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New thought for a Dynasty

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How is this for a Dynasty WWE vs.WCW vs.ECW-The Firestorm is upon us Vince would have troubles with his company and knew ECW was doing bad decided to toss the rights to ECW and WCW in Auction.Vince Also knew the brand estension fell through so he put the shows back together.Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff recovered the rights to their promotions in the auction.Another thing TNA never existed Comments about the Idea
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[QUOTE=Woodsmeister;363923]if its set in modern times there arent many WCW / ECW talents still around and if they are they arent as good or are in TNA / WWE so it would be very difficult.[/QUOTE] You're right but there would be like the whole ECW Orignals and crappy wrestlers(Cena,Batista)
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