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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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[B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. ??? [B]Antonio Maxi Marquez[/B] vs. Thom Barrowman vs. Kwakami [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. Shooter Sean Deeley/Dez Joe Sexy vs. [B]Scout Finch[/B] Hollywood Brett Starr vs. [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] Powell & Grayson vs. [B]Dermot O’Logical/Takayuki[/B]
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[B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. ??? [I]BBS to come out on top against the mystery man[/I] [B]Antonio Maxi Marquez[/B] vs. Thom Barrowman vs. Kwakami [I]Barrowman hasn't shown much as a singles competitor and I get the feeling that Kwakami is just a one shot deal.[/I] [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. Shooter Sean Deeley/Dez [I]A bit more competitive but still a 'squash' to build the Stones as a force in the Tag ranks[/I] Joe Sexy vs.[B] Scout Finch[/B] [I]Joe Sexy = JTTS[/I] Hollywood Brett Starr vs. [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] [I]Straightforward win for Gilmore[/I] Powell & Grayson vs. [B]Dermot O’Logical/Takayuki[/B] [I]Sort of match where the relatively unknown (I would assume) debutants can pick up a debut victory.[/I]
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Show 47 "It's Not Perfect...." [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Forty-Seven-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]“It’s Not Perfect……”[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][I][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson vs. Dermot O’Logical/Takayuki[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Powell/Grayson win via pinfall @ 3:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Short, sweet, and mercifully to the point here. And while this was, for all intents and purposes, a momentum builder to feature Powell and Grayson, Robert Oxford put in spots for each man, giving us the opportunity to really get a read on where the short-termers are in comparison to a lower card team. I’m going to give Takayuki a thumbs up and either keep him on the internet show or offer him a developmental deal and send him to SCCW. He’s very modern and has a great look, which is something you can’t teach. Dermot however will be finishing up his short contract and looking elsewhere for work. I’m into the gimmick, but don’t see any future in it the way I am booking things right now. And besides, he has really stunk it up in the ring in both of his appearances. Powell scores with an outstanding rebounding backflip back elbow before jumping to the top rope and hitting a picture perfect swanton bomb before rolling up Takayuki for the finish. As they celebrate, over the top as always, John Greed steps out from behind the announce table (where he was acting as a guest commentator with Doakes and Silver) and gets up onto the ring apron, admonishing the two young hip-hoppers and doing a lot of finger pointing in their faces. Suddenly, he reaches out and slaps Grayson, which shocks him. Powell tries to grab hold of Greed, but the smarmy heel steps back and drops to the floor, still running his mouth the entire time. Grade: D+ (post) C+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] We hadn’t done anything that bordered on porno lately, so we set Danny B Bling free in the ring to host a dance off between three of his “ladies”. It doesn’t take them long to go from dressed-in-poor-taste to barely-dressed-at-all. However, it leaves a good portion of our fans satisfied, even if it was a thinly veiled way to get the group a bit more face time before their match against The Calgary Bulldogs tonight. Grade: C+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]“Hollywood” Brett Starr vs. Tom Gilmore[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Tom Gilmore wins via pinfall @ 3:29[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Power squash by Gilmore here; there’s no doubt that he is ready for a run at the very top of the card. Starr’s lone highlight is his entrance, which sees him sporting a new leather jacket and an even more loose arrogance than before. He is minus RK Hayes as well, whose contract wasn’t renewed when it expired, but we feel like the whole thing will favor Starr in the end. With Queen Emily signaling for it from the floor, Gilmore ends his destruction of the brash youngster and catches him with a brutal “Anger Management”, netting the victory as a result. The bell at ringside sounds and Gilmore raises a fist to the sky, but as Emily hops up onto the apron to join him, she is distracted by her phone going off in her suit pocket. She gives its screen a quick look, and as she climbs into the ring a cameraman gets close enough to hear what she says to Angry. QE: “That was him. We’re meeting in ten minutes.” Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Abby Eisen is backstage discussing her International Talent Initiative with a magazine reporter when a messenger comes by with an envelope for Big Smack Scott. Since he still hasn't arrived to the building, Abby signs for it and deftly and slits it open with her thumbnail as the messenger walks away. She scans it for just a few seconds before shaking her head and scowling. AE: “I don’t believe it.” Grade: B [B][I][CENTER] (Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] This week, Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce stomp their way down the ramp toward the ring on a split screen as the show open rolls opposite them. There is no doubt about it; they are both ripped sh*t angry. EE: “Phil Vibert, what you pulled last week will have the most severe of consequences.” The fans boo him, as they always do. EE: “If I were you, I’d be watching your back, ‘Superagent’….” He makes condescending quotes in the air with his fingers. EE: “….because yours is just around the corner.” They boo them even harder. EE: “But onto the night’s business; the real reason that I came out here this evening……” The opening strains of Gregory Keith’s music begins to rip through the speakers as Eisen continues his introduction. EE: “…..please welcome back to the Supreme Wrestling Federation, the Corporate champion and the best wrestler any of you have ever seen……” The lights turn up and sparks begin to rain on the stage; that’s something new. EE: “…….Gregory Keith!” [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Right on time, Keith struts out onto the stage, reflective sunglasses on inside, chin up, blatantly looking at the bejeweled bauble of a watch on his wrist. The fans remember him as a despicable champion and treat him as such, really letting him hear it as he walks down the ramp and climbs into the ring. GK: “You idiots don’t deserve me, and I don’t have a lot of time for you…..” Wow; they loathe him. GK: “……but I’ve come back anyway……and I’ve come back for MY World Heavyweight title and Sean McFly can……” [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] He is cut off by the loud revving of Christian Faith’s chopper as he pulls out onto the stage, raising his fist to acknowledge the massive amount of love being sent his way by those in attendance, before cranking it back and tearing down the ramp. Keith doesn’t make a move as Faith circles the ring and brings his ride to stop at the foot of the ramp. GK: “What do you want, Faith? Back for another beating?” Christian leans the bike to one side and dismounts, never taking off his black wrap around sunglasses. CF: “I only want one thing, Keith…..” Keith leans out over the ramp, feigning interest in what Faith has to say, but Jack Bruce calmly pops in a pair of earbuds and turns on his IPod. CF: “………your cowardly ass in the ring…… tonight!” The arrogant Keith rolls his eyes and nods his head. But Eric Eisen jumps back into things before the former World Champion can return fire. EE: “I’m pretty sure I can make your wish come true, Faith, but what are YOU willing to do to make it happen?” The camera gets a close up on Faith as Eisen continues. EE: “Now I now you’re going to whine to the Championship Committee about the way that your World Title match….the one you earned by virtue of winning the Supreme Rumble, ended last week.” Faith finally pulls off his sunglasses, squinting for a quick second as he does so. EE: “You’ll get your way and you get a rematch…..” Now the close up is on Eric. EE: “….but, if you want a match against Gregory Keith tonight, I want you to give that World Title rematch to The Corporation in return if you lose….” There is not even a second. CF: “Agreed.” Faith flicks his wrist and fires up the chopper, causing Eric to throw his hands over his ears; deafened by the bikers oh-so-loud steed. Gregory Keith nods and rubs his hands together menacingly; it’s on. Grade: A* [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Thom Barrowman vs. Akinori Kwakami [/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-International Challenge Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: AMM wins via pinfall @ 6:26[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The first match in the International Challenge is a success with a lot of fans popping for Kwakami, a wrestler many had never even seen. We did book him in the first match for a reason, though, as his offensive moveset is so different from anything that we’re currently offering, I knew it would get him over. From the first superstiff back kick that drops Barrowman like a ton of bricks, to the running swandive over the top rope to the floor that smothers both of his opponents, he shines. However, as luck would have it, the victory would not be his. The New Wave’s losing streak since splitting as a team has shown no signs of letting up and it’s almost as if the cloud of failure hangs over both Barrowman and Finch when they are in the ring separately affecting their performance. Again, on this occasion, Barrowman gets rolling, taking both Marquez and Kwakami down with running shoulderblocks and clearing AMM out of the ring with a back elbow. Things look good for Barrowman for a change and he seems to take three times as long doing everything, as though the act of closing out an opponent has become foreign to him since he hasn’t had to do it in months. Scout urges him on from ringside, really trying to soup up the crowd and get them even more into it, but Barrowman seems stuck in molasses, dropping an awkward elbow onto the strong style Japanese import before getting back to his feet and looking to get to the top rope for his finisher. It never happens. As he stands there blinking and flat footed, AMM comes springboarding back into the ring, landing on the top turnbuckle and flying off, catching Barrowman on the way down with an amazing swinging DDT that nets him the flash victory. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Sean McFly, dressed in a maroon and white track suit, is backstage in his locker room, the beautiful SWF World Championship sitting in an open duffel bag near the rest of his gear. He is obviously enjoying the company of longtime friends Jeremy and Dan Stone as they swap stories and laugh tirelessly. But when Phil Vibert walks in, flush faced and slamming the door behind him, the laughs stop. PV: “Sean, I think we might have a problem.” Both Stones turn away from the superagent and look at McFly, trying to gauge his reaction. And as usual, even though he is uber-intense in the ring, backstage he is quite casual and soft spoken. SM: “Wait. What are we talking about here? Keith? Eisen? Bruce? What’s the issue?” Vibert’s phone rings and he quickly shuts it off to answer his champion. PV: “That’s just it. It’s not that it’s any one of the three of them. It’s the fact that they’ve formed some sort of an alliance.” McFly is not arrogant, but snorts a bit nonetheless. SM: “You just need to relax, ok. I’ve handled them all before, Phil, I can do it again…..” But Vibert just shakes his head. PV: “I know that; I believe in you, I really do. But it’s my job to worry about this type of stuff isn’t it?” The Stones join McFly in nodding at him; he is right. PV: “All of that stuff is in addition to Christian Faith, too. He’s going to want to go another couple of rounds with you…….” McFly cuts him off, turning a bit more into his in-ring persona. SM: “Then let him bring it. “Mr. Wrestling” is the SWF World Heavyweight Champion for a reason, because I’m the best wrestler in the world.” Jeremy pats him on the back while Vibert nods and lets out a slow exhale. PV: “Whatever you say.” There is a second or two of awkward silence before Vibert begins to walk away. Dan jr. chuckles as soon as McFly’s agent is gone. DS: “What’s with him lately?” McFly grins. SM: “It’s just who he is, I think. You know those New York types…..” Jeremy and Dan jr. nod. JS: “Sure do. There always stressing about something.” The camera backs up and fades as the three men share another hearty laugh. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The Can-Am Blondes and Frederique jump Lead Belly and Grease Hogg backstage, completely surprising them as they were preparing to split a twelve pack and watch the rest of the show in the lounge. SWF security begins to filter in, but not before Love and Carvill run Lead Belly headfirst into one of the monitors, bloodying him instantly and sending the many backstage staffers scrambling. Hogg pulls himself together and stands over his damaged partner as the Can-Am’s are pulled back by two or three security guards apiece. As a paramedic hits the scene, checking Lead Belly’s vitals, The Guru walks right up to the tag champs. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] TG: “I wish to inform you that we will be cashing in our opportunity to wrestle you for the tag team titles immediately and that we will be scheduling our match for the pay-per-view. Good day.” Hogg’s expression doesn’t change, his focus totally on his fallen friend. PM: “It looks like we’ve got ourselves a tag title match at “Let the Games Begin.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Scout Finch vs. Joe Sexy[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joe Sexy wins via pinfall @ 4:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Some awkward chemistry keeps this from being all it could be, but in the end, it was a storyline progression and little else. Sexy and Scout have the match going toward the finish when the entire Hollas fo’ Dollas parade makes its way out down the ramp and begins to circle the ring. Shooter Sean is the least animated of the group, preferring instead to let the others dance and work the fans while he cuts an icy glare at Sexy, holding up two fingers again as he does so to signify the two victories he has over the SWF veteran. And there is no question that their presence gets to Sexy, with Finch picking up the slack and starting to take control. But suddenly, everything looks like it clicks in Sexy’s head and he is refocused, whipping Scout into the turnbuckles and nailing him with his running knee/bulldog combination and getting right back to his feet, looking for his finisher. And with an eye on Deeley and the rest of the HFD, when Finch wobbles to his feet, Sexy tucks his head and turns him over violently with the “One Night Stand” (Swinging Neckbreaker) and gets the pin. Barrowman slides into the ring to check on his partner while Sexy celebrates, trying to help him regain his wits, but Sexy has already moved on to a nearly full scale confrontation with Deeley. JS: “Let’s go again! One more time! You think you’re such a badass, then let’s see you do it a third time!” Shooter Sean hops up onto the apron and is quickly nose to nose with Sexy, staying silent but rolling his head from side to side like he is getting ready to throw down. JS: “Are you man enough, Deeley?” Sexy is right in his mug, but Deeley’s only response is to again raise his two fingers and put them inches from Sexy’s nose before backing up a step and dropping out of the ring to the floor. Hollas fo’ Dollas makes its way backward up the ramp with Sexy and Deeley having a full fledged long distance staredown. Grade: B- (post) B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Gino Montero storms into the GM’s office with Fuerza by his side. The seat behind the big desk is empty, but Abby sits in her smart suit at a much smaller, more sensibly sized desk right beside it. She is cordial when she speaks. AE: “It seems that the General Manager is unavailable right now. Could I possibly be of assistance?” Gino is fuming, having not lost a single bit of his head of steam after seeing the night’s run sheet. GM: “Where’s my match?” Abby hasn’t been watching the MMW angles apparently, returning his question with a blank stare. AE: “I’m sorry?” GM: “I’ve been to the top of the mountain south of the border, chica, and yet when I got here, I came to work for this dirt hole promotion and found out that I’m not good enough in the eyes of the ‘powers-that-be’ to get onto their television show? How is that fair?” Abby begins shuffling some papers, not looking flustered at all, but Montero takes it that way, turning smugly to Fuerza, acting like he is the man. AE: “How about I give you a match then….even though you did lose last week.” Montero nods, his greasy hair grossly catching the light a bit. AE: “Get yourself to the ring; it the opportunity of a lifetime. It’s a title match, Gino. Good luck. We here at the SWF are an equal opportunity organization; please know that we value each member of our roster no matter their background.” Gino exchanges a fist bump with Fuerza, looking ridiculously full of himself as they exit the office….. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ......that is, until Bulldozer Brandon Smith walks by him in the hallway, snapping his fistwraps out and wiggling his fingers into his padded MMA gloves. BBS: “So it’s you, huh?” Gino looks confused. His music hits and Fuerza begins to try to herd him toward the stage, Gino now frozen by the realization that Abby just put him in a match with one of the baddest ass-kickers in the entire promotion. He takes a few steps, wide eyed. BBS: “See you out there, meat.” Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Gino Montero[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-North American Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith wins via pinfall @ 5:11[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: I’ll go on record as saying that Gino Montero is one of the top five or six wrestlers we have when he is “on”. And tonight, even in a losing effort, Gino is “on” at such a level that he draws a few rounds of applause for his efforts from our vocal ringside ticket buyers. He and Bulldozer have a great chemistry and the mammoth Dozer throws him around the ring with all sorts of strong style shots, hitting the much smaller Mexican with such force that Gino’s movements are almost comical. But after weathering the storm, Montero makes a comeback, bouncing around the ring and hitting Bulldozer from all sides with dropkicks and tornado punches. And when he comes barreling off of the ropes toward a confused Smith, it looks like he is going to score with a flipping neckbreaker. But Bulldozer catches him coming over, slamming him forcefully into the canvas and grabbing hold of his wrist on his way by, forcing Gino’s face against the mat. Montero scrambles, pulling himself up with the ropes and avoiding Bulldozer’s armbar, but he doesn’t have the luxury of being safe for too long, getting dropped on his head when Bulldozer breaks out his rarely seen backdrop driver. Smith gets right to his feet, expecting Gino to bounce back and come at him with his next attack, but as it turns out, Montero is flattened, still in the same spot where he got dropped. Bulldozer assesses the situation for a second or two before forgoing the armbar and just rolling him over and pinning him. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Abby Eisen summons Joey Minnesota to the GM’s office via intercom, Big Smack Scott still a no-show. As he shuffles in, stuck in an obvious haze, he is followed by Eric Eisen who wearing a navy blue pinstriped suit. Joey mumbles something, but Eisen shushes him with a quick finger to the lips and turns, smiling at his half sister. EE: “What seems to be the issue, Abby? And where is Mr. Scott this evening?” Abby stands to meet his gaze, being very crisp and pointed with her words. AE: “We received the results from our company’s first full roster drug test just a little while ago.” Eric raises his eyebrows. EE: “And?” A beat. AE: “Joey tested out clean.” Eric pumps his fist, but tries to regroup quickly and show less emotion. EE: “So why did you call us here? Just a…..” She cuts him off. AE: “Because I think something’s going on.” She leans toward him, trying to detect even a slight flinch in his stance, but Eric shows nothing. AE: “I mean, look at him. He’s drooling.” Eric turns to see that it is true, Joey is having some serious saliva retention issues, but still, he refuses to give up anything. EE: “So…..what now?” Joey lets a long, wet stringer fall from his lip. EE: “Are we good here? Joey’s got a match tonight against Tana and some unfinished personal business to take care of with he and his boys.” Abby is not happy and just nods slowly as Eric and Joey walk away. Grade: B+ [I][B][CENTER](commercial)[/CENTER][/B][/I] [CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] When Supreme TV returns from the commercial break, the shot is a low one, looking upward at Phil Vibert as the briskly walks down a back hallway. His tie is loosened and he is yammering on to someone on his oh-so-tiny earpiece phone, very obviously trying to close some sort of deal. You can tell by the look on his face that he is still worrying about the myriad of dangerous challengers that await his client. “Psssst…” He stops in his tracks. Is someone signaling to him from behind that locker room door over there? Vibert takes less than half a step toward the door and it springs open in his face. The cameraman is surprised as well and loses focus on the shot, obstructing much of the action. Vibert yells out. PV: “What the hell?” A pair of arms reach out of the darkness of the locker room and pulls him in, the door slamming shut right afterward. PV: “HEY!” Suddenly there is silence. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Calgary Bulldogs vs. Dez/Shooter Sean Deeley[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Calgary Bulldogs win via submission @ 5:49[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The Bulldogs take another win from Danny B Bling’s group, thoroughly whitewashing both Dez and Shooter Sean Deeley in the process. Shooter Sean does have a nice go round with both Stone boys on the mat, looking like he can hang with them technically for a few seconds, but Jeremy and Dan jr. are the best of the best and quickly put him in his place, taking him to school; the master class. Eventually though, the heels begin to weasel their way to an advantage, getting help from their jive talking frontman on the floor. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Joe Sexy comes out onto the stage toward the end of the affair, pulling a folding chair out with him and sitting with his legs crossed; watching, giving HFD a taste of their own medicine, as they did the same thing to him earlier on. Dez loses Jeremy (after the elder Stone fiddles his way out of Dez’s full nelson) and makes the decidedly hot tag to Dan jr., who hits the ring blazing and drops both Deeley and Dez with clotheslines. A second shot from Stone has Dez out on his feet but Shooter Sean keeps coming, walking into a kneelift and snap suplex from Dan before he makes the tag back to Jeremy and the two set him up for a double team move. They whip him into the ropes, but Deeley holds onto the top cable and jumps to the floor, leaving the spaced Dez in their path instead. There is barely time for the fans to get on their feet before Jeremy blasts Dez with a running facebuster, leaving him facedown for Dan jr., who leaps in behind him and grabs hold of his ankle, twisting it and making the big thug tap. Their music begins to play as the bell rings, The Calgary Bulldogs victorious, but Deeley stays put on the floor, yelling up the ramp at Joe Sexy who laughs and mocks him with a round of fake applause. Grade: C+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Unannounced, Sam Strong ambles out onto the stage and walks down the ramp, “Legitimate American” firing and starting a few seconds late. The fans have nothing but love in their hearts for Strong, and you can see in their faces that many of them feel bad about the way that his final run in the spotlight, his HOF enshrinement, went down. When he gets to the ring, trailed by his lovely daughter Alicia, he grabs the microphone from the announcer and faces the hard cam, always instinctively knowing where it is. SS: “Bull Wrecker, I am too old to waste time, so here it is.” He swallows. SS: “Whatever it is that I did to you back when you worked for the USPW that has made you so angry……well, I’m sorry, brother.” There is a mix of boos and some cheering. Sam Strong apologizing? SS: “I know that I have been known to be somewhat…..stubborn and…….” He scratches his head. SS:”….shortsighted……” Strong searches for his next words for a bit too long; Bull Wrecker’s new music fills the arena and everyone turns toward the stage. [CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] Again in his form fitting black and white print T-shirt and tight dark blue jeans, the unbelievably massive Bull Wrecker slowly makes his way about halfway down the ramp before producing a microphone, climbing up onto the apron and into the ring afterward. BW: “Strong, you are even weaker than I thought.” Boos. BW: “Coming out here and groveling? Let me guess. You were getting around to asking me to leave you alone, right? Like you expect me to just forget about my future; to forget about my destiny. This is bigger than you Sam Strong.” Strong is upset at having his apology belittled, but tries to swallow it back , beginning again. SS: “Wrecker, I am sorry, man. For whatever I did, I apologize. There’s nothing……” Bull cuts him off again. BW: “There’s nothing that you can say that’s going to change this. Nothing can save you now.” Security begins to come from all sides, the ramp and ringside area filling up with jacked up bouncers in black SWF polo shirts. But for some reason, Sam switches gears completely, apparently tired of listening to Wrecker and willing to see where this is going. SS: “Fine. If that’s the way you want it, you little punk, then so be it. Ruining my Hall of Fame induction? Kissing my daughter?” The crowd gives him wings, I bet; they are growing in volume behind him as he riles himself up. SS: “Why don’t you just put up or shut up, dude? You want to take a shot at me to prove something to everyone, then do it already…..” Bull takes a step toward Sam, but he is cut off again by Alicia. Bull moves her aside with one arm while keeping his eyes locked on Sam, but she is relentless, forcing her way back in front of him before rearing back and punching him in the face. The fans go crazy as Wrecker stands there wide-eyed, a small trickle of blood coming out of the corner of his mouth. Before he can respond, the security staffers engulf him. Amidst the chaos, Wrecker smiles a partially bloody smile and puckers his lips at Alicia, laughing. This time, as his hands are wrestled behind his back by two off duty police officers, Alicia winds up and slaps him. She is on the verge of tears as he is pulled away by a host of security, dragging him through the ropes and to the floor, all while Wrecker makes kissy faces and laughs, spittle flying as he does so. BW: “YOU LIKED IT, DIDN’T YOU ALICIA?! I KNEW IT!” Farther down the ramp now, Strong has his still large arm around his trembling daughter. BW: “I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU LIKED IT!” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] We run a new segment that recaps the action from the internet pre-show for the people that don’t watch it. Essentially, we’re trying to show those folks that there are pivotal storyline events happening there, too, that it’s not just some sort of throwaway for us. We focus this time on Tom Gilmore’s squash of Brett Starr and the sequence that saw Queen Emily get a call and schedule a meeting with an unknown person. Grade: B+ [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Tana vs. Joey Minnesota[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joey Minnesota wins via DQ @ 7:04[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Joey tries to avenge his attack at the hands of the SWC more than a month ago and fights valiantly, no matter what his level of “medication”, falling short at just past the seven minute mark. That said, it does eventually devolve into a three-on-one that draws the Samoan Wrecking Crew a well deserved disqualification before it ends. The real highlight comes when Akima and Umaga line Joey up and level him with their finisher, a double running headbutt that flips him completely over. Tana and his gang stand over Minnesota, but as he begins to stir, Tana orders them to lift him up and hit him with another double headbutt. As they begin to put him in position…… [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ……Tom Gilmore comes flying down the ramp with a steel chair in his hands, hitting the ring and swinging away at the SWC who clear out seconds later. The show goes to a promo for SWF Magazine with a shot of Joey Minnesota, hurt and on one knee, looking up at Tom Gilmore, the man that just saved him from the SWC. The shot goes high, cutting tight onto the face of Tom Gilmore as Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia spell things out for the fans at home. AG: “Joey is with Eric Eisen now isn’t he Peter? Shouldn’t someone from The Corporation have come out to save him?” There is a beat as though Michaels is putting it all together for the first time. PM: “My god, Ana, I think that’s what just happened.” Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The shot is of the back part of the arena’s parking garage. Everything is colored some shade of grey and the dinge and dust are almost palatable. When it pans over there is a large dumpster, covered in graffiti and burned out with the blackest of black soot all over it. Nevertheless, Sammy Bach, Emma, and Acid sit atop the steel beast, brooding. SB: “You’re alone, Remmy Skye. Just like everyone is at the end.” He reaches his hand under part of the dumpster’s top and pulls out a tattered, burnt piece of mask. Plague’s mask. SB: “You took a piece of my heart, black as it is; you took a member of my family; you took Plague. And now I’ve taken two pieces of your heart in return.” Bach pulls out a priest’s collar and Jett’s torn black t-shirt. Both are stained brown with blood. SB: “Wherever Jett and Rodriguez are, rest assured, it is not a better place. It is a worse place; a place constructed with unimaginable pain and built upon mountains of suffering. But even that’s not enough for the Grey Dragon. He doesn’t just want your heart, Remmy Skye; he wants your soul, too.” Emma looks like she is going to say something, but she looks at the tattered chunk of Plague’s mask and stops before she starts, unable. Bach puts his arm around her and pushes his long black hair out of his face. SB: “And I am going to get it for him.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Gregory Keith vs. Christian Faith[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Gregory Keith wins via pinfall @ 14:20[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: We are now hitting a point where we can almost offer a pay-per-view level main event every week on our television shows. A lot of people in the booking and creative community don’t like it; conceptually they say it sells your PPV’s short because there are no “big” matches to look forward to. I couldn’t disagree more. Sports Entertainment is selling stories. Sure matches like this one are very nice and appeal to a certain portion of the market, but most of our audience wants to see Christian Faith the character take on Gregory Keith the character, not Faith the wrestler taking on Keith the master technician. So that’s what we gave them. The arrogant Keith takes the reigns from the start (after his super long intro) in his first match back in an SWF ring in months, wiggling a turnbuckle loose in the corner and exposing the steel a bit on one side, going back to it time and time again; any time Faith seems to get any footing, he is fed a fresh bite of the exposed steel. He also takes a ton of time while Faith rolls around on the canvas to jaw with the fans, hopping to floor in one instance and, after exchanging words with a portly bald fan at ringside, flips the man’s half cup of beer into his face. It draws him a ton of heat but leads to Faith’s comeback, which, even though it was bound to be big, goes off like fireworks with the crowd having one of their own personally attacked. He throws huge rights and lefts that rock Keith and send him reeling backward into the ropes, where he tries to keep his feet amidst Faith’s barrage. And his inner heel comes to the surface again, only this time, Keith’s low blow is blocked by Faith who whips him into the ropes instead and nails him with a running boot, throwing his fist into the air as the former World Champion squirms on the canvas. The fans are electric and Faith thinks he might be on the verge of taking this one home…… …..when Eric Eisen hustles down the ramp and gets the attention of both Faith and referee Eugene Williams. Keith slowly pulls himself together as Williams attempts to get Eisen off of the ring’s apron with Faith right behind him, pointing a finger in the interim CEO’s face. But when Eisen doesn’t relent and Faith throws up his hands in disgust…….. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ….he walks right into a “New York Minute”, courtesy of Jack Bruce, who slides out of the ring as quietly as he slid in. Eisen points out the fallen Faith to referee Williams, now covered by a still winded Keith, and he leaps over and slaps the canvas three times, calling for the bell right afterward. The fans freak out as Keith gets his hand raised, but they get even louder when Bruce and Eisen get into the ring, too. There is a split second where it looks like Bruce and Keith are going to have a stand off, but just as quickly, they both extend their hands and shake, high fiving Eric right afterward. When they face the camera, it looks like the show is going to close with the three of them posing together, publicly cementing their alliance. Instead, Eric leans through the ropes and nabs the ring announcer’s chair, sliding it toward both Keith and Bruce and motioning toward the still downed Faith. But before either of them can grab it and do Eric’s bidding…… [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] …..Sean McFly comes barreling down the ramp with a steel chair of his own, sliding in to the ring with a huge head of steam and looking ready to throw bombs. But Bruce, Eisen, and Keith have all slunk under the ropes and reformed at the foot of the ramp, unscathed, by that time. The logo flashes in the corner of the screen as Faith gets to his feet. McFly is threatening Keith, Bruce, and Eisen with the chair, but Faith takes exception to him coming down and getting involved, getting to his feet and giving “Mr. Wrestling” a shove. Eric Eisen laughs as there is a very tense, uncomfortable few seconds between Faith and McFly. The show fades. Grade: B+ (post) A* Show Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Just caught up on this diary, and it certainly seems like there's about a dozen things going on at once. Your roster keeps growing, you've got some great main event dynamics with Christian Faith as an out for himself face against a face champion and the heel corporation. I guess my only problem is your roster has gotten so huge and you've got so many balls up in the air that it's tough to figure out what's important. How long is Supreme TV running, anyway? That felt like it was a 3 hour Nitro more than anything else. I still love the diary and really like a lot of the characterizations*, but right now it just seems really busy. I don't know if a B-show is the answer, or it might just be a matter of sorting out your main event scene a little more. *Alicia Strong's characterization really bugs me though. "On the verge of tears" and "trembling" is the kind of characterization reserved for non-wrestling wives and six-year-olds. Alicia Strong is one the most well-trained women's wrestlers in the world, playing the part of Brooke Hogan for some reason.
