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scriped worldwide events

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Ok now sure how to title this one but here is my idea. How about insted of just things happening at random that things happen that are "coded" to happen. For example........... Wrestler a enters on a givin date....he has years of training, great charisma and for some reason is very popular. Every promotion in the world is trying to sign this kid. He does and low and behold before his first match he breaks his neck and is out for life. Now ofcourse this is just an example but i think it could lead to some intresting twists and turns to progress the world.
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Interesting idea but the main problem is replayability. If you play through the game, the first time might be a surprise, but you'll know better next time. If Bulldozer Smith is doomed to die in his first match no matter what, I sure wouldn't sign him, I'd know what was going to happen and after a dozen times it's just another thing to expect. The beauty of this game is that every playthrough is different. It would be nice to see even more variability. I'd love to see MAW kick TCW's butt one day in a game going to 2020, but that can't happen as it stands.
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[QUOTE=praguepride;364029]Interesting idea but the main problem is replayability. If you play through the game, the first time might be a surprise, but you'll know better next time. If Bulldozer Smith is doomed to die in his first match no matter what, I sure wouldn't sign him, I'd know what was going to happen and after a dozen times it's just another thing to expect. The beauty of this game is that every playthrough is different. It would be nice to see even more variability. I'd love to see MAW kick TCW's butt one day in a game going to 2020, but that can't happen as it stands.[/QUOTE] I am going to have to disagree. The example given isn't the best one. I see it better for promotion appearing (already in the game) Wrestlers debut, wrestler deaths. Could be good for making some of the real life mods that start in the past. Sure the event would happen every time but it also happened in real life at that time.
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i understand where you are coming from. maybe a diffrent example other then a death. ok lets say edd stone for example. He is on a lifetime contract, now lets say that he is sick of being just anohter stone to people. He decides to up and leave the company after a falling out with dan jr *after his father has died* edd decides to join up with another jilted child eric eisen and form a company. now here you have like five diffrent "events". 1)the death of dan stone sr *if it has not already happend that is* that would shake up notbpw as it was. 2) dan stone jr would take over *this would make some of the other stone fammily members angery* 3)edd stone would leave the company 4)eric edisen would leave his fathers promotion 5) edisen and stone would form a new promotion. now yes this would happen "every time" but the company would be diffrent each time. This could be a way to shake up the c-verse at some point. It would not have to be at the start. maybe five or six years into the game. it would give a people a reason to play longer and not get "board" which some people say they do after very long games.
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[quote=alden;364036]i understand where you are coming from. maybe a diffrent example other then a death. ok lets say edd stone for example. He is on a lifetime contract, now lets say that he is sick of being just anohter stone to people. He decides to up and leave the company after a falling out with dan jr *after his father has died* edd decides to join up with another jilted child eric eisen and form a company. now here you have like five diffrent "events". 1)the death of dan stone sr *if it has not already happend that is* that would shake up notbpw as it was. 2) dan stone jr would take over *this would make some of the other stone fammily members angery* 3)edd stone would leave the company 4)eric edisen would leave his fathers promotion 5) edisen and stone would form a new promotion. now yes this would happen "every time" but the company would be diffrent each time. This could be a way to shake up the c-verse at some point. It would not have to be at the start. maybe five or six years into the game. it would give a people a reason to play longer and not get "board" which some people say they do after very long games.[/quote] That would take all the fun out of the games, knowing Stone and Eisen would leave. I could understand an event like a Steroid Scandal appearing... but randomly.
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I'm also not down with it given the replayability. As a 2nd time player, you can fully prepare yourself to the day the scripted event will take place. Is it a new promotion, you could sign indy talent to avoid them from signing them, so will not give a wrestler a contract since he's gonna die etc. Worldwide events would be nice if they were a bit more frequent then now. More often then not, you play a year without anything worthwile happening outside of some people looking abroad or changing styles. But scripted would destroy the surprises. :D
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I think maybe having a few more random events with bigger impacts would be nice but no fixed timescale or who it effects It would be nice to script them ourselves in the editor though for real world mods and scenarios. A good old, if date = such and such, display this news story, display this picture, then an outcome, e.g. this fed changes it's name, this worker is now unemployed, etc. Maybe more of a TEW09 feature?
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[QUOTE=HHUK;364119] It would be nice to script them ourselves in the editor though for real world mods and scenarios. A good old, if date = such and such, display this news story, display this picture, then an outcome, e.g. this fed changes it's name, this worker is now unemployed, etc. [/QUOTE] The problem with this is it assumes certain things that may be untrue in the game - the fed is still in business, the worker is alive, etc. The fun of playing a historical scenario, for me, is to see if I can make things go differently. Can I take the WWF to dominance in half the time in DOTT? How about bringing them to a standstill by playing their own game better? Could I beat the WCW eighty-week rating win streak during the Wars, or put them out of business as ECW? Could I make Val Venis the star that the Rock became in our world? If I'm changing things, the database may well not resemble what it needs to resemble for any scripted event to happen.
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