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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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[B]Tom Gilmore/Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith/Amazing Fire Fly Joe Sexy vs. Thom Barrowman vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] Mexico’s Most Wanted vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] [B]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Ryan Powell & Stevie Grayson
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[b]Tom Gilmore/Joey Minnesota[/b] vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith/Amazing Fire Fly Joe Sexy vs. Thom Barrowman vs. [b]Shooter Sean Deeley[/b] Mexico’s Most Wanted vs. [b]Calgary Bulldogs[/b] [b]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/b] vs. Ryan Powell & Stevie Grayson
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[B]Tom Gilmore/Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith/Amazing Fire Fly [I]The corporate guys stay strong with a win over the former North American and current Shooting Star champion[/I] Joe Sexy vs. Thom Barrowman vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [I]Barrowman's done jack as a singles wrestler since the New Wave broke up. Unless their failure to get it done as singles wrestlers is going someone, then breaking them up as a team has been a total failure in my view. I actually want to pick Barrowman here but his record so far in singles competion gives me little faith in that pick, so I think Deeley gets his win back over Joe Sexy here.[/I] Mexico’s Most Wanted vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] [I]The Stone's won't be losing for a while yet.[/I] [B]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Ryan Powell & Stevie Grayson [I]The Samoan's haven't really done much of late, but I see them getting a win over the hip-hoppers.[/I]
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[B]Tom Gilmore/Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith/Amazing Fire Fly The little guy takes the fall. Should be a solid match barring bad chemistry notes. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] vs. Thom Barrowman vs. Shooter Sean Deeley Something about EVERYONE else picking Deeley makes me think he won't win here. That and the fact that we didn't really see a conclusive end to the Sexy/Gilmore feud, and this match apparently has North American title implications. I really wonder why somebody would write something like: "I continue to be baffled by the inclusion of Sexy in high-level diaries." Sexy is pretty much perfect for SWF: he's big, he's charismatic, and he's got star quality. Is he a five star worker? No, but if you put him in the ring with a Faith or a Gilmore he can put out great matches. Mexico’s Most Wanted vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] The Bulldogs have gotten a lot of TV time, and are two of the best wrestlers in the world. [B]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Ryan Powell & Stevie Grayson SPLAT.
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Last call for predictions and whatnot. Get 'em in. The show is done, but I learned a valuable lesson about posting on Monday's last week; it was buried on the middle of page two by midday. I'll put it up either late night tonight or tomorrow. :)
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Show 51 "Biloxi Blues" [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Fifty One-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Biloxi Blues”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][I][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Brett Starr vs. Keith Vegas[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Brett Starr wins via pinfall @ 2:04[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A simple squash match over a local jobber we didn't even introduce opens this week’s internet show, showcasing “Hollywood” Brett Starr. Starr is accompanied to the ring by his legendary father Mickey and it seems to give him a bit more focus. Nothing of note to discuss other than the fact that Brett looks to have gained about ten pounds of muscle and uses a pretty nice brainbuster to end the contest.[/I] [I]Grade: D+[/I] A hype video for our next pay-per-view extravaganza, “Break Like the Wind” rolls. It is quite ambiguous as the card is still coming together, but it still sets the tone nicely and whets the viewers’ appetite for another big show. Grade: B [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Samoan Wrecking Crew vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Samoan Wrecking Crew win via pinfall @ 1:07[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: With John Greed following them to the ring, the Samoan Wrecking Crew destroys the team of Powell and Grayson, obviously soothing the smarmy Greed’s loss to them on Supreme TV last week. It takes them just over a minute’s time as they powerslam Grayson and toss him out of the ring before nailing Powell with a monstrous double running headbutt and superbombing him off the top rope, bouncing him off the canvas. Greed laughs loudly, pointing and making a big show of it as Akima pins the downed hip hopper and gets the victory. But as soon as the bell rings, Tana grabs Greed by the back of the neck and feigns throwing him into the ring before Greed fumbles in his suit jacket and pulls out a wad of bills. They are only visible for a second as Tana snatches the cash and whistles to his boys, who jump to the floor and push past Greed, walking back up the ramp, victorious. Grade: C+[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Greg Black stands backstage alongside Sara Silver on the internet pre-show interview set. She stares up at his massive afropuff awestruck before asking Black why he requested the interview time. GB: “I saw a man achieve his dream a couple of weeks ago. From out of nowhere, Amazing Fire Fly won the Shooting Star title, going from being a nobody to a somebody…” He snaps his fingers. GB: “….just like that.” Sara smiles at him. GB: “Amazing Fire Fly, I’m here to ask you for a shot at my dream. I want to wear the Shooting Star championship. I want to put myself to the test and see if I can defeat you for it.” Sara nods. SS: “When Greg?” He smiles back at her and pulls out a bright pink pick, teasing his coif a bit. GB: “Next week sounds pretty good to me.” Now he looks into the camera, still smiling his widest smile. GB: “How’s that sound to you Fly?” Grade: C+ [B][I][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/I][/B] The show starts with our ring announcer standing the center of the ring, waiting for her cue. “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the new General Manager of Supreme TV…..” [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]“Abby Eisen!”[/CENTER][/B] Abby walks out to the ring wearing a smart (but still a bit sexy) navy blue suit and carrying a microphone. She is smiling from ear to ear. Many fans reach out as she makes her way down the ramp and she actually returns a few of them with high fives I’m sure they didn’t expect. And when she finally takes her place in the middle of the ring and faces the hard cam, the fans continue to cheer; they are pumped. AE: “First and foremost, thank you to the SWF Championship Committee for this opportunity. I’m looking forward to keeping Supreme TV the most watched wrestling program on the planet.” There is more applause as the camera pans in. AE: “But now, without wasting any more time, it’s time to get down to business.” [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] As she raises the microphone to begin speaking, the wide open revving of a motorcycle engine fills the arena. Seconds later, Christian Faith rolls out onto the stage on a purple and black custom chopper, complete with the oversized handlebars and everything. He comes to a quick stop before raising his fist and pulling up his feet, tearing down the steel and slowly circling the ring until he lets it idle at the base of the ramp. CF: “With all due respect, Miss Eisen, I’m not taking no for an answer this evening.” The fans cheer and he nods at them, appreciating their support. CF: “Both of those Corporate boys had a chance to pin Sean McFly at “Let the Games Begin”, but they couldn’t get the job done. I want a shot at “Mr. Wrestling” one on one, tonight. And I want it to be for the World title.” Abby steps back and listens as the crowd absolutely blows up, showing their maximum volume in anticipation of a possible World Heavyweight title match. AE: “Well….” She seems to be on the verge of making the match on the spot..... [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] .....when The Corporation’s music begins blaring out of the arena’s speakers and the entire group pours out onto the stage, minus Jack Bruce, that is. Eric doesn’t look pleased and seems to be a bit preoccupied as Gregory Keith pushes his sunglasses up onto his head and flicks on his cordless microphone. GK: “Please excuse the absence of Jack Bruce…..” Keith smirks. GK: “His duties as a rock star have him running a bit late this evening.” He rolls his eyes at Eric Eisen who pretends not to see, glancing down at his watch instead. Keith turns his attention to the man leaning out over his motorcycle at ringside. GK: “They say that, in this business, you can’t be the champion forever. Do you believe that Faith?” The big biker just shrugs. GK: “I disagree, personally. I believe that, minus a few weeks here and there, that I can be the SWF World Heavyweight Champion until the day I decide to hang up my boots and retire. