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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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Gregory Keith vs. Valiant - [b]Match doesn't happen[/b] Bruce attacks Valiant, McFly saves, Keith attacks McFly, total schmozz Sammy Bach vs. [b]Joe Sexy[/b] So...Jesus is coming to the SWF? [b]Christian Faith[b] vs. Golden Rocky's going to die. [b]AMM[/b] vs. Frederique One of these guys is young and talented. The other is a guy with a former gimmick of 'FAG.' [b]New Wave[/b] vs. Powell/Grayson Legendary tag teams don't lose to temporary pretty boy tag teams. Warlord Power vs. [b]John Greed[/b] Power's push was short circuted and is a jobber now.
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Show 38 "The One That Everyone Will Be Talking About" [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Thirty-Eight-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]“The One That Everyone Will Be Talking About”[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] When the internet pre-show starts, it has a different feel than usual, being produced by a completely different production team starting this week. They go for a bit of an old school retro feel with it, having the two brand new hosts, Shawn Doakes and Sara Silver, sitting in the foreground of the show’s control room. As various staffers and editors go about their business and SWF wrestling clips flash on the screens behind them, Doakes and Silver take a minute or two to sell the pre-show before giving a full run down of tonight’s “Supreme TV” and sending it to the ring. Grade: C- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]New Wave vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: New Wave win via pinfall @ 4:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: I put the former World tag champions on the pre-show to get them some work, but also to try to gauge where we are with Powell and Grayson as a tag team. I must say I’m quite happy with their progress and can foresee some sort of sustained push for them soon. We didn’t give them a lot of time either so it basically boiled down to Barrowman and Finch getting themselves over at the expense of the young hip-hoppers. The finish comes at just under the five minute mark with a rousing sequence that sees all four men hit their finishing moves in a matter of seconds, with Stevie Grayson left standing on wobbly legs in the ring, seemingly in control of the match until both New Wavers get to their feet before he can refocus. In a flash, they destroy him with a double clothesline and set him up for a second, show stopping, “Guided Missile” from Barrowman that ends the match at its highest point. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Tommy Townsend stands backstage on the special SWF.com interview set waiting for the New Wave to make their way through the backstage area and give their post match thoughts. But as he stands there, the seconds become a full minute and Tommy motions to the cameraman to follow him. Only a few steps away, they find Barrowman and Finch both laid out in the hallway, Finch laying in a pool of his own blood. The camera gets a great close up of the motionless duo as Tommy yells for someone to help him. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]John Greed vs. Warlord Power[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: John Greed wins via pinfall @ 3:51[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Knock-knock. Who’s there? It’s unexpected chemistry. Unexpected chemistry who? Unexpected chemistry that may be the highest rated segment in the pre-show’s short history. Also, it may set a dangerous bar for the rest of the show for those who watched on their computers. Power dominates the entire contest, tossing Greed all over the ring just as the crowd expects. What they don’t expect, however, is Greed wiggling down the back of Warlord Power when the big man has him above his head, surprising him with a reverse DDT and jumping to the top rope before dropping a pretty legdrop. When Baby Jamie slaps the mat a third time even he looks shocked as he calls for the bell before walking over and raising Greed’s hand. Power is very upset and, after shaking the cobwebs from his attic, lunges at Greed, who haphazardly dives out of the ring to avoid him. And as Warlord Power bangs his hands against the ropes, still stunned by what has transpired, Greed skulks back up the ramp, victorious again. Grade: B+[/I] [B][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] When the show goes live, the camera shot is shaky, and as he peers around the corner of the lens and the corner graphic pops up, we find we are again watching the internet feed from Mainstream Hernandez’ “Mainstream.com”. As things come into focus, we are in front of a very nice hotel and a seething Gregory Keith, dressed to the nines, pushes his way past a pair of bellboys and rips open the logbook on the concierge’s desk, letting his finger do the walking until he finds what he is looking for. Quickly, he storms to the elevator and, upon getting there and climbing in and selecting his floor, begins talking to Mainstream’s handheld camera. GK: “I’m right downtown, McFly. Just down the road from the building.” He is a bit sweaty and red-faced. GK: “You’re a person who understands the tradition of this business, right McFly; somewhat of a traditionalist are you? If not……ask Vibert where things are at when someone… attacks… a member… of your family.” Close up. GK: “Would you say they were…..serious?” A long, chilly silence is followed by the elevator’s chime, signaling Keith’s stop. When he gets out, he counts off the numbers as he passes rooms. GK: “One Thirty-Five, one thirty six, one thirty-seven……” He stops. GK: “One thirty-eight.” He looks back at the camera. GK: “I wonder who’ll answer the door when I knock on ‘ol one thirty-eight, Sean?” Without taking his eyes off of the camera, he reaches out and raps on the door’s dark hardwood. Three times. Just like a cleaning lady. GK: “There isn’t anything that I won’t do, Sean, any length that I wouldn’t go to, to get back what is rightfully mine, the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.” Another close-up. GK: “I’d say I’m sorry for what’s about to happen…..” He pauses to smile, but doesn’t. GK: “….but I’m not.” The door cracks open and Keith turns from the lens with a start, putting his shoulder into the frame and blowing it open, knocking whoever answered it back into the room. The shot is shaky; the scene intense. A woman screams. [CENTER]Photobucket Tamara.[/CENTER] Keith grabs her and there is a bit of a struggle. Terrified, she manages to split his lip with a punch, but it just seems to infuriate the former champion further as lifts her up and drives her through the patio’s screen door, taking them both outside onto the deck. There are shrieks from some other hotel guests who are now watching the scene play out from the courtyard of the hotel as well as from across the yard, up on their balconies. After a few more seconds of back and forth, Keith rears back and viciously backhands Tamara twice, yelling at her the whole time about what her brother has “done to him”. The scene continues to disturb as she tries one last time to get away, now bleeding herself, a smallish bit of crimson trickling from her nose onto her upper lip, but as she does so, Keith grabs her by the hair from behind and nastily runs her over the edge of the balcony. She dangles, hanging over a thicket of bushes two stories below by her fingertips, with Keith glowering over her, Mainstream Hernandez’s shaky camera still getting everything. GK: “Are you going to take me seriously now, Sean? Or do I have to do something even more drastic?” Tamara screeches as her grip begins to slip. People have gathered below and are scrambling around trying to get help. Suddenly there are sirens and Keith hears them; on alert. He peers over the edge at Tamara and smiles a most horrible smile, leaning out to creepily brush the hair out of her eyes. GK: “You make sure that your brother knows just how serious I am about getting my World Heavyweight Championship back. Because if he doesn’t get the picture, I’m going to come back and visit you again, anywhere you go….and I won’t be nearly as friendly as I have been today.” With that, Keith and Mainstream quickly bail out of the hotel room, leaving Sean McFly’s sister hanging from her balcony, and really picking up speed when they hit the hallway, sprinting into a stairwell to escape the descending authorities. As they do so, Mainstream turns the camera on himself as they bounce down a couple of flights of stairs. MH: “This has been another Mainstream.com exclusive. Mainstream.com….your source for everything that’s anything to anyone who’s anyone.” When they hit the street outside, he flips the camera back to Keith who begins walking coolly, as though nothing has happened. MH: “Gregory Keith?” They go their separate ways and Hernandez once again turns the lens onto himself. MH: “He’s someone.