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Problem with Pushes

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Hi, I'm trying the demo version of TEW 2007, with a real world database. In the Help files, they say you can alter a worker's push using the editor. I tried, and unfortunately, I couldn't find how to do that. I can alter a ton of things (gimmick, contract type, alignment, etc), but I can't see where the "Push" button is. So everytime I start a new game (and unfortunately, I tend to start new games quite often after constantly getting fired from my promotion) I have to alter the pushes AGAIN for a lot of my workers. Sure, most of them start with an ok default push, but in some cases, the default push chosen by the AI seems really weird to me. I play with the WWE, and for example half my referees start as "Personality" or "Authority Figure" instead of referees, even though ALL of them have "Referee=Usually" and "Everything Else=Never" in the "Favoured Role" menu of the editor. Or Stephanie McMahon starts with the "Women's Divison" push even though I set her to be a Non-Wrestler and to have "Personality=Usually" in the editor. So of course, every time I start a new game, the first thing I do is I change the pushes again. Sorry John Cone, I know you really want to be a Personality, but you'll be a ref. Sorry Steve Lombardi, I'm sure fans would be delighted to see you pin Triple H again, but I want you to work as a road agent instead. All this extra work would be annoying enough already, but on top of that, there's another problem: the workers who got a different push than their default push (and who originally say "I'd really like to work as..., but this is OK too") start e-mailing me with complaints. Maryse is unhappy, she sends me a message to tell me that she's furious about being pushed as a Personality (probably because she doesn't have one) and wants to be part of the Women's Division. Vince McMahon is unhappy about being employed as an Authority Figure (yeah, rrrrrrright...), he really wants to be an Announcer instead. Etc, etc. So I checked again and again in the editor, and everyone should have the position I want them to have when I start a new game, except no they don't, the same workers keep having the same starting positions that don't make sense, such as Kelly Kelly and Lilian Garcia as Authority Figures. So being able to alter the actual in-game push with the editor would really help, and as I said, the Help files say it's possible. So I'd really like to know: is this option only available in the full version, not the demo version? Is it simply a mistake in the manual, and you just can't alter the pushes with the editor, you just have to deal with what the computer gives you every time you start a game?
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I figure this is easiest to answer in a list... 1. There are recommended in game limits on how many of each role your promotion should have. As such, anyone deemed surplus to those limits get set to another role (if there is space available) or set to personality, which is a general catch-all push. 2. For Maryse, it seems like she has active or semi-active wrestler set to more than none. If so, and given that you have an excess of personalities on your roster, she'll want an active in-ring position, which in this case means women's division. 3. For Steph McMahon, from your description it sound like you've edited her database profile without making the same updates to her WWE contract. If she's set to be a wrestler/semi active wrestler there then she will still expect a wrestling push. 4. Pushes aren't editable, only their roles. The auto-pusher selects what is best but you have to remember that WWE has a VAST excess of workers on their roster, especially in non-wrestling roles. Having three brands only makes this worse and I'm sure you would easily be able to cut several people without even noticing a difference. 5. Personality and authority figure pushes are fairly similar in the way they are handled. Usually the authority figure needs to have "personality" set as a role they can perform but other than that, there's little difference. If you don't like some of the roles assigned, then I'd recommend changing them at the database level so that in future games you don't have to worry about changing them again. But because of WWE's excess of backstage staff, far higher then the game would ever recommend at it's most extreme setting, the pushes are tinkered with somewhat. I'd fire a few people to start with (WWE likes doing this in game or real life :)) and get your staff down to a managable, usable level. Derek B
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Thanks for your response Derek, but I'm still quite confused about certain things... [QUOTE=derek_b;295689] If you don't like some of the roles assigned, then I'd recommend changing them at the database level so that in future games you don't have to worry about changing them again. Derek B[/QUOTE] That's the problem, I can't change them at the database level. Let's take an example: I used the database to edit Maryse. So her profile and contract pages look like this: [U]Personal data[/U] Status=Non-Wrestler Style=Never Wrestles [U]Favoured roles[/U] Manager=Sometimes Personality=Usually All the rest=Never [U]Contract[/U] Status=Non-Wrestler Even with these settings, when I start a new game, she still gets automatically pushed as "Women's division", and complains about not being used in an active wrestling role. The only solution would be to alter her specific push with the database editor, but apparently, I can't do that. Anyway, I guess I'll just have to fire her since she doesn't really serve any real purpose, but that's the other problem: you said that WWE had way too many employees and that I should just fire a bunch of them. But when I play with the WWE, I keep getting messages about my company not having enough workers, and the fans expecting a promotion like mine to have a bigger roster. So what's the solution? Should I fire a bunch of useless personalities, and hire a bunch of active wrestlers instead?
