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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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Breaking News [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-PWHits.com Exclusive-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] [B](Fans, this was posted onto the front page of SWF.com this morning. It has since been taken down, but we’ve got it and will make it available on our site until someone from the SWF legal department contacts us.- PWHits)[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] The camera shakes as he jogs behind some old broken down cars across the road from a dusty two-pump gas station. And when it gets spun onto him, first person style once again, the wear on Mainstream Hernandez’s face is obvious. His hair isn’t quite as perfect as it once was. He has even gone without shaving for a few days it would seem. MH: “I’m not really sure how much longer I’m going to stay out here with them.” He looks over his shoulder and then over the car he is behind, toward the gas station, before returning to look into the camera. MH: “The last couple of days……” He trails off, as if he is afraid someone might hear. MH: “….I’m pretty sure that they know that I’m following them, Bull and Alicia, that is.” Mainstream peeks over the car again. MH: “The only reason I’ve stuck it out is because I’ve slowly been putting things together and feel as though I know exactly what they are building up to.” [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The silence is broken by the sound of shattering glass coming from across the street. Hernandez quickly turns the camera and holds it up, capturing the footage of Alicia Strong standing over a hapless middle aged attendant she just hurled through the storefront. Bull Wrecker is right behind her, holding a wad of cash in his hand. They take a quick second to kiss as the attendant tries to squirm away among the pieces of glass, but after staring at him for a few seconds with evil in their eyes, they forgo doing any further damage, instead jogging out to their idling car, hooting and hollering the whole way. Mainstream pulls the camera back down and turns it on himself again, the sound of tires squealing in the distance. MH: “They’re moving along faster than I expected. I was going to wait and save this for exclusive release on Mainstream.com, but at the rate they’re going…….” He sighs. MH: “I’ve taken a lot of footage, stuff you haven’t even seen yet. But two conversations that Bull and Alicia had about four days ago, that I recorded, has kind of shed some light on what their whole plan is.” A gulp. MH: “They’re dangerous people. Trust me when I tell you that. They want to create a new world. I’ve heard them say it over and over again.” Mainstream adjusts his smudged glasses. MH: “I’m pretty sure that they’re going to…..” He stops and turns his head sharply as though he hears something. Suddenly his face turns white and he looks off camera. MH: “Oh sh…..” A large hand covers the lens and the footage ends.[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 53 "Tension" [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Fifty Three-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Tension”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][I][CENTER] (Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] When the internet show goes on the air, Rocky Golden is standing in the middle of the ring holding a microphone. Once again he is dressed in a very nice suit, not looking a lick like any of the characters he has portrayed. RG: “Just wanted everyone to know that after my appearance last week on Supreme TV, I had two offers from wrestling companies phoned to my agent.” The fans boo him again. We’ve never known why we couldn’t get him over and now the reason seems so simple: he’s easy to hate. RG: “But the real reason I’m here tonight, other than to keep my face on TV before I take a big money deal elsewhere…..” More jeers. RG: “…..is to extend my hand in kindness to someone. Someone who I share a lot of similarities with.” The crowd subsides. RG: “Greg Black, come on out here would you?” [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Within a few seconds, Black’s music hits and he bounces out onto the stage, ever the smiling babyface since his return to action. Golden is unimpressed. RG: “Greg, why don’t you cut it out; all the grinning and high-fiving?” Black slowly brings his animated routine to a halt. RG: “It hasn’t gotten you anywhere, has it?” Now Black’s near constant smile begins to fade. RG: “All of the autograph signing and posing for pictures has gotten you where you are today, on the internet show, hoping someone will notice you and get you back on TV.” Smile gone. RG: “And since you went and lost to Amazing Fire Fly last week, I’m pretty sure you won’t be seeing any title shots for the foreseeable future, what do you think?” The crowd comes back into it now, booing Golden again. RG: “But I’m here to change all of that Greg.” Black shakes his head, but you can tell a small part of him is interested to hear what’s coming. RG: “When I sign my new contract with TCW or whoever, I’m going to be a very rich man. What if I were to offer to buy your contract from these ungrateful bastards and you could come with me, wherever I end up, for a fresh start?” A resounding wave of boos comes down from the fans in the cheap seats before Black answers. GB: “NOT A CHANCE, GOLDEN! I LOVE THE SWF AND ITS FANS!” They cheer him wildly, which brings his smile back. Golden however, is not happy with his decision. RG: “Fine. You’ll regret it. I was going to make you my butler, Greg; my manservant. Now you can rot here with all the other trash for all I care.” Golden fumes as Black walks off, going back backstage. Grade: B- [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Samoan Wrecking Crew vs. Adam Matravers/Wade Orson[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: SWC wins via pinfall @ 2:03[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A plodding squash match that I am not happy made it onto the broadcast. This is meant to be a fairly basic match, but an important one as it is the next to last bout in Abby Eisen’s international superstar initiative, this time featuring two stars from Great Britain’s 21CW. Whether it was crossed wires when they were working or a poorly scripted contest by Robert Oxford, when this one ends at just past the two minute mark with a double running headbutt, the only positive coming out of it is that it progresses the Powell & Grayson/John Greed/SWC story forward. Grade: D+[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] As Akima and Umaga celebrate their victory in the ring, Ryan Powell and Stevie Grayson sneak attack Tana backstage as he waits for his cohorts, much to the surprise of the massive Samoan. Powell is the aggressor, wrapping his massive industrial sized necklace/chain around his fist and swinging the loaded load at Tana, catching him with three before dropping him with a fourth. John Greed runs up on the situation and looks like he might get involved and jump Grayson from behind before Powell starts unwrapping the chain from around his fist and swinging it over his head, chasing Greed from the scene almost as quickly as he arrived. Hearing the SWC’s music cease and their own begin, Powell and Grayson flee the scene and head toward the ring for Stevie’s match trying to look as though nothing has happened. Grade: C+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Brett Starr vs. Stevie Grayson [/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Brett Starr wins via pinfall @ 4:04[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Grayson spends the entire match looking toward the back, waiting for Tana and the SWC to come looking for some revenge. And while it was a certainty, he should’ve spent a bit more energy focusing on his task in the ring. Brett Starr has been a bit more ‘no nonsense’ since his return to singles action and goes about his business pretty easily, using a nifty legdrop from the second rope to set up his brainbuster finish. Almost as soon as Starr gets the three count, the Samoan Wrecking Crew comes barreling down the ramp, but Ryan Powell is quick to help his partner pull it together and get out of the ring, turning and running in the other direction. Grade: C-[/I] [B][I][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/I][/B] A huge video montage rolls, hyping this evening’s show and featuring two short segments devoted entirely to the main event, the World Tag Team Title match between The Dirty White Boyz and The Calgary Bulldogs. We also use it to show some highlights from last week’s Supreme TV, including the finish to the number one contenders match between Jack Bruce and Christian Faith, an ending that earned the flamboyant rock star a World Title shot. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith wins via DQ @ 9:10[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: One of the two rematches on this week’s show, this match between Deeley and Smith doesn’t reek of the same technical awesomeness as their last encounter. This time around they are much more brawl centered, obviously both disappointed by the outcome last week for different reasons. Smith thought a win would get him another rematch with Tom Gilmore, the man who took his North American title, and Deeley thought that a win might’ve propelled him into the NA title discussion as well. Things go as you might expect. When the regular stuff starts coming out, it has bit more bite to it. Bulldozer looks like he may have the upper hand as he scores with a sambo suplex trifecta that sends Danny B Bling and the entire HFD family into a worried frenzy. They try to distract the big MMA badass, using the twins on the twins as bait, but it only serves to sidetrack referee Eugene Williams, who’s eyes nearly spring out of their sockets at the sight of the two scantily clad twin girls in DBB’s brood. While Williams is looking away, Dez pulls some brass knuckles onto his hand and takes a swing at Bulldozer through the ropes from the floor, catching him in the side and dropping him to one knee. Shooter Sean takes over from there and stomps Smith’s head grossly into the canvas before pulling him toward the center of the ring and slapping on his anklelock. Williams is re-alerted to the match’s happenings by Bulldozer’s scrambling toward the ropes and pained yells as Deeley twists away on his boot. When he finally reaches the ropes, grasping the bottom cable with what looks like the last bit of fight he has, Bulldozer lets his body rest for a second, expecting the hold to broken. But it isn’t. Deeley gets the five count from Williams but still twists and turns Smith’s ankle in any and every awkward direction possible. Williams then tries to break it himself before calling for the bell and disqualifying Shooter Sean. But as he turns to call for security, DBB and Dez are upon him, tossing him through the ropes to the floor before having one of the gorgeous pay-to-play ladies hand them up a steel chair. The bell rings wildly as Deeley cranks away on Bulldozer, but when he sees Bling with the chair he stops, dropping Smith’s dead leg to the canvas. Taking only a second or two, Deeley fits Bulldozer’s ankle between the folding part of the chair and the ring, moving back about a foot before grossly stomping it and sending Smith rolling around the ring in a dance of agony. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]“Big Smack Scott!”[/CENTER][/B] Christian Faith’s bellow actually precedes the loud chopping of his custom motorbike on this occasion; a first. And when he rolls out onto the stage, he is as intensely angry as he as been since his return to the promotion. CF: “A great man once said and I concur ‘You’d better give your soul on over to the lord above, because tonight, your ass belongs to me!’” The fans erupt, just as upset at the way last week’s main event played out as Faith is. CF: “I’m going to come backstage and I’m going to find you, no matter what vending machine you’re hiding behind, no matter what locker room you’re hiding in……” The cameras get a close up of Faith as he removes his black wrap-around sunglasses, to reveal a steely eyed, determined, look. CF: “…..no matter if you’ve got a mask and glasses that makes you look like Mickey Starr……” They cheer him again. CF: “…..and when I get my hands on you, I’m going to drag you out here, in front of these people, and I’m going to whip your ass!” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Thom Barrowman vs. Joey Minnesota[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joey Minnesota wins via pinfall @ 4:09[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: After last week’s match between Tom Gilmore and Scout Finch in which Minnesota and Barrowman mixed it up on the floor, this match is understandably stiff and hard fought. But, with exception of a short exchange at the match’s outset, things are run by Joey, who really seemed on top of his game. When he hits the New Waver with his now trademarked flurry of harsh kicks, his shin pads thwacking against Barrowman’s flesh, things just fall apart completely. Joey runs him around the ring a little bit more before catching him with an “Empire Spiral” that ends things unquestionably. Tom Gilmore hops up onto the ring’s apron to celebrate with his chemically enhanced stable mate as Barrowman rolls under the bottom rope on the other side of the squared circle. He and Scout march back up the ramp stone faced, not looking back at the two laughing Corporate members still standing in the ring. PM: “You’ve got to feel for Guide and Scout, Ana. They just can’t seem to catch a break.” AG: “That might be the last time we see either of them in an SWF ring, too. I don’t think they can take much more.” Grade: B[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Sean McFly jogs up behind Dan and Jeremy Stone as they stretch out in a hallway backstage. Although the Calgary Bulldogs are already dressed for action, clad in their white and red singlets, “Mr. Wrestling” is still in his street clothes. SM: “So what’s the plan for tonight, boys?” McFly is very jovial, acting like a twenty-one year old on a Friday night; the world is his oyster. DS: “I’m not sure, but first thing’s first, right Jeremy?” JS: “For sure. We’ve got to take care of some business before we even think about any of that. Tonight we’re going to win the tag belts, and that’s a fact.” He chuckles. JS: “But afterward?” A pause. JS: “Probably more of the same I guess!” They all laugh. They’ve been having all sorts of fun together of late. SM: “Sounds like a plan. I’m going to head over to that place I was telling you about down the street and grab a table right up front so we can watch the GAMMA show in style….” Dan looks up from his hamstring stretch. DS: “Now? Don’t you have something to do here tonight? A match?” SM: “No, nothing really.” He bounces to his left and pulls out his phone. DS: “I thought Phil had rescheduled you to do some guest commentary during our match tonight, since you sort of skipped out on him last week. McFly doesn’t look up from his phone, dialing someone. SM: “I’m the champ Dan; I can do what I want, remember?” They all laugh again. Grade: B [I][CENTER](Commercial Break)[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The New Wave are on their last nerve after yet another loss and go backstage to tender their resignations, with or without approval. But when the reach Abby Eisen’s office, the door is locked and the lights are off. Guide knocks angrily, but quickly realizes that his efforts are going nowhere. As they walk away, Scout flips a chair noisily, freaking out an intern or two. Grade: B [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The show returns to the ringside area with a wide shot of the raging crowd before everything returns to the broadcast location, with a centered Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia staring back into the camera’s lens. PM: “Ana, the SWF has tried to do its best to distance itself from the developing Bull Wrecker/Alicia Strong story that has turned into a piece of national news, but after the video clip that was somehow posted onto the main page of SWF.com, I……” Peter cannot continue; he is very tightly wound. Ana saves him. AG: “….I think I speak for everyone associated with the company when I say that I am appalled by their actions and cannot wait for them to be apprehended by the authorities so they can get the help they so obviously need.” Peter can’t help himself. PM: “I don’t think they want help, Ana, I think they need to be stopped.” He snorts. PM: “I think they’re a ticking time bomb. And the longer they are out there, the more likely they are to go off.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Jack Bruce is standing only inches away from a monster speaker in his corporate locker room backstage, playing air guitar and riffing along with some awesomely nasty trash rock song from the late eighties. As its solid state guitar tones rage through a blisteringly fast run of notes, Bruce is interrupted by Sarah Silver who is working the main show this week and hoping to land an interview with both the number one contender and the champion before the evening’s over. JB: “Just who in the bloody hell are you?” For some reason Bruce has taken on a British accent. Silver is taken back by it. SS: “Jack Bruce? You’re not British. What gives?” Still with a most horrible affectation in his voice, Bruce continues.. JB: “I’m going to be traveling to the UK on my upcoming world tour and I’ve been practicing. I want to sing all of my hits in their language, so that they understand it perfectly.” Silver deadpans the camera and looks back to Bruce. JB: “I’m really just throwing myself all the way into it, you know. I’ve been eating a lot of fish and chips, eating crisps, which you Americans call chips…..” He trails off before lifting Silver’s chin with his index finger, orienting her eyes upward to meet his. JB: “Love, step aside and allow me to address the camera directly, would you please?” Silver steps out of the shot and it squares up on Bruce, whose eyes seem to darken as he begins, dropping the accent and sounding as serious as a heart attack. JB: “Sean McFly, you hoped that I would never get another chance, another shot to take that World Title from you because you knew in your heart that I beat you two months ago and that there was no way I would lose a rematch.” JB: “But Faith beat Gregory Keith, and I beat Faith, so that makes me the number one contender once again.” JB: “And in two weeks, when we get into the ring at “Break Like the Wind”, there won’t be any funny business, no British accents, no air guitar. It’ll just be me and you and our date with fate.” JB: “I can’t wait to see the look on your face when I walk out of the arena with the SWF World Heavyweight title. A super close up. JB: “It’ll be priceless.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] A cameraman follows as Christian Faith stomps around backstage, jerking open various locker room doors and calling out for Big Smack Scott to come out and face him. Some of the dark match guys scramble out of his way as he flips a few road cases to look behind them, sending them tumbling around dangerously. PM: “If Big Smack Scott is indeed here, in the building tonight, he is in big, big trouble.