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Frederique[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: AMM wins via pinfall @ 5:03[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Marquez is impressive, once again winning what almost boils down to a squash match. I say almost because I am genuinely impressed with the performance of Frederique, both in the ring tonight, and as a whole since he signed with us a couple of months back…….well, except for the weed thing, but we can overlook that, I suppose. We’ve given him nothing but scraps and he’s given us gold in return; I don’t really want to come off as a dictator either. Tonight, he puts over AMM and sells the beejeezus out of Marquez’ ‘future-lucha’ offense while only getting in a small amount of his own arsenal. When he does, he goes on a run, suplexing the former Shooting Star Champion and running into the corner, tearing off the turnbuckle pad while referee Eugene Williams tends to Marquez. Then with AMM dazed, Frederique tries to drag the Mexican heartthrob toward his secret weapon. They struggle near it and somehow, Marquez battles his way away from it, working his way up the buckles and sitting on the top rope. But Frederique is on him, punching him in the face three or four times before getting up onto the second rope himself and hooking AMM for a superplex. It looks like the end is near for AMM, but at the last second he grabs the top cable and blocks the superplex….once…twice….before landing a forearm that stuns the Can-Am Blondes’ personal trainer, allowing him to slip off of the turnbuckles and onto the apron. And in a flash, the tide has turned as Marquez grabs Frederique by the hair from the apron and bangs his head off of the still exposed steel, hopping back into the ring and flipping him over with an amazing sunset flip powerbomb that gets him the victory. As soon as the bell rings ..... [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] .....Owen Love and Damain Carvill hit the ring and try to enircle Marquez. But just as quickly as they do...... [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] .....Gino Montero and Fuerza slide into the ring, and Fuerza has a chair! Upon laying eyes on the steel equalizer, the Can-Am posse bails out of the ring, reassembling on the ramp to taunt Mexico's Most Wanted. Grade: B- (post) B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Phil Vibert storms down a backstage hallway, pushing open an office door and cutting off Big Smack Scott and Abby Eisen, who are on a conference call that abruptly ends. PV: “…….” He is so exasperated by what he has seen to open the show between Gregory Keith and Tamara McFly that he can barely speak. Abby walks up and puts her arm around him. BSS: “Phil, relax. We’ve obviously been watching the show. I’m……” But Vibert cuts him off. PV: “After that…….we have NO choice!” Abby nods. PV: “The World Champion requests that his match against Keith at “Welcome to the Jungle” be the most brutal, most horrifying, rivalry ending match available in the SWF.” The crowd cheers, anticipating. Anticipating blood, blood, and more blood. Scott wipes his brow, knowing what he is hearing. PV: “We want……..HELL IN A CELL!” Abby gasps and acts as though she cannot believe the request. But Scott is calm. BSS: “Phil. I’m just asking because I….I feel like I have to.” Swallow. BSS: “Are you sure?” [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] Sean McFly pushes his way into the office and he is seething, turning a shade of purple and breathing heavily, leaning on Vibert and puffy faced, obviously every emotional after the attack on his sister. SM: “I WANT HIS BLOOD! I WANT THAT BASTARD IN THE CELL!” Scott puts up his hands and looks at Abby, who nods. BSS: “So be it.” Grade: A* [B][CENTER](commercial)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Queen Emily stands, hand on hip, beside Tom Gilmore backstage wearing a very hot short black dress. As Gilmore wrings his hands and fiddles with his hand wraps, the Queen grabs the microphone from Tommy Townsend and sneers at him, becoming the focal point of the shot, Angry just visible over her shoulder. QE: “Enough is enough! Joe Sexy, you’ve really hit rock bottom, the absolute lowest point in your pathetic career. When I brought you here, I knew you weren’t a good wrestler, or the sharpest knife in the drawer; nowhere near the caliber of a Tom Gilmore. But I never thought you were the type of low-life that would blindside someone with a sledgehammer.” Gilmore steps into the shot. A square bandage on the side of his head becoming visible for the first time. TG: “Yeah, there it is; take a look. Nineteen stitches.” A close up, as he peels the bandage back. The cut is legit and pretty gruesome, even in its cleaned up state. TG: “Nineteen stitches to close a hole in my head; an injury inflicted upon me by a sack of **** I carried around this promotion in a doomed tag team. A guy who can’t go quietly to the midcard while I head to my rightful spot in the main event.” Tommy gets back into things, always having a knack for saying the right thing at the right time. TT: “You do know that Sexy has a match tonight……right?” Gilmore begins turning red as Tommy scans his run sheet. Angry isn’t just a clever nickname. TT: “Yeah, I was right. Looks like it’s up next.” Emily looks at Gilmore who looks like he is about to burst. QE: “Well? What are you waiting for?” He yells and jumps off the set, taking off backstage. Emily looks confused as to why he is heading back toward the locker rooms and not toward the ring. TG: “I’ve got to go get something first!” She smiles, understanding. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sammy Bach vs. Joe Sexy[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joe Sexy wins via DQ @ 4:01[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: There isn’t a lot of time to really see it in action, but there is some chemistry between these two men and we will have to take that into consideration at some point down the road, booking wise. In this match, Bach is the aggressor, but is clearly distracted after being laid out by a mystery attacker last week, and Sexy is a talented worker who takes advantage of it, showing a bit more of “Joe Sexy, Wrestler” instead of “Joe Sexy, Entertainer”. After the Gilmore promo a segment ago, the finish is not a surprise with Angry charging down the ramp at around the four minute mark. [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] PM: “And I believe…..yes, yes, he does; Angry Gilmore has got himself a sledgehammer of his own… and that can’t be good for Joe Sexy!” AG: “Oh no! I can’t look!” Sexy sees him coming, ducking under a “BOYB” attempt from Sammy and trying to cut him off at the pass and take the fight to him, hitting the ropes and coming off with a head of steam. But Gilmore weathers the onslaught, absorbing a few overhand shots before pulling back and drilling Sexy with the sledgehammer. The disqualification is instantaneous and so is Sexy’s demise; he crumples to the mat, unconscious before contacting it. SWF security begins to surround the ring, but Gilmore just flips the hammer out of his hands and walks backward up the ramp, very pleased with himself. [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] As the Cult of the Grey Dragon assembles in the ring, they seem a bit less focused as a group than usual, being an extension of their leader, all of them trying to keep an eye in every direction as the now bleeding out the mouth Sexy is helped out of the ring by referee Eugene Williams. Without warning, the lights flash off and then, suddenly, snap back on and when they do, every single member of the COTGD has scattered in various directions, not looking back. For the first time ever, something has got them on the run. Whose wrath have they incurred? Grade: B (post) B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Joey Minnesota is raging, having dangerously cornered Abby Eisen backstage in the hallway, with only Big Smack Scott standing between them. JM: “Bulldozer STOLE the North American Title from me!” Scott, still in possession of his enormous ego and a badass in his own right, puffs up and backs Joey away from Abby. BSS: “It’s ironic, don’t you think?” A vein bulges in Joey’s head as he plots his next move. JM: “Wha…” Big Smack Scott cuts him off, but before he can speak, Abby jumps in, leaning over his shoulder. AE: “Didn’t YOU steal Bulldozer’s North American title shot contract from him, Joey?” He is quiet, but still festering. AE: “I know you did, because Mr. Scott honored the contract because you possessed it, didn’t he? Festering. AE: “Don’t answer, Joey. Instead, what I want you to do is hit the gym or whatever it is that you’d usually do with yourself and let me and Mr. Scott deal with Bulldozer and the North American belt.” Joey grits his teeth a time or two before deciding to relent, walking off after Big Smack Scott leans into him a bit, getting right in his face. Scott shoots his cuffs and turns to make sure Abby is ok. As the shot fades, her tough exterior comes apart and she begins to tear up. Scott, standing right in front of her, opens his arms and she leans in. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Jack Bruce is backstage on the interview set, having just watched the previous segment on the set’s monitor. He smiles and shakes his head, ripping into a viciously condescending air-guitar solo, this one complete with his tongue sticking out before beginning. JB: “And so it begins again, eh Abby? Give the Smacker my regards, would you?” He pushes his long hair out of his face. JB: “You see Valiant? What have I been saying all along? She’s a bed jumper, bro, plain and simple; that’s how she climbs the ladder.” The crowd boos. Even though it may look bad, they seem to like Abby even though she’s an Eisen. Conversely, they loathe Jack Bruce. JB: “So now, you’re back Valiant, allowed to begin competing again in the SWF, even after staging some of the most brutal attacks on yours truly while under direct suspension….” More boos. JB: “….and yet something tells me that, even though it is now plain to see that I was right and telling you the truth about her, when you and I run into each other again…..” Close up on Bruce. JB: “…..there’s gonna be another fight, and it’s not going to end until one of us is on his way to the hospital. Am I right?” Cheers. JB: “Then why don’t we just cut to the chase then, shall we?” He is serious, a rarity. JB: “You and me, Valiant, one-on-one at “Welcome to the Jungle”…..” The crowd cheers; they really want a rematch between these two. JB: “…..in an AMBULANCE MATCH!” With that he tosses the microphone down and begins swinging his hair wildly while ripping his way up and down the imaginary fretboard of his air guitar, celebrating his throwing down of the challenge gauntlet like any other self-absorbed rock star might before strutting off. Grade: B+ [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Christian Faith vs. Golden[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Christian Faith wins via pinfall @ 3:15[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Faith rolls over Golden with extreme prejudice, taking care of business at just a bit past the three minute mark, folding the face painted freak in two with a monster powerbomb. In fact, Golden didn’t even manage to get in one offensive maneuver in the course of things, something we scripted intentionally in order to try to magnify Faith’s dominance