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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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[quote=foolinc;603042]I really need to start posting in this thread more offend. The diary has been fantastic so far.[/quote] Seconded. Here's mine: [B]Sean McFly [/B]vs. Jack Bruce – World Heavyweight Title Match [B] Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Sammy Bach – Shooting Star Title Match [B] Antonio Maxi Marquez[/B] vs. Frederique Supreme Rumble Featuring: Morpheus, Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Bulldozer, Gilmore, Joe Sexy, [B]Joey Minnesota[/B], Brett Starr, Scout, Guide, Owen Love, Damian Carvill, Christian Faith, Greg Black, Jacob Jett, Pablo Rodriguez, Acid, Plague, Stevie Grayson, Ryan Powell, John Greed, Mainstream Hernandez, Shooter Sean Deeley, Dez, Danny B Bling and more.[/quote]
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Show 45 "Under Control" [B][I][CENTER](OOC: Hello everybody. I'm almost ashamed to admit that I've been working on this show (and a side project that I will discuss later on) for two months, but when you read it, I hope you can feel the amount of effort that's been put into it. To be honest, it is the craziest thing I've ever written for this or any diary; it started getting out of hand and I couldn't help but let it go where it was going to go, for better or worse. It is long, please bring a sandwich and something to drink, but know that I am psyched to finally have this out. :) )[/CENTER][/I][/B] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Show Forty-Five[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]“Under Control”[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] As the pyro pops repeatedly throughout the arena, the show’s graphic open rolls amidst a ton of camera shots of the audience. There is a full house on hand and they are primed and ready for some SWF action. We then do an elaborate video package to open things up. Huge, huge, huge scale. One of the best things we’ve ever come up with, in my opinion. Grade: B+ The focus of the show shifts from the ring toward the special Hall of Fame set that has been constructed and attached to the stage area. With VIP seating in the front holding a veritable who’s who of wrestling’s stars of the past, the entire arena leaps to their feet as the long gone but never forgotten theme music of Mickey Starr fills the building and the legend walks out onto the stage with the help of Alicia Strong. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] MS: “There have been big names, phenoms, legends, and even one STARR….” He gets a great nostalgia pop; everyone loves an old catch phrase. MS: “….but there can only be one man that gets to call himself “The best of all time”.” MS: “I spent many a night in the ER of whatever town we were running because this guy never had a bad night, he never had a bad match; and never….or at least rarely ever….lost to me.” MS: “It is safe to say that this man has truly been able to transcend his genre and is a household name in homes from Vero Beach to Osaka, baby!” People begin pulling out their cameras, anticipating his entrance. MS: “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to introduce to you, the first ever inductee in the SWF Hall of Fame……..the greatest wrestler of all time……. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] MS: “……SAM STRONG!” “Legitimate American” hits and the frenzy of the fans is indescribable. And when he appears, looking fabulous in a black on black tuxedo, the crowd roars; deafening. Alicia runs over to him and throws her arms around his still broad shoulders and hugs her father. His eyes well up as he walks to the podium and shakes Mickey Starr’s hand before Alicia helps him back to his seat to the side of the podium. Strong unfolds a pair of reading glasses and places them on his face before producing a few index cards and spreading them out in front of him. SS: “Tonight is one of the most special nights of my life, brothers, thank you.” They continue to adore him. SS: “There are so many people that I feel a profound need to thank; without many of them, Sam Strong and Strongamania would never have happened.” He pauses. SS: “As everyone knows, my wife passed on more than two years ago now. There can never be words that are spoken that will adequately convey what she meant to me. But she is the force that was and is still behind Strongamania, brothers, and she lives on…..in the other woman in my life, my beautiful daughter Alicia.” Alicia dabs at the corners of her eyes. SS: “That’s what I’m taking about, dudes. That’s my heart; that’s where my heart is.” Suddenly, there is a ruckus on the side of the stage. A pair of security guards step over, passing Sam as he stops to look, but they get stopped as soon as they get there being drilled with a monster clothesline apiece….. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] …….by the returning Bull Wrecker. Dressed in dark blue jeans and a form fitting black and white t-shirt, he looks quite different from the way that the fans remember him. He also looks to have lost about twenty pounds, making him a ripped-to-the-bone two hundred and ninety pound freak of nature that walks up and snatches the microphone from out in front of a completely shocked Sam Strong. Wrecker turns to see the audience and glare at them for a moment before addressing Strong, face to face. BW: “Everything you are, everything you stand for is bullsh*t, Sam Strong.” You can see Strong angrily flexing inside of his tux, but long gone are the days when he could take on a young buck like Wrecker by himself. BW: “People might not say it to your face Sam, but behind your back, no one in this business considers you to be the best of all time.” As much as people were cheering earlier on, they are booing now. They hated Wrecker before and they hate him even more now. BW: “You were a creation of Richard Eisen and nothing more. Sam Keith could wrestle you under the table. Hell, even Rip Chord could out wrestle you, only instead of under the table; he’d wrestle you under the bar.” A few smarks get a chuckle but the mood is still deadly serious, with Alicia looking poised but unsure of what to do, constantly shooting looks at both Starr and her father. BW: “Your company, the USPW, will never be anything more than a third-rate nostalgia filled retirement home. And it’s because of you and your lack of vision. The greatest of all time? Really? You’re a thing of the past, a relic. I’m going to change the face of professional wrestling forever. And you, Sam Strong, stand for everything that I don’t.” Strong shakes his head. BW: “The best wrestler of all time would probably be able to spot talent when he sees it, yet I worked for you for three years and did nothing but jobs for your buddies the whole time; pieces of crap like Pete Valentine. Here, in the best promotion in the world, the SWF, I can count the matches I’ve lost since I’ve been here on one hand. I’m drawing money and ratings.” Alicia can’t take any more and jumps out of her seat, but she is snatched up almost instantly by Sam keeping her far away from Wrecker. BW: “When I am inducted in the Hall of Fame, they’ll talk about tonight as the night that Bull Wrecker set out on the path to immortality.” Finally a hoard of security both SWF staff and local police fill the set and surround Wrecker. It’s a sea of men so Wrecker simply smiles and raises his hands, folding them behind his head and turning around. It takes so long to clear the stage that the HOF music plays as Strong gets set to restart his speech; the time for the segment already having passed. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Remmy Skye vs. Sammy Bach[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-Shooting Star Title TLC Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Sammy Bach wins via stipulation @ 14:12[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: I love TLC matches, I can’t lie. And I love them even more when there are two fabulous workers out there on a pay-per-view that I booked, trying to steal the show with one. The feud between the Cult of the Grey Dragon and Remmy Skye and The Lightseekers has been long and the fans really needed something to reinvigorate their interest in it. This evening’s proceedings are sure to heat things up again among the smarks. Sammy and Remmy do not beat around the bush and begin going to into high-spot mode almost straight away. As soon as he can knock Skye to the floor, letting Emma slap him a few times, Bach lifts the apron and reaches under, looking for a friend; something to give him an edge. And even with the vast amount of ladders and tables set up around the ring and in the aisle, Sammy pulls a pipe from underneath the ring and uses that instead, going to work on Skye posthaste. There is blood almost immediately; Remmy is in trouble. But as is his pattern, Skye battles his way back, the blood in his hair and dramatically running down his face makes his usually impressive offensive arsenal look downright amazing. His highlight comes toward the end of the match after both men have already done some innovative things with the many ladders available. Remmy hangs Bach upside down in the tree of woe, bracing an already bent ladder under the bottom turnbuckle like a tag team partner before placing a steel chair in front of his face and nailing the sandwich with a running dropkick. Emma, who could not undo Remmy’s ladder/chair thing before Sammy was blown up with it, screams and tries to urge Bach to his feet as Remmy pulls a new ladder into the ring and sets it up underneath the dangling Shooting Star Title. The crowd gets behind him, performing as the proverbial twelfth man as he centers it, staring upward at it and the chance to retain his title. But as he climbs and begins to reach out, Bach drags an already set-up table a couple of feet closer to the ladder and flies up the other side, slugging Remmy in the gut with a wicked right hand as he tries to unclasp the belt. The two engage in a monetary struggle atop the wobbling ladder before Sammy drops back a step and nails Skye in the groin, doubling him over. Bach is quick to react, taking Remmy onto his shoulders and jumping off the ladder, exploding the table below with a huge Death Valley Driver and leaving the pair among the remaining, almost unrecognizable bits of wood and steel. Bach is the first and only one to regain his feet, staggering about for a second or two before beginning to slowly work his way up the ladder. The crowd boos louder with every rung he gains, urging Remmy to get to his feet and stop it, but he cannot. Seconds later Bach has himself unhooked the dangling championship and sits high atop the ladder, head down as the bell rings. Grade: B+[/I] As the carnage from the TLC match is taken care of by a group of fresh-faced ring attendants, the focus shifts to the special set attached to the stage for the second and final Hall-of-Fame induction. The fans in that part of the arena begin shouting and jumping up and down when Abby Eisen walks out and gets behind the podium. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] AE: “You may know him as a wacky out-of-control boss character from SWF programming. You may now him as the longtime color commentator on Supreme TV before he became a full fledged on screen character. You may even know him as the visionary owner of the Supreme Wrestling Federation.” No doubt there is respect if not downright adulation for the fallen SWF patriarch. AE: “I am lucky enough now to know him simply as…Dad.” There are more cheers; Abby is over. AE: “Richard Eisen gave everything to this business….his business. And he has fought every step of the way in every bad situation and rough spot he has ever encountered.” She tears up a bit, drawing a round of applause as she pulls herself together quickly before continuing. AE: “Yet, at this moment, as many of you know, Richard Eisen remains at the family estate, being cared for by medical personnel as he remains in a coma.” This time, when she becomes emotional, it is not so easy to hold back. AE: “The doctors haven’t been all too encouraging about the outlook, but I remain steadfast in my opinion that, like everything else, Richard Eisen will fight this until the very end.” The cameras pan around the arena as many stand and cheer, hoping for Richard’s seemingly unlikely recovery to become a reality. Several lower level superstars have gathered along the edge of the stage, in the shadows, to watch. AE: “In the meantime, I will try to carry the mantle for all the things that are positive about the Eisen name.” This draws another round of cheers, with many folks probably scratching their heads as to why Eric Eisen isn’t doing the induction speech for his father. AE: “My comprehensive drug testing policy is the first of its kind in professional wrestling.” While this is met with applause, there are more than a few jeers as they suspect BS, seeing Joey Minnesota turn into a living chemistry experiment right before their very eyes over the last few weeks. AE: “I am ready to help change the world of professional wrestling for the better, as has always been my family’s history. Richard Eisen had the same belief and he held it as sacred; be ready for the next revolution and lead its charge rather than follow its path.” There are cheers; the tone of Richard’s induction has turned into what feels like a political campaign rally. AE: “It is with great pleasure that I accept this induction into the SWF Hall of Fame on behalf of the greatest owner and one of the greatest minds in wrestling history…..my father, Richard Eisen.” Everyone stands, their emotions peaked out. Abby walks to the edge of the stage and waves to the fans, smiling for the multitudes of cameras before the HOF music hits and she walks back through the curtain. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Christian Faith arrives at the arena….only he’s not riding a custom motorcycle as is his pay-per-view custom. As Sara Silver waits just outside the talent entrance, hoping to interview the superstars as they exit their vehicles, the mysterious biker rolls up in a long black limousine, stepping out and buttoning his floor length leather jacket. Silver steps right in front of Faith. SS: “Christian, is tonight the night you join the Corporation?” Faith never looks down toward Silver, who he is a solid foot taller than, preferring instead to let the reflection from his wrap around sunglasses catch the camera. CF: “I can promise you one thing, Sara; tonight, I’ll definitely let everyone know whose side I’m on.” With that, two scantily clad bimbos pop out of the back of the limo and crawl underneath Faith’s arms as he walks into the building, leaving Sara holding her microphone and Peter Michaels connecting the most obvious of dots. PM: “A limo? Some escorts? This has Eric Eisen and The Corporation’s fingerprints all over it.” AG: “It looks like he sold out with a little last minute recruiting, Peter.” Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Frederique[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: AMM wins via pinfall @ 6:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: As straight forward as it could be, this one was essentially a pay-per-view squash designed to get Antonio Maxi Marquez over a little bit more on an international level. With that in mind, Alex Braun really let him put his skills on display and Frederique rebounds from some disappointing performances and makes AMM look like a million bucks. The finish comes after The Guru has managed to lure the referee’s attention away from Marquez while Frederique knees him in the groin and takes control of the match, suplexing the Latin sensation and locking him in a one-legged crab. But the heel momentum doesn’t last as Marquez rallies, the crowd getting more behind him with every passing second. And when he twists his way out of the hold and whips Frederique into the ropes, the crowd is in full throat, waiting for him to score with his huge air dropkick, which he does much to their delight. Then, with everyone already on their feet, he climbs to the top rope and takes flight, nailing the Can-Am Blondes’ trainer with the “Champagne” and getting the three count. The Guru has his hands on his head in disbelief at how quickly things turned back in the favor of Marquez, walking backward up the ramp, leaving Frederique struggling to breathe, on his back in the ring. Grade: B[/I] A voice begins. “Brothers.” “Champions.” “Canadian legends.” “And, in pro wrestling, one family has bred more championships per child than any other.” “Next week on Supreme TV, two of them will debut as a tag team, here in the SWF, looking to add the SWF World Tag Team Titles to their long list of championships held.” The word STONE scroll scrolls across the screen before fastening itself to the background like a steel plate. Grade: B- There is one final promo piece for the Supreme Rumble, really trying to put home the fact that the match is the opportunity of a lifetime for one of the entrants, guaranteeing whoever it is, a shot at the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. It closes with a clip of Peter and Ana from last week’s show when Jack Bruce announced he was trading in his spot in the Rumble for a World Title shot. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] AG: “But Peter, if Jack Bruce has traded in his spot in the Rumble for a title shot against “Mr. Wrestling”…. that only makes twenty-nine SWF superstars in the battle royal. Who’ll take that thirtieth and final spot?” PM: “I can only imagine, Ana. It could be just about anyone.” Grade: B+ [B][CENTER]Thirty Man Battle Royal/Supreme Rumble[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Christian Faith wins Supreme Rumble @ 53:56[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: When we go to the ring and the announcer bellows the rules (a wrestler enters every ninety seconds / a wrestler is eliminated when both of his feet have touched the floor) to the crowd, there is a noticeable buzz in the building. And when the first entrant is announced….. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrant One: Greg Black[/CENTER][/B] …..there is a nice round of applause for the just returning superstar who was victorious in his first Supreme TV appearance. He goes out of his way to play to the fans and really puts himself over as a babyface as he comes down the ramp with high fives for anyone who wants one. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrant Two: The Giant[/CENTER][/B] But the building erupts as the largest man to ever step into the squared circle ambles out onto the stage, trademark black one strap singlet stretched over his girth. There is fear in the eyes of Greg Black who is standing in the ring, and as he watches The Giant make his way down the ramp amongst the massive outpouring of adulation for the legend who has not stepped foot inside a wrestling ring in over two years, he tries to play it cool. When it comes to battle royal type matches, The Giant is unmatched in his successes; weighing over five hundred pounds makes one extremely difficult to throw over the top rope. Black just gets more wide eyed as The Giant gets closer and looks almost ready to fill his lime green trunks when he is standing face to face (chest) with him. He plasters a wide smile on his face and begins to throw punches, the huge legend standing flat footed in front of him, unmoving and acting like a fly might be buzzing him. Suddenly, the Giant’s huge arm shoots out, grabbing hold of Black by the throat and drawing many fans to their feet. With an almost effortless motion, Black is lifted and thrown back down into the canvas, buckling and laying motionless. And as The Giant lifts him to his feet and tosses him over the top rope to the floor, the look of fear on his semi conscious face is still evident. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrant Three: Tom Gilmore[/CENTER][/B] …..but when Tom Gilmore pushes through the curtain and begins stalking down the ramp, Queen Emily in tow, there isn’t a hint of emotion on his face as he heads to the ring to do battle with The Giant. Gilmore wastes no time, charging The Giant as soon as he climbs through the ropes and stopping the big man before he can do anything with a kick to the groin followed by a swift pair of left hands. The Giant may be a mammoth, but he has been retired for two years and has very bad knees. Gilmore on the other hand is in his prime and sees his ego swell a bit as he topples the legendary monster with a dropkick. The Queen shouts encouragement as Angry begins walking around the ring a bit boastfully, waiting for The Giant to make is way back to his feet. But when he turns back he finds that he is already standing again and is now in a much fouler mood than he was a few seconds ago. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrants Four through Seven: John Greed, Owen Love, Scout Finch, and Dez[/CENTER][/B] The count backward from ten leads to the entrance of John Greed, who hits the ring and is immediately jumped on by Gilmore, The Giant moving into a corner; waiting his turn. Gilmore decides to use the ring time to give Greed a clinic and begins tying him in all sorts of wrestling knots, looking over him toward The Giant most of the time and showing off noticeably. While he locks in a step-over toe hold, the horn sounds marking the entrance of one half of the Can-Am Blondes, Owen Love. And when Love climbs through the ropes, he goes for a safe spot, away from both The Giant and Gilmore’s classroom. But it only lasts for a second as Angry spots him out of the corner of his eye and moves on from Greed to Love, flashing in his direction and scoring with an enzugiri before locking him in an STF. Love maintains his ground, trying to battle out of the hold, but doesn’t escape it until Greed stomps Gilmore from behind and the two attempt to double team their torturer. Gilmore is a gamer, no question about it, but he can’t keep up with two men attacking him at the same time and gets sucked under their wave. The horn sounds signaling Scout Finch’s entrance as The Giant laughs at Gilmore’s predicament, still standing by as he gets stomped senseless by the payback minded Love and Greed. Scout joins the party by jumping in on the two on one, nailing Gilmore a couple of times before being an equal opportunity ass kicker and punching Greed in the face and jumping on him. Dez struts down the ramp before his countdown is even complete, thug-ing it up for the fans the whole way to the ring. He gets right into it too, grabbing Scout from behind and DDT-ing him before getting back to his feet and looking to mix it up with whoever is near. Bad move; The Giant is closest. And Dez walks right into his path, taking two huge haymakers before finding himself in his sweet wifebeater, held high above The Giant’s head and being dropped to the floor. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrant Eight: Joe Sexy[/CENTER][/B] When Joe Sexy is introduced as the eighth entrant, it doesn’t even draw a glance from the men in the ring. So Sexy decides to get their attention, hitting the ring and bouncing around like a man on fire, doling out clothesline after clothesline and dropping everyone but The Giant at least twice each. The crowd gives him a nice ovation as he goes into his hip grind, taunting the other men as they get to their feet. But then, as Tom Gilmore finally gets out of harm’s way, sliding himself under the bottom rope to the safety of the floor… [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrants Nine through Twelve: Shooter Sean, Damian Carvill, Acid and DBB[/CENTER][/B] ….the horn sounds, signaling the entrance of Shooter Sean Deeley, but the crowd quickly looks and turns its attention back to the ring as The Giant moves out of the corner and snatches up John Greed, lifting him high over his head and tossing him over the top rope to the floor, eliminating his third opponent. But when Deeley gets to the ring, he makes his impact felt immediately by blindsiding Joe Sexy with a running uppercut before DDT-ing him and latching onto his ankle, twisting it grossly. Sexy taps, although it doesn’t matter, for a few long seconds until Shooter Sean picks him up and dumps him over the top rope as the horn sounds again, this time sending the other half of the Can-Am Blondes, Damian Carvill, to the ring. When he gets there the action begins picking up, with eliminations occurring at a much faster rate now. Shooter Sean apparently has drawn the ire of The Giant with his unabashed arrogance after tossing the veteran Sexy to the floor, with the huge man pinning the wrestling specialist in the corner and pounding him. But as the crowd begins counting down for the next entrant, The Guru runs down to ringside with two steel chairs in tow, quickly getting the attention of his team and barking out instructions. Acid sprints out to the ring with the crowd’s attention diverted between his entrance (complete with new solo music and a new revamped look in general) and The Guru who has gotten the chairs to Owen and Damian and is pointing them in the direction of The Giant. Even though he has a second to prepare, the onslaught comes quickly with The Can-Am’s double chairshot dropping the mammoth to one knee. He blinks his eyes and begins to rise, which draws another fire order from The Guru, which his men respond to immediately. This time The Giant takes it head on and rocks backward, leaning against the ropes to try to support himself. But as the other wrestlers see him in trouble, Danny B Bling now entering the ring as the twelfth entrant, they swarm him and begin to hoist him up onto the top cable. It bends under his weight, but The Giant is a huge man and even with seven other men ganging up on him, he holds on. But, as it looks like The Giant is about to lean his way back into the ring and start to swat all of the much smaller men aside, Tom Gilmore rolls back into the other side of the ring and gets a running start, hitting the pile with a full head of steam and giving the group the extra push it needs to topple the monster, finally knocking The Giant to the floor. There is a moment where the action seems to pause for a split second as The Giant pulls himself back up onto his feet, now defeated, and the crowd lets him hear it, their nostalgia cups overflowing on this night. But then it is back to work, with The Can-Am’s breaking the pause by picking up their chairs and beginning to swing away at the other men left in the ring. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrants Thirteen and Fourteen: Grease Hogg and Lead Belly[/CENTER][/B] The countdown comes again and for “reasons still unknown”, when the horn sounds, the World Tag Team Champions come running out at the same time, Grease Hogg hustling behind his partner Lead Belly while pushing a shopping cart that is simply overflowing with hardcore paraphernalia. And when they hit the ring, Hogg armed with a ballbat and Lead Belly with a crutch, the go right for The Can-Am’s who see them coming and lunge in their direction as well. Chaos is afoot as the two teams square off, swinging their weapons and sending everyone ducking for cover. Somehow, Scout gets hold of the handle of the shopping cart and pulls it under the bottom rope and, in seconds, everyone in the ring is armed. There is a pie-plate rapping off of a forehead over here and a kendo stick snapping off a sweaty back over there; simply put there is absolute uncontrolled carnage in the ring. While there are referees all over the floor area, there really are no rules to govern this type of action so it carries on and begins getting vicious. Grease Hogg finally gets a clean shot at Owen Love and knocks him through the ropes to the floor with the butt end of his baseball bat, not eliminating him, but really ringing the Blonde’s bell with the blow. Damian and Lead Belly hop through the ropes as well, spreading the fight onto the floor and not eliminating themselves in the process, leaving a hardcore fight in their wake in the ring. Danny B Bling wedges the shopping cart itself between the top and second turnbuckles and attempts to run Scout Finch into it. But Scout throws on the brakes and sends Bling himself headlong into it only seconds before the masked Acid springboards from the second rope onto the shopping cart’s steel and flips backward with a moonsault kick, sending Bling staggering backward into the ropes. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrants Fifteen through Eighteen: Barrowman, Plague, Jacob Jett, Ryan Powell[/CENTER][/B] As Acid pounces, dropkicking the SWF’s hustler square in the mush and sending him over the top to the floor, the countdown comes and Scout Finch’s down on his luck partner Thom Barrowman comes rumbling down the ramp. Almost immediately, after not having been able to team together for two months, the New Wave come together as one, laying a host of double team moves on the wrestlers in the ring, all of whom are slowly losing their weaponry as the DWB and Can-Am Blondes continue to battle on the arena floor, their fight beginning to spill into the crowd behind the Spanish announce table. As Tom Gilmore watches from the floor beside Queen Emily, trying to avoid detection by any of the officials, Guide and Scout destroy Shooter Sean Deeley with a double running back elbow before heaving him over the top rope. The fans eat it up, loving the New Wave a bit more than they did before since they’ve been deprived of them, and stand, roaring their approval as Deeley collects himself on the floor, mouthing off the entire time. As they whip Acid into the ropes, the countdown begins again and leads to Plague’s entrance, uniting him with his tag team partner and leading to the beginning of a spotfest. The DWB and Can-Am’s continue to battle on the floor with Hogg pulling two tables from underneath the ring and setting them up, as the highspots start coming in the ring. Plague hits a twisting back kick on Scout before lifting him onto the top turnbuckle and super rana-ing him back onto the mat. Acid tries to do something similar to Barrowman, but after setting him on the top, the New Waver flips the masked man backward and face first to the canvas, blocking his rana attempt and delivering a wicked “Guided Missile” seconds later, pinning him against the ropes and knocking him over. Acid is visibly upset on the floor as he shakes the cobwebs free and begins walking backward up the ramp just as Jacob Jett is introduced. The former member of the COTGD turned ally of Remmy Skye’s Lightseekers shoots down the ramp and leaps forward, tackling Acid as he turns to meet him. Suddenly the crowd on the other side of the ring begins to cheer. Grease Hogg and Lead Belly, both now bloodied but maintaining the upper hand, dump the also crimson masked Can-Am’s back over the guard rail and signal to the crowd that they are going to put the Blondes through tables. The screen switches to a split down the middle as Acid and runs Jett into the turnbuckle post and sends him into the ring only to see him deposited back over the top rope (and subsequently eliminated) seconds later by his partner. But the COTGD are not done as Acid stomps Jett a few times before dropping him across his knee with a backbreaker and holding him there. The crowd gets to their feet as Plague gets a running start in the ring and comes flying over the top rope with a modified “New Jersey Turnpike” (twisting corkscrew legdrop) that nearly decapitates Jett but eliminates the other member of Sammy Bach’s cult in the process. AG: “How many cameras do we have, Peter? The action is everywhere.” As the crowd recovers from the huge spot by Plague, their attention turns to the other side of the ring again, as Grease Hogg and Lead Belly position Love and Carvill onto the tables they have set up on the floor before climbing up onto the apron and raising their arms, juicing up the crowd even further. But as they get set to hop down and use the tables, the Can-Am’s manager, The Guru, slides into the ring from the other side and beckons the DWB toward him. The World Tag Team Champions have a bone to pick with The Can-Am Blondes and really dislike The Guru, so they climb back into the ring, disregarding Love and Carvill who slowly squirm back to life on the tables. The Guru’s plan was apparently to draw the DWB away from his team, which he does, but his escaping from the grasp of the tag champs is another story. Guide and Scout hold down the other side of the ring, eliminating hip hopping Ryan Powell about ten seconds after he enters and taunting Tom Gilmore as the DWB hold onto The Guru by the scruff of his suit jacket, parading him around the ring, much to the delight of the fans. But as you might expect, just as Hogg begins to lift The Guru for some sort of slam, Love and Carvill come crashing in from behind. There is only a quick second before The Can-Am’s double up on Lead Belly and toss him over the top rope and through one of the tables on the floor. A few seconds later, Grease Hogg follows, blowing the remaining table into bits. Owen and Damian high five each other while huffing and puffing, having just eliminated their main rivals, but turn around right into Guide and Scout who are less than impressed with the way they took out the DWB. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrant Nineteen: Christian Faith[/CENTER][/B] When the lights flip to signal another countdown, everybody turns to see who the nineteenth participant in the Rumble will be. And when the sound of a huge, open throttled motorcycle fills the arena, people stand and cheer for Christian Faith who stands on the stage, making a rare appearance sans chopper. PM: “Remember that he showed up in a limo tonight, fans. This might not be the Christian Faith you think it is.” He hits the ring amidst the buzz regardless and it is on. First up is Owen Love, who charges him without telling his partner, walking flush into a right hand and getting whipped into the turnbuckles. He doesn’t even have time to take a breath before Faith takes flight, cruising across the ring and nailing him with a “Leap of Faith” (Big Splash) before letting him stagger out of the corner comedically and dumping him over the top rope. Carvill watches the whole thing go down and takes his turn right afterward, eating another huge “Leap of Faith” and getting thrown right beside Owen on the concrete, ironically at the feet of The Guru. As Faith turns back to the middle of the ring, he is met by the New Wave, who play a quick game of rock-paper-scissors to see who will get the first go at the red hot Faith. Guide “wins” and goes in throwing punches, connecting with a couple, but has his third turned into an irish whip that snaps him into the buckles. Faith gears up for another “Leap of Faith” but Scout intervenes, clotheslining the SWF legend and looking to set him up for a neckbreaker. But Faith quickly reverses out of it and sends Scout into the same corner as his almost recovered partner, sandwiching them in and blasting them both with the same “Leap of Faith”. The crowd goes nutty as he leans them both over the top cable at the same time, letting them tumble to the floor and standing alone in the ring the last man……. From out of the corner of his eye, Faith sees Tom Gilmore on the floor, squatting beside the timekeeper and Queen Emily, trying to keep out of sight. Gilmore wants no part of him and tries to move to another, safer spot somewhere on the ramp. But as he does so, he has to pass the recovering Guide and Scout. The New Wave spent some time earlier jawing with Angry and are more than happy to roughly usher him back under the bottom rope, depositing him on the side of the ring opposite Faith. AG: “The crowd is really behind Christian Faith tonight!” PM: “But is it all for naught, Ana? Is he property of The Corporation? He said we’d find out tonight.” Faith lifts Angry to his feet and whips him into the ropes, smothering him with a running boot and signaling to the crowd that another “Leap of Faith” is coming, this one ticketed for Gilmore. But as he does so, the bald mat technician scrambles toward the edge of the ring and latches onto the bottom rope, curling himself around it and hanging on for dear life. Faith puts his hands on his hips, looking disappointed by Gilmore’s cowardice. But as he steps toward him…. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrant Twenty: Morpheus[/CENTER][/B] …..the stage area begins filling with fog. The cameras get a shot of a kid of about nine at ringside looking genuinely sh*t-your-pants scared just before Morpheus rises through the mist and does his giant leap-step into the ring. Gilmore just tightens his grip on the cable, but Faith walks to the center of the ring and stands tall, crossing his arms and standing squarely in front of the mysterious big man. Morpheus does his usual routine and begins circling Faith who, after following him with his eyes, joins in the animalistic circling. But they take so long before actually locking up, that the crowd begins counting down again. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrant Twenty-One: Puerto Rican Power[/CENTER][/B] And this time, making a special appearance and looking for one last shot at the SWF World Title, fan favorite Puerto Rican Power comes rumbling down the ramp to a nice round of applause, totally devoid of LOW markings and looking for a brawl. He gets right in between Morpheus and Faith, hollering up a storm and looking to engage both of them. But when he charges up and hits the ropes, Faith and Morpheus look at each other for a split second before charging him and knocking him over the top rope with a huge double clothesline, eliminating him about twenty seconds after his introduction. This leads to another inevitable round of circling between Morpheus and Faith as they smartly tease their first encounter, with many fans rising to their feet in anticipation again. This time they come to blows, exchanging a few punches and looking strong before they both back up a step at the same time to a roar of applause. Then, as they begin to circle each other again, the crowd rises. But they really freak out when Morpheus and Faith stop suddenly and both turn their heads in the direction of Gilmore. Angry has stayed in the match for this first long stretch because he’s been laying low, and his eyes widen when two of the biggest baddest men in the promotion make him their target. And when they snatch him from his hiding place on the strand, it is very clear that Gilmore is at their mercy. A world class wrestler he is, superhuman he isn’t. Faith whips him into the ropes and nails him with a big boot before Morpheus lifts him up and plows through him with a shoulder tackle….. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrant Twenty Two: Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/CENTER][/B] ….as the horn sounds again, this time marking the entrance of Bulldozer Brandon Smith. PM: “Certainly the North American Champion has to be considered one of the favorites to win this match just based on his sheer size.” AG: “Not to mention Peter, he has a mean streak a mile wide and he just loves to fight.” PM: “I wonder how he’ll match up with Faith and Morpheus?” It doesn’t take long for Michaels’ question to get answered as Bulldozer launches himself straight into the fray, getting right between the two big men and throwing hands in every direction. But then he notices that Gilmore is crawling around at his feet and stops abruptly, letting there be a beat in the match as all three men look down at Dozer’s slowed nemesis. And they stay separated as Bulldozer snatches Gilmore by the head and lifts him up, drilling him into the mat with a gut wrench bomb before getting back to his feet and tearing Gilmore’s elbow pad off, licking his chops at the idea of throwing him in the armbar. Standing over him though, it seems the North American champion has a moment of clarity, realizing that this match is about earning a shot at the World Heavyweight title not about settling scores. He turns back toward Morpheus and Faith and pounds his MMA gloves together, beckoning the two big fish in the match toward him. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrant Twenty Three: Mainstream Hernandez[/CENTER][/B] Gilmore continues to crawl to safety into the corner as the three big men square off with a countdown happening in the background. There are a surprising amount of boos as Mainstream Hernandez comes out with a Mainstream.com cameraman at his side, the stooge obviously collecting footage for Hernandez’s website. He is so into himself, talking into both the SWF and Mainstream.com cameras on his way down the ramp, that he slides into the ring without looking, putting himself directly in the middle of the Morpheus/Bulldozer/Faith stand off. His sunglasses are the first thing knocked off as Bulldozer shoots out a gloved paw and blasts Mainstream with a huge haymaker, sending him toward Faith who extends him a boot to the face. The crowd swells as the arrogant youngster stumbles predictably into the arms of Morpheus, who hoists him up and powerslams him dead into the canvas. There is only a second for Hernandez to recover before Gilmore scrambles across the ring (going behind Bulldozer) and lifting Mainstream onto his shoulder and throwing him over the top rope, eliminating him. Bulldozer becomes refocused on Gilmore and goes for him, his killer instinct back in place. But Gilmore goes into his bag of tricks and drops to his knees, hitting Dozer below the belt before pulling him by his trunks with both hands and cheaply tossing him through the ropes. [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrant Twenty Four: Tana[/CENTER][/B] The fans boo the beejeezus out of Gilmore during the next countdown, really letting him have it. Smith gets to his feet and looks as though he is going to get back into the ring, but he is run down from behind by all three members of the Samoan Wrecking Crew; Akima and Umaga joining Tana on his way to the ring. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Even though Tana is the only real, legal, competitor, Akima and Umaga are first to the ring and when they hit, they square up immediately with Christian Faith and Morpheus. Umaga nails Faith with a running headbutt, staggering the legend and knocking him into a corner. Gilmore flies onto Faith, letting punches rain onto his skull, letting Umaga jump onto Morpheus’ back and double team him with his partner. Tana meanwhile, merrily stomps on the fallen Bulldozer at the base of the ramp, stealing occasional glances back as his army goes to work on the mysterious masked Morpheus. It doesn’t last too long before Morpheus rallies and begins hitting both Akima and Umaga with straight left hands, fending them off. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrant Twenty-Five: Pablo Rodriguez[/CENTER][/B] But unbeknownst to the masked man, Tom Gilmore has crept up behind him (leaving Christian Faith recovering in the corner) and, when he takes a huge lean forward and misses Umaga with a punch, Gilmore gives him a shove, tipping him onto the top rope and into a very precarious spot. Akima, Umaga, and Gilmore are quickly joined by Tana from the floor. The crowd begins counting down again as the four men position themselves, trying with all their might to finish Morpheus. And, as Pablo Rodriguez is introduced and the man of the cloth begins making his way toward the action, Morpheus is unable to fend them off any longer, tipping backward and being dumped on the floor by the Samoan Wrecking Crew and Tom Gilmore. Pablo however doesn’t even get all the way to the ring. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] When he gets to about the halfway point of the ramp, he is jumped by Sammy Bach, Acid, and Plague who were hiding in the shadows. They beat him senseless while he is dragged back up the ramp and onto the stage amidst a flood of shots. The COTGD are merciless and it is clear they are out for blood as they take turns brutally pounding Rodriguez. As Emma joins in on the beatdown, hitting Pablo repeatedly with the point of her heel...... [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] .........Jacob Jett and a battered Remmy Skye come out from the back after a few seconds, turning things into a full fledged faction war. Meanwhile back in the ring, the SWC and Tom Gilmore work together, trying to take apart Christian Faith, slowly trading off taking potshots at the biker. But Bulldozer collects himself on the floor and, having not been eliminated, slides back into the ring, going headlong into the four on one. The big man has the element of surprise on his side though and drops Akima and Umaga with a running forearm shot to each of their heads. Queen Emily shouts out a warning to Gilmore and he steps out of the way, leaving Tana in Bulldozer’s path and keeping himself a few feet back from the action. Given a few seconds to recover now, Christian Faith charges and joins Bulldozer in the center of the ring and the two go toe to toe with the three Samoans. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrants Twenty Six and Twenty-Seven: Stevie Grayson and “Hollywood” Brett Starr[/CENTER][/B] Grayson’s and Starr’s entrances go almost unnoticed with everyone’s attention still decidedly torn between the SWC/Faith/Bulldozer battle in the ring and the full fledged holy war being waged between the COTGD and The Lightseekers on the stage. The stalemate between Bulldozer and Faith and the SWC is finally broken, with Faith running Akima into the corner for a “Leap of Faith” before shoving him backward through the ropes to the floor. Gilmore takes a shot at Starr before grabbing Grayson from behind and pushing him over the top rope as he stupidly plays to the fans. At the same time, Bulldozer disposes of Umaga almost by accident, turning to lob a clothesline at Tana and hitting his tattooed sidekick instead, blowing him over the top rope with the force of the shot. With Gilmore again avoiding the action following his sneaky elimination of Stevie, Tana is without any backup and is completely at the mercy of Faith and Bulldozer. In seconds, he becomes another victim of Faith’s splash and finds himself lifted up by the pair of them before he is dropped to the floor. Back on the stage, the no-doubt-most-talked-about spot of the night is about to take place and it gives both Bulldozer and Faith a much needed breather with everyone’s attention turned away from the ring. The COTGD have beaten Remmy and Jett into the crowd where Acid continues to engage them both, blasting Jett with his green mist square in the face, while Sammy, Plague, and Emma team up on Pablo with evil on their minds and in their hearts. Bach orchestrates the whole thing, ordering Plague up into one of the third level balcony boxes while he and Emma reposition an oversized prop dumpster that was part of the PPV set. After catching Remmy with a blast of green mist as well, Acid joins Sammy and Emma in awkwardly lurching the dumpster from the stage onto the floor. With it lying open on the concrete floor, their plan reveals itself as Acid hoists Pablo up onto his shoulders in front of the massive metal beast. Emma pulls a small bottle of lighter fluid from her thigh high stocking and squirts it until it’s empty into the dumpster as Sammy produces a Zippo lighter. Plague steps out onto the ledge of the balcony as Bach sets the dumpster ablaze below and positions himself, getting ready to dropkick Rodriguez into the inferno. But as Bach yells, urging him to leap, Remmy Skye appears behind Plague and grabs him by the mask. All of a sudden the tables have turned completely. Jett, with his face still smeared green from Acid’s mist, joins Remmy and grabs hold of Plague. Sammy Bach shakes his head, a noticeable trace of fear on it for the first time in memory; he knows what is about to happen. Pablo punches his way off of Acid’s shoulders and engages him on the concrete floor. But back up above on the edge of the balcony, Skye and Jett hoist Plague up over their heads. And with a mighty effort they give him a toss, sending him flying through the air head over heels before he lands inside the flaming dumpster which flashes significantly with something to feed it. When the smoke clears the COTGD are all standing somberly around the dumpster as it flames itself out with their heads down. Emma shrieks, closing her eyes and turning her head toward the ceiling, stopping the oncoming paramedics dead in their tracks. Bach takes a long look into the dumpster before he motions to Acid and Emma, letting his sweaty hair fall over his eyes and walking away alone. They both peer into the dumpster and Emma screams again, this time turning and running to follow Sammy as he heads through the curtain. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrant Twenty-Nine: Joey Minnesota[/CENTER][/B] There are boos when Joey Minnesota is announced as the twenty-ninth competitor, as many in attendance feel (and probably rightfully so) that Joey’s late entrance number may have something to do with his new affiliation with The Corporation. With most of the fans just turning their attention back to the ring following the COTGD/Lightseekers war, Bulldozer and Christian Faith (not to mention Tom Gilmore, who is back on the floor) take their time getting back to the proceedings, letting “Hollywood” Brett Starr wander semi unknowingly into Joey’s path. And on this occasion it is quite obvious that Joey has the madness, his eyes yellow and narrowed and his shoulders wound up and bunched like he’s ready to strike. Starr winds up to throw a punch but Minnesota levels him with a chop and spinning kick that snaps his head back. To his credit, Starr rolls the dice even while seeing spots, stumbling into an empty corner and trying to climb to the second turnbuckle, presumably to attempt a move. Joey sprints onto him, running up the buckles in front of him and hooking him in one swift motion, throwing him backward and confused back into the ring with a belly-to-belly from the top turnbuckle. A handful of hair and an easy heave over the top sends Starr to the showers, compliments of Joey Minnesota who turns to see who else is left. Even with his vision and decision making ability clouded, it is quite noticeable watching Joey pull up as he closes in on Christian Faith; he is unquestionably under strict orders. With a vicious suddenness Tom Gilmore finally re-enters the ring, sneaking behind Dozer and blowing him up with a nasty chop block. The fans begin to count down from ten for the last entrant and they do so just as loudly as they did for the first. When they all stand and crane their necks, trying to see past the guy in front of them to get a look at the last person in the Rumble, nary a face looks disappointed when he is announced. * * * * * * [CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Entrant Thirty: Eric Eisen[/CENTER][/B] Dressed in his nearly forgotten wrestling attire of black windpants and a long-sleeved SWF jersey style shirt, the interim CEO of the company struts out onto the stage and then down the ramp, his eyes locked on the ring. PM: “It’s been a year since Eric Eisen has set foot in an SWF ring as a competitor.” Bulldozer begins to collect himself on the canvas and almost seems to sense the potential four-on-one immediately, getting to his feet and throwing punches in all directions at Joey, Faith. But just as quickly as his attack starts, it stops, with Gilmore blindsiding the already hobbled big man with a second chop block that sends him toppling to the mat. Eisen climbs through the ropes and begins barking out orders, sending Minnesota onto the downed Bulldozer and motioning Gilmore return toward the stomp-fest. After battering him for a few seconds, Eisen orders Bulldozer tossed and the heavy lifting begins. But as Joey and Gilmore team up and push Smith toward the ropes and begin trying to lean him over the top, Eisen stops and notices that Christian Faith hasn’t moved an inch from the spot he has occupied since Eisen got into the ring. The interim CEO yells something to Gilmore and Minnesota and apparently begins telling Faith the plan, once again trying to order the longtime fan favorite into action. When Faith doesn’t budge a second time, Eric gets visibly upset and, getting quite wound up in the process, begins to dress the biker down, really letting him have it in a long expletive laced tirade that gets the attention of both Joey and Angry as they work to send the Bulldozer to his parking space. The camera gets a great close up of Eisen and Faith as they stand face to face, Eisen red faced from his fit. EE: “Don’t you understand, you idiot? We’re doing this for you!” Faith has had enough. CF: “I don’t want your help!” He grabs Eisen by the throat. CF: “Not now!” Faith shoves Eisen in the direction of Gilmore and Minnesota, who are at long last able to beat the massive Bulldozer over the top rope and to the floor, ending the North American champion’s impressive run. CF: “Not ever!” The fans go nuts cheering Faith as Eisen pulls himself together, standing on one side of the ring with Tom Gilmore to the left of him and Joey Minnesota to the right. He gives Christian Faith a long and emotionless look before extending his hand and turning his thumb down in drawn-out and dramatic fashion. Gilmore and Minnesota get set to charge the veteran and the match’s final battle begins being waged. PM: “I think the bottom has dropped out from under Eric Eisen’s plan, Ana!” AG: “But he’s still running the show! He’s the boss and he’s got two bad, bad men doing his bidding!” Joey goes into a blind foaming rage and charges Faith. But the biker’s boot is there to meet him first, catching him on the point of the chin and momentarily slowing his advances. Faith grabs him by the wrist and looks to be set to whip him into the corner, presumably for a “Leap of Faith”, but Gilmore picks a great spot and buries Faith with a reverse DDT that he never saw coming. Eisen barks out orders, drowning out Queen Emily to a certain degree, but overseeing the beating of Christian Faith by Gilmore and Minnesota. But as Eisen begins getting ****y, yelling obscenities at Faith and not paying attention as the imbalanced Joey and the semi focused Gilmore begin to slow up their attack, Christian rallies. It’s as traditional a comeback from a two on one as we could come up with, with Faith battling his way off of his back and then getting seemingly stopped in his tracks at the pinnacle of his return by Gilmore and Minnesota reversing him into an Irish whip and sending him into the ropes. But when he comes off the ropes with both his arms extended, clotheslining both men, Eisen’s attitude disappears. Joey is first to his feet and Faith whips him into a corner before pouncing on Gilmore and whipping him into the turnbuckles across the ring. With Eisen shaking his head, but staying as far away from him as possible, Faith gets a running start and nails Joey with one “Leap of Faith” before springing off of him and heading the other way, scoring with a second on Gilmore. The crowd is at fever pitch as he grabs a handful of each man’s hair and runs them both over the top rope at the same time, eliminating them both and leaving him with……. …..Eric Eisen, who stands on the other side of the ring, alone. Faith is still and gives the fans a second to anticipate it before making for the interim CEO with everyone in the building behind him. But Eisen grabs onto the top rope and jumps over to the floor, eliminating himself before Faith can snatch hold of him. The bell begins to ring with the final elimination happening and there being only one man left standing, but there is a feeling that there is much left to be settled. Eisen wags his finger in a noticeably ‘not-this-time’ manner back in the direction of Faith as the referee raises the legend’s hand. Peter Michaels gets the final word on the Supreme Rumble as the cameras circle the winner, Christian Faith. PM: “Christian Faith has won The Supreme Rumble, Ana, but he may have just started down a very dangerous path by turning down Eric Eisen and The Corporation.” Grade: B+ (post) A*[/I] A hype video plays, laying out the scenario under which Jack Bruce earned his shot at Sean McFly’s World Title. It is only about a minute long, but we cut it with the official theme song of the event to make it seem like it was the biggest deal on the card even though the Supreme Rumble was our selling point for three out of our four programming weeks. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sean McFly vs. Jack Bruce[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Heavyweight Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Sean McFly wins via pinfall @ 18:44[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Yowza. Our pay-per-view main events never cease to amaze me, and I mean that in the most positive way possible. And even with the fans still buzzing from the Supreme Rumble, Jack Bruce and Sean McFly pull out all the stops and put on a match with a little bit of everything. In short, they really did end up stealing the show. McFly comes raging out of the gate, landing a few of his trademark chops before whipping Bruce into the ropes and dropping him with a sleeperhold neckbreaker, a sequence which draws a courteous round of applause from superagent Phil Vibert who paces about in his corner at ringside. When McFly lifts the groggy rock star to his feet and lifts him high above his head, delaying a suplex for over fifteen seconds before dropping Bruce to the canvas, the announce team begins pondering the possibility of a main event squash. PM: “The World Champ is really on his game tonight, Ana.” AG: “Either that or JB ate some bad sushi backstage at his last show.” But, as all the great heels do, Bruce begins his comeback with the simplest of moves, a leisurely eye-gouge coming out of the corner, and slowly begins to deaden the rapid pace of the match that had been set by McFly, trying to brawl a bit with the man called “Mr. Wrestling”. And that’s where he truly shines, using his methodical and basic offense to slowly wear out an opponent, giving him ample time to strut around the ring and pose for the fans holding up cell phones to take pictures of him. Phil Vibert tries to get involved on his client’s behalf on a pair of occasions, but JB won’t bite, leaving him standing half in the ring with Jay Fair threatening him with a disqualification. Keeping McFly on the mat, Bruce begins really working on his left leg, eventually pulling the World Champion’s kneepad off and stomping on his knee repeatedly. The attack leaves McFly screaming and writhing around on the canvas; a victim ripe for the picking, which sends Bruce into a frenzied 90’s headbanger hair twirl slash air guitar festival of rage that is the usual signal for his finishing sequence. Being a pay-per-view as well as a World Championship main event, Bruce breaks out a sometimes move, yelling “Welcome to NYC, baby!” to the crowd before hitting the ropes and coming off with an elbow drop, legdrop, and a splash all in rapid succession before lifting the punchdrunk and stumbling McFly to his feet and standing back about a foot, admiring his work while setting up for the “New York Minute”. That, as you well know wrestling fans, is wrestling 101; the heels shall not give thy faces an inch of opportunity, lest ye be smited by them. And these rules are in full effect, as always in the SWF, with McFly backflipping out of Bruce’s “NYM” attempt and then rolling under his quick clothesline counter, hitting the ropes hard himself and coming off with a huge flying dropkick that levels both Bruce and the playing field. People stand and cheer for McFly because they feel a connection to him; maybe it’s his longtime level of excellence, maybe it’s his rugged good looks, but there is and will always be something special between “Mr. Wresting” and the fans, and this occasion is no different. Jack Bruce gets up and tries to regroup as fast as he can, but there is so much energy in the building favoring McFly that JB might as well not even bother. A quick boot to the belly sees the rock star lifted up and spiked into the mat by a McFly powerbomb, leaving him arching his back and trying to roll under the bottom rope to get away. But Vibert gets in his way, blocking his escape route before McFly gets a handful of his hair, pulling the air-guitar legend’s black headband off and tossing it deep into a sea of hands in the crowd before hauling Bruce into the turnbuckles, lifting him seated onto the top. McFly senses that a big moment is at hand, that this match has exceeded the fan’s expectations and raises his arm before climbing up onto the second rope and hooking Bruce for a suplex, stepping up to the top before lifting and dropping him backward into a heap. Vibert yells at ringside as McFly gets to his feet, urging the champion to pin Bruce and end the match, but “Mr. Wrestling” cracks his neck to the right before beginning to hop side to side on the balls of his feet, waiting for JB to rise. But when McFly goes to lift him, Bruce nails him with a stiff shot to the junk and grabs hold of his leg as he falls, winding himself around it quickly and locking in his rarely used figure four leglock. Within seconds, Bruce is wrenching it in and “Mr. Wrestling” is grimacing from the pain; the tables turned yet again. Vibert pounds the mat’s edge, trying to motivate his champion to get to the ropes and as the crowd begins to swell, McFly braces himself up on his arms and begins pulling himself backward toward the cables. But Bruce is ready and holds the figure-four on as long as he can before releasing it and running over and stomping the life out of McFly as he nearly makes it to the ropes, dragging him back to the center of the ring afterward and re-applying the figure-four. This time, it looks very grim for McFly, and even though the crowd is still right there with him, the last trip to the ropes drained him of almost all of his energy and Bruce has positioned himself perfectly with his back to the ropes. “Mr. Wrestling” wriggles sideways as he begins to fade from the pain, trying to reach out and grab the bottom cable but he comes up short, time after time after time. Fair goes back and forth trying to keep Bruce from using the ropes for leverage while checking on McFly’s condition. Suddenly, Fair begins checking to see if McFly is conscious, dramatically dropping his right arm. When it is dropping a third time, the champ reaches out his left arm and grabs the bottom rope. Fair calls for the bell, waving his arms, and the crowd begins going wild, wondering what has happened. Vibert jumps up onto the apron and begins turning purple balling out Fair, pointing to McFly, who still maintains his grip on the bottom rope as Jack Bruce kneels in the middle of the ring waiting for Fair to bring him the World Title. But Fair watches the replay on the jumbotron and begins shaking his head, walking by the rock star and leaning out to the ring announcer who announces the following. “After review, the referee did not see Sean McFly grab the bottom rope and, thusly, has ordered this match to continue.” Bruce is enraged, freaking out on Fair and shoving him into a corner, slapping him a few times to really emphasize his point. With the recent violent actions toward Baby Jamie, SWF security is ready for anyone trying to do something similar and a pair of them begin to climb the ring stairs, pointing their fingers in warning at Bruce. But JB takes offense to them even approaching the ring and pushes Fair aside to intercept the two thicknecked security members. Their interaction never happens. As Bruce runs his mouth and tosses his hair to one side on his way to the guards, McFly catches him unknowing with a boot to the gut. In a fraction of a second, Bruce is doing a backflip and getting spiked on his head, courtesy of a “Delorean Driver ‘11” (Canadian Destroyer). Fair’s count comes even quicker than normal, hitting the mat rapidly three times and calling for the bell, getting the decision correct this time. Vibert climbs into the ring with the belt and helps McFly to his feet, sharing a ‘we-dodged-a-bullet-there’ look before bailing out of the ring and high fiving the fans at ringside as Jack Bruce begins to stir on the canvas. For a few seconds anyway, the semi conscious and now solidly defeated rock star thought he was the World Champion, and when he makes it up to one knee and pushes his sweaty hair out of his eyes, there is no air guitar, smile, or hokey catch phrase. There is only a steely glare fixed on the back on Sean McFly as the champ celebrates on the stage with Phil Vibert. Grade: A Show Grade: A [/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][I](OOC: Thanks for all the comments everybody. I wanted to catch you all up to where things stand with the diary. While I was writing (and subsequently re-writing) “Under Control”, I had a breakthrough. I’m excited to say that I think I’m only a few weeks a way from being at the full testing stage for my mod, based on this diary and dataset. The way things evolved in my actual game (with a few tweaks here and there for the sake of things) makes for a truly awesome place to start a game in 2013. While I have a multi-player venture still hopefully lurking on the shadows planned for it, I have after much mulling decided to release it for public consumption when it is complete. That said, I will be looking for some folks to give the data a run when it is time to test, but that can be dealt with further on up the road. For now, some pretty big, albeit somewhat expected, game world news, a preview tomorrow night, and the next episode of Supreme TV to follow.)[/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]-Breaking News-[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [I] (AP)- With the press conference scheduled for minutes from now, it has become official; North of the Border Pro Wrestling will be closing its doors, effective immediately. Owner Dan Stone Sr. is expected to make some quick comments this morning from in front of NOTBPW headquarters, but will not be answering any questions from the media until his attorneys finalize the bankruptcy. Rumors persist that a last minute buyer will step up and save the financially troubled, yet still, very attractive company. However, at this time, no one has swooped in to save the day. Longtime NOTBPW hand Craig Prince acted a bit relieved, “Honestly, we’d heard all the doomsday stories. We were going to be closing down and losing our jobs and all of that stuff, but nobody really believed it until this morning when Dan Sr. gathered us together and told us that we were all headed home. I’m just glad we know, is all. Most everyone will go to work somewhere else, you know. But being stuck, wondering whether it was happening or not happening was a tough thing. I’m just glad we know.” Not everyone shares Prince’s optimism. Tim Westybrook wonders what his future entails and doesn’t think he’s entering a turn for the better. “The reason that the company is closing is the exact same reason why the market for guys like me is shot. We didn’t get the right amount of exposure in America and now, with a ton of workers available, the big boys get to lowball you on a contract because ‘No one knows who you are here’.” NOTBPW were scheduled to hold one of their signature events “September Scramble” in a little more than a week’s time. Whether pre-purchased ticketholders will receive refunds is unknown. [/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 46 Preview [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;632716]Wow, I know you had posted a story awhile back that NOTBPW was struggling, but still didn't really expect to see 'em fold. So does that put some talent on the market for you at least?[/QUOTE] [I]Yes, it sure did Bigpapa. However, I was tenative, not wanting my roster to look like there had been a NOTBPW invasion. That's a storyline road I don't want to go down. But adding a pair of Stones always helps. Who knows who else might've jumped to the SWF? ;)[/I] [QUOTE=FINisher;632841]What the.. One of those companies I thought that would never go to bankrupt. Just goes to show how different each game is :)[/QUOTE] [I]I think I read a thread once about something similar happening to NOTBPW in someone else's game. No matter, it is one of the reasons I really enjoy TEW. Not to mention the chain of events one company's closing starts.[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Forty-Six Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I] “Mr. Wrestling” Sean McFly is still the World Champion, but Jack Bruce came only a fraction of a second from dethroning him in an outstanding main event at “Under Control”. After taking the champ to the limit, Bruce will undoubtedly be seeking a rematch as soon as possible. Will he issue a challenge to “Mr. Wrestling” this week? And what of Jay Fair’s decision to restart the match; will there be repercussions? Clouding the World title picture further is wrestling legend Christian Faith, the winner of the thirty-man Supreme Rumble which guarantees him a shot at the World Heavyweight Champion. However, Faith will without question have his hands full with a vengeful Corporation after the way he turned down Eric Eisen’s offer to join the his stable, eliminating both Joey Minnesota and Tom Gilmore before tossing Eisen himself to win the match. How will all of this play out? When will Faith want his shot? What will Eisen do in response to Faith turning him down? What, if any, is Gilmore’s relationship with The Corporation? Joe Sexy asked for and has been granted an opportunity to wrestle Shooter Sean Deeley again after their feud continued with Deeley eliminating Sexy from “The Supreme Rumble”. SSD’s manager, Danny B Bling, told insiders that his man will break Sexy’s ankle given the opportunity “just to rid the wrestling world of the worthless piece of trash”. Will Sexy get the win back and put Deeley in his place or will Shooter Sean continue his strong showing in the SWF since his debut, dropping the ring tested Sexy twice in a month? All of this plus a free twenty minute pre-show on SWF.com…. ...and Akima and Umaga against Gino and Fuerza...... …..and a four corner match to determine a new number one contender to the Shooting Star Championship…. ……and Morpheus versus Scout Finch…… …..and the SWF in-ring debut of the Calgary Bulldogs. Don’t miss this week’s SWF Supreme TV. If you’re the only one who does, then you’re the only one who does…………man. [/I] -Quick Picks- Calgary Bulldogs vs. Hollas fo Dollas Morpheus vs. Scout Finch AMM vs. Greg Black vs. Joey Minnesota vs. Jacob Jett Joe Sexy vs. Shooter Sean Deeley Samoan Wrecking Crew vs Mexico's Most Wanted [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. Hollas fo Dollas [B]Morpheus[/B] vs. Scout Finch AMM vs. Greg Black vs. [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Jacob Jett Joe Sexy vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [B]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/B] vs Mexico's Most Wanted
