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What is a good Dynasty(opinon)

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Content > presentation. Good storylines outweight pretty graphics every time. An eye catching lay-out can draw more people towards reading it (if that's what you care about) but the very best diaries have good storylines, good characters and something to keep you coming back for more. It doesn't matter what style of promotion you run, you can make something or someone interesting enough to get people to continue reading. Looks are still important of course. If your layout is horrible or you type only in Wingdings then people aren't going to read. A consistent (and preferably easy to write, for your own sake) format gives a diary a feel that people can get comfortable and familiar with. And lastly... depth. You can update everyone on the backstage happenings if you want... you can talk about the state of the wrestling world in infinite detail... you can report every little thing. But most people... they just want to progress the stories and keep things moving along at a nice pace. Consistency in content, writing and frequency should get a loyal fanbase. :)
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[QUOTE=ADeezy62;368652]IF everybody that views this can view WCW vs.WWE vs.ECW-The New Beginings and give me your thoughts on it.Send Me Message for an idea[/QUOTE] Sure, what the hell. 1. DITCH THE YOUTUBE VIDS FOR EVERYONE. I'm sitting on a business-speed broadband connection at night, when there's no one else to drain it, and my browser still locks up opening your page. That happens, I'm not gonna stick around to find out if your booking's any good. Capitalised because it's incredibly annoying and no one's gonna watch all the intros anyway. 2. Even jobbers get in offence these days. Your match writeups frequently just describe whoever's going to win hit about six moves, with the other guy doing nothing, then pin. Frankly, it's both boring and utterly alien to what we see on modern TV. 3. The game gives you match ratings. Let's see 'em. Without the game I could make up all kinds of things and post them, and it might well be a fun diary. But if you read any of the longstanding dynasties, notes of chemistry between wrestlers and match ratings get a lot of feedback. It's clear they're something people are interested in. Most folks put in angle ratings, too, but at a minimum let's see match ratings and show ratings. 4. Post your whole show in one go. I don't want to have to check back because I saw you updated, clicked, and found out you've only posted the first segment from the show with the intent of editing the rest in later. Do that and the odds are I'll not check back in later. Which means you lose a reader. 5. That goes for your extended signing sprees, too. I don't want to see a new post every ten minutes announcing you've signed one other guy. Not if it's one line, anyway. If you're just going to announce that people have been signed, wait until you're done with the time between any two given shows and post all of them at once. If you're going to dwell on a particular signing, write some story about it. Someone just phoning up the booker and asking to be signed is not a story - have a look at the signings in Monkeypox's DaVE diary. Yes, Monkeypox's DaVE diary is one of the best out there. You don't reach the top if you don't aim high. 6. Continuity is your friend! Greg Helms is back as the Hurricane at the start of your diary with no shown reason? Kane has been 'burned' in a match that didn't happen during the time immediately before your diary started, so he's wearing the mask? VINCE HAS RANDOMLY QUIT? These are interesting things that you're not including in the show - why on earth not? Run those plots in-game! Let us see them! Above all, DON'T leave us going 'wait, what?' because of a single line you tucked into a long and phenomenally boring list. 7. Pay attention to what you're saying. You have Scott Hudson claim WCW as having new stars with old flair at the opening of the first WCW show. Then Jeff Jarrett shows up. I'm sorry, but even Russo wouldn't try that with a straight face. 8. Don't spam. As I was putting this together I got a PM from you asking me to read your dynasty. I haven't corresponded with you in PMs, there's no particular history between us, I haven't commented on one of your dynasties since Christmas and that was to point out Stu Hart was dead. Are you just randomly PMing people online and asking them to read? Because that's kinda spamming. 9. We don't want to tell you how to write your dynasty, we want to see you create a dynasty. Seriously. I read a lot of great dynasties on this board, and with the exception of Destined to Fail where I'm featured, I don't try to change things. I barely try to predict things. I read because I want to see what the writers are going to do with their roster. If the others here basically dictate your dynasty I'm not interested; I may as well read their dynasties.