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TCW: I'm not firing Nation of Filth!

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Chance Fortune and Ghengis Rahn are my new favourite C-Verse personalities. I've always enjoyed Fortune but until that interview Rahn was a black hole of meh to me. Now I want him to have an interview segment at least twice a month. *** Pick your poison: [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] vs ??? [B]Liberty[/B] vs ??? [I]- Pick your poison matches generally favour the guys heading into a big match. The ???s are good, get some near falls, but more times tha not lose.[/I] American Buffalo vs[B] Wolf Hawkins[/B] [I]I'm curious to see what wins, a Wolf or a Buffalo.[/I] [B]Troy Tornado[/B] vs Texas Pete [I]Pete needs a last name before I take him seriously and Tornado has nothing but amazing upsides.[/I] [B]Rick Law[/B] vs Charlie Thatcher [I]- I think Law's buildling to a match with... uh... Rocky Golden maybe? [/I] Wrestling Machine #2 vs [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]- Random guess goes to Double A.[/I] [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs Ota for the All Action Title [I]- Because Chance's new gimmick is brilliant and I don't want him to stop sticking up the joint for a long while.[/I]
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[B]Tommy Cornell[/B] vs ??? [B]Liberty [/B]vs ??? [I]I think Cornell will choose [B]Wrestling Machine #1[/B] (a-k-a Human Arsenal, a-k-a John Anderson) and Liberty will stump for [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B]. At the end of the day both champion and challenger will overcome these 'tests'[/I] American Buffalo vs Wolf Hawkins[B] (DRAW)[/B] [I]On the one hand Buffalo took the loss last week, but Hawkins needs to look strong going into his match with the mystery man. For both of them to keep looking strong, you'll need a schmozz finish, so I think the Mystery Man will intefere leading to a No Contest.[/I] [B]Troy Tornado[/B] vs Texas Pete [I]One has talent, the other doesn't.[/I] [B]Rick Law[/B] vs Charlie Thatcher [I]Law's probably the best Big man in TCW, Thatcher is one of many generic hosses who should probably be shown the door once his contract is up.[/I] [B]Wrestling Machine #2[/B] vs Aaron Andrews [I]Andrews has promise , but I can't see him over-coming one of the Cornell backed Tag Champs at this moment in time.[/I] [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs Ota for the All Action Title [I]Despite the fact he might lose the belt on a DQ, I think Fortune will find some sort of cheating way to win. It keeps an intriguing storyline you going with Fortune as a Dick Heel, who thinks he's better than the belt he's defending.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Beeker;373170]Chance Fortune and Ghengis Rahn are my new favourite C-Verse personalities. I've always enjoyed Fortune but until that interview Rahn was a black hole of meh to me. Now I want him to have an interview segment at least twice a month.[/QUOTE] I've always wanted to give Rahn an awfully stupid gimmick, dreams do come true, mine just did.:rolleyes: And btw, thanks for the nomination on DOTM Tigerkinney, I've seen your Burning Hammer dynasty, and to be recognised by the writer of one of the best long running diaries means a lot. Keep predicting everyone!
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I'll throw in my predictions. [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] vs ??? I think Cornell will face Ricky Dale Johnson and will pick up the win. [B]Liberty[/B] vs ??? For this one I'm going to agree with Tigerkinney and say Wrestling Machine #1 American Buffalo vs [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] I'm going to go with Hawkins on this one because I feel he's going all the way to the top and this will boost his momentum going into Malice In Wonderland. [B]Troy Tornado[/B] vs Texas Pete Tornado for this one. [B]Rick Law[/B] vs Charlie Thatcher The "Lawman" is not going down to someone like Thatcher. [B]Wrestling Machine #2[/B] vs Aaron Andrews Andrews is great but I don't think he's going to takedown the Machine, just yet. [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs Ota for the All Action Title This one is close but I think Fortune will retain.
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[Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]TCW Presents:[/SIZE] [FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="5"]Total Wrestling[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [SIZE="3"]Showing live! From the President's Hall in Puerto Rico, only on GNN Total Sports![/SIZE][/Center] [I]The pyrotechnics blast, as Azaria and Rhodes greet us to another edition of Total Wrestling[/I] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Total Wrestling! I'm Jason Azaria, alongside Kyle Rhodes! Bringing to you the best wrestling matches every Tuesday!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"I'm still shocked how in the hell Liberty managed to become the #1 Contender Jason!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Liberty's got a lot of heart, and he beat American Buffalo to headline one of TCW's flagship PPVs Malice in Wonderland, which will be held this Sunday, in none other than [B]Madison Square Garden![/B]"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"New York better be ready, cos' TCW's coming!"[/COLOR] [I]Giant Tana's music hits, he's accompanied by lots of securities, due to the fact that Tommy Cornell and Liberty are following the Comish towards the ring, both being seperated by half a dozen of securities, Tana enters the ring, so does Cornell and Liberty, along with....you guessed it, Developmental workers playing as securities, I could swear that I saw Mainstream Hernandez, just goes to show ya how we handle stuff here... Tana has the mic~![/I] [COLOR="Purple"]"Ohla Puerto Reecoh! Yo soi el Gigante Tana!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Bloody hell..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"I have to agree with Tommy boy, dude, your spanish sucks..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Okeydokey...sorry everyone, yo me sinto frustrado... Anyways, as everyone knows, I, Giant Tana, thought of a great idea, the Pick Your Smoothie-"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Poison! Pick Your Poison you tanned obese! Let me spare some time to all of these unfaithful Americans who don't understand a lick of Shakespear's language, shame on you! *boos* Ooh, I just hit a nerve didn't I? So, you want to know who each of us pick as our enemy's poison, that's what you were trying to say. So, listen carefully "dude"; because, like, I'm going to introduce to you one half of the "coolest" tag team in TCW, he can wrestle circles against people like RDJ or you, and he'll be your opponent tonight, he is, John Anderson, Human Arsenal, I just call him, Wrestling Machine #1! Oh, and by the way, your match with Wrestling Machine will be a Submission Match! Now that's cool eh?"[/COLOR] [I]Arsenal appears at the stage, carrying his tag team title with him, he's smiling, ya know, even awesome wrestlers smile once in a while...[/I] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"You think that's cool Tommy? Well wait until you see who I picked to face you in a Steel Cage match, he is the incomparable, the awesome, Ri-"[/COLOR] [B]*Glass Breaks*[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"...cky Dale Johnson!"[/COLOR] [I]Johnson clotheslines Wrestling Machine #1 in the back, who was still standing in the stage, he looks intensly at Cornell, he points to the Steel Cage hanging above the ring, only god knows how did it appeared there... He picks Wrestling Machine #1 up, and hits a Southern Justice.[/I] [COLOR="Purple"]"Then it's set, Liberty takes on Wrestling Machine #1 in a Submission match, while Tommy Cornell faces Ricky Dale Johnson in a Steel Cage match! It's all for me. Take care everybody!"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B for Cornell's reveal; A for Liberty's reveal, and A for RDJ's attack [center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW_AllAction.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/ChanceFortune.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][/Center] Chance Fortune came out to the ring with a visibly damaged All Action title, he throws it to the ring and the match was on. Ota tried everything to keep Fortune at bay, using innovative kicks and high flying assault, Chance did little to nothing to fight back, although he did land a vicious clothesline stopping Ota mid air, he didn't follow up, he just exited the ring, he was about to get counted out, until Tana came out, with his angry samoan look, and Chance immediately entered the ring, and, while Ota did try to make a comeback, Fotune hit the Stroke of Luck for the 3 [B]Winner:[/B] Chance Fortune by pinfall in 9:50; Chance Fortune makes defence number 3 of his TCW All Action title. [B]Rating:[/B] C [I]Post match, Fortune grabs a mic, looking at Tana, who is still standing in the stage[/I] [COLOR="Orange"]"You can't make me defend this title forever Tana! I will eventually lose this piece of crap, and I'll move on to bigger things ya know! I want a shot at Cornell's title the next month, hell, if I can go to MSG and replace Liberty as #1 Contender, it would be sweet! I deserve it Tana, it's my destiny!