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Is less PPV's not possible?

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Got a question. I am trying to run a promotion based of the 80's style WWF. Meaning I have only 4 ppvs. NOw I have also added in 4 events. Leaving me with a total of 8 monthly events instead of 12. Well I just finished MY first month and I lost over 100,000, MY prestige shot way down and the popularity dropped. This is even running a tv show and 4 house shows a week. So MY question is, is it not possible to only run 8 events a year even with house shows and a tv show? Is the game set up where you have to run 12 events a year to survive or is there some way arouynd this excluding th editor?
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No, all my shows were average. C to C+. Which for my companies popularity is good. The thing is, all those things happened right at the end of the month. Like it happened and went into effect on the 1st day of the next month. I am just wondering if the game is set up where you need 12 events a year or if there is some way around it. i really wanted less events so I have more time to build to them and because my roster is tiny and 12 events a year will run thru my entire roster by the end of the year.
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where have you lost your money? usually (at least on TEW05...i think) the wages came out at the end of the month, along with Misc expenses, these are usually the two main things people don't look at when losing money for some reason. If your workers are on high money, unless you absolutely need them all, release your dead weight, as for the Misc expenses, when you're cult you have a big jump in Misc expenses than when you're at Regional, it's the same when you jump upto National, it's to make the game harder, so you have to really try to balance the books.
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