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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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[QUOTE=NoNeck;562437]It's a girl!! :D:D:D:D Everyone is happy and healthy, too. I'll be home late tonight and will have "Welcome to the Jungle" up ASAP. Thanks to everyone for all of the well wishes. It's a nice little community we have here, isn't it? :)[/QUOTE] Great news! Congratulations!
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Wow. Thanks for all the love everyone. Things are back to normal on the homefront and every member of Team NoNeck is doing well. :):) That said, the SOTR show will roll on, say, early this afternoon with "Welcome to the Jungle". It's a doozy too; don't say I didn't warn you. ;)
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Show 40 "Welcome to the Jungle" [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Forty-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Welcome to the Jungle”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Sammy Bach and the entire COTGD army, minus Emma, gathers outside of the arena, standing around a garbage barrel set ablaze. As the camera closes in, Bach begins to speak. SB: “The air smells of blood once again……yes, this will be a night to remember for the Cult of the Grey Dragon.” A full on close up on Sammy, his hair falling over his eyes. SB: “Remmy Skye, I know that it has been you that has been behind the power outages and the subsequent attack on our ranks. But I still believe that, as time passes, you will be more than inclined to join our family, am I right? Does the poison that flows through your veins make you crazy when you wish for sanity? Does it make you…..hungry? We can help you, Remmy, enough with the silly mind games; we can…..be your new home. Jacob can be your brother.” They all laugh. Jett’s fangs flashing out from behind his lips, gleaming. SB: “Submit to the will of the Grey Dragon; be the sixth that has been foretold in prophecy and allow us to fulfill our birthrights together.” [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] The camera cruises around the faction, but suddenly Emma Chase comes running up out of the darkness, her dark mascara leaving trails down her cheeks. EC: “He’s here….. Remmy’s here…….and he’s not alone.” Sammy’s face straightens. He holds back his emotion and raises his hand toward Jett, Acid, and Plague, pointing them toward battle. SB: “It is our fate; his end is our rebirth.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Valiant vs. Jack Bruce[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-Ambulance Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Jack Bruce wins via stipulation @ 9:59[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: We start off the pay-per-view with an absolutely out of control brawl between two men with a genuine hatred for each other and a feud that has come to a head after months of brutality. The object of the match is for one of the wrestlers to force his opponent into the back of one of the six ambulances that we have positioned throughout the arena and backstage area, closing the door and proving that he is too badly beaten to continue. And, as expected, only a very small portion of the contest takes place in the ring with many of the folks with seats on the floor getting an up close and personal look at the carnage as the fight snakes through most every part of the arena before going backstage. Once there though, we took every advantage of the stipulation and had some really novel spots take place, with Valiant putting JB onto a food service cart and running him down a back hallway and finally down a flight of concrete stairs in the stairwell. It really draws a pop from the live fans as they watch on the jumbotron, but they get even louder when Valiant gets a running start and dives down the stairs himself, landing on top of Bruce and continuing the assault, apparently paying no attention to his own well-being. Eventually, things move from the stairwell, which is attached to the arena’s parking garage, to the lot on top of the garage. It is intense as they fight in the cool night air, steam pouring off of both men, each breath a distinct cloud. When they reach the row of cars on the perimeter and an SWF helicopter roars overhead, circling the scene with a spotlight and camera crew, the finish comes. Valiant takes control with a huge right hand after getting slowed by two straight Bruce low blows and signals for the “V-Split”. But as he does so, Bruce rocks him with a third crotch shot and reverses out of the big man’s grasp, going behind him and leaping onto the car right behind them. In a flash, Bruce has positioned himself and nailed Valiant with a “New York Minute” that bounces his head off of the hood of the light blue sedan and opening up a new wound across his forehead. But the bloodletting is just beginning. Valiant is stone still on the car’s hood, facedown and not moving. But even as one of the ambulances slowly backs its way up the curved ramp to the top lot where they are, Jack Bruce, bloody himself from an earlier forced interaction with the side of a dumpster, just shakes his head and smiles, muttering that he is going to finish Valiant once and for all. And when he stands his nemesis up on the car’s bending hood, his wobbly legs almost give way before Bruce lifts his leg and drives Valiant down again, face-first, with a vicious ”NYM” through the windshield. The fans in the arena are nearly silent as Bruce makes his way to the ambulance and opens the back door, yanking out the stretcher with one arm and wheeling it over toward Valiant. When he pulls the big man off of the car and rolls him onto the gurney, the scene is very bloody. In seconds, JB is pushing the lifeless Valiant across the concrete, dumping him into the back of the ambulance unceremoniously before slamming the doors shut and raising his arms in triumph. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]MMW vs. COTGD vs. Can-Am Blondes[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-Nine Man Elimination Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Mexico’s Most Wanted win via pinfall @ 12:12[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: This one was chaos from the word go and featured some of the night’s most memorable spots, as the participants in this match all seemed to have that “we want to steal the show” attitude oozing out of every single square inch of everything they did. When we conceived it, we wanted there to be tagging, but we wanted the match to be extra crisp so we went with a lucha libre style of rules where a participant can enter the ring as soon as his partner leaves it, and it really added something to the proceedings, moving it from simply fast-paced to light speed. Things get very crazy right out of the gate with the fireworks beginning during Mexico’s Most Wanted’s entrance. With the COTGD (Bach/Jett/Acid) on the floor and the Can-Am Blondes (Love/Carvill/Frederique) in the ring, Acid, on edge like the rest of his group, seems to take offense to the extra long posing and posturing session by MMW so he runs up the aisle and leaps up onto the railing of one of the luxury boxes, sprinting along the top and balancing for an incredible length of time only a few inches from the fans before diving off with a somersault cannonball that nails Marquez, Gino and Fuerza, and leaves them down on the stage. When they get to their feet, the action makes its way to the ring. Here’s how the eliminations occurred: ….while Sammy has Frederique trapped in a camel clutch, Jett climbs to the top rope and delivers a huge, hanging missile dropkick, hitting the Can-Am Blondes trainer right in the forehead, painfully bending him even further backward. In seconds, Bach has rolled him over and applied the “BOYB”, [B]Frederique [/B]screaming out in pain and tapping out rapidly on Sammy’s arm…. …..Love places a chair on Montero as he lays motionless on the canvas and climbs to the top turnbuckle. But as Love takes flight, Gino grabs hold of the chair and throws it straight up at the Can Am Blonde who is destroyed in mid-air. Montero crawls over onto him quickly and gets the three count, eliminating [B]Owen Love.