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Joe Sexy[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joe Sexy wins via countout @ 6:11[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Their rematch tops the initial bout; Sexy and Marquez employ a bit of psychology to extend their rivalry, going old school instead of having a spotfest to raise their profile. AMM is accompanied by the other two members of Mexico’s Most Wanted, Fuerza and Gino Montero, and the three men work three or four triple team spots, running referee Eugene Williams in circles while destroying the veteran Sexy in the process. And even while beating the beejeezus out of Sexy, Marquez whines and complains to the referee about how he is getting treated, even shoving the much smaller David Poker on one occasion, almost drawing him a disqualification. The finish is surprising even if unspectacular. Marquez is wiping the floor with Sexy, using him as a semi unwilling training dummy as Fuerza and Montero stand smugly at ringside, watching the carnage. When AMM stands Sexy on wobbly legs and knocks him out on his feet with a “Lover Stunner”, the lithe Mexican superstar hops to the top rope and looks to be in position to deliver his trademark frog splash, the “Champagne Sunrise”. But instead of taking flight, Marquez steps back off of the top turnbuckle and steps down deftly onto the ring apron, shaking his head and wagging his finger defiantly. He is met by Montero and Fuerza who raise his arms when he gets to the floor. Without warning, the entire group begins going back up the ramp, leaving Referee Poker to start the ten count while looking down to check the status of Sexy. Mexico’s Most Wanted are on the stage, wrapping Marquez in a Mexican flag and raising their arms in victory as he is counted out. PM: “Marquez is quite the talent, but I really think he’s got his head screwed on wrong. He’s been listening to that BS that Montero has been spewing and it’s rotting his brains.” Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] The cameras go backstage again charting Christian Faith’s progress as he searches for Big Smack Scott. He peeks down the long hallway toward the food service areas before marching down into the costuming and make-up area, the exact spot where Scott was spotted by staffers only a few minutes before. [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] Suddenly, Scott comically emerges from inside a laundry cart and makes for the door, sprinting for all he is worth. But, as he puts his fingertips on the door’s handle, Faith is upon him, dropping overhand punches and kicks until the Smacker falls to the floor. Try as he might, Scott can’t block all of Faith’s blows and begins getting beaten down and dragged, shoved, and thrown toward the ring. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Christian Faith vs. Big Smack Scott[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Christian Faith wins via pinfall @ 5:08[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The fans go crazy throughout this entire bout, as it is a deliciously justifiable squash match that Faith could not lose. From the second that Faith leads the groggy Scott through the curtain and onto the stage, shoving him down the ramp and knocking him ass-over-teakettle and tearing the seam of his black dress pants in the process, things go downhill for the embattled former GM. How could it go any worse for Scott you might ask? When they finally make it to the ring, instead of just slapping him around, hitting his finish and moving on, Christian Faith seems to take more than just a bit of pleasure in putting the Smacker through the ringer, opening the bag and unleashing the entire offensive arsenal. Finally, Faith relents, whipping Scott into the turnbuckles, sprinting after him, and nailing him flush with a wicked “Leap of Faith” that leaves him a crumpled mess in the corner. As Faith begins backing away, the crowd begins to chant….. “One more time! One more time! One more time!” And for a second, Faith considers it, watching the former GM cough and beg him for mercy all while trying to get back to his feet; it would be an easy target. But instead, Faith shows some mercy and just pulls Scott onto his back, putting a boot on his chest for the count. Faith climbs out of the ring plays to the fans somewhat, as much as his cool character will allow, and looks to be headed back toward his motorcycle for a victory ride……… [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] …..Gregory Keith is at the foot of the ramp, wild eyed and holding a bent steel chair. The first shot that connects with Faith hits him in the back of the head and sends him face first onto the floor’s black protective mats. The second shot however is the most gruesome, with Keith dropping the chair onto Faith’s prone form, making a disgusting splat sound with the impact. The paramedics that had been ordered toward the ring to handle the still motionless Big Smack Scott suddenly have their work order doubled as Keith pushes by them on his way back up the ramp, business taken care of, feud ignited. Grade: B+ (post) B+[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Phil Vibert stands on the interview set backstage alongside internet show it-girl Sarah Silver. While talking to someone on his headset and stealing glances at the clock on his phone, Vibert scribbles out a message on a piece of paper and hands it to Sarah. She reads it to herself and the turns to address the camera. SS: “Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that the World Champion will not be joining us to comment on his PPV title match…..” She looks back at Vibert. SS: “……as he was scheduled to do by his agent, Phil Vibert.” Vibert looks over toward her and lowers his voice; he has been talking throughout her announcement. Silver, a bit disgusted and letting it show, closes up shop. SS: “One thing is certain fans, “Mr. Wrestling” had better show up in two weeks at “Break Like the Wind” or….” Vibert turns and stops talking on the phone, glaring at her intensely and stopping her before she can finish her sentence. As she gulps once or twice, Vibert resumes talking on his headset and walks off the interview set, fuming. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Dirty White Boyz vs. Calgary Bulldogs[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Tag Team Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Double Countout @ 13:43[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: This is a solid main event that suffers from some awkward chemistry out of the gate. It takes some time for the teams to jive, but when they do, it leaves the fans salivating and wanting more, which we plan to give them at the pay-per-view. The contrast in styles is apparent from the opening bell as both teams come at their offense from very different directions. Make no mistake, the Stone boys can brawl with anyone when the situation calls for it, but there is no question that the big, nasty, Dirty White Boyz are better at it. It is basic fare to be sure, but they are so massive and beer fueled that the moves do quite a bit of damage. Grease Hogg plants Jeremy with a chokeslam and starts a pretty serious run that last throughout the bulk of the match. Dan jr. is hot on the apron, watching his brother take another pretty serious beating (his second in as many weeks) at the hands of the World Tag Team Champions. But time and time again, Jeremy’s attempts to get to his own corner are thwarted by the aggressive and opportunistic DWB, who continue to punish him, attempting to cover him after almost every vicious sequence. The finish comes when Jeremy is finally able to elude Grease Hogg, ducking under a lariat and nailing the near seven footer with a dropkick on the comeback before diving toward his brother’s outstretched arm. He hits the ring with a head of steam and just continues to pile it on as he goes, dropping both Lead Belly and Grease Hogg with a clothesline each before nailing the pair with the same dropkick and then tackling Hogg through the ropes. Without warning, the battle moves to the floor, where all four men are suddenly involved, throwing punches and kicks at each other as referee David Poker leans over the top rope, imploring the men to get back into the ring and respect his count. They don’t. As Poker makes his count, the crowd joins in, hoping that their volume might alert the teams to get back onto the ring, but the exchange between them has gotten so hot that there is no chance. Even as the bell rings signaling the match’s end, Dan and Jeremy continue to bring it to Lead Belly and Grease Hogg. The logo flashing across the screen cannot stop them either. A nearly hoarse Peter Michaels gets the show’s last word. PM: “We might not have had a winner in this one tonight fans, but I think you can rest assured that we’ve only scratched the surface of what’s going to happen between these two teams and I, for one, can’t wait to see some more.” Grade: B Show Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Just wanted to make a quick announcement about this diary and its sister act, Secrets of the Ring Volume Three: Jillefski Takes Manhatten. The way that the story has progressed in V2 has allowed me to execute the tale’s end sooner than I had previously expected when I launched V3. I had figured that there would need to be at least six more months, game time, to tidy everything up. But after working through things, I now believe that I’ll only need three months to handle everything. That means there are only fifteen shows remaining at the end of this booking cycle, which is Show 55. Accordingly, the rate of posting in V3 is likely to pick up as I’ve still got some things to get to in setting up the game world before the first show, which I have planned to launch twenty four hours after my last SWF PPV. If you’ve stuck it out with me this long, I’m excited to be taking you on this part of the ride. It’s all coming together, the whole story. I can’t wait. And, as always, thanks for reading. :) (Edit: In case you missed it due to the board's notorious Monday traffic, both this thread and the other, V3, were updated last night.)