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?” The fans boo; they hated him as champion and dredge up some memories of it weith their bitter vocal response. GK: “To get my belt back though, I am going to need a one-on-one opportunity against McFly as well, and since I am the former champion…..” Faith cuts him off. He knows where this is going. CF: “Blah-blah-blah. You’ve had more than enough chances Keith. Now, it’s my turn.” GK: “I threw you all over that arena on Sunday, Faith! Don’t you tell me….” Abby is quick to jump back into things and takes charge. AE: “Why don’t we settle this the old fashioned way boys……” Faith and Keith just glare at each other. AE: “….in the ring! Tonight!” Faith nods excitedly, but Keith doesn’t look so sure. AE: “That way there’ll be no more arguing between the two of you; just a winner and a loser. Wouldn’t that be nice?” Eric Eisen just shrugs and looks at his watch again, obviously waiting for Bruce to arrive before the segment ends. AE: “Afterward we’ll have a much clearer picture as to who the number one contender is, I think.” Abby leaves them to stare at each other and posture as we go to commercial. AE: “Good luck gentlemen.” Grade: B+ [B][I][CENTER](commercial)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Jack Bruce vs. Scout Finch[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Jack Bruce wins via pinfall @ 4:01[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: When the show returns from commercial break, Scout Finch is in the ring, posturing for the crowd as his music still plays in the background. As it fades and he looks up the ramp, waiting for his opponent, the opening strains of Jack Bruce’s Corporate theme song begins pouring out of the speakers. JB storms down the ramp without any other members of The Corporation, looking irate and forgoing his usual air-guitar session. Ref David Poker hops into the ring from the floor and calls for the bell just as Bruce slides under the bottom rope. It is not quite a clinic, not quite a squash, but whatever word you can come up with that is just shy of that…..that’s what this match is. Finch cannot get a single break as he and his partner’s losing streak as singles wrestlers continues, hitting rock bottom at about the two minute mark when Bruce takes total control of the bout. JB scores with the big three moves of the “Welcome to NYC” and slinks into the corner, waiting for Scout to get to his feet. Seconds later, as Finch slowly rises, Bruce strikes, driving the New Waver face-first into the mat with a “New York Minute” (Fameasser) and getting the three count as a result. As the bell finishes ringing, Jack Bruce demands a microphone. JB: “Greg Keith might’ve positioned himself a bit better earlier on……” JB: “….I had a video shoot AND a magazine interview; I had to be late to the show…….” The crowd hates him, no doubt, but they are still infatuated with his oh-so-full-of-himself character. JB: “….whatever…..” More boos. JB: “But rest assured that the biggest rock star in the history of the known universe is still hot on your trail, Sean McFly. Regardless of what you, or Gregory Keith, or Christian Faith, or Abby Eisen thinks right now; I’m going to be the one that takes the SWF World title away from you. You needed a crooked referee to beat me last time, remember? Somehow, someway, I will get another chance.” He pushes his long black hair out of his face and readjusts his ever present headband. JB: “…and it could happen, Sean McFly…” Bruce looks to the crowd and opens his mouth just slightly. But instead of finishing his catchphrase, as many in attendance do, Bruce grimaces a bit and says nothing, leaving the fans hanging. Everything degenerates into a litany of boos with JB hopping to the floor and enjoying every second of playing the heel. Grade: B (post) A*[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Backstage, Phil Vibert punches the keys on his personal messager and then shoves it into his suit jacket’s pocket, bringing another stack of glossy 8x10’s over to Sean McFly. The World Champion sits at a table in his locker room, banging out autograph after autograph with halfhearted interest until they are almost gone. Vibert sits down next to him. PV: “Do you know how lucky you got on Sunday, Sean?” McFly, usually quite reserved with his emotions, furrows his brow. PV: “I know that you weren’t as focused as you could’ve been for that match.” McFly bristles at the suggestion and Vibert pulls back a little bit, trying not to offend his client even though he already has. PV: “Not that you aren’t training and working out and all of that…..” Dan and Jeremy peek their heads into the locker room and motion to McFly to come with them. Vibert stares at them before turning back and staring at World Champion for a few uncomfortable seconds before McFly waves them on. PV: “Since they’ve shown up, you’ve been spending all of your time with Jeremy and Dan.” McFly stands up; he’s had enough. PV: “Now I know that you’ve got a lot of family issues to sort out with them, and I respect that. But you’ve got to remember why you are here; why you are able to make the big money….” Vibert trails off and tries to position himself squarely in front of McFly, to look him in the eye. PV: “You’ve got to focus on wrestling, Sean.” McFly starts to walk off but stops in the doorway and turns back. SM: “You need to remember who is in charge here, Phil.” Vibert is stunned. SM: “I hired you, not the other way around.” He leaves and Vibert just sits, fuming, staring at the spot McFly just occupied. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] A video rolls hyping the World Tag Team Champions, The Dirty White Boyz. It is short and serves to get them over as the dominant titleholders that they have been. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Mexico’s Most Wanted vs. Calgary Bulldogs[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Calgary Bulldogs win via countout @ 12:26[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A barnburner that is held back just slightly by the fact that not everyone involved is as over in America as they will be in six months. The online wrestling community will be all over this though; it was quite a delight. With Fuerza at ringside doing what he does best, looking tough, Antonio Maxi Marquez and Gino Montero take control of the match from the outset. Although there is bad blood here, there is really no corner cutting to speak of by Mexico’s Most Wanted; their tag team wrestling is crisp. The Stones work their way back into things taking a page out of MMW’s playbook. With Gino reeling, Dan jr. uncharacteristically comes flying off the top rope following a tag and lands a backflip onto Montero’s shoulders which he quickly snaps over into a hurancanrana. He quickly tags back out and Jeremy lands a running elbow drop and slaps on an STF, bending Montero in a most uncomfortable position. Things taper back with the Stones taking their turn, slowing the match’s pace a bit by keeping Montero on the mat. Gino spends almost as much energy escaping various holds as he does jawing with referee David Poker about various things, once again stealing the match with his “angry minority” character. And when he ducks under a clothesline and nails Dan jr. on the point of the chin after being soundly whipped by both Stones and rolls to the corner, tagging in AMM, the finish is on the horizon. There are about seven nears falls in sequence in a great show of chain wrestling between Dan jr. and Marquez as soon as they face off, bringing the crowd to their feet and fully back into the match after the lull. Marquez is the first to connect with a punch upon getting back to his feet and uses the opportunity to drop the stunned Stone with an enzugiri that he hit after stepping up off the second rope. But when AMM springs to the top turnbuckle, obviously looking for the “Champagne Sunrise” (Frog Splash), he turns to find Dan missing, following him up the buckles and tossing him halfway across the ring with an amazing top rope belly to back suplex. Marquez writhes on the canvas and reaches out for Montero’s arm, but instead of making the tag, Gino hops to the floor and he and Fuerza pull Marquez out of the ring. Poker begins his count immediately, but Gino already has his mind made up anyway, holding up his partner by the shoulder and walking back up the ramp, getting counted out intentionally. Dan and Jeremy just throw up their hands and shake their heads, not believing that this is how this match is going to end. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Emma Chase and Acid sit along the arena’s ledge outside, both cross legged, heads hanging. EC: “Is he really gone? Sammy?” Emma throws her head back and shows her swollen eyes; they glow in the moonlight. EC: “We do not know for sure if and when he will return. But for now the Grey Dragon sleeps.” Acid stands up over Emma, head still hung low. EC: “So shall we sleep.” With that, Acid drops a smoke bomb and, before the puff of white completely clears away, the ledge is empty. They are gone. Grade: B [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Joe Sexy vs. Thom Barrowman vs. Shooter Sean Deeley[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Shooter Sean Deeley wins via submission @ 6:05[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The path for Shooter Sean to win the match was predictably easy when you look at the extenuating circumstances. Thom Barrowman, like his partner in the New Wave Scout Finch, is snakebitten and can’t seem to win a match as a singles competitor regardless of the situation. And Joe Sexy, who scored a victory over Deeley at the pay-per-view, is so terribly hung over from that win that he has nothing left to offer in this match. In fact, it is Sexy’s persistent chasing of the Shooter that leads to the match’s finish. Guide’s rally is stopped short by Danny B Bling who hooks his cane around the New Waver’s ankle. It gives Deeley a window in which he rams Sexy’s head into a turnbuckle and superkicks Barrowman. Sexy shakes off the blow quicker than expected and shoves Deeley through the ropes from behind as he leans to make the cover. But instead of attempting to cover the dazed Barrowman himself, Sexy follows Deeley to the floor where he gets tangled up with Dez amidst all of the ‘ho-traffic’. Shooter Sean deftly slides back into the ring and pulls Barrowman to the center of the ring, latching on with his anklelock a second later. He bends it in several disgusting directions before Barrowman begins tapping, Sexy just getting back onto the apron as the bell begins ringing. Sexy begins pleading his case with referee Baby Jamie but it is much too late for talk as Deeley and the rest of the Hollas fo’ Dollas parade makes its way back up the ramp. Shooter Sean points at Sexy who stands with his hands on his hips, watching the procession. SSD: “I own you, Sexy.” Grade: B-[/I] The show’s feed suddenly crackles to a stop once again, getting overtaken by the line from Mainstream.com. Since the disturbing footage of Bull Wrecker and Alicia Strong’s attack on Sam Strong at his house was transmitted live on Supreme TV, Hernandez’s site has been simulcast twenty four hours a day on SWF.com and it has never had more traffic. This time, it’s not night vision, rather the shot is of a storefront in a bustling tourist town; people crossing and weaving in and out on a busy sidewalk, everybody carrying a multicolored selection of bags from the various shops. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Mainstream Hernandez ducks behind a car across the street and begins to do some sort of intro. But as he utters his first syllables, he turns the camera from himself onto the storefront. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] A car comes screaming to a stop, squarely in front of an ice cream shop, Bull Wrecker and Alicia Strong jumping out and scowling at every passer by as they scurry away. It becomes clear why they stopped when the crowd disperses a bit and Wrecker and Strong are left standing in front of a teenager of about sixteen or seventeen who is clad in a black SWF t-shirt, blocking his way. BW: “Do you even know what that stands for?” The kid nods; he’s a mark the whole way. BW: “No you don’t. At least I don’t think you do.” Alicia licks her lips before smiling devilishly. AS: “It stands for mediocrity and the acceptance of mediocrity.” Her words are returned with a blank look; the fan drops his slushy onto the sidewalk terrified. BW: Is that what you thought it meant?” An awkward second or two passes with nothing said, just the fan’s eyes nervously darting back and forth between Bull and Alicia as they tower over him. Suddenly Bull reaches out with one hand, grabbing the shirt by its collar and ripping it down the fan’s chest. Alicia is right behind him, getting two handfuls of the already torn fabric and finishing the job; taking it clean off the fan and leaving him bare-chested, standing in the downtown shopping district. As Alicia holds it up and lets it catch the breeze, making it wave like a tattered flag, Wrecker leans right in to the kid’s face and whispers something we cannot hear. His eyes get as large as silver dollars before he turns tail and runs away, sprinting down the street as fast as he can. Wrecker and Strong laugh and hop back into their car just as a lone siren is audible in the distance. They open up the engine and put the pedal to the floor, screeching away and leaving two smoking black strips on the pavement. But after about one hundred feet or so, the car comes to a sudden stop. Alicia stands up out of the convertible and tosses something back on the street before ducking her had back in and tearing off into the afternoon’s setting sun. The kid’s SWF t-shirt, torn and on fire, sits smoldering in a heap on the asphalt. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Joey Minnesota/Tom Gilmore vs. Amazing Fire Fly/Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Minnesota/Gilmore win via pinfall @ 6:41[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: I loved this match; it is a case for the way that different wrestling styles can mesh together when the participants are focused on making each other look good. The intensity level shared by Minnesota and Gilmore is off the charts, as both men seem focused on totally dismantling whoever they are on the ring with. It’s a tall order when dealing with the team of Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Amazing Fire Fly who are almost polar opposites. Yet, Gilmore and Minnesota each match up well with both the big ‘Dozer and the speedy Fire Fly. Things go as you might expect, with Chief Two Eagles (our newest road agent) meticulously scripting who got what and when, but letting the men do what they do best: wrestle. The finish comes at just under the seven minute mark. Amazing Fire Fly is red hot, cruising around the ring and hitting spinning back elbows on anything that moves, dropping both Gilmore and Minnesota at least three times each. Referee Baby Jamie is sure to let Fly know that Joey is the legal man just as the diminutive masked man bounces to the top turnbuckle and takes to the air. He wraps his legs around Joey’s neck and tries to twist him over, but Minnesota blocks the super hurancanrana attempt by holding on to the cable and letting AFF flip himself over to the mat. Joey counters with a deft leap to the top rope himself, taking flight and dropping a leg across the Shooting Star champion’s throat, getting a two count for his efforts. But when Fire Fly gets to his feet, and Gilmore is chop blocking Bulldozer off of the apron, Joey…. ….Joey is right behind him, getting into position and burying him face first into the mat with an “Empire Spiral”. The three count is, as they say, a formality. And as the bell rings, Gilmore and Minnesota take an appropriate amount of time to mug for the cameras, taking a few extra seconds to get themselves over. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket [/CENTER] Sean McFly is in the arena’s empty health club by himself, letting out long hisses of breath after every repetition he does on the bench. As he racks the weight and begins wiping his face and forehead with a towel...... [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] ...... the silence is broken by the two glass doors swinging open and The Calgary Bulldogs walking in. DS: “McFly! What’s going on bro? Getting in another workout?” He and Jeremy nod at each other, themselves noted gym warriors. JS: “We were thinking about going down to that bar everyone was talking about earlier on and watching the end of the show on their plasma screen.” DS: “You wanna join us?” McFly thinks about it for a split second before answering. SM: “No, I’ll pass on this one guys. I’ve still got a few sets left to do here and I was thinking about going for a run……” Jeremy’s phone rings and he takes it, stopping the conversation. After what is obviously a bad connection, he hangs up. JS: “She’ll call back.” McFly starts to lean back on the bench. SM: “Who was it?” Jeremy pats Dan on the shoulder and nods toward the door, getting ready to leave. JS: “It was Victoria.” McFly sits back up. JS: “I’ll just call her from that pub in a little while.” He towels his face again, trying to act uninterested. SM: “That was Victoria?” Jeremy nods as he and Dan start shuffling out the door. DS: “Have fun, Sean. Finish strong.” Their backs are barely gone from the doorway when McFly shoots up and throws on his T-shirt and grabs his windbreaker, following the Stones down the hall. SM: “Hey, wait up. I’m coming.” We hear Jeremy and Dan let out a cheer before the silence of the shot of the now empty gym sets back in. JS: “What about Phil?” A car door opens. SM: “What about him?” Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Gregory Keith vs. Christian Faith[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Christian Faith wins via pinfall @ 21:09[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The second one-on-one match between these two men is even more intense than their first encounter; Faith and Keith really step it up and close the show with an absolute classic. Faith knows that the former World Champion is going to try to take the match to the mat and instead, steers the match outside the ring to start the contest. There is much to do as both men pound away at each other and put to use everything they can with referee Eugene Williams always a few steps behind, letting it slide. Even tough it seems to favor him initially, the jaunt on the floor proves to be his early undoing, exhausting him to the point where he is ripe for the picking. Keith gets him back into the ring after whipping him into the barricade and proceeds to beat up on his leg with some knee drops and a step-over toe hold. There is such a great old-school feel to their exchange and the crowd eats it up, cheering along with every inch that Faith gains as he claws his way toward the ropes to escape the vicious hold. When he gets to his feet, it is only seconds until he gets on a roll. It is the beginning of a good stretch where Faith controls the action, taking us on a tour of his entire offensive repertoire that culminates with the blonde haired superstar getting knocked silly with a running boot. He rolls to the floor and begins pulling himself together but is quickly followed by Faith who lifts him and tries to throw him face first into the ringpost. But Keith is sly and musters the energy to slide down the big biker’s back, letting Faith take the ringpost in the face instead. Keith is quick to try to capitalize, lurching the punch (post) drunk Faith back into the ring and propping him up before powerbombing him into the corner, Faith’s head slamming into the top buckle and leaving him limp to slide down the buckles and into a heap. Referee Eugene Williams checks Faith’s ability to continue before Keith grabs him by a leg and drags him toward the middle of the ring, signaling to the crowd that he is going for a “Proton Lock”. But as he does……… [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] …….Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce come out onto the stage, JB toting a steel chair. Eisen points to the ring and Bruce charges, his sprint catching the eye of Gregory Keith who drops Faith’s leg, wondering what is going on. Bruce gets to the apron and is intercepted by the referee, who grabs repeatedly at the chair before taking it from JB in a great back and forth comedy tug-of-war sequence. Keith motions to Eisen and Bruce angrily; why are they are trying to help him? He’s already got the match well in han……. ……Keith is spun around by Faith, back on his feet and chomping at the bit. Two, three, four, five haymakers later and Keith is being bounced off of the ropes and hit with the second running boot of the match, this one actually flipping him all the way over onto his face. And, as JB turns back to see what Eisen thinks he should do, Faith whips Keith into the corner and nails him with a “Leap of Faith” that shakes the ring. Bruce begins to climb through the ropes but Williams’ three count is quick and efficient, the bell already ringing by the time he gets in the ring. Still, Eisen orders Bruce forward, screaming at him and pulling out handfuls of his hair because of the match’s outcome, but Faith stands up and squares off with the rock star, going face to face with him for a second or two before Bruce turns tail and squirms under the bottom rope to safety. AG: “JB really messed that up for The Corporation, Peter. It looked to me like Gregory Keith had that match in the bag.” PM: “I know Ana. You’ve got to wonder about Bruce’s intentions. There’s only one World Heavyweight Title and he wants it just as much as Keith does. Lusting after power can do strange things to a man’s mind.” AG: “No one is more powerful in our business than the SWF World champion. But where does this leave The Corporation? They are clearly at odds with each other." PM: "And just who is the number one contender?” Grade: A* Show Grade: A[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 52 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Fifty Two Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]Another loaded show comes your way this Tuesday night, courtesy of the SWF; Supreme TV hits the airwaves at 9pm and it won’t stop rocking ‘till the local police roll up and knock on your door. Two titles will be defended and every other match will undoubtedly be under intense scrutiny as Abby Eisen continues to sort through the roster and separate the contenders from the pretenders. Are we any closer to finding out who the number one contender is to Sean McFly’s World Heavyweight Championship? Christian Faith’s victory over Gregory Keith is not the only advantage that the lone wolf biker has gained over the course of the last couple of weeks; both The Corporation and McFly and Vibert are not only at odds with each other but there are cracks in each group’s foundation. Even with the promotion at its wits end concerning the Supreme TV signal being pirated and taken over by Mainstream.com, the buzz created by the live updates on the whereabouts of Bull Wrecker and Alicia Strong has been off the charts. The pair, now wanted on a handful of charges spanning three states, seem to have no limits as to what they will do to get “their message” out. What will happen next? Tom Gilmore will defend the North American Title against an as yet to be determined opponent. After taking the strap from Bulldozer Brandon Smith at “Let the Games Begin” and then mostly avoiding him in last week’s tag team battle, Gilmore is said to be looking forward to taking on someone new, preferring not to mix it up with the three hundred pound MMA stud again. Who will get the title opportunity? Can Gilmore turn them away and keep the NA Title? All of this plus a handicap match and a Shooting Star Title match on the free internet pre-show……[/I] [B][CENTER]Supreme TV > Total Wrestling Believe it.[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Tom Gilmore vs. ??? –North American Title Match Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Shooter Sean Deeley Calgary Bulldogs vs. Can-Am Blondes Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Joe Sexy Tana vs. Powell & Grayson AFF vs. Greg Black –Shooting Star Title Match [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Meant to comment after the last show... Another strong show. Looking forward to seeing where everything is going... [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. ??? –North American Title Match [I]Damn the ???! Always makes it a tough call. I'm sticking with Tom here, though.[/I] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [I]Deeley FTW![/I] [B]Calgary Bulldogs [/B]vs. Can-Am Blondes [I]Gotta love the Bulldogs. [/I] [B]Antonio Maxi Marquez[/B] vs. Joe Sexy [B]Tana[/B] vs. Powell & Grayson [B]AFF [/B]vs. Greg Black –Shooting Star Title Match
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[B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. ??? –North American Title Match [I]It's not PPV so Gilmore retains regardless of who challenges.[/I] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Shooter Sean Deeley [I]Has Deeley finally put that programme with Sexy behind him. BBS wins here but this could be another good mid-card feud if they're aren't chemistry issues[/I] [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes [I]Are the Bulldogs too good for the Tag straps ? Because surely if they challenged for them they'd win. Also the dynamic between them and McFly and the way their friendly/family like enviroment is distracting the World Champion is very interesting. [/I] [B]Antonio Maxi Marquez[/B] vs. Joe Sexy [I]Time for Sexy to put over another talent on their way up.[/I] [B]Tana [/B]vs. Powell & Grayson [I]One of those double squashes where the big monster takes down not one but two lightweight jobbers[/I] [B]AFF [/B]vs. Greg Black –Shooting Star Title Match [I]Fire Fly retains[/I]
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[B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. ??? –North American Title Match Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs.[B] Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes [B]Antonio Maxi Marquez[/B] vs. Joe Sexy [B]Tana [/B]vs. Powell & Grayson [B]AFF [/B]vs. Greg Black –Shooting Star Title Match
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[B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. ??? –North American Title Match Gilmore and the North American Title are like Jericho and the Intercontinental Title: Gilmore's an incredible worker with great charisma, but he's also smallish and doesn't have that "star look" that some guys have. This belt's a perfect fit. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs.Shooter Sean Deeley Still not feeling Deeley. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes The Blondes bring their tradition of jobbing to the Stones all over Canada into the rest of the world. [B]Antonio Maxi Marquez[/B] vs. Joe Sexy Even being a Joe Sexy fan there's no denying AMM. He needs a quality program: his little faction hasn't accomplished much. [B]Tana [/B]vs. Powell & Grayson MOTY contender, I'm sure. [B]AFF [/B]vs. Greg Black –Shooting Star Title Match Poor Greg Black: can't even job on TV. The last few episodes have been really great for Jack Bruce and Christian Faith: two months ago, they didn't seem like legit challengers, but both and Bruce in particular have been really interesting lately. I'd be down with a Bruce run with the title.