[/B] ….Acid rears back after ducking an overhand right from Gino Montero and blows black mist into his face, sending him rolling around on the mat. Like lightning, he takes a quick three step start and runs up the turnbuckles, jumping off and landing seated on the top rope, flipping himself backward and hitting [B]Montero[/B] with an Arabian press, hooking his leg and eliminating him a few seconds later… ….Marquez rallies in the face of a long run of dominance by the COTGD, turning [B]Acid’s[/B] jump swinging DDT into a northern lights suplex with a bridge to get a stunningly quick pin on the masked man, who flips out, shoving referee Eugene Williams onto his ass after the count…. ….Carvill tries to springboard himself into the ring a second time after dropping Jett but gets caught by the monstrous Fuerza who repositions the Can-Am so that he lands painfully across his knee, sending him rolling into the corner in agony. There is nowhere for [B]Damian Carvill [/B]to go, and no one to save him from the referee’s count as Fuerza stands him up and knees him in the gut before hoisting him high over his head and burying him an inch deep in the mat with a jackknife powerbomb. ….Jacob Jett and Sammy Bach begin to double team the less experienced Fuerza, keeping him a safe distance away from the outstretched arm of Antonio Maxi Marquez and really focusing on keeping their attack on the much bigger man constant, not letting him get a single second to recover or retaliate. When Marquez finally snaps and jumps through the ropes, predictably getting pounced on by the referee, the Cult strikes with Plague jumping onto the ring apron under the direction of the scantily dressed Emma and nailing the downed[B] Fuerza[/B] with a “New Jersey Turnpike”, slipping out unnoticed before Jett makes the cover. …as Jett and Bach slowly take apart the already worn down Marquez, systematically going back and forth in their assault on the Mexican superstar, much like they did with Fuerza, things look bleak for MMW’s chances. But when the lights flash off for just a split second, the COTGD lose their cool, looking in all directions and almost completely disregarding Marquez. It proves to be a poor move as [B]Jacob Jett[/B], his eyes scanning the crowd, wanders backward into a roll up by AMM, who grabs a huge handful of Jett’s black tights and holds him down with all he’s got until he hears the referee slap the mat a decisive third time. Jett is furious and protests the count with referee Williams, baring his razor sharp fangs before rolling to the floor. Suddenly, as Emma yells out at ringside, pointing upward, Jett and Bach look to the sky, terrified. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Swiftly descending on cables, a changed Remmy Skye and a dark skinned man wearing the traditional attire of a Roman-Catholic priest land on the floor, about five feet away from Jett and Emma. Remmy pushes back one side of his long back trenchcoat and pulls out some sort of handheld device. As the priest catches Plague coming in and redirects him headfirst into the steel barricade with authority, Remmy points the device at Jett, shooting out a wide net that entangles Jett instantly, dropping him to the concrete. Then, with Sammy Bach staring at the happenings with a look of awe on his face, Remmy and the priest fasten Jett to themselves via some hooks on the netting and take off back up toward the rafters. Emma shrieks and upon turning her attention back to the ring tries to get Sammy’s attention, but it is too late as Marquez catches Bach blind with a flipping neckbreaker, sending both men to the mat. The fans scream as AMM slowly gets to his feet and begins making his way to the top turnbuckle, but they quickly are muted when Sammy gets a jolt of life, running up the buckles and crotching Marquez before repositioning himself and signaling that he is going to superplex his grimacing opponent. But at the last possible second, AMM blocks the superplex and shoves Bach off of the turnbuckle backward onto the canvas, knocking the wind out of him, before steadying himself on the top rope and taking to the air, blasting [B]Sammy Bach [/B]with a big “Champagne Sunrise” (frog splash) and getting the win. The other two members of Mexico’s Most Wanted help Marquez from the ring as Emma slides in beside the fallen Bach, still wondering exactly what she has just seen……and wondering where Jacob Jett has been taken by Remmy Skye. Grade: (match) B+ (post) A*[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Danny B Bling leads his Hollas fo’ Dollas troupe toward center stage, with the massive Dez keeping a watchful bouncer’s eye on the gaggle of strippers Bling has brought out to the ring with him. When they finally make their way into the ring and all get their time to dance, Bling smiles his greasy pimp smile and announces he has reached an agreement with wrestling’s hottest free agent before introducing… [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ….Shooter Sean Deeley as the newest member of the refocused faction. Deeley mugs for the cameras as he comes to the ring in a long sleeved purple and black bodysuit, complete with a long gold chain and nasal strip. SSD: “I am a finely tuned athletic machine; I’m the Shooter. No one can out wrestle me; I’ll tie them into knots. And now that I’m in the SWF….” [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ……a motorcycle’s loud revving fills the arena and, as the crowd leaps to their feet, Christian Faith rolls a special “Welcome to the Jungle” themed chopper out onto the stage. The fans may still be questioning his motives in nailing Sean McFly with a big boot, but they treat him like gold, really showering him in adulation as he pumps his fist and puts his feet on the pegs, tearing down the ramp and circling the ring a few more times that usual. The entire HFD posse moves to one side of the ring as Faith walks up the steps, leaving his ride idling at the foot of the ramp. One by one, the girls step through the ropes being held open by Dez, DBB not far behind the last skank. It is only a second or two before Deeley realizes that he is alone in the ring with Christian Faith and that referee Eugene Williams has joined them, calling for the bell as he hustles through the ropes. Grade: B [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Christian Faith vs. Shooter Sean Deeley[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Christian Faith wins via pinfall @ 2:08[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Not just a squash, an absolute domination; an erasure. I’m quite sure that Sean Deeley will be a good addition to the roster, but he doesn’t even land more than a couple of punches against the SWF legend before Faith powerslams him, powerbombs him, and stands him on rickety legs before destroying him with a running boot. The three count is a formality with Faith climbing to his feet afterward, raising his gloved fist to the sky. Tommy Townsend, positioned at ringside, waits for Faith to come back to his motorcycle before starting in with a post match question session. TT: “Christian, what motivated you to aid Gregory Keith and attack Sean McFly earlier this week on Supreme TV?” Faith stares blankly at Tommy, not moving a single muscle. TT: “I’m just going to have to ask the question directly, I guess.” A pause. TT: “Have you, Christian Faith, aligned yourself with The Corporation?” Faith swings his leg over the motorcycle and quickly hops once, firing it up, the exhaust giving the ringside area a distinct flavor. He looks Tommy square in the face before pulling up his hood and rolling away, his taillights the only answer given. Grade: (match) B (post) B+[/I] A promo package rolls chronicling the entire backstory between the four men facing of in tonight’s North American Title on a Pole/Sledgehammer on a Pole match. It has many of its clips in a grainy black and white because of all of the bloody footage. While it wasn’t a necessary move by the production department, as we can have as much blood on PPV as we want, I felt it was a way to present it as even more gruesome than it was. Grade: B+ [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Tom Gilmore vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Joe Sexy[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-North American Title Four Way Hammer on a Pole/Title on a Pole Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith wins via retrieval @ 10:27[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The match with the weirdest gimmick attached to it really draws a lot of interest from the fans. We guess that the buzz from it is basically due to the novelty; I’m sure we won’t see a North American Title on a pole/Sledgehammer on a pole match in the SWF for quite some time, if ever again. That being said, the match went off without a hitch, with all four men using the unique stipulations to their advantage, not to mention that it allowed us to advance all the participants into their new roles, storywise. First, Joe Sexy is transitioning into one of our midlevel gatekeepers, which means he is going to be a jobber of sorts to the uppercard, and tonight he took the final steps toward that role, effectively eating a ton of everybody’s offense and driving the point home. Joey is still hurt from the attack earlier in the week that caused him to lose the NA title and is constantly a step behind Smith and Gilmore. With this degenerating into a full fledged fight very quickly, it comes as no shock to anyone when the men begin to struggle over who will come down with the sledgehammer, as each looks to be in a distinct position to use it to their advantage. Each man fingertips the handle of it at least once before Gilmore gets up to the top rope and begins to unfasten it. But with Joe Sexy battling Minnesota over in the other corner, Bulldozer climbs up behind Gilmore and pulls his arms behind his back, throwing Angry high over head with a release tiger suplex that obliterates him. Queen Emily tries to revive him by pounding the mat right next to his head, but can only watch as Bulldozer pulls down the hammer himself and makes his way around the ring, doling out wicked shots with his prize. Sexy is up first. He sees it coming and tries to move out of the way, but takes a bombshot into the ribs, dropping him instantly. Minnesota’s is right behind it as he walks right into one flush in the face, selling it like death as he flip-flops like a dying fish on his way to the