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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;643397]No reason you can't bring him back in a year or so.[/QUOTE] That's very true. [QUOTE=Rathen4;643422]No reason you can't repackage someone else in that mask and job them out, mocking him for daring to cross the big power in the wrestling world. Maybe I'm too mean.[/QUOTE] That's very mean. ;):D And now that I think about it.... ....well, let's say I'm thinking about it. [QUOTE=randomfreeze;643363]Neat stuff. This is one of the dynastys that make me forget I'm reading about a computer game and not a real company. Your news bits and show previews blur the line enough to get me fully entranced into the game and think of it in real world terms, I love it.[/QUOTE] Thanks a lot, Randomfreeze. I always appreciate messages like this; I like knowing that the people reading are just as immersed in this fake universe as I am. [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;647286]Another great show, NN. The main storyline is obviously really good, but I'm definitely digging the Strong-Wrecker stuff. In part because I never really expected to see Sam Strong or Alicia Strong in the SWF again. Lovin it.[/QUOTE] Thanks BigPapa, and congrats on your DOTM win. I'm glad that the main event is starting to take shape, as this is an important point in the bigger story. One of my favorite periods of WWF/E's attitude era was when there were four or five legitimate threats to the World title at a time. It's a booking idea I'm enamored with. Of course, I also thought the Katie Vick angle was interesting conceptually, and that David Arquette, given the circumstances, was a fine WCW World Champion. ;) The Sam and Alicia thing however has been manipulated on purpose on my part. When I took the time to move my game from 07 to 08, I had the idea for this exact story in my head (among others that are running) and changed their contracts to suit me. The best part of it is that, since I am making a mod of my current game world, I can just change them back without any real long term repercussion. I'll be putting up a preview for next week's Supreme TV and dealing with some SWF.com business shortly. :)
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I actually like the idea of several title challengers at once as well. That's kind of what I've been trying to do on the one brand in my SWF game. I definitely think its something that can work if they are juggled carefully and its clear why they are a challenger.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;647762]I actually like the idea of several title challengers at once as well. That's kind of what I've been trying to do on the one brand in my SWF game. I definitely think its something that can work if they are juggled carefully and its clear why they are a challenger.[/QUOTE] Ditto - hence, to some degree, the number of recent multiman title matches in Philly Pro. Part of it is just that I like to keep a number of people strong - and if they're strong enough, their name [i]should[/i] come up in connection with the title.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;647762]I actually like the idea of several title challengers at once as well. That's kind of what I've been trying to do on the one brand in my SWF game. I definitely think its something that can work if they are juggled carefully and its clear why they are a challenger.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;647787]Ditto - hence, to some degree, the number of recent multiman title matches in Philly Pro. Part of it is just that I like to keep a number of people strong - and if they're strong enough, their name [i]should[/i] come up in connection with the title.[/QUOTE] I agree. Before this point though, I had a fairly long, traditionally structured feud between a white knight babyface and a horrible heel in McFly and Keith. But now that they are established characters, I'd like to add some more depth to them and I thought that bringing in Faith and Bruce would give me more matchmaking options while I did so. I also thought that I was creating a bit of a glut of strong, high momentum guys that were getting stuck a card level or two lower than where they deserved to be because of the length of the World Title feud. Pushing two guys up without lowering two guys in return helps free things up a bit.
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Show 49 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Forty-Nine Preview-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] It’s the last Supreme TV before “Let the Games Begin” and the entire SWF is turning into the skid and careening out of control toward the pay-per-view. Bull Wrecker has pushed all the right buttons and has goaded Hall-of-Famer Sam Strong into stepping into the ring for a match, and it will happen this week on Supreme TV. What started with Wrecker’s ruining Strong’s HOF induction has turned even more deeply personal in recent weeks with Wrecker involving Sam’s daughter Alicia. Will the legend be able to pull one last performance out of his bag of tricks and keep Bull Wrecker away from he and his family or will the monster have his way with the past king of the wrestling business? Last week’s main event was one of Supreme TV’s highest rated segments of all time, with Gregory Keith and Jack Bruce topping the World Champion, Sean McFly, and corporate enemy number one Christian Faith. But both teams seemed to have problems with communication after the announcement that they would be facing off in a fatal four-way match for the World Heavyweight Title at “Let the Games Begin” and the tension is sure to spill over into this week’s Supreme TV. Since joining the Supreme Wrestling Federation, The Calgary Bulldogs have taken on and taken out every team that has been put in front of them. This week on Supreme TV, another team from over the border (the southern border, that is) gets a chance to derail the scorching hot sibling team from Alberta, as the Mexico’s Most Wanted team of Gino Montero and Fuerza will square off against Dan and Jeremy Stone in what should be as hard hitting as a tag team match as there is. Don’t miss it. Joe Sexy made yet another challenge to Shooter Sean Deeley, this time on a post show podcast interview. Upon hearing it for himself, Danny B