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My wishlist

Guest Ransik

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I have not looked through anyone else's threads... so if it's been suggested multiple times... it's probably a good idea. :D -Wrestlers telling you who they want to work with... like we had in TEW '04. I don't know about anyone else but I can scout dozens and dozens of matches and come up with next to nothing booking House Shows. My last game (before I screwed it up) I ran about 60 different bookings in 2 months time and came up with one good mix of chemistry and about 8 or 9 bad ones. I know it's all about trial and error... but workers can suggest their favorites. -Work with attitudes. If someone has a selfish demeanor, we could have more to work with other than refusals to job and whining about punishment. Why not have a worker refuse to work until you agree to re-negotiate their contracts regardless or how long they are? Or in the cases of guys who rise to fame quickly... they can ask for a meeting with you to discuss pay raises in which you can install bonuses and such for working hard and delivering. Cause if someone is on a 2 year contract and they become HUGE in 2 or 3 months... I doubt they'd be getting paid a couple grand a month. And even perks to help workers who are unhappy with their environment. A company car here... an upgrade to 1st class on planes for a month? -Entrance music. No... not actual music... genre selection with option to turn on or off. Would Undertaker be as menacing if he came out to a pack of yodelers? Would Goldberg have dominated the ranks coming out to "Rap Is Crap"? Bad music can effect fan perception! -Head trainers. I've noticed in long-term games... guys stuck in Development don't really learn much unless they're fortunate enough to be on a roster with a well-polished worker. I think bringing back the option to appoint someone to train the workers would help tremendously. -Internet viewers raise popularity. Not even enough to matter... but if you run your shows online and can raise your company's popularity a grade or two... why would your workers never benefit from it? In 07 it makes no sense. -Bookers become more involved. I'm not saying have them book anything... but they do nothing in 07 other than tell you where the guy is on the card, and you should know how to handle them either way. Aside from workers offering suggestions on who to face... have bookers give opinions on what workers should face each other... who might work as a team... and possible who might work well together in a stable. Obviously this would work on how good of a booker you have. -Confidence boosts. Take AJ Styles hanging out with Christian Cage outside TNA. Styles learned a lot from Cage, learned to pick up his game and learn to speak and use mannerisms a lot better when he's out in the crowd. Say a new friendship forms... one worker excells on the mic and the other sucks. Say the new friendship gave Wrestler A a chance to learn tips on Charisma from Wrestler B? Really, that could work with anything. Wrestler A learns a few new holds from Wrestler B... his Basics increase.... etc. -The DDP theory. DDP literally did spend countless hours watching tapes of himself, his peers, and other companies to improve his game. What if you could convince your wrestlers to do the same and get their skills to increase by studying what brought them to the game? -Lastly... the return of media. I think we should have an ENTIRE media section dedicated to Magazines, Radio Shows, Talk Shows... and everything else that will either contact you or that you can contact to set up your worker to gain more exposure for not only themselves but your company. Say you have Angle set up to face Sting 3 weeks down the line in a PPV Main Event. Angle then goes onto Howard Stern to hype the show. Angle gains say.... 2% popularity... the match hype goes up from say.... B- to B. Maybe even an option to run your own monthly magazine to hype workers?
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[QUOTE=Ransik;360727] -Entrance music. No... not actual music... genre selection with option to turn on or off. Would Undertaker be as menacing if he came out to a pack of yodelers? Would Goldberg have dominated the ranks coming out to "Rap Is Crap"? Bad music can effect fan perception! [/QUOTE] Didn't Adam address this in the interview he did? I'm not sure I'd like that...I don't even really think music affects much....yes Undi' has that whole haunting music thing that suits his gimmick and creates a great entrance...but I don't care how big an HBK mark you are (and I used to be the biggest back in the Jose Lathario days), surely there can't be a person on earth that thinks 'Sexy Boy' is good music?
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[QUOTE=CJ_S;360732]Didn't Adam address this in the interview he did? I'm not sure I'd like that...I don't even really think music affects much....yes Undi' has that whole haunting music thing that suits his gimmick and creates a great entrance...but I don't care how big an HBK mark you are (and I used to be the biggest back in the Jose Lathario days), surely there can't be a person on earth that thinks 'Sexy Boy' is good music?[/QUOTE] Actually I quite like it. It's distinctive. After "Oh...Oh Shawn!" you know immediately who's coming out. Is that not what entrance music is supposed to accomplish? Of course, I prefer the Sensational Sherry version to the modern one, but still.
