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WWF vs. WCW: The War Begins

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[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"] [SIZE="3"][B]The Ratings Are In[/B][/SIZE] At the end of each week we will be bringing you an overview of the four ratings for the American showings of WWF and WCW's television shows. So without further ado, here is the inaugural edition of this new weekly feature. [U][B]World Wrestling Federation[/B][/U] Monday Night Raw USA Network Rating: 33.98 Superstars USA Network Rating: 33.74 [B][U]World Championship Wrestling[/U][/B] Saturday Night TBS Rating: 15.11 Main Event TBS Rating: 14.05 [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;359003]Looking good so far. I have to say, this is definitely my favourite real-world diary, I love the two-play thing and the rosters (this is probably my second favourite period in wrestling history, behind the mid to late 80's).[/QUOTE] Thanks, it was probably second all-time favorite period too, right behind when the nWo was running strong and Sting was always taking them down. Me and Nick have been talking about doing one of these for over a year now, so we just decided to go gung ho into it, and I'll have to say it's working out far better than either of us anticipated, plus it's ten times as much fun because neither one of us really know what the other has up their sleeve. And thanks for all the replies too Outlaw, it's really great when we can get somebody to give constant feedback on what we are doing, and you always happen to be that guy in my dynasties, and good luck with your dynasty when you fire it back up too. And Nick, when it comes to the television ratings, just wait until I get Nitro running, then we'll have some competition.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/RawLogo.png[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B][FONT="Georgia"]WWF Monday Night Raw Monday, Week 2, October, 1993 Live From Madison Square Garden New York City, New York Attendance: 26,907[/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [B][FONT="Georgia"]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/TedDiBiase.jpg[/IMG] [I]Ted DiBiase appears on the screen sitting at a table. There is an open briefcase with the money pointed towards the camera. This is the apparent $25,000 that DiBiase will be offering Lex Luger to forfeit the match. DiBiase closes the case and then starts to talk.[/I] [U]"The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase[/U] Tonight comes the moment of truth, Lex. Will you be a stubborn hunk of meat and not take the deal and ultimately be beaten down or will you take the deal? Will you make yourself look like a genius and a man who is $25,000 richer? If you ask me, the latter choice seems more reasonable and who could blame you for taking the deal? You may claim to be a good, all-American guy, but when it comes down to it you are just like everybody else. You would take that money in a heartbeat, because what isn't there to like about money. Look at me, "The Million Dollar Man", don't I look like I'm doing pretty good for myself? So Luger, come tonight's match you'll make the decision, but at what price? Ha ha ha! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/BobbyHennan.jpg[/IMG] [I]Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan are then seen on the screen. Vince shakes his head in disappointment, but "The Brain" has a big smile on his face and looks like a kid in a candy store. McMahon then addresses the audience and brings in a new edition of WWF Monday Night Raw.[/I] [U]Vince McMahon[/U] Welcome, everybody to a new edition of WWF Monday Night Raw. I may not seem as enthusiastic as always, but it is because Ted DiBiase sucked the life out of the arena. That man is a piece of trash, but we will see him take on Lex Luger tonight in a first round match against in the #1 Contender Tournament for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship. I believe Lex Luger won't take the deal. What about you, Bobby, what are your thought? [COLOR="Red"] [U]Bobby "The Brain" Heenan[/U] Are you kidding me, Vince? Obviously Lex is going to take the deal, who wouldn't? Do you know what kind of stuff you can buy with $25,000? You could buy a new car, a couple of Jet Skis, and you can finally afford to take your wife out to dinner. But, that isn't the only match that is going on tonight, McMahon![/COLOR] [U]Vince McMahon[/U] That's right, Bobby! The WWF World Heavyweight Champion Yokozuna will be in action tonight. He will be taking on "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan in an attempt to redeem some momentum that Bret Hart took away last week. But, you may want to watch out for "The Hitman" since he will most likely be looking for some revenge after that attack post-match last week by Yokozuna. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/RandySavage.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/Versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/IrwinRSchyster.