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Poor sting.... and WTF TNA!?!?


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So for two years in a row Sting wins the title at the biggest PPV of the year.... then momentum is wasted and he loses the strap less than a month after winning it. last year he loses it by DQ, and never regains it or any really shot at it. this year he loses it less than 2 weeks later with a half assed interference attempt (despite what cornette said, nash got half his body in ring) and a second ref who was not the official on record makes the count.......and doesnt even make the next PPV as champ........ Now hes in a tag match that you know wont turn out well for him...... hot potato hot potato! and BS! poor sting :( Then we look at the X division. First Nash makes it a joke, Angle Almost kills it, and now Team 3d IS killing it......stupid stupid stupid........ discuss
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The show was incredibly frustrating. First off, what kills me is that there was not even a REASON for a controversy. Itsucks that the belt was taken off of Sting (in a fanboy way) but a heel getting a tainted title win is a standard part of the wrestling business. The fact they did this giant rematch on free TV is a little baffling, but still....have Sting get his rematch on the next PPV with a special stip, have there be a no interference clause, whatever. The match at BFG was so good I doubt any fans is going to complain about a third match. And if you want to get Nash involved: special ref, special enforcer, make it a three-way if you absolutely must... But you JUST did the "champ and his partner hate each other" with Angle and Joe..you just had a controversy when Angle won his first TNA title.. and NO ONE thinks its a good idea to defend your top singles title in a tag team match. The rest of the show wasn't bad...but this was the big storyline of the night and it was incredibly stupid.
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Wow, sounds rough. I'm not able to follow TNA as closely as I'd like, but it really sucks to hear they're still making horrible decisions around their titles. I don't want to "start anything" (as I know there are some "fanboys" on both sides here), but since there wasn't a Raw topic this week I'd just like to say I thought it was the best wrestling show I've seen in quite a while - and that's super rare for me because typically Raw doesn't really hold my interest. But some seriously solid matches, good angles (Jeff Hardy is better on the mic than most people give him credit for), and I like the general direction that the storylines are going in. Cyber Sunday should be a fair bit of fun, though very predictable. Anyone else get peeved off when JR says we can decide the outcomes? We clearly cannot. I don't see an option for "Batista should lose his title".
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that was just a [B][U]BAD[/U][/B] show overall. I can understand the 8 man tag leading the show, but they hype sting vs. angle for the title all week. We get to Impact and Jr. Fatu vs. Robert Roode is the Main Event! You read that right Jr. Fatu vs. Roode was the Main Event! :confused: :mad: :confused: :mad: :confused: Now we have a tag match at the ppv wher the belt is on the line. Why not just make it a triple threat match if all three must be involved. :( :mad: :( :mad: Team 3-D still wants to kill the X-divison? Hello They tried that with Nash. And why not just attempt to kill the tag divison and leave the X guys alone. One problem I see is that they try and mix the divisons up too much and it comes off looking bad. Ex. Team 3-D taking out the X-divison. If I was running things I would do a company meeting with all wrestlers and go down the list: LAX your tag guys, Angle your world title, Joe your world title, Team 3-D your tag, Lethal your X divison etc... at the end I would tell them that you fight within your own "divison". Team 3-D should be nowhere near the X-divison and guys like Eric Young should be nowhere near the world title. It makes titles/divisons look like jokes. only in special cases would I let the divisons mix. (Very rare)
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[QUOTE]One problem I see is that they try and mix the divisons up too much and it comes off looking bad. Ex. Team 3-D taking out the X-divison. If I was running things [B]I would do a company meeting with all wrestlers and go down the list: LAX your tag guys, Angle your world title, Joe your world title, Team 3-D your tag, Lethal your X divison etc... at the end I would tell them that you fight within your own "divison".[/B] Team 3-D should be nowhere near the X-divison and guys like Eric Young should be nowhere near the world title. It makes titles/divisons look like jokes.[/QUOTE] You do know that the wrestlers don't choose what 'Divsion' they wrestle in, right? That's what the booking team's there for ;)
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[QUOTE=mystic;306063]Team 3-D should be nowhere near the X-divison and guys like Eric Young should be nowhere near the world title.[/QUOTE] First of Eric Young for World Champion. That being said Team 3-D is not actually in the X-Division the whole point is they want to destroy the X-Division because they think they are weaker wrestlers. Interesting premise and definitely a wrestling staple of the big powerful heels beating up the littler guy. However the execution is awful it's not being pulled off and it needs to stop, but Team 3-D isn't [U]in[/U] the X-Division. On to the topic a whole I couldn't stand this weeks impact and I've never been that big a complainer. Much like my 3-D example TNA is using all of the old wrestling favorites (Angle as dickish heel steals a title win) but they are just putting atwist on it that doesn't work. I had actually felt that things had been getting better but the stories are beginning to go back to looking like their written by a group of eight year olds with ADD.