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;633157][B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. Hollas fo Dollas [B]Morpheus [/B]vs. Scout Finch AMM vs. Greg Black vs.[B] Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Jacob Jett Joe Sexy vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] Samoan Wrecking Crew vs [B]Mexico's Most Wanted[/B][/QUOTE] I'm just going to second PS' picks, as the are the same as I was about to make.
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[B]Calgary Bulldogs [/B]vs. Hollas fo Dollas [I]'The Stones' debut with a win[/I] [B]Morpheus[/B] vs. Scout Finch [I]Just appears to be getting a stronger push as the singles wrestler right now[/I] AMM vs. Greg Black vs. [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Jacob Jett [I]Corporate backing means Joey is fast heading towards coming one of the top heels[/I] Joe Sexy vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [I]Sexy seems to be on his way down, whilst Deeley could be on his way up[/I] [B]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/B] vs Mexico's Most Wanted [I]With AMM in singles action, I'd give the edge to the Samoans[/I]
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Show 46 "Carolina Blues" [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"] -Show Forty-Six-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER] “Carolina Blues”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][I][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] The internet show opens with a furious Gino Montero leading both Fuerza and Antonio Maxi Marquez toward the building after they hop out of their awesomely stereotypical low-rider. GM: “Listen, ese. There is a reason that they left two of us off of the pay-per-view, do you know what I’m saying?” Fuerza nods, but AMM is hesitant to agree until Gino stops suddenly and looks him in the face. GM: “DO I HAVE TO SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU?” Marquez is cool, but nods at Montero. GM: “IT’S BECAUSE WE’RE MEXICANS, MAN!” Fuerza continues nodding, but AMM turns his head, rolling his eyes a bit. GM: “Big Smack Scott is a racist mouthpiece for a racist television show on a racist television network, am I wrong?” Fuerza shakes his head, but again Marquez is noncommittal. Montero can’t stand it. GM: “Maybe you don’t believe me because he’s putting you on TV and on pay-per-view…..” Marquez flashes into Gino’s face. AMM: “Enough!” Fuerza and Gino both look startled by the usually mellow AMM’s bark. AMM: “If you think there is a real, serious problem with Big Smack Scott, Gino, why don’t your report it to the Championship Committee, hmm? In the meantime, why don’t you two try to win the next match they do put you in, like the one you’re in tonight against the SWC?” Silence. AMM: “Wins always help.” Marquez walks ahead of the pair and into the building alone, leaving Montero and Fuerza both stone faced at how their longtime friend just treated them. Grade: C+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Ryan Powell vs. Takayuki[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Ryan Powell wins via pinfall @ 5:22[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: We’ve been featuring a plethora of great high-flying matches on our internet pre-show of late and at some point in the next year or so, when the industry and US economy rise to a level I feel is safe enough for us to consider expanding, I think I may give some thought to having our “B” show emphasize our super juniors and cruiserweights. This match gets by solely on the level of action, as nearly nobody knows Takayuki on the mainland, save for the dozen or so folks that actually wasted their time watching CZCW over the last six months when he appeared for them. The action is brisk, with both men bringing a very distinct and different style to the table. Eventually, with referee Eugene Williams focusing and counting a two and three quarters following Takayuki’s 720 spinning hurancanrana, the young hip-hopper turns the tables, getting up and drilling Takayuki with a running knee before taking flight, landing a senton bomb and netting the three count. As the young Asian pulls himself together in the ring, Ryan Powell backpedals up the ramp, shrugging his shoulders and grinning in a “what-did-you-expect-me-to-do” way. As usual, he gets a mixed reaction from the aisle fans, but, with the win, cements his spot near the top half of the Shooting Star division. Grade: C-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Mainstream Hernandez struts by Shawn Doakes and Sara Silver backstage. He is acting especially prickly, dressed in his awesomely metrosexual attire and rocking his usual blue-tinted sunglasses indoors. He stops suddenly and seems to take great pleasure in setting up the SWF’s young announcers. MH: “Hey, don’t I know you guys?” Silver rolls her eyes at Hernandez, but Doakes comes back respectfully with a very cute innocence actually. SS: “Mr. Hernandez, I’m Shawn Doakes and this is Sara Sil….” Hernandez laughs in his face, putting his hand up to stop Doakes’ words. MH: “Idiot, I’m just curious. Aren’t you supposed to be journalists?” Doakes nods. Silver continues to ice him. MH: “Well why is it that, if you’re the ‘real journalists’ around here, I have in my possession, some footage of Eric Eisen talking to the newest member of The Corporation and you don’t?” This gets Silver’s attention. SS: “What are you talking about?” Hernandez pats his brown leather man purse and laughs. MH: “It’s right here and I’m sure you’d love to get a look at it, but I’m going to keep it for Mainstream.com. It’ll be a delicious exclusive, don’t you think?” Silver is disgusted, knowing he just had this whole exchange with them just to rub it in their faces. MH: “Yeah, that’s what I thought you’d say.” Grade: C+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Tana vs. Dermot O’Logical [/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Tana wins via pinfall @ 3:03[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Not the debut I was looking for out of Dermot in his two show tryout with the company, although I heard after the fact that he and Tana had problems communicating from the start, which explains it a little bit. The match favors the big Samoan from the start, with our full intention to be getting him some momentum. He hits most of his spots on the skin care obsessive freak including a very nice snap suplex before whipping him into the ropes and burying him with a powerslam, setting up his new old finisher, the big butt drop from the second rope, and making the cover to secure the victory. The rest of the Samoan Wrecking Crew comes out and joins Tana in the ring for some character establishing, leering angrily at the crowd. Grade: D+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Eric Eisen sets out from his backstage office toward the ring accompanied by Joey Minnesota. As usual, Joey is gritting his teeth, his unnaturally yellow eyes darting side to side nervously as he follows the interim CEO. EE: “I’ve got some business in the ring, Joey. Why don’t you hit the gym for a little while and warm up a bit.” Joey stops. JM: “Warm up? Am I fighting someone tonight?” Eisen nods and Joey smiles. EE: “Yes you are. I’ve taken the liberty of putting you in a four way match to determine the new number one contender for the Shooting Star Championship.” His smile vanishes, replaced by a furrowed brow and a questioning look. JM: “The flippy flopper belt?” Eric pats him on the shoulder. EE: “A title is a title, Joey. And being a part of The Corporation means that you are always chasing the gold, am I right?” He nods and points himself toward the backstage fitness area, pausing once to shake his head as though he is trying to clear the cobwebs after taking a big bump. EE: “You good?” Joey stares at him blankly before snapping back into it and nodding quickly just as Eisen walks off, leaving him standing there alone before getting his answer. But after he takes a few steps, he stops and hollers back. EE: “Oh, and if you see the General Manager, tell him I’d like a word with him immediately.” Minnesota nods, this time at precisely the right time; amazing. Grade: B+ [B][I][CENTER] (Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket [/CENTER] Just as the show starts, Christian Faith’s music hits and sends the crowd into a frenzy. After his victory in the Supreme Rumble and his subsequent turning down of The Corporation, the fans are totally smitten with Faith once again, really letting him hear it as he rolls out onto the stage on his custom ride. He pulls his feet up and opens up the engine a little bit, leaving an exhaust cloud behind him as he tears down the ramp, circling the ring. And when he gets into the ring the crowd slows his start by at least thirty seconds with a “Chris-tian-Faith!” chant, forcing the smallest of smiles to momentarily creep across his face. CF: “Eric Eisen, just when you are arrogant enough to think that you know me….” They pop. CF: “….you are forced to realize that you don’t know a single goddamned thing about me!” CF: “I DO know how this business works, Eric, and I have seen your kind before. However, rather than accept favors because I laugh at the boss’s jokes, I’ll do my getting ahead the old fashioned way……” A close up on Faith. CF: “…by kicking ass and leaving a pile of bodies.” Another pop. CF: “I never had any interest in joining The Corporation at any time, and that’s a fact…..” [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] On cue, The Corporation’s music begins blaring through the house speakers; the tune mixing with a hearty round of boos as Eric Eisen walks out onstage. Faith just holds his ground in the ring, knowing that, Eisen will just cut him off if he tries to speak. EE: “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Christian Faith. The man who would be king;…..” EE: “…..the man who could’ve been king.” Faith shakes his head. CF: “I didn’t come here to North Carolina to rub anything in your face, Eric.” Eisen sneers as the crowd does a fine job rubbing it in for Faith; a fine job indeed. CF: “Instead, I came here tonight to collect what’s mine.” There is a sudden buzz in the building. One that is noticeably different from only a few seconds ago. CF: “I believe I earned a World Title shot by virtue of my winning The Supreme Rumble, and I’m not too cool with sitting on it and waiting. Tonight’s my night, Eric. I’m going to have my title shot tonight.” Everyone flips out. The idea of a McFly/Faith match has the fans foaming at the mouth. CF: “You see I’m still going to be the king of this promotion, I just don’t need to be around people like you and your drone there.” Eisen begins turning red with anger. EE: “NOBODY SAYS ‘NO’ TO ME, FAITH!” A vein bulges out on his forehead. EE: “NOBODY!” He turns, facing a different camera so the fans at home can get a good look at the most horrible look on his face. EE: “Christian Faith, you’ve signed your own death warrant. When I offered you a spot in The Corporation, I did so by telling you that you were either with us or against us. As of this past Sunday, by being against us, you are now Corporate Enemy Number One, my man. Bet on it.” Smiling now himself. EE: “And bet on your downfall happening…..” Someone slides into the ring behind Faith. EE: “…..in a NEW YORK MINUTE!” [CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] PM: “What the hell? It’s Jack Bruce!” Faith doesn’t even have time to take a breath before Bruce is upon him; swiftly positioning him for an “NYM” and burying him face first into the canvas with it. Eisen applauds from his spot on the stage as Bruce lifts Faith onto his wobbly legs and positions him for a second “NYM”, dropping him with an even more vicious version this time before exiting the ring and heading up the ramp. JB never smiles or plays air guitar. Instead, he walks right up to Eric Eisen amidst a sea of boos from those in attendance and sticks out his hand. Eisen smiles and extends his as well. And as Bruce’s music hits and he begins walking away, Eisen stops him. The cameras catch him mouthing “We’ll talk later.” Grade: A [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] A very speedy promo rolls hyping the arrival of The Calgary Bulldogs to the Supreme Wrestling Federation. It is straight forward and right to the point, rolling some career highlights of both men and really priming the viewing audience for the next match. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Calgary Bulldogs vs. Hollas fo’ Dollas[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Calgary Bulldogs win via submission @ 5:33[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: When the Canadian national anthem blares throughout the arena before morphing into a wicked indy-rock song and Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone walk out onto the stage, the place goes absolutely berserker. Dressed in their matching red and white singlets with CALGARY BULLDOGS printed in white block letters on their red boots, the two eldest Stone boys jog down the ramp, smacking many of the hands outstretched in their direction. Once they get to the ring and the bell rings, the fun loving Stones vanish and the business minded technician Stones show up, picking the very overmatched team of Dez and Danny B Bling apart right from the start. The fans love watching them, and their teamwork is so fluid, it’s off the charts, yet the Bulldogs do make their opponents look pretty decent in the process, allowing Bling to heel out completely with some blatant illegal double teaming during the HFD’s run in control that led to the finish. Coming off an impressive wrestling exchange between Jeremy Stone and Danny B Bling that makes me think I may need to reevaluate my stance on keeping Bling’s in ring time to a minimum, Jeremy blind tags Dan Jr. in before knocking Dez off the apron and into the worried arms of the gaggle of strippers that accompanied them to ringside. With no threat of the big street thug coming to Bling’s rescue, Dan circles around the back of the jive talking Bling as he struggles to his feet. With a surgeon’s precision, Stone lifts Bling and spikes him into the mat with a double underhook suplex before rolling him over and stomping his ankle two or three times and then grabbing hold and wrenching on it repeatedly, twisting so hard Bling’s shiny black man-loafer falls off as he taps out. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] The Dirty White Boyz are backstage with Tommy Townsend, both having ditched the fun-loving attitude they have seemed to gain in recent weeks, returning to their intense, glowering roots. As usual though, Lead Belly does all the talking for the World Tag Team Champions, keeping his gaze on the camera’s lens throughout and staring a proverbial hole in the Can-Am Blondes, wherever they are. LB: “It looks to me like we’ve got a pretty full dance card comin’ up, don’t it Hogg?” Grease Hogg nods. LB: “I mean, there’s no doubt that we still owe a visit to the Samoan Wrecking Crew to settle up for that little incident that totaled our pickup. Make no mistake, we haven’t forgotten about that.” Hogg points to the inches wide scar on his head, a lasting signature of the attack. LB: “But Can-Am Blondes? The Guru? You’re first; after what you pulled at ‘Under Control’ during The Supreme Rumble there’s no doubt that we’re looking for you as soon as possible.” A really large man, Hogg balls up his hand into a fist and punches his other hand really driving the point home while staying…..well….silent. LB: “When you chickensh*ts finally decide to take advantage of your shot at our titles, we are going to serve you up a beating that you’ll never forget.” Hogg nods again. LB: “See you soon, boys.” Grade: B [B][I][CENTER](commercial)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Cameras are backstage as Barrowman and Finch are stretching out just behind the curtain, Finch poised and getting ready for the match up next. For the first time in a while, they appear to be in a pretty good mood, joking a bit as the lens peers into their conversation. TB: “…….so just be focused out there, all right?” Finch leans into a hamstring. SF: “Like we were in the Supreme Rumble?” Barrowman smiles and gives a monitor a look, to see where the show is. TB: “That was fun, wasn’t it?” Finch bends to pull up his socks and tie the dangling laces of his shiny black boots. SF: “No doubt, son, no doubt. It was good to be the New Wave again, eh?” But they get the same thought at the same time and lose their smiles simultaneously. TB: “But that’s neither here nor there, is it? Tonight it’s about you getting a singles win and evening it up for us at one apiece against Morpheus.” Finch throws a few shadow punches. SF: “He tossed you around didn’t he? I’m a little bit worried about it…..” Before Barrowman can answer, their music hits and the time for talking is over. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Morpheus vs. Scout Finch[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Morpheus wins via pinfall @ 1:18[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Trying to avenge a partner’s loss is a noble thing, I suppose, but doing it in the realm of professional wrestling will usually lead to bad things. Scout knows exactly what I mean. After waiting through Morpheus’ epic entrance and not looking intimidated for a single second, Scout makes the mistake of trying to jump the mysterious big man as he climbs through the ropes. Within seconds, Finch is coming off of the same ropes, getting buried with a running shoulderblock before being hoisted up and destroyed, powerslammed; Eugene Williams’ three count nothing more than a formality. Morpheus’ exit comes just as quickly as his entrance, leaving Barrowman kneeling over his partner in the ring, his smile from earlier now miles away. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Eric Eisen catches up to Big Smack Scott in a backstage hallway and angrily pulls him into an empty conference room. The cameraman is unable to push around the corner of the door without being blatant about it, so instead, he just sets up outside and dangles his boom mike as close to the frame as he can push it, listening in. EE: “Where has your head been, Scott?” Silence. EE: “How many things can you screw up?” More silence. EE: “The Hall-of-Fame induction of Sam Strong was a debacle of epic proportions. The news media loved it. That segment was your responsibility, wasn’t it?” You can almost see him looking at the floor. EE: “The greatest wrestler of all time, embarrassed by the company trying to honor him……that’s just fabulous. You’d better make up for that tonight, when Strong and his daughter come by to watch the show. I’m talking the highest VIP service you can muster, ok?” Eisen snorts. EE: “Not to mention that you haven’t said word one about Jay Fair. Not a single solitary peep from you. And that man nearly made a laughingstock out of our pay-per-view main event.” Scott speaks. BSS: “What do you mean? What about him?” There is a long sigh. EE: “Jay Fair’s inept refereeing tainted the World Championship match at Under Control. And as yet, you haven’t taken any disciplinary action toward him.” Scott is flustered but still doesn’t muster up a comeback, just letting the dressing down continue. EE: “I’m telling you for the last time…….” The door shoots open, the interim CEO holding onto the handle and not breaking his glare in at Scott. EE: “…..you do what I tell you to do. I’m this close….” He makes a small space between his fingers. EE: “…..to giving you the boot. Don’t mess up again…….” He straightens his suit and holds the door open, letting Scott pass him and walk back into the hallway. EE: “…..or it’s your ass.” The GM’s eyes stay pointed at the floor until he is out of sight, stroking Eric’s ego even a bit more than usual. As he starts to walk away himself..... [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] .....he spots Queen Emily standing alongside Tom Gilmore who is getting looked over by a company physician after his nearly wire-to-wire run in “The Supreme Rumble”. Without breaking stride, Eisen leans toward the Queen as he flips open his now ringing phone. EE: “When you get a second, Emily, we should talk.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Greg Black vs. Jacob Jett vs. Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Joey Minnesota[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-Shooting Star Title #1 Contender Four Way Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joey Minnesota wins via pinfall @ 9:09[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Alex Braun thought that it might be best to let these four guys call their own stuff in the ring and told them that he wanted them to let it all hang out and have the best possible match that they could have. They do not disappoint and, in my opinion, have one of our best television matches of the year. What’s even better about it in my opinion is that no one saw it coming. The action is fierce and non-stop from the opening bell with each man bringing such distinctly different styles to the match that even in small bits, they each have showcase opportunities galore. And to be honest, no one lags behind as the one that doesn’t carry their weight in the match, with Black taking bump after bump, Jett landing a monster backflip legdrop, Marquez really working the crowd, and Joey owning everything on the mat, tossing the other three around with all sorts of suplex variants. The finish is fabulous mishmash of spots. What happens afterward however, is just plain crazy. The very over and red hot Marquez springs to the top turnbuckle and looks to be setting up fo a big move when Joey comes hurtling over and knocks him to the floor. From there he grabs the battling Jett and Black’s heads and bangs them together, discarding Jett by throwing him though the ropes before positioning Black for an “Empire Spiral”. It is quick and awesomely decisive, with the big haired babyface’s mug bouncing off of the canvas before Minnesota turns him over and gets the three count. As he celebrates…… [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] … ..a vengeful Cult of the Grey Dragon hits the arena, coming in from all sides to surround Jett who is still recovering on the floor. Bach belts him with a brass knuckled hand before helping Acid and Emma lift him up; they are taking him somewhere. But as they make their way toward the exit beside the stage, Remmy Skye and Pablo Rodriguez charge out wielding baseball bats. There is a tussle between the four men as Emma continues to slowly drag the unconscious Jett toward the door; weapons are used and blood is spilled once again between the two factions. Suddenly there is an enormous crash near the exit. A long black hearse has driven through one of the arena’s entrances and is wedged in the wall, smoking a bit but still running. The driver’s door opens and there is a flash; a thick cloud of smoke…… [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ……….and out steps Ota, much to the delight of the smartfans at ringside who watch the proceedings on the jumbotron. He does his famous spinning pose and tears away his ninja mask, tossing it aside and, as Remmy and Pablo run up on him, he pulls a blowgun from his flowing black pants and rears back, puffing his cheeks twice. Both Remmy and Pablo fall to the concrete, clutching their necks, Ota tossing the weapon into the crowd as Emma swings the back door of the hearse open. She struggles, but almost pulls Jett in by herself, getting a late hand from Bach who emotionlessly aids Ota in throwing Pablo in as well, slamming the door behind him and brushing off his hands. Ota is still quick as a cat and is almost instantly back behind the wheel of the hearse, throwing it into reverse and kicking up a ton of concrete dust. It only takes a second for the vehicle to free itself and it goes shrieking back into the parking lot and out of the camera’s view. There is some confusion among the heat, but it’s the good kind and Bach, Acid and Emma capitalize on it, positioning Skye like a man preparing for burial with his arms crossed over his chest. Then, as their music hits and they pose in their purple lights and a slow roll of fog that has crept in, obscuring Remmy, Sammy finally breaks from his frozen, emotionless state, a horrible smile creeping across his face. Grade: B+ (post) B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The cameras hurry backstage where, Hall of Famer Sam Strong and his daughter Alicia are being taken on a tour of the behind-the scenes areas by Supreme TV General Manager Big Smack Scott and Abby Eisen. It is clear from his body language that the Smacker is trying to bend over backwards to in some way make up for the issues that arose during Strong’s HOF induction ceremony and he’s really laying it on thick. Eric Eisen’s directive is surely on his mind. BSS: “We’re just honored that you’d stop by while you were still in town to……” But much like Sunday night, things are bound to not go well. Somehow…… [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ….. Bull Wrecker is backstage, standing in their way, half-leaning against the wall and cutting an impressive backlit silhouette. BW: “Did you think that I was just going to go away? You have no idea, do you?” Strong can’t believe it and shakes his head. SS: “You’ve got some nerve.” Wrecker cuts him off and takes a step toward the group, drawing a concerned look from both Abby and Big Smack Scott. BW: “Because I’m not going to go away, Sam. I’m going to use you to start sending my message.” Alicia steps out and puts up her fists. Even though she is a well muscled woman in peak physical condition, she is still absolutely dwarfed by the massive Wrecker, who snorts softly to himself but never takes his eyes off of the ring legend behind her. BW: “Tell your girl to step back, Sam, or I’ll tell her myself.” Sam leans out and puts his still large tanned arm in front of Alicia and pulls her back in line with the group. SS: “What do you want, Wrecker?” The big man never changes expressions, his words conveying the message quite clearly. BW: “I want the same thing I’ve always wanted …..” They are stunned. BW: “….I want the world!” They stand, all four making a different face in response to Wrecker’s crazed request. BW: “I want it all! Everything! No restrictions! Big Smack Scott is the most confused. BW: “From now on, this is going to be MY WORLD! If I see it and I want it, I’m going to take it.” He leans out oh-so-quickly and grabs Alicia by the back of the head, pulling her close to him and locking her in a kiss. She swats at him but he is the one who decides when it is over, only letting her go as Sam takes a step toward him, wagging his hands at the legend and begging him to come closer. BW: “LET’S DO THIS! RIGHT NOW STRONG!” The security team is again joined by local uniformed police and, as they fill the hallway and surround Wrecker, Sam puts his arm around the teary Alicia returning Bull’s cold stare with one of his own. BW: “THIS IS MY WORLD, SAM! MY WORLD! START IT SPINNING!” Scott seems flustered by the commotion but, even after getting reamed by Eric earlier on, defers to Abby who seems to relish the opportunity to be in control, yelling out orders to the police and security. AE: “I want that man arrested. Take him downtown and be sure to charge him this time. We’re tired of this.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Joe Sexy[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Shooter Sean wins via submission @ 8:21[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The rematch does not go the way Joe Sexy had hoped, as Shooter Sean was all over him again, really making him look two or three steps behind, wrestling wise. Sexy is a brawler by nature and has size and strength on his side, but seems snakebitten against Deeley, who controls the match from about the three minute mark on, taking Sexy off of his feet with a twisting dragon screw and then going to work on him, locking him in a camel clutch. There is little room to escape from the hold, but even as Sexy wriggles toward the ropes, Shooter Sean spins down onto Sexy’s back and twists the camel clutch into a modified STF, turning Sexy away from the cables almost completely. Referee Jay Fair asks Sexy time and time again if he would like to give up, but each time he gets a ‘no’ screamed in his face. The crowd gets behind him and he guts through the pain, trying to get to the ropes again, hoping to break the hold. But as he gets within inches on his salvation, Deeley hops off and grabs him by the legs, dragging him back into the center of ring before locking onto his ankle and bending it sideways. Sexy yells out and tries to hang on, but he is beaten and he knows it, tapping out of equal parts frustration and exhaustion. Without Dez or Danny B Bling accompanying him to the ring after their loss earlier, Deeley does just fine celebrating by himself, whooping it up on his way back up the ramp waving two fingers in Sexy’s direction in honor of his two straight wins over him. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Jack Bruce meets Eric Eisen backstage for their rendezvous, but Eisen begins acting paranoid and says that he wants to move the meeting to a more secure location since it concerns tonight’s main event. He suggests his plush limo; they can take a quick cruise around the building and be back and ready to go in only a few minutes. Eisen quickly sticks his head around the corner, finding no one before hustling off and going back down an adjacent hallway. As it turns out, his paranoia is right on.... [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] .....as Phil Vibert peeks out from behind some shadowy road cases just behind where Eisen and Bruce were and begins furiously punching a message into his Blackberry. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Peter and Ana take the fans at home through a recap of the Samoan Wrecking Crew’s debut, showing them destroying referee Baby Jamie by superbombing him through a table and playing clips of their hotly downloaded hype promo on SWF.com. There is a with a montage of them taking responsibility for the attack on Gino Montero last month with footage of the attack’s aftermath playing in super-slow motion underneath the audio. It closes with a mash up of their highlights from “The Supreme Rumble”, when the three men came to the ring, two unannounced, and ran rampant for a time. Our voice over guy has the last word. “They are big; they are vicious; they are impressive.” Dramatic pause. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] “They are the Samoan Wrecking Crew” Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Samoan Wrecking Crew vs. Mexico’s Most Wanted[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: SWC wins via countout @ 5:59[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: We might have a problem on our hands, fans. Though they are soundly booed by those in attendance, the SWC seem to earn fans one-by-one during their match with their wildly hardcore antics drawing some huge pops from those in attendance. To be truthful, this match was out of control from the opening bell, with Gino Montero and Fuerza extra fired up to get their hands on the men who destroyed Gino a few weeks back, not to mention the fact that it’s a chance to impress the powers that be and get the camera time they covet. They control the first minute or so with Montero’s quick striking high impact aerial offense seeming to confuse the bigger Samoans. But soon, the SWC is able to ground him and use their man advantage (with Tana at ringside) to slow and eventually stop both Gino and Fuerza. Fuerza takes a big bump for TV, getting double armdragged/lifted over the top rope to the floor, taking the hit flush with his back. With Jay Fair scrambling to check on Fuerza who is now laid flat, half on the floor’s protective mats and half off, the Samoan Wrecking Crew goes about obliterating Gino with an inventive three man attack on the other side of the ring. Tana procures a chair from just over the barricade and hands it to a fan, ordering him to hold it up. As the mark freaks out in wrestling ecstasy about being part of the show, Umaga gets a running start and bounces Montero’s head off of the steel chair so hard, the fan is knocked backward into his friend’s lap as well. Tana quickly helps his massive team get the nearly lifeless second generation superstar back under the bottom rope before getting Fair’s attention and pointing him toward the action. The three count is quick and decisive..... [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ...before Antonio Maxi Marquez comes flying down the ramp and turns the whole thing into a raging six man battle that goes straight into the commercial. Grade: B[/I] [B][I][CENTER](commercial)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] When the show returns from its last break, Peter and Ana’s shilling of the main event is cut off before it can even get started as the cameras cut to the area right behind the curtain. Jay Fair is talking with road agent Alex Braun when Big Smack Scott stomps up. After being insulted and threatened by Eric Eisen and then having his chance to make up for the HOF debacle with Sam Strong be ruined, yet again by Bull Wrecker, the GM of Supreme TV is cranked up and looking to blow off some steam. BSS: “FAIR!” [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] The diminutive official jumps a little bit, startled by the volume of Scott’s voice. BSS: “Meet me in my office in five minutes, and make sure that your bags are packed and with you when you come.” Fair’s face goes pale. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce both hurry outside toward a waiting limo that is parked just a few feet from the door. Neither man waits for the driver to get out to open their doors, both jump in and swing their doors shut as quickly as possible. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] As they do so, Phil Vibert jumps out of the shadows with a nail gun, firing off five or six rapid shots straight into the door frame on Eisen’s side. The interim CEO and the rock star get down as though they are being shot at, giving Vibert plenty of time to run around to the other side and shoot a few more nails into Bruce’s doorframe. Before Eisen or Bruce even pick up their heads, the superagent pats the limo on its roof and its engine revs twice before it tears off down the ramp and toward the highway. Phil Vibert is left holding his nail gun, blowing on its tip like it is a cowboy’s revolver, before dropping it with a clank on the cold concrete and jogging back toward the ring, Faith’s music just beginning to come through the house PA. PM: “Phil Vibert just took care of the two biggest threats to McFly and Faith’s match in one fell swoop! That limo doesn’t look like it’s coming back!” AG: “Where’d they go, Peter?” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][I]Sean McFly vs. Christian Faith[/I][/B] Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Heavyweight Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Christian Faith wins via DQ @ 14:56[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Christian Faith pulls out all the stops in this week’s main event, looking like a champion in waiting from the get-go. In fact, his attempts to wrest the SWF World Heavyweight title from “Mr. Wrestling” start during his entrance when he has a backstage staffer roll out onto the stage on his custom ride, only to slide into the ring behind McFly and nail him with a huge running forearm to start his attack. He takes a turn in the early going, landing some basic offense before McFly begins to work his way back into the match by wrestling Faith, or, more directly, out-wrestling Faith, using his vast repertoire of submission holds to try and keep Christian on the mat. But the wear and tear on McFly’s body begins to take hold as he works over Faith, and he begins to get a bit sloppier than he normally would just based on his level of fatigue. And while Faith gets put through the proverbial wringer, a part of you is just waiting for him to take advantage of one of the very rare openings that “Mr. Wrestling” is letting happen. When he does, the building seems divided for a moment until everyone realizes that it’s ok to cheer for both men and they stand, united. Faith hits the stunned McFly with two or three huge bombs and bounces off the ropes, bombing the World Champion with a clothesline before dropping a leg and quickly popping back to his feet, slowly drawing his thumb across his throat, signaling that the end may be near. Flashbulbs go off like a fireworks display as Faith lifts McFly to his feet and whips him into the turnbuckles where the champion stops with a nasty suddenness. But as he begins to sprint across the ring, looking to drop a “Leap of Faith” onto the World Champion, Faith is cut off by Phil Vibert, who has jumped into the ring and dropped onto his knees in front of McFly, begging Faith for mercy. The crowd continues going crazy when Faith grabs Vibert by the suit jacket and lifts him onto his feet, pushing him through the ropes to the floor, leaving the two men alone again in the ring. But when he turns his attention back to McFly, “Mr. Wrestling” comes out of the corner with a boot to the gut and a lightning quick “Delorean Driver ‘11” that skewers Faith onto his head. Everyone is jumping up and down either trying to urge Faith to his feet or for McFly to make the pin; nary a seat has an ass in it. McFly, still right on the doorstep of defeat himself is slow to crawl over toward Faith and when he does, the wily biker hooks his head and far leg and turns it over into a small package……. 1 . . . . . . 2 .. .. .. .. .. All of sudden, the pin is broken up by a man in a navy blue suit. PM: “WHAT THE HELL?” [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] PM: “HE’S BACK! HE’S BACK! THAT SON-OF-A-B*TCH GREGORY KEITH IS BACK AND I THINK HE JUST SCREWED CHRISTIAN FAITH OUT OF THE WORLD TITLE!” The bell clangs endlessly, with Keith letting punches and kicks rain onto both Faith and McFly, with both of whom really too battered to defend themselves all too well. Vibert slides into the ring again, this time with a chair, but gets grabbed and pie-faced by Keith, hurled much more violently to the floor for a second time this evening. There is only a second or two before Keith grabs the chair and squares up with it, waiting for either man to get to his feet. McFly is first and takes a bomb to the side of the head, falling unconscious to the canvas as Faith finally stands on shaky legs and takes his, Keith swinging through even harder on the second. Both men are motionless on the mat as Keith leans over the top rope and demands the World Title belt, snatching it from the hands from the timekeeper as he hands it up. The show closes with Gregory Keith standing over both Christian Faith and Sean McFly, holding the SWF World Championship above his head; the belt he lost to “Mr. Wrestling” at “The Supreme Challenge” in his hands again. Grade: A (post) A* Show Grade: A[/I]
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Show 47 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER] PWHits.com Exclusive [/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [I](AP)- The SWF Championship Committee has announced that it will be offering open contracts to some top superstars from around the world, making the Supreme Wrestling Federation the hotspot for international dream matches. The new initiative, spearheaded by assistant-to-the-GM Abby Eisen, is being widely applauded by many of the online wrestling news-zines, with PWHits.com’s own Goatboy calling it “….the long awaited answer to many a smarks unanswered prayers.” The first match of the six week series is a triple threat and it is scheduled for this week’s Supreme TV, which airs live every Tuesday night at 9pm. It will feature SWF superstar Antonio Maxi Marquez, a lucha libre legend, taking on Thom Barrowman, an American and world renowned tag team specialist, and Akinori Kwakami, a two time PGHW champion. A backstage staffer, who requests to remain unnamed, says that the locker room is charged up to test themselves against some of the best wrestlers in the world. [/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Forty-Seven Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I] Gregory Keith’s surprising return during last week’s Supreme TV main event spoiled what might have been a monumental moment for Christian Faith, as the biker looked just on the verge of pinning the World Champion, Sean McFly. Keith and McFly have an obviously long history, battling for the World Title for several months, but the arrogant now former World Champion has never met Christian Faith in a match, ever. What could his motivation have been in thwarting Faith’s moment? Not to mention Phil Vibert’s ‘taking out’ of the re-formed Corporation by hiring a dummy limo and trapping them inside it with a nail gun so that they couldn’t interfere in his client’s World title defense. Even with Christian Faith being declared “Corporate Enemy Number One” last week by Eric Eisen, there is no doubt that, after his actions, Phil Vibert has to be a strong contender for corporate enemy number two. Will there be retribution? The Calgary Bulldogs debuted last week with a dominating win, coming in as advertised and dismantling the Hollas fo’ Dollas tandem of Dez and the fast talking hustler Danny B Bling. This week, Jeremy and Dan Stone will see a different face from the HFD family, Danny B Bling’s crown jewel, Shooter Sean Deeley when he teams with Dez to try and turn back the Canadians’ challenge. Joe Sexy has been in a bit of a slump lately, but when he gets into the ring with Scout Finch, who is winless as a singles competitor, something’s got to give. Will Sexy begin to right the ship or will Scout get he and his teammate Thom Barrowman back on the winning track by stopping the ravishing fan favorite? All of this plus…… …..Tom Gilmore in action…. …..the first match in our international superstar series…. ….the fallout from the kidnapping of Jacob Jett and Pablo Rodriguez by the Cult of the Grey Dragon by longtime COTGD associate Ota….. …….the future of Jay Fair…… …..and Bulldozer Brandon Smith defends his SWF North American Championship. [CENTER]Don’t miss the highest rated wrestling program on television, [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B], when it takes over the airwaves by force this Tuesday at 9pm. Be there.[/CENTER][/I] -Quick Picks- Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. ??? Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Thom Barrowman vs. Kwakami Calgary Bulldogs vs. Shooter Sean Deeley/Dez Joe Sexy vs. Scout Finch Hollywood Brett Starr vs. Tom Gilmore Powell & Grayson vs. Dermot O’Logical/Takayuki [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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