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but isnt that really just an extension of the gimmicks? Maybe something like how much should be spent on wrestler A's entrance. Obviously your showcase talents will have the expensive entrances, and the lowercard talents wont have the pyros and licensed theme music. Maybe a setting for like Entrances: Very High High Medium Low Very Low None
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This is how i would do entrances/gimmics/alignment... on 08. When you sign a wrestler and having to go to the roster page, you can call a character development with him. From here you could do the following: 1. Ask him how he feels he should be used. 2. What type of gimmics tend to really work well with him. I would also remove the grade ratings for performance settings. This way bookers/road agents/trainers could be more useful and you could have more interaction with your roster. 3. Ask your bookers/trainers on what you should do with your new worker. This way bookers/road agents/trainers could be more useful and you could have more interaction with your roster. 4. assign him heel/face. Again, the worker tells you "I think i am better at playing a face/tweener/heel role". 5. give him a gimmic. 6. Option on music. You can choose: In house, unknown band, high profile band. In house is cheap, but has the lowest chance to stand out. High would be expensive and would normally give the character good music. 7. Assign the type of music. The best music for each character could be figured out through a few factors(his personality, gimmic, alignment, age, nationality, promotion settings...). Entrance would then be given a mark like gimmic has. This could help WWE out A LOT, and help them from sinking like a stone. A worker like Boogyman(can't wrestle/speak) but has charisma/look/acting with a good gimmic/entrance could boost ratings, esp in a sports entertainment company.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;360727]I have not looked through anyone else's threads... so if it's been suggested multiple times... it's probably a good idea. :D [/QUOTE] You should really lurk more and read the other 100 suggestion threads (or at least the dozen or so already existing for '08) The majority of your points are already being discussed, and as indicated earlier Adam has already responded about the entrance theme point. I have already suggested the points about more impact from relationships (which is probably a rehash of someone from an earlier suggestion forum) and the rest have already been suggested in the '07 or '08 forums. Except for maybe the media one. The last thing we need is a bunch of threads rehashing what is still being argued about two threads down.
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I didn't read anything because I felt like posting what was in my head... same as everyone else. I don't get what the comments are for on that. Anyway, I know on House Shows workers can improve on ring skills... but what about an option where you can set them to work on Entertainment Skills while on House Shows? Cause right now what I do is save my best interviewer... and then have a bunch of 4 on 1 interviews as Pre-Show segments to work on those skills.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;361452]I didn't read anything because I felt like posting what was in my head... same as everyone else. I don't get what the comments are for on that. Anyway, I know on House Shows workers can improve on ring skills... but what about an option where you can set them to work on Entertainment Skills while on House Shows? Cause right now what I do is save my best interviewer... and then have a bunch of 4 on 1 interviews as Pre-Show segments to work on those skills.[/QUOTE] That idea has already been suggested several times [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=347777&postcount=14[/url]
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[QUOTE=DanielW4444;360750]but isnt that really just an extension of the gimmicks? Maybe something like how much should be spent on wrestler A's entrance. Obviously your showcase talents will have the expensive entrances, and the lowercard talents wont have the pyros and licensed theme music. Maybe a setting for like Entrances: Very High High Medium Low Very Low None[/QUOTE] I really like this idea, but I would expand on it. Make this a gimmick production value that would cover everything - music, pyro, video, costume, effects, props etc. The lower the setting the simpler the gimmick's production and lower cost, the higher the setting the more detailed and in depth the production but at a higher cost. To keep people from simply using the best available rating they can afford make it have something similar to the destiny stat, where too high a gimmick production could have it come of badly or simply be wasted money where too low and it comes off cheesy but on the other hand at times a lower value could get a worker over better than a higher value. Examples would be Kevin Fertig's old Mordecai gimmick which had a very high production value but was less over than his Kevin Thorne gimmick which had a much lower production value.