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Championship Wrestling from Boston (C-Verse '07 Diary)

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_newsletter.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]FRANKIE DEE SUSPENSION LIFTED![/B] Angered by recent developments culminating at BRAWLAPALOOZA, "Trademark" Thomas Morgan has inundated the Championship Wrestling from Boston offices with phone calls demanding that Frankie Dee be reinstated with the company. "You can't tell me that Dee wasn't under that mask all along! This is trickery and shenanigans and I'm not going to stand for it. I want him reinstated because he needs to be dealt with in the ring! We'll make sure he's put out permanently!" When asked if that meant that he was requesting a match with Dee at HOLIDAY HAPPENING, Morgan replied, "um, well, I would but I caught that bug going around. So I'm going to propose he take on Bobby Thomas. Bobby will put the hurt on him but good." So you heard it here first, true believers. Frankie Dee vs. Bobby Thomas will be taking place at HOLIDAY HAPPENING. Be there for Frankie's "first" match back!
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[QUOTE=praguepride;346293]*PHEW* I'm finally caught up. Great swerve with the last minute switch of Blanco, I'm glad that the fans found it as exciting as I did. Are you running your story archs as actual storylines or are you just making them connected for the diary purposes only?[/QUOTE] A little bit of both actually. The Angel Blanco storyline was the Dibiase vs. Mr R DOTT Storyline. Since I only have the once a month shows now I had to base it on that and use an unchained storyline or it all wouldn't fit. I use some actual storylines and some unchained ones. Normally, if it seems there's more than just a match between guys I'm using at least an unchained.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]HOLIDAY HAPPENING PREVIEW[/SIZE][/FONT] CWB Title: Nicolas Lopez (c) vs. Rhino Umaga Non-Title Match: The Gauge Bros. vs. The Millenials Grudge Match! "All Business" Bobby Thomas vs. Frankie Dee Tempest Appleby vs. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond Love Em & Leave Em (w/ Vita) vs/ Team Quest[/CENTER]
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CWB Title: [B]Nicolas Lopez (c)[/B] vs. Rhino Umaga Non-Title Match: [B]The Gauge Bros.[/B] vs. The Millenials Grudge Match! "All Business" Bobby Thomas vs. [B]Frankie Dee[/B] Tempest Appleby vs. [B]Dazzlin' Dave Diamond[/B] [B]Love Em & Leave Em[/B] (w/ Vita) vs/ Team Quest
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CWB Title: [B]Nicolas Lopez (c)[/B] vs. Rhino Umaga Non-Title Match: The Gauge Bros. vs. [B]The Millenials[/B] [I]Non-title matches make me favor the Millenials, don't know why though....[/I] Grudge Match! "All Business" Bobby Thomas vs. [B]Frankie Dee[/B] [I]Dee all the way! Especially after that last storyline. He's gotta be riding a big pop wave after that, so now's the time for a success against an outside challenger[/I] [B]Tempest Appleby[/B] vs. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond [I]After all that businss about DDD not showing up and shooting his mouth off, it's time he gets buried and kicked out[/I] [B]Love Em & Leave Em[/B] (w/ Vita) vs/ Team Quest [I]What else are XWA stars useful for?[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]HOLIDAY HAPPENING[/SIZE][/FONT] Thursday Week 3 December 2009 300 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA [COLOR="Red"]SOLD OUT![/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]It seems that the Angel Blanco storyline really popped the territory and got wrestling fans in the area excited as Championship Wrestling from Boston ends 2009 with a sell out crowd at "the Bike"![/I] [B]Love Em & Leave Em (w/ Vita) d. Team Quest[/B] Not a good match, really. OK enough to open the show but nothing that's going to get any of these four any further up the card. Romero and CLM should fare better with a stronger class of opponents. Reckless and Daredevil have not had their contracts renewed so that's the end of their run. [B]E Tempest Appleby d. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond[/B] Again, not a good match and I think we know the reason why. Despite DDD's lackluster work in the ring, his attitude as of late isn't helping either. He has like 7 mos. left on his contract and may be looking at a tour o' jobs before he's let go. [B]E[/B] The Boston Bomber enters the ring for a special interview with new CWB Champion Nicolas Lopez! Bomber: [COLOR="Purple"]"A lot of fans and insiders where shocked last month when Angel Blanco not only defeated the seemingly invincible Rhino Umaga for the CWB Title but also tore off the mask to reveal not Frankie Dee... but you, Nicolas Lopez!"