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Your destiny at Malice in Wonderland is to defend that title in a Triple Threat against Fumihiro Ota and the man standing behind you Chance."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]"Who is it?"[/COLOR] [I]And behold the dumbness of Fortune, as [B]American Elemental[/B] needs no introductions, Elemental hits his own version of the Earth Breaker (modified tiger bomb), and poses for the fans[/I] [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [I]Coming up, I interview Troy Tornado, yipee![/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"Hey everyone, this is Robert Lee standing by with the #1 Contender to the International Title, Troy Tornado, you're facing Texas Pete up next as a tune up match for Sunday's match, thoughts?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]"First of all, your charisma is screwing this segment, go take some acting classes or something. Secondly, I'm facing who? A drunk cowboy, it's Rip Chord all over again! *huge amount of heat* Well, except for the hat and the boots. He's a pushover a nobody, even SW freakin' F didn't want them, and they love clowns, right Eisen? Anyways, I'll handle this cowboy tonight, and at the world's most famous arena, I'll handle Rocky Golden, I'll beat him within an inch of his life in a ladder match, I'll climb it, I'll take the International Title, because I deserve it!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Troy Tornado has a tough task ahead!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"I like Texas Pete, but he's not on the same level as Troy Tornado, no one can doubt that!"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B- [center][[IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TexasPete.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG][/Center] Tornado carries Pete to a good match, Texas did his job well, putting over Tornado in good fashion, the man keeps impressing me, Dubble T took Pete to school, outwrestling him with a series of armbars, armdrags, headlocks, showing signs of fluid wrestling. It all culminated in a picture perfect Missile Dropkick, follwed up into a Star Maker, the pin was academic. [B]Winner[/B] Troy Tornado by pinfall in 9:41 [B]Rating:[/B] B- [I]A video plays, showing Wolf Hawkins getting attacked, bloodied, a fire is burning in the background, we see a mask burning, this is a creepy video in my opinion, then, we hear a voice[/I] [COLOR="Red"]"Who am I? Do you know who I am? *laughter* I am your nightmare, I am the judge, jury, and executioner...I am Wolf Hawkin's death sentence! Madison Square Garden...it all ends...."[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B+ [CENTER]----------------------------CommercialBreak----------------------------- [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/AmericanBuffalo.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG][/Center] Wow, what a match, Buffalo and Hawkins tore it up in an amazing clash of styles. While Cornell's protege always tried to ground Buffalo, attempt a technical dismantling of the beast, Buffalo managed to break free with sudden bursts of energy, delivering powerful blows. They meshed up pretty well, even though I was afraid to have the call it in the ring, but Ray did his best to put them on the right track, and the ending result was great. Hawkins seemed to have it in the bank after a devastating super kick, but Buffalo's will to end Wolf's streak was too much, he kicked out and regained control with a bear hug, he squeezed the life out of Hawkins for a minute or so, after letting him go, this proved to be disastrous for Buffalo, as, once again, Wolf Hawkins proved that all he needs is an opening to land a Full Moon Rising, and, to much of Floyd Goldworthy's dismay, Hawkin's winning streak continues, as he rolls full steam ahead leading up to MiW. [B]Winner:[/B] Wolf Hawkins by pinfall in 11:48 [B]Rating:[/B] A [COLOR="Sienna"]"Wolf Hawkins continuing his streak with an impressive win over American Buffalo, he gains momentum as Malice in Wonderland apporaches"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"I'm still waiting for one of the biggest onward cliches as of late: mystery man's attack."[/COLOR] [I]Wolf exits the ring, absolutely nothing happens, that's until...The Nu Breed's theme song hits, Carl Batch comes out with his cronies: Aaron Andrews, Des Davids, and Jacob jett[/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Well would you look at that, The Nu Breed's in Puerto Rico! Even though you could never hang out with the big boys, you can get so see how we roll, you'll get to witness another chapter in the Nu Breed's history of domination, ain't that coo? So tonight, mah man Double A has to take on the ultra charismatic Wrestling Machine numba 2, Aaron boy, you need to wipe the floo with him, and maybe then, our Commissioner Tana will get you and Des a title shot Sunday! And Jett, you're gonna tear the All Action division up, I've managed to secure you a title shot next week, use it well."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"I'm liking this!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"And I guess that's it from the street hustler, the Nu Breed's manager, Carl Batch!"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C [center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG][/Center] Solid matchup between two good wrestlers, one visibly more awesome than the other, but, awesomeness aside, I liked this match. Brent played up to his character well, taking Andrews to school with a fine wrestling display, remembering his performances back in the East Coast war. Andrews had its moments as well, such as a sky high plancha to the outside that connected perfectly. But #2's superiority began to show in the latter part of the match, and Carl Batch, who was at ringside with Davids and Jett, realised that, and sent Jacob Jett to distract the ref, while Des Davids hit a thunderous shoulder block on Hill. Giving Aaron time enough to hit a frogsplash, and get the 3 [B]Winner:[/B] Aaron Andrews by pinfall in 12:29 [B]Rating:[/B] B [I] We witness the usual post match mugging, as Davids and Jett stomp #2, until Wrestling Machine #1 makes his way for the save, but finds himself outnumbered as Aaron Andrews enters the fight, he manages to remove #2 from the ring, he doesn't leave, he grins and makes a "turn around" gesture to The Nu Breed, and they are caught off guard with a springboard cross body from [B]Frankie Perez[/B], Machines #1 and #2 re enter the ring and perform a mugging of their own, as Perez even manages to hit a Perfect Parity on Carl Batch[/I] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Frankie Perez makes the save!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"He's here to even the score, Wrestling Machine #3 makes his debut in impressive fashion!"[/COLOR] [center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/CharlieThatcher.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG][/Center] The definition of "unspectacular match". Lots of power brawling throughout this match, even though Rick Law is more than just another big hoss, he seemed to be limited against a much worse opponent, but still managed to carry Charlie to an average match. Believe me, I'd fire Thatcher on the spot if it weren't for his friendship with RDJ, politics do, in fact, help. Rick Law gets the 3 count with his Long Arm of the Law. [B]Winner:[/B] Rick Law by pinfall in 7:37 [B]Rating:[/B] B [COLOR="Sienna"]"Coming up next the first match of our double main event: Liberty wrestles Wrestling Machine #1 in a Submission match!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Liberty's got no chance, he can't tell a wristlock from a wristwatch! Machine #1 is gonna take him to school!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"We'll see... Can Liberty's fighting spirit defeat Wrestling Machine #1? We'll find out after a brief commercial!"[/COLOR] -----------------------------Commercial Break----------------------------- [I]We now see Tommy Cornell sitting in his locker room with Wrestling Machine #1[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]"Look, you've got a great opportunity tonight, if you beat Liberty, you'll make a mark as a singles wrestler, who knows? Maybe, one day, you'll get an opportunity to TRY and beat me for the title. So listen up, you're going out there to dismantle Liberty, hurt him, snap him in half, get that arsehole to understand that he's not in the same level as I am. Got it?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]"Got it. Dismantle, snap, affirmation of Tommy Cornell's ego. Got it"[/COLOR] [I]Tommy stares at him[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]"You're strange... let's not hope that Frankie Perez starts acting like you..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]"He is not Frankie Perez, he is Wrestling Machine number three."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Oh forget it, now go kick Liberty's arse."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]"Kick liberty in the ass...are you talking about any type of dictatorship?