- Both eventually bombed but the Thorne gimmick would be less of an economic hit. The other end of the spectrum would be Steve Austin, His gimmick is a low production value gimmick but it is one of the most over gimmicks in wrestling history, however if it were to be high production with lots of pyros/smoke or an elaborate costume it wouldn't be any more popular and would actually most likely had been much less popular. It would also be good to have that value be modifiable during the course of the gimmick. As workers get more over the value could increase or decrease accordingly as the player sees fit. For example, The Undertaker's gimmick began as little more than a hat/coat and a smoke machine and as he grew in popularity as did his gimmick production value until at its peak it was probably the highest value any gimmick has ever had when you figure the druids, props etc. - heck even the HIAC was originally developed for his gimmick. Than following his peak the production value dropped and now it is little more than where it began more than 25 years ago but still effective. However Hulk Hogan's gimmick throughout his career though his costumes/music etc have changed the production value they carried stayed pretty much the same. But it didn't matter one bit.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;360727]I have not looked through anyone else's threads... so if it's been suggested multiple times... it's probably a good idea. :D -Wrestlers telling you who they want to work with... like we had in TEW '04. I don't know about anyone else but I can scout dozens and dozens of matches and come up with next to nothing booking House Shows. My last game (before I screwed it up) I ran about 60 different bookings in 2 months time and came up with one good mix of chemistry and about 8 or 9 bad ones. I know it's all about trial and error... but workers can suggest their favorites.[/QUOTE] This would be high on my list. Would put you more directly in the political mix of the organization and would be helpful in possibly heading off morale issues. [QUOTE=Ransik;360727]-Work with attitudes. If someone has a selfish demeanor, we could have more to work with other than refusals to job and whining about punishment. Why not have a worker refuse to work until you agree to re-negotiate their contracts regardless or how long they are? Or in the cases of guys who rise to fame quickly... they can ask for a meeting with you to discuss pay raises in which you can install bonuses and such for working hard and delivering. Cause if someone is on a 2 year contract and they become HUGE in 2 or 3 months... I doubt they'd be getting paid a couple grand a month. And even perks to help workers who are unhappy with their environment. A company car here... an upgrade to 1st class on planes for a month?[/QUOTE] Hadn't thought of this as such. But again more political options would be a good thing and add to the immersion factor of the game. I want to be an active part of things. Not Professor Trelawney shut away in the Divination tower. More texture added to worker personalities like this would make it feel more like dealing with people rather than bunches of letters and numbers. I'm all for that. [QUOTE=Ransik;360727]-Entrance music. No... not actual music... genre selection with option to turn on or off. Would Undertaker be as menacing if he came out to a pack of yodelers? Would Goldberg have dominated the ranks coming out to "Rap Is Crap"? Bad music can effect fan perception![/QUOTE] Been oft-discussed as has been mentioned. But this kinda reminds me of when Adam was first introducing gimmicks to EWR. Some folks didn't see the value they could add to the game. Others feared that gimmicks would be the subject of over-specification. But in the end, Adam found ways to make them fairly generic while at the same time allowing enough detail to make them useful. And now gimmicks are a vital part of the game. If Adam had the inclination to make entrance(s)/music work similarly, it could be a similar success and allow for greater variation of a worker's character. [QUOTE=Ransik;360727] -Head trainers. I've noticed in long-term games... guys stuck in Development don't really learn much unless they're fortunate enough to be on a roster with a well-polished worker. I think bringing back the option to appoint someone to train the workers would help tremendously.[/QUOTE] Agreed. Haven't played with developmentals in 07 like I did in past games. But they do seem kinda crippled this time out [QUOTE=Ransik;360727]-Internet viewers raise popularity. Not even enough to matter... but if you run your shows online and can raise your company's popularity a grade or two... why would your workers never benefit from it? In 07 it makes no sense..[/QUOTE] Can't say much myself as I don't have a great deal of experience with this feature. But I can defer to you on it. [QUOTE=Ransik;360727]-Bookers become more involved. I'm not saying have them book anything... but they do nothing in 07 other than tell you where the guy is on the card, and you should know how to handle them either way. Aside from workers offering suggestions on who to face... have bookers give opinions on what workers should face each other... who might work as a team... and possible who might work well together in a stable. Obviously this would work on how good of a booker you have.