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;368683]Sure, what the hell. 1. DITCH THE YOUTUBE VIDS FOR EVERYONE. I'm sitting on a business-speed broadband connection at night, when there's no one else to drain it, and my browser still locks up opening your page. That happens, I'm not gonna stick around to find out if your booking's any good. Capitalised because it's incredibly annoying and no one's gonna watch all the intros anyway. 2. Even jobbers get in offence these days. Your match writeups frequently just describe whoever's going to win hit about six moves, with the other guy doing nothing, then pin. Frankly, it's both boring and utterly alien to what we see on modern TV. 3. The game gives you match ratings. Let's see 'em. Without the game I could make up all kinds of things and post them, and it might well be a fun diary. But if you read any of the longstanding dynasties, notes of chemistry between wrestlers and match ratings get a lot of feedback. It's clear they're something people are interested in. Most folks put in angle ratings, too, but at a minimum let's see match ratings and show ratings. 4. Post your whole show in one go. I don't want to have to check back because I saw you updated, clicked, and found out you've only posted the first segment from the show with the intent of editing the rest in later. Do that and the odds are I'll not check back in later. Which means you lose a reader. 5. That goes for your extended signing sprees, too. I don't want to see a new post every ten minutes announcing you've signed one other guy. Not if it's one line, anyway. If you're just going to announce that people have been signed, wait until you're done with the time between any two given shows and post all of them at once. If you're going to dwell on a particular signing, write some story about it. Someone just phoning up the booker and asking to be signed is not a story - have a look at the signings in Monkeypox's DaVE diary. Yes, Monkeypox's DaVE diary is one of the best out there. You don't reach the top if you don't aim high. 6. Continuity is your friend! Greg Helms is back as the Hurricane at the start of your diary with no shown reason? Kane has been 'burned' in a match that didn't happen during the time immediately before your diary started, so he's wearing the mask? VINCE HAS RANDOMLY QUIT? These are interesting things that you're not including in the show - why on earth not? Run those plots in-game! Let us see them! Above all, DON'T leave us going 'wait, what?' because of a single line you tucked into a long and phenomenally boring list. 7. Pay attention to what you're saying. You have Scott Hudson claim WCW as having new stars with old flair at the opening of the first WCW show. Then Jeff Jarrett shows up. I'm sorry, but even Russo wouldn't try that with a straight face. 8. Don't spam. As I was putting this together I got a PM from you asking me to read your dynasty. I haven't corresponded with you in PMs, there's no particular history between us, I haven't commented on one of your dynasties since Christmas and that was to point out Stu Hart was dead. Are you just randomly PMing people online and asking them to read? Because that's kinda spamming. 9. We don't want to tell you how to write your dynasty, we want to see you create a dynasty. Seriously. I read a lot of great dynasties on this board, and with the exception of Destined to Fail where I'm featured, I don't try to change things. I barely try to predict things. I read because I want to see what the writers are going to do with their roster. If the others here basically dictate your dynasty I'm not interested; I may as well read their dynasties.[/QUOTE] So you want to explain certain things Like,Kane,Hurricane and ETC
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;368699]That would be ONE of the NINE points I raised, yes. Well, I tried, though without much confidence.[/QUOTE] My Computer is wierd so that's why shows aren't placed in one view.Some Jobbers don't get offense like WWE(Colin Delaney)
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[QUOTE=ADeezy62;368702]My Computer is wierd so that's why shows aren't placed in one view[/QUOTE] Is that also why you're only doing one point per post? Because, just as I won't stick around segment by segment, I won't stick around one point per post. I suggested this when you had a suggestion thread before: Write your show in Word. Save it as you go. Copy and paste when it's ALL ready to post. I wasn't the only one who suggested this then. If I can remember, so can you. If you can't remember, there's no point giving you advice this time as you'll forget it too.