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[QUOTE=Mtm2k6;640011]Compared to bigpapa's roster, I've always found this diary to have a smaller roster, hence a more focused approach (no digs at papa).[/QUOTE] I couldn't possibly take any offense to that. The roster in my SWF diary is ridiculous at this point. But its so tempting when there is such talent out there to be had...
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;639992]Just caught up on this diary, and it certainly seems like there's about a dozen things going on at once. Your roster keeps growing, you've got some great main event dynamics with Christian Faith as an out for himself face against a face champion and the heel corporation. I guess my only problem is your roster has gotten so huge and you've got so many balls up in the air that it's tough to figure out what's important. How long is Supreme TV running, anyway? That felt like it was a 3 hour Nitro more than anything else. I still love the diary and really like a lot of the characterizations*, but right now it just seems really busy. I don't know if a B-show is the answer, or it might just be a matter of sorting out your main event scene a little more. *Alicia Strong's characterization really bugs me though. "On the verge of tears" and "trembling" is the kind of characterization reserved for non-wrestling wives and six-year-olds. Alicia Strong is one the most well-trained women's wrestlers in the world, playing the part of Brooke Hogan for some reason.[/QUOTE] Thanks for continuing to read, Lazorbeak. It's stuff like this I'm dying to talk about. I'll try to address things in order, but I assume it'll all start to run together at some point. 1) The growth of the roster is something I think about, too. Part of it is, as Bigpapa says, inevitable what with all of the folks constantly looking to join the SWF, people that I've stashed in development, workers I developed on my own, etc. Couple the regular 'candy store' attitude of the SWF with the closing of NOTBPW and you've got a problem. Game world wise, I'd hate to let the entire main event from NOTBPW go to TCW, you know what I mean? 2) I'm hoping that after the next two pay-per-views, I'm able to thin the roster a bit. I've already begun getting rid of folks, letting a few contracts run out and sending another wrestler to SCCW. But I do like the option of being able to have enough guys to run a thirty man rumble and still have a few other matches on the same show with no crossover. We'll see how it shakes out. I'm hoping that it starts being less confusing soon; the Supreme Rumble was kind of like a re-focus for me. 3) It's funny you brought it up, but after I finished writing the last show, i re-read it and immediately thought of a Russo-era WCW Nitro. Tons of dudes doing tons of things. And yet, I'm still torn, even after comparing myself to the wrong Vince. I like the group of characters I've assembled and want to put as many of them in programs as possible, just to write them. I might be guilty of imagining a far too detailed storyline for a pair of jobbers, though. ;) That's something I'm trying to work out. And, I'm pretty sure the show is two and a half hours, but I might be wrong, I'll have to check. It could very well be three. 4) I can't do a brand split. Because it would only take me a few game months to amass a few more characters and each brand would be its own monolith. And I'm resistant of taking on a B show for the same reason. 5) *Alicia Strong may in fact be one of the baddest-ass female wrestlers on the planet, but she's also basically an actor who will play fight when I tell her to. I need her to be Brooke Hogan until it's time to not be Brooke Hogan. My choice of language when describing her interactions with Bull Wrecker were on purpose and quite thought out. I want to put over how intimidating Wrecker is; making her act like a scared teen pop star was, I thought, a way to do that. Maybe I misjudged how people who knew Alicia would view the characterization, but my opinion is that the SWF would use anyone in whatever role they saw fit. :)
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;640128]1) The growth of the roster is something I think about, too. Part of it is, as Bigpapa says, inevitable what with all of the folks constantly looking to join the SWF, people that I've stashed in development, workers I developed on my own, etc. Couple the regular 'candy store' attitude of the SWF with the closing of NOTBPW and you've got a problem. Game world wise, I'd hate to let the entire main event from NOTBPW go to TCW, you know what I mean?[/quote] I understand all that, as I know exactly what you're going through. My concern is just how the story ends up being muddied when it's not particularly clear what the "important" storylines are, and it seems to be getting crowded at the top. [quote]3) It's funny you brought it up, but after I finished writing the last show, i re-read it and immediately thought of a Russo-era WCW Nitro. Tons of dudes doing tons of things. And yet, I'm still torn, even after comparing myself to the wrong Vince. I like the group of characters I've assembled and want to put as many of them in programs as possible, just to write them. I might be guilty of imagining a far too detailed storyline for a pair of jobbers, though. ;) That's something I'm trying to work out.[/quote] Maybe you need a Sunday Night Heat/WCW Saturday Night to showcase the Wrecking Crew or Hollas' for Dollars or anybody else that has a gimmick but doesn't do much other than job on TV. B-shows can be daunting, but they also free you up from the pressures of actually putting out good shows. It seems like it's be a solid way to develop characters and put guys like Mainstream in the ring. It would also give you a chance to have jobbers: right now even your jobbers have gimmicks: I want to see some of those guys with no entrance, no music and black trunks get beaten up by Tana. Then, years later, people can youtube the clip and be like "wow, it's ________, before he got big and famous!" [quote]5) *Alicia Strong may in fact be one of the baddest-ass female wrestlers on the planet, but she's also basically an actor who will play fight when I tell her to. I need her to be Brooke Hogan until it's time to not be Brooke Hogan. My choice of language when describing her interactions with Bull Wrecker were on purpose and quite thought out. I want to put over how intimidating Wrecker is; making her act like a scared teen pop star was, I thought, a way to do that. Maybe I misjudged how people who knew Alicia would view the characterization, but my opinion is that the SWF would use anyone in whatever role they saw fit.[/quote] Eh, it just seems like a colossal waste of talent: if you want to put BW over as a bad-ass, let them wrestle, or at least let her take a bump. To use your acting analogy, why hire an A-list actress for a cameo? I know [i]why[/i] you did it, and it's not entirely unrealistic, but considering USPW has a weekly show that Alicia's presumably been appearing on, wouldn't a decent number of fans be aware of her wrestling background? I'm sure all the smarks out there would have the same complaint.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;640142] Eh, it just seems like a colossal waste of talent: if you want to put BW over as a bad-ass, let them wrestle, or at least let her take a bump. To use your acting analogy, why hire an A-list actress for a cameo? I know [i]why[/i] you did it, and it's not entirely unrealistic, but considering USPW has a weekly show that Alicia's presumably been appearing on, wouldn't a decent number of fans be aware of her wrestling background? I'm sure all the smarks out there would have the same complaint.[/QUOTE] To be honest, Alicia is hired for this cameo not because she's an A-list actress, but because she's [i]that[/i] A-List actress. And I'm not yet convinced this role won't go past cameo.