floor. Suddenly, surrounded by bodies, it seems as though the world is Bulldozer’s oyster, with nothing standing between him and the North American title belt that he surrendered to SWF officials before the show, but has never owned as a champion. But as he crosses the ring, thinking that he is going to be unopposed for the next few important seconds, he drops the hammer to the canvas and begins climbing the turnbuckles underneath the belt. As he gets to the second rope, Gilmore begins getting to his feet and, seeing both the hammer and Bulldozer’s exposed form, spies his opportunity. He calls out to the Queen, who reaches under the bottom rope and grabs the sledgehammer, sliding it to him and allowing him to snatch it up in mid-stride. He picks up speed, knowing that his timing will have to be impeccable for him to stop Bulldozer, who is beginning to unsnap the belt. When he hits, it is apparent that Smith never sees the shot coming, taking it in the lower part of his back and flying from the top turnbuckle to the floor. Gilmore smiles and looks up……but the belt is gone. Referee Eugene Williams, on the floor to check on the condition of Bulldozer, rolls the tattooed big man over and discovers him cradling the North American title in his arms. He quickly signals for the bell and attempts to get in Gilmore’s way himself before SWF security can also intervene, with Angry trying to continue the fight. As the four battered warriors leave the ring area, one-by-one, there is a nice round of applause for each competitor, which is an extreme rarity in this type of promotion. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] RK Hayes walks behind his team, Futureshock, as they head through the backstage area and head toward the ring. All the way, the usually chatty Glenn and Starr are all business, eyes forward; steely. And as they make their way past the various staffers, Hayes talks to them in his usual low tones, motivating them. MH: “Tonight’s our night, boys. Tonight’s the night that we get to show our benefactor that all of the time and trouble and money he has invested in us has been worth it. Tonight is the night we win the World Tag Team Titles….” Without even breaking their dead-ahead stares, Glenn and Starr high five. MH: “….and tonight’s the night that we settle our business with the Dirty White Boyz once and for all. We’ll see if stealing that money from us and breaking our deal is worth the pound of flesh that we’re going to take in return.” Glenn and Starr high five again. Hayes cracks a rare smile as they get to the curtain and their music hits. MH: “Let’s do this.” Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Dirty White Boyz vs. Futureshock vs. New Wave[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Tag Team Title Sudden Death Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: DWB win via pinfall @ 10:06[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: We were worried that with all of the other gimmick matches on tonight’s show that this match might end up getting lost in the shuffle. Lucky for us that the three teams involved brought their “A” games and really offered the crowd a different match amidst the sea of hardcore stuff we’d had up to this point. The great thing about the stipulation is that the whole match was built by Alex Braun to accentuate the levity of the decision. Futureshock stayed in control for a significant portion of the bout, trading hard hitting offense with both members of the New Wave before finally squaring off against Grease Hogg and Lead Belly, the two men who broke their multi-million dollar promise to sell them the tag titles. Everyone plays it very close with some of the punches exchanged drawing winces from the boys in the back, watching on monitors. KC Glenn’s spinning backfist catches Lead Belly flush in the nose at one point, breaking it instantly and causing the only bleeding in the match. There are very few times in the first two thirds of the match that all three teams mix it up, which was the plan as that is a significant part of the finish. Scout Finch, having taken the brunt of both Glenn’s and Starr’s offense toward the match’s conclusion, is really looking like he is only hanging on by a thread; the worst place to be is in the exact place he is, stuck in Futureshock’s corner, getting double teamed as the two youngsters swiftly tag in and out. Starr climbs to the top turnbuckle and drops a leg across Finch’s throat, leaving him gasping and rolling around on the mat. Seeing his partner is such a situation, Barrowman hits the ring and flies onto Glenn, throwing as many punches as he can get off. And as referee Baby Jamie tries to separate them, both DWB hit the ring, jumping into the fracas and causing Jamie to lose control of the match. Fights have broken out everywhere and some of the action has spilled out onto the floor, Jamie doing his best to try to reel things in but having little success, tangling with the New Wave who are now double teaming Starr against a guardrail, Mr. Hayes doing his best to keep them off. KC Glenn’s blindside double clothesline that knocks both Lead Belly and Grease Hogg over the top rope leads to the match’s end. With Lead Belly being knocked all the way to the floor, but Grease Hogg only landing on the apron and trying to clear the cobwebs, Glenn thinks he has an opportunity. After a quick pair of left hands, Glenn looks to suplex him in from the apron amidst the chaos, hooking Hogg and hoisting him into the air. But as Hogg starts to come down, Lead Belly, still on the floor, grabs hold of his boot and pulls one of his legs out from under him. Then, with the enormous biker flopping on top of him, Lead Belly pulls down on Glenn’s boot for all he is worth from the floor. Baby Jamie slides in from the other side of the ring and counts a quick three and calls for the bell; the DWB have stunned both Futureshock and the New Wave….and KC Glenn is out of a job. Grade: B[/I] There is a quick beat in the show before a familiar guitar barrage comes screaming through the house system. Then, as people begin recognizing the song as “Legitimate American”, the longtime theme music of Sam Strong, the house fills with cheers. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] It becomes deafening as the legend himself slowly ambles out onto the stage leaning a bit on his daughter Alicia, who stands beside him, and heads toward an SWF ring for the first time in over a decade. Time may have weathered his skin and weakened his once Herculean physique, but the former four-time World Heavyweight Champion is still visible in the eyes of the sixty-five year old man that strains as he climbs the steel ring stairs and steps through the ropes. But once he stands in the middle of the ring and the fans chant his name at the top of their lungs, reflex takes over and he bounces himself off of the ropes once before winding into a double biceps pose that sends the house into a nostalgia frenzy. SS: “You know something, dudes? I haven’t felt this good, this loved since the head Strongamaniac’s heyday, brother. Thank you.” Alicia claps beside him, a star in the industry in her own right, her eyes glossy as she is overcome with emotion at the amount of respect the audience is showing her father. SS: “Next month, at “Under Control”, when the SWF inducts me as one of the first two members of the SWF Hall of Fame, I’m going to take the opportunity to retire from this business for good. No wrestling, no color commentary, no booking, nothing; just me and a bottle of beer working on my tan in Tampa, dudes.” The crowd gives him another round of applause, acknowledging the announcement. SS: “But we’ll save the goodbyes and all of that sappy stuff for the ceremony, right Strongamaniacs? But for now….” He twists his face into a wide eyed scowl, going fully into character. The crowd picks up on it instantly and starts buzzing. SS: “…….we’re live on pay-per-view, brother! The SWF is where the action lives and where there is one question and one question only to be asked……” It’s 1986 all over again in here and it feels wonderful; welcoming. SS: “……..whatcha’ gonna do brother, when Strongamania, the strongest force in the universe, runs wild on yooooooooooou!” His music hits as he flips the microphone to the canvas, cranking out pose after pose for the fans in all directions as they snap photos and scream themselves hoarse. What a moment. Grade: B+ One last video production piece from our crack staff of editors rolls, hyping the already overhyped McFly/Keith rematch, which is up next. The package is particularly good, in my opinion; very powerful. It starts with footage of McFly and Keith’s first interaction on Supreme TV many months ago and begins picking up speed, with the clips of everything that has transpired between then and now coming in as a veritable blizzard of images once it gains momentum. Suddenly, just as it is out of control and has reached a nearly unwatchable fever pitch, the shot is still, with the clip of Tamara McFly whimpering for help, dangling from her hotel balcony rolling to close it out. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sean McFly vs. Gregory Keith[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Championship Hell in a Cell Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Sean McFly wins via pinfall @ 25:23[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: With God as my witness, I have never seen such a phenomenal cage match in the history of this business. In fact, I will go to my grave, no matter what I see after tonight, thinking that I have just seen the best wrestling match I have ever laid eyes on, and that is covering a lot of ground. We all knew going in that McFly and Keith could possibly put on a match of the year candidate, what we didn’t expect was that they would have a war for the ages. The cell lowers and the two men circle each other, entrance music in the past, very personal business to attend to. Keith’s attack on the World Champion’s sister is being constantly referred to by the announce team, who spot Tamara sitting at ringside, her bruises fading, but her memories fresh, watching the match. As you might or might not expect, there is a fair amount of real back and forth action between the two men even with the bitterness between them. However, it isn’t long before the ‘wrestling’ portion of the show ends and the bout transitions into ‘a cage match’ and it is during that stretch that things begin happening so fast that they get hard to follow. Some highlights: ….Keith reverses out of a McFly suplex attempt, sliding down his back before hitting the ropes and nailing the World champion with a clothesline that knocks him through the cables. Then, as McFly tries to steady himself and get back into the ring, Keith gets a running start and levels McFly with a heavy shoulder, blowing him off of the apron and sending him flying backward into steel. ….while still on the floor battling, Keith has managed to get the steel ring steps apart and is holding them high above his head waiting for McFly to get to his feet. But Phil Vibert calls out to McFly and gives him the heads up he needs, also serving to distract Keith as McFly springs to his feet and dropkicks the stairs back into Keith’s face, sending the former World champion to the floor in agony. Then, as the second generation superstar tries to scurry away from the World Champion, tripping over his own feet in the process, McFly gets two handfuls of Keith’s now blood-streaked blonde hair and runs him headfirst into the cell before grating his face back and forth against the cage, really opening him up. The fans love it; this has been a knock down, drag out fight that “Mr. Wrestling” seems more interested in using to get revenge rather than retaining his World Title. ….with the tables turned again thanks to Eric Eisen pushing a chair into the cell via the gap between the door and the structure, Gregory Keith goes about breaking down his rival very methodically, wearing him down with a dragon sleeper before climbing up the inside of the cell a few feet and dropping back down with a boot to the chest, that leaves McFly gasping for air. The match’s finish makes all of the spots that come before it seem pedestrian in comparison. Gregory Keith, motionless after kicking out of two straight pin attempts by McFly following a surprise “Delorean Driver ‘11”, looks like death. McFly seems as though he has exhausted himself beating Keith, wheezing and looking shocked that his opponent is still going. Jay Fair assures him that Keith did indeed kick out, albeit by the skin of his teeth. PM: “….Gregory Keith is very resilient, Ana; you can never count him out!” Eric Eisen is nearly in tears, pleading with the officials at ringside to unlock the door to the cell so that he can check on Keith’s steadily deteriorating condition. But they deny him and force him to go to Plan “B”. With McFly slowly getting back to his feet and signaling to the sold out crowd that he is going to try another “Delorean Driver”, Eric Eisen remerges from halfway up the ramp with some bolt cutters and makes short work of the chain holding the door secure, popping it open with ease. Vibert tries to get in his way, but the superagent gets shoved into the barricade by Eisen who is now inside the cell and climbing through the ropes. As he climbs into the ring, McFly comes to meet him and the two exchange punches. Eisen tries to knee the World Champion in the groin, but has it blocked by “Mr. Wrestling” who instead lifts him into position for a “Delorean Driver” of his own. But it is not to be as the crimson masked Keith rises and hits him from behind with the bolt cutters Eisen dropped on the ring apron, smiling devilishly, his eyes alight. And with the door opened wide, Keith decides to do something drastic, starting to climb the cage before noticing Tamara cowering in her seat only feet away. She tries to get away when she sees him coming but it plays right into his hands as she jumps the guardrail. Tamara runs one way, but is cut off by Eric Eisen who follows her as she walks backward a few steps toward Keith. Caught between a rock and a hard place, Tamara decides to go up, grabbing hold of the cell and climbing for all she is worth, with Keith hot on her heels. She gets up to the top but can’t navigate through the support trusses as well as Keith can and he catches her before she can get to the other side to climb down to safety. When he grabs her by the hair and begins wagging his finger in her face, the collective breath of the audience gets sucked right out of the building; they know what is going to happen next. But as he moves her toward the edge, the camera shot showing the announcers from both locations scrambling to get out of the way, Sean McFly appears behind him and causes Keith to let her go, beginning the end with another fistfight, only this one is taking place over twenty feet above the cold concrete of the arena floor. And they battle, and punch and kick and everything else that they can muster with every neck in the crowd bent upward to try and catch a glimpse of the action. Then, suddenly, with two right hands in a row, McFly looks to be in control, but in a flash, a thumb to the eye sees Keith try to scurry down the side of the cage, running away to a huge chorus of boos. But as he starts his descent, Tamara steps behind him and kicks him square in the pieces, making him go cross-eyed and aiding him in an awkward tumble over the edge of the cell. Keith reaches out and grabs the edge of the cell, holding on for dear life, knowing a fall from such a height would end the match. “Mr. Wrestling” walks to the edge and looks over, Tamara at his side, and at the same time, they each stomp down on one of Keith’s hands. He screams out, lets go, and begins to fall backward. Eric Eisen has positioned himself underneath and attempts to catch his man but instead ends up a part of the car wreck when he lands. Sean and Tamara stand side by side, soaking up the “Sean Mc-Fly, Sean Mc-Fly” chants and beaming. But the match is not overwith, so they begin to climb down the cage, Sean before Tamara. And when he gets back down, he lifts Gregory Keith onto his feet and starts walking him back through the cell door. Eric Eisen slowly begins to get to his feet and produces some brass knuckles from his suit pocket, the ultimate backup plan, apparently. But seeing Eisen brandish the knucks and look toward her brother, Tamara decides she is not finished for the night and launches herself backward off of the cell from about halfway up, hitting the interim CEO with a modified moonsault of sorts and stopping him flat. Keith slowly regains his wits and begins throwing desperate punches in all directions, but he has lost a lot of blood and is showing the effects of it, being herded toward the turnbuckles by McFly. In an almost ceremonious “this is where this feud ends” moment, “Mr. Wrestling” hooks his archrival and walks him up to the second turnbuckle before pausing for a moment and flipping over, destroying the egomaniacal former World champion with a monstrous “Delorean Driver” from the top rope and covering what’s left of him for the three count. There is no confetti falling from the rafters this time, just the echoes of the cheers of a sold out house and the hard driving bass line of Sean McFly’s theme music fighting to be heard below it. And as some medical personnel race down the ramp and begin strapping Gregory Keith to an orange bodyboard, play-by-play man Peter Michaels gets the last word. PM: “Fans, the issues between them may never truly be settled, but as sure as Gregory Keith is spending the night in the ER tonight; this bloodfeud has come to an end and Sean McFly has come out victorious.” Grade: A* Show Grade: A*[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[CENTER] Photobucket [B][SIZE="4"]-Breaking News-[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [I](AP)- The Supreme Wrestling Federation is reporting that [B]Valiant [/B]suffered a[B] severe concussion [/B]at “Welcome to the Jungle” during his ambulance match against Jack Bruce and [B]will miss the next three to five months.[/B] Sources close to the company’s inner circle have said that it may lead the promotion to reexamine its trend of late in having very violent matches end feuds. After reviewing the tape of the match, many pundits are pointing to the leap down the staircase onto Jack Bruce that likely caused the concussion initially. One can only speculate at this point how much the two “NYM”‘s that Valiant received (on the car’s hood and then through its windshield) may have further aggravated the injury.