even more. I’m pretty sure it worked too; Faith got a great reaction from the crowd with more than a few oohs and ahhs during his destruction of a reputable, albeit one that loses frequently, talent. Faith celebrates in the ring with one fist held high in the air before climbing back onto his chrome steed and roaring up the ramp, another victory under his belt. Grade: B[/I] [B][CENTER](Commercial)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Futureshock grabs a cameraman and pulls him along with them as they wind down the backstage’s hallways in a bit of a hurry. Starr turns back and addresses the camera. BS: “We’re bringing you along to document the ass kicking that we are going to lay on the New Wave. If they’re going to get involved in our business with the Dirty White Boyz, we’ll have to take them out too.” Glenn nods, a ballbat in his hands coming into focus. BS: “And we’re going to have fun doing it.” They continue down the hallway. BS: “The best part is that they won’t even know what hit them if we do it right.” Mr. Hayes snorts loudly just as the group comes to a halt outside of a closed locker room door. Starr puts his finger to his lip, trying to quiet the group before putting his ear against it. BS: “….” But as he listens and the Futureshock brigade gears up to charge, he puts up his hand, stopping them. He has a strange look on his face. BS: “It sounds like………. A close up on Starr. BS: “…..it sounds like…...” He turns to them. BS: “It sounds like……a fight.” [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] As soon as he finishes the “t” sound in “fight”, the door bursts open; Starr is right. The Dirty White Boyz are already engaged in a battle, only it is against the already battered New Wave and it’s happening right now almost on top of them. And as they brawl, they don’t even seem to notice Starr, Glenn, and Hayes who get out of sight very quickly. Grease Hogg grabs a trash can from the hallway and drills Barrowman over the head with it, sending him down onto the concrete with the can still crumpled on him. At this point, the DWB double up on Finch, running him into the wall and stomping him motionless as SWF security descends and gets between the two teams. As they try to restore order, the camera gets a shot of Futureshock, standing in the shadows enjoying what they’ve just watched. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] The shot quickly switches to where Christian Faith is loading his motorcycle onto a trailer. As he closes the back gate, Eric Eisen walks up slowly clapping his hands. EE: “Bravo, Christian. Another night, another win, eh?” The big man pulls his sweatshirt hood up and starts to walk to the opened door of his truck, but stops after taking a single step to look Eisen up and down; no emotion. EE: “Alright……maybe we got off on the wrong foot a couple of weeks back.” Faith looks him dead in the eye. CF: “Maybe we did.” Eisen sighs, the meeting a bit less tense now than it was two seconds ago. EE: “I suppose you’re wondering why I’m out here….” Faith raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything. EE: “…..or maybe you aren’t. In either case, I wanted to try to talk to you about your pursuit of the World Title and how we might be able to help each other and both get what we want.” Faith crosses his arms but doesn’t walk away. CF: “I’m listening.” There is a pause before Eisen continues. EE: “My interests are varied, and while they include Gregory Keith, my need to build a strong corporation supersedes my personal interests. I’m in no way suggesting to you that I’m going to cut ties with the former and soon to be next World Heavyweight Champion…….but I am suggesting that……well……The Corporation is always looking to add someone of your stature to its ranks.” Faith pulls down his dark sunglasses and turns away, jumping into the cab of his pick-up and firing it up, lights red as he begins backing it and the trailer out of the spot. As his window creeps up on Eisen, still standing in the same spot, Faith looks down at him, expressionless. EE: “It’s better to be a friend of The Corporation than an enemy, Christian. Remember that.” Faith revs the engine twice and drives away, leaving the interim CEO standing alone in the misty parking lot. Grade: A [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Gregory Keith vs. Valiant[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Gregory Keith wins via stoppage @ 16:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A great showing between two men who have only faced each other in one other one-on-one match; in fact I think there might be a bit….just a smidgen, of chemistry between them. And although Keith usually likes putting his own TV matches together, he relented and Steve Flash did a masterful job both putting Valiant in position to keep up with the overachieving former World Champion and making them both look great in the process. Valiant tries to brawl the wrestler and sees his offense come in bunches, depending greatly on Keith’s counter wrestling strategy. One particular sequence near the match’s midpoint was quite interesting, with Valiant somehow working his way off of the mat and out of a step-over toe hold, surging and grabbing Keith by the throat. Keith is in the grasp of the big man and is wheezing, eyes bulging, when Valiant signals to the crowd that he is about to go for a “V-Split”. Keith, a heel’s heel, drops to one knee and tries to crotch him, but Valiant steps aside and slaps the former World Champion across the face. From there it seems that Valiant is in the driver’s seat as he begins to control the flow of the match, landing basic power based offense seemingly at his leisure. That is until Keith is finally able to land one of his below the belt shots a few minutes later and, with great suddenness, slap on the “Proton Lock”, stretching his opponent painfully. The big man is in a lot of trouble, stretching and reaching in any direction, hoping to feel the coolness of a steel cable in his grasp, but he only comes up with fistfuls of air. The more he struggles, the tighter Keith is able to cinch in the hold, making him weaker by the second. He is fading fast but gets a familiar boost from the portion of the crowd that is behind him (about ¾, maybe) and begins to rock from side to side in the hold. With Keith holding on for all he is worth, trying to squeeze a submission out of Valiant, the big man rocks violently to one side and is able to free himself from the hold, his fans in full throat as he gets to his feet, wide-eyed and fists ready. Keith rises and the two square off, circling each other in the middle of he ring, the intensity in both men’s eyes noticeable. Valiant lands the first punch, a wicked right hand that momentarily stuns the former World Champion, and quickly steps in to once again try for the “V-Split”. But again, Keith is quick to go to his bag of tricks and gouge Valiant’s eye, stopping all of his momentum. With a smug grin, Keith waves his hands in front of Valiant’s face and gets no response; the big man can’t see anything. The second generation superstar Keith moves to Valiant’s side and comes in low with a chop block, causing his opponent to scream out in pain, still unable to see. But when Keith comes off the ropes a second later looking to lay a huge knee strike onto Valiant, the long haired fan-favorite lashes out with a desperation shot; a haymaker from left field. Sometimes, though, those things from left field make it in, and this was one of those times with Valiant’s bomb coinciding with Keith’s knee strike, laying both men flat on their backs. Jay Fair begins making his count and gets to six before either man even stirs. Keith, looking wobbly, sees Valiant using the ropes on his side of the ring to help steady his feet and does the same. Neither man is supporting himself at the passing of Fair’s eighth mark. At nine Keith stumbles but catches himself on the top cable and leans into them, getting to his feet. Valiant too leans into the ropes upon losing his footing at nine, but his size and center of gravity cause him to slip and fall upon hitting them, getting counted out just afterward. Valiant rolls to the floor, still holding his head, as Gregory Keith gets his arm raised by Jay Fair. As he is announced the winner....... [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] .......Sean McFly comes screaming down the ramp looking possessed. Keith sees him coming just as he gets to the ring but it is too late as McFly is upon him, raining down punches and elbows like a wildman and landing more than he misses. Security comes down to the ring but they are unable to keep McFly off of Keith with “Mr. Wrestling” literally biting and clawing the poloshirt-wearing professional bouncers. He breaks away one final time as the Supreme TV logo flashes onto the screen, jumping onto Keith and bombarding him with punches. As the show fades to black, a few local police officers join the fray and attempt to subdue McFly, he now foaming at the mouth. When he nearly breaks away again, the show ends with one of the officers pulling a taser from his belt, the manstopper sparking in a close up as we fade out. Grade: A (post) A* Show Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-SWF Announces Signings; Call-Ups-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I](AP)- The Supreme Wrestling Federation made a series of roster moves this morning as the company continues to look for stability on its undercard. Signing new contracts were [B]Ash Campbell, Whippy the Clown, Texas Pete, and Shooter Sean Deeley[/B]. This is in addition to two unannounced/undisclosed signings last week, as we reported on our premium site. Additionally, [B]Greg Black [/B]is being recalled from development after agreeing to a contract extension and working a few shows in Rhode Island. In a coinciding move, the SWF has also returned [B]Shane Nelson, Lee Rivera, and Freddy Huggins[/B] to RIPW after giving them a short look on the house show circuit as a trio. As of this report, all of the new signings pushes, roster status, and debut dates are all unknown. [/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] (OOC: Whoops, forgot to send the PM's to the Championship Committee. I'll have them out tonight with the show.)