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I can tell you from experience that a brand split makes for a ton of work. But its so tough sometimes to pass over guys you know you could make good use of and have great ideas for. Especially really talented workers. What about adding a second A show without a brand split? You could end up with somewhere between three and four hours of TV time per week, and it would make an effetive way of splitting up the storylines a bit without splitting the roster itself. It does make for more work in writing terms, but not necessarily as much as two completely separate brands would. As for the Alicia Strong piece, I had no issue with it. I thought it did come across that Bull Wrecker is just that scary. I also figure if the storyline has some legs, its a better story to have Alicia start off as intimidated and scared, but gradually become the tough young woman that many would expect. Plus, I also envision the SWF as not really caring too much about her USPW work. Unless USPW is national, then its probably still really just a big indie, to Supreme. And much like the WWE doesn't really care what you did in ROH or even TNA once you've signed with the E, I don't think Supreme would either.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;640191] What about adding a second A show without a brand split? You could end up with somewhere between three and four hours of TV time per week, and it would make an effetive way of splitting up the storylines a bit without splitting the roster itself. It does make for more work in writing terms, but not necessarily as much as two completely separate brands would. [/QUOTE] I would unquestionably lose my mind if I added another A show to the mix. I guess I'm just being greedy about the B show, too. I'd have to figure out a way to write it that wasn't so consuming, but in some ways, the fun of it is the writing and the characterizations and all of that. What to do? [QUOTE=lazorbeak;640142] My concern is just how the story ends up being muddied when it's not particularly clear what the "important" storylines are, and it seems to be getting crowded at the top.[/QUOTE] Like I said, I hope that the next couple of months clear things up. I think overall, I have four new people coming on and nine leaving for various reasons. And, without spoiling too much, there is a story reason for the crowding at the top. At one point, I had fallen in love with a Wrestlemania IV style World Title tournament, but I think my original plan is coming together even beter than I expected without it. [QUOTE=lazorbeak;640142] Maybe you need a Sunday Night Heat/WCW Saturday Night to showcase the Wrecking Crew or Hollas' for Dollars or anybody else that has a gimmick but doesn't do much other than job on TV. B-shows can be daunting, but they also free you up from the pressures of actually putting out good shows. It seems like it's be a solid way to develop characters and put guys like Mainstream in the ring. It would also give you a chance to have jobbers: right now even your jobbers have gimmicks: I want to see some of those guys with no entrance, no music and black trunks get beaten up by Tana. Then, years later, people can youtube the clip and be like "wow, it's ________, before he got big and famous!" [/QUOTE] I was trying to give my internet show a bit of that Heat feel and will continue to isolate it from the show, storylines wise, more in the coming weeks. It's where I work out the Takayuki's and Silver Shark's of the world and I try to use it as a development type of area. Lately there has been some spillover and, as a result, there have been some outstanding matches on the portion of the show where there really shouldn't be. That will stop happening, probably after "Let the Games Begin". I was, at the beginning, using the pre-show to see if I had enough extra stuff to warrant another program. I guess I have my answer. [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;640191] As for the Alicia Strong piece, I had no issue with it. I thought it did come across that Bull Wrecker is just that scary. I also figure if the storyline has some legs, its a better story to have Alicia start off as intimidated and scared, but gradually become the tough young woman that many would expect. Plus, I also envision the SWF as not really caring too much about her USPW work. Unless USPW is national, then its probably still really just a big indie, to Supreme. And much like the WWE doesn't really care what you did in ROH or even TNA once you've signed with the E, I don't think Supreme would either.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=lazorbeak;640142] Eh, it just seems like a colossal waste of talent: if you want to put BW over as a bad-ass, let them wrestle, or at least let her take a bump. To use your acting analogy, why hire an A-list actress for a cameo? I know [i]why[/i] you did it, and it's not entirely unrealistic, but considering USPW has a weekly show that Alicia's presumably been appearing on, wouldn't a decent number of fans be aware of her wrestling background? I'm sure all the smarks out there would have the same complaint. [/QUOTE] This is why you are two of my favorite diary writers on the boards (although the list is getting longer all the time). You both can't help but get ahead of me. ;) :)
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Show 48 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Forty-Eight Preview-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] There are only two episodes of Supreme TV left before “Let the Games Begin” hits the pay-per-view airwaves. But with so much going on at the same time in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, these two shows are bound to be chock full of wrestling action, so don’t miss a single second. What happened to Phil Vibert? It’s all anyone can talk about and there are so many possibilities as to who did it and why, it may very well go unsolved. One thing is certain, with this week’s main event featuring Sean McFly and Christian Faith taking on Gregory Keith and Jack Bruce in a battle of top superstars, the superagent will have the opportunity to be at center stage and you know that he’s not shy about making his presence felt. This week’s Supreme TV will also feature the second of six matches in Abby Eisen’s International Superstar Initiative. In one corner will be Remmy Skye, a high flying former Shooting Star Champion and a man that has been embroiled in a bloodfeud with the Cult of the Grey Dragon for months. In the other corner, Amazing Fire Fly, a man who currently holds two of Mexico’s top belts, in essence unifying the MPWF and OLLIE championships, doing so in only his second year as a professional. The action is bound to be so fast and furious that blinking may be a mistake you can’t afford to make. Tom Gilmore saved Joey Minnesota from certain disaster as he was about to get mauled by the Samoan Wrecking Crew on last week’s episode of Supreme TV. There has been much speculation this week about their relationship; why exactly would Angry Gilmore, a self described lone-wolf, come to the aid of another very self obsessed wrestler who he has no ties to? A release from Gilmore’s publicist says that he will be at this week’s Supreme TV and will be making a statement then. Two feuds come together to give us a huge six man tag team match this week. The Can-Am Blondes attacked the World Tag Team Champions, The Dirty White Boyz, last week announcing their intentions to finally take their tag title shot at the PPV in the process. Couple that interaction with an in ring meeting between Joe Sexy and the man who has beaten him twice since debuting in the SWF, the crown jewel of the HFD faction, Shooter Sean Deeley. That’s a lot of bad blood for just one match; can the Supreme TV ring hold it all or will it simply explode? ……plus John Greed finally gets into the ring with one of the young hip-hoppers he’s been antagonizing, going one-on-one with Stevie Grayson on the internet pre-show. [CENTER]Don’t miss Supreme TV this week, fanboy; just reading the results online won’t keep you in the loop.[/I][/CENTER] -Quick Picks- Sean McFly/Christian Faith vs. Gregory Keith/Jack Bruce Stevie Grayson vs. John Greed Mainstream Hernandez vs. Gino Montero Remmy Skye vs. Amazing Fire Fly DWB/Joe Sexy vs. Can-Am Blondes/SSD [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Sean McFly/Christian Faith vs. [B]Gregory Keith/Jack Bruce[/B] [I]I see the heels maintaining the momentum going into the PPV[/I] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]John Greed[/B] [I]Greed continues to get one over on the hip-hopper[/I] Mainstream Hernandez vs. [B]Gino Montero[/B] [I]Viva La Revolucion....well Montero should beat the man with the camcorder.[/I] [B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Amazing Fire Fly [I]Skye's an established talent, where as Fire Fly will likely just be job fodder[/I] DWB/Joe Sexy vs. [B]Can-Am Blondes/SSD[/B] [I]Blondes continue to put forward a case for a shot at the Tag Titles and I like the idea of Deeley having Sexy's number.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;641854]Sean McFly/Christian Faith vs. [B]Gregory Keith/Jack Bruce[/B] [I]I see the heels maintaining the momentum going into the PPV[/I] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]John Greed[/B] [I]Greed continues to get one over on the hip-hopper[/I] Mainstream Hernandez vs. [B]Gino Montero[/B] [I]Viva La Revolucion....well Montero should beat the man with the camcorder.[/I] [B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Amazing Fire Fly [I]Skye's an established talent, where as Fire Fly will likely just be job fodder[/I] DWB/Joe Sexy vs. [B]Can-Am Blondes/SSD[/B] [I]Blondes continue to put forward a case for a shot at the Tag Titles and I like the idea of Deeley having Sexy's number.[/I][/QUOTE] Once again, as I got to make my picks, I find myself in full agreement with TigerKinney. I could also see the tag team main event end in some type of shenanigans.
