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MAW: And You Thought Cuban Was Bad

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[B]Antonio[/B] vs. Huey Cannonball vs. Max Mayhem Better upside. [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes for the MAW Tag Titles The Champs remain dominating. [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Frankie Dee Erik [B]Mainstream Hernandez'[/B] Open Challenge! Toss up. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Tom Cruise' Secret Weapon! Sort of an anti-authority thing. [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Des Davids for the MAW Championship Des isn't ready to carry the company yet. Parker is. I'm sleepy. It's all I got. - Sonfaro
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[B]Antonio[/B] vs. Huey Cannonball vs. Max Mayhem [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes for the MAW Tag Titles Erik Strong vs. [B]Frankie Dee[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez' [/B]Open Challenge! [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Tom Cruise' Secret Weapon! [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Des Davids for the MAW Championship
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[B]Antonio[/B] vs. Huey Cannonball vs. Max Mayhem [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes for the MAW Tag Titles Erik Strong vs. [B]Frankie Dee[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez' [/B]Open Challenge! The Mean Machine vs. [B]Tom Cruise' Secret Weapon[/B]! [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Des Davids for the MAW Championship
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[B]Antonio [/B]vs. Huey Cannonball vs. Max Mayhem [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes for the MAW Tag Titles Erik Strong vs.[B] Frankie Dee[/B] Mainstream Hernandez' Open Challenge! The Mean Machine vs. [B]Tom Cruise' Secret Weapon! [/B] [B]Steven Parker [/B]vs. Des Davids for the MAW Championship
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[CENTER][B][U]MAW: You're Gonna Pay[/U][/B] Tuesday Week 2 February 2007 Held at Stanley Hall 60 in attendance[/CENTER] Attendance drop from last time. Guess the novelty of seeing [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Tom Cruise[/B][/COLOR] get hurt has worn off slightly. DARK MATCH: RATING: D-. [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Marv Earnest[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="Red"][B]Rip Chord[/B][/COLOR] welcome fans to the internet show. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Cruise[/B][/COLOR] hit the ring, followed by [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Mainstream[/B][/COLOR] – who still looks like he wants nothing to do with his manager, a lovely performance helped by the fact he wants nothing to do with his manager – and delivered a scorching promo running Parker down for his behaviour last month. “Since Parker has placed himself beyond Mainstream society,” he continued, “we're just going to prove that my client should be becoming champion tonight. This is an open challenge to anyone on the roster to step up and face him.” I liked the Mainstream society bit. Vaguely. I think it'll get old fast in Cruise's hands. RATING: D Having nothing better to do, I answered the call. “After all, I'm the boy who beat Parker, and I've been meaning to tell you, Tommy – thanks for the help.” RATING: E+ [B][COLOR="Red"]Antonio[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Huey Cannonball[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Max Mayhem[/B][/COLOR] Ran this too long for Huey, who blew up toward the end. This kinda played into the ending, though – Flash Savage slid under the ropes and hit an enzugiri to Max's head as he was setting Huey up for a powerbomb, but Antonio caught Flash, DDT'd him, then promptly DDT'd Huey before covering Max for the pin. I see signs of improvement, but it's early days. Antonio def. Huey Cannonball and Max Mayhem by pinning Max Mayhem – Flash Savage attacked Max RATING: D- [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]The Natural Storm[/B][/COLOR] hit the ring, accompanied by manager [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Nicole Kiss[/B][/COLOR], who did her best to talk up both men. RATING: E+ [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Natural Storm[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]The Canadian Blondes[/B][/COLOR] for the MAW Tag Titles The Blondes did their usual thing, relying on speed and flash and a quick run-in from [COLOR="Red"][B]Huey[/B][/COLOR] – but Huey's charge was sidestepped by Rayne who promptly laid him out with the Storm Damage. A tag suplex sent Flash over the top rope and Eddie slapped on a bearhug to get the submission from Oscar. Smooth stuff but the crowd weren't as into it as I'd hoped. Natural Storm def. The Canadian Blondes RATING: D- Marv interviews [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Des Davids[/COLOR][/B] about his match tonight. Des promises us that the endzone is in sight and no one ever stopped him from that situation. RATING: E+ [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Erik Strong[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Frankie Dee[/B][/COLOR] No real story behind this, just two guys who I'm giving the workout. Dee takes his second MAW match with the Shinanju Kick after a pretty good start and a missed Strong Sault. Frankie Dee def. Erik Strong RATING: D [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Tom Cruise[/B][/COLOR] returns to the ring, where he announces that he's also been looking for a way to 'reform' the [COLOR="Red"][B]Mean Machine[/B][/COLOR] – and that he