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[QUOTE=MisterSocko;295770]Let's take an example: I used the database to edit Maryse. So her profile and contract pages look like this: [U]Personal data[/U] Status=Non-Wrestler Style=Never Wrestles [U]Favoured roles[/U] Manager=Sometimes Personality=Usually All the rest=Never [U]Contract[/U] Status=Non-Wrestler Even with these settings, when I start a new game, she still gets automatically pushed as "Women's division", and complains about not being used in an active wrestling role. [/QUOTE] You need to check that you are editing the right database - change her name (temporarily) and make sure that it correctly displays when starting a new game. The reason I am asking you to check this is because from your description it sounds like you are either not saving correctly or are editing the wrong database - you cannot get the message about wanting to be an active competitor if her status is Non-Wrestler in both fighter and contract profiles.
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[QUOTE=MisterSocko;295682]So being able to alter the actual in-game push with the editor would really help, and as I said, the Help files say it's possible. So I'd really like to know: is this option only available in the full version, not the demo version? Is it simply a mistake in the manual, and you just can't alter the pushes with the editor, you just have to deal with what the computer gives you every time you start a game?[/QUOTE] There is no difference between the full and demo versions of any of my games, other than the limits on how long you can play. The push reference in the help file is an error, it is not possible to set pushes as they are automatically handled by the AI from day 1 onwards.
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So I tried again, following Adam's advice. I renamed Maryse "Juanita Banana", checked her profile to make sure was everything but "Manager" and "Personality" and that her status was "Non-Wrestler", checked her contract to make sure she was a "Non-wrestler" on her WWE contract too, started a game, and in this new game, "Juanita Banana" was pushed as an Authority Figure. I tried with other workers who had a similar problem (like Layla), and the push was "Personality". No more "Women's Division" for non-wrestlers. I think maybe I did something wrong on my previous tries. Like, maybe they still had "Occasional Wrestler=Sometimes" in their "Favoured Roles", even though all the rest (including their contract) was correct and even though I was sure I had done everything right. I still think it's too bad that you can't alter the pushes before starting a game, since you could do it in EWR (and possibly in TEW 2004 and 2005, I don't remember), but oh well. Anyway, thanks a lot for your answers (and many many thanks to Adam for EWR which is one of my all-time favorite games). Now I have a completely unrelated problem with TEW2007, I don't know if there's a patch that corrects that bug, but after I get fired from a promotion, I still have to negociate with the guys I had contacted before getting fired, and if they accept my offer, they do get hired by the promotion that fired me!
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[QUOTE=MisterSocko;295823]Now I have a completely unrelated problem with TEW2007, I don't know if there's a patch that corrects that bug, but after I get fired from a promotion, I still have to negociate with the guys I had contacted before getting fired, and if they accept my offer, they do get hired by the promotion that fired me![/QUOTE] That should already be fixed, but as you're playing the trial you don't have the most up-to-date game yet.
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[QUOTE=MisterSocko;295770] I keep getting messages about my company not having enough workers, and the fans expecting a promotion like mine to have a bigger roster. So what's the solution? Should I fire a bunch of useless personalities, and hire a bunch of active wrestlers instead?[/QUOTE] Higher more active wrestlers, I don't think non-wrestlers are considered when it comes to 'having a big enough roster'. Check out the ideal roster button in the creative section and you'll see how many dudes you're missing (though you might have to do some math heh)
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