[/COLOR] Lopez: [COLOR="Blue"]"I'm not sure why anyone would have thought it to be Frankie. He is nothing if not an honorable man and he was serving the full term of his suspension. I'm glad, and I'm sure the fans are glad, to have him back though!"[/COLOR] From the back, Thomas Morgan and Rhino Umaga storm towards the ring. Morgan grabs the mic: Morgan: [COLOR="Red"]"I've heard enough of this crap! Everyone with half a brain knows that it was Dee under the mask the whole time. This is bull! Umaga signed to face Frankie Dee, not Lopez. Once again we're cheated out of what is rightfully ours!"[/COLOR] Bomber: [COLOR="Purple"]"Now wait a minute. The contract said Angel Blanco and that was who was in the match. There's no proof that it was Frankie Dee or anyone--"[/COLOR] Rhino shoves Bomber and takes the mic: [COLOR="Red"]"Shut up old man! I don't need any special masks or gimmicks. I"m just going to break Lopez' leg and take what's mine!"[/COLOR] Morgan and Rhino start beating on Lopez and Bomber tries to intervene. Rhino, wild with rage, turns and punches him dead in the face. Not satisfied, he sets him up in the corner and hits a Rhino Charge. Then he proceeds to bloody the legendary wrestler. Even Thomas Morgan was unsettled by the savagery and tries to pull Rhino off. Franke Dee, still wearing street clothes, charges to the ring with a chair and bashes Rhino and Morgan. He clears the ring but paramedics are needed to clear Bomber out. [B]D[/B] Andy Hartigan: [COLOR="Green"]"Fans, this is the most sickening act I've had the misfortune to witness here in CWB. We've had wrestlers attack wrestlers and unfortunately, that's just part of the business. When wrestlers viciously attack an innocent bystander, a legend like the Boston Bomber...this is more than I can stomach. I'm disgusted!"[/COLOR] Dee calls for the mic: [COLOR="Blue"]"Morgan, you're not man enough to face me so why don't you send out your lackey Bobby Thomas right now and settle this"[/COLOR] [B]E+ Frankie Dee d. Bobby Thomas (w/ Thomas Morgan)[/B] Very good match that had a little juice added to it with the preceding angle. Dee is still not at a point where he can be the top babyface in the company but I feel he's getting there. The fans definitely like him and support him but right now he's more of a "chaser" than the guy to build around. Thomas helped him out and helped him with some Technical skills. Dee wins with the Shininaju kick. [B]D-[/B] Here come the CWB Tag Team Champions...the Gauge Bros: Greg: [COLOR="Red"]"Look, my brother Matt and I are very, very busy. We're in demand all over the world. TCW, DAVE, WLW in Japan...everywhere. We can't be bothered to come running back to Boston everytime we're beckoned to defend the titles. We're exhausted and jet lagged....that's why, tonight, we're declaring this match a non-title match! You've had shots at us, you want a title match you guys better earn it!"[/COLOR] [B]D+ The Millenials d. The Gauge Bros in a Non-Title Match[/B] Strong tag match but not to the extent of their other battles. Casey and Cameron are coming along nicely, with Vessey getting a lot of rub off his singles win over Matt Gauge last month. Casey is probably the better worker of the two and has more personality, but Cameron is the more authentic in his work. This win should get The Millenials back into serious title contention. [B]D- Nicolas Lopez (w/ Frankie Dee) d. Rhino Umaga (w/Thomas Morgan) by DQ to retain the CWB Title[/B] Awesome match with a bandaged Lopez fighting back against all odds against the monster challenger. Dee accompanied Lopez to even the odds against any potential interference from Morgan. The fans were really on Umaga the entire match and finally, frustrated when he couldn't put the champ away, he got DQed for beating Lopez with a steel chair. This brought Dee into the ring and a giant four man brawl ensued as the show ended. [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]D+[/B] Notes: I can't tell you how thrilled I am that we sold out the place. I was nervous about the Angel Blanco angle at first but it looks like it not only accomplished it's goal but then some! The year ended with a bang and 2010 looks to have a lot of possibilities to it. Keep an eye out for the first ever CWB Year End Awards as well as a look back at the pivotal (and financial) moments of the last year!