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Tom Gilmore vs. [B]??? [/B]–North American Title Match The Mystery Man pins Gilmore to add a new twist on the NA Title scene [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Shooter Sean Deeley Smith seems to be getting a focused push while Deeley looks to be a little bit lost after this rivalry with Sexy. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes Bulldogs take it to The Blondes and beat them into submission. [B]Antonio Maxi Marquez[/B] vs. Joe Sexy Really tricky one to predict but considering AMM's recent turn and the momentum from that, i'll go for the Mexican superstar. [B]Tana[/B] vs. Powell & Grayson A new push for the mighty samoan and a demolition of this JTTS tag team would cement this. [B]AFF[/B] vs. Greg Black –Shooting Star Title Match Never been a fan of AFF, while i am a fan of Black, but the way they've been pushed,i got to believe Fire Fly wins.
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Last call on predictions, folks. Episode 52 of SWF Supreme TV is on its way. I'll be PM-ing the PPV predictors after this show to poll them on a few of the major decisions facing the booker. Also, if you haven't checked it out yet, the continuation of this diary, Secrets of the Ring Volume Three, has had a couple of updates to the story and will have another one that coincides with Supreme TV. It got buried pretty quickly the last time I updated it, so I wanted to keep the readers here who might have missed it (and might have interest in it) somewhat informed on its progress. :)
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[B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. ??? –North American Title Match [I]At least, Gilmore retains...[/I] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Shooter Sean Deeley [I]Here's a matchup worth having[/I] Calgary Bulldogs vs. [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] [I]Just got a feeling...[/I] Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [I]What the heck, Sexy's been good in this diary, and AMM needs to feel held back somehow...[/I] [B]Tana[/B] vs. Powell & Grayson [I]Given PG's recent record...[/I] [B]AFF[/B] vs. Greg Black –Shooting Star Title Match [I]Love me some Fly...[/I]
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Show 52 "I Told You So...." [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Fifty Two-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“I Told You So....”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][I][CENTER] (Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Tana vs. Ryan Powell & Stevie Grayson[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-Handicap Challenge Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Tana wins via pinfall @ 2:06[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: After Powell’s and Grayson’s comments poking fun at the SWC on SWF.com, Tana gets into the ring with both of them and makes them pay for running their mouths. It is uneasily one sided with both Akima and Umaga standing by at ringside watching their fellow SWC member maul a tag team by himself. A couple of ham-armed clotheslines, a powerslam for Grayson and a running headbutt for Powell wraps everything up in a nice neat little package. As the SWC celebrates in the ring, cameras go backstage where John Greed is watching the show on a monitor, enjoying the beating on Powell and Grayson and laughing smarmily. Grade: C+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] After a quick thirty second ad for “Break Like the Wind”, the internet show returns live with everybody’s expectation being a Sarah Silver interview. But before she can even walk out to her riser on the crowd’s periphery, a large, muscled man walks out onto the stage amidst a growing chorus of boos. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][I][CENTER] “Do you idiots even remember who I am?”[/CENTER][/I][/B] The fans in attendance start booing louder. They do remember. It’s Rocky Golden. RG: “In a few weeks time, you’re going to have to turn the channel over to TCW to get a look at me. Tommy Cornell knows how to handle a star, and that’s exactly what I am.” Silver looks around, waiting for someone to give her some direction. RG: “Or maybe, I’ll go to Canada. How much is their dollar worth now?” More boos. RG: “The point is, I’m only here to drive up my asking price. When my SWF contract is up, I am gone.” He extends his middle finger straight out. It is quickly blurred out of the broadcast by the guys in the truck. RG: “Screw this company and its fans.” Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Greg Black[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]-Shooting Star Title Match-[/B][/CENTER] [B][I]Result: Amazing Fire Fly wins via pinfall @ 4:49[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A spirited back and forth contest that had the fans buzzing throughout; this one was just what we had in mind for the feature spot on the internet show. Fire Fly has become a fan favorite very quickly with his exciting, very different offensive arsenal and this match sees more than its fair share of his innovation. Black, to his credit, doesn’t simply ‘do a job’ but engages the Shooting Star champion in an actual match, scoring a pair of near falls about a minute and a half in. The finish comes as Black mounts another surge, whipping AFF into the far-side turnbuckles and hitting him with a running double knee bomb. The diminutive masked man looks to be in trouble, but Black, as he has since his return to action, chooses the exact wrong time to begin playing to the fans. As he does so, smiling and nodding at them, AFF composes himself and is ready when Black moves in for the kill. Without warning, he pulls Black face first into the middle turnbuckle, stunning him and no doubt crossing his eyes. And as Black stumbles backward, Fly bounces to the top rope and comes leaping off, cruising over the staggered Black’s back and rolling him up with what equates to a super schoolboy. The momentum is too much for Black to overcome and the three count comes easily. Grade: C+[/I] [B][I][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/I][/B] When Supreme TV goes live, the pyro begins popping like crazy, driving the fans in attendance into a frenzy. The cameras cruise by ringside and get some great shots of the hundred-dollars-a-seat folks as they turn their heads and look up the ramp when the Supreme theme stops suddenly and is replaced by the loud revving of a motorcycle engine. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Christian Faith roars out toward the ring and dismounts his steed quickly, sliding under the bottom rope and raising his fist when he stands. CF: “Hello, Atlanta!” The cheapest of pops; he is a seasoned professional. CF: “Do you want to see a fight tonight?” He throws a few heavy looking warm up punches as the fans get loud. CF: “Because I want to fight.” The camera pans back. CF: “But I don’t want just anyone, I want Sean McFly; I want the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.” The fans explode. CF: “Come on out McFly, I earned myself a shot last week and I want it now.” [CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] While McFly doesn’t answer, there is music announcing an entrance just the same; Abby Eisen comes out onto the stage and walks down to the ring, amidst a nice round of applause. AE: “Christian, I understand that you feel that you are deserving of a World Title shot.” He nods. AE: “And I agree.” Another pop. AE: “But……” Boos. AE: “…..the SWF Championship Committee feels that, in order to truly decide the number one contender…….” The camera gets close to Faith to get a great shot of his expression as he hears. AE: “……there’s someone left for you to beat.” [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] With a flabbergasted look on his face, Jack Bruce storms out onto the stage, decked out in all black; leather pants, leather vest, no shirt and a headband. His music rages in the background as he paces back and forth on the steel, his boot heels clanking almost in rhythm to the power chords. JB: “I’m very busy planning a world tour, Abby, did you not hear about that?” AE: “No, I….” JB: “Have you been living under a rock? People are lined up at ticket outlets already and I haven’t even announced the schedule yet.” Faith starts looking annoyed as Bruce continues. JB: “But taking that SWF World Heavyweight Title belt on tour with me, to all of those sold out stadiums and arenas will be huge publicity for Supreme won’t it? JB: “And it’ll further cement my status as the greatest entertainer of this or any era.” Abby throws up her hands, wondering when she’ll be able to get a word in. But before she can say anything, Christian Faith does. CF: “HOLD IT!” He stops Bruce dead in his rambling-ass tracks. CF: “So I’ve got to beat this rockstar wannabe chump tonight to get a shot at the title? Is that it?” Abby nods. CF: “Then let’s do it.” The fans spring back to life at the announcement, roaring as Faith and Bruce leer at each other. But this time it is Abby who slows things down. AE: “If it’s going to happen, it’s got to be fair.” Bruce looks up to snarl at her. ‘Fair’ is not in his vocabulary. AE: “Therefore, all members of The Corporation are banned from the ringside are during the match. If Gregory Keith, Tom Gilmore, Joey Minnesota, or Eric Eisen get anywhere near the ring while the main event is still taking place, Jack Bruce will forfeit the match and Christian Faith will automatically receive the World title shot at “Let the Games Begin”.