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Titles question regarding belts being made inactive.

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Just a question that is currently bothering me as I try to make a mod. I've created my promotions, workers, networks, lots of stuff for one country and am pretty happy with how it sims. TV shows don't get thrown off the air, cards appear pretty close to how I envisioned them, it's mostly good stuff except for one thing. Some title belts are simply not being used enough by my feds, one promotion has a women's title that after a year of simming, had not been defended once and was listed as inactive. Does anyone know what causes this? I have a women's division with about 6 or 7 wrestlers, mostly pretty low overness and skills except for 2 or 3 and the only reason I can think of is maybe this division is a little weak and lacking in talented and over workers so the promotion kills the title? Any help is appreciated.
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I've had this before in a created WWF game. About 6 or 7 women does not constitute a division in the AI's eyes, so they always retire the title. If you were to put up the number of women to 10, it probably would defended, but I couldn't tell you for sure.
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;362787]Just a question that is currently bothering me as I try to make a mod. I've created my promotions, workers, networks, lots of stuff for one country and am pretty happy with how it sims. TV shows don't get thrown off the air, cards appear pretty close to how I envisioned them, it's mostly good stuff except for one thing. Some title belts are simply not being used enough by my feds, one promotion has a women's title that after a year of simming, had not been defended once and was listed as inactive. Does anyone know what causes this? I have a women's division with about 6 or 7 wrestlers, mostly pretty low overness and skills except for 2 or 3 and the only reason I can think of is maybe this division is a little weak and lacking in talented and over workers so the promotion kills the title? Any help is appreciated.[/QUOTE] What level is the Women's title? You might want to make it low level if it isn't already, or else raise the overness of your women workers. Also, as mentioned above, add some more women to the division as well. Even then, there's a good chance the computer will make it inactive and replace it with a generic title.
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Thanks for the answers guys. Yeah the title is low level, and I have added another worker so I am not at eight and realisticly, this is about as many female workers as were with the promotion at the time, cannot really add any more. I might play with the overness a bit just to test. I shouldn't complain too much though as in reality I believe this title was made inactive a couple years after my mod is set to start, just wish I could keep some of those generic titles from popping up in a fed that already starts with enough. *EDIT* Thanks guys, tinkered with the stats a little and the titles are working as I'd hoped.
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