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[QUOTE=praguepride;347937]w00t, my first 100% prediction :D Anyway, quick question. Are you actually setting up your roster so the workers are managing each other, or do you just have them accompany at ringside for diary purposes only (unless they interfere in the match, obviously)[/QUOTE] Congrats! You've officially "Dragonmacked" the card! Your certificate will be mailed out shortly ;) In this case, I just had them interfere. I do have Morgan managing Rhino though and I usually book him in a match on a show with Rhino working as to get the most bang for my buck. Vita is definitely set up as manager of Romeo Romero and California Love Machine and DDD is set as mgr for The Tennessee Outlaws.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_FN-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Thomas Morgan & Rhino Umaga vs. Nicolas Lopez & Frankie Dee Casey Valentine vs. Matthew Gauge Tempest Appleby vs. Hugh de Aske Whiskey Jack vs. Duberry Excess
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[B]Thomas Morgan & Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Nicolas Lopez & Frankie Dee [I]Heels steal a win.[/I] Casey Valentine vs. [B]Matthew Gauge[/B] [I]too tough to really call, but Gauge usually develops faster[/I] Tempest Appleby vs. [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] [I]The crossdressing, inbred.... sorry, crossbreed pirate wins[/I] Whiskey Jack vs. [B]Duberry Excess[/B] [I]And Jack starts hitting the bottle after his return to jobber status.[/I]
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[B]Thomas Morgan & Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Nicolas Lopez & Frankie Dee [I]- The heels pick up the win to keep the storylines progressing. I expect some heelish skullduggery to achieve the win though.[/I] Casey Valentine vs. [B]Matthew Gauge[/B] [I]- I dig the Millenials but I think the Gauges need a win so that it doesn't get too one sided for the inevitable Tag Title match. This gives a bit of heat to the Gauges.[/I] [B]Tempest Appleby[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske -[i]Two in a row for the Movah from Vancouvah. As I imagine they'd say in Bawwstawn.[/i] Whiskey Jack vs. [B]Duberry Excess[/B] [I]- Here comes The Dew! And I think Excess has more upside than Whiskey Jack who seems to be fading a bit. I blame Triple D. That hurt to type.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBwebsite.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="6"]NEWS FROM AROUND THE WRESTLING WORLD[/SIZE][/FONT] [U] [B]CWB STARS AROUND THE WORLD[/U][/B] Championship Wrestling from Boston was established in part to be a proving ground for young talent. CWB is proud to see it's wrestlers sign deals with other territories to gain national and international acclaim. In recent months, Thomas Morgan has signed to compete in Canda's 4C promotion while Rhino Umaga heads west to the Coastal Zone for shows with CZCW. Greg Gauge has been garnering international notoriety in Japan by touring with World Level Wrestling. In related news, Xavier Reckless and Daredevil Aero have left the promotion. We wish them the best in their future endeavors. [B] [U]DaVE & BHOTWG ON PPV![/B][/U] The Pay Per View universe just got a little bigger as Danger and Violence Extreme just inked a deal to broadcast shows on Public Access Select. Wrestling fans around the country will soon be able to thrill to the hardcore exploits of Chris Caulfield, Shawn Gonzalez and CWB regular Matthew Gauge. In Japan, BHOTWG have inked their own ppv deal with J-Remote 1 and continue to be a force in puroesu.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]FIRST NIGHT[/SIZE][/FONT] Thursday Week 3 January 2010 300 fans at Biker's Paradise [COLOR="Red"]SOLD OUT![/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]Duberry Excess d. Whiskey Jack[/B] Nothing special. A little better than ordinary opener with Jack getting in a good degree of offense. "The Dew" isn't the overwhelming hometown favorite we though as it will take the tough Boston crowd a little to warm up to him. [B]E+ Hugh de Aske and Tempest Appleby go to a 10 min. time limit draw[/B] Very good match with Hugh getting to have a great debut in the company. I didn't want to put him over Tempest right away but I also didn't want him to lose his first match. Both men busted their humps and flew around the ring to the delight of the crowd. This is a match that can move higher up the card for rematches. [B]D[/B] Thomas Morgan and Rhino Umaga come to the ring: Morgan: [COLOR="Red"]"Lopez and Dee, finally we have you where we want you. No more tricks and gimmicks. You're out in the open and Rhino and I are going to make you pay!"