will be eliminated first and then Powers and the Steiners will fight for a while but will be tired from the Quebecers match and lose. [B]Bret Hart[/B] Vs Diesel ~Bret struggles against the more powerful Diesel but wins to keep his ranking up in regards to the WWF title. Lex Lugar Vs. [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] ~Need to build up heels to face the soon to be champion Undertaker. I like Bret more than Luger as the #2 face so Lex loses. [B]The Quebecers[/B] Vs. The Steiner Brothers ~The Quebecers haven't made enough defenses of the tag team championships yet to lose the straps. They could lose by countout or DQ but I say they continue to cheat and win in a close match with the Steiners. [B]Sean “The Show Stealer” Waltman[/B] Vs. Tatanka ~It really depends on who should be pushed more. I don't see Tatanka getting an upper level push at the moment and a win would be big for Waltman's career so I'm going with the upset on this one. [B]Booker T[/B] Vs. Jeff Jarrett ~Booker wins by a DQ over Jarrett. Jarrett probably beats him down post-match to continue the feud. [B]Crush[/B] Vs. Koko B. Ware ~Jobber match to put over Crush.
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[CENTER][COLOR="red"]WWF Survivor Series[/COLOR] Live Sunday Week 4 November 1993 Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY Attendance: 27,430 [B]Crush Vs. Koko B. Ware[/B] [QUOTE]A slow match just to start to get the crowd in the mood. We haven’t seen muck of Koko since his beak up with Owen, but he looked to be all business here tonight. He tried to stand toe to toe with Crush with ended up being a huge mistake as Crush just has to much power for someone like Koko to compete with.[/quote] Crush defeated Koko B. Ware in 7:32 by pinfall with a Chokeslam. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: I was hoping for a little bit better of a grade, but it will do for now. This match could prove a good stepping stone for Crush who is still looking for some type of solid gimmick.[/B] [B]Booker T Vs. Jeff Jarrett[/B] [quote]This is Booker’s second match of the night already, after Jarrett came out on Superstars and issued a challenge to the new comer. Booker was all business and his thuggish type of style really seems to appeal to our younger fan base. Sadly fatigue would start to set in for Booker and while the ref had his back to the action Jarrett was able to grab his guitar and smash it over the head of Booker T.[/quote] Jeff Jarrett defeated Booker T in 11:13 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Turns out these two don’t have any chemistry in the ring, which really kills the program I was planning on putting the two of them in. [/B] [B]The Future…[/B] After the match was over the cameras cut backstage where Todd Pettengill was standing by with Sean Waltman and The Million Dollar Man. Pettengill: [COLOR="Blue"]“Mr. DiBiase you have told the world that if Sean Waltman wins here tonight then he will get his chance at a title, but if never specified which title and if in fact that was backed up the management.”[/COLOR] DiBiase: [COLOR="Red"]“First of all Pettengill it’s Mr. Waltman, only his friend call him Sean, and you’re sure as hell not his friend. Secondly it doesn’t matter if what I said gets backed up by the WWF puppets or not. You see everyone has a price, and you’ll soon find out there’s nothing the Million Dollar Man can’t buy.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Sean “The Show Stealer” Waltman w/ Ted DiBiase Vs. Tatanka[/B] [quote]This is perhaps the biggest match of Waltman’s young career and he came out firing on all cylinders. It’s sad really that he had to turn heel to get the attention his skills deserve, but none the less he’s getting it now. Tatanka bounced right back from a martial arts assault by Waltman to show why he has been undefeated for so long, but DiBiase would trip him up on the outside and give the advantage back to his client.[/quote] Sean The Show Stealer Waltman defeated Tatanka in 10:07 by pinfall with a Spinning Heel Kick. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A really good match actually. Waltman wins, and I guess now we just wait to see what title he’s going to be challenging for. It will also be interesting to see how Tatanka bounces back from the lose.[/B] [B]WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Quebecers Vs. The Steiner Brothers[/B] [quote]A slow match to start off with the Quebecers making about 10 tags in the first minute of the match just to annoy The Steiners. Eventually it was Rick and The Mountie staring things off though, with The Mountie getting the upper hand. Scott Steiner would get his team back into the swing of things however after a double clothesline on The Quebecers. The end of the match came when Scott was battling Pierre on the outside gaining the attention of the referee giving The Mountie time to grab one of the tag titles and use it against Rick Steiner knocking him out cold. [/quote] The Quebecers defeated The Steiner Brothers in 14:50 when The Mountie defeated Rick Steiner by pinfall. The Quebecers make defence number 3 of their WWF World Tag Team titles [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: The Quebecers hold on the titles yet again, proving to the world that cheaters really do prosper. Rick Steiner is improving in Technical skills. Pierre Outlette is improving in Rumble skills.[/B] [B]STALKING…[/B] [quote]After the match the camera fades backstage where we see Randy Savage walking around. He stops for a moment as if he has the feeling he’s being followed. After deciding it’s only his mind playing tricks on him he leaves and as the camera pans away it catches the glimpse of another shadow.