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Show 39 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Thirty-Nine Preview-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] It’s the last “Supreme TV” before “Welcome to the Jungle” and with only two hours left to sort out so many situations before the pay-per-view, this week’s show is without a doubt can’t miss television. What situations you ask? Try these on for size. The month’s long feud between [B]Sean McFly and Gregory Keith[/B] is reaching its end. Last week’s “Supreme TV” saw one of the most horrifying attacks in the history of the sport, when Keith brutalized the World Heavyweight Champion’s sister Tamara at her downtown hotel. Seven days before settling their very personal score in the most violent match in the SWF, Hell in a Cell, both men will make appearances at “Supreme TV”. There are three other superstars vying for [B]Joey Minnesota’s [/B]stolen North American title. This week on “Supreme TV”, one of them gets a much deserved rematch as [B]Tom Gilmore [/B]will square off against Minnesota for the second time in as many weeks after having his shot at the NA strap foiled by the interference of his former tag team partner turned bitter rival Joe Sexy. Three of the four members of the Cult of the Grey Dragon will be in action, with [B]Sammy Bach [/B]taking on Mexico’s Most Wanted’s [B]Gino Montero [/B]and [B]Acid and Plague [/B]set to square off with the former SWF tag team champions, the [B]New Wave[/B]. Of late, the Cult’s bizarre feud with Remmy Skye has seen the tables turn with the members of the dark stable feeling as though they are being toyed with since “The Supreme Challenge”. Surely, Remmy’s current state since being bitten by the vampiric Jacob Jett is not conducive to him carrying out attacks on anyone. Is it Remmy who is hunting the COTGD or is it someone else? [B]Jack Bruce[/B] and [B]Valiant [/B]will go head to head in an ambulance match at “Welcome to the Jungle” and can’t come into contact with the other without a brawl breaking out. Both men will be at “Supreme TV”. A full rundown of the show? Joey Minnesota vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Rematch Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Ryan Powell Sammy Bach vs. Gino Montero New Wave vs. COTGD Stevie Grayson vs. Mainstream Hernandez All of this plus [B]a staggeringly awesome main event[/B]. Any other promotion would make you shell out some of your hard earned for a showstopper like this; but not SWF. Don’t miss this week’s Supreme TV. If you do, you’ll be the only one.[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Joey Minnesota vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Rematch Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Ryan Powell Sammy Bach vs. Gino Montero New Wave vs. COTGD Stevie Grayson vs. Mainstream Hernandez (OOC: Anyone making predictions will be PM'ed a ballot prior to "Welcome to the Jungle" to decide the title matches. Thanks also to the Championship Committee (Lazorbeak, Tigerkinney, Astil, James Casey, Phantom Stranger, and Jessewiak) for some excellent insights. :))
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Joey Minnesota vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Rematch [I]Schmozz draw that results in Minnesota retaining the title[/I] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Ryan Powell [I]Apart from the fact that BBS looks Bad-ass and Powell looks like a bit of a simpleton, BBS has also been involved in the North American title chase.[/I] [B]Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Gino Montero [I]The mysterious force strikes again to deny Bach victory and besides it's time to start pushing Montero.[/I] [B]New Wave[/B] vs. COTGD [I]With or without the cult being on edge, I'd still pick the former tag champs[/I] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [I]The day I pick Stevie Ringrust to win, is the day hell freezes over[/I] :p
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[B]Joey Minnesota [/B]vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Rematch [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Ryan Powell Sammy Bach vs. Gino Montero - Draw [B]New Wave[/B] vs. COTGD Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Strong lack of Remmy Skye detected.
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[B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Rematch [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Ryan Powell Sammy Bach vs. [B]Gino Montero[/B] New Wave vs. [B]COTGD[/B] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Hard to pick against the New Wave, but I can't see the Cult dropping both matches - and you've hinted in the past that you have plans for the team so maybe this is where they start?
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Breaking News [CENTER] Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Breaking News-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I](AP) - What was to be a sad announcement concerning the passing of wrestling legend Professor Nero has turned into an even bigger story concerning Rhode Island Pro Wrestling. RIPW, the feeder territory for the SWF was owned and operated by Professor Nero since its inception in 2006. But with his untimely death on Tuesday, his ownership stake in the company was quickly purchased by none other than SWF road agent and former RIPW head trainer Steve Flash. The shocker was still to come with Flash severing RIPW's ties to the Supreme Wrestling Federation only hours after announcing that he had become the owner of the promotion. The unexpected move leaves one of the biggest wrestling promotions in the world without a development territory and also, without a place for almost thirty wrestlers and backstage staff. It is now widely assumed that Flash will not be returning to his post as the SWF's lead road agent as there is now an undeniable rift between the ownership and Flash. How this will effect the company, only hours before going to TV and less than a week before "Welcome to the Jungle" remains to be seen.[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] (OOC: And [B][I]that's[/I][/B] why I love this f'n game! Just an awesome turn of events.)
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[B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Rematch I hate picking against Gilmore, but I don't think the Bulldozer feud is over. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Ryan Powell Not a tough call. Sammy Bach vs. [B]Gino Montero[/B] Gino's an awesome worker, but he's the unknown entity coming in against a fixture in the shooting star division. [B]New Wave[/B] vs. COTGD Acid hasn't won a lot of matches, has he? I predict New Wave goes over in this (mostly) DAVE reunion. Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Mainstream's debut features beating up a non-entity in Grayson. Greed and Mainstream should try teaming up. They're both tiny, but they've got tons of charisma and good flying skills.