[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 41 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Forty-One Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I] We are only two days removed from our epic pay-per-view follow up to “The Supreme Challenge”, “Welcome to the Jungle”, and the SWF has never been hotter. So much was settled, yet so much remains unresolved. Sean McFly finally ended his feud with Gregory Keith and retained the World Heavyweight Title, but when one challenger gets pushed aside, another moves up to take his place. Who will be the next to step up to “Mr. Wrestling”? Bulldozer Brandon Smith laid claim to the North American Title in the first ever sledgehammer on a pole/title on a pole match in SWF history, ending the reign of Tom Gilmore on his first defense. This week, Big Smack Scott has ordered an immediate one-on-one rematch between Smith and Gilmore. Can Angry return the favor and take the back NA strap from Bulldozer in his first defense? Has Christian Faith joined The Corporation? One huge boot into the face of Sean McFly on the last episode of “Supreme TV” suggests that may be the case, but since the incident, the SWF legend has been silent on the subject, doing nothing but adding to the speculation. Will there be any light shed on the issue this week? Antonio Maxi Marquez and Mexico’s Most Wanted talk of being disrespected, but after their victory in the huge nine man elimination match against the COTGD and The Can-Am Blondes, it will be hard for the Championship Committee to look past them much longer. AMM gets one of his stiffest tests since arriving on American soil, squaring off against the newly solo Scout Finch. Can the former New Waver start himself off on the right foot with a high profile singles victory, or will Marquez continue his climb up he ranks at the expense of the former World Tag Team Champion? All of this plus two great matches on the free internet pre-show, a triple threat match and…… …..a one-on-one Shooting Star Title Match as the main event, pitting Remmy Skye against the leader of the Cult of the Grey Dragon, Sammy Bach, in what is sure to be an absolute barnburner. Who was with Remmy at “Welcome to the Jungle”? Is Remmy a vampire? Where is Jacob Jett? Tune in to find out. [B][CENTER]This Tuesday night's Supreme TV will be off the charts. Don't miss the best two hours of entertainment on television. [/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Remmy Skye vs. Sammy Bach – Shooting Star Title Match Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Match Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Scout Finch Joe Sexy vs. Hollywood Brett Starr vs. TBD Ryan Powell vs. John Greed Mainstream Hernandez vs. Stevie Grayson vs. Silver Shark vs. Teddy P.[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Sammy Bach – Shooting Star Title Match [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Match Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. [B]Scout Finch[/B] [B]Joe Sexy[/B] vs. Hollywood Brett Starr vs. TBD Ryan Powell vs.[B] John Greed[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]vs. Stevie Grayson vs. Silver Shark vs. Teddy P.
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[B]Remmy Skye [/B]vs. Sammy Bach – Shooting Star Title Match Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] – North American Title Match [B]Antonio Maxi Marquez[/B] vs. Scout Finch Joe Sexy vs. Hollywood Brett Starr vs. [B]TBD[/B] Ryan Powell vs. [B]John Greed[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Stevie Grayson vs. Silver Shark vs. Teddy P.
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[B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Sammy Bach – Shooting Star Title Match [I]This will have lots of interference, twists and turns but Skye will retain the title.[/I] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Match [I]Time for things to settle down a bit regarding the NA belt and for someone to have a decent run with it.[/I] Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. [B]Scout Finch[/B] [I]Could go either way, however I feel you would want to give Scout a win on his first foray into singles competition.[/I] Joe Sexy vs. Hollywood Brett Starr vs. [B]TBD[/B] [I]Don't know who TBD is, but Sexy and Starr are two guys that I feel are jobbable to a new signing.[/I] Ryan Powell vs. [B]John Greed[/B] [I]Greed's gradually been leaving his jobber tag behind and I feel he may get the win here over the gormless hip hopper. [/I] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Stevie Grayson vs. Silver Shark vs. Teddy P. [I]Hernandez is the most pushable out of all of these guys.[/I]
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Anyone else getting in predictions? I'll be posting the show tonight, sometime after 9pm EST. Oh, and TK, Valiant's injury is a legit one, albeit for an undisclosed length of time. I want to bring him back without a timetable and three to five months gives me that chance. It does suck because the injury forced me to scramble and end the JB/Valiant feud rather abruptly, but I do like that I left things sort of unfinished regarding their issue, so I can come back to if I want to. Also, to answer James Casey, KC Glenn didn't re-sign with me and will be off of TV for a week or so before he goes to TCW. I had originally intended for Futureshock to win the tag belts at "Welcome to the Jungle" and instead, I end up having to conceive a way to write him out. Go figure. I never quite got around to developing him the way I wanted, but my long term plan was to make him into the southern Delirious. Just a guy who cut almost unintelligible promos in a thicker than thick drawl, you know. But yes, by all means, have at him. Bring him to the MAW with Peter Michaels' blessing :)
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[B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Sammy Bach – Shooting Star Title Match Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] – North American Title Match [B]Antonio Maxi Marquez[/B] vs. Scout Finch [B]Joe Sexy[/B] vs. Hollywood Brett Starr vs. TBD Ryan Powell vs. [B]John Greed[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Stevie Grayson vs. Silver Shark vs. Teddy P.
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Show 41 "Bear Witness" [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Forty-One-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]"Bear Witness”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Mainstream Hernandez vs. Stevie Grayson vs. Silver Shark vs. Teddy Powell[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Mainstream Hernandez wins via pinfall @ 5:18[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: We get a look at another two new wrestlers in this four way battle, and actually get a nice treat with the action being exceptionally fast paced and quite exciting. Grayson and Hernandez’ match on the last Internet Pre-Show spills over into this one with Mainstream taking every heel advantage possible to obstruct Stevie’s offense. The finish comes at just over the five minute mark when Silver Shark’s hurancanrana off of the top rope has stopped Powell flat and he turns his attention to Hernandez and Grayson. But before Shark can do anything, Mainstream pulls referee Baby Jamie out of the way and successively knees both Silver Shark and Stevie in the groin before climbing to the top rope and taking to the sky with the “Apparition #14” (Shooting Star Press), crashing down on Silver Shark and getting the pin. Grayson is livid, hobbling across the ring, but Mainstream is already halfway up the ramp, pointing his Maintream.com handicam toward the ring at the upset hip-hopper and laughing. Grade: C+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Shawn Doakes and Sarah Silver are live at ringside this evening for the internet pre-show, giving them both a bit of a experience working live, as most of their previous work and their prior appearance for the SWF have been taped. Sara Silver is further ahead of Doakes at this point, although their roles differ, just due to her great look and natural charisma. Grade: C- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER] Ryan Powell vs. John Greed[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: John Greed wins via pinfall @ 5:51[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: John Greed’s surprising run of success continues at the expense of Ryan Powell, as he puts on quite a good show with the young high flyer. Powell seems to be in control for the bulk of the match but Greed once again strings a few moves together toward the end, seemingly out of desperation, that leads to his wicked lung blower and an easy three count. Stevie Grayson, having lost his match himself, comes down to the ring and attempts to help his sputtering tag team partner to his feet. But as Powell leans on him for support, Grayson turns awkwardly and the two men both fall to the canvas. Greed, almost through the ropes, stops and laughs, pointing at the two men as they get to their feet, a few people from the crowd joining in. But, as Greed yuks it up, Stevie gets to his feet and walks over to him, slapping him across the face, pointing to the locker rooms and telling Greed to take a hike. Greed is stunned and holds his cheek for a second before Grayson turns back to Powell, giving the smarmy heel his opportunity. In seconds, Grayson is flat on the mat, the victim of a blindside lungblower from