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Lex Lugar Vs. Ludvig Borga[/B] [quote]Borga has rushed into the Main Event scene after seemingly forming an alliance with Yokozuna. This of course didn’t bode well with Mr. U.S.A. and thus this feud was born. Lugar began his assault on Borga early cashing in on his superior speed. He would then begin trading punches with the big man from Finland and prove that American steroids are far better than those cheap foreign knockoffs. Borga would answer back however whipping Lugar into the turnbuckle then looking to decapitate him with a huge clothesline. But the Lex Express was in full force tonight and regardless of the underhanded tactics Borga just couldn’t catch up.[/quote] Lex Luger defeated Ludvig Borga in 12:47 by pinfall with a Running Forearm. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Another solid match by these two despite their lack of selling. Borga is really just one good gimmick away from becoming a Championship contender. While Lugar remains poised for the opportunity.[/B] [B]Bret Hart Vs Diesel w/ Shawn Michaels[/B] [quote]This has been another feud that has been going on for awhile now, but was kind of on the back burner while so many other things were happening. Still the fans love Bret, and hate everything about Diesel making it such a good rivalry. These two fought tooth and nail throughout the entire match. And while Michaels was at ringside he seemed to realized that perhaps he should let Diesel fight his own battle. That is of course until Bret got Diesel in the sharpshooter. Michaels quickly jumped onto the apron distracting the ref. This caused Hart to realize the hold and come after Michaels who after taking a beating from The Hitman slipped something to Diesel who managed to then knock Hart out cold setting him up for the Jacknife.[/quote] Diesel defeated Bret Hart in 14:31 by pinfall with a Jack-Knife Powerbomb. During the match we also had Shawn Michaels run in and attack The Hitman. [COLOR="red"]Rating: A[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Turns out these two have great chemistry together and should’ve had a few more matches.[/B] [B]Survivor Series Rules Fan Picked Match: Ted DiBiase, IRS, Sean Waltman and “The Model” Vs. The Steiners, Jim Powers, and El Matador[/B] [quote]This is the match that was hand picked by last months pick em winner USWA Fan. This was Waltman’s second match of the night, but hey he has DiBiase backing him so I’m sure he’s getting more than enough money for it. As we all know the way these matches work is the teams continue to battle until one team is completely eliminated, which could make things very interesting. Powers and DiBiase started things off, and I don’t think I have to tell you who controlled most of that match up. The first elimination of the match was IRS after Rick Steiner nailed him with a running bulldog right at the five minute mark. Martel however being familiar with the ways of these type of matches quickly hit the ring as soon as the three count was made and hammered away at Steiner eventually causing him to tap to the Boston Crab. With two people already gone Waltman and Powers were in the ring next and again Waltman made quick work of the midcarder. Looking to make a save El Matador was tagged in but ran almost immediately into a Spinning Heel kick, giving Money Inc. the advantage once again. Jim Powers then made a costly “rookie” move trying to run back into the match as Waltman had his back turned and he two got nailed with a Spinning Heel kick giving Money Inc. the 3-1 advantage. With things looking grim for Scott Steiner his college wrestling took over and he schooled Martel with a series of crisp suplexes making it 2-1. With the odds still heavily in favor of Money Inc. Waltman decided he would “steal the show” and go for yet a third elimination, but after missing a spinning heel kick Steiner landed a single leg tack down and managed to get the pinfall setting the stage for him and The Million Dollar Man. Apparently all the stars aligned tonight for Steiner, after a missed Sleeper by DiBiase Steiner showed his lightning quick reflexes by stunning The Million Dollar Man then going up top for the Frankensteiner, scoring the unprecedented victory. [/quote] The Steiner Brothers, El Matador and Jim Powers defeated Money Inc., 'The Model' Rick Martel and Sean The Show Stealer Waltman in 14:38; Irwin R. Schyster was eliminated first, then Rick Steiner, then El Matador, then Jim Powers, then 'The Model' Rick Martel, then Sean The Show Stealer Waltman, and finally Million Dollar Man. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A great match really. The elimination didn’t really go the way I had hoped for, but those types of things are out of my control. Still a great match overall. Rick Steiner is improving in Rumble skills.[/B] [B]Not So Fast…[/B] After the match WWF President Jack Tunney makes his way to the ring with mic in hand. Jack: [COLOR="Blue"]“At the beginning of this month I made an announcement that our WWF superstars would no longer interfere in matches or they would face dire consequences. For the most part that rule has stuck with our superstars and I feel the quality of their matches has improved because of it. However, there are two individuals who seem to think they are above the rules. At this time I am ordering Shawn Michaels and Diesel out to the ring.”[/COLOR] (The fans boo in anticipation and soon The Heartbreak Kid and Diesel come to the ring looking pissed.) Jack: [COLOR="blue"]“The two of you been nothing but a thorn in my side since the moment I became President here in the WWF. You have ignored and disobeyed every rule I have put out to make this company great.”[/COLOR] Michaels: [COLOR="Red"]“Hold the phone Mr. President, but The Heartbreak Kid doesn’t remember ever casting a vote on who the dictator would be. I mean is this not America, where is my freedom?”[/COLOR] Jack: [COLOR="Blue"]“I was appointed President by the board of directors, and I will not stand for the two of you to make a mockery of this company any longer.”[/COLOR] Michaels: [COLOR="Red"]“Ooh look I’m shaking, what are you going to do spank me?”