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The first screens

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Sure. For the Match screen: the back arrow takes you back to the main menu, the "I" brings up the Match Information window (telling you the rules for the match, etc), the "L" brings up the Match Log (a list of everything that has happened so far), the "?" is the help screen, the musical note is the sound options, and the "X" is to quite the game. From the Player screen: the arrow goes to the next day, the first head is your player screen (the one shown), the second is your personal assistant (the return of Sophie from EWR), the third is your mentor (dealing with move sets and in-ring training), the phone is your agent (dealing with contracts and job offers), the cross is the doctor (dealing with injuries), the weight lifter is your fitness instructor (dealing with training and fitness), the dollar is your accountant (dealing with wages, etc), and the book is the librarian (holds all the records, previous results, title histories, etc). On the other side, the back arrow goes back to the main screen, the disk saves, the musical note toggles sound effects, and the "X" quits. Each of the sections has a different character at the side, so that red player character is changed to Sophie if you move to her screen, a doctor for the medical screen, etc, etc.
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Thank you Ricky and Dean. :) Those do look nice. This game sort of reminds me of the game WLS from way back in the day (pretty much the same concept, not nearly as indepth and was all DOS text). I spent many hours with that game and am looking forward to this one.
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[QUOTE=MajikMan]Thanks for the quick reply Adam :) Can these screens be modded at all by the player? (not that they suck or anything, just curious! :p )[/QUOTE] How customizable is the game? Extremely. Not only can almost every piece of data in the game be altered via the in-game editor, but virtually everything is skinnable, allowing the player to alter the look and sound of the game to whatever he wants. What's more, rather than having to manually swap files around whenever you want to use a new database, like you had to with TEW, WreSpi does this automatically. So you could have the original database, your own custom database, and one you've downloaded from someone else, and you can swap between them with just a few clicks of the mouse. That's from the FAQ!
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Ive been gone for awhile, but i do appreciate the feedback on the graphics. We wanted to leave the game very opened ended yet provide it with significant amounts of personality upon its release and i think we achieved the effect pretty well...All and all its definately worth the price you'll pay for it...
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The Poser artists did a great job!!!! Adam if you are looking for more Poser artist then you should go cruise the E-Fed scene and see if any of them will do it free of charge, I know a few of them wouldn't mind doing it free because that'd be some of their work being published in a game ;) That is if you need any more Poser Artist(s) I myself know little about Poser, just learning with Poser 4...
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