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Good C-Verse UK Talent

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Not too sure about cheap, as I really can't remember how much I paid for them when I first set up my game...but. If you can get UK Dragon, he'll garantee you some killer matches...though he'll also garantee to abandon you eventually. Adam Matravers. The guy's just awesome, future world champ. For a tag team, I'd recommend hiring Double Dutch from Europe. I seem to remember them being quite cheap and putting on some good matches. I basically used them as a glorified jobber team until Ruud Van Anger's popularity shot up from out of nowhere. I had him turn on Frank De Pain and bumped him up to upper-midcarder. People tend to like Petey Barnes too, yet even though he's co-holder of my tag straps, he's somewhat over-looked in my game. Joss Thompson's a star, though I'm not best pleased with him right now....and besides, he's American anyway... Erm....to be honest it probably depends what product you're going for...I got Daniel Black Francis in my SE fed, but since I like to have long main events, he's not the best pick, his stamina is pretty cruddy. Never used him myself, but I think some people who play with ROF would say Merle O'Curle (sp?)
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;360720] Jed High and Toby Juan Kanobi aka The Force and their manager is British as well.[/QUOTE] You know, I hired them right at the begining of my game, their chemistry as a team sucked and I got the 'don't click at all' note. :rolleyes:
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It really depends on what you need from your workers. If in-ring skill is most important, then Merle O'Curle is great. The DuPonts are very cheap at the start of the game for decent technical skills (probably less than 100 per appearance each). Keith Adams and Glen Ward are both free agents at the start and worth a look. Guys like Petey Barnes and Don Henderson are decent without being at the top end of the financial scale. Arthur T Turtle is another who might be worth a punt. As for other suggestions given so far, guys like UK Dragon, Johnny Stones etc are very good and worth looking at for your main event if possible. Double Dutch aren't available in the UK unless you've got the all areas thing switched off. Also don't forget that some decent future workers are available in the UK within the first year or two - the Gauges, Hugh de Aske, Edward Cornell, Nigel Svensson.
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