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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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Tom Gilmore vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [I]Gilmore is clearly more talented, but I've got this feeling Sexy will get the win in some sort of screwy manner, such as a DQ or a roll-up. [/I] Sammy Bach/Jacob Jett vs. [B]AMM/Remmy Skye[/B] [I]This match could go either way, Astil when for the Cult, so I'll go the other way and pick the faces.[/I] [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs. Big Smack Scott [I]No chance that Devine is going to lose before the biggest match of his career.[/I] [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson [I]Glorified Squash to start building the Blondes as a legitimate threat in the tag division.[/I] [B]Golden[/B] vs. John Greed [I]Though Golden is hardly getting a mega push, he is getting a push, where as Greed is about as low on the SWF totem pole as anyone right now.[/I]
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[B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. Joe Sexy I have this on my Supreme Challenge Card, so a more clearly heel Gilmore picking up the win seems likely. [B]Sammy Bach/Jacob Jett[/B] vs. AMM/Remmy Skye AMM and Skye have no team experience, and are likely facing each other in a multi-man match in a couple of weeks. Mismatched teams never work. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs. Big Smack Scott Devine gets the win leading into the big match with Eisen. [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson Didn't one of those little guys get beaten up last week? I like the experience here. [B]Golden[/B] vs. John Greed SQUASH.
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Show 34 "One" [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Thirty-Four-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“One”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][I][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] A promo video rolls, recounting the various stops on Bull Wrecker’s road to “The Supreme Challenge” to face Morpheus and putting over the match’s most extreme stipulation; an exploding casket match. Grade: B+ [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Golden vs. John Greed[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Golden wins via pinfall @ 4:54[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A bit of a stinker; I’ll admit it. We booked this match to try to level off Golden’s momentum a bit, and to keep him looking strong. Instead, what we got was a half-assed effort from the face painted hoss that nearly led to an injury for his opponent. In fact, Greed, who is fresh from RIPW, looked more the professional than Golden on this occasion. The finish comes when Golden works his way out of a figure-four leglock by wriggling to the ropes, wasting no time after getting back to his feet, catching Greed with a quick stunner that knocks him out completely, leading to the three count. I’m not sure what was up here, but we won’t be standing for it happening again. In fact, I’m thinking about ordering a drug test, just to rule it out. Grade: C-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Danny B Bling is in the arena’s exit standing with his posse of ladies as Dez Davidz pulls up in Bling’s Rolls-Royce. It is a piece of artwork; just a beautiful automobile. And as Dez climbs out of it and begins grabbing Bling’s bags, throwing them in the trunk, Bling puts his arm around two of the hottest pieces of eye candy and walks toward the door, stopping to look back at the camera and cut a promo, oddly in the first person. DBB: “Hey you.” Me? (You?) DBB: “Yeah, you.” He heard us. And I think he saw us looking at the girls. DBB: “Pull your tongue back into your mouth, playa’….” Yup. He definitely saw us looking at the girls. But he smiles anyway; a true businessman. DBB: “…..unless you got some cash, that is.” The girls on his arm giggle while some others jiggle into the back of the Rolls. DBB: “I’ve been to the Super Bowl, been to the World Series; I’ve even been to the Olympics. You know that Dez?” He is serious for a second. Then, slowly, the wide pimp smile creeps back across his face as he pops a toothpick into his mouth. DBB: “But I ain’t never been to a “Supreme Challenge”, and I ain’t missing this one for the world. This one’s going-to-be BIG!” Dez slams the trunk shut and ushers the last remaining ladies into the back before getting back behind the wheel, waiting for Danny B Bling. DBB: “I got about ten hotel rooms and a dozen cases of bubbly, man, we’re gonna have a party, Hollas fo Dollas style.” He starts to walk away, but turns back for just a second and slides down his sunglasses. DBB: “I suggest you do the same.” Grade: B- [B][I][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Big Smack Scott starts the show in the ring with a microphone, joined by some SWF security guards and a few policemen. BSS: “I know that you’ve probably heard via the TV news or internet about the incident between Valiant and Jack Bruce….” [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Jack Bruce’s music hits before Scott can even finish his sentence and he walks out onto the stage, condescendingly waggling his fingers in an air-guitar like manner. BSS: “I thought I told you to stay home for a couple of weeks? How…” Bruce cuts him off. JB: “I want a match against Valiant at “The Supreme Challenge”, and I’m not leaving until I get one. I’ll hold the show hostage if I have to, Smacker.” Scott is unflinching even as Bruce uses his nickname as a blatant sign of disrespect. BSS: “You know as well as I do that Valiant was placed under suspension by Eric Eisen and will, accordingly, have to wait to be reinstated by Mr. Eisen….that is, after Mr. Eisen destroys Darryl Devine at “Supreme Challenge” and returns to run the show.” The crowd boos. BSS: “Incidentally, I’ll be doing the same thing tonight; beating up everyone’s favorite SWF superstar, Darryl Devine.” More heat. BSS: “You guys got into such a scrape at the airport that both of you needed medical attention….and then, at the hospital, you started to fight again and got arrested!” Pop. JB: “Listen…” This time Scott cuts off Bruce. BSS: “No, you listen.” Pop. BSS: “I’m of the opinion that this thing between the two of you needs to be settled sooner rather than later, or it’s going to spiral out of control even further. That said, I don’t want to reinstate Valiant, because I don’t want to cross Mr. Eisen.” The rock star just shrugs, unprepared for what is coming. BSS: “However, I had an idea. This Sunday night, at “The Supreme Challenge”, it’ll be Jack Bruce versus Valiant, one-on-one, in a match not sanctioned by the SWF or the Championship Committee. You’ll both sign waivers prior to the event and whatever happens…..happens. The Corporation will not be responsible. And because it’s unsanctioned, it’ll be anything goes; no rules.” The crowd goes wild; Jack Bruce applauds the idea as well. JB: “It’s on!” BSS: “You’re damn right it is. Get it out of your system Sunday, because when Mr. Eisen comes back, after what you two pulled, he might suspend you indefinitely, too.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Darryl Devine vs. Big Smack Scott[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Darryl Devine wins via pinfall @ 5:33[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Seeing Darryl Devine in regular action again, both this week and last, made everyone remember exactly why it would be a crime to see him leave the SWF. Yet, if he loses Sunday, that’s precisely what will happen. Scott seems to go out of his way to rough-up Devine during the proceedings, probably as a courtesy to his boss, but really cannot muster nearly enough offense to keep up with the very focused fan favorite. Ever last bit of Devine’s moveset is on display here, as if he’s sending a message to Eric Eisen through his lackey. With Scott reeling and having trouble getting to his feet, Devine sprints across the ring and hits the ropes hard, coming off with his seldom seen rebounding elbow which sends BSS sprawling. The end is near. The crowd knows it. Devine knows it. And as they come to their feet, Darryl takes a long look out at them, realizing he may be wrestling his last “Supreme TV” match, before stepping forward and nailing Scott with a brutal “DDD”, scoring a clean three count seconds later. When his music hits, he acknowledges the fans a few times before heading back up the ramp toward the locker room; his date with destiny only days away. Grade: B-[/I] A video/commercial plays hyping “The Supreme Challenge”, laying out the entire card and really emphasizing the historic importance of the SWF’s signature event. It closes with a montage that features snapshots of “Supreme Challenge’s” past main event moments. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Can-Am Blondes vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Powell/Grayson win via disqualification @ 4:06[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: This is a pretty short affair, but it’s a job well done by both teams. Love and Carvill cheat a ridiculous amount to maintain their near match long domination, really putting over their newfound mean streak by eye-gouging and ball-punching their way around the ring. Powell and Grayson never seem to hit their stride with Powell still suffering from the after effects of last week’s backstage mystery attack. Grayson nobly tries to carry the extra weight for his team, but cannot. As it seems as though the Can-Am’s winning is a foregone conclusion and their finishing move is imminent, The Guru and Frederique begin clapping at ringside, cheering Owen and Damian on. Loving the attention, Owen hops to the floor and pulls a table from under the ring, setting it up with extreme precision. Carvill explodes on Grayson, dropping him on his head before lifting him precariously onto the cables, leaving him seated for only seconds before dropkicking him square in the mush and sending him tumbling backward through the table on the floor. Eugene Williams calls for the bell, disqualifying the Can-Am’s, before getting chased off by Frederique. As Powell tends to Stevie on the floor, all four members of the Can-Am entourage assemble in the ring, posing and jawing with the fans and making fun of the obviously injured Grayson, really drawing some heat. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Bulldozer Brandon Smith comes out to the ring with a microphone. He is in a bad mood, as usual. However, he draws a fairly mixed crowd reaction. BBS: “I’m not one to waste time talking.” His body flexes; he is all muscle, a badass. BBS: “Joey Minnesota, you stole my title shot and then won the North American title while I was unable to do anything about it. So this Sunday, at “The Supreme Challenge”, I’m going to BREAK YOUR ARM....and take that belt as my prize. BE READY!” He drops the microphone, pounding his chest before rolling to the floor and heading back up the ramp. Grade: B- [B][I](Commercial)[/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The Dirty White Boyz go outside, talking (Lead Belly, that is) about grabbing a few beers at a local dive saloon. But when they get to their enormous 4x4, there is a steel briefcase sitting in the cab with a note attached. It reads….. [I]Gentlemen- Here is a good faith advance for the chore we had discussed last week. While your mouths said no, your eyes certainly said yes, am I wrong? I trust that the amount enclosed, a half of the total sum, will make it more than worth your while to consider, whatever your reasons for hesitation might have been. I knew you would come to see it my way. It’s just business. Regards, Hayes[/I] Grease Hogg pulls out the briefcase itself and pops it open, pulling of his hat and biting down on it hard, not making a sound. Lead Belly turns the case toward the camera and reveals an astonishingly large pile of money. It is enough to keep even Lead Belly quiet……for a few seconds, anyway. LB: “There’s gotta’ be like five million dollars in here!” And they just stand there; slackjawed and not moving, looking at the cash. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The silence is finally broken by Barrowman and Finch, The DWB’s opponents at “Supreme Challenge”, who walk out to their jeep nearby. TB: “See you guys, Sunday.” Hogg and Lead Belly raise their hands to wave, but don’t even look over, still staring at all of the money. Scout stands on the jeep’s bar and yells over, curious. SF: “What’s that?” Lead Belly slams it shut and quickly moves it to the floor, getting it out of view. LB: “Just one of my bags, man; just one of my bags. See ya’.” With that, he and Hogg jump into the cab and fire it up, buzzing out of the parking lot, taillights in the haze. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sammy Bach/Jacob Jett vs. Antonio Maxi Marquez/Remmy Skye[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Time Limit Draw @ 15:00[/I][/B] [I] Peter’s Notes: I wonder how many different combinations of these guys we can run out there and still yield results like we’re getting. With everybody’s entourages joining them at ringside and tension obviously very thick between the COTGD and MMW, referee Baby Jamie has his hands full and will probably be in line for a bump in pay after the match. Everything progresses as you might expect with each of the four men getting the opportunity to display both their offensive repertoire and their characters. Marquez shines especially, overshadowing the three other men with the old-school feel that he brings to the ring. There’s no doubt that he can fly around the ring with anybody, but he also has a very solid grasp of what story he’s trying to tell, and his interaction with the crowd is off the charts. Skye ends up taking a significant beating from both Bach and Jett, who takes almost every opportunity he can to try to sink his teeth into Remmy. When Marquez finally is able to stretch out and make the tag, his running buddies in Mexico’s Most Wanted, Gino Montero and Fuerza have started exchanging punches with Acid and Plague, with Emma’s attention torn between the fracas and the ring. The match peaks with the battle still raging outside between the factions. Inside the ring, the action is unconscionably fast, with high impact moves coming out left and right. Jett hits Remmy with a 450 that nets him a near fall before he gets nailed himself with AMM’s “Champagne Sunrise” frogsplash to break it up. As Marquez rolls around on the mat holding his ribs, hurting himself a bit with the ferocious impact of his own move, Sammy Bach snakes in behind him and, before Marquez can even realize the situation, Bach locks him in the “BOYB”. Sammy wrenches and torques, trying to make Marquez tap, but makes no headway before the Shooting Star champion gets to the ropes. Bach releases the hold, fuming; pushing his wet, stringy hair out of his face. Before he can hear Emma’s warning, Bach gets blindsided by the somehow recovered Remmy Skye’s “Skye Diver”, sending both men tumbling into separate heaps. With all four men down, the crowd gets to its feet, paying their respects to the men who are in the ring. As they do so, Baby Jamie has words with the timekeeper and begins a countdown from twenty, making his way all the way down to one and calling for the bell without so much as a smidgen of movement from any one of the competitors, ruling the contest a time-limit draw. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Big Smack Scott comes out onto the stage with a microphone, looking recovered after his loss earlier in the show and wearing a massive car salesman smile. BSS: “You know, I was coming out here to hype the Shooting Star Title match that we had scheduled for ‘Supreme Challenge’….but after seeing that match, I think I have a better idea.” Bach and Jett both recover on the floor near Emma, Acid, and Plague while Remmy and Marquez huff and puff in the ring. BSS: “This Sunday night, I’m going to have the Shooting Star Title belt hung twenty feet over the ring, suspended in the middle of two cables that’ll criss-cross high in the air. The first one of you four to retrieve it will get to wear it.” All four men seem to have similar ‘WTF’-type responses, sot quite sure what to make of Scott’s description of the match. BSS: “Trust me, you’ll figure it out quick enough.” A cluster of superfans stand on their chairs and cheer, drawing a pass from the camera. Scott notices them and points them out. BSS: “And I’m sure the fans are going to enjoy watching you putting life and limb on the line in one of the most innovative matches in SWF history. I KNOW they want to see you two (points to Bach and AMM) and you two (points to Jett and Skye) get it on, so I feel justified in doing the will of the people.” A nice pop closes the segment with Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia putting the match over before the show goes to its final commercial. Grade: B [B][I](commercial)[/I][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Gregory Keith is on the backstage interview set with Tommy Townsend. And, after he positions the SWF World Heavyweight title belt on his shoulder, he snaps his fingers at the cameraman, cutting Tommy out of the picture entirely. GK: “I’ve got a hard life lesson for you to learn, McFly; it’s just too bad that it’s going to come so close to the end of your career. Nobody…. has ever won anything…. with just their reputation. That’s a fact. And that’s not going to change any time soon.” He rips off his sunglasses. “You thought you could just stroll on into the SWF and just be the top guy because of where you’ve been before; of who you’ve beaten? This isn’t nineteen ninety-six anymore, it’s two thousand eleven. This version of the Supreme Wrestling Federation is MY world.” Keith is getting angrier by the second. “What you’ve failed to realize, McFly, is that it’s my time to be the top dog. Everything about me screams champion. When I’m tanning on the beach and the girlies say ‘Hey Champ”, they’re talking to me, you dig?” He gets right into the lens of the camera, tearing off his jacket in the process and unbuttoning his shirt collar. “I want every single bit of “Mr. Wrestling” that you can muster. I don’t want there to be any excuses when I put you in the “Proton Lock” and add you to the never ending list of people who aren’t as good as me.” The shot pulls back, showing Tommy to still be standing there, in awe of Keith’s intensity. “This Sunday night, I’m going to send you back to Canada, broken like the antique you really are; when I’m done with you, your kind will be extinct.” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Tom Gilmore vs. Joe Sexy[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Double Disqualification @ 14:19[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: This was the balls-to-the-wall brawl that we had hoped for, showing us that we were correct in assuming that Gilmore and Sexy would be more valuable to us as opponents rather than as a team. There is something about the way that they work together, with one handling the wrestling and the other handling the entertainment, which really sets them apart. Sexy is especially vicious in his attack, still smarting after being spit on by Gilmore on live television no doubt, and he seems to make every single punch a full body effort. But Gilmore is a wrestler’s wrestler and begins countering everything in sight, finally slowing Sexy’s attack and trapping him on the mat, holding him down with some forearm shots from the mount position. Things really see-saw back and forth with both men having spells where they control the match. The finish comes when Gilmore strings together some wicked chops before scoring with an awesome spinebuster, sending Sexy to the floor. As he sneers at Sexy from the ring, Queen Emily hustles up to him and kicks him in the belly two or three times before he can get up. But when he does, he goes for Emily, taking a pair of steps toward her before getting blindsided by Gilmore, who flies through the ropes and hits Sexy with a cannonball plancha. When Sexy recovers, they battle all over the floor, both men breaking up Jay Fair’s count several times. Suddenly and very opportunistically, both men happen upon weapons, Sexy with the ring bell and Gilmore with a chair, and with Jay Fair watching the whole thing unfold, they each charge and whack the other with their weapon of choice, both men getting disqualified for their efforts. Grade: A*[/I] Show Grade: A [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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I have to say that The Supreme Challenge looks to be a great show on paper, you've put alot of effort into building this show to really be something special. The McFly-Keith and Eisen-Devine matches were major draws in themselves but the additions of the Unsanctioned Match for Bruce-Valiant and an Ultimate X for the Shooting Star Title really seal the deal that the Supreme Challenge will be a can't miss event. I would definately put down some of his hard earned cash to see this show.