[/COLOR] Rhino: [COLOR="Red"]"You made me look bad and that only pisses me off even more. I'm not waiting until the end of the show, get out here right now!!"[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] On cue, Nicolas Lopez and Frankie Dee come to the ring to the cheers of the crowd.... [B]Thomas Morgan & Rhino Umaga d. Frankie Dee & Nicolas Lopez when Morgan pinned Lopez[/B] Solid tag with Dee being protected. Lopez is good enough to be able to take the fall here and not lose any heat. Umaga was the dominant wrestler here and just beat the hell out of the faces. Lopez makes the hot tag to Dee and hte crowd exploded as Dee laid in some stiff kicks, one even causing a mouse under Umaga's eye. The finish came with Umaga hitting the Charge on Lopez but Morgan had blind tagged himself into the match. Morgan sneaks in the pin. [B]D[/B] Casey Valentine: [COLOR="Blue"]"It seems that, with all the talk of the Gauge Bros. With all the hype over Cameron Vessey and the amazing match at Brawlapalooza, that Casey Valentine, the Original Heartbreaker, is getting overlooked. That just will not do. I know Greg Gauge is over in Japan tonight so it looks like I've finally got a fair fight on my hands with you Matt."[/COLOR] [B]D+ Matthew Gauge d. Casey Valentine[/B] Really stellar work by these two youngsters, outshining everything else on the show. Gauge is a great old school technician and really worked over Valentine's legs the entire match. Casey fought back from underneath and looked like he may gain an upset victory. It was not to be as Gauge slammed his legs on the corner pole and slaps on the Proton Lock for the tapout win. [B]C[/B] The bell continues to ring but Gauge refuses to break the Proton Lock. Andy Hartigan is calling for security and for people in the back as Gauge just wrenches the hold on the screaming Valentine. Finally, the locker room empties and Gauge slips out of the ring. [B]D[/B] Overall Show: [B]D+[/B] Notes: Just a good solid show to kick off 2010. We have our second sellout at the Bike and if this keeps up we might be able to loosen our pursestrings for talent in '10. I'm really happy with the roster I have right now, though, and I think they can make for an exciting year. Coming up....the 2009 Year End Awards!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]2009 YEAR END AWARDS[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [B]Wrestler of the Year: Rhino Umaga[/B] It really wasn't much of a contest as the man who started the year as CWB Champion and really helped to elevate the prestige of the title and the quality of the shows rightfully takes the prize. Rhino was the monster heel that we were hoping Primal Rage was going to be way back in '07 and he not only dominated the main events, he also elevated anyone who stepped in the ring with him. The year ending Angel Blanco storyline, of which he was a big part, popped the gates and gave us our first sell out ever at Biker's Paradise. [B] Tag Team of the Year: The Gauge Bros.[/B] Matt and Greg came in as unknown 19 year olds and in a year's time are two of the most highly sought after talents the world over. One or both may not be long for the small confinse of CWB but while they're here they are making the most of it. Starting out with a great heat seeking angle by painting CWB tag champs Sudden Impact yellow in order to get a match, they've been on a tear dominating those straps. They were the anchor that the entire tag division in Boston is being built around and they continue to elevate teams like Casey and Sanders and moreso The Millenials in each encounter. [B]Match of the Year: Cameron Vessey d. Matthew Gauge (C+) at Brawlapalooza[/B] On a stacked card these two stood out in a fantastic match. The best in the company's short history. Two second generation wrestlers leaving it all in the ring for 15 minutes nonstop. Fans are already writing in for more one on one matches between the two. [B] Show of the Year: Brawlapalooza (C)[/B] Between the match of the year and the huge territory popping reveal of Angel Blanco, this was the megashow that we always hoped it would be. A show to get you excited for the next year. Overall we were in the black this year as we finished with $12,045 in the bank. Our most profitable show was June's Gene Plumelli Cup Tournament in which we made around a thousand dollars in profit.