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Quality as always, NoNeck. Did Faith really get a B+ out of Big Smack Scott? Doesn't surprise... yet it does... The Jack Bruce bit was pretty good. And damnit, I want the Bulldogs to win those belts! I figured they wouldn't on this show, but I'm not going to be happy until they are champions!
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Show 54 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Fifty Four Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]The SWF’s favorite tag team from overseas, The Rebellion, comprised of Shimedzu and Miyamae, comes back to the United States to close out Abby Eisen’s international superstar initiative with a bang. Why you ask? Following the no finish in the Calgary Bulldogs/Dirty White Boyz World Tag Team Title match two weeks ago, Supreme TV’s innovative general manager has decided to add a third team to their rematch. Who you ask? We don’t know yet, either. But after this week’s episode of Supreme TV, where a six team tag scramble will take place, we’ll find out. The Rebellion will join Hollas fo’ Dollas, the Can-Am Blondes, Powell & Grayson, Mexico’s Most Wanted, and the Samoan Wrecking Crew for a chance to not only be on the PPV, but to wrestle for the tag team championships. Speaking of the burgeoning feud between the Calgary Bulldogs and Dirty White Boyz, they will meet in the ring again, only five days before “Break Like the Wind”, only this week, they’ll do so with partners in their corners. The Corporation’s Gregory Keith will join the Dirty White Boyz while his nemesis Christian Faith will team up with the Bulldogs. The levels of intrigue are as interesting as they match-up itself. The DWB doesn’t exactly have a great history with The Corporation, can Gregory Keith turn his back and know they’ll have it? Christian Faith, in turn, is single minded in his existence in the SWF, he wants the World Championship. His partners are the best friends of the World Champion, Sean McFly, a man whose title he chases to this day. Will they be able to work together to win the match? Will anyone? Plus, in a Shooting Star title match that would fill the biggest arenas in Mexico to the brim, the fan favorite Amazing Fire Fly defends the SS title against the massive Fuerza of Mexico’s Most Wanted. Can Fuerza bring some gold back to the MMW camp or will AFF find a way to overcome the huge size difference between he and his opponent. The show is stacked, locked and ready to rock. Aren’t you tired of watching TCW and hearing about how much better Supreme TV was afterward? Don’t be that guy anymore.[/I] -Quick Picks- Gregory Keith/Dirty White Boyz vs. Christian Faith/Calgary Bulldogs Joe Sexy vs. Frederique Greg Black vs. Rocky Golden SWC vs. Powell & Grayson vs. MMW vs. Rebellion vs. Can-Am Blondes vs. HFD – Six Team Scramble Match Amazing Fire Fly vs. Fuerza - Shooting Star Title Match [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2012[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;701056]Did Faith really get a B+ out of Big Smack Scott? Doesn't surprise... yet it does... ![/QUOTE] I gave that a full "no sh*t" reaction, too. But momentum and overness rule the SWF; it's not my 'verse, I just live in it. :)
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Gregory Keith/Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Christian Faith/Calgary Bulldogs[/B] [I]DWB and Bulldogs brawl into the crowd, leaving it between Faith and Keith, where I see Faith getting the win, it could very easily go the other way though.[/I] [B]Joe Sexy[/B] vs. Frederique [I]Fred's not had any sort of push what so ever, Sexy even though he's been mostly losing has at least still been receiving regular TV exposure.[/I] [B]Greg Black[/B] vs. Rocky Golden [I]Roll up type win for Black, I can possibly see Golden the same way as in that other well respected SWF diary on the boards here, where Golden is all talk and can't back it up[/I] SWC vs. Powell & Grayson vs.[B] MMW[/B] vs. Rebellion vs. Can-Am Blondes vs. HFD – Six Team Scramble Match [I]Mexican revolutionaries FTW[/I] [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Fuerza - Shooting Star Title Match [I]Fire Fly to retain the belt[/I]
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[B]Gregory Keith/Dirty White Boyz[/B] vs. Christian Faith/Calgary Bulldogs [B]Joe Sexy[/B] vs. Frederique Greg Black vs. [B]Rocky Golden[/B] SWC vs. Powell & Grayson vs. MMW vs. [B]Rebellion [/B]vs. Can-Am Blondes vs. HFD – Six Team Scramble Match [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Fuerza - Shooting Star Title Match
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[B]Gregory Keith/Dirty White Boyz[/B] vs. Christian Faith/Calgary Bulldogs The Bulldogs being tag champions in the future seems clear, and Faith already beat Keith one on one in the past month. Keith needs the win here to keep looking like a threat. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] vs. Frederique Frederique could probably use a gimmick makeover, but as the Canadian Blondes' lackey, he has no business winning here. Greg Black vs. [B]Rocky Golden[/B] Has Black ever won, ever? He is the Scotty 2 Hotty of this diary. SWC vs. Powell & Grayson vs. MMW vs. [B]Rebellion[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes vs. HFD – Six Team Scramble Match Why bring them in to job them out? [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Fuerza - Shooting Star Title Match What on earth would Fuerza do with this belt? Use it to hold up his pants?
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Show 54 "Waiting" [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Fifty Four-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Waiting”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][I][CENTER] (Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] As the internet pre-show begins, the cameras are backstage as Robert Oxford and Chief Two Eagles kneel over a fallen and bloodied Greg Black. Oxford calls for some more help as a few SWF security guys walk up, one of them sprinting away to alert the paramedics on call in the arena. SD: “This has got Rocky Golden’s name written all over it, doesn’t it Sarah?” SS: “Who else has anything to gain by attacking Greg Black?” Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Rocky Golden vs. Greg Black[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Rocky Golden wins via pinfall @ 0:38[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The show’s open finishes to find Rocky Golden already in the ring, looking fabulously cut, wearing new red trunks, kneepads, and boots and sporting a deep tan. As the referee slides into the ring, he pulls his long hair back into a ponytail and waits for Greg Black. PM: “I don’t believe he’s able to keep a straight face through this. He knows Black isn’t coming down that ramp.” But somehow Greg Black does slowly limp out onto the stage a few seconds after his music hits, gingerly making his way toward the ring. The fans are excited by it, but Black made the wrong choice. His trip to the ER becomes inevitable almost as soon as the bell rings with Golden burying him quickly with a running knee lift and lifting him back onto his wobbly legs. The cheers fade as Golden lifts Black onto his wide shoulders and bends him grossly before dropping to his knees and obliterating the babyface with a torture rack bomb. David Poker counts the three and raises Golden’s arm, announcing him the winner in just over half a minute’s time. PM: “That was disgusting, Ana. He softened Black up backstage and then nearly ended his career when the poor bastard tried to come out and give it the old college try anyway.” SS: “Do we really even know that it was Rocky Golden that attacked him though, Peter? It could be anyone. You know as well as I do that the backstage area is a dangerous place filled with dangerous personalities.” PM: “You can believe whatever you want to I guess, but I believe that Rocky Golden was behind that. There’s no doubt in my mind.” Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Abby Eisen is backstage at the talent entrance, pacing and nearly wearing a rut in the maroon carpet. Suddenly, her messager begins vibrating in her suit jacket pocket, its motion being the only thing drawing her eyes away from the ramp where the vehicles enter. She shakes her head upon reading whatever the message is. AE: “Sh*t.” An intern walks up and asks what’s going on. AE: “The BHOTWG contingent isn’t going to make it in time for the show, so we’re going to have to do some rearranging of the show.” Abby turns back toward the hallway and starts to walk back to her office, obviously incensed, and leaving the intern standing flat footed. She mutters aloud as she pushes through the doors. AE: “Where am I going to find a tag team on such short notice?” Grade: B [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Fuerza[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-Shooting Star Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Amazing Fire Fly wins via pinfall @ 5:12[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: This match could’ve blown up in our faces, but the two men involved worked their butts off to make it work and it came off without a hitch. The key was being able to balance the excitement of AFF’s offensive arsenal with Fuerza’s less than impressive ring skills supporting them. The easiest way is to have the much larger Fuerza dominate the run of play and give the Shooting Star Champion his run at the match’s climax. That’s how it ends up happening too, with AFF backflipping out of a powerbomb attempt and starting his comeback. Two spinning back elbows and a slingshot hurancanrana bomb later and Fuerza finds himself nearly upside down in a corner, not hanging from the buckles so much as just awkwardly leaning. It doesn’t matter to the diminutive masked man, who springs to the top rope and comes bombing down with a double stomp straight onto Fuerza’s massive chest. With a quick roll up, the bout is over. But as he celebrates....... [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ......The Corporation’s Joey Minnesota walks out onto the stage with a microphone. As usual his eyes are yellowed and intense and his speech is a little bit slurred. JM: “Fire Fly, it’s time you stepped up and put that belt up against someone who’s actually worth a little something around here.” He points the thumb on his free hand at himself three or four times. JM: “And that someone is me.” Fire Fly nods at him from the ring and holds up the Shooting Star title after the referee hands it to him. JM: “You look pretty tough beating up jobbers like that pile of trash right there…..’ He points to the still-holding-his-ribs Fuerza. JM: “But I’m the top of the line; the Corporate Thoroughbred, Joey Minnesota, and I’m going to make you look as average as you really are, masked man.” Grade: C- (post) B-[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce hurriedly walk down a backstage hallway, passing the seamstress and make-up area before the interim CEO nearly bumps into what appears to be a custodian. But when the mop swinger lifts his head….. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ……it is Big Smack Scott. He looks beat up after last week’s encounter with Christian Faith and keeps his head on a swivel trying not to be noticed. Eisen is shocked that he is standing in front of Scott, but in a more bothered than uptight way. Scott cannot meet Eisen’s eyes. BSS: “Look, I know the SWF fired me, but I was thinking that maybe I could come to work for you, personally.” He is rambling. BSS: “I mean, I could drive one of your cars or something, be like an assistant slash chauffer. And JB, maybe I could work on your tour bus; keep the groupies at bay.....” Eric cuts him off. He is whispering trying not to make it look like he is having a conversation with a janitor. Bruce flat out walks off. EE: “Mr. Scott, I…..” The look on his face tells the tale as he trails off. BSS: “C’mon Mr. Eisen, I need a job. Isn’t there anything that I c…….” Eisen’s whisper volume increases a bit even as he leans toward Scott a bit to make his point. EE: “Go home, Scott. I don’t have anything for you. When you stopped being able to fix things for me, you lost your value to The Corporation.” He walks away, leaving Big Smack Scott holding his mop, alone, and looking pathetic. The shot closes with a glance in the direction of a smallish young man in a suit, recording the whole interaction between Scott and Eisen on a small, hand-held camera. It is produced to make him look like an afterthought on the way by, but that is the furthest thing from the truth; remember him. Grade: B+ [B][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Shawn Doakes approaches Sean McFly as the World champion holds his cell phone, wearing a nervous look on his face. The young Doakes, still only in his first full year in the business is obviously a bit of a fan of McFly’s; it shows in his face and in his voice. SD: “Mr. McFly…..uh……” “Mr. Wrestling” looks up, which flusters him. He tries to pull it together. SD: “Um, Sean, I……” McFly’s phone vibrates in his hand and he turns away from Doakes, cutting him off abruptly. It is not, however, who he is waiting for and he screens it with a flick of his wrist. SD: “I spend a lot of time editing footage of SWF programming and…… well, I made cut tape of Jack Bruce. And I feel that the contents of the tape will give you an edge going in to “Break Like the Wind”, without question. You should see some of the….” McFly’s phone buzzes again and he looks away to check the incoming number, cutting off Doakes again. This time, it is he right person. McFly flips open his phone and starts to walk away but, after a couple of steps, stops and asks the person on the line if they can hold on for a second. He turns back around toward Doakes who is still wearing an eager look on his face. SM: “Look, I’ve got a very important call to deal with so I can’t check out your tape right now. But maybe later, say during the main event or right afterward?” Doakes grins. SD: “I’ll meet you right here and we can go to the editing lab together.” He keeps smiling as he walks away, leaving McFly to his call. He turns away from the camera before beginning. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The cameras suddenly go to another part of the backstage area, just around the corner from Doakes and McFly, where a mass of polo shirt wearing security guards are trying to get in between Christian Faith and Gregory Keith. As they push and shove at the guards, each trying to land another blow onto the other……. [CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] ……..Abby Eisen shows up with some reinforcements, yelling at both superstars until they finally settle back, now in the grasp of the numerous staffers. AE: “Enough! I thought putting you two into the main event tonight would be a more than suitable way for you guys to have at each other and settle whatever scores you think need settling.” Both Faith’s and Keith’s chests heave, as they are still catching their breath following the surprise scrap. AE: “I think I need to do something to step it up a level, since you seem insistent on doing the same.” AE: “This Sunday, at “Break Like the Wind”, it’s going to be you….” She points to Keith. AE: “….and you…” Then over to Faith. AE: “…..in a falls count anywhere match!” Grade: B+ A promo rolls putting over the rules of the Tag-Team Turmoil match that is up next on the show. Basically two teams start the match and another team enters when one is eliminated until there are no more teams. The last team standing will get to be a part of the World Tag Title Triple Threat at the pay-per-view. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Can-Am’s vs. MMW vs. New Wave vs. SWC vs. Powell & Grayson vs. HFD -Six Team Tag Team Turmoil-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: New Wave wins via pinfall @ 15:04[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: This is one of the most exciting tag team matches on Supreme TV in recent memory, if, for no other reason, because it features the return of Guide and Scout, The New Wave, to active status. They are the first team into the match, announced as the replacement for Rebellion to a massive ovation, and draw the former number one contenders, Owen Love and Damian Carvill, the Can-Am Blondes, as their first set of opponents. The action between the two teams is fierce and the Can-Am’s look like they are taking the early advantage, but from left field, the New Wave have a near revelatory experience, turning on the autopilot that their numerous years as a team has given them. A tandem shoulderbreaker, a bulldog, and another swift tag has Carvill’s knees shaking. He flails out wildly with a left hand trying to hit either Guide or Scout as the action swirls around him. Instead he connects with the meaty part of Owen’s (his own partner) cheek and drops him like a pile of laundry, totally stopping Love’s attempt to break up the New Wave’s roll. With The Guru freaking out at ringside, but having no interest in entering the fray, Guide ducks under another wild punch from Carvill, drops him viciously with a northern lights suplex, and gets the three count. The crowd is pumped but there is no time to rest for the New Wave when Hollas fo’ Dollas is introduced, the pair running down the ramp well ahead of their growing street harem. But Dez and Danny B Bling never get a chance to get their legs in the match, with Guide and Scout’s momentum being too much to overcome. Dez gets pitched to the floor just as soon as he hits the ring, leaving the legal man, DBB, without any backup. Bling is no match for Guide and Scout and he is whitewashed with extreme prejudice, falling victim to a double running shoulder tackle and a trio of legdrops from Finch. Dez is still trying to pull himself onto the ring apron, his sagging pants and cloudy head slowing him as Bling is covered and their team is eliminated. Ryan Powell and Stevie Grayson get introduced as the next entry in the tag team turmoil match, but immediately (and without music) the Samoan Wrecking Crew come running out behind them, chasing the pair of young hip-hoppers down the ramp and around the ring twice or three times before Powell and Grayson bail over the guardrail and escape through the crowd. Akima and Umaga aren’t about to give up and stay hot on the trail of the two men who jumped Tana last week, albeit in retribution for the SWC’s involvement in their issues with John Greed. Eugene Williams has no choice but to begin counting out both teams. And regardless of the opportunity that a victory in the match represents, neither Powell & Grayson nor the Samoan Wrecking Crew looks back, getting counted out. The New Wave stand, hands on hips, breathing hard but ready, as the three gunshot salute that signals the impending entrance of Mexico’s Most Wanted rings out. AMM and Montero smell the chance to move up the card and are all business as they come down the ramp, trailed by the massive Fuerza. Dynamic and extremely innovative, the MMW attack comes before Eugene Williams even signals a start and has the built up fury of two men who feel they are being treated unjustly by the company behind it. The fans are behind Guide and Scout but the intensity of MMW’s attack slows their momentum to almost nothing. Both Gino and Marquez shine, really showing a prowess as a team that we had not seen prior. All of their spots are on display too; Montero in particular shines, bringing his game to the next level and flat-out dominating while he’s in