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Show 35 Preview [CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Thirty-Five Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]"Supreme Challenge 31"[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]After a lot of talking, the World Champion and the number one contender will finally step into the ring and settle their issues. Gregory Keith has had a long reign with the SWF’s most coveted prize and has seemingly found a way to escape any situation with his grip on the strap intact. Sean McFly is one of the five best wrestlers of all time and has been a World Champion in every organization that means anything, including the SWF. When they go at it, one-on-one with the title at stake, the world may shake to its very core. Don’t miss what is sure to be a match-of-the-year candidate, this Sunday on pay-per-view. This one is not about championships; this one is as personal as it gets. Stepping into the ring and being fastened together by dog collars and a ten foot length of chain, Eric Eisen and Darryl Devine will be engaged in a battle for their very livelihood. The months have gone on without a resolution in one of the storylines that has dominated the fans attention. One of the most bitter rivalries in the promotion’s history ends on Sunday at “The Supreme Challenge”; one of the men will leave the SWF forever. Bull Wrecker has been haunted by a new incarnation of Morpheus, a man he put out of the Supreme Wrestling Federation over five months ago. In the course of Morpheus’ return and ensuing pursuit of Wrecker, he has blown up the Corporate Assassin’s car, nearly struck him with lightening numerous times, and cost him his North American title. When Morpheus finally returns an SWF ring, it will truly be the irresistible force taking on the immovable object; can Bull Wrecker stop the other-worldly advances of Morpheus, or is his soul ripe for the picking? The New Wave have been at or near the top of the tag team division since their arrival in the SWF, having won the World Tag Team titles three months ago. The only other team to have as much success are the Dirty White Boyz, the team that they won them from. Since that time, their rivalry has turn into a mutual respect friendship that has seen them fight many battles on the same side. At “The Supreme Challenge”, Lead Belly and Grease Hogg have earned another chance to win their belts back…..but there is another issue afoot. Mr. Hayes, the bodyguard/overseer of the brash young team Futureshock, has approached the DWB with the same offer he has made to BHOTWG’s Rebellion and the Lords of War; an offer of cash for the titles. Will the DWB be able to top a team they are so evenly matched up with only to sell the belts to Futureshock? Or will Barrowman and Finch make the giant cash offer a moot point by stopping the DWB in their tracks? Jack Bruce’s arrival in the SWF with the winner of his reality show, Raven, at his side was supposed to be one of the feel good stories of the year for Supreme. Instead, that particular moment was the beginning of a truly wild ride that has led to an unsanctioned, anything goes match, pitting Jack Bruce against his former friend, Valiant at “Supreme Challenge”. Things started going bad between the two when Valiant began dating Raven after she had a falling out with Bruce. The stakes were raised permanently when Jack Bruce revealed that Raven was, in fact, an Eisen and was using various wrestlers (ie: he and Valiant) to gain entry into the company. The stress of the announcement caused Raven/Abby Eisen to leave Valiant, driving him into a heartbroken rage, blaming Bruce for the whole process. Of late, the suspended Valiant has been attacking JB at any opportunity and the two were arrested following a two county brawl in Texas two weeks ago. With the rulebook thrown out the window, and the two facing off in an unsanctioned match, this is can’t miss television. The SWF Shooting Star Title will be suspended twenty feet above the ring, between two criss-crossed cables; the winner will be the man who can successfully retrieve the belt from such a dangerous position. The four men who will fight for the right to wear it come in with a very interwoven set of circumstances. Champion Antonio Maxi Marquez burst onto the Supreme scene after his upset win over Sammy Bach at “Times of Trouble”. Little did he know that he would be putting himself in the middle of a full on war between the COTGD and Remmy Skye, with Remmy going from number one contender to Bach’s title to vampire hunter, getting entangled with Jacob Jett. These four put on a great show last week on “Supreme TV; a date with each other, for a big prize on the big stage should see similar results. Joey Minnesota won the North American Championship from Bull Wrecker with a huge assist from Morpheus…..and an even bigger assist from Bulldozer Brandon Smith, whose title shot contract he stole and cashed in for the opportunity. That moment shifted the balance of power in Joey’s burgeoning feud with Smith, surprisingly putting him in the driver’s seat against the nearly unbeatable Bulldozer. When these two men step into the squared circle looking to settle up, it will not be for the faint of heart…..and it’ll happen at “Supreme Challenge”. [/I] [B][I][CENTER]Our signature event; this show has been one year in the making. Don’t miss “Supreme Challenge”, live on pay-per-view, this Sunday night.[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Gregory Keith vs. Sean McFly - World Title Match Darryl Devine vs. Eric Eisen – Loser Leaves SWF Dog Collar Match New Wave vs. Dirty White Boyz – World Tag Team Title Match Morpheus vs. Bull Wrecker – Exploding Casket Grudge Match Jack Bruce vs. Valiant – Unsanctioned ‘Anything Goes’ Match AMM vs. Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Skye vs. Jacob Jett – Shooting Star Ultimate X Match Joey Minnesota vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith – North American Title Match (OOC: Thanks for the comment, Tigerkinney. I'm glad everything came together for this show like I had hoped. I've been watching Wrestlemania's like mad of late and am looking forward to my own. :) )
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Only 7 matches? I'm supposed to pay fifty bucks for only 7 matches? That's like, 7 dollars a match! :p If you were really watching Wrestlemanias, you'd know that everybody gets on the card so they can be part of a big payday. Where's the gimmick battle royale, 20 man hardcore challenge, or over-booked multi-man matches? Where's Warlord Power, Golden, Futureshock, Sexy and Gilmore, Tana, Acid, BSS, John Greed, and Groucho Bling? Where?! Gregory Keith vs. [B]Sean McFly[/B] - World Title Match McFly finally picks up the win. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs. Eric Eisen – Loser Leaves SWF Dog Collar Match I predict authority figure shake-ups galore. New Wave vs. [B]Dirty White Boyz[/B] – World Tag Team Title Match I'm not a big fan of the New Wave. [B]Morpheus[/B] vs. Bull Wrecker – Exploding Casket Grudge Match What's Morpheus' Supreme Challenge record? [B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs. Valiant – Unsanctioned ‘Anything Goes’ Match This feud can't be over, and Bruce is a bigger name. AMM vs. Sammy Bach vs. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Jacob Jett – Shooting Star Ultimate X Match Skye's improved a lot to even compete with some of these guys. I like him to finally win the big one by picking up the title. [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith – North American Title Match Joey just won the gold, and I look for him to win here with a full-on heel turn. Edit: Don't want to make a thing, but quantity sells buyrates, not just quality. There are always people for whom adding a seemingly irrelevant midcard match is the tipping point between buying a show or not buying it. I don't think it's a big deal and I don't know why anyone responded to what was clearly a joke. I even used a smilie. :P