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. Irwin R. Schyster[/SIZE] A nice match that was filled with some good spots, including "Macho Man' propelling himself to the outside to crossbody Schyster. Randy Savage showed off the skills that he has always displayed. Irwin R. Schyster gave him a run for his money, but Savage was too much of a handful. It was a good tune-up match for "Macho Man" with his bid in the #1 Contender Tournament. The match was fairly short and it was nearly dominated by Savage. "Macho Man" finished the match off with a Flying Elbow Drop, his signature move. Winner: "Macho Man" Randy Savage Time: 7:56 Match Rating: B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/ToddPettengill.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/PaulBearer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/TheUndertaker.jpg[/IMG] [I] Todd Pettengill is backstage with The Undertaker and his handler, Paul Bearer. Todd Pettengill tries to conduct an interview with Mr. Bearer and The Undertaker, but Pettengill becomes scared and runs away. Bearer picks up the microphone and starts to hype his monster, The Undertaker.[/I] [U]Paul Bearer[/U] Oh yes! The Undertaker has risen through the ranks like the ashes of his urn. This undead monster will stop at nothing to get what he wants and that is the WWF World Heavyweight Championship. Not a single man in the World Wrestling Federation can compete with this man. He is the most powerful, supernatural, demonic man in wrestling. The Undertaker is going to cement his legacy and it starts with "The Model" Rick Martel. You will be literally buried by The Undertaker and that will be it for you. The Undertaker will put you six feet under! [I]The Undertaker grunts then puts his head down. The room turns black and the lights start to flicker. Then light starts to erupt from the urn as the ashes are really rising.[/I] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/MrPerfect.jpg[/IMG] [I]Mr. Perfect is seen bench pressing loads of weights in the gym. He finally sits up and stares straight into the camera. He seems determined and my guess is that he is looking to put to words his desire for the WWF Intercontinental Championship.[/I] [U]Mr. Perfect[/U] Razor Ramon, you have what will be mine. It is only a matter of time until I get my hands on that title. I mopped the floor with your help in Diesel and that gives me a right at a shot at your WWF Intercontinental Championship. It isn't only that I want that championship, but that fact that I hate your guts really bolsters the desire I have. I would enjoy beating you down so bad that doctors will question your ability to step in the ring again. Sure that Razor's Edge hurt a lot, but you know what hurts a lot more? Me taking your WWF Intercontinental Championship will hurt a lot...a lot more than a little slam to my back. Ramon, you better get ready for the match of your life, because I'm going to give it my all and I will become the new WWF Intercontinental Champion! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/JimDuggan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/Versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/Yokozuna.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs. Yokozuna[/SIZE] This match started out dominated by Yokozuna. It is easy to see why Yokozuna would completely dictate a match. Yokozuna has the youth, the size, and the strength advantage over "Hacksaw". Duggan barely got any offense in, but when he did he made it count. "Hacksaw" started to make a big comeback, which would soon be dampened. Mr. Fuji tried to throw powder in "Hacksaw"'s eyes, but he accidentally threw it into the referee's eyes. In the short amount of time that the ref was down, this man came to "Hacksaw"'s rescue... [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/BretHart.jpg[/IMG] "Hitman" ran down to the ring and stole the belt from Mr. Fuji. At this time Yokozuna had just delivered a Banzai Drop to Jim Duggan. Bret Hart entered the ring and pummeled Yokozuna with the WWF World Heavyweight Championship. This turned Yokozuna unconscious and Bret Hart saw an opportunity. He pulled "Hacksaw"'s lifeless body over to Yokozuna and put his hand over Yokozuna's chest. The referee was then revived and counted the win for Jim Duggan. Winner: "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan Time: 7:37 Match Rating: B- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/BretHart.jpg[/IMG] [I]Bret "Hitman" Hart then grabbed a microphone and stood over Yokozuna's body. He got down right in front of Yokozuna's face and started to talk trash.[/I] [U]Bret "Hitman" Hart[/U] Yokozuna, you have messed with the wrong man. That drive that I had has just got bigger and badder. You can't stop me now, you won't stop me now. That Championship is way too much for me to slip now. So that is why next week I want you in another match. It isn't going to be a singles match so don't get too scared, Mr. Fuji. It is going to be a tag team match. It is going to be me and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan against you and a partner of your choosing. And I will guarantee a victory since I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/TedDiBiase.