the ring. He and Marquez both work over Barrowman and Finch to the point that the crowd begins to think that the New Wave’s dream run is coming to a halt. But at that exact moment, with Gino Montero mounting the top turnbuckle and raising his arms, signaling to AMM that he is going to end the match, something awakens again inside of Scout Finch. And as Gino leaps, Scout picks himself up off the canvas and expends what he has left, a dropkick stopping Montero’s descent from the top turnbuckle with a momentum shifting suddenness. From there it is a New Wave landslide, with Scout rolling into his corner and tagging in Guide, who comes in dealing. Gino makes a tag as well, but Guide puts a left hand into his ear before he exits the ring, sending him to the floor. Marquez is alone and the New Wave come at him from all directions, blasting him with a pair of roaring elbows before setting him up for disaster. Guide lifts and drops Marquez across his knee, bending the latin superstar grossly before turning him face up and looking to the top turnbuckle where Scout has perched himself. The building peaks out. Only a short while ago, Guide and Scout were in the midst of an epic losing streak and not even teaming together. And now, as Scout takes flight and comes crashing down across AMM’s upper body with a legdrop, they are seconds away from getting a shot at the World Tag Team titles. Eugene Williams slaps the mat three times and calls for the bell as both Barrowman and Finch begin pumping their fists and celebrating. It has been awhile for them, but hey seem to remember how it goes. PM: “They were forced apart months ago, but necessity brought the New Wave back together tonight. Fate positioned them with a direct line to the tag titles. This Sunday’s three team match between the DWB, the Calgary Bulldogs, and the New Wave should be off the charts.” Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] A laughing Tom Gilmore and Joey Minnesota pass Abby Eisen in the backstage area as she talks to the SWF’s resident physician about the condition of Bulldozer Brandon Smith’s ankle. As she shakes her head, Gilmore can’t resist and stops, knowing full well who she is talking to the doc about. TG: “I assume the news isn’t good?” She turns to glare at him. TG: “About Bulldozer, I mean. After that attack last week. Just horrible.” He does nothing to mask his glee; Deeley’s attack on Bulldozer was brutal and looks like it will keep him on the shelf for a bit. Abby starts to say something back to him but Gilmore snatches a piece of paper from his bag and holds it up in the GM’s face. It’s a contract; a signed contract. TG: “I know that Smith had been whining to you about wanting a rematch with me for the North American title, so I signed one of those contracts that he left. It’s for the pay-per-view, too.” Abby grabs it and looks it over, shaking her head. Gilmore and Minnesota look smug for a few seconds as she is silent…….until…… AE: “Nope. I’m not accepting this. You Corporate guys might’ve bee running the show around here before, but now that I’m in charge, there are going to be some changes….” Joey’s and Tom’s smiles flatten out. AE: “You’ll defend the North American Title at ‘Break Like the Wind’, but it won’t be against Bulldozer. He needs time to recover.” Now it’s Gilmore’s turn to shake his head, smited by the GM. AE: “I’ve got three other contenders who are all looking for a shot at your title. Who would you prefer to face at the pay-per-view? There’s….” Gilmore brazenly cuts her off. TG: “I don’t care, baby; you know I’m the best. It won’t matter.” Abby gives it right back to him, even going so far as to step up and get in his face a bit. AE: “Fine, if you’re so confident…..” She looks down her nose, her dark eyes steely over the tops of her glasses. AE: “…..you can take them all on.” Gilmore tries not to flinch, but he does. Just slightly. AE: “Marquez, Sexy, Deeley…..” She smiles, pleased with herself. AE: “….all three of them. Have fun.” They start to walk off but Abby isn’t finished. AE: “As for you Mr. Minnesota, after consulting with the Championship Committee, we found that you still had a shot at the Shooting Star Title that you had earned but never cashed in.” Joey nods, pleased. AE: “So you’ll get your chance to wrest that belt from Amazing Fire Fly sooner than you thought.” Now she walks away, leaving them both standing there. The crowd watching the goings on via the jumbotron cheers in the background; Abby’s no-bull approach is winning them over. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] The show’s main feed crackles annoyingly for a few seconds before it is replaced by the face of Mainstream Hernandez. He has been beaten up pretty badly; black eye and one whole side of his face swollen noticeably. MH: “Hello?” He raps the side of the camera and it shakes. He is having trouble with his equipment. MH: “I don’t know if this is working or not, but if there’s anyone picking this up…..” He sighs, a small tear running out of his good eye. MH: “They caught me.” He whacks at the camera again and we lose the feed for a split second before it comes back, snowier than before. MH: “I’m not even sure where I am right now; a motel somewhere. They went out to get some f…..” He stops suddenly, looking downright terrified as the door’s lock begins to grind its gears behind him. With a flick of his arm, the shot goes to black. The show switches back to the broadcast location where Peter and Ana sit stone faced. Michaels is so knotted up about this whole situation, having known Alicia since her birth and being her godfather, that he tries to start taking twice, but chokes up both times and stays silent. Once again, Ana proves her value as not only a good commentator, but a great partner for Peter, and picks him up. AG: “We’re as shocked and upset at the way this situation with Bull Wrecker and Alicia Strong as you are, fans. I know I speak for everyone when I implore the authorities to find these two and end this thing before it gets any worse.” Grade: B+ [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Joe Sexy vs. Frederique[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joe Sexy wins via pinfall @ 3:43[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Just an old fashioned squash match here. Frederique comes out sporting a new in ring get-up (maybe looking to get onto the show in solo action more often) and takes a pretty sound whipping at the hands of the SWF’s resident ravishing one. There’s nothing flashy about Sexy’s attack, it’s all very basic but it does the job. The finish comes following Sexy’s burying his fistdrop in the mug of Frederique. He bounces back up and waits for the Can-Am Blondes trainer to do the same, twisting him back down to the canvas when he does so with a violent “One Night Stand” (neckbreaker) and getting the three count thereafter. It is an important win for Sexy, righting the ship after a string of poor outings and little distinction. He celebrates accordingly, high-fiving every outstretched arm in sight. Peter has finally pulled himself together following the Mainstream/Wrecker/Strong segment and goes back to work, ever the professional. PM: “Joe Sexy’s built himself a bit of momentum heading into that impromptu North American title four way this Sunday.” AG: “I’m not sure he deserves it, Peter, but he’s still a dangerous wrestler, and in a four way, anything can happen.” Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] When the show returns from commercial break, Sean McFly, Jeremy Stone, and Dan Stone are enjoying themselves in a backstage locker room. The Bulldogs are scheduled to do an interview with Sarah Silver........ [CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] ......but when Phil Vibert storms into the shot, Silver steps back and just watches. After being fully ignored for the last two weeks, Vibert has an understandably large head of steam. PV: “You’ve got some explaining to do, Sean! You stood me up….” McFly is surprisingly quick to get into it with him, really acting defensive about the way Vibert is treating him in front of the Stones. SM: “I don’t have to explain myself to anyone, Phil, and that includes you. You might make the deals, but I take the punches…” He pats the World Heavyweight Championship belt he is holding in a duffle bag. SM: “…and I win the titles.” Vibert can’t take the newfound arrogance McFly has developed toward him any longer and gets right in his client’s face, yelling and poking the SWF World Champion PV: “You listen to me, you selfish son of…” But McFly cuts him off again, and as he does so, Dan and Jeremy stand there silently trying to look like they aren’t paying attention while they change into their red and white wrestling gear. Their faces tell the story though; they hear it all. SM: “No! You listen to me!” McFly steps back from Vibert and lowers his head for a second, lowering his voice at the same time. SM: “Get out.” Vibert is stone faced for a moment. SM: “Get outta’ here Phil. I have some thinking to do about our business relationship and I think it would be best if you just leave.” Vibert can only shake his head and turns toward the door, shooting his cuffs as he walks. Without turning around or stopping he leaves McFly with a thought of his own. PV: “Don’t make this mistake, Sean.” The door closes and McFly just sighs and shakes his head. Jeremy and Dan both look up for the first time in a few tense seconds and just nod at their former brother-in-law, trying to reassure him. McFly goes to his locker and grabs his dark brown leather jacket. SM: “I’m going to the hotel, guys. I’ve got to do some thinking. Maybe I’ll catch up with you later.” He walks out and the Calgary Bulldogs begin stretching out, wearing faces of genuine concern as the shot fades. Grade: B+ A hype video plays, putting over Sunday’s PPV, “Break Like the Wind”, once more in all of its glory. With the full card now being pitched, there is no shortage of reasons to order it from your local cable provider. What are you waiting for? Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Gregory Keith/Dirty White Boyz vs. Christian Faith/Calgary Bulldogs[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Gregory Keith/DWB win via pinfall @ 11:27[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Straight out of booking 101, we have a six man main event to lead us into the pay-per-view. On this night, however, there was no schmozz finish as many on the SWF’s message boards had predicted. However, at any point, newly appointed head referee Eugene Williams could’ve turned and disqualified either or both teams, that’s how chaotic the action gets. Things start out under control, with all six men taking a quick turn, the highlights unquestionably being Gregory Keith’s in the ring interactions with both of the Stone brothers. However brief, each exchange of theirs is so fluid, that it makes this booker salivate over the prospects for the future. Keith is a cheater and takes the advantage most of the time, stopping Dan jr. with an eye poke and going on the only real significant in ring run of the match. And, with outstanding precision, the former World Champion runs through nearly his entire offensive repertoire, taking Dan apart as his brother Jeremy and Christian Faith watch from the apron, Faith looking especially ready to hit the ring for a crack at Keith. Dan is no chump and finally figures out a way back to his corner, flipping out of a suplex attempt and tumbling in, officially opening this match’s floodgates. Faith is the legal man, but when Grease Hogg and Lead Belly jump through the ropes, Jeremy does so as well. Suddenly a six man brawl has broken out in the ring and referee Williams is just a guy in a striped shirt; powerless to stop it. Everybody pairs off by feud and takes their fight to the floor. Both Stone brothers, led by the nearly fresh Jeremy, are all over the Dirty White Boyz, but it is the DWB that weather the Bulldogs’ onslaught and begin pulling back a section of the protective mats. Faith wants a piece of Gregory Keith in the worst way…..but he’ll have to catch him to do it. Pulling the ultimate chicken-**** heel move in the book, Keith raises his fist as though he is going to fight Faith, but instead he bolts at the last second, sprinting around the ring several times before heading up the ramp. When Keith hops off the stage and begins heading toward the back, Faith giving chase, the Calgary Bulldogs and DWB take center stage. With a sudden crash, Dan and Jeremy whip Lead Belly into the barricade and follow him in, clotheslining him head over heels right into the laps of some very excited front row fans. Grease Hogg is on the other side of the ring and pulls a chair from near the broadcast location. But with the action getting more willy-nilly by the second, Eugene Williams reaches his breaking point and begins counting out all six men. He gets to three before he is crushed; blindsided from behind by the massive Grease Hogg who shoulderblocks him onto his face, laying him out. With chair in hand, Hogg makes him way to the spot just over the barrier where the Bulldogs are roughing up his partner, and settles into a great spot behind them. Lead Belly sees his partner’s shadow and covers up as Hogg begins making it rain chairshots, sending the two or three fans still brave enough to be near the action scattering. In only a couple of seconds, both Dan and Jeremy are stopped and Hogg leaves his partner to pile it on while he pulls a table from under the ring. It gets set up in the blink of an eye and, working very well as a unit, Grease Hogg and Lead Belly positions Jeremy on the table while Lead Belly climbs to the top turnbuckle. He takes just a second, long enough for Hogg to grab Dan and position him for a powerbomb, and takes off. At the very instant that his splash connects, Hogg drives Dan into the mix as well with a huge ‘bomb, leaving the number one contenders to the tag team titles in a lifeless heap. As the DWB celebrate on the floor, the Keith/Faith chase returns to the arena, with the golden-tressed Keith running scared down the ramp with the angry biker hot on his heels. When Keith slides into the ring, Hogg looks back over his shoulder and spots him coming in, tossing the steel chair high into the air and into his hands. WHACK! Faith never sees it coming. And as Keith slides the chair under the bottom rope to the floor, he shakes referee Williams awake. Eugene is cloudy, but rolls into position and counts a so-so-slow three count that draws an huge round of boos from the audience. PM: “Gregory Keith just stole that one from Christian Faith, fans, no doubt about it.” AG: “I don’t suspect Keith will be able to run away from Faith on Sunday at “Break Like the Wind” in their falls count anywhere match.” PM: “I think that bastard Keith is going to get his, by god, and I’m looking forward to it.” Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Shawn Doakes is backstage, standing right outside the production lab looking at his watch and waiting for Sean McFly to arrive to watch the Jack Bruce cut tape that Doakes put together. After a few uncomfortable seconds, Doakes leans out and grabs a passing intern by the shirtsleeve. SD: “Have you seen Sean McFly?” The intern looks relieved that he knows the answer to the question and didn’t spill the two piping hot cups of coffee he is balancing. Intern: “Sean McFly? He left a little while ago.” Doakes is stunned, maybe even a bit heartbroken. Intern: “Weren’t you watching the show?” Doakes just shakes his head. Intern: “I think he fired Phil Vibert.” Grade: B- Show Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Fifty Five- "Break Like the Wind" Preview[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [I]This show sells itself, friends. If you’re somewhere else this Sunday, other than in front of your TV watching “Break Like the Wind”, your excuses will not be tolerated afterward. Let your innermost fan call the cable company now. [CENTER]Sean McFly vs. Jack Bruce – World Title Match Christian Faith vs. Gregory Keith – Falls Count Anywhere Dirty White Boyz vs. Calgary Bulldogs vs. New Wave – Tag Title Triple Threat Tom Gilmore vs. AMM vs. Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title Fatal Four Way Amazing Fire Fly vs. Joey Minnesota – Shooting Star Title Match Tana/John Greed vs. Powell & Grayson[/CENTER] All of this plus……. ……the debut of a new SWF superstar. …….a live musical performance by Goatboy. ………and a stunning revelation that will change the face of the SWF permanently. [/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Jack Bruce – World Title Match Christian Faith vs. [B]Gregory Keith[/B] – Falls Count Anywhere Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. New Wave – Tag Title Triple Threat [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. AMM vs. Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title Fatal Four Way [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Joey Minnesota – Shooting Star Title Match [B] Tana/John Greed[/B] vs. Powell & Grayson
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Sean McFly vs. [B]Jack Bruce [/B]– World Title Match [I]yep, I reckon Brucey is gonna take this and I think Phil Vibert may have something to do with it.[/I] Christian Faith vs. [B]Gregory Keith[/B] – Falls Count Anywhere [I]What better way to establish Keith in the SWF further than having him beat Mr SWF himself?[/I] Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs [/B]vs. New Wave – Tag Title Triple Threat [I]Just 'cos The Calgary Bulldogs are great.[/I] Tom Gilmore vs. AMM vs. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title Fatal Four Way [I]Would just be very cool to see Deeley finally taking the steps to become a star.[/I] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] – Shooting Star Title Match [I]'Cos it's Joey 'Freakin' Minnesota!!![/I] [B]Tana/John Greed[/B] vs. Powell & Grayson [I]Any tag-team involving Tana deserves to win.[/I]
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Sean McFly vs. [B]Jack Bruce [/B]– World Title Match I think that the build up with McFly and Vibert could lead to some sort of screwjob finish, and another SWF title reign for Jack Christian Faith vs. [B]Gregory Keith[/B] – Falls Count Anywhere A win for Keith could cement him as a all time main event player in SWF Dirty White Boyz vs. Calgary Bulldogs vs.[B] New Wave[/B] – Tag Title Triple Threat The return of an all time great tag team upsets the other two here. [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. AMM vs. Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title Fatal Four Way Gilmore retains,but by the skin of his teeth Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Joey Minnesota [/B]– Shooting Star Title Match Minnesota wins, although i kinda feel maybe he's a bit too big a star for the SS title. [B]Tana/John Greed[/B] vs. Powell & Grayson Powell and Grayson don't get it done in the ring
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[B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Jack Bruce – World Title Match [B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. Gregory Keith – Falls Count Anywhere Dirty White Boyz vs.[B] Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. New Wave – Tag Title Triple Threat [B] Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. AMM vs. Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title Fatal Four Way Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] – Shooting Star Title Match Tana/John Greed vs. [B]Powell & Grayson[/B] This diary will never wear out it's welcome, I'm just excited for NYCW !!!