[/QUOTE] Some folks will ask if this isn't somewhat expecting the game to do the work for you. But no one says you have to do it all the time either. To me, this is a fallback feature for when you've been away for a while or run dry on ideas. And again it's good for the immersion factor, so naturally I like it. [QUOTE=Ransik;360727] -Confidence boosts. Take AJ Styles hanging out with Christian Cage outside TNA. Styles learned a lot from Cage, learned to pick up his game and learn to speak and use mannerisms a lot better when he's out in the crowd. Say a new friendship forms... one worker excells on the mic and the other sucks. Say the new friendship gave Wrestler A a chance to learn tips on Charisma from Wrestler B? Really, that could work with anything. Wrestler A learns a few new holds from Wrestler B... his Basics increase.... etc.[/QUOTE] Seems reasonable. Would probably still want the majority of the improvement to come from in-ring work. But this would make friendships more significant and potentially positive for the company. But bad habits should be learnable this way too. Like if a young guy takes on a Bitter mentor, maybe the youngster becomes less agreeable to work with as well. [QUOTE=Ransik;360727] -The DDP theory. DDP literally did spend countless hours watching tapes of himself, his peers, and other companies to improve his game. What if you could convince your wrestlers to do the same and get their skills to increase by studying what brought them to the game?[/QUOTE] Now I admit I don't know the whole story. But if I remember correctly, wasn't this just something DDP did on his own? Seems like something that should tie in with personality traits rather than being something we can affect. [QUOTE=Ransik;360727] -Lastly... the return of media. I think we should have an ENTIRE media section dedicated to Magazines, Radio Shows, Talk Shows... and everything else that will either contact you or that you can contact to set up your worker to gain more exposure for not only themselves but your company. Say you have Angle set up to face Sting 3 weeks down the line in a PPV Main Event. Angle then goes onto Howard Stern to hype the show. Angle gains say.... 2% popularity... the match hype goes up from say.... B- to B. Maybe even an option to run your own monthly magazine to hype workers? [/QUOTE] As long as a balance is maintained so this doesn't turn into micromangement, I might be able to go along with this idea. Not the most pressing thing in the world. But potentially useful.
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[quote]Agreed. Haven't played with developmentals in 07 like I did in past games. But they do seem kinda crippled this time out[/quote] Trust me, you have to have good workers in Development to see a reasonable difference in 2-3 years of time. If you look at say the 1997 mod with Batista... he sucks... REAL bad. But if he spends 3-4 years in Development just fighting a bunch of guys barely any better than he is, he won't learn much. In my current WCW game I signed Lance Storm to the Power Plant (made the PP myself) and he's the main reason anyone is improving. I signed Angle into Development and the two fight each other all the time, and Kurt's Psychology skills are increasing very well... while the lower card workers with no talent just fight each other and barely improve on anything in several months. [quote] Some folks will ask if this isn't somewhat expecting the game to do the work for you. But no one says you have to do it all the time either. To me, this is a fallback feature for when you've been away for a while or run dry on ideas. And again it's good for the immersion factor, so naturally I like it.[/quote] Nah it doesn't have to be a solid "this will definitely work" type of deal. Say you have a booker with a B grade. He'll tell you that Sting and Hall can work a great match... but will it really? You have to try it and find out. I would say the only way to have a booker be right more often than not is to have an A+ in booking. All about who knows their deal. Pretty much agree with everything else you said.
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Of course this is just my opinion, but it seems to me that the whole idea of having ring music just sinks way too far into minutiae. First, I would assume that the type of ring music would be dealt with in accordance to the gimmick. Undertaker still gets the funeral dirge, and maybe the yodeling thingie that was mentioned would go to that hot new Sweedish luchador, Sven Saatesgaardenshnegeleister-Rodriguez. Ultimately, it's really not something I would want to spend too much time thinking about. I assume (again, depsite Oscar Madison having warned against it) that the value of the ring music would be written into the production value of the promotion. Again, it strikes me as something I dont really want to spend time thinking about. I will admit that A LOT of these ideas I've been reading on these threads sound really nifty ideas... right now. But some of them seem like things I would discover, amuse myself with for ten minutes, and then get frustrated that I still need to deal with them 2 days later.
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