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I second pretty much every word Phantom Stranger has said. In the last couple of months you've had dynasty after dynasty, and they have all been virtually the same. This one is the only one that you have gone more than one show with. So my advice is to pick something, then stick with it. You'll never have a good dynasty if you start up 2 new ones every week. I wish you all the luck in the world though, you just need to take into account the feedback people have been giving you.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;368750]I second pretty much every word Phantom Stranger has said. In the last couple of months you've had dynasty after dynasty, and they have all been virtually the same. This one is the only one that you have gone more than one show with. So my advice is to pick something, then stick with it. You'll never have a good dynasty if you start up 2 new ones every week. I wish you all the luck in the world though, you just need to take into account the feedback people have been giving you.[/QUOTE] I Redid my Last Dynasty so I hope you like the backstory
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[QUOTE=praguepride;368776]ADeezy, you're the best little troll that ever hit GDS forums :D[/QUOTE] hang on just one second, how can you say that? Damn they are just giving away the title troll these days, you no longer have to work for it! I posted long, hard and off topic for years to be counted as a troll and then this kid picks up the title in a few months. Damn you! DAMN YOU! Joking aside, the most important thing about writing a diary/dynasty is to find a format you are comfortbale with and choose something that interests you. You have to find your own niche as it were. I love writing my current diary, i have a fair few readers who get heavily involved, admitedly most of there suggestions i flat out ignore! But you build up a fanbase over time. I have been running my diary for about 2 months now and in that time I have done 6 shows. It doesn't have to be posted in every day to be interesting. But I need to echo you need to find a style that makes you stick with it, if your not a very talented writer, be brief and make it more about stats and figures, if you are creative, focus on the storytelling, if you are a dab-hand with photoshop put some nice graphics in. Play to your strengths and try to avoid starting something that won't go the distance, if you only have an hour a week to write don't start something that takes 3 hours to write. I have fallen foul to being too anbitous with diarys in the past. Anyway, i hope these things help, listen to people like the phatom stranger, he may be a drunken loon but he knows his stuff! (by the way, it never hurts to suck up to your readers! :p )
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[QUOTE=panix04;368904]hang on just one second, how can you say that? Damn they are just giving away the title troll these days, you no longer have to work for it! I posted long, hard and off topic for years to be counted as a troll and then this kid picks up the title in a few months. Damn you! DAMN YOU! Joking aside, the most important thing about writing a diary/dynasty is to find a format you are comfortbale with and choose something that interests you. You have to find your own niche as it were. I love writing my current diary, i have a fair few readers who get heavily involved, admitedly most of there suggestions i flat out ignore! But you build up a fanbase over time. I have been running my diary for about 2 months now and in that time I have done 6 shows. It doesn't have to be posted in every day to be interesting. But I need to echo you need to find a style that makes you stick with it, if your not a very talented writer, be brief and make it more about stats and figures, if you are creative, focus on the storytelling, if you are a dab-hand with photoshop put some nice graphics in. Play to your strengths and try to avoid starting something that won't go the distance, if you only have an hour a week to write don't start something that takes 3 hours to write. I have fallen foul to being too anbitous with diarys in the past. Anyway, i hope these things help, listen to people like the phatom stranger, he may be a drunken loon but he knows his stuff! (by the way, it never hurts to suck up to your readers! :p )[/QUOTE] Thanks and I'll take that to heart
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This may sound silly, but it's what I got in a college level compisition clas. "You may think I care about grammar, puncuation, spelling and format. I do. Will I grade you on this? No. I will grade you on how interesting your writing is." In other words, formatting, style, spelling, anything bad in moderation can be worked around with a great story. FOCUS ON THE STORY
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Agreed to a point - but there are diaries out there with great ideas and lots of posts, which suggests an active writer and decent reader interest... But when I look at the first few posts, and there's bad grammar and mis-spellings, I lose all interest in carrying on with them. * Take it from someone who's had a few diaries on here, some popular, some not - it's important to have a clear idea of what you want to do with your characters. If you want Shawn Michaels at the heart of your dynasty, write him a storyline that puts him there. My diaries have tended to degenerate into random booking with one or two storylines - and I can feel the apathy :D The one time I had good storylines planned for several characters, I got fired in-game, so play any Dynasty game on Freestyle ;) On a side note, making your characters distinctive is important - one of my favourite dynasties on here is J Silver's USPW, because he has several standout characters, not the least of which are the raving loons Jim Force and Peter Valentine. I'm not saying that your characters should all be psychos, but Kane is as different from Brian Kendrick as Kendrick is from HHH and so on. Having your characters develop over time is something to aim for, as well. This is more of a long term goal, but a dynasty where no-one progresses up the card, no-one has a last run before retiring, no-one moves outside the same four or five opponents... Development is good. I'd also advise you to write up several shows before you begin posting. It'll give you an idea on how much you enjoy the game you're playing, and if there's any immediate problems (HHH tears a quad again, say) you can plan around them before you launch.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;369468]Agreed to a point - but there are diaries out there with great ideas and lots of posts, which suggests an active writer and decent reader interest... But when I look at the first few posts, and there's bad grammar and mis-spellings, I lose all interest in carrying on with them. * Take it from someone who's had a few diaries on here, some popular, some not - it's important to have a clear idea of what you want to do with your characters. If you want Shawn Michaels at the heart of your dynasty, write him a storyline that puts him there. My diaries have tended to degenerate into random booking with one or two storylines - and I can feel the apathy :D The one time I had good storylines planned for several characters, I got fired in-game, so play any Dynasty game on Freestyle ;) On a side note, making your characters distinctive is important - one of my favourite dynasties on here is J Silver's USPW, because he has several standout characters, not the least of which are the raving loons Jim Force and Peter Valentine. I'm not saying that your characters should all be psychos, but Kane is as different from Brian Kendrick as Kendrick is from HHH and so on. Having your characters develop over time is something to aim for, as well. This is more of a long term goal, but a dynasty where no-one progresses up the card, no-one has a last run before retiring, no-one moves outside the same four or five opponents... Development is good. I'd also advise you to write up several shows before you begin posting. It'll give you an idea on how much you enjoy the game you're playing, and if there's any immediate problems (HHH tears a quad again, say) you can plan around them before you launch.[/QUOTE] Thanks again you have been a huge help
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Another idea, this one pertains to you and the other 1 show wonders. Start a game, run it for a couple of months at home with no diary writing, write down for yourself some notes on what you've booked, then use that as your backstory. Hopefully by then you've actutally become interested enough in a storyline or character or something that you've decided you want to continue to role the story out. One of the hardest things IMO about TEW is the playability, no shame there, I've done games where I've done the signing spree and two shows and not ever felt like going back to it, but I've not put them up relentlessly to be read. IMO all that does is divert eyes away from those who have put in a considerable amount of effort and creativity to put up a story that is lasting, one that should be read, for in want of another set of words, parasitic attention hugging cr@p. Or, if you really can't go beyond one show, (hey it happens its the playability issue again), just read diaries. There's no shame in being a reader. These people who post these things need their subjects to be read into too, so why not give that a go, and then maybe down the track your mind will be switched on enough to give it a real go.
