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Raul Hughes Has Retired!

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Mid 30's doesn't seem too unreasonable, as I think some people start to decline from ages as early as 30-31. I'm generally surprised when a fighter gets to his late 30s and is still fighting. It doesn't sound that unusual, but obviously other factors could have played a part. Do you know if he was suffering from any major wear and tear? What was his record before retiring? And had he had quite a few losses in a row? Major losing streaks, overall bad records and physical issues are what I've seemed to see people retire from.
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I don't know if you're a MMA fan, or just generally a wrestling fan or what, but in MMA it's very rare for a fighter to last to even late 30's. In fact, the only one I can think of to fight PAST his 40's and be successful, is Randy Couture. Chuck Liddell is only 36 I believe and it's quite obvious that he's past his prime, and many suspect if he loses to Wanderlei Silva on Dec 29 he will retire as well. It's not unreasonable to have a fighter retire around 35, or so. that sucks though, Hughes is one of my favourites in my game:(
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[QUOTE=dv86;337609]I don't know if you're a MMA fan, or just generally a wrestling fan or what, but in MMA it's very rare for a fighter to last to even late 30's. In fact, the only one I can think of to fight PAST his 40's and be successful, is Randy Couture. Chuck Liddell is only 36 I believe and it's quite obvious that he's past his prime, and many suspect if he loses to Wanderlei Silva on Dec 29 he will retire as well. It's not unreasonable to have a fighter retire around 35, or so. that sucks though, Hughes is one of my favourites in my game:([/QUOTE] I wouldn't say Liddell is past his prime (maybe a bit but not enough that he isn't still a top level fighter), I think people have just figured out how to beat him. Same deal with Cro Cop, they just have problems with good strikers who put pressure on them. It all depends on the fighter and their styles. Usually strikers who rely on quick reflexes seem to age faster as reflexes are one of the first things to go as you get older. Wrestling types like Couture who rely on strength seem to age slower because it takes longer to lose your strength. Houstan Alexander for example is in his late 30's and only recently made his UFC debut. Although he isn't that good of a fighter he was able to get a couple good wins because of his strength and punching power. All of that said, in the game most fighters I have seen have retired in their mid 30's. The oldest fighter I have seen was Dan Halvorson who retired at age 37.
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[QUOTE=dv86;337609]I don't know if you're a MMA fan, or just generally a wrestling fan or what, but in MMA it's very rare for a fighter to last to even late 30's. In fact, the only one I can think of to fight PAST his 40's and be successful, is Randy Couture. Chuck Liddell is only 36 I believe and it's quite obvious that he's past his prime, and many suspect if he loses to Wanderlei Silva on Dec 29 he will retire as well. It's not unreasonable to have a fighter retire around 35, or so. that sucks though, Hughes is one of my favourites in my game:([/QUOTE] this has nothing to do with mma... it's life in general every sport you find has people calling it quits around the mid 30's it's rare when you see people still going strong near 40 and i think liddell is 37
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I guess you could argue that theres some older fighters, but none that are any good besides Randy Couture. Shamrock and Frye don't really fight anymore, and Severn fights total cans in low-end shows to pad his record.. but Couture is the difference, really, still a champion and winning. Or was at least until recently when he left the UFC.
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[QUOTE=BlizzardVeers;337734]This is the only sad part about MMA. Great fighter's primes don't last that long. Enjoy a great fighter while you can, because even as soon as a year's time, they might not be the same fighter that they were.[/QUOTE] agreed but you can say that about any sport
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[QUOTE=dv86;337609]I don't know if you're a MMA fan, or just generally a wrestling fan or what, but in MMA it's very rare for a fighter to last to even late 30's. In fact, the only one I can think of to fight PAST his 40's and be successful, is Randy Couture. Chuck Liddell is only 36 I believe and it's quite obvious that he's past his prime, and many suspect if he loses to Wanderlei Silva on Dec 29 he will retire as well. It's not unreasonable to have a fighter retire around 35, or so. that sucks though, Hughes is one of my favourites in my game:([/QUOTE] I don't know if your an MMA fan or not but most fighters fight until their late 30's unless they have a serious injury. Chuck is 38. Randy is in his 40's. Ken was 39 or so when he had his last fight. Arsdale is in his 40's.
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I had Zvo Asonovic retire at 29 on a win streak. Problem was he was "one injury away from forced retirement" for a long time and finally got that last injury, even though it was super minor. What did it say when Hughes retired? Every time a guy retires it usually says why.
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[QUOTE=still71;338030]I had Zvo Asonovic retire at 29 on a win streak. Problem was he was "one injury away from forced retirement" for a long time and finally got that last injury, even though it was super minor. What did it say when Hughes retired? Every time a guy retires it usually says why.[/QUOTE] To let younger guys have a go.
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Shamrock still wants to fight but is a shell of his former self, Liddell has lost last 2 fights, Dan Severn fighting now is pretty much a joke, Don Frye has always been overrated as far as skill but he is a tough bastard who i will watch anyday fight but he isnt competative in top tier..... it is far from common for a fighter to fight into his late 30's/early 40's and be successfull.
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[QUOTE=badbeat;338351]Shamrock still wants to fight but is a shell of his former self, Liddell has lost last 2 fights, Dan Severn fighting now is pretty much a joke, Don Frye has always been overrated as far as skill but he is a tough bastard who i will watch anyday fight but he isnt competative in top tier..... it is far from common for a fighter to fight into his late 30's/early 40's and be successfull.[/QUOTE] i would not call dan severn a joke just because he can not hang with people at the top of his division the man is still able to beat the hell out of people who are in there early 20's and i know they may not be that good of fighters but the point is that he is still able to do that and thats pretty amazing and he should get some respect for that
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[QUOTE=syndicate;338375]i would not call dan severn a joke just because he can not hang with people at the top of his division the man is still able to beat the hell out of people who are in there early 20's and i know they may not be that good of fighters but the point is that he is still able to do that and thats pretty amazing and he should get some respect for that[/QUOTE] I dont think HE's a joke but i think its a joke that he is still fighting... it'd be like if lennox lewis went now and had boxing matches against guys with 5 fights in their local town.
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[QUOTE=badbeat;338351]Shamrock still wants to fight but is a shell of his former self, Liddell has lost last 2 fights, Dan Severn fighting now is pretty much a joke, Don Frye has always been overrated as far as skill but he is a tough bastard who i will watch anyday fight but he isnt competative in top tier..... it is far from common for a fighter to fight into his late 30's/early 40's and be successfull.[/QUOTE] To be fair, any guy who carry's on fighting deserves our respect. I want to get in to it myself but who knows if i will be able to cope.
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[QUOTE=Jacko00;338412]To be fair, any guy who carry's on fighting deserves our respect.[/QUOTE] Uh. No. If they can still fight on a high level, yes. But when he's no longer fighting on a top level, why should I give him respect? He should quit and be done with it. Anyone who overstays their welcome certainly doesn't deserve our "respect".
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[QUOTE=Neon Chaos;339545]Uh. No. If they can still fight on a high level, yes. But when he's no longer fighting on a top level, why should I give him respect? He should quit and be done with it. Anyone who overstays their welcome certainly doesn't deserve our "respect".[/QUOTE] Do you fight? Could you do better? If they are on the top level or not does not matter, it takes guts to step up. Anyway this is getting way off topic.
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