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Show 39 "A Night to Remember" [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Thirty-Nine-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“A Night to Remember”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][I][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The internet pre-show opens with Mexico’s Most Wanted’s low-rider honking and hissing its way up the ramp into the VIP parking area. They are an impressive group, Montero and Marquez sitting in the back, laughing about something while Fuerza, shirtless, monstrous, and wearing an absolutely huge gold chain, takes on the role of wheelman. After parking they grab their bags and begin toward the building. AMM: “So, do you think any of us will be wrestling tonight?” Gino laughs but Fuerza stops and pulls up his sunglasses. F: “What’s so funny about that?” Montero rubs his chin and shiftily looks left and right before grinning up his mammoth stablemate. He oozes attitude. GM: “Why is it funny? Why is it funny, ese? I’ll tell you why it’s funny. We dominated wrestling south of the border, didn’t we vato? Marquez won gold here in his second match.” AMM nods, chewing his gum loudly. GM: “And yet, more often than not, we aren’t even booked to wrestle.” Fuerza nods but looks skeptical, knowing that they have gotten a pretty fair shake. Marquez gets most of the work, to be true, but Gino and Fuerza are doing pretty well for being so new to the locker room. F: “But…” Montero cuts him off. GM: “But nothing, it’s the truth. And I’m not even going to get into the reason why. You won’t want to hear it. You’d deny it, I bet.” Just before they walk out of the camera’s range, Marquez stops to pat Fuerza on the chest, rolling his eyes about Gino, who walks ahead, still rambling, and leaving the two of them behind. AMM: “Keep on your toes, big man. The Can-Am’s could be anywhere.” As they enter the building, the shot switches, pointing toward an exposed section of the concrete ramp’s underbelly. The camera focuses and refocuses….but sees nothing but blackness. Another crew member walks up and asks the cameraman why he turned the shot so suddenly. Cameraman: “I thought I heard something….a noise coming from up there.” He chuckles nervously. CM: “Just didn’t want to miss anything, you know.” He places his camera on the ground and the shot is still, just his shoes and those of the other crew member…and a small, dime-sized silver sphere, rolling by unnoticed. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]John Greed vs. Warlord Power[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: John Greed wins via pinfall @ 4:59[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: In his final match with the company, PRP is the honorable man I thought he was and does the most professional thing he can do: laying down for someone who probably doesn’t deserve it FOR A SECOND TIME at the request of the booker. In this case, there is a little bit more to the story as PRP approached me a couple of weeks ago about putting Greed over, we just moved up our plans when he decided to head back to the island. Apparently the two have become friends backstage, with Greed really in awe of all of PRP’s road stories, the likes of which are legendary among the boys. Think Rip Chord’s storytelling without all of the black-outs to cloud his memory. In his first victory over Power, it was Greed’s quick thinking that gave him a flash victory over the regional superstar and saved him from another brutal squash. This time however, it is the exact opposite for him, as he is the aggressor and works HIS match, successfully grounding the much larger man. Astonishingly, Warlord Power’s mid-match rally is stopped by a swift back heel kick which Greed follows up with a deft lung blower before climbing onto Power and hooking his leg, getting the three count. He is ecstatic….and gets out of the ring as fast as he can, saving his celebration for the ramp, a safe distance away from Warlord Power. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Ryan Powell and Stevie Grayson are standing in a backstage hallway both listening to the same IPod, each with a side of the same earbuds in their ear, bobbing their heads to the inaudible beat. John Greed, fresh from the ring, walks past and just can’t pass up the opportunity to talk about his newfound success. JG: “That’s two in a row, idiots. And three out of my last four.” Powell and Grayson laugh. RP: “You do know that Warlord Power’s like fifty years old, right bro?” He bumps fists with Grayson. SG: “Sweet burn!” Greed shakes his head. He does his best ‘unimpressed’ face before leaning in and getting a look at both Powell and Grayson’s eyes from only a few inches away. JG: “You guys are both retarded. Do you hear me? RE-TARDED.” Stevie and Powell still grin like idiots, bobbing their heads. JG: “Good luck with your matches tonight, stoop-tarts. I’ve never seen Mainstream Hernandez, but Powell, you’ve got the Bulldozer, haven’t you?” Powell’s grin vanishes. He hears him loud and clear. He is terrified. RP: “I…..ye…ye..ye….yup. I do.” Greed laughs again; it’s that same smarmy cackle as before. It makes the hair on my neck stand up. JG: “Yeah, you do. Have fun with that…. boner.” Greed claps his hands together and laughs some more as he walks away, leaving Powell and Grayson alone. SG: “Bulldozer huh?” Powell grimaces. RP: “Yep.” Grayson pats him on the shoulder. SG: “It’s been nice knowin’ you, bro.” Grade: C- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Stevie Grayson vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Stevie Grayson wins via countout @ 5:11[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: This is more of what I had hoped for from Mainstream Hernandez in the ring. And although I had heard from several industry people that he is incredibly inconsistent, I expect more from him; I expect performances like this all the time. Grayson picks up the win because he could use the boost in momentum and will never be able to get over with his character like Hernandez will, and is already. There is a great old school finish to a match that had a high octane start, when Mainstream has put his legs up onto the second rope to give him the leverage advantage on a roll-up attempt. But senior referee Jay Fair spots him and kicks his legs off before going down to make the count. The momentum of Hernandez’ flip off of the rope is enough to help Grayson turn the whole mess over into a small package of his own, hooking Mainstream’s far leg and netting the three count. The fans are really into it as Grayson begins dancing around the ring to his hip hop flavored theme music, joined seconds later by Ryan Powell. Mainstream Hernandez argues with Jay Fair the entire way back up the ramp as Powell and Grayson play to the fans in the ring, Hernandez carrying up the camera/tripod combo he brings to the ring and pointing it at Fair as they jaw. As Grayson leans over the top rope feigning high fives with some of the front row fans, the shot goes to Powell, looking worried, obviously thinking about his own match as his partner celebrates a victory. Grade: C+[/I] [B][I][CENTER] (Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/I][/B] The compulsory “What Happened After Supreme TV Went off the Air Last Week” segment rolls, which, to be honest, has nothing new with the exception of about thirty more seconds of Keith and McFly’s altercation last week, which in fact, never saw the policeman’s taser actually used. The few minute montage basically serves to recount the happenings in the promotion’s main storyline from its beginning all the way through Keith attack on McFly’s sister earlier in the evening. However, as it finishes……. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] …..the World Champion’s music hits and the arena erupts. He and Phil Vibert are understandably all business as the make their way down to the ring, McFly forgoing interacting with the ringside fans and just climbing into the ring, the superagent right behind him, unbuttoning his suitjacket and calling out for a microphone. PV: “First off, to those of you who sent e-mails, messages, and cards to Tamara McFly after last week’s unspeakable attack by Gregory Keith, Sean and the rest of the McFly family thank you and wish to tell you that Tamara is fine and resting back in Calgary.” McFly rips the towel off of his head and glares at the camera, taking the microphone from Vibert and yelling from the start. SM: “Keith, you went too far! This Sunday at “Welcome to the Jungle”, I am going to do more than retain My World title; I am going to teach you a lesson about respect! You crossed a line by going after Tamara, and there’s no going back now!” He snarls, situationally acceptable even if a bit out of character, before handing the microphone back to Vibert and going back to bouncing on the balls of his feet in the background, trying to loosen up. PV: “Oh, you’re going to learn a lesson Gregory Keith; yes you are. This Sunday night, you’re going to have to step inside the single most demonic structure in the world of professional wrestling, one that, by design, shortens the careers of all who enter.” The crowd begins cheering and says it right along with Vibert. PV: “I’m talking of course about…..HELL…..IN A CELL!” The pop is huge…… [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] ….. yet quickly turns to boos when Gregory Keith’s Corporate music hits, the former champion walking out onto the stage alongside the SWF’s interim CEO Eric Eisen. EE: “Thanks for selling the PPV, Mr. Vibert, but I’ll take it from….” The crowd begins chanting “Ass-hole, ass-hole!” at Keith repeatedly, taking over the show’s entire audio feed. The announcers are stunned as he rips off his sunglasses, spitting venom back at them from the edge of the stage, while they are seemingly unable to say anything to mask it, or to answer for it, or to stop it from growing louder when suddenly, with the anti-Keith sentiment reaching its highest point, Ana Garcia earns her yearly salary with one phrase. AG: “I couldn’t agree with them any more, Peter. My sentiments exactly; Gregory Keith is a horrible, horrible ass-hole of the worst kind.” PM: “I agree wholeheartedly.” An overweight fan leaning over the railing extends both middle fingers in the direction of the former World Champion, doing his best to make sure Keith sees him. AG: “I mean, what kind of animal brutalizes an innocent woman like that?” Eisen stares out at them, pausing, but pretending he can’t even hear it. EE: “….but I’ll take it from here, thanks.” They return to booing. EE: “While it’s true that Gregory Keith will take on Sean McFly in a Hell in a Cell match this Sunday at “Welcome to the Jungle”, it’ll actually be you, ‘Mr.Wrestling’, that learns a lesson.” More boos. EE: “And that lesson will be……that you don’t mess with the Corporation’s interests and you don’t mess with Gregory Keith!” McFly fumes until he boils over, first taking a few steps toward the ropes, thinking about running up the ramp before Vibert stands in front of him, encouraging him to be smart. Instead, the SWF World Champion snatches the microphone from his agent. SM: “Forget “Welcome to the Jungle”, Keith, I want you tonight!” The place is alight with the idea of an impromptu title match. And, accordingly…. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] ….Big Smack Scott’s music fills the arena and he walks out onstage, joined by Abby Eisen. BSS: “Hold on everyone, hold on for just a second please.” A smattering of boos. BSS: “I don’t believe it would be wise to go against the plan the company already has in place for its pay-per-view, so I apologize……but there will not be a World Title match tonight.” The boos thicken upon standing. Eisen smiles at Keith who is engaged in a bit of a staredown with McFly. BSS: “That being said…….I’d hate to disappoint the great fans of the SWF; I do want everyone to go home happy.” A buzz replaces the boos. BSS: “Tonight, instead of a World Title Match, we’re going to take the two of you…..” He stops to think for a second after pointing at Keith and McFly, Abby whispering in his ear. BSS: “…..and Christian Faith…..” A huge cheer goes up for Faith. BSS: “….and Jack Bruce and Valiant, and we’re going to have a huge six man tag team main event to cap off the show tonight!” The place erupts as Abby whispers to Scott again. Eric Eisen flicks on his microphone jumps in before BSS can continue. EE: “That sounds great to me, Mr. Scott, but you only put five men into the six man tag match. Who’s the sixth man?” Eisen and Keith grin, thinking they’ve made Big Smack Scott look stupid on national TV. BSS: “Don’t you worry, Eric. I’m sure I’ll have no trouble finding someone to fill the spot. In fact, I’m heading backstage to put the word out among the boys right now. Until later this evening, good night gentlemen.” Scott turns and walks back through the curtain with Abby leaving Keith and McFly to jaw at each other without microphones as the shot fades. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Ryan Powell[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith wins via submission @ 2:38[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Bulldozer comes out toting Joey Minnesota’s North American title belt in his teeth and barely separates himself from it, disposing of Ryan Powell in under three minutes time. To his credit, Powell tried just about everything, but is dismissed at every attempt by the lethally focused Smith. The tattooed Bulldozer keeps his eyes peeled for Minnesota while he eviscerates the out-classed hip-hopper, catching Powell’s last gasp top-rope hurancanrana attempt and tossing him aside like he was nothing. In seconds, he latches on with his feared armbar and looks every bit like he is going to break Powell’s arm until the youngster frantically taps out. As the bell sounds, Bulldozer gets to his feet, barely having broken a sweat, looking left and right, expecting Joey Minnesota to come out and attempt to take his belt back, but there is no action to be had so Smith snatches up the strap and poses with it before heading back toward the locker room. Grade: B[/I] [B][I][CENTER](Commercial)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] As Tommy Townsend walks up to a closed locker room door and begins putting over his upcoming interview with North American Champion, Joey Minnesota, he stops and makes a strange face. TT: “Do you hear that? Someone is groaning.” He pushes the locker room door open and sticks his head in, pulling it out a second later and yelling down the hallway for some help before adjusting his tie and turning to face the camera. TT: “Ladies and gentlemen, Joey Minnesota has been attacked. He’s been laid flat, barely conscious, right behind this door. However, there is so much blood, I am going to ask that our cameraman not even go inside.” Alex Braun comes running up, leading a pair of paramedics past Tommy and into the locker room. Tommy listens to someone directing him in his earpiece and shakes his head over and over again. TT: “No, I….” He stops; whoever is talking to him is dressing him down. TT: “I think that we should tell…” Cut off again only this time, Tommy listens to only a few seconds of it before ripping it out of his ear and squaring up, focusing on the camera again. TT: “Are we still live?” The camera shakes along with the cameraman’s nod. TT: “It is the opinion of this humble wrestling reporter that someone or a group of someone’s is targeting the superstars of the SWF. Last week, it was the New Wave and this week, it’s Joey Minnesota left in a pool of his own blood; who’ll be next?” He swallows. TT: “No one is safe.” Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]New Wave vs. COTGD[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: COTGD win via pinfall @ 6:25[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Our tag team division is one of the strongest in the world of pro wrestling and one thing that it affords us is the opportunity to match teams up based on their strengths rather than just out of simple necessity. We knew, based on their history, that the New Wave and the Cult of the Grey Dragon would have a good match against each other. What we were unsure of was how things would go with the Cult going over, as both Barrowman and Finch aren’t always onboard when we need them to do a job to a team they view as inferior, even if it’s for the sake of a storyline. This match, however, is badass regardless. Acid and Plague have turned it up in recent weeks and seem to be revived by the promise of an expanded role in the coming months. And, in contrast to a lot of the tag matches that we put out, the old school heel-led script went out the window as these two teams got decidedly more modern. The finish is a series of fluid spots. Plague’s hotshot-like move leaves Finch gasping for breath, grabbing at his throat with both hands as the masked man sprints back into his own corner. Acid leans out and takes the tag, springing up onto the top rope in anticipation of Finch staggering back out into the center of the squared circle, and when he does, Acid takes flight, planting the New Waver onto his head with a nasty swinging DDT. Barrowman hits the ring without making a tag, just looking to come to his partner’s aid but he is cut off by referee Baby Jamie, allowing the COTGD a chance to double team the already disheveled Finch, which they do…with extreme prejudice. Without any help from Emma or Jacob Jett, both expectedly slithering around the ring, Acid and Plague hop back out onto the apron. Acid is first, leaping off of the top turnbuckle and drilling the downed Finch with a huge swanton bomb, rolling through afterward to the other side of the ring and blasting Barrowman in the face with the green mist. Plague, the legal man, has Baby Jamie’s attention as he slingshots himself over the top rope and scores with a wicked “New Jersey Turnpike”, grabbing the former tag champion’s leg and hooking it before getting the three count. The bell rings signaling the end of the match, but most certainly not the end of the action. As the COTGD assemble on the floor, minus Sammy Bach whose match is up next…… [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] …..KC Glenn and Brett Starr slide into the ring behind the recovering New Wave and begin beating them down, harassing both men with a blizzard of stomps and punches. But Barrowman and Finch are battlers and even after having just lost their match, they work their way back to their feet and begin trading shots with Futureshock. Then, just as it looks like the tide of the fight has turned and the New Wave have evened the odds……. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] ……the Dirty White Boyz rumble down the ramp and join the fray, throwing hands and turning the already out-of-control situation into complete chaos. Security makes it way toward the ring, but the fight spills from the ring onto the floor and over into the crowd making their efforts meaningless but giving the SWF faithful an up close and personal look at the very heated feud atop the tag team division. Grade: B (post) B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Big Smack Scott shakes his head and sighs as he watches the show from an office backstage. Abby makes her way into the shot and pulls a chair around to sit. AE: “Something has to be done about them. Those three teams are causing more trouble than they are worth and I think it’s time that we do something to diffuse the situation once and for all.” Scott nods. BS: “I agree. What did you have in mind?” There is only a brief pause before Abby shows a bright wrestling mind with her answer. AE: “I was thinking about a three way tag team tornado match at “Welcome to the Jungle” where the person who loses the fall for his team is fired from the SWF. What do you think of that?” Scott is amazed, but as he opens his mouth, he is cut off. AE: “Wait, there’s more.” He smiles. AE: “Additionally, the team that does not factor into the decision will be forced to split up. Sound good?” Nodding. BSS: “Sounds great, Abby.” She smiles back at him. BSS: “What about this mess with the stolen North American title and the sledgehammers and all of that? Should we have them fight it out at the PPV too?” Abby nods. AE: “Without question. Let’s put the