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Calgary Bulldogs vs. Can-Am Blondes -#1 Contenders Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Calgary Bulldogs win via DQ @ 9:57[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: We knew going in that the Stones have great chemistry with both Owen and Damian, who return to TV for the first time since their double table match loss to the Dirty White Boyz at “Let the Games Begin”. What we weren’t sure of was how not facing each other for almost a year and a half would affect their ability to mesh. As it turns out, we shouldn’t have been worried a bit. After the Bulldogs’ fabulous match against Mexico’s Most Wanted last week, they knew that they set the bar for themselves pretty high and wanted to come out guns a’ blazing. Mission accomplished. The Blondes hit the ring smoking hot and try to take it right to Jeremy, much to the delight of The Guru who is acting a bit sheepish, favoring his back, as his team uses every dirty trick in the book to get and keep the advantage. Dan jr. hops nervously on the apron as the Can-Am’s put his big brother through the ringer, avoiding all of his tried and true mat attacks and hitting all of their own stuff with a previously unseen precision. Owen Love’s swinging neckbreaker punctuates a huge run that really looks like it has the Bulldogs on the scramble, with Jeremy writhing on the mat cradling his head in agony. But, good god man, there is no way that the Can-Am Blondes can keep a good thing going without cheating. But when they do, trapping Jeremy in the corner and nearly getting disqualified for choking him with the often unreferenced tag rope, the eldest Stone takes the opportunity to Ricky Morton* roll to his corner and tag in his scorching hot brother. Dan jr. is one of the most well rounded wrestlers in the entire world, and in this particular situation, with a full head of steam coming into the ring, he shows the fans why, doling out backbreakers and back suplexes in pairs for both Owen and Damian. The Guru starts losing his mind, watching the momentum turn against his team so quickly, and orders Frederique into action. But when the Can-Am’s trainer jumps onto the ring apron, he is quickly dispatched by the still drained Jeremy, who rams him with an elbow. As Frederique hits the floor so does Damian Carvill, getting blown over the top rope with a charging forearm from Dan, leaving Dan alone with Owen Love, who is struggling to get to his feet. Dan doesn’t let him. He rips his left leg out from under him, dropping Love onto his face and beginning the barrage, letting a flurry of knees, kicks, punches, and elbows drop onto the Blonde’s ankle. Within seconds, Dan snatches up his leg, and turns it disgustingly, torquing it into his famed anklelock. Love taps frantically and the bell rings. Jeremy limps back into the ring and hugs his brother, excited that they next in line to get a shot at the tag team titles. As they do so....... [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] .....The Dirty White Boyz then come out onto the stage and acknowledge the new number one contenders by raising a beer each before raising their title belts overhead in the other hand and reminding everybody who the champions are. *Please note that Ricky Morton does not exist in this universe, but his mullet inspires awe that spans throughout all dimensions, defying both the laws of time and space. Grade: B+ (post) B+[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Barrowman and Finch arrive at Abby Eisen’s backstage office just as she is leaving to go to watch the show with her guests from 21CW. But the looks on their faces are so serious, she lets the two dignitaries walk ahead of her to hear what The New Wave have to say. TB: “There’s no real easy way to say this, bosslady, so I’ll just say it.” Scout nods along; they are on the same page, and it is clear that like much of the locker room, they respect Abby. TB: “We want out of our SWF contracts. SF: “Yeah, we want to quit.” Abby raises her eyebrows but, after a few seconds, looks into her attaché. After fingering through it several times, she just cannot seem to find what she is looking for. AE: “I don’t have any release forms on me at the moment. I do wish you would reconsider though.” The New Wave just shake their heads. TB: “We haven’t won a match since we were split up. Neither of us.” She nods knowingly. Maybe she has a release form, maybe she doesn’t. AE: “I’ll give you your wish, ok; I just need a little while to get everything in order. In the meantime, why don’t we give one of you another chance to get in the ring and right the ship. Maybe a win will make everything all better?” [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] As Barrowman and Finch look at each other, shaking their heads, Tom Gilmore struts by, running his mouth alongside Joey Minnesota, the North American title belt draped over his shoulder. They try to push through the New Wave, but the former tag team aren’t in the best of moods and hold their ground, drawing a glassy eyed grumble from Minnesota, who looks ready to raise his hands and throw down because of the perceived slight. But before anything can happen, Gilmore laughs them off. TG: “Step aside, losers. The future of the business needs to get through.” As the agitation of Scout and Guide looks like it might be reaching the boiling point, Abby steps in and defuses the situation. For a few minutes, that is. AE: “Mr. Gilmore, I’m glad you showed up. I was just about to go looking for an opponent for Mr. Finch here…..” Scout steps up. AE: “…..and I did schedule you for a North American title defense tonight.” There isn’t a moment’s hesitation from Gilmore. TG: “Have someone hit my music when it’s time, girlie.” Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER] Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Joe Sexy[/CENTER][/B] [B]Result: Antonio Maxi Marquez wins via pinfall @ 6:07[/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The fans get behind Sexy again…..but this time they cannot will him to a victory as AMM finds himself in the winner’s circle when all is said and done. Sexy doesn’t offer much either, as he seemed a little bit off from he start, but Marquez steps up and carries more than his fair share. It shows, as Sexy seems to be on the defensive throughout the entire match, with AMM taking us on a tour of his offensive repertoire. There is no time to waste for Marquez it seems as he goes about his business briskly, dropping three knees onto Sexy’s head and shoulder before springing to the top turnbuckle and getting into position. In a flash Marquez is in the air, leaping dangerously high before coming crashing down onto Sexy with the “Champagne Sunrise” (frog splash). The three count is inevitability; AMM lazily slides himself off of the motionless veteran afterward. But instead of getting out of the ring, Marquez, still holding his ribs after the brutal impact of the frog splash, calls for a microphone. AMM: “You know something.” The crowd quiets a little bit. AMM: “My man Gino has been saying for some time that this place is crooked and that the boss was treating us differently because of the color of our skin and where we came from.” AMM: “And as I stand here, victorious yet again…..” AMM: “….I think he might’ve been right after all.” AMM: “What do I have to do? All I do is win!” The fans really let him have it; he is whining as much as Montero has been lately and they hate it. AMM: “And now there’s a new sheriff in town? Abby Eisen?” They cheer her name but remain right on the case of Marquez. AMM: “Seems like another case of ‘meet the new boss, same as the old boss’ to me.” Grade: B- (post) B[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The cameras go outside to the arena’s talent entrance, where the World Heavyweight Champion, Sean McFly hops out of the front seat of a stylish black SUV. As he looks back, Dan and Jeremy Stone peek their heads out of either side and wave, still wearing their singlets from earlier, and pull the vehicle backward, heading back out toward the highway. [CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] With the sound of the truck still barely audible in the distance, McFly turns toward the building to find Phil Vibert standing just inside the door. While there are a couple of security guards right nearby, and Phil is usually a very chatty fellow, Vibert stands silently, looking dead at McFly as he walks up. PV: “Sean, I don’t want to make a bigger deal out of this than I need to…….” McFly puts his hand up, cutting Vibert off. SM: “What are you going to tell me? Vibert shakes his head, surprised. SM: “Take it more seriously? I’m the SWF World Champion. I think I take everything seriously enough. The time I spend with Dan and Jeremy is my business.” He starts to walk away, but leans over toward his agent as he does so. SM: “I am pro wrestling, Phil. No one else around here can say that.” Vibert stares at McFly’s back as he passes. PV: “You’re scheduled to do guest commentary during tonight’s main event…..” McFly doesn’t look back. SM: “Tell them that I can’t make it.