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[quote=lazorbeak;512436]Only 7 matches? I'm supposed to pay fifty bucks for only 7 matches? That's like, 7 dollars a match! :p If you were really watching Wrestlemanias, you'd know that everybody gets on the card so they can be part of a big payday. Where's the gimmick battle royale, 20 man hardcore challenge, or over-booked multi-man matches? Where's Warlord Power, Golden, Futureshock, Sexy and Gilmore, Tana, Acid, BSS, John Greed, and Groucho Bling? Where?! [/quote] I wouldn't be surprised if all the people you mentioned did turn up in a battle royal, either as a last minute announcement filler match or on the pre-show. What No Neck has gone for, and it something real life promotions could learn from in building their PPV's, is that he he has gone for quality over quantity. Every match on this card has been built superbly and the wrestlers have earned their spot on the biggest show of the year. -Quick Picks- Gregory Keith vs. [B]Sean McFly[/B] - World Title Match [I]Keith's title reign finally comes to an end. [/I] Darryl Devine vs. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] – Loser Leaves SWF Dog Collar Match [I]I know this would blow off their feud, but I just can't see Eisen leaving SWF. So I think Eisen gets the better of Devine (again)...but I can see this leading to a 'charlie brown from outta town' type angle.[/I] New Wave vs. [B]Dirty White Boyz[/B] – World Tag Team Title Match [I]DWB will win the belts back and them for themselves, because Grease Hogg says so but it will lead to tension between himself and his silent partner Lead Belly. [/I] [B]Morpheus[/B] vs. Bull Wrecker – Exploding Casket Grudge Match [I]All the build for the new and improved Morpheus will have been all for nothing, if he loses in his match back.[/I] [B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs. Valiant – Unsanctioned ‘Anything Goes’ Match [I]Could go either way, but I personally prefer Jack Bruce, even though he's the heel in this match.[/I] AMM vs. Sammy Bach vs.[B] Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Jacob Jett – Shooting Star Ultimate X Match [I]This match is set up for Skye to finally capture the SS Title[/I] [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith – North American Title Match [I]Simply because I've gone for a title change in all the other title matches, and I can't see all the belts changing hands.[/I]
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[B]Gregory Keith[/B] vs. Sean McFly - World Title Match Darryl Devine vs. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] – Loser Leaves SWF Dog Collar Match [B]New Wave[/B] vs. Dirty White Boyz – World Tag Team Title Match [B] Morpheus[/B] vs. Bull Wrecker – Exploding Casket Grudge Match [B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs. Valiant – Unsanctioned ‘Anything Goes’ Match AMM vs. Sammy Bach vs.[B] Remmy Skye [/B]vs. Jacob Jett – Shooting Star Ultimate X Match Joey Minnesota vs. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] – North American Title Match
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Gregory Keith vs. [B]Sean McFly [/B]- World Title Match Finally Sean takes the gold away from Greg [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs. Eric Eisen – Loser Leaves SWF Dog Collar Match Darryl wins - and Richard Eisen makes a shokcing return, to either put Eric through hell for failing him, or to just simply re-instate his son as though this never happened! [B]New Wave vs. Dirty White Boyz [/B]– World Tag Team Title Match Going with a draw - 1) cos its sports entertainment, and there has to be at least one schozz finish! + 2) cos storyline wise, there's no way the New Wave are retaining, but I'm too much of a mark for them to pick them to lose! [B]Morpheus[/B] vs. Bull Wrecker – Exploding Casket Grudge Match Easiest call of the night [B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs. Valiant – Unsanctioned ‘Anything Goes’ Match Jack is the bigger name. AMM vs. Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Skye vs. [B]Jacob Jett [/B]– Shooting Star Ultimate X Match I'll go with Jett winning, which won't sit too well with Sammy [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith – North American Title Match Joey retains since the world title changes hands
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;512436]Only 7 matches? I'm supposed to pay fifty bucks for only 7 matches? That's like, 7 dollars a match! :p If you were really watching Wrestlemanias, you'd know that everybody gets on the card so they can be part of a big payday. Where's the gimmick battle royale, 20 man hardcore challenge, or over-booked multi-man matches? Where's Warlord Power, Golden, Futureshock, Sexy and Gilmore, Tana, Acid, BSS, John Greed, and Groucho Bling? Where?! [/QUOTE] :D :D [I]Actually, it's only $39.99, my man. That makes it a little easier to bear, eh? Besides, most everyone you mentioned is on the show anyway, albeit not wrestling in scheduled matches.[/I] :)
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Not bad - just got caught up in time to post for the SC :D Gregory Keith vs. [B]Sean McFly[/B] - World Title Match [I]I think GK's time in the sun is over - and if you have Sean McFly, he needs the belt :D[/I] [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs. Eric Eisen – Loser Leaves SWF Dog Collar Match [I]BSS seems quite comfortable as GM, thankyouverymuch.[/I] [B]New Wave[/B] vs. Dirty White Boyz – World Tag Team Title Match [I]Truth be told, I can't specifically remember how this one came around - but there's more fun to be had from the DWB keeping the 'good faith' cash then in selling the belts[/I] Morpheus vs. [B]Bull Wrecker[/B] – Exploding Casket Grudge Match [I]You're high on Wrecker, and while I don't necessarily get it, I do think he needs a win here to have any kind of momentum after the show[/I] Jack Bruce vs. [B]Valiant[/B] – Unsanctioned ‘Anything Goes’ Match [I]You're going somewhere with Valiant[/I] [B]AMM[/B] vs. Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Skye vs. Jacob Jett – Shooting Star Ultimate X Match [I]I'm shocked you have MMW all together - and seemingly not on loan deals - and while the idea of a Skye win appeals, AMM has only just got the belt.[/I] [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith – North American Title Match [I]Much the same as above - this has the potential to run, so I don't think this is their last match.[/I] Loving the diary, NoNeck. I've always found it hard to get into SWF, but this one has won me over. Looking forward to seeing what you do with Montero, AMM and KC Glenn in particular.
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Gregory Keith vs. [B]Sean McFly[/B] - World Title Match Darryl Devine vs. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] – Loser Leaves SWF Dog Collar Match [B]New Wave[/B] vs. Dirty White Boyz – World Tag Team Title Match [B]Morpheus[/B] vs. Bull Wrecker – Exploding Casket Grudge Match Jack Bruce vs. [B]Valiant[/B] – Unsanctioned ‘Anything Goes’ Match [B]AMM[/B] vs. Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Skye vs. Jacob Jett – Shooting Star Ultimate X Match [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith – North American Title Match
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Hey all. Wanted to let you know that after a scary computer issue (hard drive related) that most of my stuff has been recovered and "Supreme Challenge" will be up shortly, most likely as soon as tomorrow, once I get the files back onto my laptop. Thanks for your patience, readers. I'm very relieved that I dodged what I thought might be the end of SOTR. :):)
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Damn it, Tigerkinney! I got my hopes up when I saw this on the first page! Because I am from the old-school of EWB and hate useless posts, here's some stuff I want to see in the years ahead for Pete Michaels' SWF: Angry Gilmore finally getting a solo push to the top. The return of at least one former SWF star who parted ways with the company way. New stars and a second television show. To add to the last point, more international flavor: Champagne Lover and Fuerza are a great start, but I'd love to see some great workers from all over the world that aren't exactly "usual suspects." Darryl Devine wins the title.