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[B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Jack Bruce – World Title Match Christian Faith vs. [B]Gregory Keith[/B] – Falls Count Anywhere Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. New Wave – Tag Title Triple Threat [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. AMM vs. Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title Fatal Four Way Amazing Fire Fly vs.[B] Joey Minnesota[/B] – Shooting Star Title Match [B]Tana/John Greed[/B] vs. Powell & Grayson
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[B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Jack Bruce – World Title Match [B] Christian Faith[/B] vs. Gregory Keith – Falls Count Anywhere Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. New Wave – Tag Title Triple Threat [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. AMM vs. Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title Fatal Four Way [B] Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Joey Minnesota – Shooting Star Title Match [B]Tana/John Greed[/B] vs. Powell & Grayson
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;706266]Only one set of predictions for the PPV? In two days? Have I worn out my welcome with this diary or something? I'm beginning to get the feeling that I have. :([/QUOTE] Well, you keep teasing us with v3... :p But seriously, at least for me, you keep posting at weird times as well - it's easy for me to miss as it always seems to get pushed off the first page by the time I'm online. * [B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Jack Bruce – World Title Match Christian Faith vs. [B]Gregory Keith[/B] – Falls Count Anywhere Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. New Wave – Tag Title Triple Threat [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. AMM vs. Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title Fatal Four Way [I]Building to a suitably epic NOTBPW/SWF conclusion[/I] [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Joey Minnesota – Shooting Star Title Match [I]The Corporation need a loser somewhere, and the 'roid monster going after the 'wrong' belt seems like the one for me[/I] Tana/John Greed vs. [B]Powell & Grayson[/B] [I]Just... yeah.[/I]
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Sorry NoNeck got a little bit behind with this, distracted by Volume 3 :p [B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Jack Bruce – World Title Match [I]A Bruce title win wouldn't surprise me but I'm going to say that McFly holds onto the belt here.[/I] Christian Faith vs. [B]Gregory Keith[/B] – Falls Count Anywhere [I]Keith pulls out all the stops (i.e the heels manual of dirty tricks) to pick up a big win over Faith.[/I] Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. New Wave – Tag Title Triple Threat [I]Calgary Bull Dogs capture the Tag Team gold...NOTBPW is taking over ! [/I] [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. AMM vs. Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title Fatal Four Way [I]The Corporation get on the winning track with a win for Gilmore.[/I] [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Joey Minnesota – Shooting Star Title Match [I]Hmm yeah what exactly is Minnesota doing going after this belt ? Fire Fly continues to overcome the odds and pulls out the upset win [/I] [B]Tana/John Greed[/B] vs. Powell & Grayson [I]In the who really cares match, Tana's size makes all the difference[/I]
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Sean McFly vs. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] – World Title Match McFly is just so dull as dishwater, plus he hasn't been very likable as champion. Part of that is your notion that the champion shouldn't wrestle that frequently: while it works great for arrogant heels, it makes a babyface with poor charisma look pretty bad. McFly hasn't been booked to his strengths and Bruce is an established enough main eventer to earn the W back. [B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. Gregory Keith – Falls Count Anywhere To people saying this match would make Keith... he was SWF champion: he did main event the Supreme Challenge. Besides, I don't think this feud is over and giving Faith the win here will make Keith's eventual victory more meaningful. Also I have a heel winning the main event so I'll pick the babyface here. Dirty White Boyz vs.[B] Calgary Bulldogs[/B] vs. New Wave – Tag Title Triple Threat The DWB have been kind of lost in space lately, and the Bulldogs are just too good and too over to not win the belts here. The New Wave were boring before the break-up and they're boring now. [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs. AMM vs. Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Joe Sexy – North American Title Fatal Four Way It's an opportunity to get the belt off Gilmore without him taking a fall but I expect him to retain corporate gold. Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] – Shooting Star Title Match Of course Minnesota is above the title, but he hasn't had anything to do lately and it gives the corporation a second title. [B]Tana/John Greed[/B] vs. Powell & Grayson Just 'cause. Hopefully we get some resolution for this on-going Alicia/Wrecker thing. I think I've made my views on it clear but I just want it to end in a wrestling ring already. IMO it's probably been the wrestle-crappiest thing in the history of this diary and that includes the Cult of Grey Dragon/Lightseekers feud, which was at least fun. Heck that includes Jack Bruce's dating show! Also bring back Valiant! I'd be down with Sam Strong bringing him in as his choice to face off with Wrecker. Valiant is the perfect kind of old-school, nice guy babyface to be the next Sam Strong.
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  • 3 weeks later...
The End [I]I don’t know if it’s something that’s in the air around here, but with all of the hiatuses and diaries ending, somehow the idea found its way into my brain and has been festering. While there are more than a few reasons to keep plugging away at this diary, most notably just to complete the story I set out to tell, I’ve found that over the last few weeks my mind has been increasingly on Volume Three and its development. That said, it is with mixed emotions that I announce SOTR V2’s end, effective immediately. I would like to thank all of those folks that really, truly stuck it out with me, most notably Tigerkinney, BigPapa, Lazorbeak, Phantom Stranger, Eisen-Verse, and James Casey. You guys always offering predictions and thoughts really made the whole process a lot of fun for me. I hope you’ll follow me over to V3; it wouldn’t be the same without you. I’m quite pleased with the way this caught on to be sure. A look at Mistaken’s DOTM statistics blew my mind. This diary was nominated to be part of the DOTM eight times, not including this month. While it only won once (Sept ’08), I’m honored that it kept people’s attention for as long as it did. So, without any further rambling, thanks everyone……V2 out.[/I]
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Wow, sad moment. But I definitely understand. It gets really tough when the passion for it just isn't there. As a reader, I am definitely conflicted - as disappointed as I am to see Vol 2 end... the possibilities of Volume 3 has me very intrigued. So best of luck with the new one and thanks for giving us so much with this one.
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