belt on a pole in one corner and a sledgehammer on a pole in the other corner and let them sort out their issues that way.” Scott is blown away. But as he goes to say something, he is cut off again, this time by a backstage staffer coming into the office and into the shot. Staffer: “Mr. Scott? I was told to ask you if the North American title match scheduled for tonight is still a go after the attack on Joey Minnesota earlier.” Big Smack Scott thinks about it for a second before looking at Abby who nods at him. He looks back at the staffer and nods as well. BSS: “It sure is. We scheduled it and promoted it and the fans expect to see it. Besides this isn’t ballet is it; it’s professional wrestling.” The staffer nods and quickly leaves as Scott’s phone buzzes. As he reads the message on it, he smiles. BSS: “Looks like the sixth man for tonight’s main event just arrived.” Grade: B+ [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sammy Bach vs. Gino Montero[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Sammy Bach wins via stoppage @ 8:44[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Yeeeeeeeeeee-haaaaaa! Alex Braun told me that Sammy and Gino had some serious chemistry and that they had made a lot of the ‘entertainers’ on the roster look foolish on a run of recent house shows. Apparently, one night it lead to a very funny “You can’t wrestle!” chant directed at a Golden/Fuerza match we were running on the card afterward that flustered the two involved superstars into forgetting (and thusly, horribly botching) their finish. There isn’t a single botched spot in this entire contest, in fact, there are so many awesome sequences that it’s hard to decide on the best one. My personal favorite is the one that actually closes out the match. After a vicious fisherman’s buster, Sammy Bach tosses Gino to the floor and stalks around the ring, leering at the fans for a few seconds before signaling to them that he is going to attempt a dive. As he slowly steps and leans into the ropes on the far side of the ring, Gino leaps to his feet and throws a desperation dropkick, perfectly timing his attack and hitting Bach at the exact instant that he comes flying through the ropes, leaving the leader of the Cult of the Grey Dragon a motionless heap on the cold concrete. Referee Eugene Williams jumps out onto the floor to check on Bach’s condition which proves to be more of a turning point than the missed dive itself. As Gino recovers, cradling his head and trying to get back into the ring with Williams beginning account on the floor, Emma suddenly appears beside him, smiling devilishly. For a brief second it seems as if Gino is entranced by her dark beauty, but that second is gone when she rears back, still smiling, and spits a red mist into his face (!), blinding him and sending him rolling into the ring, the second COTGD misting victim of the evening. Sammy is having problems but is able to get himself into the ring while Gino is still rolling around on the mat grabbing at his face, positioning himself behind Montero before locking in the “BOYB” and slowly wrenching the consciousness out of him. Sammy and Emma are quick to vacate the ring area, looking upward in all directions, still fearing another sneak attack in the darkness. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Tommy Townsend stands backstage near the company physician’s office as the doctors continue to examine North American champion Joey Minnesota after his assault earlier in the evening. One whitecoat leans out the door and whispers something into Tommy’s ear. TT: “Fans, I am receiving word that the attack on Joey Minnesota has left the NA Champion with a grade two concussion. In addition, Joey has lost a lot of blood and received a dozen….yes, a dozen stitches to close a pair of large wounds.” The doctors see him reporting the information on live TV and, upon seeing a cameraman trying to sneak a shot, they rush to close the door, trying to protect Joey’s privacy. TT: “How this will affect Minnesota in his title defense against Tom Gilmore, scheduled to be next, remains to be seen.” He sighs. Believing the feed to him is cut and he is no longer live, Tommy pulls a cigarette from his lapel pocket and quickly lights it up, blowing out a cloud and remarking to the cameraman. TT: “I don’t see how he can win tonight.” Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Joey Minnesota vs. Tom Gilmore[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-North American Title Rematch-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Tom Gilmore wins via pinfall @ 10:02[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Two world-class wrestlers have an outstanding rematch on Supreme TV that actually has more to it than just what happens in the ring. Minnesota’s injury is a constant specter hanging over the bout like a black cloud, and to be honest, it adds a layer to things that shows that both of these men can headline shows and perhaps be the top guy in the promotion. The fans really seem to hate him, but watching him try to wrestle in serious pain, defending a horribly fresh injury gave many in attendance a different kind of respect for Joey as he spends nearly the entire match weathering Gilmore’s offensive storm. And for every adrenaline rush Minnesota has (chemically induced or not) Gilmore answers with another onslaught, really pulling out all the stops with the North American title nearly in sight. But when Joey rallies at around the eight minute mark, there are a few fans who stand in the front row and cheer his effort, stomping their feet and yelling as he strings a few punches together before ducking under a Gilmore clothesline and hitting the ropes himself. But Angry is just too much stronger than Minnesota and reverses Joey’s attempt at a running DDT into a vicious “Anger Management” and makes the cover. Queen Emily starts freaking out on the floor as Baby Jamie slaps the mat a decisive third time and calls for the bell, climbing up onto the apron and getting into the ring as it rings in the background. They celebrate for only a couple of seconds before….. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] …..Joe Sexy comes running down the ramp. However, Gilmore sees him coming a mile away and grabs hold of the Queen’s hand, helping her to the floor before following. When Sexy gets to the ring, Gilmore and Emily are exiting through the crowd, four or five rows deep, arms raised after winning the North American title. Grade: B+ (post) B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Eric Eisen walks up on Big Smack Scott, who is still backstage watching the show on a monitor alongside Abby Eisen. Even though the interim CEO maintains his calm, even demeanor, you can tell that he is a bit incensed with Scott. EE: “I just wanted to let you know that I didn’t appreciate being treated that way on live television. In fact….” Abby abruptly cuts in. AE: “Look, Eric, it would’ve been a poor business decision to just give away the Keith/McFly rematch. You know that as well as I do.” Scott nods in agreement. AE: “Not to mention the fact that you yourself said that McFly’s very first title defense was going to be at “Welcome to the Jungle”….remember?” Eisen slowly bobs his head, harkening back a few weeks, and for a moment, he softens. EE: “You really are a chip of the ‘ole block aren’t you? You remind me of him, you know; of Dad.” Abby is visibly thrown by his out-of-the-blue comment, losing her attitude. EE: “I meant to tell you that while we were on the phone last night. Jerry mentioned it after our family weekend on the Cape and I couldn’t agree more.” Eric turns back to Scott, getting only a few short inches away from his face, his eyes darkening again. EE: “You just remember who put you into the position you’re in Scott, got it?” [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] He turns and walks out of the office, shooting his cuffs a bit as he exits. The camera follows him out and stops abruptly as he almost bumps into Christian Faith turning the corner. He smiles up at the longtime SWF favorite, who is wearing his trademark bandana and sunglasses inside. EE: “Christian, how are you? I’m looking forward to seeing you in action tonight, especially on the same team as the former World Champion Gregory Keith, which should be a real honor for you, I’d imagine.” Faith is expressionless. The sunglasses really do add a lot in that regard. EE: “Listen, I was hoping to talk to you tonight anyway about that little bit of business we discussed last week.” Faith turns his head down toward the interim CEO, his first move since the bump. CF: “I don’t remember any business being discussed? I recall you coming out to the parking lot and trying to kiss my ass a little bit but not much else. Am I wrong?” Eisen looks just a smug as ever. EE: “Call it what you will, Christian, but remember what I said. It’s better to be a friend of The Corporation than an enemy. I’m sure you know what I mean; you’ve been in the business a long time now, you know as well as I do that the people who get places in this sport are the ones who have the most powerful friends backstage.” He smiles; Faith does not. EE: “I want you to do well, Christian, I really do. I wish you all the best, but I want you to be smart when it comes to……well…….business.” A close up of both of them. EE: “If you scratch my back, I’ll most certainly scratch yours, you dig?” The shot leaves them staring at each other for a few silent seconds before the interim CEO walks off, leaving Faith standing there. Grade: B+ [B][I][CENTER](Commercial for “SWF: Welcome to the Jungle” just $29.99 Live on PPV)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Cameras are backstage when Valiant spots Jack Bruce as the two get ready to go to the ring for tonight’s main event. As you might expect, they begin to jaw and get closer and closer to each other until Valiant jumps onto the SWF’s resident rock star and the fists begin flying, the shot shaky as it closes in on the action. The many thick-necked individuals that the company employs as security begin to surround the brawl, but referee Jay Fair, also on his way to the ring, suggests that rather than