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/CENTER][/B] [B][B][I]Result: Time Limit Draw @ 10:00[/I][/B][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A thoroughly enjoyable and stiff technical battle, I’m very excited about the possibilities that these two men offer each other as opponents. And maybe even a bit faster than I had envisioned, Shooter Sean has cemented a spot in the upper part of the card, much to the delight of DBB and the rest of the HFD; it means more camera time for them too. Bulldozer comes out as the aggressor, but Deeley stays the course, locking horns with the big bull and matching him step for step through the entire match. But a series of big, swiping pawshots from the former North American Champion sends Shooter Sean backward into a corner, reeling and looking like he is in trouble. “ONE MINUTE REMAINS” With the announcement of the time left, Deeley takes a chance and baits his opponent in, sitting on his knees and begging Bulldozer for mercy before nailing him in the groin with a left hand and snatching up his leg, twisting his ankle gruesomely in several directions. David Poker looks to the ring announcer, who signals him, before beginning to count backward from ten. Bulldozer is in some serious pain, but bears down and tries to claw his way to the ropes. It is slow going and as he grits his teeth, Poker’s count nears its conclusion and he calls for the bell. The match, which will officially go into the books as a draw, is nowhere near over however, as Deeley stays securely latched onto Smith’s ankle, dropping to his back and grapevining his leg around it. Poker tries to pry him off, but there is no chance so he calls to the back, waving his arm frantically. Eugene Williams and a group of staffers come running down the ramp, hitting the ring and finally pulling Deeley off of Bulldozer’s ankle. The big man is clearly hurting as he clutches his ankle, turning to watch Shooter Sean drop off of the apron and regroup with the Hollas fo’ Dollas party on the floor at the foot of the ramp. The cameras get a great shot of Deeley staring intently at Bulldozer as he walks backward up the ramp, very obviously enamored with himself and the damage he just did to the former North American Champion. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] Eric Eisen is backstage in the building’s periphery, looking for a private place to use his cell phone. He turns a corner, nearing one of the arena’s side exits when suddenly……. [CENTER][B]“Psssssssst. Hey.” “Hey Eric, it’s me!”[/B] Photobucket[/CENTER] Standing a few feet away, hiding out behind some SWF road cases and unused light riggings is deposed GM Big Smack Scott. He is acting very shifty and is obviously nervous that, if he is spotted, he will be forcably removed from the building. Eisen squints to see who it is and, when he realizes it is Scott, goes back to his phone, cycling through it for a number. EE: “Mr. Scott, you are not supposed to be on company property, am I right?” Scott nods. BSS: “I know but…..” But nothing; Eisen cuts him off. EE: “…..and yet you still decided to sneak back here, even with the threat of being arrested. Some might say that’s bold…..” Scott’s eyes perk up for the first time. EE: “…but I say it’s stupid. You should get going.” Eisen starts to walk away, still searching in his phone for something. BSS: “But Eric, I need help!” But he’s getting further away by the second. BSS: “I need a job! I’m desperate!” Scott sulks as he realizes that Eisen is just ignoring him and ducks back behind a road case when a couple of security guards stroll by. As he watches them pass, another voice comes from just around the corner. [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] JB: “Did I hear you say that you needed a job? Did I hear you say you were desperate?” Scott nods, a most hopeless look in his eye as Bruce smiles. JB: “Good. Because I’ve got one for you.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Tom Gilmore vs. Scout Finch[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-North American Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Tom Gilmore wins via pinfall @ 8:58[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: An absolute wallbanger of a match and an instant candidate for match-of-the-year, without question. Robert Oxford’s plan was, essentially, just to let them have at it and do what they wanted until it was time to bring it home. That’s a double sided blade when you are dealing with two alpha dogs like Gilmore and Finch. On the one hand, they are going to go all out and give you the absolute best match that they can. But on the other, they could do it as an undercard match and, while stealing the show is cool, it does overshadow the main event. The back and forth between the two included everything you’d imagine from the men involved, from every suplex variant you could imagine all the way through to the various secondary finishers that both employ. Finch’s “Danger Ahead” (Seated Neck Plant) caps a magnificent run in which the New Waver scores with a discus clothesline before dropping the North American champion with a step up enzugiri and lifting him back to his feet for the aforementioned neck plant. But again, Scout’s momentum would be overcome by his team’s bad luck. With Minnesota stirring things up with Barrowman on the floor, Scout takes a second to peek in on his partner and it becomes his downfall. Gilmore is upon him instantly, smashing him across the bridge of the nose with a wicked forearm and turning him inside out with a belly-to-belly suplex. Finch’s face is a mix of pain and shock as Gilmore lifts him to his feet and whips him into the ropes, catching him as he comes off with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, bending Finch awkwardly across his knee. The finish gives Finch fans a glimmer of hope. Gilmore stands him back up and goes to step beside him for the “Anger Management” but Scout catches his breath for a second and reverses out, whipping Gilmore into the far side turnbuckles. As much as the New Wavers might want it to happen, fate has other plans. When Scout charges in, Gilmore is ready, letting him cruise by and hit the buckles himself, snatching him up and spiking him into the mat face first with a particularly brutal “Anger Management”. Grade: A*[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Gregory Keith angrily stomps around backstage in his palatial corporate-stocked locker room. He pauses to get a look at the monitor, which is hyping up tonight’s main event between Christian Faith and Jack Bruce, saying that the winner will get the next shot at Sean McFly’s World title. It only angers him further. GK: “Eric, this is ridiculous. I should be the number one contender; no question.” Eisen knows Keith is right, but does his best to guard his emotions, keeping his face straight even when Keith points at Bruce on the screen. GK: “He cost me that match last week.” Eisen starts to open his mouth to say something but the blonde trussed Keith cuts him off. GK: “I know. I know that you’ve both said all the right things, that he just had the best intentions when he came to the ring. But I’m going to come out and say it. I still believe he hamstrung me on purpose, that he cost me the title shot so that he could have one for himself.” There is really nothing that Eisen can say. The tape speaks for itself; Bruce plainly cost Keith the match. The former World Champion leans in toward Eric, lowering his voice somewhat. GK: “And if I he ever gets involved in my business again, I’m going to take it a lot worse than I did this time.” GK: “You remember that.” Keith stands up and moves across the room and sits down on a leather couch, relaxing a bit as Eric gets up walks out. Grade: B+ [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Christian Faith vs. Jack Bruce[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Jack Bruce wins via pinfall @ 12:59[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Another monster main event for us to close out Supreme TV here; Faith and Bruce show some serious veteran chops in taking the show home. JB is the aggressor from the outset, although Faith plays things pretty close throughout. Things start as you might expect with both men taking their time, feeling