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Show 35 "The Supreme Challenge" [I](OOC: Files are back in order, new hard drive in place, Secrets of the Ring 2011 rolls on. Thanks for your patience, everyone. :):) )[/I] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Thirty-Five-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"] “The Supreme Challenge”[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Jack Bruce vs. Valiant[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-Unsanctioned Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Double Stoppage @ 8:51[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: We decided to start with this match because we knew it would be great, but also because we wanted to separate this one from the dog collar match on the card, as they are both bound to be brutal affairs. Bruce and Valiant hold up their end of the bargain, for sure. Things started during Jack Bruce’s introduction, as Valiant just can’t contain himself and dives out of the ring, over the top rope, onto the unaware Bruce, who was playing to the fans at the base of the ramp with his back turned. The spot brings the crowd up and the two combatants never release them. In fact, this match never actually sees any action, and as Valiant leads Bruce up along the ramp, on the floor, Bruce reaches over the barricade and grabs a fan’s souvenir folding chair and bashes the big man with it, hitting him square in the face and splitting him open, sending a rivulet of blood down the bridge of his nose. With several cameramen in tow, the two men battle all over the floor area and back up the ambulance tunnel directly to the right of the stage area. Staffers and backstage VIP’s scatter when the fight reaches the load-in area, with both men exchanging punches the whole way. Valiant lands a few bombs in a row and is able to bodyslam Bruce through a few flimsy crates and pallets before noticing an open trailer pulled up to one of the docks, lifting his enemy to his feet by the hair and tossing him inside. But when he joins Bruce in the back and stands over him setting him up for something, the truck shakes violently before starting to roll, slowly pulling alongside another SWF trailer and rolling away from the building. With two cameramen on hand, in the trailer, as well as a bevy of them in a truck behind the action, the images on the jumbotron are of short burst of fighting backs and forth between the two men, who both struggle to keep their feet in the nearly empty, doors-flapping-wide-open behemoth. It gains speed as it pulls out of the arena’s loading area and onto a busy highway, attempting to turn around and park on the other side of the building. PM: “My God! Does the driver even know that there are two men fighting back there? Someone has got to let him know!” AG: “They’re in real danger, Peter. I can’t watch!” PM: “He must have a radio or something like that!” Shaky footage comes from the shaky camera held by the unsteady cameramen in the trailer, also battling the situation, but they maintain good shots of the action, showing Bruce banging Valiant’s head into the wall before a quick turn sends them all tumbling. All of a sudden……a quick, violent stop. And the inside feed is lost.. ……. …….. …….. When the feed switches to the cameramen who were following in the truck, it shows them climbing into the back of the trailer where Valiant, Jack Bruce, and the two other cameramen who were inside with them are sprawled out amongst some road cases and light fixtures, all apparently knocked unconscious by the violent stop. Grade: B+[/I] A promo plays hyping the Ultimate X match, focusing more on the match’s set-up itself than the combatants, but featuring a montage of their feuds at the end. The piece really is used to get the fans up to speed on the rules of the SWF’s new signature match. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Skye vs. Jacob Jett[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-Shooting Star Title Ultimate X Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Remmy Skye wins @ 12:31 via retrieval[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: If highspots are your thing, this is your match. Under the advisement of our road agents, we let the four men put this match together by themselves and they pulled out all the stops. My favorite thing about it was how quickly they started letting things pop off, with almost instant craziness; the house was loud. Somehow, within the first few minutes, Jacob Jett and Sammy Bach have pulled a pair of ladders out from underneath the ring and battle Remmy and Antonio Maxi Marquez as they try to push them under the rope. The ladders give each man multiple opportunities to amaze; some highlights: - Sammy Bach stands a ladder up in the corner and belly to belly suplexes both Marquez and Skye into it. - Marquez lays Bach down on the ladder and places another on top of him before going to the apron and springboarding back in, legdropping the ladders and painfully sandwiching the leader of the COTGD between them. - With the ladder, bent and leaning upon the top rope, looking like a ramp, begging to have a spot done off of it, Jacob Jett answers the call, running up it and leaping off, landing on the other three wrestlers who are standing below on the floor, knocking them over like bowling pins. - Bracing a ladder in a standing ladder while sitting its other end on the top rope, creating a ladder bridge of sorts, Sammy Bach steps out atop it, looking to strike. But Remmy suddenly springboards in from the apron, getting great elevation, and catching Bach on the way over the ladder with a DDT. All of these spots just served to get us to the finish, where the guys would start attempting to scale the tresses and venture out onto the super-high cable with the belt swinging at its center. Somehow, as coincidence always seems to play a part in wrestling, Jett, Bach and Marquez all set out from opposing corners, hanging and making their way, hand-over-hand toward their prize. Remmy quickly sets up a ladder and begins trying to impede both Jett and Bach’s progress, taking swipes at both as they kick out, aimlessly, trying to knock him from his perch. Then, in an act of crazed obedience, Bach yells to Jett to take Marquez out, so the vampiric COTGD member hurls himself off of his cable toward AMM, knocking into him, but unable to latch on, instead falling to the canvas with a vicious thud, exploding like he has been thrown from a helicopter. Bach and Marquez pause for just a second before trying to reposition themselves, each looking to take a chance at grabbing the belt. And, as they close in, both from opposing sides, Bach holds on with one hand and unleashes a huge punch, catching AMM flush in the face and stunning him momentarily before a second punch causes his arms to quiver and his fingers to fail him. Remmy watches Marquez lose his grip and fall, splattering on the mat below; the whole thing plays out right in front of him. And, as if sensing it might be his last chance, he starts rocking his ladder, shifting back and forth until it becomes more and more unstable and using the ladder’s momentum to bounce himself off the top rope, riding the ladder back toward the middle of the ring and jumping off at the last possible second, grabbing hold of the cable only feet from the Shooting Star title and automatically drawing some kicks from Bach, dangling himself only inches away. The two engage in the most intense yet impeded fistfight that the company has ever seen as both men test their grip on the cable by letting go from time to time to throw wild punches, praying that they might catch their opponent with a lucky one. Without warning, Bach’s fingers begin to slip and his expression changes to one of shock. Remmy swings himself back, trying to just avoid Sammy, who, as he begins to fall, takes on the characteristics of a drowning man, indiscriminately flailing and grabbing at everything all at once. And when he hits, it’s a flatbacked bump of the highest order, sending him into an arched back dance of pain below. In a matter of seconds, Remmy has unfastened the Shooting Star title and dropped back into the ring, taking a second to get back to his feet before holding the belt high into the air, much to the delight of the fans. The crowd showers him with applause, having feeling like they willed him to the title all these months as he chased it. But only a few people see Jacob Jett sneaking back into the ring and waiting for a long second before latching onto Skye from behind, cranking Remmy’s neck to one side and sinking his teeth into the neck of the new Shooting Star Champion. Remmy flips out and quickly bashes Jett with the belt, holding his hand to the wound in his neck and he slides out of the ring and fishes a wooden stake from underneath the ring, looking for any sign of the man that bit him. But Jett is on the run, already up the ramp and trying to jump from the stage into the crowd toward an exit, blood smeared around his mouth, his eyes black; alive. He licks his lips before taking the leap into the crowd as Skye runs up the ramp, stake in hand, too far behind to catch up but not finished trying. Grade: (match) B+ (post) B+[/I] International superband “Arizona Bay” plays the “Supreme Challenge” theme song live. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Joey Minnesota vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER][B][CENTER]-North American Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joey Minnesota wins via countout @ 6:23[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A fairly short, but particularly fierce battle is waged here over the North American title, featuring two men who really wrestle like they have a score to settle. Joey Minnesota’s new hyper intense/ ’roid rager character has started to draw a lot of heat from the fans because he plays it so over the top, screaming and gritting his teeth almost all the time. He is also a great match-up for Bulldozer Brandon Smith because they both work a similar style. After trading (and subsequently no-selling) belly-to-belly suplexes Joey decides to take a shortcut, kneeing Dozer below the belt and going to work on one of Smith’s massive legs, twisting one while standing on the other. Surprisingly, the crowd begins getting behind Bulldozer, and as he slowly makes his way back to his feet, the crowd joins him. But Joey once again heels out, yanking Smith back onto his back by the hair and choking Bulldozer with his wrist tape while shielding Jay Fair away with his body. The next time Dozer gets to his feet, the crowd is all the way behind him, infuriating Joey Minnesota and sending him into a rage. Dozer pounds Joey with punch after stiff punch and Joey just stands there, veins bulging, eating each one flush, but still coming forward. Bulldozer is amazed, but is called Bulldozer for a reason and drops a vicious headbutt onto Joey’s forehead, sending him to the mat with the unexpected bombshot. Almost immediately, Bulldozer hops on and wrenches back on Minnesota’s arm with his feared armbar, but Joey just howls with laughter. It is obviously hurting him as Smith turns it to put a ridiculous amount of torque on the hold, but he just continues to laugh deliriously, a string of drool hanging off of his lower lip, quivering in cadence with his laughs. Smith implores him to give up, but after having Joey laugh in his face while he nearly breaks his arm, Jay Fair yelling at him, he loses his jumblies for a moment himself and releases the hold, sliding out to the floor and grabbing the ring announcer’s folding chair. With Fair trying to reason with him, and Minnesota still laughing maniacally while cradling his arm, Dozer raises the chair over the downed North American champion but doesn’t swing it, lowering it and tossing it aside angrily, before climbing out of the ring and walking back up the ramp. Joey cackles, purple faced, rolling up onto his knees to watch Bulldozer exit as Jay Fair counts him out, Smith never once turning back. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] The cameras go live to a downtown Manhattan restaurant that is filled to the brim with SWF fans going ballistic while watching “Supreme Challenge” on a host of large plasma screen TV’s. A smiling Joe Sexy sits behind a table in the foreground interacting with fans, scribbling his name onto 8x10 black and whites as fast as they’re put in front of him. Security personnel let fan after fan through the rope to get an up close and personal SWF experience until Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia prepare to do a via satellite interview. However, almost as soon as Michaels gets out his first question, Sexy is jumped from behind by Tom Gilmore, who buries him with punches before he is pulled off by SWF security. The fans go crazy at the flash fight that broke out in front of them, the product of a suddenly very hot feud. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]New Wave vs. Dirty White Boyz[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Tag Team Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Dirty White Boyz win via pinfall @ 10:44[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: There is a huge amount of tension in this one, both between the teams and among the fans who are very curious about the Dirty White Boyz motivation in this match. Are they here to win the titles and sell them to Futureshock, which would require them to be booed? Or are they here to try to recapture the gold for themselves against opponents that they respect, their friends; a cheer-worthy scenario? After both teams are introduced, their familiarity with each other is obvious and the crowd is treated to a spirited old school tag team match that really brought back memories of the SCCW’s heyday; heavy on the brawling. Barrowman and Finch are very impressive playing the role of the underdog even as the tag team champions, with Grease Hogg and Lead Belly showing a bit of their old heelish ways in controlling the bulk of the contest, seemingly being willing to cut corners more as the match progresses. Scout Finch takes a huge beating along the way, getting subjected to an assortment of the Dirty White Boyz’ trademark double team moves; many very basic, but, as usual, very effective. With Barrowman leaning out and unable to make the tag for over seven minutes, the crowd was expectedly off the hook when he finally was able to slap his jelly-legged partner in the back as he was whipped into the turnbuckles near him. And they also expectedly went bonkers when the powerhouse of the tag team champions hit the ring by slingshotting himself over the top rope and catching both members of the DWB with a monster shoulder block that sends them both onto their backs. Suddenly, the entire dynamic of the match has changed with Barrowman going around the ring like a steamroller, dropping Lead Belly and Grease Hogg in succession with clotheslines, dropkicks, and powerslams, bringing the crowd to their feet when he climbs to the top turnbuckle, sizing up the massive Hogg once atop. But it is not to be, as Lead Belly produces the steel briefcase left for he and his partner by Mr. Hayes last week, apparently conveniently stashed near the ring, and wallops Barrowman with it. With referee Eugene Williams focused on Grease Hogg, Lead Belly disposes of the case and shoves Barrowman off of the turnbuckle to the mat below. After paying Scout a quick visit and blowing him off of the apron, Hogg recovers and joins Lead Belly in sending the stunned Barrowman into the ropes and drilling him with their running double boot, knocking him inside out. The three count is a formality and, upon getting presented the SWF World Tag Team title belts, the DWB go completely over the top and begin celebrating in the crowd, holding the belts aloft as they work their way around and entire section of rabid, back patting, high-fiving fans to the exit. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Futureshock celebrates in their backstage locker room, Mr. Hayes actually smiling just a bit as he stands among the sea of skanks “rented” from Danny B Bling and Hollas fo’ Dollas for the occasion. As Starr shakes and then pops a bottle of champagne, spraying the bubbly all over the partygoers, Hayes reaches into his pocket and quickly punches in a number, trying to shush the festivities for a moment to make his call. After a few seconds of silence he snaps it shut. MH: “Hmmmm.” Starr stops ogling the blonde grinding against him for long enough to turn toward Hayes. BS: “Who was that?” MH: “It was the DWB. No one picked up.” They look at each other for a second; silent. BS: “They’re probably already out celebrating at some dive bar, three beers in.” Hayes nods. MH: “Maybe….” Glenn jumps in wearing a party hat. KC: “Three beers. Them boys is prob-ly ten beers in apiece by now.” Starr laughs with Glenn, but Mr. Hayes does not. BS: “We’ll catch up with them Tuesday. Let’s have some fun now, man; we’re the champs. Relax.” He cracks a beer for Mr. Hayes and puts it in his hand. The segment closes with the party resuming, Hayes standing stoically in the middle of all the action, not touching the beer at all. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bull Wrecker vs. Morpheus[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-Exploding Casket Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Morpheus wins via stipulation @ 11:01[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The kidding around is over. And as far as fights go, this was a good one. The biggest deal, aside from the finish of course, was Morpheus’ entrance, which was predictably theatrical and drawn out; very over the top. We wanted it to be a fittingly large event, and we added a few bells and whistles to the floating orbs bit that we did during his haunting of Wrecker, making it seem to snow green sparks on the stage as Morpheus’ cloaked, masked form rises via the stage elevator. Then with the sparks color reflecting off of the orbs, the monstrous Morpheus takes off (with the help of three cables and four operators) and flies toward the ring with one massive step, evoking many a modern karate movie, landing in a crouch in the middle of the ring with his covered head down. Bull Wrecker, who was already in the ring, bails out, skittering under the bottom rope and peering over the lip of the ring as a spotlight illuminates Morpheus’ masked face, sending shivers down the backs of the masses as he pulls away his hood. From there, everything is predictable until the finish, with each man getting in a host of punches, kicks, bodyslams, and various variations of the aforementioned moves. At