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Poor decision on Sting I feel, especially to set up a tag team match where a singles belt is on the line. Triple Threat would have made for a more interesting scenario, with Nash getting ahead of himself and turning on Kurt to retify his current 'broken veteran' character only to cost Kurt the belt and ultimately his pseudo job as Angle's counsellor. The problem with a lot of TNA's booking decisions is that I get why they're doing it... I just don't get why they're doing it. I mean I can see why they had the controversial finish to set up the tag match and such, I just don't get why they throwing away a BFG singles rematch in favour of a overbooked title match convoluted by a tag team format. It's the same with Team 3D and the X Division. I understand what they're aiming for with the angle, I'm just not sure what the pay-off is really going to be. If they really wanted to get a team to try and destroy the X Division, I think they need a team with a better dynamic. Styles and Tomko perhaps, with a former X-Division stalwart trying to destory his roots, maybe due to the laughing stock the division has become in his eyes or whatever. I don't know, I just hope that this angle doesn't just put over Team 3D at the expense of a division that's taken a bit of a kicking in recent times. Especially since it's TNA's trademark and one of the few things they have, that the WWE isn't capable of pulling off with their watered down match formulas. I've got no issues with the pushing Eric Young at all. He's one of their homegrown talents and he's very much over with the fans. Putting the belt on him is another matter of course, but as the lovable loser and underdog with a dream... he works.
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[QUOTE=Franchise22;305880]So for two years in a row Sting wins the title at the biggest PPV of the year.... then momentum is wasted and he loses the strap less than a month after winning it. last year he loses it by DQ, and never regains it or any really shot at it. this year he loses it less than 2 weeks later with a half assed interference attempt (despite what cornette said, nash got half his body in ring) and a second ref who was not the official on record makes the count.......and doesnt even make the next PPV as champ........ Now hes in a tag match that you know wont turn out well for him...... hot potato hot potato! and BS! poor sting :( Then we look at the X division. First Nash makes it a joke, Angle Almost kills it, and now Team 3d IS killing it......stupid stupid stupid........ discuss[/QUOTE] you have good points, but about Sting and everything, this could lead to a great fued before sting retires... Sting vs. EARL HEBNER!!
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;306258] It's the same with Team 3D and the X Division. I understand what they're aiming for with the angle, I'm just not sure what the pay-off is really going to be. If they really wanted to get a team to try and destroy the X Division, I think they need a team with a better dynamic. Styles and Tomko perhaps, with a former X-Division stalwart trying to destory his roots, maybe due to the laughing stock the division has become in his eyes or whatever. I don't know, I just hope that this angle doesn't just put over Team 3D at the expense of a division that's taken a bit of a kicking in recent times. Especially since it's TNA's trademark and one of the few things they have, that the WWE isn't capable of pulling off with their watered down match formulas.[/QUOTE] Why doesnt anyone seem to get this... This is a way to get the X division (or more specifically, the MCMG) because look at the last few Team 3D feuds. Put LAX over at least 3 times before winning, resulting in a fantastic face turn. Steiners, great feud, putting the Steiners over. This can only help the MCMG
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People dump over everything TNA does before it ever gets off the ground because it has a plan to it. Team 3D has to sneak attack guys smaller than them and use weapons to get the advantage and calls them all weak because of it... it's called heel heat. These guys can all take sick bumps easily for them as well... and when they get their revenge it'll only make them all look better.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;306550]People dump over everything TNA does before it ever gets off the ground because it has a plan to it. Team 3D has to sneak attack guys smaller than them and use weapons to get the advantage and calls them all weak because of it... it's called heel heat. These guys can all take sick bumps easily for them as well... and when they get their revenge it'll only make them all look better.[/QUOTE] well if TNA could go more than 2 months without turning half their roster, some genuine heel heat might actually develop. ;) Speaking of Impact, was that seemingly never ending time period of the show where Don West was solo unbearable or what?! I could have taken even Khali's rambling over that! I mean, Tenay and West are usually terrible, but that was extra awful...
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[QUOTE=Ransik;306550]People dump over everything TNA does before it ever gets off the ground because it has a plan to it. Team 3D has to sneak attack guys smaller than them and use weapons to get the advantage and calls them all weak because of it... it's called heel heat. These guys can all take sick bumps easily for them as well... and when they get their revenge it'll only make them all look better.[/QUOTE] the problem is, im willing to bet there is NO revenge that will make them look good. i would LOVE IT and mark out like crazy if this led to a strong MCMG's push. but i doubt it. look at the booking involving sting. also, another trend in TNA im noticing during promos is all the insider refrences about "back stage politics" "peoples spots" ect being mentioned in promos. this is identical to late WCW and is quite scary. the average/casual fan and non smarks (ie the majority) dont understand that lingo and talk, thus making it ineffective and pointless.