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Bloody hell, go!"[/COLOR] [I]Machine leaves the locker room, leaving a perplexed Tommy Cornell thinking to himself.[/I] [B]Rating:[/B] B [center][SIZE="3"][U]Submission Match[/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG][/Center] That was awesome!!*clap clap clapclapclap* Wow on earth did Liberty manage to perform like that on a technical based match is beyond me, the match was epic from the start to finish! A very mat based match, while Human Arsenal applied more complex moves, Liberty played nice and easy, with some basic headlocks, chokes, vices, etc. The match culminated when Liberty powered out of a triangle choke, landing an amazing powerbomb in a display of strength, Arsenal didn't take long to get up, but Liberty took the definite upper hand with his brawling tactics, even managed to get into #1's mind with his usual taunts, Arsenal gained the advantage minutes later with an Indian Deathlock, as Liberty tried to reach the ropes, he decided to twist it into a Figure Four, and although Machine didn't tap, it gave Liberty some precious time to regain his composure and hit a Liberation Slam. What followed was a direct mock to Tommy Cornell, as Liberty locked in the Rough Justice, Arsenal had n choice but to tap. [B]Winner:[/B] Liberty by submission in 12:47 [B]Rating:[/B] A [I]And I go backstage with my mic in hand to interview RDJ[/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"Hey there! Robert Lee ag-"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Look, I know you're a good interviewer and stuff, but I don't want to take these fans their time by yapping and yapping, neither do you, got it? I just want to emphasize once again how Tommy Cornell took me everything, how he took me another shot at gold, and how he humiliated me, Tommy lit a fire in me, the fire that had been dorment ever since I retired Rip Chord, the old no nonsense Ricky Dale Johnson is back, I'll finally get my hand on Cornell, inside a steel cage for that matter, and trust me, he won't be showing his British smirk when the match ends. Tonight Tommy...I will have your blood!"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B+ [center][SIZE="3"][U]Steel Cage match[/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG][/Center] Wow, and I thought the other match was awesome, Ricky really upped his game tonight, and caught Tommy off guard even non kayfabe wise! The match start was frentic, Dale went with an all brawling approach, and the World Champ managed to keep it up, RDJ gained the upper hand on Cornell, and demonstrated great instincts, using the cage in his favour, smacking Cornell's head against the steel, even kicking the head of Cornell directly into the cage. RDJ was venting out all of his frustrations on Cornell, everything culminating into this match. Cornell's feeble comeback was once again eclipsed by the mean streak of Johnson, he hit repeated suplexes, an uncharacteristic move by Johnson, followed by a powerful clothesline, and that seemed to be it...1...2...kick out! Cornell was still alive, although things were getting ugly: a forearm to the forehead did enough damage to bust Cornell wide open, Johnson seemed to have it won, as he set Cornell for the Southern Justice, but Cornell reversed into a hammerlock DDT, things were heating up! Tommy put RDJ in a front facelock, and quickly folloewd it up with a crisp hammerlock suplex, Cornell floated over and delivered a barrage of fists, he went to the ropes and hopped over Johnson, who got up, Cornell followed it up with an amazing springboard moonsault..which didn't connect! RDJ had the upperhand! He hit some shots on Cornell's open wound, and threw the World Champion into one of the sides of the cage, he threw him to the other, and repeated the routine until he made a terrible mistake: he threw Cornell head first through the cage door, outcome? Cornell wins by escape! [B]Winner:[/B] Tommy Cornell by escaping the cage at 18:52 [B]Rating: [/B] A* [I]Johnson couldn't believe it, he stood in the ring, as Cornell regained his senses outside, he realised what happened, and began exiting the ring, mocking Ricky Dale Johnson, Johnson ran after him, Tommy began his escape, until he found himself cornered by Liberty, he nailed a strong right hand on Cornell, and feeded him to RDJ, who brought him into the ring, and delivered the most vicious Southern Justice ever seen. Liberty entered the ring and raised RDJ's hand, as the show ended.[/I] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="3"][U][B]Final Rating:[/B][/U][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR][/SIZE] The show was perfect! We gained heaps of pop in Puerto Rico, and did a great build up as Malice in Wonderland draws near.[/Center]
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Great show....... The pick your poison opponents were the logical choice if highly predictable, but the stipulations of those matches were a surprise, with both matches doing a good job of establishing both the champion and challenger for the World Title match at Malice in Wonderland. Liberty winning the submission match gives the fans the impression, that Liberty might just be able to beat Cornell at his own game, if their World Title match-up going to the mat, whilst Cornell's 'escape victory' in the Cage Match makes him look a chicken-sh*t heel and that he's far from the invincible force he would like everyone to think that he is.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/MiW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]PREVIEW[/SIZE] [FONT="Arial"] Madison Square Garden will host TCW's first PPV in 2007. It's one of the highest regarded TCW events, and a legendary event deserves a legendary arena. MSG will be sold out, over 22 000 people will get to witness what Pro Wrestling's all about, let's take a look at the most important matches: [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW_World.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] Cornell has defended his World Title only once this year, against Ricky Dale Johnson, Johnson lost not only the match, but also the chance to get another title shot until Cornell is the champion. Were Tommy's problems over? Absolutely not. Liberty emerged victorious from a "Mini Tournament" and got the chance to challenge Tommy Cornell for the title. And we can say that Liberty's got the momentum leading up to this Sunday, after Cornell was left looking to the ceiling after suffering a beating from Ricky Dale Johnson. Can the "Lord of the Mat", as he calls himself, retain the title? [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/_BlankBackground.jpg[/IMG] Wolf Hawkins has never been so determined! Weeks of vicious attacks and mind games come to and end, as TCW's resident mysterious attacker will reveal himself in a bout with the "Florida Wolf". Wolf has promised to destroy his attacker, make him pay for what he's done. Furthermore, the mysterious attacker might be the one to end Wolf's undefeated streak, putting even more pressure on Wolf. It will be a violent match that's for sure. [SIZE="4"][U]Hardcore Match[/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/GhenghisRahn.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG] 2007 hasn't been the year of Ricky Dale Johnson: failed to regain the World Title, will never get a shot at the biggest prize in TCW as long as Tommy Cornell holds it, holds 3 consecutive losses to Tommy Cornell in singles matches, and was humiliated by the World Champion and the Machines two weeks ago. RDJ mustn't be happy about all of this, and he seeks to get back on winning ways by defeating the strange Ghengis Rahn, who seems to have addopted a new "attitude". Johnson and Rahn clash in a Hardcore match, booked by Giant Tana himself. [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW_International.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U]Ladder Match[/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RockyGolden.jpg[/IMG] The International Title will be hanging above the ring, Rocky Golden and Troy Tornado will have to climb a ladder and retrieve it, a ladder match, two guys hell bent on kicking each other's asses. Tornado wants to regain the International Title, but Rocky Golden has other plans. Two very different styles clash in what promises to be a brutal match. [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/AmericanBuffalo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TexasPete.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG] This Fatal Fourway is intended to name the next #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, although it was indeed a good idea by Tana, it is rather dubious that he booked himself into this match... Either way, expect four great wrestlers (OOC- cough) to give their best in order to headline TCW's next big PPV. [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] There's a new tag team in town! The Nu Breed means business, as their tag team representants: Aaron Andrews and Des Davids want some tag team gold! The Machines have held the Tag Team Titles for 9 months now, will their reign of dominance end this Sunday? Andrews' and David's contrasting styles really meshed well as a team in their first match but is it enough to overcome The Machines' technical skills? [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW_AllAction.