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GDS Power Polls First Tournament - Decision and Nomination Phase


GDS Power Polls First Tournament - Decision and Nomination Phase  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. GDS Power Polls First Tournament - Decision and Nomination Phase

    • Best Current Wrestler
    • Best Cartoon
    • Best Current Television Show
    • Best Finishing Move
    • Best Current Tag Team
    • Best Video Game

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The first tournament will be ... Best Video Game. So to send in your nomination send me a private message entitled Power Poll. In this message list your top 10 favorite video games, from first to tenth. In the interest of fairness I am going to say for right now no Grey Dog Software games. For example mine would be: 1. Secret of Mana 2. Final Fantasy 7 3. Donkey Kong Country 3 4. Portal 5. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island 6. Half-Life 7. Mass Effect 8. Super Smash Bros. Melle 9. Donkey Kong Country 2 10. Super Mario Galaxy From this a tournament will be made and posted. The tentative time frame is [B]Tuesday.[/B]
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Went with Best Cartoon. With the various age and geographical differences on this board, I figured that'd be the most interesting. That, and we [I]are[/I] just coming off of Cartoon Chaos Mafia. Best Video Game would also be a good one.
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[QUOTE=nZane;362718]Went with Best Cartoon. With the various age and geographical differences on this board, I figured that'd be the most interesting. That, and we [I]are[/I] just coming off of Cartoon Chaos Mafia. Best Video Game would also be a good one.[/QUOTE] Those two would definetly be fun to do. I believe I tried to do a video game tournament before, but it was too ambitious for my means at the time.
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IDK if you guys remember, but we had a zillion "Best [INSERT THING HERE] Ever" threads that were exactly like this a few months ago. Not that it is a bad idea, but Best Wrestler and Best Cartoon has already been done (Cartoon by me! :D ). Best TV show too, maybe... I think it started with "Best Song"... (Flair won best wrestler, losing to Taker I think. Best Cartoon fizzled out when The Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, and South Park basically stalemated each other.) So, I chose best video game... :)
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So, do we each get 1 nomination, and a list of our personal favorites? Or, can we nominate more than 1? I'll PM you a few just in case... 1. Goldeneye 007 - First really successful console shooter. See: My Name... Multiplayer FTW... 2. Resident Evil 4 - REALLY long, REALLY fun... Nothing like the other wannabe RE games... 3. WWF No Mercy - Great Game... Period! 6. Super Mario 64 - N64 System Seller... One of a few, actually... 4. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Super Big, Super Awesome! 5. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - My first console game. :) 7. Halo 3 - Forge puts it ahead of 2, plus, it had an ending! 8. Halo 2 - Good game, IMO... May have flaws, but I've spent DAYS in this series... 9. Civilization IV - Really fun, and addictive! 10. Guitar Hero III - Sweeeeet... I have tons others, and this is just quick from my head. Geometry Wars is cool too, but no way will it win this. I liked both Kingdom Hearts games, but I'm not fan of any other Final Fantasy related game. I've rented and played hundreds of games, and for some reason I'm at a loss trying to remember most of them... (GTA San Andreas was replaced by CivIV... I liked it, but I had to move it down. Rock Band is right at equilibrium with GHIII too...)
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;363534]The 3DO? Eh, it was ok... :rolleyes: :D[/QUOTE] Were you even born when that was released?! The 3DO, Jaguar and the CD-i were all too advanced for people back then.... I still remember, as clear as day, the TV commercial for Super Mario Bros. 3 on the NES. [I]"And for the first time ever, Mario takes to the skies...."[/I]
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;363552]Were you even born when that was released?! The 3DO, Jaguar and the CD-i were all too advanced for people back then....[/QUOTE] Too advanced or too expensive? And, yea, I was alive... Either way, I know plenty about what was there before me, especially when it comes to games!
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[QUOTE=Astil;363659]Ill start with Im 20. My first console game was pitfall, followed by Pong and I believe ... Duck Hunt. My parents had atari 2400 and an NES.[/QUOTE]I still have my original Nintendo. And the original box it came in (yes, I did play it). And the original Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt game. And the gun controller. Yes, I rule.
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I just want to add a few nominations of my own. 1. Final Fantasy 7 (it rules!) 2. Any Mario Kart game. (they rule!) 3. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (honestly, the only one I've played but awesome) 4. Lemmings (the 2 player mode still causes all out wars between me and my sister now, it's awesome!) 5. Bubble Bobble :D
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