Greed, who cackles, finally making his way out of the ring and up the ramp. Grade: C+ (post) B-[/I] [B][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] When the World champion’s music begins playing, the building is alight with anticipation, only a day removed from “Mr. Wrestling’s” decisive Hell in a Cell victory over his archrival Gregory Keith. And when he comes out onto the stage, trademark towel over his head, covering his eyes, still wearing the SWF World Heavyweight title around his waist, the fans roar their approval. He and Vibert are back to being themselves and on the way down to the ring they high-five every extended hand in sight. The champ even stops at the base of the ramp to pull a “McFly is McFly” sign from a fan in the front row and holds it up approvingly toward the camera, getting a loud pop from the crowd. Al in all, it takes McFly and Vibert a few minutes to get into the ring and wait for the ovation to die down a little bit before they can begin. PV: “Austin, Texas, can you hear me?” The raucous cowboy country faithful really scream this time, nearly shaking the building’s rafters. A city specific pop is a cheap pop…but it’s still a pop. PV: “Alrighty then. (clears throat) Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, the man who is STILL YOUR WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, “MR. WRESTLING” SEAN MCFLY!” McFly rips the towel off of his head, beaming with pride as he unsnaps the belt and raises it aloft, his battle scars from “Welcome to the Jungle” being hidden by a small white square of gauze. PV: “The reason we came to Supreme TV tonight wasn’t just to celebrate “Mr. Wrestling’s” victory with you fans, although that’s been great. The other reason we came was to let the powers that be know that, instead of taking time off to recover and train for the next challenger to the World title……..Sean wants to be known as a fighting champion. So, that said, he and I will be on the lookout for opponents……” Vibert barely has the word ‘opponents’ past his lips when the raunchy finger-tapped guitar barrage that starts Jack Bruce’s music comes pouring out of the house speakers. When he appears, headbanging and swinging his hair like it is 1987, the crowd lets him have it, really letting the hatred cascade onto him. Bruce though, true to form, loves it and sticks out his tongue before air-mimicking a particularly nasty run of notes and pulling a microphone out of his belt. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] JB: “As much as I’m sure McFly would love to beat up jobbers for a few weeks, I think that it’s fairly obvious who should be next in line for a title shot.” He points to himself, double thumbs style, and the crowd jeers his suggestion. JB: “Oh, I know you rednecks haven’t thought it through all the way, but I assure you, it’s the truth. I’m educated; I’m from New York.” [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] They unload on Bruce again, but start to cheer when Big Smack Scott’s music hits and he walks out onto the stage with Abby Eisen. BSS: “With all due respect, Mr. Bruce, I feel like we should go about figuring out who the number one contender is in a different way.” [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] A loud motorcycle revs its engine and Christian Faith rolls out onto the stage, past Big Smack Scott and Abby and down the ramp on his chopper at a pretty good clip considering he’s indoors. After he circles the ring once or twice, he stops at the announce position and grabs a microphone off of the desk. And, just as Ana Garcia starts to open her mouth to ask him about his affiliation with The Corporation, Faith puts up his hand in her direction, silencing her before she even starts. CF: “I ain’t here to answer nobody’s questions; I’m here to make a statement. The person that should get the next shot at Sean McFly’s World Title is sitting right here on this Harley. End of story. I know it; the whole world knows it.” The crowd seems much more in favor of Faith getting a shot than Bruce, but Big Smack Scott just shakes his head, getting a few last minute ideas whispered into his ear by Abby. BSS: “Christian, Jack, I get it; I understand where you are coming from. But, I’m feeling a bit old fashioned and want to settle things like they used to, in the ring.” Everybody gets fired up, McFly beginning to shadow box at the mere mention of a fight. BSS: “In four weeks at “Under Control”, we’re going to find out who the next person in line for a World Title shot is……….and we’re going to give everyone in the company the chance of a lifetime……in the inaugural Supreme Rumble” Vibert smiles, figuring it out a second before Scott explains it. BSS: “Two men start in the ring; over the top rope battle royal rules apply. Then, every five minutes, another superstar enters until all thirty participants have gotten into the ring. The last man remaining in the ring will win the Supreme Rumble and receive a World Title match contract as their reward.” [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Jack Bruce begins running his mouth, protesting, but stops upon seeing Christian Faith get blasted with a chair from behind by the massive Dez Davidz, who jumps the barricade and attacks him under the direction of Danny B Bling. McFly and Vibert take their time in getting out of the ring as it appears the action is heading there, glaring at Jack Bruce as they pass him on the way back to the locker room. Big Smack Scott, seeing that the action is now in the ring, calls for a referee from the back and, as Baby Jamie sprints to the ring, the bell sounds. Grade: A* [CENTER]5Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Christian Faith vs. Dez Davidz[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Christian Faith wins via pinfall @ 1:32[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Dez starts the match standing over Faith as the bell rings and, upon review, will find that to be the only time in the contest’s duration that he has an advantage. With the bit of bad blood between Hollas fo’ Dollas and Faith this has an extra bit of zest as Faith plows though Dez in under two minutes time. It follows nearly the same template as Faith’s squash of Shooter Sean at “Welcome to the Jungle”; just a quick series of monster offense before the biker destroys the white tank-topped beast with a huge running boot. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Mexico’s Most Wanted walks into the backstage area after passing through a security checkpoint and quickly make their way over to the big board near the catering area that lists the night’s matches. They start at the top and work their way down, spotting a match for Marquez, but nothing for Gino or Fuerza. AMM hustles into the locker room, with his match scheduled for after the upcoming commercial, but Montero and his big compadre stand shaking their heads. As Gino sighs and mutters something under his breath, Fuerza pulls his shades onto the top of his head. F: “After that match on Sunday? Nothing? Not even a tag match or something?” Gino nods. GM: “I know. I told you so, right?” F: “Maybe you were right about them; about this place…” Fuerza shakes his head again. GM: “Screw ‘em, vato. They don’t know who they’re dealing with. It’s their loss.” Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Scout Finch[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: AMM wins via pinfall @ 10:11[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Finch excels in the first match of his newly ordered solo career, but comes up just a bit short against an inspired Antonio Maxi Marquez who seals the deal after over ten minutes of very hot back and forth action. There is no real low point in this bout, with both men really laying it all on the line. Scout works into singles form very quickly, taking control during the match’s early going by using Marquez’ vanity to his advantage, interrupting AMM’s banter with the crowd and his former tag team partner Thom Barrowman at ringside, by pushing him into the turnbuckles, starting his offensive attack with some knee strikes. Scout sets a fast pace for the match, pulling out some moves that the fans haven’t seen from him in years including the “Danger Ahead” (Sitdown Neck Plant) which draws cheers from a throng of balcony fans wearing faded, worn out DAVE t-shirts. AMM has a quick spurt of offense, but Scout is seemingly on fire ducking under a Marquez back elbow attempt and running through, hitting the ropes himself and coming off with a flying shoulder block of his own that puts the Latin heartthrob onto his back. It gets no better as when AMM gets back to his feet, as Finch whips him back into the ropes and spikes him into the mat with turnaround spinebuster that looks like it may spell the end. But after a two and three-quarters count by referee Baby Jamie, Marquez begins to rally, the fans getting behind him. He nails Scout with a few lefts and rights before whipping him into the ropes and catching him on the way by with a sleeperhold bomb that really takes the wind out of the former New Waver’s sails. Guide can only watch from ringside as Scout’s promising start fades away as Marquez drives him into the mat face-first with a double underhook facebuster before springing to the top rope, waiting just a second to jaw with Barrowman again and taking flight, scoring with a huge “Champagne Sunrise” (frog splash) and getting the three count. AMM shoots out of the ring as Barrowman jumps in, checking on his friend as Marquez gloats on his way back up the ramp. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] As Marquez comes back into the backstage area and heads toward his locker room before hitting the town for a victory celebration, he pats Fuerza on the back. AMM: “Go warm up our ride, big papi, I’ll go change and grab Gino.” Fuerza nods and smiles, leaving the shot. As Marquez gets to his locker room door, he notices it is pushed halfway open, but the lights are off. Tentatively, he reaches in and flips the switch, pushing open the door the rest of the way as he does so. When the fluorescents flash to life, the scene is grisly with Gino Montero covered in blood lying amongst the rubble that formerly was the locker room’s furniture. Marquez gasps and runs in, kneeling over him and trying to assess the situation before beginning to scream for some help. As security and medical personnel come tearing into the room moments later and they begin to usher AMM away from the scene, he notices a small scrap on the floor. He lifts it up and the camera gets a look at his face twisting into a snarl as he realizes what it is…..a Canadian flag. Like a shot, he takes off down the hallway and bursts into another locker room, this one occupied by The Can-Am Blondes’ extended posse. They are shocked as Marquez interrupts their gift basket making (?!) and, enraged, dives onto Owen Love, throwing down a torrent of punches as he does so. Carvill is quickly on Marquez and nails him once or twice before the crack SWF security staff makes their way down the hall and intervenes, pulling AMM and the Can-Ams away from each other. Fuerza walks up after having pulled the low rider up to the back door, and is awestruck by what has transpired since. F: “What happened?” Marquez pulls free from the grasp of a burly polo shirt wearing security guard and swears at him in Spanish before answering. AMM: “The Can-Am’s just sent Gino to the hospital.” Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][I][CENTER]Morpheus vs. Hollywood Brett Starr vs. Joe Sexy[/CENTER][/I][/B] [B][I]Result: Morpheus wins via pinfall @ 5:12[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Nothing really special to report here as this match is fairly ordinary from bell to bell. Obviously, Morpheus’ entrance was a huge to-do and really awed the live crowd who really eat up the effect in person. It really is kind of neat, watching a three-hundred plus pound man just jump up and ‘fly’ right before your very eyes. The masked monster controls this contest the whole way, throwing both Starr and Sexy around at his leisure with his very basic array of power based offense. No matter how simple it appears, it is still very effective, with one of his running shoulderblocks blowing Joe Sexy clear through the ropes and out to the floor. The finish comes a second later when Morpheus catches the newly partnerless Brett Starr trying to sneak out the other side of the ring. He grabs him by the hair and drags him back toward centerstage, letting him plead for his life for just a few ticks before kneeing him in the belly and lifting him onto his shoulder and spiking him into the mat with a wicked powerslam. Starr is motionless and Morpheus just puts his boot onto his chest to get the three count, Joe Sexy now just watching from the floor while holding his ribs, not interested in crossing path’s with the mysterious masked man again this evening. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] As the show gets set to go to commercial, interim CEO Eric Eisen walks purposefully down a backstage hallway, looking intently into every locker room door that he passes. Tommy Townsend sees him and tries to get a word from him about the Corporation’s direction. EE: “What? Our direction?” A glare. EE: “Tommy, get out of my face, would you?” Eisen pushes past him and leaves Tommy shrugging at the camera. But after a couple of steps, Eisen slows and comes back. EE: “I’m sorry Tommy. Things have been….well, let’s just say I’m sorry I was so rude just then, ok?” Tommy nods. TT: “Ok.” Eisen smiles and pats him on the shoulder. EE: “You haven’t seen Christian Faith anywhere around here, have you?” Tommy shakes his head and Eisen’s smile vanishes as he storms away, continuing to peek his head into each locker room door he passes. Grade: B+ [B][B][I][CENTER] (Commercial)[/CENTER][/I][/B][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] A nice package entitled “Profile of a Legend: Sam Strong” rolls, highlighting the illustrious career of one of the all time greats and a member of the inaugural class of the SWF Hall of Fame. All of the important highlights are present with some of the most seminal moments in the history of wrestling being represented in the montage. Included are clips of the many matches Strong had against Dread, Bruce the Giant, Rip Chord, and the man who will present him for induction, Micky Starr. It closes with a few seconds of the monstrous and minutes long standing ovation he got from the fans at “Welcome to the Jungle” this past Sunday and a graphic that states, simply, “Once a legend, always a legend.” Grade: B+ [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Grease Hogg and Lead Belly are backstage on the interview set standing alongside Tommy Townsend both proudly draping a SWF World Tag-Team title belt over their shoulder. LB: “You know, Tommy, it looks like it’s gonna be clear sailin’ for the DWB for the foreseeable future.” He nudges Grease Hogg in the ribs and they both smile. LB: “After all, we got rid of both Futureshock and the New Wave in one shot. How cool is that? Now it’s just us, some beers and the SWF World Tag….” Lead Belly stops talking abruptly as The Guru walks onto the set in his garish gold on gold suit, smiling widely, and flanked by the bulging Frederique. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] TG: “Greetings Dirty White Men. I am here to most respectfully ask for the next shot at your World Tag Team titles for my team, the Can-Am Blondes.” Lead Belly looks shocked and nudges Grease Hogg in a ‘can-you-even-believe-this’ manner before slowly starting to laugh. The Guru’s smile, in turn, vanishes. TG: “This is no joke, Mr. Belly; I assure you I am serious. This week, I have come in peace, bearing gifts. But next week, should you choose to defend the titles against an inferior, unworthy team, instead of Owen and Damian…..” His smile returns to the corners of his mouth. TG: “…..well, we do not wish to even think about that. Good day gentlemen.” And with that, Frederique puts down the final basket of fruit and trails The Guru as he toddles off of the set. Lead Belly and Grease Hogg just shake their heads as they inspect The Guru’s gift, a bevy of tropical fruit baskets. Grade: B [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Tom Gilmore[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-North American Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Time Limit Draw @ 15:00[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: It was clear to me that these were the two men that deserved to headline this particular feud as their previous two storylines came together, and their first one on one title match did not disappoint. Gilmore is as tough as they come and seems to deal with Bulldozer’s ultra stiff offense attack as though he is built for it, standing flat footed right in front of Smith and trading chops, kicks and punches with the much larger man. Taking a spot from their “Welcome to the Jungle” four way, Angry gets an elbow to the jaw from Bulldozer, but yells defiantly in his face and leaps to the second rope, drilling the tattooed monster in the head with an enzugiri. Only this time, instead of hitting the mat like a ton of bricks, Bulldozer takes a step back and shakes it off, chuckling as though he has been hit with a lovetap rather than a vicious kick. The finish is a breath of fresh air as we had something that we’ve wanted to do with a time limit draw, concept wise, for a few months; we just haven’t had the right spot to use it until tonight. In direct difference from the traditional TV time limit draw, there isn’t a near fall or a flurry of near falls happening as the bell rings. In fact, we never once made mention of the duration of the match until the ring announcer began counting backward from ten, which I think shocked a lot of people in that the action was so fast and furious that they had seemingly lost all track of time. Security comes down to the ringside area before Jay Fair is able to get in between the two men and separate them himself, telling them that they have run out of time. Gilmore is definitely more aggressive that Dozer at the prospect of the match being a draw and is almost jumping out of his skin when Fair hands Bulldozer back his North American title belt. He and Queen Emily watch him make his way through the group of security staff, both gritting their teeth over the missed opportunity. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] As the match finishes, the cameras cut backstage to get a reaction from Joey Minnesota, who has the show playing on a monitor pointed at him as he works out in the backstage gym. He sighs and begins running his mouth to no one in particular about his situation. Luckily for us, Tommy Townsend is in the area. JM: “It’s just not fair, Tommy! I was hurt and lost the strap because Big Smack Scott is an idiot and wouldn’t cancel the match after I was attacked because his job depends on the TV ratings. Then, after only one chance to get it back at “Welcome to the Jungle”, they’ve pushed me out of the picture! Why?” [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] Tommy begins to ask a follow up question when Eric Eisen pops his head into the gym. After their weird interaction earlier, the SWF’s backstage interview king goes silent. Eisen starts to leave but Joey makes the remark that may change his career. JM: “Can I help you with something?” Eisen furrows his brow, thinking, and from the look on his face, stumbles upon an idea he likes. EE: “You haven’t seen Christian Faith have you?” Joey shakes his head and sits up on the bench he is using, grabbing a towel from the bar to wipe the sweat from his forehead. EE: “I didn’t think so. But Joey…..” He walks into the hot room and moves in between Tommy and Minnesota, boxing the interviewer out of the conversation. EE: “….Joey, are you happy being a midcarder?” Minnesota stops wiping his brow and lifts his head, looking Eisen in the eye for the first time. EE: “Would you like a chance to get ahead in this business; because if you’re interested, there’s certainly a way.” Joey nods. He’s interested. EE: “Good, I was hoping you’d understand how things work. A favor for a favor, right Joey?” He nods again. EE: “Great.” He pats him on the shoulder. EE: “I’ll see to it that you’re put in the main event against Sean McFly next week, would you like that?” Joey can’t believe it. EE: “If you can win the World title, be my guest; more power to you. But if you can really… thoroughly hurt McFly and let him know that just because he defeated Gregory Keith doesn’t mean that The Corporation is going to let him off the hook for what he and his sister pulled….” A smile. EE: “….let’s just say that I will make it worth your while.” Eisen begin to walk away, leaving Joey smiling evilly to himself, but as he exits, the interim CEO turns his head back. EE: “The main event, Joey. The World Title. The spotlight. Think of it.” Joey’s smile grows wider as he nods, thinking about it. It’s all he wants. EE: “The brass ring is right there. Reach out and grab it.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Remmy Skye vs. Sammy Bach[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-Shooting Star Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Sammy Bach wins via disqualification @ 14:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: I wasn’t too excited to have this match end in a disqualification, as I had wanted the payoff match for this stage of the feud to be the first one-on-one meeting between Bach and Remmy after Skye’s return. But, after looking at the whole picture, booking wise, I believe that the fans could deal with another non-decisive finish given the way that the story is going to go. The Cult of the Grey Dragon do their best to appear normal during their entrance, cutting an impressively ominous stencil against their foggy purple background, but to the experienced observer, there is something out of place. Not only is the faction missing Jacob Jett, who was kidnapped by Remmy and his friend of the cloth at “Welcome to the Jungle”, but their usual swagger has also gone missing as well. The match has everything you might expect, with both men under orders to go all out, and each gets in all of their trademark spots. A highlight comes toward the match’s end when Bach flashes his acrobatic ability by reversing out of an irish whip and rebounding off of the top rope with a backflip DDT that nearly stops Remmy for the three. Emma and Plague distract referee Jay Fair while Sammy chokes Skye and waits until Plague blindsides Fair, knocking the official through the ropes and to the floor. The finish comes in harrying fashion. With Fair still pulling himself together on the floor, Acid and Plague hold Remmy down as Sammy reaches out to the floor and rifles through a black sack that Emma carried to ringside, returning with a large stake of his own in his hand. Emma shrieks with delight as Sammy positions himself over Skye, standing above him as Remmy wrestles against the grasp of his captors trying to escape. Suddenly, the jumbotron crackles to life, displaying Jacob Jett chained to a handcart from head to toe. He hisses deliriously, snapping his fangs in any direction he can, audibly clacking them against his bottom teeth as he tries in vain to escape his situation. The arena is quiet and while Plague, Acid, and Emma seem riveted by what they are seeing, Sammy still stands staring down at Remmy, eyes fixed on the Shooting Star champion, stake raised and at the ready high above his head. Without warning…… [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ……Remmy’s salvation arrives in the form of the priest who accompanied him to “Welcome to the Jungle” as the lean dark-skinned man drops into the ring behind Bach via cable. Everyone gasps as the priest pulls the stake from Sammy’s hands and casts it aside, knocking the stunned Bach to a kneeling position before nailing him with an awesome shining wizard. The motion in the ring gets Acid’s and Plague’s attention and when they turn their attention from the jumbotron onto the priest, it is the opening that Remmy is looking for as he springs to his feet and jumps after the two masked COTGD members before they get to his ally. There is chaos for a few seconds, with everyone battling. Sammy gets to his feet and retrieves the stake from the other side of the ring where the priest tossed it, keeping a low profile during the melee. When he appears behind Remmy himself and raises the stake once again, it’s gnarled homemade point looking downright terrifying, many in the crowd scream out to him. He doesn’t hear it…..but his friend surely does, leaping across the ring and blasting Bach with another shining wizard, saving Remmy by just seconds. When the bell starts ringing, it doesn’t slow the action much, with Acid and Plague continuing to harass Remmy and the priest as Jay Fair explains to the ringside officials that he is disqualifying Remmy Skye, after seeing his ally nail Sammy with the second running knee as he recovered on the floor. Skye scores with a pair of spinning back kicks and runs toward the priest who refastens himself to the line before grabbing hold of Remmy and taking off, back up into the rafters. The show ends with Jacob Jett still struggling against his chains on the big screen as the four remaining members of the Cult of the Grey Dragon look into the arena lights, trying to piece together just exactly what happened. Grade: A[/I] Show Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 42 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Forty-Two Preview-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] A huge event is on tap when Supreme TV makes its first visit to New Orleans in over three years. And when the world’s premier wrestling promotion hits Bourbon Street, we’re going to hit it hard. How about a main event that is a smark’s wettest dream, pitting the World Heavyweight Champion, Sean McFly, against the former North American Champion turned corporate puppet, Joey Minnesota. Minnesota’s only directive from the interim CEO was to hurt “Mr. Wrestling”; but there is no doubt that he’ll have his eye on the World title as well. This one should be on Pay-per-view. It isn’t. It’ll be live on Supreme TV instead, you lucky bastard. The Guru has apparently been talking to GM Big Smack Scott as much as he has been talking to the Dirty White Boyz, petitioning them both for the next World Tag Team Title shot for his tandem, The Can-Am Blondes. The Championship Committee has scheduled a handicap match, three versus two, for this week’s Supreme TV. Owen Love and Damian Carvill will have one chance to earn a shot, their advantage being that they’ll also have Frederique as a partner. Should the DWB dispatch them, the number one contenders will be decided in a Tag Team Scramble next week that The Can-Am’s will not be involved in. The Guru’s team now controls its own destiny; what is their fate? The unbelievable climax of last week’s show has seen our message boards come to life with speculation about Remmy Skye, his friend of the cloth, and their plans for the captured vampire Jacob Jett. No other wrestling company in the world would push the limits of sports entertainment like we are with this story. What could happen next? Tune in to find out. With the announcement of The Supreme Rumble at “Under Control” comes all the backstage positioning and speculation about who is aligned with who. Join in on the fun this week. We also have Joe Sexy taking on Shooter Sean Deeley and the most viewed wrestling program on the internet twenty minutes before the show. [CENTER] What excuse could you make to miss this week’s Supreme TV? Don’t embarrass yourself by making one.[/CENTER] -Quick Picks- Sean McFly vs. Joey Minnesota – World Title Match DWB vs. Can-Am Blondes/Frederique – Handicap Title Shot Match Joe Sexy vs. Shooter Sean Deeley Powell/Grayson vs. Silver Shark/Teddy P Acid vs. Mainstream Hernandez [/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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