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One True Champion

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I've made a storyline that has someone showing up as the fake champion and announcing he's the one true champion which leads to a big feud with the real champion and then finishes up with a huge title unifying match. Champion Attacked (Angle) Other Champion Announces Himself (Angle) Champion #2 Match (Match) Champion #1 Attacks Champion #2 (Angle) Champion #1 Match (Match) Champion #2 Attacks Champion #1 (Angle) Authority Books Cage Match (Match) Hype For Cage Match (Angle) Cage Match (Match) - Ends in a draw Huge Brawl Between Both Champions (Angle) Authority Books Last Man Standing Match (Angle) Champion #2 Warm Up Match (Match) Champion #1 Warm Up Match (Match) Champion #2 Picks Opponent For Champion #1 (Angle) Pick Your Poison Match For Champion #1 (Match) Champion #1 Picks Opponent For Champion #2 (Angle) Pick Your Poison Match For Champion #2 (Match) Hype For Last Man Standing Match (Angle) Last Man Standing Match (Match) - Ends in a draw Authority Announces Title Unifying Ladder Match (Angle) Pick A Partner Tag Team Match (Match) Hype For Title Unifying Ladder Match (Angle) Title Unifying Ladder Final Match (Match) - Champion #1 wins The One True Champion Celebrates (Angle) I created two new angles, one is for the huge brawl angle and also one for the authority to announce the one on one matches. First time i've tried to do this so was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what else to include in it. [B]EDIT [/B]- I'm editing it as people reply with ideas :).
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I like this too....might be nice to add a couple of angles revealing tag partners. Also, depending on the workers involved, a ladder match might not be the best-blow off match -- maybe doing a couple of versions to suit several types of workers.....HIAC for brawlers, Iron-Man or Ultimate Submission (I guess the individual could change this to suit their situation though)
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Champion Makes Open Challenge (Angle) Champion Attacked (Angle) Other Champion Announces Himself (Angle) Champion #1 Singles Match (Match) Champion #2 Attacks Champion #1 (Angle) Champion #2 Claims To Be True Champion (Angle) Champion #2 Singles Match (Match) Champion #1 Attacks Champion #2 (Angle) Champion #1 Refutes Champion #2's Claims (Angle) Authority Books Gimmick Match (Match) Hype For Gimmick Match (Angle) Gimmick Match (Match) - Ends in a draw Champion #2 Reveals Tag Partner (Angle) Champion #1 Reveals Tag Partner (Angle) Pick A Partner Tag Team Match (Match) Huge Brawl Between Both Champions (Angle) Authority Books 2nd Gimmick Match (Angle) Champion #2 Warm Up Match (Match) Champion #1 Warm Up Match (Match) Hype For 2nd Gimmick Match (Angle) 2nd Gimmick Match (Match) - Ends in a draw Title Unifying Match Challenge (Angle) Title Unifying Match Challenge Accepted (Angle) Champion #1 Picks Opponent For Champion #2 (Angle) Pick Your Poison Match For Champion #2 (Match) Champion #2 Picks Opponent For Champion #1 (Angle) Pick Your Poison Match For Champion #1 (Match) Hype For Title Unifying Final Match (Angle) Title Unifying Final Match (Match) - Champion #1 wins The One True Champion Celebrates (Angle) I made the three big match descriptions generic so people can put in whatever type of match will best suit the wrestlers in the storyline. Just testing out the 30 steps now :).
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This looks very cool. I would actually give them a normal match before jumping right into a cage match confrontation, though. Give the cage match a reason for happening (like a double co in the first one). Also, if you really wanted to make it epic, you could do like they did with Flair in the WWF as The Real World Champion and have him feud with someone first and then go on to face the other champion. Let him call him out for a bit.
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[QUOTE=benjacko;314339]There's a limit of 30 steps on a storyline so I could break it up into 3 different storylines to really help build up a big feud and i've left out saying what kind of match it is so it's left upto the player to choose the match type.[/QUOTE] Yeah I noticed that on the redo of the storyline! Sorry about that! I always like to build to something like a cage match. Give it a reason for happening. This is a great storyline and might be right up there with epics like DOTT "I'm YOUR champion" storylines that have three parts.
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No probs, feeling creative at the moment so i'll do the three parter then might do a few more :). Part 1 will cover the fake champion turning up and fighting it out with a challenger, Part 2 will cover the fake champion chipping away at the real champion with numerous run-ins and attacks then onto Part 3 to finally finish it off.
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[QUOTE=benjacko;314359]No probs, feeling creative at the moment so i'll do the three parter then might do a few more :). Part 1 will cover the fake champion turning up and fighting it out with a challenger, Part 2 will cover the fake champion chipping away at the real champion with numerous run-ins and attacks then onto Part 3 to finally finish it off.[/QUOTE] Awesome
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