thinks he's found it, as the [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Insane Machine[/B][/COLOR] will clash with him tonight! RATING: D- [COLOR="Red"][B]Jack G. Wells[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] Just like that, the show picks up. Jean's told me, over and over, that Mainstream needs pushing, and his match with Parker seemed to indicate that. But I had to see it for myself, so I stepped between the ropes with him. And I'm glad I did, and glad that we had this set up to give him the rub. A great match has us evenly matched all the way, and after he twists clear of The Sleeper for the second time I get frustrated and rake his eyes. Cruise is instantly on Jay Fair's case, distracting him, as [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] hits the ring and lays Mainstream out with the Future Shock. Instantly, I go for the cover, and despite being bigger than the champ I can't keep Hernandez down for the three count with the champ's finisher applied. Another Sleeper attempt is met with a Russian leg sweep and Mainstream hits the top turnbuckle, launching into the Apparition #14 while Cruise and Parker stand off outside the ring. That gets Mainstream the win over me in a really nice match. Mainstream Hernandez def. Jack G. Wells by pinfall despite interference from Steven Parker RATING: C [B][COLOR="Red"]The Mean Machine[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Insane Machine[/B][/COLOR] Decidedly not all it could be, the battle of the Machines is still worthwhile enough. After almost ten minutes of frustration, the Mean Machine ducks the Termination Kick, palms his knucks, and lays the Insane one out with them fright in front of the ref, leading to his disqualification. Insane Machine def. The Mean Machine after DQ RATING: D+ [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Des Davids[/B][/COLOR] for the MAW Championship Suddenly we're back to the heights previously plumbed. Des and Parker put together a good match for ten minutes before Tom Cruise is suddenly in the ring, swinging at Parker like crazy. The punch hits home, and Jay disqualifies Des due to outside interference while Tom looks utterly, utterly confused. Steven Parker def. Des Davids by DQ due to Tom Cruise RATING: C Mainstream Hernandez hits the ring and gets into an argument with his manager in which he explains the DQ-leads-to-rematch policy of MAW, explaining to Cruise that he's left Parker's shot at the champ to wait another month. RATING: C- Did as well as last time. Kinda satisfying, really; hopefully it's on to bigger and better things next month. SHOW RATING: D+
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I love Monkeypox's diary, and I see what you're going for here. Could I believe that Mark Cuban would get intimately involved to the point of being a ring-side presence for a cult, ECW type federation? Yes I can, because he likes to be personally involved with his investments, and he's practically on the court at most Mavericks games. But can I believe that Tom Cruise would have the time or make the effort to commute from LA to the middle of nowhere in Delaware or Maryland or wherever MAW holds its shows to be personally involved in a federation that can't put 300 people in a high school gym? Even with suspension of disbelief, I just don't see it. The guy has a full shooting schedule, plus he has to fake a relationship with Katie Holmes to prove he's not gay. He's swamped.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;370385]The guy has a full shooting schedule,[/QUOTE] I'm just going to touch on this point, as obviously I can suspend my disbelief sufficiently and we just disagree on the rest. Have a look at IMDB. Since 2000 Cruise has starred in one film a year, with a 2002 exception to cameo in Austin Powers 3. He was in two films released in 99, but previously there'd been a gap since a 96 release with only a Third Rock episode in 98 as a gap - easy to argue, if I wanted, that one of those films was shot in 98. The point being that Cruise tends to do about a film a year. (2008 has two films in post-production, ie already shot during the mostly-empty 2007, one of which is a Ben Stiller project in which Cruise isn't listed among the principal cast - chances are it's just a cameo, which is to say, about three days work. He's got a single film slated to shoot this year and another listed for 2009 that may or may not happen.) Shooting time on films tends to be about two-three months, during which time no one is needed all day every day (the exception I can think of is Fight Club, where Ed Norton got one afternoon free during the entire shoot.) During the downtime for their characters, actors have been known to go off and do full press junkets, etc. Cruise is needed physically at MAW for [I]one day a month[/I]. This is around the same length of time it takes for, say, Halle Berry to disappear during the filming of X-Men 1 and trash talk the film as an example of holding the black actor down (because it's all she could get) before returning to the shoot. So, in my eyes, the time is there. Most months, in fact, the time's there to do other stuff - and Cruise' production company history indicates he starts off hands-on and then gets bored. So... why MAW? You think Richard Eisen, Tommy Cornell, Dan Stone Sr, George deColt, or any of those guys are gonna sell to Cruise unless they have to? And SWF, TCW, NOTBPW, CGC... they're all doing dandy. MAW has a much lower survival chance. So Cruise's money makes a difference to Rip. And why would Cruise buy something that small? In years to come he'll be able to say he made the place, if it succeeds; if it fails, three hundred people in a sports hall, tops, will remember.
