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A great game...could it be any better?

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I'm an mma fanatic and I'm always browsing sherdog for fighter info/stats on different MMA fighters.This game is PERFECT for anyone into mma and matching up fighters n such.thanks to GDS for creating a great simulation game like this. The only way I think the game could be improved is by having the option to able to watch the actual fights or even 3D highlight clips/snippets of the fights,pre/post fight interviews,or fighters talking smack on one another.I know that would require HEAPS of work to accomplish and maybe it's a bit much for too little,but IMO it would be a GREAT addition.Imagine seeing finishing submissions/TKO's or knockouts,complete with all the blood and swollen faces(hah). Still,like I said something like that would not be necessary because the game is AWESOME as is,and thanks again to GreyDog Software for making it. The only other idea I can think of that would be "intresting" is an MMO/MMA game where people log in and create and train their own fighter each day to increase their fighter stats then matching up users in events to fight each other.Instead of having "guilds" like fantasy MMO's,you could have "Gyms",where people would also have to earn money for equipment/gear that would train users/fighters.The more expensive equipment would level characters faster and would have a greater reputation for people that train there and produce GREAT fighters.you could even have reality shows where fighters have to live together/train together and they would be able to do all the things they do on the reality shows we see on TV (I.E. Ultimate Fighter from UFC),being on shows would help stats grow even more as well as popularity.The game would always keep a record for others to browse their win or losses against who,and how they lost.Am I onto something here?(heh) I'm sorry,my imagination goes & goes sometimes and I figured I'd just put my ideas out there.What do others think of my ideas ? :D
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There's plenty of areas that can be expanded upon and improved; this is after all only the first ever iteration of WMMA! The aim with the first version in any potential series is to put out a solid, enjoyable effort in order to build a fan base of people who think the game is worth their time and money, therefore building momentum for ever-improving sequels. In regards to the suggestion, it's unlikely that it would ever feature clips of matches though, that's well outside of what I can realistically afford to use.
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very understandable Adam.What about the MMO/MMA idea? this is also probably difficult to accomplish and I realize that would be quite a bit of work and maybe beyond abilities,but nonetheless a monthly fee could be applied and a percentage could be shared and paid to the people that have the skills to assemble a game of this nature,there's also money in advertising (check out the dude who created an online game called "Sherwood".) Okay I'll shut up now,I wish I had programming abilities and skills to conjure up an online game as I've mentioned.haha,please excuse my imagination,it tends to run wild too much at times.:o :rolleyes: thanks again for the response. :D
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The addition of Tournaments alone would do wonders for the game. I've begun to try and do a yearly tournament like PRIDE, but it's alot of managing and information keeping to pull it off. Plus, a fighter can't fight more then once a night as it is, so for a sixteen man tournament I have to do four different shows. Being able to replicate the early days of the UFC, or even be able to do PRIDE style GP's would help alot with the functionality of the game. I also think some types of angles, or random events could take place. You should have the option of doing angles of the sort...Like Wanderlai Silva storming the ring to have a confrontation with Rampage in PRIDE, or just like how UFC built up the "Pro-Wrestler versus UFC" mentality with Brock/Mir. Maybe they could be random...Have two fighters who dislike each other get into it, and then get some kind of an event with that fighter demanding the fight. Maybe things like a fighter has a bad attitude, and holds a submission long after the opponent gives up. You'd get an event you have to deal with like in TEW. That happens in real life too. Drugs, steroid busts (I THINK I remember these being mentioned in the game, but I've never seen it) and other issues should randomly pop up. As it is, the game kinda seems like nothing really happens inbetween setting up shows. Occasionally a fighter hurts himself during training, or something like that, but nothing that can shift how things really take place.
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