out the other and working their way into the match with various basic attacks. Bruce plays the heel so very well, running his mouth at the fans at any opportunity and cutting any and all corners. One eye gouge actually leads to his first attempt at the “New York Minute” which Faith stops by turning the whole thing into an impromptu back suplex. But the rock star is persistent and seems to beat Faith to the punch coming back off the mat, taking back control for the duration of the match’s middle. And as Bruce stomps around the body of the biker, bringing back fond memories of “Rugged” Donnie Jarvis (who used the move as a finisher), a smile appears along the edges of his mouth as though he realizes how close he is to another shot at Sean McFly and his World Title. But Faith is Faith; a true legend in the business, and he begins his comeback on the backs and worn voices of the fans. They cheer and he begins to respond, getting to his feet after weathering a “Welcome to NY” trifecta from the arrogant Bruce and grabbing him by the head before slinging him into a corner. Suddenly, there is a bit of commotion at ringside. Peter and Ana get cut off mid sentence as Big Smack Scott climbs over the barricade behind them and squats out of he referee’s sight, waiting for just the right time. And with JB slowly pulling himself together in the corner, Faith’s sprint across the ring seems to have a bit of extra oomph behind it as he scores with a huge “Leap of Faith”. But before Faith can make the cover, Bruce rolls toward the ropes and tries to get to the floor. Referee David Poker moves to that side of the ring, cueing Big Smack Scott’s entrance into things. And when he slides into the ring, thinking he has Faith lined up from behind, the big biker’s about-face throws the crowd into a frenzy. Scott is scared sh*tless but stands his ground, fists balled up and ready to fight. But Faith makes the smallish mistake of looking toward Bruce and Poker’s interaction for a microsecond, and that’s when Scott strikes, stepping in and nailing the big biker with a wicked “Ego Trip” (overhead flip slam) that leaves him laying. JB’s heel sense obviously begins tingling and, still holding his ribs, he rolls back into the ring and straight upon Faith. He lifts the now groggy legend to his feet and buries him with a “NYM”, hooking his leg and grabbing the unlikely victory and shot at Sean McFly and the World Title. As the show reaches its finale, Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia bring everything home. PM: “Jack Bruce has stolen this match, and in the process, secured himself a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship!” AG: “And David Poker didn’t even see Big Smack Scott; JB put one over on Abby, her stipulation barring The Corporation didn’t end up mattering one bit.” Grade: B+ Show Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 53 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Fifty Three Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]Two rematches and a huge World Tag Team Title match highlight this week’s upcoming Supreme TV, which will be preceded, as always, by a free pre show available on SWF.com. In fact the show is so chock full of action, we’re going to bring in the big guns and do this commercial the right way. Ladies and gentlemen, to preview this week’s Supreme TV, the king of the hard sell…… [B][CENTER]BILLY MAYS!!!![/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]. . . . . . . . .[/CENTER] Wait, what? Really? Someone needs to tell me these things. The SWF offers its condolences to the Mays family and encourages those still not mourning his passing to tune into this week’s Supreme TV.[/I] -Quick Picks- Dirty White Boyz vs. Calgary Bulldogs – World Tag Team Title Match Joey Minnesota vs. Thom Barrowman Samoan Wrecking Crew vs. Team 21CW Brett Starr vs. Stevie Grayson Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Shooter Sean Deeley AMM vs. Joe Sexy [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Good work on the last show, NN. Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] – World Tag Team Title Match [B] Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Thom Barrowman [B]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Team 21CW [B]Brett Starr[/B] vs. Stevie Grayson Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [B]AMM[/B] vs. Joe Sexy
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Dirty White Boyz vs.[B] Calgary Bulldogs[/B] – World Tag Team Title Match [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Thom Barrowman [B]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Team 21CW [B]Brett Starr[/B] vs. Stevie Grayson Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [B]AMM[/B] vs. Joe Sexy
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[quote=Bigpapa42;693246]Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] – World Tag Team Title Match[B] Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Thom Barrowman [B]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Team 21CW [B]Brett Starr[/B] vs. Stevie Grayson Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [B]AMM[/B] vs. Joe Sexy[/quote] Seconded Bigpapa42's picks.
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Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs [/B]– World Tag Team Title Match [I]Poor, poor DWBs. Just about any other team would have me vote for my fav brawlers but come on--it's the Stone Bros![/I] [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Thom Barrowman [I]The other half of New Wave continues the losing streak.[/I] [B]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Team 21CW [I]These two together are just awesome. Not Stone awesome but almost as awesome.[/I] [B]Brett Starr[/B] vs. Stevie Grayson [I]I'm an idiot. I didn't even think that Brett was Mickey's offspring. Anyways, with the mass gain, Starr will continue his little streak.[/I] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [I]Power vs Technique here and SSD will pick at the ankle he injured last week.[/I] [B]AMM[/B] vs. Joe Sexy [I]The Mexican star will win and whine about it as usual. But I like where you are going with him.[/I]
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Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] – World Tag Team Title Match [I]The Stone Brothers will simply be too good[/I] [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Thom Barrowman [I]The New Waves poor run of form continues...must be heading somewhere though. [/I] [B]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Team 21CW [I]I'm guessing that Team 21CW are simply a couple of British guys brought in to do a job.[/I] [B]Brett Starr[/B] vs. Stevie Grayson [I]Not seen Starr much of late, but he should be able to re introduce himself with a win over Grayson[/I] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Shooter Sean Deeley [I]DQ win, when Deeley goes over board with trying to cripple the Bulldozer.[/I] [B]AMM[/B] vs. Joe Sexy [I]Wasn't this match on last weeks show as-well, so more winning and more whineing for Senor Marquez.[/I]
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Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] – World Tag Team Title Match I'll pick the DWB to keep the titles.... somehow. [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Thom Barrowman God Barrowman is about a step above Hickenbottom on the list of real names that should not be used. Minnesota to win here. [B]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Team 21CW I wonder who Team 21CW is? I would expect Joss Thompson and either Adam Matravers or Rolling Johnny Stones, but it could be any number of guys. Don't expect the Brits to do much other than job on the internet. [B]Brett Starr[/B] vs. Stevie Grayson Who was the last guy Stevie Grayson beat? [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Shooter Sean Deeley I just don't get why everyone picks Deeley to win every match he's in. [B]AMM[/B] vs. Joe Sexy I figure AMM picks up the win again, as Sexy is not even a jobber to the stars at this point.
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Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] – World Tag Team Title Match I really want the bulldogs to take the win, so i will pick them,but i won't be shocked to see some kind of draw,leading to a rematch at the PPV [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Thom Barrowman Minnesota gets the win here whilst you build toward something with Barrowman and Finch [B]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Team 21CW The Samoans push continues, whilst the world wonders exactly who Team 21CW are. [B]Brett Starr[/B] vs. Stevie Grayson I literally have no belief that Grayson will win this. Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] I think Deeley takes it, to build to another encounter down the road. [B]AMM[/B] vs. Joe Sexy Gotta believe the mexican rockstar takes the win.
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