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Okay, so Ive started a new project. CornellXVerse isnt finished, only delayed until TEW 08 comes out. We felt this was best as the influx of new characters going from the render thread will allow us to enhance players experience greatly. :) So my new project is TEWR. Ive gotten permission from Adam to translate the Cornellverse to EWR. Most people scoff at this idea, but personally I like it as it can allow some more people to play a more laid back version of the Cornellverse. Anyone interested in helping?
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Seems like to me making the entire Cornellverse playable in an EWR scenerio is a huge undertaking. I know a lot of the guys here are hard at work on their own mods such as Tommy's new one coming out for TEW 08, we just got Montreal Aftermath 2.0 done, another guy is updating 1RC, T Zone is being tweaked by different people all the time. We got one or two Cornellverse Mods being worked on. Modding the Cornellverse won't be hard as really its just copying and pasting material thats already there. As long as you hold true to the stats and overness of the promotion you get a few guys that play EWR together and you knock it out in a few months. Seems like asking a bunch of guys that usually make mods and play mods for TEW 2007 to make a mod for EWR seems backwards. If you go to ewbattleground.com they have an entire section devoted towards EWR, you might wanna post there and I bet you could find more help than you would here. Anyway though best of luck to ya.
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[QUOTE=Trell;364698]just remember to ask the people who made the renders for there permission before you use them. :)[/QUOTE] Id assume your are talking about our Cornellverse mod I was talking about for TEW, and we already know and do. :) On another note, I dont have a great reputation at EWB and was banned there numerous times when I was too stupid to be a mature poster there, so I dont get much help. I suppose I could try Gamefaqs.com's EWR Message board as there still steems to be some amount of activity there. One of the biggest problems Im dragging through right now is the conversion of money, since in EWR it was on such a huge scale.
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Wow you got banned from EWB huh. Thats crazy, I've only seen like 12 year olds get banned over there. That sucks man. Well good luck with your stuff man. Yeah GAMEFAQS is an option but honestly those guys are pretty rough over there. I think thats the place most banned EWB types go. Anyway though maybe not.
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[quote=Stennick;364919]Wow you got banned from EWB huh. Thats crazy, I've only seen like 12 year olds get banned over there. That sucks man. Well good luck with your stuff man. Yeah GAMEFAQS is an option but honestly those guys are pretty rough over there. I think thats the place most banned EWB types go. Anyway though maybe not.[/quote] The guys are only rough at Gamefaqs if you come in asking where the downloads are, without searching. Those gurus I tell ya. Rip your head off. [SIZE="1"]yeah, I'm one of them.[/SIZE]
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So your one of the guys on gamefaq's or your one of the ones that comes in asking for D/L's without searching? :) I've only visited there one or two times out of my wondering. Everything you really could want to know about EWR/TEW you can find either EWB or here so I never really bothered looking elsewhere. It does seem like EWB is a bit less with it when it comes to TEW than it is with EWR. Maybe thats just my impression though.
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[quote=Stennick;364953]So your one of the guys on gamefaq's or your one of the ones that comes in asking for D/L's without searching? :) I've only visited there one or two times out of my wondering. Everything you really could want to know about EWR/TEW you can find either EWB or here so I never really bothered looking elsewhere. It does seem like EWB is a bit less with it when it comes to TEW than it is with EWR. Maybe thats just my impression though.[/quote] I'm one of the regulars on that board, ever-present in trying to convert those listening to TEW.
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[QUOTE=Stennick;364919]Wow you got banned from EWB huh. Thats crazy, I've only seen like 12 year olds get banned over there. That sucks man. Well good luck with your stuff man. Yeah GAMEFAQS is an option but honestly those guys are pretty rough over there. I think thats the place most banned EWB types go. Anyway though maybe not.[/QUOTE] Thats crazy? Ugh nvm, lets not talk about it. Like I said, it was years ago.
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