[/COLOR] Jack: [COLOR="Blue"]“No, however due to your blatant interference this evening after I specifically forbid it, I have no choice but to suspend Diesel indefinitely, hopefully that will send a message.”[/COLOR] (The fans go nuts, and Diesel and Michaels are beside themselves) Michaels: [COLOR="Red"]“Message? You want to send messages? Ok, how’s this for a message?”[/COLOR] (Diesel kicks the WWF President in the midsection then hits him with a huge Powerbomb, that leaves the President motionless in the ring. Bret Hart runs out to the ring before any more damage can be made, but Jack Tunney is carted away on a stretcher.) [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match: Razor Ramon Vs. Mr. Perfect[/B] [quote]One of the most anticipated matches of the night. Razor came to the ring “oozing of machismo” and eyeing the ladder as he made his way to the ring. Perfect started things off knocking Razor to the outside of the ring almost immediately and from there it really turned into a brawl. Razor began to use the steel steps on the outside to his advantage and while Perfect laid holding his ribs Ramon brought the ladder into the ring. Perfect made it to his feet before razor could even position the ladder, but that didn’t stop The Bad Guy from using it as a battering ram. Perfect was the first one busted open because of this, but that didn’t stop him from gaining back the momentum and busting Razor open as well. Late in the match it looked like Perfect was going to be the victor after laying Ramon out on the outside with a Perfectplex, but Razor was able to knock the ladder over sending Perfect flying to the outside just seconds before he reached the belt. A dazed Razor Ramon then grabbed a second ladder and placed it right under the belt and began his assent. However still wobbly from the assault outside he was very slow in taking the steps, this allowed Perfect to get to his feet and set up the first ladder right next to the one Ramon was on. The both reached the top of the ladder at the same time and began trading punches. Razor would be the smarter of the two and placed one foot on each ladder to help stabilize himself, he would then do the unthinkable and dropkick Perfect off the ladder some ten feet in the air. With both competitors looking dead, Razor was the first to make it to his feet and scaled back up the ladder only to have Perfect grab his foot with only one rung left. Sadly Perfect had nothing left and Razor kicked himself free and grabbed the belt.[/quote] Razor Ramon defeated Mr. Perfect in 17:57 when Razor Ramon retrieved the item. Razor Ramon makes defence number 4 of his WWF Intercontinental title. [COLOR="red"]Rating: A[/COLOR] [B]Notes: An incredible match that will hopefully pioneer the way ladder matches are held for years to come. Perfect took the loss, but still managed to put on an amazing performance that won’t go unnoticed.[/B] [B]A Revolution…[/B] After the match the camera fades backstage to see The Macho Man once again laying in a pool of his own blood. This time however this is a curtain burning in the background that reads: THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] Jim Ross and Bobby Heenan now take us back down memory lane and revisit everything that has happened in the Yokozuna Undertaker feud to bring us where we are today. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]WWF Championship Cage Match: Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji Vs. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer[/B] [quote]For anyone who isn’t familiar this is not a Hell in a Cell match, those matches have yet to be invented. Cage match rules state that the only way to win is by submission, pinfall, or escaping the cage. That being said the second this match started Yokozuna tried to climb out to safety. He didn’t get far however as The Undertaker quickly pulled him down and began to deliver big right hands. Yokozuna would get the momentum back however and begin to ram The Undertaker’s face into the steel cage. Again he would try to quickly climb out of the cage, but The Undertaker was never down for long and would always manage to pull him back down to the mat.[/quote] (We join the match in progress) Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Stiff right hands by the champion, and Bobby Yokozuna’s looking good right now.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Of course he is JR that’s why he’s the champ.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Yokozuna now, again trying to climb out of the cage.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“That’s not smart he needs to just finish off The Undertaker.”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“The Taker now, back n his feet. And look at this, he has Yokozuna by the neck…and he just tossed him off the cage! My god, The Undertaker just choke slammed the 500 pounder Yokozuna! The cover now…and we have a new…no Yokozuna kicks out.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“That wasn’t a choke slam, Yokozuna jumped off the cage, he just missed The Undertaker.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Ross: “The Undertaker now irish whip, no, Yokozuna reverses it and nails him with a clothesline. He’s picking him up now, belly to belly suplex on the Undertaker, and that had to break his ribs. The cover now, that should be it…no amazing! The Undertaker has kicked out of a belly to belly and Yokozuna can’t believe it.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Come on ref, that was a slow count!”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Yokozuna now looking outside to his mentor Mr. Fuji for guidance and…oh oh, he’s calling for a leg drop. Yokozuna now off the ropes…and he nails The Undertaker with a leg drop that’s got to be it. Yokozuna is celebrating but he needs to make the…Oh My God! I can’t believe it! The Undertaker just sat right up, like nothing even happened!”