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/Versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WWF/LexLuger.jpg[/IMG] [I]Ted DiBiase comes out to the ring, but he doesn't have his full attire on. He is carrying the briefcase that he had earlier in the night. It seems like he is pretty confident that Lex Luger will take the bribe. There is a little stand in the middle of the ring, I guess for the briefcase to be sat down. Lex Luger then comes out and trots to the ring. He hops into the ring and Ted DiBiase doesn't say a word, but he does open up the briefcase. Lex Luger walks up to the briefcase and looks down at it smiling. Ted DiBiase then starts to get a look of satisfaction on his face. Then Lex Luger looks up at "The Million Dollar Man" and shakes his head "no" and he shuts the briefcase. The referee then hops in the ring and rings the bell.[/I] [SIZE="3"]Quarterfinals in the #1 Contender Tournament for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]"The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger[/SIZE] This was a great match between two great wrestlers. This was by far the best match of the show and one of the best matches in a while for the promotion. These two had great chemistry and the lead-up to the match was phenomenal. The two traded the momentum of the match for the whole entirety and never let up. Ted DiBiase tried to use as many dirty moves as possible, but Luger was able to sniff them out before they could happen. Luger looked particularly good in this match and displayed an unusual side of technical ability. Lex Luger was then able to pull off an upset victory over the hate DiBiase. Luger hit "The Million Dollar Man" with a Flying Forearm for the pinfall victory. This sends Lex Luger to the next round of the #1 Contender Tournament for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship. Winner: Lex Luger Time: 10:40 Match Rating: A+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/FONT][/B][B][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="4"]Show Rating: B Television Rating: 33.46 [/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
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[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/SaturdayNight.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]WCW Saturday Night Saturday, Week 2, October 1993 Taped at Baton Rouge LSU Center Baton Rouge, Louisiana Attendance: 15,000 (SELLOUT!)[/B][/SIZE] WCW gets underway with the familiar music of Sting hitting the arena as the great Louisiana fans got out of their seats and gave Sting and his new found tag team partner Road Warrior Hawk a standing ovation. They made their way to the ring high fiving fans the whole way. Sting picked up a microphone on his way into the ring and began to address the crowd as he and Hawk stood in the ring. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][U]Sting[/U] Welcome to World Championship Wrestling! Tonight you folks are in for an epic edition of WCW Saturday Night. We are getting things kicked off with the hard hitting action of my tag team partner, Road Warrior Hawk. Tonight Hawk with show you all what he plans on doing to Sid Vicious and Big Van Vader at Halloween Havoc when he rips apart Diamond Dallas Page. Hawk, you ready to get this show rolling? It’s showtime folks![/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/Hawk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/DiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Road Warrior Hawk vs. Diamond Dallas Page[/B][/SIZE] Page has been a very fast rising star in his time with WCW, but he was met with a road block by the name of Road Warrior Hawk in this match. Hawk was very motivated too, because he wanted to stretch his legs a little before he and Sting’s tag team match at Halloween Havoc. Hawk threw Page around the ring, but he came back and slugged his way back into the match. The two men then went back and forth with each other, then Page went for the Diamond Cutter, but Hawk was able to reverse it, then he nailed a rotating powerslam and got the victory. [SIZE="3"][B]Winner: Road Warrior Hawk Match Time: 9:40 Match Rating: B[/B][/SIZE] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instead of the music of Hawk hitting the arena to celebrate his victory, the music of Big Van Vader hit the arena, and then the WCW World Champion Vader, Sid Vicious, and Harley Race appeared on the stage. [COLOR="DarkRed"][U]Harley Race[/U] There is a couple matters of business that it’s time to take care of fellas. First off, I think that it’s about time for me to announce what type of match that will take place at Halloween Havoc between my clients and those painted freaks in the ring. After careful consideration we have decided on a Halloween Horrors match. The rules of this match are simple….there are no rules! Anything goes. Vader wants to wrap a steel chair around the neck of Hawk, legal! Sid wants to rip Sting’s eyeballs out of their sockets, perfectly fine! But tonight we will get a little preview, because Vader here wants some action. Sting, Vader wants you! So what do you say Sting, gonna step up to the plate, or are you too much of a coward?