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I thought I'd start a topic specifically to discuss this promotion. I'll start by saying that I'm in 1997 now and my promotion is still only rated as small in size. My popularity in London is about 80% and Midlands 50-60%. In London I'm getting attendance of approximately 1,400, however, in Midlands it's only ever around the 400 mark. Is there any chance the Midlands will improve? At the moment I'm losing money on each show there. Does my popularity there mean anything or should I just set region strategy to 'Maintain Strength' and concentrate on North? I suppose the attendance has more to do with the size of the region, Midlands is only listed as limited. North England is listed as fairly small, much like London, so perhaps I'll have more success there. What do I need to do in order to reach medium size? Can I gain better sponsors then and try for a TV deal? Oh yeah, Rav Kapur is now 7-0 and has defended his title 3 times!
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You need to raise your ticket prices, that will help you with the money. I think its like average or something so bump it up to above average. Run two shows a month, this will help with money and pop. Shows wont all have very high matches but it should be enough to raise you in the lower regions If you are 80% Londond and 50-60% in Midlands you should be close to moving up a level, just get those other regions up as well. If you have the money start low level marketing in Europe, this will help you get to the next stage fast.
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In my BCF game (up to 2001, about 75% of the way to big) I skipped over Europe entirely, only running a show once in a blue moon in Western Europe. What I did was when I started making money, I switched my focus from UK/Europe over to Asia. The region is worth a lot more and is also unregulated, so you can get those 200 lb. guys to step up and face Rav Kapur if they are willing.
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the first thing u should do in BCF is to quit Europe and hold all your shows in california...hold 2 shows a month, set your marketing to all out for entire USA for about 2 weeks.. then put all US to Maintain and put california to All Out... This should bump u to medium within the first year if you havent gotten fired from going too far in debt... now u can sign fighters to Set Premier and slow down a little bit and hopefully get a TINY PPV contract soon.
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badbeat, thanks for the advice. However, it kind of defeats the purpose of having different regions when you do that. Might have to give it a try though. Once I get my popularity to a certain level in Midlands if I choose Maintain Strength will my popularity remain the same if I don't hold anymore shows there? Is it only poor shows that reduce your popularity? Also, the different types of marketing push (low, medium) get you to certain levels and say they'll drop (20%, 40%) but not below a certain rating. Can you leave the marketing on and just not hold anymore shows? Anyway, I got fired again with BCF! Gonna have to start over, lol.
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If you are marketing an area your popularity can still go up if you arent holding cards there. If you just want to stay regional then you'll never have/keep big time fighters just like in real life... i dont necessarily think that is a bad design that you lose fighters... I just look at BCF and see that the UK is not that good so I leave and base out of california lol...
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[QUOTE=nrallen;360021]Anyway, I got fired again with BCF! Gonna have to start over, lol.[/QUOTE] I wouldn't worry about it. All part of the learning curve :) I was fired within a year in my first two BCF games and am just entering 1999 as an Enormous sized company with $7,000,000 in PPV revenue from every show and a 14-0 HW Champ Rav Kapur at the helm! It'll suddenly click in one of your games and you'll get the balance just right for growth without closure!
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I have a BCF game and it's now 1999 I haven't really raised too high. I'm at Good in Long and just hit Mediocre in Midlands. I still have a lot of my Big Name fighters including Rav Kapur, Mugur Boc and Garry McSweegan. I get most of my turn over in the Lightweight Division actually. I've found that the instant some one puts out an offer for some one if I book them in a match they won't accept the offer so that's how I've made a ton of saves. I haven't used the Jan 16th patch yet so once I do that I expect my roster will bed decimated.
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I use the same tactic, I create the event including main event and penultimate bout and wait. When GAMMA or Alpha show interest in someone I book them on the card. This has saved me many fighters too. It's just difficult getting any bigger in the UK. BTW, I've had this game a long time now and started over with BCF on more than 10 attempts now! I'm determined to rule the UK and invade Europe, lol. Rav Kapur is the man in all my games, knocking everyone out and remaining champ. He's just so damn big though! Also, Thorjborn Rekdal (sp?) is always a star in my MW division.
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