Bling released a statement on SWF.com saying that Deeley and the entire Hollas fo’ Dollas faction will be making the trip to Supreme TV this week to put the issue with Sexy to rest. How will it play out? Will Sexy get his wish and have one more match against the smooth Canadian grappler or will SSD take the two wins he already has in his pocket over Sexy and focus his energies on getting further up the card? All of this plus…… …..another International Challenge match, this one pitting our Shooting Star Champion, Sammy Bach, against the Mexican superstar from MPWF and OLLIE, Amazing Fire Fly. AFF scored an improbable win last week over former champion Remmy Skye, albeit with the unwanted help of the Cult of the Grey Dragon. Can the diminutive underdog reel off a second straight win and wrest the Shooting Star title from Bach or with AFF be heading back to Mexico with a headache and a loss courtesy of the leader of the COTGD? ……plus John Greed takes on a partner in his battle against the hip-hopping tandem of Ryan Powell and Stevie Grayson. The internet Pre-show takes a break this week, which means a Supreme TV that is triple stacked with wrestling goodness. [/I] [B][I][CENTER]Brokenhearted = You without the SWF[/CENTER][/I][/B] -Quick Picks- Sam Strong vs. Bull Wrecker Calgary Bulldogs vs. Mexico’s Most Wanted Mainstream Hernandez/John Greed vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson Sammy Bach vs. Amazing Fire Fly – Shooting Star Title Match [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[B]Sam Strong[/B] vs. Bull Wrecker - DQ win [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. Mexico’s Most Wanted [B]Mainstream Hernandez/John Greed[/B] vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson [B]Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Amazing Fire Fly – Shooting Star Title Match
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I've just posted some predictions in BP42's diary so might as well keep goin (plus, they're two of my favourite diaries on the boards) [B]Sam Strong[/B] vs. Bull Wrecker [I]It's great to see Strong stepping in the ring one last time but I'm puzzled why you didn't leave this one for the PPV? I'd expect Strong still to over enough to pull out a decent match? I'm sure you have a reason, though. Anyway, I think Strong will win via DQ, beat the crap out of Sam but Alicia will save him which could setup a Bull Wrecker vs Alicia Strong match at the PPV[/I] :D [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. Mexico’s Most Wanted [I]If the Bulldogs don't win, a riot. MMW are younger and have more time to recover from the fall.[/I] Mainstream Hernandez/John Greed vs. [B]Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson[/B] [I]Unless Mainstream & Greed are going to be a regular team, there's no reason for Powell & Grayson not to win.[/I] [B] Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Amazing Fire Fly – Shooting Star Title Match. [I]With interfernce from Skye and the COTGD trying to conver AFF[/I]
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Guest Bolton
[b]Sam Strong[/b] vs. Bull Wrecker [i]One more time brutha![/i] Calgary Bulldogs vs. [b]Mexico’s Most Wanted[/b] [b]Mainstream Hernandez/John Greed[/b] vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson Sammy Bach vs. [b]Amazing Fire Fly[/b] – Shooting Star Title Match [i]Title upsets ftw![/i]
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[quote=UkWrestleFan;648808]I've just posted some predictions in BP42's diary so might as well keep goin (plus, they're two of my favourite diaries on the boards) [B]Sam Strong[/B] vs. Bull Wrecker [I]It's great to see Strong stepping in the ring one last time but I'm puzzled why you didn't leave this one for the PPV? I'd expect Strong still to over enough to pull out a decent match? I'm sure you have a reason, though. Anyway, I think Strong will win via DQ, beat the crap out of Sam but Alicia will save him which could setup a Bull Wrecker vs Alicia Strong match at the PPV[/I] :D [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. Mexico’s Most Wanted [I]If the Bulldogs don't win, a riot. MMW are younger and have more time to recover from the fall.[/I] Mainstream Hernandez/John Greed vs. [B]Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson[/B] [I]Unless Mainstream & Greed are going to be a regular team, there's no reason for Powell & Grayson not to win.[/I] [B]Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Amazing Fire Fly – Shooting Star Title Match. [I]With interfernce from Skye and the COTGD trying to conver AFF[/I][/quote] I endorse UK Wrestle fans predictions and reasonings.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;650872]Any thoughts on when the show will be up? I'm quite looking foward to seeing big Sam in the ring again... Can Wrecker pull him to a really good match?[/QUOTE] You're a good man, Bigpapa. ;) Congrats again on the thousand posts milestone. I'm aiming for tomorrow afternoon for Supreme TV to hit; maybe like 2pm EST? Anyone holding out on making predictions can jump aboard anytime. :)
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Show 49 "Exceeding Expectations" [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Forty-Nine-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Exceeding Expectations”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][I][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] Christian Faith pulls up to the talent entrance on his shiny chrome and flat black show bike as this week’s Supreme TV begins. Before he even has a chance to come to a complete stop…… [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] …..Tom Gilmore and Joey Minnesota are on him, joined seconds later by Jack Bruce. [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Gregory Keith walks up with Eric Eisen as Gilmore, Minnesota, and Bruce get Faith on the ground and begin stomping away at him. Keith is casual and just watches the beatdown before raising his hand for them to stop. Gilmore and Minnesota stop immediately, but JB carries on, lacing the fallen biker with three or four more wicked bootshots before looking up and stopping. Keith shakes his head and slowly reaches into his pocket, pulling out a pair of studded gold brass knuckles, the kind referred to as“toothchippers” on the nastiest street corners. Joey and Gilmore begin to try to get Faith to his feet, knowing that they could ruin his chances of winning the World title in this Sunday’s fatal four way if they can position him for a few shots from Keith’s knucks. But, as the arrogant former champion lines him up……. [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] …..a yellow hummer screeches up. The Calgary Bulldogs and Sean McFly pour out, diffusing the situation before it gets any worse by chasing The Corporation into the building. Jeremy and Dan jr. help Faith up and begin to dust him off when, Vibert gives them a funny look and they stop. McFly gives Faith a serious-as-a–heart-attack look before grabbing his bag from the back of the Hummer and walking toward the arena’s entrance. PV: “I hope you remember that, Faith; who just saved your ass.” Faith lifts his motorcycle off of its side and continues brushing himself off. PV: “You’re lucky. I didn’t want them to stop the car.” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]John Greed/Mainstream Hernandez vs. Stevie Grayson/Ryan Powell[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Grayson/Powell win via pinfall @ 5:01[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A solid match that shows the steady progression of all four men involved. In fact, it threw me over the top in deciding about whether or not to give one of these guys a larger role on the regular TV show. The whole thing goes down much like you’d expect, with the heels cutting as many corners as possible until Powell and Grayson mount an improbable comeback and score the pinfall victory over Mainstream Hernandez with Powell’s senton bomb. As much as the babyface victory was a way for us to get the crowd going at the live TV show’s outset, it gives me a much clearer picture about how the streamlined internet show will look upon its post pay-per-view return and who it will be built around. Grade: C+[/I] As Grayson and Powell continue to celebrate their victory…… [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] …..their music is abruptly cut off and replaced with the louder than loud rock guitar lead of The Corporation’s music, closely followed by the arrival of the faction, standing five across on the stage before heading toward the ring. Joey Minnesota and Tom Gilmore are the first to the squared circle and they promptly dispose of Powell and Grayson, dealing out a vicious “Empire Spiral” (Back Suplex/Side Slam) and “Anger Management” (Facefirst Russian Legsweep) each before hurling them to the floor’s protective mats. Gregory Keith slowly makes his way up the ring steps ahead of Eric Eisen with Jack Bruce hopping up onto the apron and hanging off the top rope, as is his custom. They assume the same five across formation in the ring, with Eric Eisen possessing the lone microphone. EE: “Ladies and gentlemen, a moment of your time?” The fans boo quite heartily, when Eisen knocks himself comically on the temple. EE: “Wait a second. A moment of your time? This is my show. I run this company.” The boos amp up a few notches as the group shares a laugh. EE: “I come bearing well wishes from our wayward general manager, who is now recovering at his home following a fall two weeks ago.” The crowd lets it rain, knowing full well that Eisen has stashed Big Smack Scott in a hotel somewhere, after Scott told the interim CEO that he thought he was being followed. EE: “I also come bearing a warning for the other two superstars in the World Title match. Christian Faith, Sean McFly, your days are numbered here. You getting destroyed by the Corporation this Sunday will just be the first step in my eradicating both of you from my promotion.” Eisen hands off the microphone to Gregory Keith, who perches his reflective sunglasses on top of his head before beginning. GK: “Sean McFly, I’m coming for my belt. Thanks for keeping it warm. And Christian Faith, you’d better use some of that veteran instinct and keep out of my way, or I’ll do you like I did two weeks ago…..” He rolls a toothpick to the corner of his mouth and cracks a smile. GK: “…..or like we almost did earlier tonight.” Bruce grabs the microphone the second it looks like Keith is done talking and throws his hair back, adjusting his black headband as he begins, his sneer ever present. JB: “Greg, baby, I know you think that you’re going to win the title on Sunday, but there’s going to be a line at that door and everyone knows….” He points to himself with his thumb. JB: “…..there’s only room for one VIP at that party.” Hearing this, Keith shakes his head, raising both his palms toward Eisen, in a what-the-f**k manner. Bruce doesn’t even look up and never sees it. JB: “Sean McFly, you needed a shady referee to win the last time we went head to head. How are you going to deal with me when there’s all that other traffic in the ring?” JB: “All it’ll take is one lapse, one second of lost focus….” JB: “….and WHAM…” We get a shot of a few fans at ringside who actually jump when he says ‘wham’. JB: “….I’ll be on you…..” Catchphrase time. JB: “….in a New York Minute!” The Corporation’s music hits and Bruce roars into a nasty air guitar solo, his first in weeks. He still maintains his serious glare as he does so, looking right into the camera. And as Minnesota and Gilmore fill in behind him, posing for the fans, Keith shakes his head at Eisen again and climbs out of the ring, heading up the ramp. PM: “Something tells me that Gregory Keith and Jack Bruce are far from being on the same page.” AG: “They aren’t even in the same book, Peter, and that can’t be a comfort to Eric Eisen who wants the World Title back in Corporate hands.