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Unavailable Workers and Off Screen Angles

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This may lead to a suggestion for future versions, but I wanted to make sure I was looking at this right. Off screen participation in an angle--the worker doesn't get paid for an appearance, is never seen, and can be anybody, injured or not. Right? If so, how come when a worker has missed a show, I can't use them in such a role? Oversight, intentional, or otherwise? I had intended (and prebooked) Worker A vs Worker B for a show, and then discovered that B was busy that night working elsewhere. So, I modified the prebooking ,and decided to just hype the matchup...but I can't select Worker B as the off-screen subject of the hype. This is the situation that I came across last night that really annoyed me. Perhaps a 'mentioned' category as well as on and off screen would be merited?
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I would like unavailable workers to be used in off screen roles in angles. A guy may be injured as unavailable for a week. But I still need to finish hyping for a PPV, I would like to be able to give one last "The champ is scared!" or something like that. But, from my understanding, it can't be done the current way it's coded. So just hope for a change next year. Heheheh.
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I somewhat agree with you, but at the same time I see the logic in it. I would like to be able to use someone that is working elsewhere as an off screen talent, but they would probably want compensation for use of their character and there is no way to calculate that. Using injured talent, however, I like the way it is; workers have injuries that they work through, and its up to you to decide how to book them (off screen, not in matches, etc.) while they recover. If they are injured and have to sit out, then they are too hurt to be the focus of anything on your show anyway.
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I've got to disagree. Just because a guy is too injured to work, or working for someone else that night, doesn't mean someone can't do something as simple as cut a promo about them. This is probably the main oversight in the game, and I can easily work around it, but I was stunned the first time I ran into it in a game.
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