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“Run Yoko run!”[/COLOR] Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]“Yokozuna doesn’t realize it, The Undertaker now on his feet. Yokozuna turns around, and a look of horror runs across his face. The Undertaker now, has him by the neck, will we see it again? Yes, choke slam! Choke Slam! The Undertaker just choke slammed Yokozuna for the second time tonight. And now here’s the cover…We have a new WWF Champion!”[/COLOR] The Undertaker defeated Yokozuna in 6:21 by pinfall with a Chokeslam. The Undertaker wins the WWF World Heavyweight title. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: A[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A great match, the only thing disappointing about it was the length, but that’s because Yokozuna can’t last long. Still a great feud here, and a new champion.[/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Hopefully this was at least a high B. Overall not a bad show, we got to see the crowning of a new WWF champ and what I thought was a great ladder match.[/B] [COLOR="Red"]PPV Buy Rate: 8.08[/COLOR] [/CENTER] Pick Em Results: marchhaire: 3/9 25/41 (61%) [B]USWA_Fan: 4/9 28/41 (68%)[/B] Lexa90: 4/9 28/45 (62%) So [B]USWA_FAN[/B] wins the pick'em again for the second time in a row. However, [B]Lexa90[/B] gets to choose 1 match for the DEC. PPV due to his continued dedication to the diary and having the most attempts this month :D Thanks for the continued support on this guys, and the 2nd DOTM nomination. Leave feedback for me, and let me know what everyone thought of the PPV
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[CENTER][B]WCW/ECW Monthly Recap:[/B] We start off with WCW where Billionaire Ted was off trying to buy himself ahead of the competition. He did this by securing what could be a couple of key players in the sports entertainment business. His first signing of the month was Mark Lamonica, better known to most of you as [B]Bubba Ray Dudley.[/B] He then went after some old WWF alumni and signed [B]The Big Boss Man[/B] to a hefty contract, followed by [B]Terry Funk and Ed Leslie[/B]. The only major blow to the company came when we, The WWF, took Booker T from right under their noses. In terms of popularity around the US, WCW actually dropped a bit from last month. Originally they started with a B overall, and has since then fallen to a B- overall. Their PPV for this month was entitled World War Three and featured the main event of The Road Warriors going to a time limit draw with Sid and Vader. The World Title wasn’t even defended on that night. Over in the land of the Extreme Paul Hayman continues to try and keep his promotion alive by allowing his workers to put their bodies on the line week after week. While not signing anyone to a new contract this month they did lose two valuable members of the roster in Mark Lamonica [B](Bubba Ray)[/B] as he signed a written deal with WCW, and [B]Pitbull #2[/B]. Their big event of the month was November to Remember which featured Shane Douglas retaining his title against Terry Funk in a decent C+ match. [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Lexa90;292002] WWF Championship Cage Match: Survivor Series Rules Fan Picked Match: [B]Ted DiBiase, IRS, Sean Waltman and “The Model” [/B] Vs. The Steiners, Jim Powers, and El Matador Got to be the victors here... El Matador??? [/quote] Again I had other plans for this match that actually included having El Matador winning then going on to become the acting President with Jack out, but for some reason "The creative team" didn't like that idea, so we had a differant out come. [QUOTE=Lexa90;292002][B]Sean “The Show Stealer” Waltman [/B] Vs. Tatanka Waltham in 2 matches?? Okay, He's not [U]that[/U] good :D [/quote] You're right he's not, but again this had to do with the match that USWA selected, and it was after I had already booked this so I just had to go with what I had. [QUOTE=Lexa90;292002][B]Booker T [/B] Vs. Jeff Jarrett Make him a King already :D [quote] I wish it were that easy. Turns out that he's not that over yet (Only like a D+ or so I think) and his mic skills are still lacking as well. So there is still alot of development that needs to be had before he ever becomes "King"
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWF Raw[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Monday Week 1 December 1993 Cleveland Arena in Cleveland, OH Number 1 Contender Match for the WWF Title: Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Bret Hart Vs. Lex Lugar Tatanka Vs. Ludvig Borga Jeff Jarrett Vs. Bob Backlund Marty Jannetty Vs. Doink The Clown [/B][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Bret Hart Vs. Lex Lugar Tatanka Vs. Ludvig Borga Jeff Jarrett Vs. Bob Backlund Marty Jannetty Vs. Doink The Clown
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[B]Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] Vs. Bret Hart Vs. Lex Lugar I'm gonna take a slight risk here... Bam Bam is the only Heel in this match, so I'm gonna go with him Tatanka Vs. [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] I don't want to see Borga losing to Tatanka :D [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] Vs. Bob Backlund 99.99 % sure of this [B]Marty Jannetty[/B] Vs. Doink The Clown Both are jobbers, but Doink is the worse jobber of them so.
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Just read this diary from beginning to end and am really enjoying it. Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Bret Hart Vs. Lex Lugar * Head says Bam Bam but i'll go with my gut feeling that Lex is going to walk out the winner. Tatanka Vs. Ludvig Borga * Definately see more potential in Borga than i do Tatanka, so Borga it is. Jeff Jarrett Vs. Bob Backlund * Double J all the way. Marty Jannetty Vs. Doink The Clown * Jannetty as i see Doink's time in the company to be on borrowed time.