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[QUOTE=TJRoH;360629]Ship, this is one of the best on the boards today. I been reading since the first MAW one. Keep it going![/QUOTE] Thanks TJ! Ask and ye shall receive...all you had to do was butter me up! :) Sorry I've been away for a bit, I had some other projects I needed to take care of (one of which is my webcomic [URL="http://www.johnkeating.biz"]Breaking the Ice[/URL]). I've got a few shows in the "can" so to speak, so we're ready to head into 2010 with Championship Wrestling from Boston! [CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_BiB-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: CWB Title: Nicolas Lopez (c) vs. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan CWB Tag Team Titles: The Gauge Bros. (c) vs. The Millenials Grudge Match: Frankie Dee vs. Rhino Umaga Blackjack Robbins vs. Leftie Wilkes
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/internet.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Black"]NOTABLE MENTIONS FROM THE WRESTLING WORLD[/FONT][/CENTER] ** Brett Biggz wins the 2010 Rip Chord Invitational ** Natural Storm have been the MAW tag champs since Aug. 2006 logging in 19 title defenses. ** Sadly, the work-shoot promotion XWA goes out of business. ** Congratulations to Eddie Peak as he is the new TCW World Champion. ** Congratulations also to 21CW as they rise to Cult. In doing so, they sign one half of the Wigan Bulldogs, Edward Cornell ** CWB alum Jesse Christian wins the USPW National Title from Mick Muscles
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Quick Picks QUICK PICKS: CWB Title: [B]Nicolas Lopez (c)[/B] vs. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan CWB Tag Team Titles: [B]The Gauge Bros. (c)[/B] vs. The Millenials Grudge Match: [B]Frankie Dee [/B]vs. Rhino Umaga Blackjack Robbins vs. [B]Leftie Wilkes[/B]
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QUICK PICKS: CWB Title: [B]Nicolas Lopez [/B](c) vs. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan [I]Lopez holds the title until his popularity rise causes him not to re-sign[/I] CWB Tag Team Titles: The Gauge Bros. (c) vs. [B]The Millenials[/B] [I]I forsee some title swapping between these two.[/I] Grudge Match: Frankie Dee vs. [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] [I]Dee puts up the good fight, but eventually gets mauled.[/I] Blackjack Robbins vs. [B]Leftie Wilkes[/B] [I]Because we already know Blackjack sucks, it has yet to be proven in Leftie's case[/I]
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CWB Title: [B]Nicolas Lopez (c)[/B] vs. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan [I]- Lopez just won the title and Morgan is much better as the frustrated heel.[/I] CWB Tag Team Titles: The Gauge Bros. (c) vs. [B]The Millenials[/B] [I]- I think the 7 year olds finally topple the might Gauge Bros., who then likely bolt for less Bostonian Pastures. Ingrates.[/I] Grudge Match: Frankie Dee vs. [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] [I]- Coz heels need to look strong too.[/I] Blackjack Robbins vs. [B]Leftie Wilkes[/B] [I]- I like the Outlaws, but they seem more fodder now that Triple D's been well... himself.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]BANNED IN BOSTON[/SIZE][/FONT] Friday, Week 3 February 2010 300 fans at Biker's Paradise [COLOR="Red"]SOLD OUT![/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]Blackjack Robbins d. Leftie Wilkes[/B] There's something about Robbins I like in that "Stan Hansen" type way. Not sure if he can live up to that but I figure I can give him a little shot for the duration of his contract. Leftie, although a Boston boy, is still really young and plays the underdog role better. I think he and his brother Duberry will be ok in tags though. Robbins with a brutal side slam. [B]E-[/B] Rhino Umaga comes to the ring: [COLOR="Red"]"Frankie Dee, how many times do I have to beat you? You have never beaten me in all of the times we've fought and tonight is not going to be any different. I'm going to destroy you once and for all and then, I'm done with you."