[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Saturday Night comes back from commercial Eric Bischoff is standing in the middle of the ring, ready to make the announcement that everybody has been waiting for regarding the United States Championship match at Halloween Havoc. [COLOR="Navy"][U]Eric Bischoff[/U] Ladies and gentlemen, the WCW Championship Committee has come to a decision regarding the United States Championship. And that decision is that there will be a sudden death match right here, right now. So everybody get ready, because the winner of this match heads to Halloween Havoc to take on Dustin Rhodes for the United States title, and the participants are…Lord Steven Regal and Chris Benoit![/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/ChrisBenoit.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/StevenRegal.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Number One Contender for the United States Championship Chris Benoit vs. Lord Steven Regal[/B][/SIZE] This match featured two great technical wrestlers fighting for one common goal, the right to fight for the United States Championship. Regal already holds the Television Title and has a match against Davey Boy Smith, but he is willing to pull double duty to walk out of Halloween Havoc a double champion. Regal stopped the technical match by slugging Benoit around the ring, and after that he went to work on the legs of Benoit. He then went for the Regal Stretch, but Benoit countered with a drop toe hold. He then waited for Regal to rise and locked in from behind Regal and nailed him with the Dragon Suplex and got the victory. [SIZE="3"][B]Winner: Chris Benoit Match Time: 11:19 Match Rating: B[/B][/SIZE] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Saturday Night comes back from commercial Davey Boy Smith is standing backstage before his match later on with Steven Regal’s good friend, Beautiful Bobby Eaton. [COLOR="DarkRed"][U]Davey Boy Smith[/U] You think you’re the best wrestler from England Regal? I’m going to be more than happy to prove you wrong at Halloween Havoc. Not only am I going to humiliate you in the middle of the ring, but I’m going to take the WCW Television Championship as well. And you should fix your beady little eyes on the television, because I’m about to tear apart your tag team partner in the middle of that ring.[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/DaveyBoySmith.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/BobbyEaton.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Davey Boy Smith vs. Bobby Eaton[/B][/SIZE] Eaton came out looking to hurt Smith before his match with Steven Regal at Halloween Havoc, but that wasn’t going to happen on this night. Eaton punched Smith in the face, then turned and gloated, but the punch barely phased Smith, and he followed right behind and slugged Eaton back when he turned around. Davey Boy Smith then hit a variety of vertical suplexes on Eaton and just generally powered him around the ring. He hoisted Eaton up on his shoulder, then charged to the middle of the ring with his Powerslam and got a fairly easy victory. [SIZE="3"][B]Winner: Davey Boy Smith Match Time: 5:38 Match Rating: C[/B][/SIZE] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cameras go backstage where Diamond Dallas Page is walking down the hall looking very upset that he was defeated by Road Warrior Hawk. Then the man that Page fought to a time limit draw last week, Ron Simmons walks right past him. Simmons and Page stop right in front of each other, then Simmons gives him a slight smile and sarcastically tells him better luck next time. Page looked very angry at this, and as Simmons walked off it looked like Page was going to jump him from behind, but he thought better of it and walked off more angry than he was before. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The music of the WCW International Heavyweight Champion Rick Rude hits the arena, and he makes his way to the ring under a shower of boos. He just soaks the boos in though and continues on his way to the ring. When he gets inside he starts posing to the crowd, and they do not look very happy that they have to sit through this. Rude finally gets it out of his system and grabs the microphone from ringside. [COLOR="Navy"][U]Rick Rude[/U] Thank you for the warm ovation, I know you all can’t get enough of seeing me, so I thought I would grace you with my presence once again. Now before I have my match with that backwoods idiot Cactus Jack I thought I would take this time to respond to some statements that Ric Flair has been making in the past weeks. Flair thinks he is going to march in to Halloween Havoc and take this beautiful WCW International Championship belt off my waist? In his dreams. I’m the greatest wrestler walking god’s green earth, and Flair will have to hit the jackpot of wrestling luck to beat me, and let’s face it, that’s not gonna happen.[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/CactusJack.