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Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Bret Hart Vs. [B]Lex Lugar[/B] ~Bret is too bogged down in the feud with HBK/Diesel and Bigelow just has not got enough momentum to win this match. Luger is the obvious choice. Tatanka Vs. [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] ~Borga beats Tatanka who goes crazy after he loses. Jeff Jarrett Vs. [B]Bob Backlund[/B] ~Backlund had a good match with Michaels and I'd push that issue more. I would say Booker T would interfere to cost Jarrett but since they have no chemisty I imagine that issue is dead. Marty Jannetty Vs. [B]Doink The Clown[/B] ~Kind of a jobber match but Doink has at least won a match versus Jannetty's zero in this dynasty.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]WWF Raw [/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Monday Week 1 December 1993 Cleveland Arena in Cleveland, OH Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out) [B]Marty Jannetty Vs. Doink The Clown[/B] [quote]Jannetty hasn’t had anything going for him since The Rockers broke up, and Doink… well he just never had anything going for him. The truth is, I could probably repackage these two and make them into something. Especially Doink since he could just lose the makeup and be a whole new person. Still, for now, he’s a clown in a company that needs more “attitude”, and unless it’s a killer clown (and it isn’t) there just isn’t room for him.[/quote] Marty Jannetty defeated Doink the Clown in 5:39 by pinfall with a Rocker Dropper. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Notes: An average match, which was to be expected from these two. Doink the Clown is improving in Performance skills.[/B] [B]The New Prez…[/B] After the match Vince McMahon makes his way down to the ring. Vince: [COLOR="Blue"]“You know I’ve been part of wrestling since I was just a young lad sitting on my father’s lap. I remember when there was respect, not just for the sport, but for the people who ran it.”[/COLOR] (Vince pauses here, as the crowd cheers.) Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“But in all my years with this great sport, I’ve never been as embarrassed to be a part of it as I was last night at Survivor Series. What Diesel did do a defenseless person was cowardly and…[/COLOR] (Suddenly Shawn Michaels’ music plays and out comes the Heartbreak Kid) Michaels: [COLOR="Red"]“Slow down there Daddy Mac. You see what my friend Diesel did was nothing more than an act of defense.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Blue"]“It was despicable and you should be ashamed to be associated with it!”[/COLOR] Michaels: [COLOR="Red"]“You see Vince. Can I call you Vince? Good. See Vince what Diesel did last night was nothing more than an act of defense. When Jack Tunney, God rest his soul.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Blue"]“He’s not dead Damn it!”[/COLOR] Michaels: [COLOR="Red"]“He’s not? To bad. Anyway, what good ol’ Jack did, was start a war. See it’s us, the WWF greats, against them. The boys who sit in the back and think they hold all the cards. Think they can do whatever they want to make a buck. Jack got what was coming to him Vince. And if I were you, I’d watch my back.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Blue"]“Are you threatening me? I can have your contract revoked damn it!”[/COLOR] Michaels: [COLOR="Red"]“Vince baby, calm down. I mean after all you haven’t done anything to cross us, have you?”[/COLOR] (Michaels winks at Vince then drops the mic and heads back to the ring, leaving Vince looking petrified.) [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Jeff Jarrett Vs. Bob Backlund [/B] [quote]Jeff Jarrett may have a goofy gimmick, but the man has some skill. Backlund, well he doesn’t have a goofy gimmick and he too still has something left in the tank. That being said this was really a solid match. Jarrett got Backlund in the figure four early, but Backlund was able to reverse it on him. Jarrett had control most the match, but after several failed submission attempts he had enough and decided to end it all by bashing a guitar over the head of Backlund, which did the trick in knocking him out, but also got JJ disqualified.[/quote] Bob Backlund defeated Jeff Jarrett in 5:58 by disqualification. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A surprise victory in a sense from Backlund, poor guy I’m not sure how many more shots to the head he can take. Jeff Jarrett is improving in Performance skills.[/B] [B]Hey Yo…[/B] After the match The Bad Guy makes his way to the ring with the Intercontinental Title around his waist. Razor: [COLOR="red"]“Hey Yo… last night at Survivor Series I showed the world what happens when you mess with The Bad Guy. Mr. Perfect, he ain’t perfect no more Chico. And after what happened to him last night, he may need to go back and see that doctor of his.”[/COLOR] (As expected Mr. Perfect comes out looking surprisingly happy) Perfect: [COLOR="Blue"]“Congratulations Razor, you finally beat me, but don’t think that just because of one off night that the greatest athlete to ever grace the squared circle is done coming after you. You see, I want a rematch.”[/COLOR] Razor: [COLOR="Red"]“Sorry Chico, The Bad Guy is much to busy to give grant some has been another chance. It’s time for me to move on.”[/COLOR] Perfect: [COLOR="Blue"]“You know I thought you might say that, but don’t worry I have a plan”[/COLOR] (And with that Perfect walks back to the locker room leaving not only Razor but everyone in attendance looking baffled.) [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Tatanka Vs. Ludvig Borga[/B] [quote]These two men are coming off of tough losses at Survivor Series and looking to get back momentum. It’s hard to tell really who was the most hurt by last night’s loss, but both men came out trying to one up the other. Tatanka got some solid shots in, but when the smoke settled Borga was just to big and powerful to stand toe to toe with.