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[QUOTE=tristram;369765]Another idea, this one pertains to you and the other 1 show wonders. Start a game, run it for a couple of months at home with no diary writing, write down for yourself some notes on what you've booked, then use that as your backstory. Hopefully by then you've actutally become interested enough in a storyline or character or something that you've decided you want to continue to role the story out. One of the hardest things IMO about TEW is the playability, no shame there, I've done games where I've done the signing spree and two shows and not ever felt like going back to it, but I've not put them up relentlessly to be read. IMO all that does is divert eyes away from those who have put in a considerable amount of effort and creativity to put up a story that is lasting, one that should be read, for in want of another set of words, parasitic attention hugging cr@p. Or, if you really can't go beyond one show, (hey it happens its the playability issue again), just read diaries. There's no shame in being a reader. These people who post these things need their subjects to be read into too, so why not give that a go, and then maybe down the track your mind will be switched on enough to give it a real go.[/QUOTE] On the readwer subject, this is what I did. My first while all I did was read ECW Worldwide and Death of the WCW? You want to learn how to make a successful dynasty, read one.
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I want to second what a lot of the people here have said. 1) Stories and characters count more than a flashy presentation. 2) Personally, I am usually about two weeks to a full month ahead of myself in terms of game vs. diary. I do that mostly to build up a cushion for myself. It takes about five minutes to post a show and anywhere from an hour to two hours to write up the show report while I'm playing. This way I can have everything ready and polished to post and I can do so if I have a spare moment or two to do so. And, for me, most importantly... 3) Do what you want and don't apologize for it. You have to enjoy what you're doing when you're writing your dynasty. If you're not enjoying it, what's the point? That includes what you do for storylines and with characters. Let me give you a personal example. When I started my SWF dynasty, I included about a dozen workers I had created myself called "the Survivors." And do you know how people reacted to them? They hated them! People who read my diary in the early days told me to delete them immediately. Well, I got rid of two of them, barely used two others, but the last two became the focal point for my dynasty. And, I'd like to think, my dynasty was the better for it. The point is, you have to do what you enjoy. People will read it or not read it, but that shouldn't be the point. Your own enjoyment is.
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[QUOTE=Scapino1974;370196]I want to second what a lot of the people here have said. 1) Stories and characters count more than a flashy presentation. 2) Personally, I am usually about two weeks to a full month ahead of myself in terms of game vs. diary. I do that mostly to build up a cushion for myself. It takes about five minutes to post a show and anywhere from an hour to two hours to write up the show report while I'm playing. This way I can have everything ready and polished to post and I can do so if I have a spare moment or two to do so. And, for me, most importantly... 3) Do what you want and don't apologize for it. You have to enjoy what you're doing when you're writing your dynasty. If you're not enjoying it, what's the point? That includes what you do for storylines and with characters. Let me give you a personal example. When I started my SWF dynasty, I included about a dozen workers I had created myself called "the Survivors." And do you know how people reacted to them? They hated them! People who read my diary in the early days told me to delete them immediately. Well, I got rid of two of them, barely used two others, but the last two became the focal point for my dynasty. And, I'd like to think, my dynasty was the better for it. The point is, you have to do what you enjoy. People will read it or not read it, but that shouldn't be the point. Your own enjoyment is.[/QUOTE] Thank you very Much for your help
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