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U]Elimination Match[/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/ChanceFortune.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] Chance Fortune, ****y, arrogant, "a total d*ck" according to a reliable source, doesn't want to have nothing to do with the All Action Title, enter Giant Tana, TCW's Commissioner, he wants to make the All Action Division work, and that means forcing Fortune to give his best to defend the title. Tana's found two formidable opponents: Ota and American Elemental, both of them would so well as champions... Also, if Chance Fortune DQs himself, or gets counted out on purpose, he'll never get any kind of title shot for the rest of his TCW career. So expect this Triple Threat Elimination match to be a rollercoaster! [SIZE="4"][B]Plus![/B][/SIZE] Nation of Filth go one on one with The Tag Team Specialists. Jack Grifith and Wrestling Machine #3 will wrestle for a shot at the International Title A lucky TCW fan gets to choose the opening bout of Malice in Wonderland! Be sure to catch TCW forum member Spud1305's "Dream Match"![/CENTER][/FONT] Quick Picks: Tommy Cornell© vs Liberty - for the World Championship Wolf Hawkins vs ??? Ricky Dale Johnson vs Gengis Rahn Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado – Ladder Match for the International Championship Rick Law vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete vs Giant Tana – Winner gets a World Title shot at the next PPV Nu Breed vs The Machines – for the Tag team Championship Exhibitional Match: Nation of Filth vs The Tag Team Specialists Chance Fortune vs Fumihiro Ota vs American Elemental – for the All Action Championship Jack Grifith vs Wrestling Machine #3 – for an International Title shot at the next PPV
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[B]Tommy Cornell©[/B] vs Liberty - for the World Championship [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs ??? [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] vs Gengis Rahn [B]Rocky Golden[/B] vs Troy Tornado – Ladder Match for the International Championship [B]Rick Law [/B]vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete vs Giant Tana – Winner gets a World Title shot at the next PPV Nu Breed vs[B] The Machines[/B] – for the Tag team Championship Exhibitional Match: [B]Nation of Filth[/B] vs The Tag Team Specialists [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs Fumihiro Ota vs American Elemental – for the All Action Championship Jack Grifith vs [B]Wrestling Machine #3[/B] – for an International Title shot at the next PPV
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[b]Tommy Cornell[/b] © vs Liberty - for the World Championship Wolf Hawkins vs [b]???[/b] Ricky Dale Johnson vs [b]Gengis Rahn[/b] [b]Rocky Golden[/b] vs Troy Tornado – Ladder Match for the International Championship [b]Rick Law[/b] vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete vs Giant Tana – Winner gets a World Title shot at the next PPV Nu Breed vs [b]The Machines[/b] – for the Tag team Championship Exhibitional Match: Nation of Filth vs [b]The Tag Team Specialists[/b] Chance Fortune vs [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] vs American Elemental – for the All Action Championship Jack Grifith vs [b]Wrestling Machine #3[/b] – for an International Title shot at the next PPV
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[B]Tommy Cornell©[/B] vs Liberty - for the World Championship [I]You've done a good job of building up Liberty's credentials as a challenger and making us believe that the upset could at-least have a chance of happening, but I think Cornell will step it up when it matters[/I] Wolf Hawkins vs [B]???[/B] [I]I know it will end Hawkins streak, but there is no point in the mystery man losing because otherwise it will totally destroy the mystery mans aura straight away. The actions of the mystery man and the fact that he has been missing, points towards the mystery man probably being BLZ Bubb, but I think that will probably be a red herring to throw us off who the mystery man really is.[/I] [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] vs Gengis Rahn [I]Bizarre promo's or not RDJ is not jobbing out to the ageing hardcore specialist.[/I] Rocky Golden vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B] – Ladder Match for the International Championship [I]Tornado's superior athleticism makes him the more obvious choice to wins the match, but so often wrestling logic goes against the obvious choice, but I see this as a great opportunity to get the International belt off the shoulders of the mediocre Rocky Golden.[/I] [B]Rick Law[/B] vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete vs Giant Tana – Winner gets a World Title shot at the next PPV [I]Woopity-doo, just what I really look forward to seeing in a wrestling ring, a Fatal Hoss-Way. Rick Law's got the most momentum and he'll pin Texas Pete (the most hopeless of the bunch) to earn the title shot.[/I] Nu Breed vs [B]The Machines[/B] – for the Tag team Championship [I]Even though they are the hot new stable, I can't see The Machines losing the Tag Belts just yet. I would have liked to have seen the Nu-Breed built up a little more with some wins over some lesser teams. But I guess that shows how desperate you are to get in some decent challengers for the Machines, because of the rest of the Tag division either sucks, is past their sell by date or both.[/I] Exhibitional Match: Nation of Filth vs [B]The Tag Team Specialists[/B] [I]I know the title is I'm Not Firing Nation of Filth, but I see that as more of an ironic statement, rather than manifesto that you be pushing the garbage pairing right to the top.[/I] [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs Fumihiro Ota vs American Elemental – for the All Action Championship [I]Ota and American Elemental are leagues above Fortune in terms of in-ring talent, especially American Elemental. But I think to Fortune's (supposed) frustration he will some how fluke his way to victory.[/I] [B]Jack Grifith[/B] vs Wrestling Machine #3 – for an International Title shot at the next PPV [I]Both are new to the roster, so it's not a case of choosing who is the hot debutant. Griffith has more overness and experience at this moment in time, so I think that will give him the edge.[/I]
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[B]Tommy Cornell©[/B] vs Liberty - for the World Championship [I]Tommy Cornell is simply the best![/I] Wolf Hawkins vs [B]???[/B] [I]This is only the beginning of this feud.[/I] [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] vs Gengis Rahn [I]RDJ has to go through everyone on the roster.[/I] Rocky Golden vs [B]Troy Tornado [/B]– Ladder Match for the International Championship [I]Troy Tornado would make a great International Champion.[/I] [B]Rick Law[/B] vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete vs Giant Tana – Winner gets a World Title shot at the next PPV [I]Seeing how I think Tommy Cornell will still be champion I think Rick Law will go on to battle for the title.[/I] [B]Nu Breed[/B] vs The Machines – for the Tag team Championship [I]They are a new team so that usually means they win.[/I] Exhibitional Match: [B]Nation of Filth[/B] vs The Tag Team Specialists [I]Come on it is the Nation of Filth![/I] [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs Fumihiro Ota vs American Elemental – for the All Action Championship [I]Chance wins somehow.[/I] [B]Jack Grifith[/B] vs Wrestling Machine #3 – for an International Title shot at the next PPV [I]Jack Griffith vs Troy Tornado could make for a really good match.[/I] I think this is one of my favorite diaries although I still think you need a new GM other than Giant Tana. I am not a big fan of him.
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My predictions for Malice In Wonderland: [B]Tommy Cornell[/B]© vs Liberty - for the World Championship Cornell retains, I think he will definitely be the man to beat for a while. Wolf Hawkins vs [B]???[/B] Mystery attacker wins this one [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] vs Gengis Rahn RDJ will win, can't see him losing this one [B]Rocky Golden[/B] vs Troy Tornado – Ladder Match for the International Championship I'm going to go with Rocky on this one, true he doesn't have Tornado's skills but I think he'll hold onto the title a bit longer. Ri[B]ck Law[/B] vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete vs Giant Tana – Winner gets a World Title shot at the next PPV I think Law will win and go on to challenge Cornell Nu Breed vs [B]The Machines[/B] – for the Tag team Championship The Machines are the backbone of the Tag Division so I think they will retain Exhibitional Match: Nation of Filth vs [B]The Tag Team Specialists [/B] The Specialists, they are due a win so I think it will be a the expense of Stink & Grunt [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs Fumihiro Ota vs American Elemental – for the All Action Championship Fortune for this one, a heel Fortune should be an interesting Champion. Jack Grifith vs [B]Wrestling Machine #3[/B] – for an International Title shot at the next PPV A close call on this one but I think Wrestling Machine#3 will take the win over Griffith.