[/quote] Ludvig Borga defeated Tatanka in 6:39 by pinfall with a Stiff Punches. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: I expected a lot better from these two. We’ll have to see what’s in store for them in the future as they just didn’t impress me here.[/B] [B]Revolution…[/B] Suddenly all the lights go off in the building and a strange voice comes over the PA Voice: [COLOR="red"]“For generations man have fought their battles using only their fists, but as time progressed different weapons came into play. Man began to realize how much power they possessed with these weapons and soon everyone needed one. Weapons revolutionized the way we do battle. In the WWF the battle has only just begun and sides are being drawn. To the victors go the spoils and to the fallen goes only humiliation. The revolution is upon us…who’s side will you be on?”[/COLOR] (As the lights come back on Randy Savage is standing in the middle of the ring looking confused as to how he got there, as he goes to leave there is another flash of light and then he’s covered in blood. He looks uninjured, just shaken up as to who’s blood is on him and how it got there.) [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Number 1 Contender Match for the WWF Title: Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Bret Hart Vs. Lex Lugar[/B] [quote]The match everyone was waiting for, who would be the first in line for The Undertaker to put his new title up against. Lex wasted no time going after Bigelow and looked more than ready for the chance to be the champion. Bret played it smart and sat back and watched while Lugar and Bigelow tore each other apart.[/quote] (We join the match in progress) JR: [COLOR="Blue"]“Lugar now with stiff right hands.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“Lex has looked very dominating this match.”[/COLOR] JR: [COLOR="Blue"]“Indeed he has, but let’s not forget about that Bret Hart is nearly fresh as he sits back and watches his opponents pick each other apart.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“Right that’s a very smart strategy from the Hitman.”[/COLOR] JR: [COLOR="Blue"]“Bigelow now gaining some momentum tosses Lugar off the ropes, and a huge Powerslam. And now he’s going after Bret Hart, Bret and Bigelow trading punches, and Bigelow sends him to the outside.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“What a power move by Bigelow and now look he’s going up top!”[/COLOR] JR: [COLOR="Blue"]“Yes he is, and here it comes the Top Rope Headbutt…and he connects. Bret now getting to his feet on the outside.”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“And look at this, there’s a fan coming over the barrier, where’s security.”[/COLOR] JR: [COLOR="Blue"]“Wait a minute..that’s no fan Vince, that’s Diesel! Diesel is here and he’s laying into Bret Hart. The ref doesn’t see it he’s making the count, it’s all over!”[/COLOR] Vince: [COLOR="Red"]“No, no, that’s not right he’s suspended.”[/COLOR] JR: [COLOR="Blue"]“Wait a minute now, he’s pointing over here…I think he’s pointing at you. He is and now he’s setting Bret up…Jacknife on the outside of the ring! Someone get the paramedics out here.”[/COLOR] Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Bret Hart and Lex Luger in 12:41 when Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Bret Hart by pinfall with a Top Rope Headbutt. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A great match with three potential stars. Bigelow gets the nod against the Undertaker, meanwhile Bret still has to worry about Diesel, and apparently so does Vince.[/B] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: That Borga Tatanka match really hurt us I think. Still we should be able to rebound with Superstars.[/B] [COLOR="Red"]TV Ratings: 30.30 (USA Network) 7.35 (TSN Network) 3.42 (Sky Network)[/COLOR] [/CENTER] Pick Em Results: Lexa90: 3/4 (75%) USWA_Fan: 2/4 (50%) Dead_Jester: 2/4 (50%) marchhaire: 1/4 (25%)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Superstars [/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 1 December 1993 Myrtle Beach Convention Center in Myrtle Beach, SC WWF TITLE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER MATCH: Bret Hart Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow W/ Luna Vachon Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji Vs. Lex Lugar Money Inc. Vs. The Steiner Brothers Booker T Vs. Owen Hart Bart Gunn Vs. Samu[/B][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Bret Hart Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow W/ Luna Vachon Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji Vs. Lex Lugar Money Inc. Vs. The Steiner Brothers Booker T Vs. Owen Hart Bart Gunn Vs. Samu
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Good RAW once again... don't let the Borga/Tatanka match disturb you, it wasn't that bad ;) ' Bret Hart Vs. [B]Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] W/ Luna Vachon I will again say Bigelow, because Undertaker is a face and he should face a Heel... And Bret still have the Diesel feud Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji Vs. [B]Lex Lugar[/B] Lex will make a huge upset over here [B]Money Inc.[/B] Vs. The Steiner Brothers This was a hard one, maybe the Quebecers comes and interfere and thus costing the match for the steiners [B]Booker T[/B] Vs. Owen Hart Booker's push prevents him from losing Bart Gunn Vs. [B]Samu[/B] A really hard one... but you have been pushing Fatu... so maybe you will push Samu also :D
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Bret Hart Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow W/ Luna Vachon * Going with Bam Bam on this one. Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji Vs. Lex Lugar * Lex. Money Inc. Vs. The Steiner Brothers * Tough call here but i'll go with the Steiner's. Booker T Vs. Owen Hart * Would have loved to have seen this match up back in the day, being the Owen mark i am i'll say Owen. Bart Gunn Vs. Samu * Another tough call, flipped a coin and Gunn gets the nod.