about the nine minute mark, things have really taken a turn, with the fight centering around the special casket, rigged with “explosives”, sitting at the mouth of the ramp. Both men take turns nearly getting pushed into it, teasing the finish, with everyone excited to see what the explosion entails. With his back to the ring, Wrecker pulls Morpheus by his mask and leads him face-first into the apron, stopping his momentum and sensing his last chance. Mimicking the sequence that saw Morpheus injured and reborn, Wrecker positions himself over his opponent, now back in the ring, looking to powerbomb him over the top rope and into the casket. But at the last second, Morpheus slides out of the powerbomb, landing on his feet and hits the ropes, coming off hard with a huge boot to the face that sends Wrecker head over heels over the top rope and onto the apron, where he manages to hold on, trying to pull himself together. But it proves to be his undoing. As he gets to his feet and tries to focus on where Morpheus is in the ring, the masked big man nails him again with a second running boot to the face, this one even more brutal than the last, sending Wrecker flying from the apron and into the open casket, setting off the explosives and shaking the ringside area with pieces of the whole structure raining down over some members of the audience in the front row. SWF security join a trio of paramedics in scrambling down to the site of the crash, so to speak, as the bell rings, Morpheus standing with his arms crossed in the middle of the ring. The shot is of a paramedic pulling open one of Wrecker’s eyelids, trying to find a signs of life as the show goes to a promo video. Grade: B+[/I] A hype video rolls running down the entire story behind both remaining matches, the loser leaves SWF dog collar match between interim CEO Eric Eisen and his longtime nemesis Darryl Devine and the World Heavyweight Championship match, with Gregory Keith defending his coveted title against the legendary “Mr. Wrestling”, Sean McFly. If there was anyone who we could’ve milked for any more emotion after watching this piece, well, may god have mercy on your wrestling watching soul. Grade: A* As the ringside staff tries to quickly clean up the many pieces of casket shrapnel, with Morpheus now gone and Wrecker helped to the back, a loud motorcycle roars, a wide open chopping sound pouring through the speakers and filling the arena. With the crowd getting to their feet in anticipation, a sleek, chromed-out, street bike begins to roll out onto the stage. To everyone’s astonishment……… [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] …….Christian Faith rolls out straddling the beast with one arm raised, taking in the monstrous ovation that he is given for his SWF return. With the crowd going ballistic, Faith revs the motorcycle twice before pulling his feet back onto the pegs and tearing down the extra long “Supreme Challenge” aisle. After circling the ring twice, the leather pants wearing legend hoists himself off of the bike and jumps up onto the ring apron, throwing one leg over the tope rope and making his way into an SWF ring for the first time in over three years. He grabs a microphone from the ringside attendant and begins, waiting for the crowd to settle a bit before starting. CF: “What’s up, Supreme? Did you miss me?” They pop like mad. Apparently they did. CF: “I’m back. And this Tuesday night on Supreme TV, I’m going to pick up right where I left off four years ago……” The crowd cheers him again, remembering his last amazing run in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. CF: “…..and I’m going to start piling up the bodies all over again.” Pop-pop-pop-pop-pop. CF: “So put the kids to bed and have some beer on ice….and at about nine…..nine fifteen Tuesday night…..ask yourself…..” Quiet as they wait for it; will he say it again, in the place he belongs; the place he looks….right. CF: “…..have you…..” They all join him, unified by a familiar catchphrase from years ago that fits like a custom glove. CF: “…..GOT FAITH?” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Darryl Devine vs. Eric Eisen[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-Loser Leaves SWF Dog Collar Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Eric Eisen wins via stipulation @ 12:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: I’ll admit, I had my reservations about having a dog collar match be the blowoff of this feud, which is the main storyline that the entire promotion has revolved around for as far as anyone can remember. And you know, like I do, that a dog collar match can either be very good or very, very bad. But Devine and Eisen go above and beyond the call of duty in this one, absolutely brutalizing each other with their SWF careers hanging in the balance, and pull out all of the classic dog collar match spots in the process. For all intents and purposes, this too was a bloody fist fight that both men played pretty close, even at the behest of Alex Braun, who still claims to be a bit off due to a single dog-collar match as part of the DaVE roster. One grimace worthy sequence sees Devine hung over the top rope by Eisen, who braces himself along the bottom rope, gleefully watching Devine wriggle around and claw at the collar squeezing his throat with blood pouring out of a wound on his head the whole disgusting time. Eisen pulls back as hard as he can, watching the life drain out of Devine and sensing he might be on the verge of a win before the young superstar begins to get a grasp of the top rope and alleviate the pressure. From there, Eric Eisen is in control and tries on several occasions to touch all four corners in succession to win the match, but falls short, each time coming closer and closer to putting his long time nemesis out of the federation for good. But the people are behind Devine, as they have always been, and they seem to will him on, even as his blood continues to stain the canvas and his legs barely support his weight. Then from nowhere, a miracle opportunity as Eisen attempts to step over the chain….. …..Devine lifts it, crotching the interim CEO, a grimace twisting across his face…. …..and steps forward……. ….and catches him…. Peter Michaels: “Devine Dream Drop! Devine Dream Drop! And what a huge one it is!” ….but Devine is dazed himself, having lost a significant amount of blood and collapses to the mat alongside Eric Eisen not able to take advantage of the situation. Baby Jamie can do little, standing over both men and checking to see if they are able to continue, waiting for either man to get to his feet. When they do finally begin to make their way to their feet, they do so slowly and almost simultaneously, the crowd doing so as well, and begin engaging in a classic slugfest, each throwing and landing huge punches that snap back their rival’s head. Devine lands three or four in a row and, with Eisen reeling and the crowd in full throat, kicks him in the stomach and latches on for the “DDD”…. ….. …. …. …….but Eisen leans back into the ropes and blocks it, spinning Devine around and booting him in the belly before catching him, shockingly with a “DDD” of his own. PM: “EISEN HIT DEVINE WITH HIS OWN MOVE, I DON’T BELIEVE IT!” AG: “THAT’S GOT TO BE IT!” Eisen lifts Devine a bit and leads him, nearly unconscious and tags two turnbuckles in succession. Then, as Devine begins to resist, Eisen wraps the chain once around his neck and drags him to the next turnbuckle and tags it. Devine, bloody and cross-eyed, tries to pull himself up the chain to get back to his feet, but Eisen yanks it and drops him to his knees, standing over his bloody opponent before tagging the fourth and final turnbuckle, banishing Devine from the SWF. PM: “I don’t believe it; I just don’t believe it. Darryl Devine has wrestled his last match in the SWF.” AG: “……” The air seems as though it has been sucked from the building; a great shot of two fans standing side by side, each with their hands on their heads, each with two handfuls of hair; frozen in shock. As Eisen stands in the ring, wiping the blood out of his eyes, Devine is freed from his collar and rolls under the bottom rope, barely able to walk on his own. He keeps his head down until he is all the way back onto the ramp and when he lifts his eyes, they are welling with tears. The crowd roars for him for the last time as he raises his hand, not in victory, but to wave goodbye. Grade: B+[/I] A video plays announcing, in grand fashion, that the SWF will induct the first two members of the Hall of Fame at “Under Control” in two months time. They will be revealed on this week’s “Supreme TV”. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Gregory Keith vs. Sean McFly[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Sean McFly wins via pinfall @ 22:08[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: After all that has transpired to get us to this point, we knew that Keith and McFly would really have to go all out against each other to have the desired booking effect, which is to blow off the feud. Not to mention the obviously unenviable task of having a WRESTLING match top off a show that has had its share of blood and guts. Mission accomplished, boys, I stand in awe. Well done. Following this match, there can be no question which federation has the best wrestling, as McFly and Keith put on an absolute clinic. They leave no stone unturned, pacing out the early portion of the match with some serious back and forth, catch-as-catch-can wrestling, with each man showing their considerable mat wrestling and chain wrestling abilities. “Mr. Wrestling” is very aggressive and may well be the finest pure athlete to ever lace up wrestling boots, but his overzealousness; his rivalry with the young World Champion causes him to make a few missteps along the way. Keith’s mat wrestling skills are second to none and he is able to slowly begin working on McFly’s neck and lower back, softening him up for the “Proton Lock” with three vicious neckbreakers before whipping him into the turnbuckles and putting his finger to his lips, quieting the crowd. He rears back and delivers a Supreme Challenge-sized plate of chops that reddens the chest of “Mr. Wrestling” and leaves him gasping for air, Keith strutting away; his ego growing with the match beginning to progress in his favor. But McFly strikes back, whipping Keith back into the buckles himself and doling out some chops of his own before hanging the ****y blonde champion upside down in the tree of woe and nailing him in the chest with a huge air running dropkick. A few more minutes and a few more ups and downs take us to a point in the match where McFly is getting pounded on the mat, looking very much like someone who is about to become a victim of the “Proton Lock”. Just then, Keith motions to the crowd that it is time for his family’s signature hold. Phil Vibert pounds the mat, trying to alert McFly, but it doesn’t matter, as Keith locks in his most deadly hold, and quickly tightens it, waiting for “Mr. Wrestling” to submit. But McFly is McFly and begins to work his way toward the ropes, squirming inch by inch with Keith wrenching his body, really tightening the hold, “Mr. Wrestling” blindly reaching out with his left hand and…… ……he grabs the bottom rope, forcing Jay Fair to pull Keith off of him. The champion doesn’t wait around, pulling McFly back to the center of the ring and stomping him into oblivion before looking to re-apply the “Proton Lock”. This time, Vibert doesn’t wait for Keith to put on the hold, climbing onto the apron and shooting some vulgar insults in the corporate champion’s direction. McFly is hurt, clutching his back, so Keith steps over him and grabs Vibert by his shirt collar, twisting it a little bit before rearing back and slapping him, sending McFly’s agent to the floor, but giving one of the best wrestlers to ever live an extra second to recover. And, he does, springing to his feet as Keith turns back around, and catching him, stunned, with three stiff looking left hands before whipping him into the ropes and catching him with a majestic dropkick. Keith gets right back to his feet but is quickly whipped back into the ropes. However, his wrestling instincts take over and he ducks McFly’s clothesline attempt, stepping under it and going behind “Mr. Wrestling”, locking in a sleeperhold, positioning himself with his back to the ropes. McFly waves his arms and looks to be going to sleep, having absolutely nowhere to go but down, in the clutches of a very crafty wrestler pulling out a hundred dollar move in the perfect spot. He waves and begins to fade, falling over onto one knee…. …..sleeping….. …..sleeping….. …..sleeee…. But then there is life again in McFly, and with the fans firmly behind him, he grabs hold of Keith’s head and yanks it toward the mat, turning the sleeperhold into a stunner of sorts and laying the second generation World Champion flat. When McFly lifts Keith, there is another quick exchange, with both men getting off armdrag variations before Keith gouges McFly’s eyes and elbows him in the head before hitting the ropes, coming off looking for a clothesline. This time, however, McFly ducks under Keith’s clothesline attempt and hits the ropes himself, coming off hard and extending his arm for a lariat of his own. But Keith has a similar idea……and referee Jay Fair is caught in between them, getting sandwiched by the two men who clothesline each other, sending all three crumpling to the mat in separate directions. Keith is the first to slowly get to his feet. Seeing referee Jay Fair rolling around holding his head, the World Champion slides out of the ring and grabs one of the many bent chairs left at ringside during tonight’s show, getting back into the ring with it and standing over McFly, waiting for him to turn… just…. right. But, McFly amazingly springs to his feet for a second time, catching Keith off guard again and nailing him with a flurry of chops and punches. Keith staggers back but regains his wits as McFly tries to whip him into the ropes, putting both hands on the chair and swinging away, connecting with a vicious bombshot that sends McFly to the mat again, in very serious trouble this time. Keith tosses the chair out of the ring and drops to his knees, shuffling over and covering McFly just as Jay Fair begins to stir. Fair rolls himself to the cover and raises his arm, beginning to count. 1 . . . . . . PM: “Oh my god. Not like this.” 2 . . . . . . . . . [B]PM: “McFly kicks out! He kicked out!”[/B] The crowd explodes and McFly responds, getting back to his feet again and standing defiantly in Keith’s face, hands up, knowing what part of the fight is coming up; the final act; the part that decides everything. And they face off. The environment in the arena is electric; truly everything you could ever want for a main event of a big show. It feels like the world could end outside and only the outcome of this match matters. There is nothing else. Keith scores with a running knee lift and looks to hook McFly for a suplex, but McFly is “Mr. Wrestling” and “Mr. Wrestling” has tricks on top of tricks, snaking his leg around Keith’s and reversing the move himself, taking Keith down and looking for a killshot of his own. The World Champion is slow to get back up and doesn’t see McFly coming, and when McFly gets him in position for the “Delorean Driver ‘11” (Canadian Destroyer), Phil Vibert pumps his fist on the floor, still holding his jaw from Keith’s assault. PM: “If he hits this, it’s over!” But at the last possible second, Keith drops to one knee and blocks the move, taking a potshot at McFly in the process, Jay Fair unaware of the low blow that has stopped “Mr. Wrestling’s” progress. McFly winces and looks prone as Keith gets a running start and comes off the ropes with hatred in his eyes. But McFly is somehow able to once again outsmart Keith and step away from his tackle attempt, catching him on the way by and repositioning him for the “DD ‘11”, violently spiking him onto his head with the move a second later. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3! [B]PM: “HE DID IT! HE DID IT! SEAN MCFLY JUST WON THE SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE IN ONE OF THE BEST DAMNED WRESTLING MATCHES I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!”[/B] With the bell ringing and Phil Vibert jumping through the ropes, carrying the belt, and Gregory Keith, beaten and looking like it, dejected on the floor, red and white confetti begins to float down from the ceiling of the arena. And when Vibert hands the big gold belt to McFly, who wore it so many years ago, he realizes that still fits quite comfortably, snapping it into position around his waist before hopping up onto the second turnbuckle in the corner facing the hard camera and raising his arms in victory. He lets out a long, celebratory yell and pumps his fist, Vibert looking up and applauding him along with the fans. McFly points to the crowd and pats his heart and winks, giving a thumbs up. The camera gets a shot of McFly’s tearful sister Tamara in the front row before going back to the new World Champion as he stands playing to the appreciative crowd, red and white bits of color drifting about, intermingling with the fan’s hope for better days ahead. Grade: A*[/I] Show Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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THAT WAS AWESOME *CLAP, CLAP, CLAP* THAT WAS AWESOME* CLAP, CLAP, CLAP :D So pleased to see you get the A* you deserve for that show, because not only was the show itself fantastic, the build you put into the feuds for this show was also superb. I actually liked the fact, that you made every match feel important on the PPV and that those who were on the show had really earned their spot on what is SWF's 'Marquee' PPV (it's Wrestlemania/Bound For Glory), instead of trying to cram everyone who's earning a paycheck from SWF onto the show.
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Eh, I still feel a little ripped off. Where was the gimmick battle royale or the cross-promotion with playboy? ;) That said, all the matches were great and you've got a lot of storyline potential from here. Things could literally go almost anywhere from here, and that's a good thing.
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Just read this whole thread from start to finish, and it's brilliant. Totally inspired me to start up a game and get a dynasty going. The way you build the characters is stunning, I especially like the way the whole Jack Bruce/Valiant feud has gone. It's got me not knowing who to route for and who should be the heel. Great writing.
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