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[B]Tommy Cornell©[/B] vs Liberty - for the World Championship [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs ??? [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] vs Gengis Rahn Rocky Golden vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B] – Ladder Match for the International Championship [B]Rick Law[/B] vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete vs Giant Tana – Winner gets a World Title shot at the next PPV Nu Breed vs [B]The Machines[/B] – for the Tag team Championship Exhibitional Match: Nation of Filth vs [B]The Tag Team Specialists [/B] Chance Fortune vs [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs American Elemental – for the All Action Championship [B]Jack Griffith[/B] vs Wrestling Machine #3 – for an International Title shot at the next PPV
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[B]Tommy Cornell©[/B] vs Liberty - for the World Championship [I]- Liberty is better at chasing and Cornell needs a longish, dickish reign to bring some prestige back to the title. Liberty has earned a spot at the top of the cards. Some old school cheating for Cornell to continue this feud.[/I] Wolf Hawkins vs [B]???[/B] - [I]I never bet against the feared Triple ?![/I] Ricky Dale Johnson vs [B]Gengis Rahn[/B]j [I]- TK is right, but Rahn's new gimmick is too entertaining to me for me to pick good ol' RDJ. Somehow Rahn wins, since hardcore matches are his specialty. (See TK, this is why I'm bad at predictions.)[/I] Rocky Golden vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B] – Ladder Match for the International Championship [I]- I don't mind Rocky Golden (other than his name) and I'd like to see him stick around, but Tornado's got WAY more momentum and brings some immedate star power.[/I] Rick Law vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete vs [B]Giant Tana[/B] – Winner gets a World Title shot at the next PPV [I]- Duh. Easy call. He's the commish dammit![/I] Nu Breed vs [B]The Machines[/B] – for the Tag team Championship [I]- Nu Breed likely end up getting DQ'ed since the Machines are too good and the Breed too new.[/I] Exhibitional Match: [B]Nation of Filth[/B] vs The Tag Team Specialists [I]- Coz they're in the title of the fricken dynasty dammit![/I] [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs Fumihiro Ota vs American Elemental – for the All Action Championship [I]- Chance tries to lose it but accidentally pins Ota or AE to keep his 'streak' intact. I dig Chance's gimmick.[/I] Jack Grifith vs [B]Wrestling Machine #3[/B] – for an International Title shot at the next PPV [I]- Because Troy really doesn't want Griffith to get that shot.[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]"Rough Justice"[/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]"Hurry up will ye?"[/COLOR] [I]The growl of Tommy Cornell could be heard all around Madison Square Garden. The magnificent arena was full of technicians putting the Malice in Wonderland stage together, the ring was almost finished, the announcer's table was up and ready to have someone smash it *hinthint*. Everything was going as planned, but Tommy was still nervous, it was the first time a TCW event was being held in MSG, even though in HGC's days, it was used once.[/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Ain't it a sight to see. A historic arena, set to hold 22 000 people who will be cheering and booing, enjoying a wrestling spectacle like no other promotion can do"[/COLOR] [I]Cornell looked at me[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]"What in the bloody hell's wrong with you?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Nothing, it's just that I never booked an event for such enormous venue, we in CZCW used to hold our shows in a not so pleasent arena: The Snake Pit, no air conditioning, drunked crowds, stuff like that..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"We in TCW are professionals even though some people don't seem to know how to finish things on time! I talking to you all! Get that stage finished, put some ropes on the bloody ring! C'mon!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Easy Cornell! Things seem to be on time, and we got everything booked right? Outcomes, angles, you seem overly nervous..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Nah, I'm just eagerly antecipating the new era coming. The TCW era! We're rapidly approaching SWF, and once they hit the ground, we'll take the lead!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Spoken exactly as an Eisen would."[/COLOR] [I]Cornell didn't have time to fire me. As Archie Judge came sprinting down the semi built ramp[/I] [COLOR="Green"]"Mr Cornell Mr Cornell, I- oh Tom...didn't see you there..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Don't mind me Archie, just kiss away."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Uh? Anyways, I was hoping that your excellency would be available to meet with Liberty and discuss your match a bit, I got all the other talent to do so, except for The Nation of Filth, they want to call it in the ring."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Oh god... it's always up to me to put some sense on those dirtbags..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Is it true that they rarely shower?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Why do you think people like their gimmick?"[/COLOR] [I]Chills went down my spine.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]"I'll talk to Liberty later Archie, you can discuss our match with him in the meantime."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Absolutely Mr Cornell."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Go Rough Justice!"[/COLOR] [I]Cornell took one last look at me[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]"If I knew Joel Bryant's brother was a smart arse, I'd never put you in our team..."[/COLOR] [I]I grinned, Cornell started running to the backstage area, I'd pay to see him wrestle Nation of Filth, but they'll probably be fired before that happens...[/I]
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[b]Tommy Cornell[/b]© vs Liberty - for the World Championship [i]Cornell is a great champion, and I don't think Liberty's been built up enough to take the belt[/i] [b]Wolf Hawkins[/b] vs ??? [i]It depends on who the mystery man is, but I think Hawkin's streak continues. Ricky Dale Johnson vs [b]Gengis Rahn[/b] [i]I see Rahn getting the upset win via some treachery. RDJ needs someone to feud with now that he won't be getting another shot at Cornell.[/i] Rocky Golden vs [b]Troy Tornado[/b] – Ladder Match for the International Championship [i]Tornado is much better, and I haven't picked any other title changes so...[/i] [b]Rick Law[/b] vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete vs Giant Tana – Winner gets a World Title shot at the next PPV [i]Law is the only one of these guys I can see main-eventing a PPV.[/i] Nu Breed vs [b]The Machines[/b] – for the Tag team Championship [i]I don't see The Machines' reign ending yet, but this could turn into a big feud.[/i] Exhibitional Match: [b]Nation of Filth[/b] vs The Tag Team Specialists [i]Nation of Filth! They're in the name of the dynasty, they can't lose! Err...[/i] [b]Chance Fortune[/b] vs Fumihiro Ota vs American Elemental – for the All Action Championship [i]I really like Fortune's current angle, and he needs to keep the title for it to keep going[/i] [b]Jack Grifith[/b] vs Wrestling Machine #3 – for an International Title shot at the next PPV [i]Griffith is more talented and more over, so he's the obvious choice.[/i]
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[b]Tommy Cornell©[/b] vs Liberty [i]Liberty's lookin' good, but Cornell just won the title a month ago. I see some shinaningans, and a rematch down the line.[/i] [b]Wolf Hawkins[/b] vs ??? [i]Hawkins' streak isn't ready to end. He can ride that out for a bit, and get the push that the boss' protege deserves.[/i] [b]Ricky Dale Johnson[/b] vs Gengis Rahn [i]Rahn's a hardcore brawler. He'll grab a weapon, and bust RDJ open. Unfortunately for him, that's frowned upon by referees.[/i] Rocky Golden vs [b]Troy Tornado[/b] – Ladder Match [i]I mark for Tornado. Hopefully this won't hold him back in the midcard, as he's got the skills to be a main event player right out of the gate.[/i] [b]Rick Law[/b] vs American Buffalo vs Texas Pete vs Giant Tana [i]Law's the logical choice. I can see a triple-threat with Liberty and Cornell in two months time.[/i] Nu Breed vs [b]The Machines[/b] [i]I like the Heel vs. Heel dynamic. Very NWO. The Machines are established. The Nu Breed will look like a million bucks, but they're too green in the TCW to take the belts. Their day will come, and soon.[/i] [b]Nation of Filth[/b] vs The Tag Team Specialists [i]They're the headliners of the dynasty....[/i] [b]Chance Fortune[/b] vs Fumihiro Ota vs American Elemental [i]Loving what you're doing with Fortune. It's got some mileage.[/i] [b]Jack Griffith[/b] vs Wrestling Machine #3 [i]Griffith rules, period.[/i] Great start here, bud. Looking forward to some Malice.