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Bret Hart Vs. [B]Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] W/ Luna Vachon ~Surprising win for Bigelow in the triple threat on RAW but Diesel will interfere again and allow Bigelow to win. Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji Vs. [B]Lex Lugar[/B] ~Yokozuna will be jobbing for a while since he isn't needed to keep winning matches on a consistent basis. Money Inc. Vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] ~The Steiners-Quebecers feud isn't quite over so the Steiners need to get a win. [B]Booker T[/B] Vs. Owen Hart ~Booker T needs to get his win back after losing so early. [B]Bart Gunn[/B] Vs. Samu ~Usually only one guy does well in singles action and another guy doesn't when it comes to tag teams. Therefore, I think Bart Gunn is going to get the nod here.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]WWF Superstars[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Sunday Week 1 December 1993 Myrtle Beach Convention Center in Myrtle Beach, SC Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out) [B]Bart Gunn Vs. Samu[/B] [quote]The Gunns and The Headshrinkers have been going back and forth now for awhile and these two wasted no time going at one another. Overall it was a solid match that didn’t feature anything to spectacular. Samu seems to be the lesser athlete of his team and the same goes for Bart Gunn.[/quote] Bart Gunn defeated Samu in 8:38 by pinfall [COLOR="Red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: I would’ve liked a slightly better grade, but this should still help set the show up.[/B] [B]Brawl…[/B] After the match Bart was heading back to the locker room when Samu made it back to his feet and attacked the cowboy from behind. Only seconds later Samu came running out of the back making it a 2 on 1. As the Samoans brutally assaulted Bart Billy finally made his way down to the brawl and evened the odds, but not before Bart had been beaten senseless. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Booker T Vs. Owen Hart[/COLOR] [quote]These two have a lot of potential to eventually burst on to the main event scene and do great things. For now however they still need to mature a bit as wrestlers. It was a great matchup with Booker controlling most of the match. However one low blow later and Owen found himself back on top and winning the match.[/quote] Owen Hart defeated Booker T in 8:06 by pinfall with The Rocket. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A great match by these two and it accomplished exactly what I had intended it to; it helped Booker develop as a wrestler. Booker T is improving in Rumble skills. Booker T is improving in Performance skills.[/B] [B]I need help…[/B] We cut backstage now to see the WWF President Vince McMahon in his office talking on the phone to an unknown person. Vince seems incredibly rattled. Vince: [COLOR="Blue"]“I need protection. Nothing serious I just have this feeling I may have a target on my back.”[/COLOR] (Vince listens impatiently as the other person speaks) Vince: [COLOR="blue"]“No I haven’t done anything illegal, it’s just…well it’s complicated. Look can you get me help or not?”[/COLOR] (Vince paces back and forth around the office until he sees the camera, looks irritated then slams the door shut.) [COLOR="Red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Money Inc. Vs. The Steiner Brothers[/B] [quote]Great tag team action here, and Money Inc is looking for revenge after Scott Steiner’s incredible come from behind victory at Survivor Series. Scott and DiBiase start us off, and DiBiase gets the upper hand with an arm bar. As these two teams go back and forth I’m amazed to see how technically gifted DiBiase still is. Miss communication by the Steiners lead to their destruction in this one, as Scott Steiner isn’t in his corner for the tag and Rick falls victim to the Write Off.[/quote] Money Inc. defeated The Steiner Brothers in 14:38 when Irwin R. Schyster defeated Rick Steiner by pinfall with The Write-Off. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [B]Notes: Another great match here by Money Inc. We haven’t seen much of them in tag team action as of late since DiBiase has picked up more of a manager roll. But they are still a great team to watch and still pretty over as well. Rick Steiner is improving in Technical skills.[/B] [B]Anticipation…[/B] After the match Mr. Perfect makes his way to the ring to a chorus of cheers. Perfect: [COLOR="Blue"]“So the rumor floating around the locker room is there still isn’t a number one contender for your title Razor, but don’t worry I took care of it for you. You see it seems that Mr. McMahon is having a small security problem. I assured him I would take care of it for him and he promised that as long as I kept him safe I would get another chance at The Royal Rumble.”[/COLOR] (The fans cheer at the news, then they are silenced by HBK’s music) Michaels: [COLOR="Red"]“Wait just a minute there Curtis”[/COLOR] Perfect: [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s Kurt”[/COLOR] Michaels: [COLOR="Red"]“Yeah whatever, look Curtis if I were you I wouldn’t go sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong, we wouldn’t want something to happen to you now would we?”[/COLOR] Perfect: [COLOR="Blue"]“You haven’t heard the best part yet Michaels. You see, to ensure that Mr. McMahon isn’t harmed I’ve convinced him to give me a match tomorrow night on Raw. It’s going to be the greatest WWF Superstar of all time Mr. Perfect, against a far less superior opponent, Shawn Michaels.”[/COLOR] (The fans explode when they hear the announcement) Michaels: [COLOR="Red"]“Alright tough guy, but don’t say I didn’t warn you”[/COLOR] (Michaels then nods at Perfect, which Perfect takes as meaning he accepts the challenge, but instead he was nodding to the man sitting in the audience just behind the ring. As Perfect watched Michaels walk away, Diesel snuck up from behind him and for the second week in a row he jackknifed a WWF Superstar to hell, leaving him lifeless in the middle of the ring.) [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji Vs. Lex Lugar[/B] [quote]This is Yokozuna’s first match since losing the title and he looks none to pleased. Lugar tries matching strength with the big man and for a moment it seemed to be working as he had Yokozuna wobbling, but Yokozuna would regain his composure then begin to unload on Lugar. Lex would get another chance to mount a comeback, but it too would prove to be unsuccessful as Yokozuna works to regain his title.