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This is definitely a first in any of my games. I'm playing TCW and I'm in January 2009. I see on the 'net that the Global NOTBPW released a few guys like the McWades, Fighting Irishm Kelowna Playaz...etc. I check in the editor to see their money situation and they are in the red 280,000!!! It will be interesting to see if they can rebound from that or if they grew too much too fast and it puts them out of business. I've already signed Sean McFly (they released him when he was out for a year with a concussion) and I would love to bring in the Stones or Johnny Bloodstone.
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;292533]This is definitely a first in any of my games. I'm playing TCW and I'm in January 2009. I see on the 'net that the Global NOTBPW released a few guys like the McWades, Fighting Irishm Kelowna Playaz...etc. I check in the editor to see their money situation and they are in the red 280,000!!! It will be interesting to see if they can rebound from that or if they grew too much too fast and it puts them out of business. I've already signed Sean McFly (they released him when he was out for a year with a concussion) and I would love to bring in the Stones or Johnny Bloodstone.[/QUOTE] That's definitely a new one to me. They are always Global in all the games I have played past 2009 (about half a dozen) mostly due to adding all the talented stars from SWF and TCW after they leave when those two fall to Cult. Plus any combination of the Stones usually generate an automatic B+ or above match. Did you see if they had a rash of injuries to their top talent or anything?
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They are at Global and Sean McFly did get injured and was out over a year and released (I picked him up). Other than that, it's the usual cast of characters and they are averaging a B- or B on their shows. It boggles the mind...I can't wait to see what happens (they rejected my buyout bid)
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Actually, I wonder if just the general expenses of running a Global size promotion didn't just grind them down. Think about it. The AI probably still has them using Canada 1-Choice for PPV's, right? No matter how good a show they put on they'll only get buy rates of .30 to .40 ($150k - $200k in revenue). Even if those buy rates grow over the months to 1.0, that simply isn't enough to maintain the cost of an International or Global operation. A Global outfit can have expenses run as high as $7mil/month depending on how many TV slots you're running. That means you have to generate PPV buys of at least 5.0 and you can only do that with North America Prime Select. My guess is the AI never made the PPV carrier shift and as a result they started leaking cash once they hit Global and haven't looked back. Now if I'm incorrectly presuming that the AI didn't change PPV carriers, then I really don't know what would cause them to burn through $8-10mil in two years.
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I think you might have tripped on the reason..but not exactly what you said... They aren't even ON ppv. The AI hasn't resigned them onto PPV since The Ed Henson Tourney in March of 2008. Interesting. They can't get on North America Prime Select because I have an exclusive contract with them! So they haven't even gone to try a smaller ppv company. Edit: Plus they're running two TV shows a month
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That is one of the things I really love about this game. Despite the several things that are always the same or similiar, there is always something major that is almost unique in each gameworld if you play it out a few years. FOr instance , in my NYCW game, in 2012, Japan has FIVE National or above promotions, while the rest of the world only has two.
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Here's an example from my NOTBPW game... [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/notpbwfinances.jpg[/IMG] See the two months that my Performance took a nose dive? Those correspond to the months that I went International and Global respectively, taking on the higher operating costs that go with them. I ended my agreement with Canada 1-Choice and signed an 18 month deal with North American Prime Select in August and that helped a lot, but now that I'm Global I'm back to breaking even again.
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The NOTBPW deathwatch continues. It's February 2009 and it looked like they were righting the ship. In week 3 of Feb they had climbed back to having about 500K in the bank. Then the first of the month came and hit them hard. Now they are negative over 1 million dollars (pinkie to mouth). The funny thing was, when they were positive they signed up a bunch of workers including High Concept and Des Davids. Davids starts work for them on Saturday of week 4....on Sunday he was released. poor dude.
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  • 1 month later...
The death watch continues... I'm in February of 2010 and NOTBPW is about 8 million in debt...and not a word about the banks closing in. They also keep rejecting my buyout proposals. They are Global with an A* in Prestige. They are actually about the same popularity as TCW...B- in Canada and the US. They won't die!!! JUST LAY DOWN AND DIE!!!
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;315897]The death watch continues... I'm in February of 2010 and NOTBPW is about 8 million in debt...and not a word about the banks closing in. They also keep rejecting my buyout proposals. They are Global with an A* in Prestige. They are actually about the same popularity as TCW...B- in Canada and the US. They won't die!!! JUST LAY DOWN AND DIE!!![/QUOTE] You really want those Stones boys , don't you?! :D :p
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[QUOTE=Blackman;315951]Damn. From all promotions. NOTBPW is the one I thought'd never go bank. Oh well, guess all good things come to an end. :D[/QUOTE] They went Global but I had an exclusive PPV deal with North American Prime Select. That's really the only ppv company a Global company can make money with. Now they don't even have a ppv carrier...too big for the others. So they just bled money lol I'm trying to nail that final nail in the coffin!!
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=theaddicane;316039]Getting the Stone family would be sweet. I love when huge things happen in games. I thought the 'E would really go bust but then Vince actually became head booker and show ratings are back in the B range. Grrr. I hope it goes under. Does it take 6 months for a company to fold?[/QUOTE] The size of the company usually affects the amount of time the company can spend in the red; MAW can usually only spend 2 or 3 months in it before going under while NOTBPW could probably last about a year in the red unless they begin bleeding money at an even faster rate.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;316576]There is hope for you yet Ship!! NOTBPW can be bought out. [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=27057[/url][/QUOTE] Oh cool! I keep trying the first of every month :) They're at Global and they've lasted about a year in the red. Maybe the next few months will finally do it! And Chris, I plan on keeping NOTBPW as a promotion with a touring World Champion. So NOTBPW will be the Candian branch and I'll keep the Canadian title and tag titles. I'll probably rename the TCW International title to TCW US Title or something like that. If all goes well I may even open up TCW Europe!! haha
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