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[B]Tommy Cornell©[/B] vs Liberty - for the World Championship [I]Liberty is a decent opponent to carry Cornell over to the next ppv cycle, but he's nothing more than a spot filler at this point, TC to retain.[/I] [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs ??? [I]Depends on the mystery man, although booking this for a ppv match, it'd have to be something overly more meaningful to have Hawkins go over someone on their debut (unless it's a cheap finish). If Hawkins is going over, then it should be TV fodder really, but I think he'll come out of this with his streak intact somehow.[/I] [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] vs Gengis Rahn [I]RDJ needs to build himself back up again after losing his opportunity at the gold whilst TC holds it. Routine victory for Johnson[/I] Rocky Golden vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B] – Ladder Match for the International Championship [I]I'm a bit of a Tornado mark and I think that if you don't intend to run him in the main event anytime soon, he'd make a fine repeat International Champion in the meantime.[/I] Rick Law vs [B]American Buffalo[/B] vs Texas Pete vs Giant Tana – Winner gets a World Title shot at the next PPV [I]Either Buffalo or Law really. Tana's GM role means that he doesn't really need to win this to have some direction, whereas it could make or break either Law or Buffalo and AB seems to have more going for him at this point.[/I] Nu Breed vs [B]The Machines[/B] – for the Tag team Championship [I]I see The Machines retaining somehow, although Nu Breed will come out of this looking a legitimate threat, regardless to whether they acquire the belts or not.[/I] Exhibitional Match: [B]Nation of Filth[/B] vs The Tag Team Specialists [I]Filth win the filler match.[/I] Chance Fortune vs [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs American Elemental – for the All Action Championship [I]Fortune needs a challenge, so I could see Ota going over Elemental (or vice-versa) so that Fortune loses the gold, without losing the fall and can have his nose put out of joint about the whole deal.[/I] [B]Jack Griffith[/B] vs Wrestling Machine #3 – for an International Title shot at the next PPV [I]Griffith always seems to get pushed anywhere he goes, so I doubt here will be much different.[/I] Overall, you've built well to Malice In Wonderland. It should make for a good show.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]Presents....[/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/MiW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Being held live from a sold out Madison Square Garden, only on PPV![/SIZE][/CENTER] [I]Here we go! Huge blast of pyro is heard, pumping up the crowd, smoke fills the arena, and we hear one last bang, the camera rolls to Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes[/I] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Malice in Wonderland! The first PPV of 2007, Malice in Wonderland has a reputation of excellence, and that's our guarantee for tonight: excellence! I'm Jason Azaria alongside Kyle Rhodes!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"It doesn't get any bigger than this Jason! The lights are bright, the catering is empty, and all these fat people are cheering for their heroes, the best wrestlers in the world!"[/COLOR] [I]The bell rings, Jason Azaria makes his way to the ring, with a mic in hand[/I] [COLOR="Sienna"]"As you all might know ladies and gentlemen, two weeks ago, we randomly picked one TCW fan and asked what his dream match was, he got to book the following contest. Our fan, who would like to be simply known as Spud1305, selected [B]Wolf Hawkins and Troy Tornado to face each other in a ladder match![/B] And that match is NEXT!"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B [Center][SIZE="4"]"Ladder Match"[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This fan "Spud1305" made a great choice, putting two of TCW's hottest prospects in a ladder match, Tornado wasn't too pleased when I informed him that he had to go through two ladder matches. Hanging above was a briefcase, with nothing inside, just shows you the lack of creativity eh? The match started out in a very fluid manner, with lots of technical wrestling, mainly Wolf Hawkin's impressive Exploder Suplexes, only matched a a vicious back suplex hit by Tornado, which made Wolf Hawkins land neck first on the canvas. Hawkins tried the Full Moon Rising halfway through the match, but Tornado didn't want anything of it, he ducked and punched Wolf right on the nuts. That's when the ladders came to play. Tornado set up a ladder and started climbing it, but Wolf obviously recovered and very slowly began chasing Tornado, they began brawling in the top, nailing punch after punch, Tornado tried to hit Wolf with the Star Maker from the top of the ladder, but Cornell's protege showed how good he is, and hit a wrist clutch suplex from the top of the ladder, that got the crowd chanting holy **** alright. The recently turned babyface slowly climbed the ladder. But the lights went out... [COLOR="Red"]"Wolf Hawkins, tonight marks the beginning of the end for your pitiful career, your punishment has been due for a long time. The silver spoon that came with your TCW contract was unrightful, and while you entered TCW acting like Mr King Sh*t, other people had to work for it, had to form and break alliances. After years of independent promotions, busting your ass off, only then could someone jump into the spotlight...but you...you were given a red carpet directly to the spotlight, even though you are a worhtless piece of trash... Tonight Hawkins, I'll show everyone that you're not worthy of all the hype, I'll show everyone how unworthy you are of being in the same company I happen to be in! Court is in session Wolf!"[/COLOR] The lights went back on, and Troy Tornado was already on top, strangely grinning, he landed a strong right hand on Wolf and rolled over him...wait...he's not going to hit a powerbomb! Wait...wait....no....Wolf is hanging to the ladder as hard as he can! Wait...oh my god! Wolf Hawkins hurricanrana's Tornado the the outside of the ring! Unbelievable! Wolf manages to hold onto the ropes, and skins the cat, entering the ring with tremendous agility, he climbs the ladder and retrieves the briefcase, winning the match. [B]Winner:[/B] Wolf Hawkins by retrieving the item in 17:56 [B]Rating: [/B]B+ [Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/JackGriffith_alt2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Nice match, it wasn't a Tornado vs Hawkins. But it was a nice display of wrestling, with Machine #3, formerly known as Frankie Perez, adopted a very Japanese like approach, keeping Grifith at bay with crisp suplexes, but Jack got the advantage after reversing a snap suplex into a neckbreaker, and quickly began delivering a furry of punches to the downed Perez, the ref pulled him aside, allowing Perez to get up, but Grifith didn't play fair, and quickly hit a boot right on the face of #3, setting up for the Jack in the Box. The ref made the cover..1...2...[B]Rocky Golden[/B] pulled the ref away, he's holding a steel chair, and threatens to hit Grifith with it, but he doesn't, he just stands there smiling, and, after a minute, he takes a swing...at Wrestling Machine #3! The ref calls for the bell, it's over. [B]Winner:[/B] Wrestling Machine #3 by disqualification at 12:32 [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [I]And we go backstage for our first segment of the night, Chance Fortune is there, with that sad panda look[/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]"Ok, listen up. I shouldn't have my match next. I deserve the main event spot, but still, I have to be an "Opener" because I'm the All Action champion! Whoopie freakin doo! And the worst part is that I have to defend it! That's right, if I don't defend this freakin title three times a month, I won't get any kind of World title shot in my entire career! This sucks!"[/COLOR] [I]Ricky Dale Johnson happens to be there, he looks at Fortune.[/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Wah wah wah, just shut up! Let me tell you this. You're a champion, you have in your possession a friggin title, and yet you want more, you're like a baby you mealy mouthed bastard. You better stop the weekly whining, or I'll have to open up a tin of Souther Justice on your whining ass."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]"Let me remind you Ricky Dale Johnson, former World Champion, that I know other wrestling moves, I don't just walk into that ring, get my ass beat, the hit three punches a clothesline, and a weak uranage. I'm actually a better wrestler than you, and more deserving of the World Title! And- wait, what did you say you were going to do to my ass?"[/COLOR] [I]RDJ laughs a bit, and pretends to walk away, before we know it, Chance Fortune is lying on the floor with a black eye[/I] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"That Ricky Dale Johnson is a brute!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Fortune had it coming, and now he has to "wear" the black eye for a while longer, as his match is next!"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C [Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW_AllAction.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/ChanceFortune.