[/quote] Yokozuna defeated Lex Luger in 4:52 by pinfall with a Banzai Drop. [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: I expected this match to be a bit better than it was honestly. My main issue with Yokozuna is his stamina if he could manage to do 10 minute matches in the future then he could be a huge asset to the company. [/B] [B]WWF TITLE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER MATCH: Bret Hart Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow W/ Luna Vachon[/B] [quote]This match was order by Vince McMahon because of the interference on Monday by Diesel. Bret has been on a bit of a losing streak as of late and is looking to change all that with a win tonight. Bigelow on the other hand is tired of being looked at as not good enough and he to is out to prove something. [/quote] (We join the match in progress) Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Bret Hart now firing away at Bigelow, and look at The Hitman keeping a close eye on Luna Vachon.”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“He’s just looking for a reason to attack her Monsoon, she hasn’t done anything wrong.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Bret has been screwed enough in the past to know what to look for, and look at this second rope elbow from The Hitman, will we see a sharpshooter?”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“I hope not, I hate that move.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Yes here it comes, sharpshooter applied to Bigelow, will he submit? Wait a second someone is coming from the backstage area, that’s not Diesel again is it?”[/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“I hope so, he’ll put that cheater Bret Hart in his place.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s not Diesel…it’s…Ludvig Borga? What’s he got to do with this match? Borga now in the ring, and hammering away now at Bret Hart. And look at this, he has Bigelow in the rack, who’s side is he on?” [/COLOR] Heenan: [COLOR="Red"]“He’s on his own side Monsoon that’s what I love about this guy.”[/COLOR] Monsoon: [COLOR="Blue"]“Well referee Tim White has called for the bell let’s see what his decision is going to be.”[/COLOR] Bret Hart drew with Bam Bam Bigelow in 17:52 following a double disqualification. During the match we also saw Ludvig Borga run in and attack Bigelow, and do the same to The Hitman. [COLOR="Red"]Rating: A[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A great match, but I was really hoping for an A* here. [/B] [B]A Challenge…[/B] After the assault on Bigelow and Bret Borga asks for the mic. Borga: [COLOR="red"]“I have done what no other man thought possible. I have defeated all opponents that cross my path, including that chump champion The Undertaker.”[/COLOR] (The fans begin to toss trash at Borga) Borga: [COLOR="red"]“I have done all of this and still I am not included in this number one contender match. Well if I’m not number one then who is? Bret Hart has lost nearly every match he’s had, and Bigelow is following around some girl with more tattoos than him. Is that what you Americans consider a champion? I want my shot and I’ll stop at nothing until I get it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Rating: B+[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes: A solid grade that should help increase our overness across the world.[/B] [COLOR="Red"]TV Ratings: 32.12 (USA Network) 6.53 (TSN Network)[/COLOR] [/CENTER] Pick Em Results: Lexa90: 1/5 4/9 (44%) USWA_Fan: 1/5 3/9 (33%) Dead_Jester: 2/5 4/9 (44%) A tough night for the pick em guys, but a lot of unexpected things happened that will hopefully make sense in the future so just bear with me. And thanks for reading.
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[CENTER][B]FROM [url]WWW.SMARK.COM[/url][/B] WWF has new tag team[/CENTER] In an appearant attempt to help book youngster Jim Powers the WWF creative team has decided to put him in tag team action. His parnter? Well it has been leaked to us that soon the WWF is planning to announce that Jim has a brother by the name of Austin. "Austin Powers" is going to be played by the former WWF jobber Doink the Clown. Powers is rumored to play the part of an English man who seems to be stuck in the 70's and seems to think he is a ladies man. It's unclear at this time just how far this "joke" of a tag team will go, but it can't be any worse than Doink's current push. In other news it is still unclear who is beind the attacks on "The Macho Man" Randy Savage. Everyone back stage has managed to stay very hush hush about this angle and while it's rumored that it may very well be a new talent in the WWF it is still unclear at this time.
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[QUOTE=mad5226;294224]What push? He's only won one match and that was his debute. Don't get me wrong, a talent like him will get a push, just not yet ;)[/QUOTE] Yesbut Owen hasn't been pushed at all so... And a big YES to the MAcho Man attack angle... Finally Savage has a feud on his hands :D
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWF Raw [/COLOR][/SIZE] Live Monday Week 2 December 1993 Dover Alumni Stadium in Dover, DE Shawn Michaels Vs. Mr. Perfect Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Randy Savage Bret Hart Vs. Jeff Jarrett Men on a Mission Vs. Money Inc.[/B][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Shawn Michaels Vs. Mr. Perfect Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Randy Savage Bret Hart Vs. Jeff Jarrett Men on a Mission Vs. Money Inc.
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[B]Shawn Michaels[/B] Vs. Mr. Perfect Hard one... Remember Diesel!! [B]Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] Vs. Randy Savage I don't think that Savage is 100 % after all the attacks. [B]Bret Hart[/B] Vs. Jeff Jarrett No doubt :D Men on a Mission Vs. [B]Money Inc.[/B] Hard one again, I would like to say MOM but I won't :D
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Shawn Michaels Vs. Mr. Perfect * Shawn after Diesel gets involved. Bam Bam Bigelow Vs. Randy Savage * Bam Bam, got a feeling that Savage's stalker might screw Savage out of this one. Bret Hart Vs. Jeff Jarrett Bret, somehow just don't see Double J going over on this one. Men on a Mission Vs. Money Inc. * Money Inc all the way.
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nope havent stopped at all man. I've been travelling for the past 4 days or so. Today is my first day home however after a 15 month long deployment so while this is still very much alive you may not see a post for a few more days. But there will definatly be more
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