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Breaking News [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Breaking News-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [I](AP)- The associated press is reporting that the Supreme Wrestling Federation has come to terms on the [B]release of Morpheus[/B] from his contract which was to run through until the end of the year. The former American Buffalo was said to be very upset with his place on the card, and in particular, with the way he was booked over the last three months or so, feeling as though the company was keeping him in a holding pattern until they could figure out what to do with him. This comes as little shock to those backstage at Supreme, many of whom noted that, after the initial re-invigoration Morpheus had enjoyed following his return to his character’s roots, mask and all, he had slipped into a bit of a funk, no-showing house shows and skipping scheduled personal appearances at random. The final straw was apparently this past Tuesday when he “missed” the flight to Orlando for TV and, subsequently, didn’t make other arrangements, skipping Supreme TV entirely. While none of the front office members would go on record as saying so, our sources inside the Supreme Wrestling Federation say that the separation is anything but amicable and that, while some superstars leave and come back without incident, Morpheus will find anything but the open arms of the SWF should he want to return to the promotion at some point in the future. [/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] (OOC: There's still some time to get predictions in for the next Supreme TV, if you're so inclined. The show should be up sometime tomorrow. Also, head over to the DOTM poll and cast your vote for your favorite diary; maybe help get me out if the lone vote club. ;):D)
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Guest Bolton
Haven't been around much, better get back into the swing of things. :D [b]Sean McFly/Christian Faith[/b] vs. Gregory Keith/Jack Bruce Stevie Grayson vs. [b]John Greed[/b] Mainstream Hernandez vs. [b]Gino Montero[/b] [b]Remmy Skye[/b] vs. Amazing Fire Fly [b]DWB/Joe Sexy[/b] vs. Can-Am Blondes/SSD
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;642874]Morpheus gone? So was it just that "creative lacked anything for him" or did he just go through his run?[/QUOTE] It was both actually. His contract came up and his morale was pretty low because I hadn't been using him as much as he thought someone of his card position should be used. To be fair, once he had his big masked return and the subsequent payoff with Bull Wrecker at the Supreme Challenge, I've been trying to figure out how to stick him in the title picture, but it just hasn't ever felt right. Combine that with my unwillingness to just job him to those guys, as I was still, in some part of my overflowing mind, trying to keep him strong for a later (hypothetical) push, he got back burnered. What's funniest is I actually feel better now, not having to worry about what to do with him. But, man, do I still really love the alt picture. That, I will miss. :D
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Neat stuff. This is one of the dynastys that make me forget I'm reading about a computer game and not a real company. Your news bits and show previews blur the line enough to get me fully entranced into the game and think of it in real world terms, I love it. And Morpheus is a cool character, and his hype made him one of the most interesting on his debut. But, it does seem like he had run his course. Make sure you tell us where he ends up. As for picks... Sean McFly/Christian Faith vs. [B]Gregory Keith/Jack Bruce[/B] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]John Greed[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs. [B]Gino Montero[/B] [B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Amazing Fire Fly [B]DWB/Joe Sexy[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes/SSD
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;643307]It was both actually. His contract came up and his morale was pretty low because I hadn't been using him as much as he thought someone of his card position should be used. To be fair, once he had his big masked return and the subsequent payoff with Bull Wrecker at the Supreme Challenge, I've been trying to figure out how to stick him in the title picture, but it just hasn't ever felt right. Combine that with my unwillingness to just job him to those guys, as I was still, in some part of my overflowing mind, trying to keep him strong for a later (hypothetical) push, he got back burnered. What's funniest is I actually feel better now, not having to worry about what to do with him. But, man, do I still really love the alt picture. That, I will miss. :D[/QUOTE] No reason you can't bring him back in a year or so.
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Show 48 "Without a Net" [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Forty-Eight-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Without a Net”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket [/CENTER] When the internet show begins, Abby Eisen is backstage walking down a hallway while looking through the contents of a couple of file folders. A couple of assistants bring her more things to go over before one of them hands her a ringing cell phone. AE: “Yes?” Hearing only the one side of the conversation is all you need. AE: “I’d love to, but we’re going to have to squeeze you in sometime after the top of the hour. Since Mr. Scott has gone missing, I’ve been handling everything for the GM; you know the day-to-day running of Supreme TV.” One of the assistants grabs one set of the folders and exchanges them with a mug of coffee, putting the java in Abby’s hand as she walks and talks. AE: “Ok great, I’ll see you then.” She hangs up and hands the phone back to an assistant, taking a glurg off of the mug. Almost immediately, the phone begins ringing again. This time, Abby waves it off. AE: “One of you can take it. It’s probably one of the reps for APW, anyway. They’re in town and will be joining the BHOTWG group backstage this evening in our luxury suite.” She hustles past the camera crew and into one of the backstage offices, greeting the first arrivals from the Japanese contingent with a small bow before entering. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]John Greed vs. Stevie Grayson[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: John Greed wins via pinfall @ 4:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Greed really comes into his own a bit tonight, taking care of business with a focus and precision that we had not seen from him previously. The best part of it is that it doesn’t come at the expense of his character which is really starting to catch on with the fans. The finish comes as Grayson is mounting a comeback, bouncing around the ring and scoring with two clotheslines and a flipping neckbreaker that stops Greed and looks to put him nearly on dream street. But when the referee comes to check on him, he grabs hold of his ankle and begins screaming in pain, trying to tear off his boot. Eugene Williams scratches his head as he watches Greed writhe around in pain, but Grayson isn’t nearly as wise, walking right up to him and leaning over to check if he is ok. Greed is fine, and having fooled him into getting close, sucker punches him in the throat before hopping up to his feet and nailing Grayson with a lungblower and getting the three count. Ryan Powell jumps up onto the apron, but it is far too late to matter, as Greed slides to the floor via the other side of the squared circle and cackles smarmily on his way back up the ramp. Grade: C+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Barrowman and Finch roll into the backstage area with their bags and seem to be having a lot of fun, laughing and carrying on. But when they walk up to the big board backstage and get a look at the night’s run sheet, they find that they are not scheduled to work. TB: “So…..” Finch nods and sighs next to him. SF: “Yeah…..” They shake their heads and walk back out the door they just came in, only now they are totally silent. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Mainstream Hernandez vs. Gino Montero[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Gino Montero wins via pinfall @ 5:06[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Some surprisingly good chemistry nets us one of the best matches ever on the internet pre-show, a feat we’ve accomplished twice in the last three weeks. The fact that Montero and Hernandez have a match this good doesn’t shock me in the least; in fact, we’ve been waiting for Mainstream to find someone he could really shine with. Gino handles the flashy “oh-wow” spots, and Mainstream does what he does best, steady basic wrestling, great selling, and brilliant continued interaction with the fans; he really does have a gift for connecting with them. The finish is pretty spectacular, too. On the heels of his NA Title shot, Gino is selling the absolute beejeezus out of his evolving “angry oppressed minority”, getting right into the face of new official David Poker when his count fails to put away the stunned Hernandez. Mainstream sees his opportunity and whips Gino into the buckles away from Poker and hits him flush with a very cool double knee bomb that knocks all of the air out of the Latin superstar. But when he hops out of the ring and repositions his camera for a better shot, he gives Gino too much time to recover, missing him completely with a second double knee bomb and being hamstrung and caught in the turnbuckles. Seeing Mainstream’s predicament, Gino is quick to act, springboarding himself to the top rope and coming down on Hernandez’s chest with a flying double stomp that draws some smark applause from the audience. The three count comes a second later, and Gino doesn’t even allow the referee to raise his hand, angrily pulling it away from him and mounting the second rope to celebrate instead. Grade: B[/I] [B][I][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Supreme TV opens this week with a big yellow Hummer pulling up to the arena’s VIP entrance. The doors all open at once and Sean McFly, Dan Stone, Jeremy Stone, and Phil Vibert each hop out and grab their bags from the back, heading into the building afterward. Vibert pushes past the Calgary Bulldogs and gets right beside the SWF World Heavyweight champion. He is wearing a rather large square bandage on the left side of his forehead and sporting a modest black eye as well. PV: “I want to apologize for the way I was acting on the ride over here, Sean. I just want you to understand what kind of trouble I think you’re in; what kind of trouble I think your title reign is in.” McFly doesn’t break stride or even look over at his agent. SM: “Phil, you need to relax.” The Stone brothers catch up a bit and jump into the conversation. JS: “Yeah Phil, Sean can take care of himself.” Vibert shoots a look over his shoulder making Jeremy realize that he sounds a bit prick-ish. Dan jr. comes to his rescue. DS: “How’s the head anyway, bub?” The superagent rubs his temple and touches the bandage. PV: “The gash is slow to heal, and I still don’t remember exactly what happened after I got pulled into the locker room they found me in, but other than that, things are getting better.” McFly pats him on the shoulder as he stops to scribble an autograph for a pair of young fans near the door. SM: “No more headaches?” Vibert is Vibert and can’t resist the opening. PV: “My only headache is worrying about the three guys that are trying to take the title.” McFly turns and faces him now, letting Dan and Jeremy pass through the security gate. SM: “You let me worry about all of that. I wrestle….” Vibert cuts him off. PV: “…and I worry.” He lets out a slow, audible breath. PV: “It’s not just you this affects, you know. If you lose that belt, I lose too. Not in the ring, but in other places.” McFly shakes his head and picks up his bag again, watching the two kids walk away in mark ecstasy with his signature in their notepads. SM: “I know, it’s the money, the respect…..all that. I get it.” He begins following the Bulldogs, leaving Vibert standing by himself. The superagent waits a second, until he’s a few steps away and mutters under his breath. PV: “Do you?” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Remmy Skye vs. Amazing Fire Fly[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-International Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Amazing Fire Fly wins via pinfall @ 7:43[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Just an absolutely, positively fabulous match that will without question be the bout that everyone talks about when they refer back to the International Superstar Initiative. People know Amazing Fire Fly; it’s just not a lot of people, that’s all. Some of those folks come to our shows, but they are also the same folks that play text based wrestling games. Hip folks call them “nerds”. Tonight, every nerd was validated, watching one of their own steal a win over a former Shooting Star champion from out of nowhere. Remmy Skye is nothing if he’s not exciting, and yet, in the face of Amazing Fire Fly’s lightning speed and relentless attacks, he looks like he is moving in slow motion. To be fair, Remmy has the COTGD on his mind ...... [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] .......and when Sammy Bach and Emma make their way down the ramp during a high point in the action, he takes almost as much time following their every step as he does trying to keep up with AFF. It proves to be his undoing in the match, but he is dead on about the Cult’s intentions. Skye reverses AFF’s irish whip and catches him with a leg lariat, before quickly getting to the top rope. But Acid’s jumping the guardrail behind him catches his attention, giving the MPWF and OLLIE star the opening he needs. As Skye leans out to shove Acid off of the apron, Amazing Fire Fly springs to his feet and (as his name suggests) amazingly leaps up onto the top rope and superrana’s Remmy to the canvas below. The three count is still a shocker to some in the crowd, even though the momentum favored Fire Fly nearly throughout. Sammy Bach and Emma nod, sending Acid into the ring to attack the downed Skye, but the diminutive AFF takes offense to their infringement in his match, standing in the way of the COTGD’s action man until Acid gets the word from Sammy to stand down. Fire Fly stands over Remmy until the COTGD retreat back up the ramp, still obviously quite happy at costing their nemesis an important match. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] As Eric Eisen leaves his office and shoots his cuffs, looking in a large mirror near the backstage make-up area nearby, he hears a sound. From around the corner, hiding amongst some wardrobe racks, is Big Smack Scott. He looks pretty frazzled, like he has been drinking coffee through two straws instead of sleeping. BSS: “Eric, I….” Eisen looks back at his reflection. EE: “Mr. Eisen, please.” He adjusts his tie EE: “Where have you been, Scott?” The Smacker pushes his way further through the garments. BSS: “Mr. Eisen, I…..I think I’m being followed, sir.” This draws Eisen’s attention. EE: “What do you mean? Why do you say that?” Scott is now completely out of the rack, and looks down both hallways before continuing nervously. BSS: “I can’t exactly put my finger on it. It was just some weird coincidences at first, then my laptop got stolen. Then my phone.” Eisen gets close to him, lowering his voice, now looking around to see who might be around himself. EE: “What was on your computer? Anything….” Scott cuts him off. BSS: “Everything.” Stunned. EE: “Everything? Really?” Scott nods, and looks at the floor. For a two hundred and fifty plus pound beast, he is quite intimidated by the interim CEO. Eisen gets even closer. They can probably taste each other’s breath. EE: “Just keep your eyes open. Stay in a hotel. We’ll sort all of this out after the pay-per-view.” Scott nods. EE: “Do you have a new phone?” He nods again. EE: “Give it to me.” The Smacker pulls a bright green phone out from his suit pocket. Immediately, Eisen snatches it from him and throws it on the concrete, stomping on it and smashing it with the heel on his black leather shoe. EE: “From now on everything we do is one-on-one.” Scott nods again. He is so agreeable it is sad. EE: “Now come with me, I’ve got some matches for you to make and I’ve only got a few minutes before I have to go to the ring to conduct some business. Time to do your job.” Eisen and Scott walk off camera with Eisen animatedly whispering unsweet somethings to the Supreme TV GM in his pocket. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Greg Black vs. Antonio Maxi Marquez[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: AMM wins via pinfall @ 5:04[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Another win for Marquez as he begins to position himself for an upcoming push. Greg Black is really turning in great performances since his return to action (and his return to babyface status) and I think that I’ll have to find something more substantial to do with him in the coming months. AMM makes Black look great out there too, slowly stating to cut corners here and there and making it look like the afro puffed veteran would be on even footing with him if he wasn’t taking so many liberties with the rulebook, no matter how small and unseen the might be. But when Black starts to rally, Marquez puts the kibosh on it instantly, reversing an Irish whip into the ropes and catching Black coming off with an amazingly smooth tilt-a-whirl hurancanrana. From there, a wicked brainbuster leads to Marquez to the top rope where he gets massive air before coming crashing down onto Black with the “Champagne Sunrise” (frog splash) and grabbing the three count. Gino Montero and Fuerza come down to the ring as the bell clangs, joining AMM in the ring for some more face time; a faction on the rise. Grade: B-[/I] [B][I][CENTER](commercial)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Supreme TV comes back from the commercial break with Tom Gilmore standing in the ring, flanked by Eric Eisen, Joey Minnesota, Gregory Keith, and Jack Bruce. They are a very dangerous collection of men, and when Gilmore flicks the switch on his cordless microphone, the conclusion that everyone reached last week is cemented. TG: “Listen up, trashfolk.” He grins a sh*tty grin. TG: “I’m stand here before you a changed man; a better man.” The trashfolk yell all sorts of rubbish at him. TG: “I’m moving up in the world, ya’ll! I’m joining the only elite group in this promotion; the guys that are right at the top where I deserve to be!” He chews his gum loudly, obnoxiously right into the microphone. TG: “I’m joining The Corporation!” The other men in the ring all give him a nice round of applause, even as the crowd showers him with catcalls. There is plenty of smiling and back patting, even Joey manages a grin, although it could’ve just been an angry teeth grind. Eric Eisen produces a microphone of his own, moving to center stage and drawing a different sort of heat from the fans. EE: “That’s right everybody, as it will always be…..the rich get richer.” They all laugh and high five each other some more. EE: “The Corporation gets stronger; Tom Gilmore…..” Gilmore cuts him off. TG: “Don’t call me Angry.” Eisen acknowledges him with a look and then continues. EE: …..Tom Gilmore is one of the best wrestlers in the world and is just another example of how much I’m willing to invest to make this the best promotion on the planet. Adding a superstar of his pedigree to the fold has to be considered a coup.” Gilmore just nods his head. He agrees. They all agree. EE: “And, as a show of good faith to our newest investment, I’m going to see to it that Mr. Gilmore receives yet another shot at the North American title next week at “Let the Games Begin”. Gilmore pumps his fist and points at the hard camera, presumably at Bulldozer Brandon Smith. EE: “There’s Corporate business to take care of tonight, though, isn’t there boys?” The men all nod back at Eisen from their spots in the ring; they are perfectly spaced apart, filling the shot completely. Jack Bruce grabs the microphone from Eisen just a second before Gregory Keith can manage to do the same. JB: “Sean McFly, I’ve petitioned the Championship Committee for a rematch against you at “Let the Games Begin”. And although I haven’t heard back for sure…..” He pushes his hair back. JB: “…..they owe me!” More boos. JB: “They owe me a rematch after what that idiot referee Jay Fair did, which cost me the match and the World Title.” Eisen claps, supporting Bruce as he talks, as do Gilmore and Minnesota. But Keith is less than impressed and just looks on; puzzled. JB: “In fact, after they see what I do to you tonight in the main event, they might just strip you of the belt and make me champion instead.” He throws his hands up and drops the microphone, acting like the segment is all but over, but Gregory Keith slowly leans over and grabs the microphone. GK: “Now, with all due respect, Jack….” His words drip sarcasm. GK: “….I think that the Championship Committee knows exactly who the number one contender is around here. I AM the former SWF World Heavyweight Champion and I would expect that they’ll give me another crack at McFly as soon as they can.” This draws a stare from JB, who begins shaking his head, mouthing something off the microphone to Eisen. But before anything else can happen,...... [CENTER] Photobucket [/CENTER] .....the loud power chord laden riffs of Abby Eisen’s entrance theme fill the arena. And when the assistant to the GM comes out onto the stage, she is all business. AE: “I’ve been in close contact with the SWF Championship Committee over the last week, since the GM has gone missing.” Eisen shuffles in the ring, obviously knowing exactly where Big Smack Scott is, and where he has been. AE: “They have ruled and decided on a challenger for Sean McFly’s World Title at ‘Let the Games Begin’……..” She pauses. AE: “…..or should I say….. challengers.” The crowd grows in excitement, anxious for the semi-surprising announcement. AE: “That’s right fans, this Sunday at “Let the Games Begin”, “Mr. Wrestling” will have not one, not two, but three challengers for the SWF World Title.” Keith and Bruce are a bit shocked, even though they are both getting their way, to an extent. AE: “Not only will Jack Bruce get the rematch he deserves, not only will former champion Gregory Keith get a chance to reclaim his title, but…..” They pop in advance; they know who the third man is. AE: “…….Christian Faith will receive another opportunity at the World Championship as well.” The members of The Corporation look infuriated when she announces Faith will be part of the match as well. AE: “Now if you’ll all excuse me, I’ve some other business to attend to with our visiting friends from BHOTWG and APW…….” She turns to walk off. AE: “….and you guys should be getting ready for your matches tonight instead of taking up valuable TV time.” Eric Eisen angrily clenches his jaw as Abby makes her way backstage, his new superstar laden faction doing the same behind him. PM: “What an announcement, Ana. That’s a huge pay-per-view title match, and we’re going to get a preview of the whole thing in our main event tonight!” Grade: B [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Can-Am Blondes/Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Dirty White Boyz/Joe Sexy [/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: DWB/Joe Sexy win via disqualification @ 5:59[/B][/I] [I]Peter’s Notes: This was a downright nasty affair that looked like it was going to end in a disqualification or a double disqualification right from the start. And, after all is said and done, it does get thrown out by Eugene Williams, but not before the World Tag-Team Champions and their partner, Joe Sexy, are left laying. While the action is spiraling out of control in the ring, with tags being almost non-existent, Frederique is on the floor, slowly but methodically pulling several tables from underneath the ring and setting them up in various places around the ring’s periphery under The Guru’s direction. Shooter Sean Deeley is notably obnoxious throughout, knocking Joe Sexy over the top rope to the floor with a high knee to start the process of the finish. The Dirty White Boyz both get into the ring when Sexy goes over, drawing Love and Carvill back into the fray as well and pairing everybody off with who they’re feuding with. And as Deeley hops on and pounds the beejeezus out of Sexy, pulling back one of the protective mats beforehand, the Can-Am’s each take a running boot apiece from Grease Hogg and Lead Belly and look like they might be on the verge of taking the fall. But Frederique makes his way over the ropes and into the ring, carrying a chair, the DWB have no idea at all that the tides are about to turn against them for good. Referee Williams sees The Guru’s personal trainer in the ring first and begins calling for the bell. This draws the attention of Lead Belly and Grease Hogg, who both turn into vicious chairshots from Frederique about two seconds apart. With both of the tag team champions down, The Guru helps Damian Carvill stack two tables together as Frederique rolls the unconscious Grease Hogg onto the ring apron and then onto the bottom table. With Shooter Sean now looking on, standing over the bleeding from the mouth Joe Sexy, Owen Love climbs to the top rope with the steel chair that their trainer used to lay out the DWB in his hands. He takes a second to position it under himself as Carvill and Frederique slowly hoist Lead Belly onto the top table. The fans stand up, hushed for a second before Love leaps, doing a frontflip and smashing Lead Belly with it under his legs, driving him through the table and clean through on top of his partner, who is also put through to the floor in a massive explosion of wood. The show goes to commercial with many backstage staffers, including Robert Oxford and Alex Braun, racing out to the ringside area and helping to peel the bodies apart. Grade: B[/I] [B][I][CENTER](commercial)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] Without the benefit of music to signal her entrance, Alicia Strong walks down the ramp dressed in smart, but still form-fitting short white dress. Some of the fans know her from USPW programming, but more than three quarters think we created her in a recipe kitchen at Supreme TV headquarters and treat her as such when she comes out without her father at her side. She gets to the ring and asks for a microphone. AS: “Bull Wrecker, whatever issue you have with my father is irrelevant. He’s an old man.” There are mixed reactions from the crowd. AS: “He’s an old man with a lot of serious health problems, many of which are due to his years running around the ring and pouring his heart out while entertaining all of these great people.” The camera gets closer to her face by the second as the crowd pops for the cheap one. AS: “I’m out here to ask that you leave us alone. Please. I’m…..” [CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] Wrecker’s music begins to fill the arena and in a matter of seconds, he appears onstage. Once again, the man is an impressive sight in his too-tight t-shirt; he has muscles in places most people don’t even have places. Also, he has a microphone. BW: “Well, well, well….” He sneers at Alicia, who holds her ground in the ring. BW: “…..fighting your father’s battles again, as always?” He is brash and so very calm. BW: “Alicia, I’m going to give you five seconds to get out of my ring.” The fans boo. BW: “Go back and play with the other girls in the USPW, just like you’re told to, and leave the business of greatness to the men.” Misogyny; a tried and true heat getter. But when Alicia doesn’t move an inch, Wrecker begins walking toward the ring, waving one of his fingers at her in a tsk-tsk-esque manner. BW: “Then whatever happens here will be on your hands then…..” Just as Wrecker puts one foot up onto the apron and begins pulling himself up with the middle rope, Alicia gets a running start and nails him with a hipshot that sends him back to the floor. Bull smiles a smug smile and composes himself as she picks up her microphone. AS: “You should know by now that when you mess with Sam Strong…..” Just the mention of his name gets a huge response. AS: “….you mess with every single Strongamaniac in the world.” The cameras pan the arena as the place truly goes ballistic. It has been years, but Strongamania still exists. AS: “But I’ll bet you didn’t know that, when you did it this time…..” Wrecker begins pulling himself up onto the apron again. AS: “….you were going to have to deal with me, too!” This time, when Alicia charges, Wrecker is ready and he reaches out, grabbing her by the throat. He steps through the ropes and even though she tries to punch him, it has little or no effect. He stops, still holding her by the neck with one hand, to smell her hair before whispering something in her ear. It makes Alicia’s face go white. [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] SS: “HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, BROTHER!” Sam Strong ambles down the ramp with a microphone, obviously concerned about his daughter. Wrecker sees him coming and pulls Alicia close to him. SS: “YOU LET GO OF HER GODDAMMIT, OR I’LL……” Wrecker laughs when Strong’s voice just trails off. BW: “Or you’ll what, old man? What’ll you do?” Strong has the entire crowd behind him, and it appears he looks to them for a second before he responds. SS: “…..OR I’LL KICK YOUR ASS, DUDE!” The building is deafening. SS: “IS THAT WHAT YOU’RE AFTER, WRECKER? ME? THEN LET’S DO IT BROTHER! NEXT WEEK! RIGHT HERE ON SUPREME TV!” There is almost a look of relief on Wrecker’s face as he is finally hearing what he has been waiting to hear. BW: “Is that so, Sam? You’re going to get your whole bag of bones into the ring and try to shake one more performance out of them?” He piefaces Alicia, tossing her into the corner before scowling back at Sam. BW: “You’re even more stupid than I thought.” Grade: B We are treated to a nice pre-produced promo piece, which details the growing story of the main event scene. It has highlights of McFly wrestling Faith, Bruce, and Gregory Keith and shows how close each man has been to unseating the SWF World Champion at one point or another. It closes with Vibert imploring his champion to realize that the threat to his reign is real and larger than life. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sean McFly/Christian Faith vs. Gregory Keith/Jack Bruce[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Jack Bruce/Gregory Keith win via pinfall @ 23:43[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. Four of the best wrestlers in the world walk to the ring and proceed to throw the book out the window and give the fans an unbelievable match to close out Supreme TV. Sound familiar? I’ll admit that we are at a much higher point than I ever imagined, really taking control of the ratings battle with TCW for the first time in…..sweet jesus, I’m not even sure how long. But in that regard, I do believe that much of our success has to do with the workers at the very top of the card. Workers who, on this night, probably gave us another huge ratings victory thanks to their efforts. Right out of the gate, the Corporate team of Keith and Bruce are more fluid as a unit and begin to wear out both Faith and McFly with quick tags in and out and, as is the tag team match custom, they cut the ring in half. The layoff certainly hasn’t put too much rust onto Gregory Keith, as he looks even more precise than he did when he left, using his in ring time to really work over his opponents on the mat, taking an extra bit of pleasure when he is tying “Mr. Wrestling” himself up in knots. Phil Vibert is a bit different on this night; instead of his usual loudmouthed, pacing self, McFly’s superagent is focused on both Bruce and Keith, almost to the point of having blinders. One can only assume that he is trying to remember if it was one or both of them that attacked him last week on Supreme TV. But, as their nearly perfect tag team wrestling looks like it is going to take the match toward its end, Jack Bruce begins dominating the run of play. Keith looks a bit annoyed from the apron as JB reels off his elbowdrop, legdrop, and big splash combo, screaming “Welcome to New York” to no one in particular before landing the splash. Christian Faith leans out as far as he can, burning hot on the apron across the ring, hoping to luck into the tag, but he’s just too far away. But Bruce begins strutting around, taking his time with the very hurt McFly and walks backward into a back slap blind tag by Keith. This infuriates JB, and he stands wide eyed, looking at Gregory Keith in obvious egomaniacal shock. Eric Eisen tries to reorganize them, when Keith just laughs in Bruce’s face, but it is too late as McFly drags himself across the ring to his corner and tags Christian Faith, who is chomping at the bit for some action. Faith hits both Keith and Bruce with a pair of right hands apiece, hitting the ropes and knocking JB head over heels over the top cable with a huge running boot. From there it looks like Faith is in the driver’s seat as he really begins taking it to a stunned Keith, the usually arrogant look being smacked from his face time and time again by the oncoming Faith. McFly finally begins getting to his feet and is very disoriented, cloudily listening to the crowd and Phil Vibert, turns himself out of the corner and unleashes a huge right hand….. ….that connects directly with the chin of the rallying Christian Faith, dropping him to one knee. He has no idea, but hearing the crowd groan he makes a face before getting dumped through the ropes again by the recovering Gregory Keith. There is only a second before Keith is upon Faith, dropping an elbow on him before springing to his feet and pacing a few feet away, looking like he is setting up to apply the “Proton Lock”. But as he licks his chops and settles into his line, Jack Bruce slides back into the ring, under the bottom rope, and buries Christian Faith face-first into the canvas with an “NYM”. Phil Vibert looks like he tries to help McFly back into the ring to intervene, but “Mr. Wrestling” is too far gone and is barely able to grab the lowest rope. The three count comes down; the bell rings wildly. Bruce and Keith both roll to the floor and do their celebrating at the foot of the ramp with Eric Eisen and the now arriving Joey Minnesota and Tom Gilmore. McFly finally gets back into the ring with Phil Vibert and the two begin trying to help Faith to his feet, but as they do, Faith takes exception to their assistance, shrugging both of them off and turning to walk away. McFly doesn’t like it and reaches out a hand, trying to get Faith’s attention. But when the biker spins around, he has his hands up, looking coiled and ready to punch the World Champion. But at the last second, he doesn’t, lowering his hands and just shaking his head, climbing through the ropes and hopping onto his parked-at-ringside Harley Davidson, firing the engine as the show fades to black. Grade: B[/I] Show Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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