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Chance Fortune came out playing up to his gimmick, insulting the crowd, his card position, and the fact that he's the champ. In the early goings, American Elemental and Ota teamed up to take Fortune out of the picture, and then, they teared it up. A fast paced match showed what the All Action division is all about, as Elemental and Ota did some sick bumps and innovative offense. Eventually, Elemental proved to be one step ahead of Ota, and eliminated him with an Earth Breaker. [B]Ota was eliminated[/B] Elemental's red hot momentum was cut short with a chop block by Fortune, who quickly took advantage with a strong body scissors, taking the opportunity to whine a little about how he should be wrestling Tommy Cornell. Americana, as he used to be known in Japan, reversed the scissors into a leg lock, but Fortune managed to roll through and get up. After some minutes of Elemental carrying Fortune, Fortune tried to clothesline Elemental, but he ducked and hit a kick to the leg of Fortune, he immediately went down screaming in pain, wanting the ref to give the win to American, saying that he couldn't take it, the ref didn't bought it, and Chance got pissed. Elemental tried the Earth Breaker, but the champ reversed and hit the Stroke of Luck, he had to pin Elemental, as much as he hated it. [B]Winner:[/B] Chance Fortune by pinfall at 16:08 Chance Fortune makes defence number 4 of his TCW All Action title. [B]Rating:[/B] C [CENTER][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/Stink_hat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/Grunt_hat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RobertOxford.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I hope the fans saw this match as an opportunity to go to the bathroom, because even though it wasn't a D, it was bad. I guess that Tommy wasn't able to convince NoF not to call it in the ring, guess they got unhappy about becoming Jews, because we all know that Stink and Grunt are dedicated Mormons. The Specialists dominated this match, and picked up the win with rather ease, with Robert Oxford dropping his knee drop of DOOM~! [B]Winner:[/B] The Tag Team Specialists by pinfall in 10:14 [B]Rating:[/B] C- [I]Carl Batch is backstage, with Des Davids and Aaron Andrews by his side[/I] [COLOR="Maroon"]"Yo, the Nu Breed's time is coming up! Dubble A and Dubble D are going to dethrone The Machines! They've held those titles fo too long! Tis time for a change, and we are the definition of change! Dubble J isn't here to help you two, but you two can handle them, you can do it. Tis time for the new generation of athletes to shine! Machines, your sell date has expired, and it's time fo you to undertand it!"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C [CENTER][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This didn't went as well as I expected, there was a certain lack of flow in my opinion. Anyways, Nu Breed came into the match looking strong, namely Des Davids, who rip into Machine #1 with his sheer strenght, Davids is really improving day by day. Eventually, #1 got the tag, and Machine #2, or Brent Hill, got control with a dropkick, he tried to keep the big man grounded, but that was almost impossible, as Davids once again used his size and strenght to break free from Hill's mat techniques, Davids delivered a strong clothesline and tagged Andrews in. Aaron Andrews showed more versatility, using both brawling and high flying offense, always avoiding going to the mat with #2, as that would be suicidal considering how skilled Brent is in the mat. Andrews' springboard crossbody was reversed into a fallaway slam, and the tides turned from there, The Machines toom turns on wearing AA down, Andrews did get the hot tag, but Davids was outsmarted by Machine #1, who drove him shoulder first into the ring post, Machine #2, the legal man, capitalised and rolled him up, while #1 prevented Andrews from making the save. [B]Winner:[/B] The Machines by pinfall in 16:31; The Machines make defence number 2 of their TCW World Tag Team titles. [B]Rating:[/B] C (hmm, kinda was expecting more from this match...) [I]Tana is now backstage ready for his promo time[/I] [COLOR="Purple"]"Hello boys and girls! My name is Tana! And I’m the next #1 Contender! You see, I’m in a fatal fourway match to determine the World champion’s challenger next pay-perview! Ain’t that good? It’s awesome! This is your Comish reminding you to don’t drink and drive!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Why in the hell does this guy have mic time evey single show? I’ll tell you why, he’s the Comish! He’s abusing his power, Tana should get fired!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"The fatal fourway is next!"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] C [Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/AmericanBuffalo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TexasPete.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG][/Center] Kingman did a good job on this one, preventing a complete clusterf*ck, it was a bit confusing at some times, but it served its purpose: put Law and Buffalo over as the dominant wrestlers. Buffalo started out by taking everyone down with shoulder blocks, he eventually tried The Stampede on Tana, but the Giant was too big, and he managed to counter with a backsuplex, as Rick Law dominated Texas Pete at ringside, he threw the young hoss into the steel steps, and entered the ring, hoping to take advantage of a distracted Tana, who was acting funny to the crowd’s (supposedly) amusement. Law clotheslined Tana in the back of the head and threw him to the outside, Buffalo got up, and they both stood there, eye to eye, until Buffalo got the first strike in. For two of three minutes Law and Buffalo engaged in a vicious brawl, the ropes, turnbuckle, and especially fists were the most used. Law seemed to have the advantage, and went for the Long Arm of the Law, but Buffalo ducked and got hit with the ring bell right in the face, courtesy of Texas Pete, Law took advantage and hit his lariat on Texas Pete, and pinned him. [B]Winner:[/B] Rick Law by pinfall at 14:09 [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [I]Rocky Golden appears sitting in his locker room, looking at the camera[/I] [Color=“DarkSlateGray]“I might not be the most talented guy on the roster, I might not be the most charismatic, I might not be the biggest ******* in TCW, but I, Rocky Golden, International Champ, have heart, I have the soul of a champion, and I’m always ready to do anything possible to win. So tonight, in the Ladder Match, I’m willing to risk my body, my life to retain the gold! Tornado, you’re an *******, your arrogance will be your downfall, that, and the fact that you’ve already competed in a grueling ladder match tonight. You’re hurt, physically, and mentally. So there’s no doubt I’m-[/Color] [Color=Crimson]“You’ll do what? You’re not doing nothing Rocky! Your defeat is inevitable little boy![/Color] [I]Troy Tornado is standing at the locker room door, Rocky gets up and is quick to stand face to face with his challenger[/I] [Color=Crimson]“You think I’m hurt? You think you’ve got the upperhand? You’ve just pissed me, and Jack, off! You screwed Grifith out of a title shot! Why? Because you’re scared of better wrestlers, me and Jack, we can wrestle circled around you. And let me say that, even though tonight’s not a wrestling match, I’m gonna beat you up so badly with a ladder, that you’ll have to call yo momma to feed you for the rest of your life![/Color] [I]Tornado grins and slaps Golden in the face, leaving the vicinity still laughing[/I] [Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW_International.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U]Ladder Match[/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RockyGolden.jpg[/IMG][/Center] Tornado showed no signs of fatigue, as he delivered yet again a great ladder match, this time against Rocky Golden. The first moments saw Tornado work on Golden’s legs for a while, and then immediately fetch a ladder, beginning a pure carnage, delivering punishement in many ways as possible with that ladder, Tornado focused especially on the legs, because that would take away the power game of Rocky. The first attempt at retrieving the belt didn’t go well, as Golden was quick to tilt the ladder, throwing Tornado to the outside. But Tornado, surprisingly, landed on his feet! Rocky brutally assaulted TT as soon as he entered the ring, delivering a series of brutal DDTs, he set up the ladder once more and started climbing it, slowly of course, after the damage delivered to his legs, this gave enough time for Tornado to start climbing the ladder as well, and when they both reached the top, they initiated a slug fest, each delivering rights and lefts, Troy seemed to gain the upper hand after smashing the champ’s head on the final step of the ladder, he nailed a forearm shiver that threw Golden off the ladder, and Tror, instead of going for the belt, signaled for the Star Maker! He seized Rocky…and bam! Tornado went flying off the ladder! But he doesn’t hit Golden! He miscalculated and landed gut first on the ropes! Rocky was aware of that, and slowly climbed his way up the top, after a grueling match, Rocky Golden is still the International Champion, and Troy Tornado ends up coughing blood outside, he is quickly attended to by EMTs, as Rocky begins celebrating. [B]Winner:[/B] Rocky Golden by retrieving the belt in 16:53. Rocky Golden makes defence number 2 of his TCW International title. [I]Next up, I interview Ghengis Rahn[/I] [Color=Blue]“This is Robert Lee here standing by with Ghengis Rahn! Mr Rahn, up next, you have the enormous task of facing a very angry Ricky Dale Johnson, what is your strategy to victory?[/Color] [Color=DarkOrchid]“I have no fear, powers I have…”[/Color] [Color=Blue]“Powers?”[/Color] [Color=DarkOrchid]“Indeed… I have the power…..of the Butterfinger!”[/Color] [I]Rahn lifts his left hand to a butterfinger bar taped around his middle finger[/I] [Color=DarkOrchid]“Defeat Ricky Dale Johnson with this, I will! The most elderly peanut butter makers did this to honour me!”[/Color] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"You must be talking about Nestle you lunatic!"[/COLOR] [I]RDJ steps up to the podium[/I] [Color=DarkOrchid]“Johnson Dale! Leave you must! Or consequences you’ll suffer!”