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The GDS Power Polls


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...because alliteration is fun. This is the home thread for an idea I presented maybe 6 months ago, but had absolutely NO time to run really. What it is, in essence, is a tournament, to determine which is the GDS Dog Pound's favorite _____. It will consist of steps, and all the steps will hopefully consist of [B]discussion[/B]. I will be running it, but as time goes on if someone wishes to assist I'd be down for that. More will be figured out and written here as time moves along. [B]Right now I'd like YOU to give ME some ideas for what our first tournament should be based on.[/B] The current ideas are: Best current wrestler. Best current television program. Best sport. Best cartoon. I will field any questions you may have. [I]I will wait until Friday. If there is interest by then, this will continue full speed ahead.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;362289]I frickin love Dexter!!![/QUOTE] When feeling especially nerdy (like, oh, talking about a canceled cartoon show on a sports text based game forum site) I tend to laugh like Mandark without realizing it.
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[QUOTE=Astil;362291]When feeling especially nerdy (like, oh, talking about a canceled cartoon show on a sports text based game forum site) I tend to laugh like Mandark without realizing it.[/QUOTE] Well if it makes you feel any better it is the greatest cancelled cartoon show in the world! "button, button who's got the button?"
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[QUOTE=TheEdgeOfReason;362293]I doubt that a dicussion would be any useful as when talking about favorites people will pick their own and duscussing it to come to a consencus will be inpossible. A straight voting system like the babe league might work though.[/QUOTE] Agreed, no amount of discussion could sway me away from Undertaker being my favourite wrestler. :D
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;362308]Ok then, try and convince me that Jeff Hardy is better than Undertaker.[/QUOTE] Well, Jeff Hardy represents a way of life, a way of thinking. To take the leap, no matter the consiquence, no matter the price. To have the courage to do what other would not even dare to think of.
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and the discussion for me wouldn't be for a Jeff Hardy vs. Undertaker match up, but rather a Kane vs. Triple H (which for me qare a dead heat, and I would listen to what Kane marks and HHH marks have to say). The whole thing will be set up in tournament format.
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[QUOTE=Astil;362309]Well, Jeff Hardy represents a way of life, a way of thinking. [/quote] Yep, drugs. :p [QUOTE=Astil;362309]To take the leap, no matter the consiquence, no matter the price. To have the courage to do what other would not even dare to think of.[/QUOTE] If I jumped off a bridge would you think I was courageous? There's a fine line between courage and stupidity.
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;362314]Yep, drugs. :p [/QUOTE] :p [QUOTE=Undertaker666;362314] If I jumped off a bridge would you think I was courageous? There's a fine line between courage and stupidity.[/QUOTE] And thats why he represents a way of life. He represents not only blurring the fine line, but destroying it. Confidence in knowing you can deal with whatever consiquence comes your way. I've jumped off a few "bridges" in my day, in the more life way of saying it. I've had people call me "stupid", "a ****ing fool", and "a smart guy with no eye to the future". To me this is why Hardy is my favorite. Jumping off a 30 foot ladder is the wrestling version of me. Of course I won't convince you. Probably never will. However, discussion doesn't always need to persued, but perhaps entertain.
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[QUOTE=Astil;362316]And thats why he represents a way of life.[/quote] But it's not 'a way of life', he's paid thousands of dollars to jump off things, if you paid me the same amount of money he gets then i'd happily jump off ladders too. [QUOTE=Astil;362316]He represents not only blurring the fine line, but destroying it. Confidence in knowing you can deal with whatever consiquence comes your way.[/quote] There is no fine line with Hardy, it's stupidity, not courage. Entering a burning building to rescue a child trapped on the fourth floor, that's courage. [QUOTE=Astil;362321]Hmm. Just thought of this. Perhaps best finishing move in wrestling?[/QUOTE] Tombstone Piledriver. (bet you would've never guessed i'd say that! :D)
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