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Alicia Strong is backstage, waiting at the door of the General Manager’s office. Once again, Big Smack Scott is a no show, leaving Abby Eisen to deal with the day to day work of running Supreme TV and dealing with the talent. After Alicia nervously shuffles her feet in the hallway, pacing a few times back and forth for god measure, the door pops open and Abby sticks her head out. AE: “The Championship Committee has approved your request, Alicia.” Alicia smiles. AE: “You can join your father as his tag-team partner against Bull Wrecker this evening….” She nods. AE: “….and yes, you can change the stipulations and make it a hardcore match.” She claps once or twice, finding it hard to not show her obvious excitement. AE: “Is that all? Is there anything else I can do for you? Please let you father know that…….” Abby’s continuing apology trails off as Alicia walks away, the youngest Strong getting her game face on. Gone is the scared girl; she is intense and ready. Grade: B- [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sammy Bach vs. Amazing Fire Fly[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]-Shooting Star Title Match-[/B][/CENTER] [B][I]Result: Amazing Fire Fly wins via pinfall @ 8:22[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Once everyone’s jaws got picked back up off of the floor, I’m sure that they loved the outcome of this one. Everyone that is except for Emma and Sammy, who cannot hide their shock at the fact that Amazing Fire Fly, in just his second SWF match, has stopped the leader of the Cult of the Grey Dragon, winning the Shooting Star Title as a result. The match has a crazed pace from the outset, with Amazing Fire Fly speeding around the ring and scoring with all sorts of traditional, yet high impact lucha offense. Bach weathers the storm and, due to the unusually vast size difference, is able to build his comeback around some power based moves, running AFF into the turnbuckles at one point with what appears to be a face-first Oklahoma Slam, for lack of a better description and follows it up by putting a boot onto his throat and bracing himself on the top rope, bearing down on the masked Mexican’s throat. The finish is excellent and worthy of a title change. Since the start of the match, Peter and Ana have been putting over the fact that, after his own interference cost Remmy Skye his match against Amazing Fire Fly last week on Supreme TV, that Sammy expects some sort of retaliation from Skye. In fact his focus seems marred much of the time that he spends in control of the bout, leaving everyone with the sense that Fire Fly is still in the match, that it’ll take just one slip up from Bach to make it happen. The slip up comes as AFF’s attempt at a comeback is thwarted by Bach, who crotches him on the top rope just as he gets up there, planting him and leaving him in pain. Bach gets on the second rope and looks like he is going to go for a superplex, but Fire Fly fights back, switching positions and turning his back to Sammy, looking like he is going to reverse the superplex into some sort of facebuster himself. They spend so much time jockeying for position that the crowd begins to swell in anticipation of a big move. Sammy takes their rise in volume as signal that Remmy Skye has come out and is somewhere near the ring, coming for him. In that split second (that the camera gets a great close up of), Sammy is doomed, taking a back elbow from AFF and getting knocked backward, his legs now stuck between the top and second turnbuckles, awkwardly wound around the cable. Amazing Fire Fly gets back to his feet on the top rope, rights himself, and comes off with a somersault double stomp to the chest of Sammy Bach. You can hear the air whoosh out of his lungs as he crashes to the canvas, Fire Fly tumbling to controlled stop across the ring and scurrying over to make the cover. The place goes wild as the bell rings and referee David Poker hands AFF the Shooting Star title; we had painted him as such an underdog they are truly surprised. But as soon as he begins to celebrate, hopping onto the second rope and holding the belt high above his head, Bach, only partially recovered, lifts him off from behind and drops him onto the canvas. Holding his ribs, Sammy motions to the back, drawing out Acid. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] But before Acid even gets to the foot of the ramp, Remmy Skye comes flying down behind him, dropping him with a running bulldog on the floor before sliding into the ring, rescuing Amazing Fire Fly from a beating at the hands of the now dispersed COTGD. Sammy snatches a microphone from the ring announcer and throws his head back, getting his black air out of his eyes. SB: “ENOUGH!” He is still holding his ribs and his breathing seems labored. SB: “Remmy Skye, this has gone on long enough between us. I’ll be at “Let the Games Begin” this Sunday night, but I’m not interested in rings or titles or referees….” He is intense; glowering. SB: “….or rules of any kind.” Remmy nods in agreement. SB: “The SWF will have nothing to do with this, Skye, it’ll just be the two of us and our date with our makers.” He finally cracks one of his half smiles. SB: “Are you ready?” Skye nods again and this time makes a run toward Bach and Emma, who beat it back up the ramp, hopping over the recovering Acid on their way. Grade: B- (post) B+[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The much loved funk bass line of the Hollas fo’ Dollas begins bumping out of the speakers signaling the group’s arrival. And on this occasion they are almost ten strong, with Danny B Bling’s gaggle of female associates growing again to include a new set of buxom brunettes; twins in fact. But their reason for coming out has nothing to do with the ladies and everything to do with the recent goings on between the HFD’s crown jewel, Shooter Sean Deeley, and longtime SWF veteran Joe Sexy. DBB: “Joe Sexy, the SWF isn’t exactly the land of opportunity, is it? But Danny B Bling and his traveling party are the types of people that make things happen.” He does his little two step, balancing one hand on his bejeweled cane as he does so. DBB: “I am the type of man that makes dreams come true.” The whole posse nods and claps along to the music, which still plays in the background at a lower level. DBB: “There’s no need for Shooter Sean to give you another chance in the ring other than to satisfy his own ego and beat you for a third straight time.” Deeley agrees, throwing a few shadow punches before nodding at DBB. DBB: “But like I said, I’m the type of man that makes dreams come true. I’m going to give Deeley that chance; it’s a gift for him, not you. At “Let the Games Begin”, you’ll get your wish Joe Sexy, another shot at the crown jewel. But as the cliché goes, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.” Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] We roll out another pre-produced promo, this one featuring the North American Champion Bulldozer Brandon Smith training in an MMA style dojo, throwing guys around left and right with judo style tosses. He has broken a sweat as the men come one after another until he has left them all in heaps, strewn like a car crash all over the protective mat. The camera pans all around Smith; he is an impressive beast. When it settles on his face he speaks through clenched teeth. BBS: “This Sunday Gilmore, I’m going to break your arm!” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Calgary Bulldogs vs. Mexico’s Most Wanted[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Calgary Bulldogs win via submission @ 6:05[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The train keeps rolling for Jeremy and Dan Stone in this one, which was a very smartly put together match by Alex Braun. He knew that one of the main goals for the bout was to keep getting Gino’s oppressed minority character over. But instead of scripting things to happen during the flow of the match to accomplish that, he let Fuerza do a lot of the heavy lifting wrestling wise, keeping Montero on the apron where he got into it with the fans, a ringside photographer, and a Supreme TV cameraman about how they are oppressing him. It is a genius strategy. The match stays pretty basic; the Stones dismantle Fuerza with slick tag team wrestling and awesome mat technique. Although he is big, Fuerza is quite obviously overmatched, but he rallies with some vicious clotheslines and a ring shaking spinebuster on Jeremy that leads to the finish. With all of the mouthing off he has done from the apron, people are dying for Gino to get in the ring. And after Fuerza drops and elbow onto Jeremy, he reaches out and tags Montero who comes flying over the top rope with a rolling shoulder. But, when Gino make the cover and only gets a two count, he freaks out on referee David Poker, as has been his custom lately, claiming the count was slow. After Poker assures him that it wasn’t, he relents, but immediately falls victim to an inverted atomic drop, courtesy of the recovered Stone, before finding himself tossed on his head with a capture suplex and locked in Jeremy’s “Stone Hold”. There is nothing to do but tap out and he does so extremely quickly, ending the contest. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] A hype video rolls for the showdown between the World Tag Team Champions, the Dirty White Boyz, and the Can-Am Blondes at “Let the Games Begin”. It chronicles their entire feud, beginning surprisingly, over two months ago. As good as everyone is, when just rolling their highlights, The Guru stands out in this segment, with his character really getting over via his spectacular mike work. We also use it to announce that their ppv match has been made into a double tables match, after their interactions at “The Supreme Rumble” and a couple of weeks ago on Supreme TV. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Dan Stone jr. vs. Antonio Maxi Marquez[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Dan Stone jr. wins via submission @ 7:39[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: When the show comes back from the hype video, Mexico’s Most Wanted are still in the ring jawing with the Calgary Bulldogs. Fuerza is trying to play peacemaker, but Gino is hot about being choked out and is pressing his forehead against Jeremy’s, trying to get him going. When AMM steps between them, he seems to have good intentions, but when Dan jr. puts a hand on his shoulder, Marquez turns and decks him, dropping him to the canvas with a short left hand. Both Stones freak out, but it is Marquez who tears off his t-shirt and demands a ref. It is a fabulous contest too and we find out along the way that the two men have tremendous chemistry; watching them hook it up and own the ring is a sight to behold. Dan is all about trying to slow the brisk but controlled pace of Marquez, taking the main man in Mexico’s Most Wanted to the canvas as often as possible, locking him in two or three variations of a leg grapevine. But, taking the advice of Jeremy on the floor to head to the top rope for his headbutt, Dan gets crotched from behind and falls seated, backward on the top rope. Jeremy looks worried (as he should) as Marquez lifts Stone high over his head, extending his arms and blowing him up with a splash mountain bomb. Before he can make the pin, Dan rolls under the bottom rope and falls to the floor at the feet of his brother. As the Canadian superstar huffs and puffs and tries to recover, Gino and Fuerza begin to slowly encircle the ring, looking to come at the Stones from both sides. Marquez runs his mouth in the ring at Jeremy and tries to hold referee Eugene Williams at bay, screening the situation on the floor from his view. But when Fuerza and Montero strike, Dan jumps up and makes it two on two. Williams pushes past AMM and, instead of just calling for the DQ, leans through the ropes and tries to separate the men. Amidst the chaos, Jeremy slides into the ring and drops a vicious clothesline onto Marquez stopping him cold as he walks out of the corner. He takes off and rejoins the almost stopped brawl on the floor, Dan jr., getting back into the ring and capitalizing on the downed Marquez, turning him over and locking in his anklelock. Within seconds, Marquez is yelling out in pain and tapping on the mat. It draws the referee’s attention and he calls for the bell, ending the contest. For some reason, after the Calgary Bulldogs exchange high fives on the floor, Dan climbs back into the ring where Marquez is kneeling near Fuerza and Montero and extends his hand to the man he just defeated. Marquez makes his way to his feet, selling his injured ankle very well and slowly sticks out his hand….. ….before pulling it back and spitting in Dan jr.’s face. They face off again for a second before Jeremy climbs back into the ring and pulls Dan away, looking like he’d prefer to regroup rather than fight on. Tonight, that is. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Sean McFly and Phil Vibert walk out of the arena, followed closely by The Calgary Bulldogs, talking loudly and heading back toward their parked Hummer after watching the bulk of the show. [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] When the camera pans back it reveals that Christian Faith is outside as well, sitting on his motorcycle, parking it squarely in front of the big yellow beast. CF: “Don’t just be worried about The Corporation, McFly.” He coolly points to himself. CF: “You should be more worried about this dog taking that belt than either of those boys.” Phil Vibert throws up his hands, astounded at Faith’s audacity, and hops into the back seat of the Hummer. CF: “It’s my time; it’s why I came back to the SWF in the first place.” Jeremy and Dan jr. follow Vibert, getting in the front seats themselves, firing up the engine. CF: “Don’t think that you chasing them away earlier makes any difference.” He reefs on the handle, opening the bike’s engine wide.” CF: “Because it didn’t change a thing. Come Sunday, that belt is mine.” Grade: A* [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bull Wrecker vs. Sam Strong/Alicia Strong -Handicap Hardcore Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Bull Wrecker wins via pinfall @ 11:04[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Words cannot express how quickly the air gets sucked out of the building when this match hit its apex. The entrances are a big, long drawn out deal, but the early and middle stages follow the most basic traditional format that is possible. Alicia handles more than her fair share of the in ring time, saving her father’s entrance for a big moment. Wrecker toys with her, making her advances, however motivated, look weak. He whips her into the ropes and powerslams her, turning her over with violent intent before standing her up by taking a handful of her blonde hair. Sam Strong freaks out on the ring apron while Wrecker doles out a pretty methodical beating on Alicia. Finally he cannot take it anymore, gingerly bending through the ropes and balling up his fists inches from Bull Wrecker’s face. Wrecker discards Alicia, bullishly pushing her aside and raising his own hands, ready to do battle with Sam Strong. But Alicia suddenly seems to remember that this is a hardcore match and rolls to the floor, grabbing hold of the ring announcer’s folding chair. She takes her time re-entering the ring, going all the way around in order to slip in behind Wrecker, who takes a left hand from Sam and laughs in his face. There isn’t a lot of time as Bull reaches out and smacks Sam across the face, rearing back and decking the ring legend a second later. When Sam falls and begins trying to get up, he looks over Wrecker’s shoulder at Alicia, giving her away as she raises the chair. Bull turns and sticks out his chin, pointing to it and begging Alicia to hit him. The crowd swells as Sam stands up and cheers her on, really revving everyone up as she raises the chair again, high over her head, as Wrecker leans out, asking for it. When she swings, she swings with a force so violent, there could be no question about her intent. But when she connects, not with Bull Wrecker, but with the head of her own father, her true intent becomes unknown. Sam crumples into a heap, split and bleeding from the first shot as Bull sticks his face out again, not to willingly accept a chairshot, but to kiss Alicia and they do so sloppily, right over the bloodied heap that is Sam Strong. Wrecker sits on the middle rope, holding the cables apart for her as trash begin to get thrown into the ring. But after taking a step toward them, Sam begins to stir, spitting some blood and trying to sit up. In one fluid motion, Alicia turns around, scoops the chair back up, and lays a second vicious chairbomb onto Sam, this one knocking him unconscious. She screams at his broken form. The fans go crazy, hurling all sorts of debris toward Wrecker and Alicia as they climb to the floor and begin pushing through the growing crowd, not slowing until they get into the arena’s parking lot. As a car screams by and they walk out into the road, looking to commandeer a vehicle, a few security guards begin running toward them from the building. Wrecker grabs Alicia by the hand and the two sprint through the traffic and over into a satellite lot adjacent to the one they were in. As Wrecker scans the lot, he sees Mainstream Hernandez, two or three Mainstream.com cameras set up around him, shooting some footage of himself of the hood of a car. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] They run over and Alicia hops behind the wheel, firing the car up. But Mainstream doesn’t move, looking at them both incredulously. BW: “Move.” He keeps staring. Wrecker then pulls a small handgun from his boot and points it at Hernandez from about two feet away. BW: “Move.” Mainstream gulps. Again. Alicia gets out of the car and steps between them, looking innocently into the eyes of Mainstream. Then, before the eye of the camera, she twists her face into a crazed grin, and snatches the gun from Wrecker’s outstretched arm only to press it herself into the nose of Hernandez, who nearly bleats like a sheep when the steel touches his face. AS: “Move.” This time, Mainstream takes a few steps backward getting safely away from the vehicle while looking like he is in shock at having a gun waved in his face. Alicia and Wrecker jump into the car and fire it up again, revving the engine once or twice before making a big, skidding U-turn trying to point the car toward the highway. As the sound of sirens begin to fill the air and the cameras get one last look at them, Mainstream Hernandez grabs one of his cameras and dives into the car’s open trunk, pulling it shut on himself as they blister down the asphalt and away into the night. Peter Michaels is losing his voice from screaming into his headset so much, yet still has enough rasp to get the show’s last word. PM: “I have never seen anything so despicable, so vile, or so goddamned heartless in all my years on this planet. That wasn’t just an old man they just bloodied, that was her father.” Grade: A*[/I] Show Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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The Good: Alicia's heel turn. Didn't see that coming, and as cliche as a heel turn of this kind tends to be, I think it worked out really well. The Dan Stone show: I know you've built McFly up as the top guy, but this episode showed you what a newcomer Dan Stone Jr can do. He's got more charisma than McFly, he can work face or heel, has a better look, and, dare I say it... is a better wrestler? Stone stole the show by wrestling in two great matches, and had supporting appearances