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/RickRude.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Cactus Jack vs. Rick Rude[/B][/SIZE] Cactus Jack didn’t take too kindly to Rude pretty much blowing him off before the match, and he came out swinging, ready to prove a point that he can hang with the man holding the Big Gold Belt. Jack slugged away at Rude until he just had to hit the outside and get a breather as Jack let out his trademark Bang Bang in the middle of the ring. Rude hit the ring again just before the ten count, and this match picked back up. The two men went back and forth for several minutes, then Jack went for the Double Arm DDT, but Rude slipped out of it and looked for the Rude Awakening. Cactus Jack was able to reverse this, then had the DDT set up again, but Rude rolled Jack up and grabbed the tights and got the three count. [B][SIZE="3"]Winner: Rick Rude Match Time: 9:36 Match Rating: B+[/SIZE][/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the match Rude demands that the timekeeper give him his championship belt. He grabs it and starts to head to the back, but then he gets an evil grin on his face and heads back towards the ring, where Cactus Jack has his head buried in the turnbuckle, upset that he just lost in this huge match. Rude then is ready to unload the belt into Jack’s head. Before he could though the music of Ric Flair echoed through the arena. He sprinted straight towards the ring and Rude stood his ground until Flair got into the ring. Rude quickly rolled out of the ring, leaving Flair shouting warnings at Rude in the middle of the ring. Rude told him that there would be a time and a place, but it isn’t now. The fans then give Flair a standing ovation as he recognizes all of them as Saturday Night goes to a commercial. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cameras then quickly switch to backstage, where they run into a locker room to find Road Warrior Hawk down in a heap. Trainers run and check on him and they call for paramedics. It then becomes apparent who caused this, because Hawk’s partner at Halloween Havoc, Sting, is in action with Big Van Vader in the main event, up next. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/Sting.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg115/TheWarBegins/WCW/BigVanVader.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Sting vs. Big Van Vader w/ Harley Race[/B][/SIZE] This match featured two of the most decorated athletes in WCW history in this match, and Sting went right after Vader, which could have been a mistake because he leveled him with a big boot. Vader then dragged Sting around the ring, slamming him to the mat with every opportunity he got. Sting began to fight back, but after some interference from Race, the WCW World Heavyweight Champion got the advantage right back. Vader quickly then set up Sting for the Powerbomb, but Sting was able to reverse it, then nail several dropkicks on Vader. Sting then got behind Vader and drilled him with the Scorpion Death Drop. All of a sudden the referee disappeared, and it was revealed that Sid Vicious had ran to ringside and pulled him out. Sid then entered the ring and jumped Sting from behind, and Sid and Vader then set Sting up and drilled him with a double Powerbomb. Race then woke the referee up and threw him back in the ring as Sid hid, and the referee counted to three, giving the World Champion the very cheap pinfall over the fan favorite. [SIZE="3"][B]Winner: Big Van Vader Match Time: 13:58 Match Rating: B-[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][B]Final Rating: B[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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I would like to thank you guys for myself and for same. This is amount of feedback really drives us to keep doing what we are doing, as the case with other diaries we have had. It gives us something to write for. P.S. Oh yeah, Sam, I'm going to whoop your ass in this war!
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[QUOTE=Mackem;360504]The way I see it the WWF is more of the underdog at this point although more established however WCW probably has more resources, fianancially and personnel wise. I think I want WWF to come out on top.[/QUOTE] At this point the WWF is more popular, has more money, and has the more over workers, though the gap isn't huge. WCW is still the "Southern Company." The talent is in my opinion all on WCW's side however.
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[QUOTE=nimo34;360453]You can trust me, I will keep the trash talking up even if I'm loosing...which won't happen. Also, why is everyone siding with WCW?![/QUOTE] Ricky Steamboat, Ric Flair, Sting, Vader, Cactus Jack, Ron Simmons, Dusty Rhodes, Living Legend, Steve Austin, Brian Pillman...um should I continue? No really, I just grew up loving WCW and only vaguely caring about the WWF. You both seem to be doing a good job thus far though, and I do love Ted DiBiase. If you push him big I'll root for you!
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