[/Color] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I don’t know who the hell your doctor is, but TCW has to sue that neglecting son of a b*tch! As for you… I guess I’ll have to grab you by that scrawny little neck, take you to the ring, and open up a tin of ass whoop! So you’re your mouth and come on!"[/COLOR] [I]RDJ grabs Rahn by his neck and drags him to the ring[/I]´ [Color=DarkOrchid]“The gods have forsaken me!! My only hope is the butterfinger! Get him! GET HIM!”[/Color] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Get that lousy sh*t away from me! Thank god this match is hardcore…"[/COLOR] [I]RDJ lands a clothesline on Rahn, and calls a ref[/I] [B]Rating:[/B] B- [Center][SIZE="4"][U]Hardcore Match[/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/GhenghisRahn.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG][/Center] The ref arrived soon enough, as RDJ continuously kept punching Rahn, hoping that he’d shut up with the butterfinger crap, RDJ tried the Southern Justice just moments after the match started, but Rahn stuck the butterfinger on RDJ’s eye and hit a DDT, he didn’t cover Johnson though, he just started crying because his butterfinger had been stomped by the ref. This gave RDJ time enough to land the Southern Justice, and end this depressing bout. [B]Winner:[/B] Ricky Dale Johnson by pinfall at 8:38 [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [I]It’s time for the mystery man to reveal himself! Wolf Hawkins comes out, all set for the match, he grabs a mic[/I] [Color=Green]“Through it all, he survived. Funny huh? How can someone screw up so badly? You see, earlier tonight, the mysterious man tried to distract me long enough so that I would lose, yet, I didn’t. The streak is intact, why? Because Wolf Hawkins always rises to the challenge, and whoever the “mysterious man” might be, the outcome will always be the same: “The winner of this match...Wolf Hawkins!” My challenge was accepted, so, to the sob that’s been trying to get in my head, come out![/Color] [B]Rating:[/B] B [I]The lights go out again, we hear this enigmatic voice once more[/I] [COLOR="Red"]"Oh Wolf, such vain promises of victory, hopes that can never be achieved. Such as any type of hope you had on facing me tonight…you see, I’m not facing you, I’ve rarely touched you in the past weeks. You see, I’m superior, I don’t need to get my hands dirty. I’m the boss, the “higher power” if you will."[/COLOR] [Color=Green]“Bullsh*t! You’re afraid! You’re afraid because you started a war you might not be able to end, so you hire someone to do your handy work, what a coward![/Color] [COLOR="Red"]"Be careful Wolf. Because I struck a deal with a “friend” of mine. You might know him, he’s been constantly kicking your ass week in, week out. He’s going to help me get rid of you silver spooned d*cks. Let me introduce to you my friend. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/BLZBubb_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B] BLZ Bubb![/B]"[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]BLZ comes out sporting his new freaky mask, Wolf drops the mic and raises his fists, he’s ready for this match[/I] [COLOR="Red"]"Have fun! *laughter*"[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] B+ [Center][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/BLZBubb_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/Center] The second best match so far, BLZ was a little exhausted by the end of it, but he wrestled far better than others here tonight. The monster got the upper hand early in the match due to the surprise factor. He took Wolf to the brawler’s school, delivering stiff shots to everywhere possible. One of the highlights of the match was Hawkin’s reversal of Bubb’s top rope belly to belly attempt into a sunset flip powerbomb, which got a two and a half. That spot proved to be the turning point, as Wolf Hawkins began using his technical prowess to subdue the giant, chokes, scissors, headlocks, everything he could, Wolf even managed to lift BLZ and hit a snap suplex! Cornell’s protégé was in control, and he culminated his control with a modified brainbuster ddt, which, in normal circumstances, would have ended a match, but BLZ Bubb immediately rose up into a seated position! And while everyone thought this meant the end for Hawkins, Florida’s Sensation proved everyone wrong, as he hit a Full Moon Rising on the seated Bubb. To prevent any other kind of surprises, he snapmared Bubb into a seated position, and hit another FMR [B]Winner:[/B] Wolf Hawkins by pinfall at 18:41 [B]Rating:[/B] B [I]An ecstatic Hawkins grabs a mic, and looks at the blank TotalTron[/I] [Color=Green]“Hey Mr Mysterious! Your lackey failed! I’m still undefeated, and I’m still hungry! So you better get your ass out here right now!”[/Color] [I]Nothing happens[/I] [Color=Green]“Thought so, I mean, is this all you got? Is it? You underestimated the Wolf, you underestimated my survival instinct, admit it, you lost!”[/Color] [I]He drops the mic, soon enough to get dropped by a stunning clothesline by BLZ Bubb, he delivers some shots to the forehead of Hawkins, and lifts him up, sending the Wolf crashing into the canvas with a Hades Bomb[/I] [B]Rating:[/B] B+ [I]A graphic appears on the screen, showing Tommy Cornell and Liberty[/I] [COLOR="Sienna"]"What a night this has been! Madison Square Garden has definitely embraced the TCW superstars as their heroes, their role models, and the New York crowd has definitely received us with enormous hospitality. From families to celebrities, everyone expected a great wrestling night, and they have gotten it so far."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"But now, it’s time for the main event, for the first time in HGC/TCW history, the World Title will be defended in the Garden! Tommy Cornell takes on Liberty!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"And it has been a rough ride leading up to Malice in Wonderland, let’s take a look back at the second episode of Total Wrestling in 2007"[/COLOR] [I]The flashback shows Liberty becoming the #1 Contender by defeating American Buffalo, heavy hype for the main event rolls, ending with Tommy Cornell lying on the floor bleeding with Liberty on top, having his hand raised by Ricky Dale Johnson[/I] [B]Rating:[/B] B for the announcers hype and B+ for the video [CENTER][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TCW_World.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This is it, the main event! Both Cornell and Liberty had to be inspected to look for foreign objects, good call by the ref, as he found two brass knucks while inspecting Cornell, the crowd booed heavily, as Cornell simply smirked. The match itself was solid, if unspectacular, with Liberty giving Cornell the control with the time tested formula of "exchange punches, heel gets advantage, heel work body part, face makes comeback, repeat sequence several times, and culminate in a big sequence of big counters". Liberty seemed to try and gain control, but was stopped on his tracks with a snap belly to belly, Cornell quickly began to work on his back, applying a kneeling camel clutch of sorts. Nothing much to be said mid way through the match up, Cornell showed why he was the champion and remained in control with a combination of suplexes and back torturing moves. But the "Tea Drinking Bahstard", as Americans affectionately christened him over the years, eventually got ****y, and allowed Liberty to land a big haymaker and begin a comeback with a series of shoulderblocks, he even managed to reverse a springboard moonsault into a front powerslam! That attempt got him a two count. Liberty tried to go technical, grounding Cornell with side headlock after side headlock, but, after a while, Tommy proved his worth, reversing the headlock into a wristclutch suplex with a bridge, which got a two. At this point of the match, everything was pretty much even, as Cornell hit some armdrags, and Liberty fired back with shoulder blocks, they stared down one more time, prompting the Madison Square Garden to cheer, Liberty wanted a test of strenght, but Cornell was having none of it, he grabbed the arm of the fan favourite, twitched it, put him in a suplex position, and signaled for the Rough Ride, Liberty countered into a sunset flip, to no avail, Cornell was quick to grab Liberty by the legs and catapult him into the corner, as he bounced back, Cornell hoisted him up for the Rough Ride...1...2...3 Cornell won this match fair and square. [B]Winner:[/B] Tommy Cornell by pinfall at 24:33. Tommy Cornell makes defence #2 of his TCW World Heavyweigtht Title [B]Rating:[/B] B (could've been much better in my view) [CENTER][SIZE="3"][U][B]Final Rating:[/B][/U][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][COLOR="Green"]B[/COLOR][/SIZE] Too much Cs downgraded this PPV to a B, I'm not letdown, we sold out, we got a good buyrate, and the crowd loved it. Solid ppv overral, Match of the Night goes to Wolf Hawkins vs Troy Tornado, which happened to be the match picked by our member spud1305, great call there! (Feedback is appreciated as always, sorry for the delay on posting the PPV. By the way, the prediction contest results should be up today, but, early indicators point to a draw, hmm)[/CENTER]
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Now let's take a look at the Malice in Wonderland prediction contest: [B]Midnightnick: 8/9[/B] derek_b: 6/9 tigerkinney: 6/9 juggaloninjalee: 4/9 [B]Spud1305: 8/9[/B] PassagetoHonour: 6/9 Beeker: 4/9 Imerak: 5/9 Greg McNeish: 6/9 sebsplex: 4/9 Looks like we have two winners! Which means that I'm going to have to think of a second prize...watch out for a PM in the near future to both Midnightnick and Spud1305. But my initial prize will have to go to Midnightnick, because Spud1305 already won a contest, but don't worry, both of you will be immortalised in TCWs galery of glory! To the rest of you... keep predicting, you never know...:rolleyes: And coming up next (which can either be in the next minutes, or in the next weeks), a new feature: Total Ten!
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