throughout the broadcast. The Okay: Back to back "watch the pay per view" angles for feuds that really pale compared to the intensity or interest the main event is getting. Actually, 3 in a row if you count Bach confirming his match with Skye. Not really a huge problem in of itself but angle after angle to sell the pay per view starts to get old. The Ugly: Bull Wrecker pulling a GUN out of his boot? I was just scanning through and saw that and was just shocked. I get it's there to put over Alicia as "psycho bitch" but it felt hugely out of place and in incredibly poor taste. Maybe you have fonder memories of "Pillman's got a gun" than I do, but that was hugely tasteless and out of place on a wrestling show, and Pillman and WWE apologized for the incident, and that was at somebody's house! Wrecker brought a GUN to the ring in his boot? I guess the ref doesn't check for weapons very thoroughly. Even beyond that, Pillman's angle did a better job of setting up the gun, instead of pulling it out of nowhere to set up a dramatic moment. A really, really jarring angle that "crosses the line," and not in a good way. I'm not going to let my fictitious kids watch this fictitious show if we don't get a whole lot of apologizing from SWF and those involved.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;651600]The Good: Alicia's heel turn. Didn't see that coming, and as cliche as a heel turn of this kind tends to be, I think it worked out really well. The Dan Stone show: I know you've built McFly up as the top guy, but this episode showed you what a newcomer Dan Stone Jr can do. He's got more charisma than McFly, he can work face or heel, has a better look, and, dare I say it... is a better wrestler? Stone stole the show by wrestling in two great matches, and had supporting appearances throughout the broadcast. The Okay: Back to back "watch the pay per view" angles for feuds that really pale compared to the intensity or interest the main event is getting. Actually, 3 in a row if you count Bach confirming his match with Skye. Not really a huge problem in of itself but angle after angle to sell the pay per view starts to get old. The Ugly: Bull Wrecker pulling a GUN out of his boot? I was just scanning through and saw that and was just shocked. I get it's there to put over Alicia as "psycho bitch" but it felt hugely out of place and in incredibly poor taste. Maybe you have fonder memories of "Pillman's got a gun" than I do, but that was hugely tasteless and out of place on a wrestling show, and Pillman and WWE apologized for the incident, and that was at somebody's house! Wrecker brought a GUN to the ring in his boot? [B]I guess the ref doesn't check for weapons very thoroughly.[/B] Even beyond that, Pillman's angle did a better job of setting up the gun, instead of pulling it out of nowhere to set up a dramatic moment. A really, really jarring angle that "crosses the line," and not in a good way. I'm not going to let my fictitious kids watch this fictitious show if we don't get a whole lot of apologizing from SWF and those involved.[/QUOTE] Why would he? It was a hardcore match :p What would have been golden would've been the gun going off in Wrecker's boot as he wrestlers, blowing half of his shin away! Anyway, I thought it was a fantastic show. The Alicia turn came off really well and she should be hated for the rest of her career.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;651600]The Good: Alicia's heel turn. Didn't see that coming, and as cliche as a heel turn of this kind tends to be, I think it worked out really well. The Dan Stone show: I know you've built McFly up as the top guy, but this episode showed you what a newcomer Dan Stone Jr can do. He's got more charisma than McFly, he can work face or heel, has a better look, and, dare I say it... is a better wrestler? Stone stole the show by wrestling in two great matches, and had supporting appearances throughout the broadcast. The Okay: Back to back "watch the pay per view" angles for feuds that really pale compared to the intensity or interest the main event is getting. Actually, 3 in a row if you count Bach confirming his match with Skye. Not really a huge problem in of itself but angle after angle to sell the pay per view starts to get old. The Ugly: Bull Wrecker pulling a GUN out of his boot? I was just scanning through and saw that and was just shocked. I get it's there to put over Alicia as "psycho bitch" but it felt hugely out of place and in incredibly poor taste. Maybe you have fonder memories of "Pillman's got a gun" than I do, but that was hugely tasteless and out of place on a wrestling show, and Pillman and WWE apologized for the incident, and that was at somebody's house! Wrecker brought a GUN to the ring in his boot? I guess the ref doesn't check for weapons very thoroughly. Even beyond that, Pillman's angle did a better job of setting up the gun, instead of pulling it out of nowhere to set up a dramatic moment. A really, really jarring angle that "crosses the line," and not in a good way. I'm not going to let my fictitious kids watch this fictitious show if we don't get a whole lot of apologizing from SWF and those involved.[/QUOTE] 1) I did like the "Pillman's got a gun" angle, quite a bit actually. To me, the world of sports entertainment is a world where anything can happen. Surely, on a landscape populated with deadmen, samoan savages and man-tauers, a gun cannot be that out of place, dealing with it from the standpoint of this show being no different than any other TV drama. 2) I understand that the whole gun thing just happens without any sort of build up. I had no intention of it being something that I teased. Rather, I just wanted it to happen. I'm going for 'He really is crazy, it's not just some 'Grr, I'm mad at you' thing' like 99.9% of all the wrestling feuds ever. Maniacal. After all, what's a loose cannon without his cannon? 3) I planned out this whole story arc before Wrecker went away at The Supreme Challenge. I was hoping that this would be one of those angles that stirred up some interest and discussion, good or bad. A barbed wire wrapped baseball bat? That's Ok with us. Explosives? We're cool with that, too. A gun? That crosses the line. I can appreciate how you might view it as being done in poor taste, however, I don't share that opinion, either as a fan or as a writer.