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[url]http://www.stormwrestling.com/102207.html[/url] Lance Stom mentions what exactly is wrong with the Dudley boyz promo and why it wasnt drawing heel heat rather than vanquishing the heat of MCMG. [QUOTE]The second promo I had a problem with was by another guy who should know better. Team 3D (Brother Rey) cut a promo on the Motor City Machine Guns before attacking them and power bombing both guys through tables. I would assume this segment is to create interest in a Team 3D vs. MCMG match. Team 3D is by far the more established team, so elevating the Machine Guns should be the goal of this segment. This leaves a sane booker, two options. Option 1: The heels can come out and build the faces up verbally, talking about how every body loves these guys, and how the MCMGs are younger faster and more exciting team that everyone is talking about, but that Team 3D is still the big kids on the block and that the Guns will need to go through them to prove themselves. Then when the attack happened the Guns should have gotten the advantage only to have the rug pulled out from under them leading to the power bombs. This way we as fans can get behind the MCMG hoping they get their revenge. Option 2: Team 3D comes out and buries these guys verbally, being ****y heels, to create heat, only to have their attack fail with the MCMG getting the upper hand running off Team 3D, sending the message that the verbal burial was complete bull****. What we got was of course the worst combination of the two. We had Team 3D come out and tell us that the MCMG (who are actually getting over) are unimportant and useless, as is the whole X-Division (why they are also burying the X-Div. Is beyond me, they are in the Tag Team Division after all) then they hit the ring and killed the unimportant useless tag team to drive home the fact that everything they just said was true. Even if that was the way it was booked, Brother Rey should have cut a different promo. This segment threw a huge bucket of water on a tag team that was catching fire, in order to get over a team that is about as established and over as a tag team can get. Yet again horrible, horrible business, and thus a bad promo! [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;306499]Why doesnt anyone seem to get this... This is a way to get the X division (or more specifically, the MCMG) because look at the last few Team 3D feuds. Put LAX over at least 3 times before winning, resulting in a fantastic face turn. Steiners, great feud, putting the Steiners over. This can only help the MCMG[/QUOTE] People do get it, but Storm's column above really sums up how I (and it seems many others) feel about the angle. Despite no real booking focus from TNA until the last few weeks to a month, MCMG are getting over anyway. I'm a Sabin and Shelley mark myself anyway, but the segment on Impact just saw them buried on the mic and they buried physically afterwards. If TNA are going to book segments like that (including the beating MCMG took after beating Rave and Hoyt), then they're going to have to book the Guns very well to counterbalance that... and recently TNA's booking in some areas of the show has left a lot to be desired. [QUOTE=Ransik;306550]People dump over everything TNA does before it ever gets off the ground because it has a plan to it. Team 3D has to sneak attack guys smaller than them and use weapons to get the advantage and calls them all weak because of it... it's called heel heat. These guys can all take sick bumps easily for them as well... and when they get their revenge it'll only make them all look better.[/QUOTE] Heel heat is all well and good, but the opposition still have to have some credibility attached to them for the pay-off match to matter. I guess for a more current example, look at the WWE's current HHH vs Umaga feud. At No Mercy, HHH basically buried Umaga by beating him in about 10 minutes, after already having a match that night and beating him with more ease (including a half-assed cover if memory serves me correct) than either Cena or Lashley managed in recent feuds. I personally couldn't be less interested in their build and eventual match at Cyber Sunday, because HHH has already been established as so clearly superior to his opponent to the point that Umaga is never going to beat him. Some sort of screwjob angle could be played out for Umaga to get the win, but that would just see HHH recapture his heat on the following RAW anyway. Different performers, different scenario I know, but the point is that if you bury a worker or a team too early in a feud, the subsequent pay off will suffer. Also just because something has a plan to it, doesn't neccessarily make it a good plan. No Mercy had a 'plan to it' and look how that turned out.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;306675]Also just because something has a plan to it, doesn't neccessarily make it a good plan. No Mercy had a 'plan to it' and look how that turned out.[/QUOTE] OH NO...see when debating Ransik you must remember that ANY criticism of TNA is being a WWE-fanboy even if most of the board came on here and absolutely killed a terribly booked WWE PPV. Bad booking is bad booking. And while I can sort of see how the Dudleys/MCMG thing *might* help Sabin/Shelley, it's a mid-card TNA feud so there's a pretty good chance it will be ignored in a few weeks anyway. The real porblem is at the top of the card: they bring in big names, set up dream matches that fans have never seen before, and then do everything possible to make sure no one will be interested in it. The 2 hours Impacts have been pretty decent as a whole so far...but this angle with Nash/Kurt/Sting was asinine and they just ensured themeselves another terrible PPV followed by four more weeks of convoluted storylines to settle the World Title.
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Honeslty, maybe the TNA and WWE writing teams should trade a few guys back and forth. One is doing too much and one is doing too little. So if they trade... TNA will go to more straighforward bookings and feuds that have a beginning, a middle, and an end. And the WWE will stop feeling like it's running in place and nothing happens.
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Actually Peter... it has to do with it being TWO WEEKS into the angle. The Guns cost Team 3D their match at Bound For Glory... and Team 3D beat the hell of them in a sneak attack. Why not you know... give it TIME first? This isn't a WWE angle where Triple H constantly gets the better of Umaga and then beats him in 10 minutes... let it BUILD first.
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