breaking them up that they should be herded toward the squared circle. Grade: B+ [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Gregory Keith/Jack Bruce/Christian Faith vs. Sean McFly/Valiant/Morpheus[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Keith/Bruce/Faith win via pinfall @ 12:41[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: We loaded up on this one, superstar wise, and got the result we were looking for, an awesome main event, and because of it, I think we really are going into the pay-per-view with a great deal of momentum. The start was the most organized part of the match, with Valiant and Bruce brawling their way down to the ring, taking a stop on the floor below the stage for an exchange before Bruce’s running clothesline takes them both over the guardrail and into the crowd, only feet from a camera crane. Eventually, when they work their way through the whooping fans and get closer to the ring, Gregory Keith’s music hits and he walks out onto the stage to a chorus of boos. But before he can muster even half a sneer, the World Heavyweight Champion, Sean McFly, runs out behind him and tackles him to the staging, the metal clanging loudly under the weight of both men. Jay Fair calls to the back for another referee as he tries to restore some order before the start of the match, but even with Baby Jamie joining the action and attempting to separate Keith and McFly, things go from crazy to out of control when the arena fills with the loud revving of Christian Faith’s motorcycle and the SWF legend rolls out onto the stage on his long chrome ride. After looking at both Valiant and Bruce’s brawl and Keith and McFly’s only feet away, Faith raises a fist to the sky and opens up the bike’s exhaust, screaming down the ramp and circling the ring. Faith takes his time as the two brawls finally get broken up after a load of work by the two officials and the four men begin taking up sides in the ring. But when the lights crackle and small silver spheres begin floating down from the ceiling of the arena like snowflakes, the place goes loony, standing in expectation of what is undeniably the most awe inspiring entrance in all of professional wrestling. And when Morpheus appears onstage and takes his giant leap step, flying toward the ring and landing, head down, on one knee, the other wrestlers all move back into corners, not cowering, but not entirely unafraid either. When the bell finally does sound, the action stays reasonably in order for some time, with each of the pay-per-view pairings teasing interaction in the ring, but never actually facing off. Jack Bruce tries to hit Morpheus from behind after a blind tag with a “New York Minute” but the mysterious monster stands straight up, lifting the rock star up on his shoulder and dumping him over the top rope to the floor. A solid segment of the match’s midpoint was carried by Keith and Valiant reprising their stellar match from last week, with the former World Champion really taking it to the big man, dropping him with a pair of hammerlock shoulderbreakers and locking in an nasty arm wringer. Valiant mounts a comeback after working his way off of his back and tries to whip Keith into the buckles but sees his attempt reversed and, after another punch to slow him, the crowd quiets, expecting his chest to redden momentarily. And redden it does as Keith’s trademark chops land with a surgeon’s precision, bombing Valiant time and time again with the backhand blows until the fan favorite crumples to the mat. But then, as Keith spins around and struts around the ring, taunting a few front row fans, Sean McFly can’t hold it together any longer and comes flying into the ring, dropping Keith with a wicked overhand right and jumping onto the bleached blonde superstar. With Baby Jamie jumping into the ring to try and help Jay Fair, Jack Bruce sees an opening and starts across the ring toward Valiant, but stops suddenly, grabbing McFly from behind by the hair and nailing him with the “NYM” as Keith rolls to the floor trying to escape. The World Champion is down and hurt, holding his head with a smiling Bruce standing over him for a second before trotting over to Valiant and beginning to lay the boots to him. Among the chaos, Morpheus and Christian Faith have both climbed into the ring and stand only feet apart, almost stone still. The crowd is electric expecting an epic fight, as we’ve booked both of these guys as the baddest of the bad, but the heeliest of the heels, Gregory Keith, takes advantage of the referees’ turned back and bends a chair around Morpheus’s head, stunning him for a second before pushing him through the ropes to the floor. Faith goes to follow Morpheus and is halfway through the cables when McFly gets to his feet and spins Keith around, surprising him with a spinning kick and positioning him for a “Delorean Driver”. But as the crowd inhales, waiting for the champion’s finisher, Christian Faith takes two long steps back into and across the ring and drills McFly square in the forehead with a huge running boot, flipping him clear over. Faith just stands there, expressionless, as Keith turns McFly onto his back and covers him, Jay Fair sliding back into the ring after trying unsuccessfully to separate Valiant and Jack and counting him out. The crowd reaction is mixed as Faith climbs out of the ring and begins walking back up the ramp without looking back as Keith struggles to his feet, arms raised in victory as he leans into the turnbuckles for support. PM: “MY GOD, WHAT HAVE WE JUST SEEN? SAY IT ISN’T SO!” Grade: A*[/I] Show Grade: A [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 40 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Forty Preview-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] “Welcome to the Jungle”, live on pay-per-view this Sunday night, will be one of the most talked about wrestling events of the year. The time for talking is over. If you’ve been watching “Supreme TV” you know why this show is a can’t miss event. Tag Team Sudden Death? Ambulance Match? Hell in a Cell? If that doesn’t whet your wrestling appetite…..well….go back to watching the other guy’s second rate drivel; we don’t want you.[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- MMW vs. COTGD vs. Can-Am Blondes – Nine Man Elimination Christian Faith vs. TBD DWB vs. Futureshock vs. New Wave – Tag Team Title Sudden Death Match Valiant vs. Jack Bruce – Ambulance Match Joey Minnesota vs. Tom Gilmore vs. Bulldozer vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title on a Pole/Sledgehammer on a Pole Match Sean McFly vs. Gregory Keith – World Heavyweight Title Hell in a Cell Match (OOC: Going to do something fun via PM with those who make predictions, so get 'em in. :))
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MMW vs. [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes – Nine Man Elimination [I]The others' feud will cancel out.[/I] [B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. TBD DWB vs. [B]Futureshock[/B] vs. New Wave – Tag Team Title Sudden Death Match Valiant vs. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] – Ambulance Match Joey Minnesota vs. Tom Gilmore vs. Bulldozer vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] – North American Title on a Pole/Sledgehammer on a Pole Match [B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Gregory Keith – World Heavyweight Title Hell in a Cell Match Oh, and NoNeck - if you want some Philly Pro swag, now's the time to predict!
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MMW vs. [B]COTGD [/B]vs. Can-Am Blondes – Nine Man Elimination [B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. TBD DWB vs. Futureshock vs. [B]New Wave[/B] – Tag Team Title Sudden Death Match Valiant vs. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] – Ambulance Match [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore vs. Bulldozer vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title on a Pole/Sledgehammer on a Pole Match [B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Gregory Keith – World Heavyweight Title Hell in a Cell Match
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MMW vs. COTGD vs. [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] – Nine Man Elimination [B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. TBD DWB vs. Futureshock vs. [B]New Wave[/B] – Tag Team Title Sudden Death Match [B]Valiant [/B]vs. Jack Bruce – Ambulance Match [B]Joey Minnesota [/B]vs. Tom Gilmore vs. Bulldozer vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title on a Pole/Sledgehammer on a Pole Match [B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Gregory Keith – World Heavyweight Title Hell in a Cell Match
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MMW vs. [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes – Nine Man Elimination [B]Christian Faith [/B]vs. TBD DWB vs. [B]Futureshock[/B] vs. New Wave – Tag Team Title Sudden Death Match Valiant vs. [B]Jack Bruce [/B]– Ambulance Match [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore vs. Bulldozer vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title on a Pole/Sledgehammer on a Pole Match [B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Gregory Keith – World Heavyweight Title Hell in a Cell Match
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MMW vs. [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes – Nine Man Elimination - [I]Perfectly placed to take advantage of the S/NOTB feud[/I] Christian Faith vs. TBD - [B]Draw[/B] DWB vs. Futureshock vs. [B]New Wave[/B] – Tag Team Title Sudden Death Match - [I]Can't split up one of the game's best teams[/I] Valiant vs. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] – Ambulance Match - [I]Could go either way[/I] [I]Joey Minnesota[/I] vs. Tom Gilmore vs. Bulldozer vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title on a Pole/Sledgehammer on a Pole Match - [I]I like Joey, although it's a close call[/I] [B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Gregory Keith – World Heavyweight Title Hell in a Cell Match - [I]Not time for the belt to go back to Keith yet[/I]
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