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When thousands of people die of barbed wire related deaths, I'm sure it'll also be taboo. Around 30,000 people a year are killed in gun-related deaths in the US. Brandishing a firearm is far easier to imitate then putting someone through a table, and is far far FAR more likely to result in injury or death. That's why WWE apologized for that angle, and that's why this angle is in really poor taste. Beyond that, it destroys any shred of credibility. At what point would Mainstream just have Wrecker and Alicia arrested? If someone brought a gun to your workplace and aimed it at you, would you really be able to work there again if that employee wasn't immediately fired? The more I think about it, the more I think this is a terrible, horrible, bad idea, and if the next episode doesn't feature some pretty darn strong repercussions, I'll be hugely disappointed as a reader. I really don't see how you can defend assault with a deadly weapon and bringing a concealed firearm [U]into the ring[/U] as anything other than poor taste on a weekly show.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;652062] When thousands of people die of barbed wire related deaths, I'm sure it'll also be taboo. Around 30,000 people a year are killed in gun-related deaths in the US. Brandishing a firearm is far easier to imitate then putting someone through a table, and is far far FAR more likely to result in injury or death. That's why WWE apologized for that angle, and that's why this angle is in really poor taste.[/QUOTE] If we're just throwing out numbers, how many people die each year in car and motorcycle related incidents? But from Taker to Eddie to JBL, they are all over wrestling. What about alcohol related stuff and Austin? He stole the beer truck. The plethora of bad messages there is amazing. Did he use it for its worst purpose? No. Did Wrecker? No. The idea is there, even the allusion, but there is no act. Perhaps it should've been one of those"Bang!" flag jobs that Austin pulled on Vince. That was acceptable enough that they played it during Stone Cold's HOF clip montage. [QUOTE=lazorbeak;652062]Beyond that, it destroys any shred of credibility. At what point would Mainstream just have Wrecker and Alicia arrested? If someone brought a gun to your workplace and aimed it at you, would you really be able to work there again if that employee wasn't immediately fired?[/QUOTE] The story hasn't even begun to play itself out. Maybe Mainstream would've had them arrested, because obviously pulling a gun is an abhorrant thing, but maybe a person of Mainstream's character has other things motivating him and that's why he dove into the trunk with a camera at the last minute instead of getting to safety. Maybe. And your theory abut the workplace is correct, if it's seperated from pro wrestling logic. In the world of wrestling, it doesn't work. If someone pointed a gun at you at your workplace, he's got to be fired for your sanity, but throwing you into a flaming dumpster or into a spotlight would see you punching in the next morning? The ideas are not mutually exclusive. They are either both in play or both out. [QUOTE=lazorbeak;652062]The more I think about it, the more I think this is a terrible, horrible, bad idea, and if the next episode doesn't feature some pretty darn strong repercussions, I'll be hugely disappointed as a reader. I really don't see how you can defend assault with a deadly weapon and bringing a concealed firearm [U]into the ring[/U] as anything other than poor taste on a weekly show. [/QUOTE] There will be repercussions, the story is just starting. Please don't think I just threw it out there without thinking about it. Does everyone who reads this think this is just "too far"? I'm curious as to the different opinions or whether everyone feels the same about this angle as Lazorbeak does.
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I agree with you NoNeck on what you said when defending the angle. Agree with 100%. [QUOTE]1) I did like the "Pillman's got a gun" angle, quite a bit actually. To me, the world of sports entertainment is a world where anything can happen. Surely, on a landscape populated with deadmen, samoan savages and man-tauers, a gun cannot be that out of place, dealing with it from the standpoint of this show being no different than any other TV drama. 2) I understand that the whole gun thing just happens without any sort of build up. I had no intention of it being something that I teased. Rather, I just wanted it to happen. I'm going for [B]'He really is crazy, it's not just some 'Grr, I'm mad at you' thing' like 99.9% of all the wrestling feuds ever. Maniacal.[/B] After all, [B]what's a loose cannon without his cannon?[/B][/QUOTE] This one. A psychopath would use hardcore elements in the matches and attacks. They would do the job but they aren't as shocking in the end for the mainstream audience. A gun is and it will surely establish the objective here, as it certainly did since it created discussion. Controversy creates cash. [QUOTE]A barbed wire wrapped baseball bat? That's Ok with us. Explosives? We're cool with that, too. [B]A gun? That crosses the line. [/B] [/QUOTE] What I just said. :p
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;652303]Does everyone who reads this think this is just "too far"? I'm curious as to the different opinions or whether everyone feels the same about this angle as Lazorbeak does.[/QUOTE] For me, definitely not. I thought it was brilliant and am really looking forward to where this goes. I'm sure you wouldn't have put the gun in there if this story wasn't going somehwere interesting.
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