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“Here's what I don't get,” I said, dropping into the swivel chair in the next booking meeting along and taking advantage of those fleeting minutes before Tom arrived. “We're a feeder league. He knows we're a feeder league. He knows our job is to develop talent.” “Right,” Rip nodded. “So why the **** is he putting such a tight limit on who we can sign?” “I take it we're not getting someone?” I nodded. “One thing and another, I need to turn more of the guys face. Got a plan to help the tag division and use the kid he foisted on us, and Brendan Idol would've been perfect for the other guy. So would Freddie Huggins.” Jean grinned. “I don't wanna know, if those two were right...” I waved a hand. “It's fine, I found someone. Just wasn't my first choice, but the crowd'll hate the pair of 'em and we can use that as a catalyst to turn Stan and Ryan face.” Jean blinked. “You have plans for Stan and Ryan?” Rip, considering, hit that slow sarcastic drawl he does so well. “We do need a face jobber team...” I pointed one finger at him, winking. “In one. Seriously, though – who the **** are we training here? People who already know what they're doing?” “It'd make the job easier...” Rip delivered it with a laugh, but the scowl told the story. “We'll talk him round. Just might take a while.” “Two years,” Jean said. “In my experience, that's how long it takes to bring an owner in line.” He and Rip exchanged amused glances. “Listen, Jack – you got anything worthwhile for the Blondes? Oscar's been bending my ear lately and I gotta admit I like the kid. What're we doing?” I smiled. “All part of the plan,” I said. “The new two are going to play extra stooges for the Blondes in a feud with the champs. And Stan and Ryan even get to play jobber.” “Almost all the tag teams occupied...” Rip muses. I shrugged. “Mainstream's occupied. Parker's really in the main event, and we'll use Ricky for that. I think Erik has a role in the generic team program, though. Just one thing – we need to book Let It All Bleed Out first and tie up our loose ends.”
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[QUOTE]The guy has a full shooting schedule, plus he has to fake a relationship with Katie Holmes to prove he's not gay. He's swamped.[/QUOTE] Right there is where he would have time available. While all of us normal guys would be wasting endless hours ploughing Katie Holmes, he has that time available for other projects. Like taking over MAW. :D
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;370515]I personally think it's a really interesting slant. It's a shame you didn't choose to create a random hollywood celebrity in a cornellverse style fake name parody, but this still adds something new to the mix.[/QUOTE] Believe it or not, I did think of that. That said, an upcoming promo includes the line “so long as the star of freakin' [I]****tail[/I]'s running your life!” And, if I'm honest, while I could create a Cruise equivalent and make it clear reasonably easily who he was - scientology, manic chatter while enthused, references to something that was blatantly [I]Top Gun[/I] or [I]A Few Good Men[/I], taking shots at [I]****tail[/I] rather than, I dunno, [i]Drinkies[/i] makes for a better gag as there's instant recognition of the film. Though admittedly, [I]Drinkies[/I] would be an even worse title to be associated with. Bottom line: Pox is the original and still the best. I'm doing this because the idea won't get out of my head unless I do. EDIT: Bleedin' swear filter.