[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] Cameron Vessey comes to the ring: [COLOR="Blue"]"I don't know if a lot of you were here last month and saw Matt Gauge lock on the Proton Lock on my partner Casey Valentine. He just worked that hold and refused to let go. It really tore up Casey's knee and I'm not sure if he's going to be able to make tonight's match--"[/COLOR] On cue, Casey Valentine makes his way to the ring, his knee heavily bandaged: "[COLOR="Blue"]"Cam let me tell you and all of these fans something...there is no way in hell I'm missing our tag title opportunity tonight! The Gauges have said this may be our last shot at the belts and I say we make it count!"[/COLOR] [B]D The Gauge Bros. d. The Millenials to retain the CWB Tag Team Titles[/B] Good story based match in the Gauges used their impeccable teamwork to take apart Casey's knee and focus on that. He got some hope spots in and when he finally made the hot tag, the Bike just exploded. Cameron comes in and cleans house and gets some advantage for the faces. Casey is tagged back in later but with the ref distracted, Greg nails him in the wounded knee with a chair. He slaps on the Proton Lock for the win and title defense. [B]D[/B] Thomas Morgan comes to the ring: [COLOR="Red"]"Nicolas Lopez, people say you set this company on fire. You brought the crowds to the Bike and really popped the territory. I say...where were you when there was 17 people in this crowd. When I was CWB Champion and SINGLE HANDEDLY carried this company on my back for a year. Where was the savior then? You come in and leech off all my hard work and have the nerve to call yourself champion. Tonight I'm taking MY belt back and finally getting the glory I deserve!"[/COLOR] [B]D- Frankie Dee d. Rhino Umaga[/B] Not the best match these two have had (Umaga had a little boo boo face when asked to finally job to Dee) but with Rhino's Japan commitments heating up we really wanted to establish Frankie as one of our homegrown talents. Good snug action as always from these two. The finish came with Rhino going for the Charge and Dee sidestepping at the last minute hitting a gorgeous enzuiguiri for the KO and pin. [B]D Nicolas Lopez d. Thomas Morgan to retain the CWB Title[/B] Excellent technical display that really only broke down into brawling in the final minutes. Morgan wrestled a smart match and lept Lopez grounded. There was a ref bump and during which Morgan hits Eminent Domain on Lopez for the "virtual pin". The ref awakens and Lopez kicks out. Morgan, frustrated, lost his game plan from there on and fell victim to the Lopez Buster. [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: It's good to be back! Morgan looked awesome in his title shot and the virtual pin gives him an excuse to come back even angrier in a rematch :) The Millenials quest for the tag titles continues but was it permanently derailed tonight? We shall see...
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_BR.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] CWB TITLE: Nicolas Lopez (c) vs. Iceman Clark Alexander BEANTOWN RUMBLE BATTLE ROYAL: Greg Gauge, Matthew Gauge, Masked Cougar, Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine, Hugh de Aske, Tempest Appleby, Romeo Romero, Frankie Dee, Blackjack Robbins Casey Valentine vs. Greg Gauge Masked Cougar vs. Romeo Romero Hugh de Aske vs. Tempest Appleby
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