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Anyone ever have anyone not lose

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I have a new 20 year old at 11-0 but then again i have been feeding him some of the worst fighters in the game to slowley build this guy up. His improvment has been quite dramatic and his name value is now at a good level, but i'm going to feed him poor fighters until he's 18 or 20-0 and then begin moving him through my heavyweight elite...
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Gabriel Gallego was 30-0 right now (May 2001) Aleksander Ivanov is 18-1 right now (Loss to Murray Darby) Rav Kapur is 23-2 right now (both losses to Tim Boyer by T.K.O in 1st round) John Rivero is 27-1 (loss to Mike Watson by K.O.) Hazzan Fezzik is 33-1 (Loss to Grzegorz Boniek by T.K.O.) Carlos da Guia 15-1 (loss to Go Yamamoto by T.K.O.) Hanako Shimizu 11-0 Hester McClean 11-0-1 Jenny DeNeve 19-1 (Loss to Hanako Shimizu by Split Decision) Those are the closest with a few other individuals that have two losses or one but are just starting out. With Rivero, he's had over 12 title defenses (6 the first time, and 6 now... he's beaten everyone so I am thinking about moving him up to the HW, but with the new fighters patch, there are a few new fighters for him to face off against). With Gallego, well he's beaten everyone almost twice but he isn't inclined to move up so not much left for him to do unless Alpha-1 begins letting people go or some of the new fighters from the patch step up their game.
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