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[CENTER][B][U]MAW: Let It All Bleed Out[/U][/B][/CENTER] Come on down to Stanley Hall this Tuesday! Matches scheduled include: [COLOR="Red"][B]Antonio[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Max Mayhem[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Natural Storm[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]The Rock City Stars[/B][/COLOR] for the MAW Tag Titles [B][COLOR="Blue"]Erik Strong[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]The Mean Machine[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Insane Machine[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jack G. Wells[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Ricky Douglas[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Des Davids[/B][/COLOR] for the MAW Championship - by Des' request, this will be settled in a Steel Cage! PLUS! The debut of [B]Cameron Vessey[/B]! Tickets only $6
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[B]Antonio[/B] vs. Max Mayhem - At least Antonio can give somebody a wristlock. [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs. The Rock City Stars for the MAW Tag Titles - If you give the titles to those idiots with no heat I will personally beat you to death:) . Erik Strong vs. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] - The Machine gets back on track. Insane Machine vs. [B]Jack G. Wells[/B] - I'm sort of conflicted here. I'm not the biggest fan of bookers as wrestlers, I always feel they can't really be unbiased. I guess it's okay for now (Dragonmack does the same thing, so it's not like its a bad thing). [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Ricky Douglas Mainstream w/ Cruise = money. I almost feel like Hernandez should loose here just to see him tell off Mr. Top Gun. [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Des Davids for the MAW Championship - by Des' request, this will be settled in a Steel Cage! - Now heres a match I wish I could see in real life. Parker wins via deception and scaling the cage, so Davids can continue to say he's never been pinned or submitted in MAW and remain a strong threat. - Sonfaro
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[QUOTE=Sonfaro;371644] - I'm sort of conflicted here. I'm not the biggest fan of bookers as wrestlers, I always feel they can't really be unbiased. I guess it's okay for now (Dragonmack does the same thing, so it's not like its a bad thing). [/QUOTE] It's Dragonmack's rule of booking I'm trying to follow here - Jack fits in wherever the booking team recommend. At the moment he's a big name but I intend to fall down the roster, and with MAW not having NYCW's aging main event scene, it's unlikely he'll get a run with the belt unless a story really jumps out at me.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;371673]It's Dragonmack's rule of booking I'm trying to follow here - Jack fits in wherever the booking team recommend. At the moment he's a big name but I intend to fall down the roster, and with MAW not having NYCW's aging main event scene, it's unlikely he'll get a run with the belt unless a story really jumps out at me.[/QUOTE] That is pretty much what I do. I let the booking team decide what his push level should be then I treat him like a wrestler in that position. It is just a strange quirk of that particular game that my user character seems to have good to great chemistry with a large number of the opponents like Ota, Sam Pratt, Acid, Freddie Huggins, Steve Gumble. So the fact that he can consistently put on the highest rated matches means he gets a lot of main event time. But I have no problem in having someone else be the champion if they are as popular or more so.
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Come on down to Stanley Hall this Tuesday! Matches scheduled include: [B]Antonio[/B] vs. Max Mayhem [I]Antonio tops out at a midcard level, but he is still better than Mayhem.[/I] [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs. The Rock City Stars for the MAW Tag Titles [I]If Ryan Turner wasn't such a total waste, the Rock City Stars would be worth some time as Manna has potential.[/I] Erik Strong vs. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] [I]Squash for the booker[/I] [B]Insane Machine[/B] vs. Jack G. Wells [I]He's insane and he is a machine, how could he not win?[/I] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Ricky Douglas [I]Party boy for the win.[/I] [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Des Davids for the MAW Championship - by Des' request, this will be settled in a Steel Cage! [I]Although the match stip favors Davids, Parker is crafty enough to pull off the win.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][U]MAW: Let It All Bleed Out[/U][/B] Monday Week 3 March 2007 Stanley Hall 55 in attendance[/CENTER] Dark match: E+ [COLOR="Blue"][B]Marv Earnest[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"][B]Rip Chord[/B][/COLOR] welcome the crowd to the internet broadcast. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Nicole Kiss[/COLOR][/B], flanked by her clients, promises another successful title defence against the [COLOR="Red"][B]Rock City Stars[/B][/COLOR]. RATING: E+ [COLOR="Red"][B]Antonio[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Max Mayhem[/B][/COLOR] There's no way I can avoid pushing Antonio entirely so long as Rip's still with the company, but despite his best efforts, the guy just hasn't gotten over yet. We saw some of why as this match kicked off the show; it was... OK, but I'm not happy with it. Granted, Max Mayhem is hardly the guy to measure a competitor against but this was just by the numbers, right up to the suplex countered into the Italian DDT that ended it. Antonio def. Max Mayhem RATING: D- Once again [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tom Cruise[/B][/COLOR] makes his way to the ring client in tow; Mainstream still doesn't look happy about any of this, but in among the religious references, Cruise manages to explain the match tonight; since Parker's got Davids again tonight – due to Cruise's own mistake, which he apologises for – he's decided to keep Mainstream in 'the thoughts of the thetan-afflicted Firm' by putting him up against Parker's tag partner, [COLOR="Red"][B]Ricky Douglas[/B][/COLOR]. RATING: D- [COLOR="Blue"][B]Natural Storm[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]The Rock City Stars[/B][/COLOR] for the MAW Tag Titles Ah, the good old overbooked lunacy of a big tag brawl. This was pretty solid given that the Stars are pretty much jobbers, and there was a moment there when the fans suddenly faced a sickening realisation; the Stars might take it – after Stan ducked a Howard clothesline two youngsters raced down the ramp and into the ring. We piped girls' screams of adoration into the arena at volume, beyond anything the fans in attendance could have produced, as [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] delivered a spinebuster to D.C. Rayne and his ally [COLOR="Red"][B]Jimmy Foxx[/B][/COLOR] floored Eddie with a dancing bodyslam. In the end it didn't matter; a couple of moments' rookie miscommunication between the youngsters ended with Rayne and Howard irish whipping them into each other before Rayne flattened Turner with the Storm Damage and covered for the pin. And seeds are planted... Natural Storm defeated The Rock City Stars despite interference by Cameron Vessey and Jimmy Foxx RATING: D- I came out to the ring next and cut a quick promo promising that the Coastal Zone interloper[COLOR="Blue"][B] Insane Machine[/B][/COLOR] would be run out of MAW. RATING: E [COLOR="Red"][B]The Mean Machine[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Erik Strong[/B][/COLOR] Oh, man... it's not just gaps in skill, these two just are incapable of getting on the same page. You'd've thought Jean would have warned me... Erik at least ended up with a psuedo-push considering that the ending saw the Mean Machine become frustrated once again that his rival wasn't going down and put him down with a brass knucks shot. This time, however, Jay didn't catch it and the Machine scored the pin. The Mean Machine def. Erik Strong by shenanigans RATING: D [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"][B]Ricky Douglas[/B][/COLOR] then joined the [COLOR="Red"][B]Mean Machine[/B][/COLOR] in the ring and cut a quick promo reasserting the Firm's dominance. RATING: D- [COLOR="Blue"][B]Insane Machine[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jack G. Wells[/B][/COLOR] And another Machine fails to get on the same page as his opponent. Well, that's not fair – that makes it sound like it's just his fault, and if it's anyone's fault it comes down to both of us. It could've been worse, though – we still put on a halfway-reasonable match. I did my best here, but this was basically a showcase for Insane Machine's spots, with my job being to put up token offence, hit a couple of spots to make it look like I deserve to hang, and then go down to the Insanity Tsunami. For a booker I'm staring at a lot of ceiling... Insane Machine def. Jack G. Wells by pinfall RATING: D [COLOR="Blue"][B]Des Davids[/B][/COLOR] takes up the microphone as he comes down to the ring, explaining that his issues with the Firm led to his mid-month request that the match be held in a steel cage. There's just a hint in there, if you're listening, that he also doesn't want Cruise messing things up. RATING: D [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Ricky Douglas[/B][/COLOR] Quick, short, sweet, as Hernandez puts Douglas away with the Apparition #14. Pure and simple this was a stepping-stone match. Mainstream Hernandez def. Ricky Douglas RATING: D [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Des Davids[/B][/COLOR] for the MAW Championship in a Steel Cage Reasonable enough work here; this was never going to be as good a show as the last two and I think that knowledge dragged them both down. Next month is where we really step it into gear, though. Davids does a lot of work here with speed and power but in the end Parker goes down to a suplex, waits for Des to climb, produces a key and goes out through the door. Steven Parker def. Des Davids through downright trickery RATING: C- We just about squeaked an acceptable result out of this, but I'm not happy. I just have to keep promising myself 'next month'. On the plus side, now I have a handle on the roster. Next month we begin booking with feuds properly in mind. SHOW RATING: D+
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“Erik Strong's going to be on the radio?” I asked, somewhat disbelieving. “How does this happen?” “He's available and they podcast three times a week,” Rip shrugged. “They have asked the boss, I hear.” “Never happen,” I laughed. “Wonder what he's gonna say?” “One of the usual lines, I figure,” Rip said, staring out the window. “I like working with smaller guys, or I get edgy when I'm pushed, or my debut matches always suck due to nerves... that sort of thing.” If I'm honest, this pulled me up short. I remembered the few interviews I'd given from time to time, running through my head what'd been said at each one. Rip's words were eerily familiar. I could hear most of them in my own voice, years in the past. I said all that sort of thing, and occasionally, to kiss ass for any booker listening, I'd say- “'Course, some of the real dumbasses talk up how much they love jerkin' the curtain,” Rip continued with a smile. “Like they think that'll help 'em get outta opening and into the big money. Never understood it.” I decided not to say anything. ...Oh, and Erik? Erik put over how glad he was to have a solid spot in MAW because he hates working debut matches. Something about nerves.
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